Thursday, April 2nd Lunch (to go) 11:00am - 3:00pm Order Pickups 11:00am -6:30pm Friday, 3rd Lunch (to go) 11:00am - 3:00pm Order Pickups 11:00am -6:30pm Saturday, 4th Lunch (to go) 11:00am - 3:00pm Order Pickups 11:00am –3:00pm Sunday, 5th Lunch (to go) 11:00am - 3:00pm Order Pickups 11:00am –3:00pm Monday, 6th Lunch (to go) 11:00am - 3:00pm Order Pickups 11:00am –3:00pm Wednesday, 8th Lunch (to go) 11:00am - 3:00pm Order Pickups 11:00am –3:00pm
ALL FOUR PACKS - $15 Supplies may be limited
SPECIAL “TOGO” PRICE $29.99 STRAIGHT VODKA American Vodka Distilled from Grains & Grapes The perfectly balanced straight vodka. Fresh and slightly floral on the nose, light perfume on the finish.
BUDDH A’S H AND CITRON VODK A Citron Vodka The ancie nt re la t ive of the mode rn lemon , B uddha ’s Hand Cit ron has a lo we r a cid it y that allo ws comp le x f la vo rs an d a roma s to come th rou gh.
M AND ARIN BLOSSOM VOD K A Orange Vodka Mand a rin o ran ge blo ssom s a re incredib ly f ra grant and pro vide a de licate int ensit y tha t su gge st s t he e xpe rie nce of pee lin g a f resh manda rin .
M AKRUT LIME VODK A Lime Vodka Bo ld lim e f la vo rs and a roma s a re coup led with note s of wo od , wh it e pe ppe r, and cu cumbe r f or unmat che d comp le xit y.
ROSÉ VODKA A unique blend of Hangar 1 Vodka and California rosé wine Pe rf e ct f o r d rin king wit h a group of f riend s(via f ace t ime! ) in t he af te rno on. A great ref resh in g a lte rnat ive to wine.
Mandarin Pale Ale (6.1% ABV) Featuring fresh-squeezed mandarin juice from Colwell Thundering Herd Mandarin Ranch, the Mandarin Pale Ale is a crisp, satisfying beer with a delightful citrus aroma and dry finish. Mandarin season comes once each year; with this beer you can celebrate year-round.
1-2 Punch; NE-style Hazy IPA (6.5% ABV; 30 IBU) Our first collaboration beer with our friends at Flatland Brewing Company. This New England-inspired IPA celebrates what we both love about hazy IPAs, with unbelievably juicy flavors, off the charts hop flavor and aroma, with a twist. We infused peach and mango to send this beer into tropical overdrive.
Hop Pop: Brut IPA (ABV: 6.5% IBU: 39%) Brut IPA is a new beer style storming the west coast, bursting with hop flavor but with a super dry finish and low bitterness, reminiscent of Champagne. Hop Pop invites Citra to play with Saphir, and Huell Melon crashes the after party. Hypercolor; Double Hazy IPA (8.0% ABV; 30 IBU) Hypercolor showcases a myriad pallet of hops to put some color in your soul! Tropical aromas from Azacca, Mosaic, Citra and Amarillo will blow you away, while the smooth drinkability will make you ask for another.
SR16; Double IPA (8.5% ABV; 70 IBU) Juicy and unfiltered, this is a hop-forward brew that shocks your taste buds with citrus, with a dry malt background and a crisp finish. This deceptively smooth brew is the perfect way to end a day of traveling through scenic country on the California Sierra’s Crooked Lanes.
Wednesday—Monday The Golf Shop will remain closed to help limit the spread of COVID -19 Golf Course 7:00am-Sunset Range 30 min. before the first tee time-Sunset The range will be open until 5:00pm Mondays. The staff will clean pick after to prepare for mowing on Tuesdays.
Tuesdays Golf Course & All Practice Facilities Closed
Click here for some exercises that you can do from the comfort of your own home. More to come!
Important Contact Info: Winchester Country Club Winchester HOA Winchester Security Meadow Vista Emergency Line (Fire, Police, Ambulance)
530.878.3000 530.878.3845 916.677.9243 530.823.4411