The Verve
August Hike: Stagecoach Trail Fill Out Your Fitness Survey
As we get into the middle of summer, I have been asked many times “Why is the course wet?” or “Why are certain areas of the course wet and others dry”? First, let me give you an understanding of our irrigation system. There are nearly 1,800 sprinklers throughout the golf course. They are separated by zones, such as greens, tees, fairways, rough and native. To determine how much water to use each night, we pull weather data from a weather station on the course tied directly to the irrigation software that gives us an “E.T.” value. E.T. is an acronym for evapotranspiration which is the measure of how much water has transpired from the soil and plants each day. We are able to calculate this daily and replace a portion of ET each night. This is done through a computer and software system. Each zone is given a run time each night. Beyond that we have the ability to limit each area within that zone to a percentage of the total amount called for that night. This can be done by reducing the % for a specific zone or green, tee, fairway etc. In a perfect world, our course conditioning would be such that the water put out each night would be absorbed into the plant and soil profile. With many years of deferred maintenance on the course, some areas take the water well, and others don’t. In addition, much of the prior drainage work done has not been maintained and needs addressing. The lack of core aeration has created excessive thatch in many of the fairways and short grass areas around the greens. Thatch is a layer of dead and living shoots, grass stems, and roots that accumulates just below the surface. When thatch becomes too thick, it acts like a sponge and holds water at the surface after rain or irrigation. To combat the thatch, we have begun aerating some of these areas. As the weather cools, you will see much more aeration and verticutting of tees, fairways and short grass areas around the greens. This will result in a much more consistent, firmer playing surface. This process won’t happen overnight. Throughout the remainder of the summer and into the fall, you will see much action taking place. By this time next year we will be able to reduce the number of wet areas we have. In addition, we are cleaning out many of the drain lines that were installed during the last 20 years, but have not been maintained. Jason Conrad Golf Course Superintendent
Thursday, August, 8th | Dining Room Lunch Service 10:00am -3:30pm Pub Menu 3:30pm-5:30pm Dinner Service 5:30pm -8:00pm Friday, 9th | Dining Room Lunch Service 10:00am -3:30pm Pub Menu 3:30pm-5:30pm Dinner Service 5:30pm -8:00pm Saturday, 10th | Dining Room Lunch Service 10:00am -3:30pm Pub Menu 3:30pm-5:30pm Sunday, 11th | Dining Room Brunch 9:00am-2:00pm Pub Menu 9:30pm-5:00pm Monday, 12th| Pub Lunch Service 10:00am -3:30pm Pub Menu 3:30pm-6:00pm Wednesday, 14th| Pub Lunch Service 10:00am -3:30pm Pub Menu 3:30pm-6:00pm
$8 Roasted Baby Carrots (with Miso Dipping Sauce)
$3 Crooked Lane Kolsch
Come Check Out The New Lunch Menu $8 Biscuit Strawberry Shortcake
Reservations available on ForeTees
***NO REGULAR DINNER SERVICE ON THIS DAY**** Menu subject to change
Wednesday—Monday Golf Shop 6:30am-7:00pm Golf Course 7:00am-Sunset Range 30 min. before the first tee time-Sunset The range will be open until 5:00pm Mondays. The staff will clean pick after to prepare for mowing on Tuesdays.
Tuesdays Golf Course & All Practice Facilities Closed
Thank you to all who have reached out to welcome me here. I am very excited to begin my new Winchester journey with you! Let’s work together to determine how best I can enhance the current Win-Fit program, and integrate the membership’s fitness aspirations into Winchester’s offerings. I was born and raised in Auburn, so I look forward to sharing with members some of my favorite outdoor fitness adventures. I am also interested in moving some of our fitness classes and activities outdoors so that we can enjoy Winchester’s fresh air and beauty at the same time. My degree in Exercise Science has taught me that our bodies were meant to move, so one of my goals is to get Winchester moving, and most importantly - having FUN while we are doing it! Do you want to improve your golf game? Come on in and let’s talk about my balance programs. I will be sending out a short survey shortly that will give you an opportunity to tell me what changes and improvements that you would like to see in our current fitness program. Are you not participating in any of our Fitness activities or using our Fitness gym? Why not? Please tell me how we can include you. Here’s to MOVING together! Bryan
On Tuesday, August 27th we will be going on a group hike on the Stagecoach Trail in Auburn. Stagecoach Trail is a 4 mile round trip hike and is for all different skill levels. We will be meeting at Winchester in the parking lot at 8:30 to carpool to the trailhead. Sign-ups for the hike will be available on ForeTees. Please email Bryan Twardus at for further questions. Hope to see you there!
Interested in getting into a Fantasy Football league here at Winchester? We will be hosting the Fantasy Football draft on Wednesday, August, 28th at 5pm here at the Club. Sign-ups for the league will be available on ForeTees from August 8th through August 22nd. Participants who are not able to attend the draft will be able to draft using their smart phone or desktop computer. Please contact Bryan at
Important Contact Info: Winchester Country Club Winchester HOA Winchester Security Meadow Vista Emergency Line (Fire, Police, Ambulance)
530.878.3000 530.878.3845 916.677.9243 530.823.4411 3030 Legends Drive Meadow Vista, Ca 95722