Top tips for the observance of lent

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TOP TIPS FOR THE OBSERVANCE OBSERVANCE OF LENT 1) Remember the goal of our Lenten journey –participation in the paschal mystery. The aim of Lent is to prepare us for the celebration of the passion, death and resurrection of Christ – the paschal mystery. Lent is a time of repentance, metanoia, a change of heart and mind, which is conversion. 2) Now’s the time to book Holy Week in your schedule. Since Holy Week is the culmination of our lenten observance, prepare now to attend as much of the liturgy as possible. Why would you not prioritize a date with Jesus? Make a commitment to attend the liturgies of Holy Week. Spill ink in your diary. Save those dates in your calendar. 3) Be careful what you say about your practices. Keep your lenten practices between you and God. Talk surrounding what you have given up and what you have taken up is often a cause of pride, competition and failure. Make your vow before God and share your practices with caution, only to seek spiritual guidance. 4) Give up sin. Take up the practice of mercy. Whatever you give up – all fasting and abstinence – has the ultimate purpose of equipping you to fast from sin. Don’t confuse the means with the end. Conversely, every practice you take up this Lent has one ultimate purpose – to enable you to practice mercy in all your relationships. 5) Lent is hard (although grace-filled). God’s work of conversion is life-changing. The reorientation of your heart and mind, your body and desires requires perseverance, prayer and patience. It is a season of grace when you can recommit to be in partnership with the grace of God. Suffering and joy are finely woven – be prepared for each. 6) Reconciliation is to be expected. Reconciliation is the fruit of God’s work of redemption. Examine your life before God. Confess your sin. Seek absolution. Make amends whenever possible. Live the resurrected-life of Christ. Meet Jesus Christ in scripture, in the sacrament of reconciliation and in silence. Meet Jesus Christ through practicing mercy. 7) Lent is not a private enterprise – we are in this together. Your sin diminishes the whole body of Christ. Your practice of mercy enriches the whole Church. Your conversion to Christ infuses all Christians with grace. Fr. Mark Greenaway-Robbins, Ash Wednesday, 2014.

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