Windcheck august 2017

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Sailing the Northeast

Rockin’ the Block! Reaching for Success at The Clagett O’Pen Invitation

August 2017 • FREE

editor's log

Call to a Greater Energy

One of the most difficult decisions for a captain and crew to make in the sport of sailing is when to call it quits. There are many reasons to pull out of a race: no wind, too much wind, illness, and damage to the boat among them. And yet in more than 35 years of racing I had never withdrawn from a distance race until the Chicago Yacht Club’s 109th Race to Mackinac in July. During my flight to Chicago, I reviewed the forecast and attempted to derive from it a strategy for how best to route up Lake Michigan. It was a rather daunting forecast. If our predictors were correct, Mother Nature would dish up more than 360 degrees worth of wind shifts (worsening for our boat with each degree of change) and velocities ranging from 10 up to 30 and then back down to zero. We embarked under Code Zero and full main in about 10 knots of wind – a great way to start a 333 mile race. During the next several hours we enjoyed champagne conditions and spirits were high. Our competition was in check and although we weren’t leading, we felt comfortable with our position and the prospect of more wind from a favorable direction for at least a while. As we hoped, the wind began to back around and allowed us to eventually get into our big A2 spinnaker in about 15 knots of wind. We were passing boats – lots of ‘em. Perfect. Another first time experience for me came during the early evening hours. While I have been in my fair share of nasty squalls, each of them had given indicators that they were approaching. This one didn’t. We were treated to a spectacular lightning show on the distant horizon, but were gaining bearing on the cell that was producing it, so we felt pretty good about staying our course and avoiding major weather. Under clear skies the wind shifted nearly 180 degrees and increased to 38 knots nearly instantly, knocking us over for more than a minute as it built to 50. During that time we were able to snuff the spinnaker, drop it, and get back underway with a J3 and reefed mainsail. This unexpected blast (which we would later find out was a heat burst) signaled the change we were dreading, as the conditions were now dead upwind and in 25 knots of wind. In the next few hours, the sea state changed from calm to very choppy with short-period 3-, 4- and 5-footers – uncomfortable and slow for our boat, but certainly manageable. Two other boats were not so lucky. One of them – a trimaran – flipped over and turned turtle and another experienced a man overboard situation. In both cases, crews were recovered safe and unharmed. Throughout the night we made adjustments to sails and tacked our way up the Michigan coast. The next morning, the sea state continued to build and the boat pounded away. Just before our watch change, we could hear one of our crewmembers getting seasick, a sound that no sailor ever wishes to hear. While our sick crewmember is a hardy chap and would have continued the race, it was an added situation we now had to closely monitor. During an early afternoon watch change, the topic of retiring from the race came up. With the boat’s owner away on business, it was decided that for a trio of reasons it was prudent to call it quits. The first was, of course, our crewmate’s wellbeing; the second the health of the boat; and the third the questionable forecast. Turning the corner to sail fast downwind is usually a feeling of elation, although this time it felt a rather uneasy. While I enjoy surfing along at 18 knots, doing so away from the finish line left me with a sense of failure. My competitive spirit wouldn’t let it go. It’s amazing, however, what a nice cigar, a flat deck and some downwind time for reflection will do for a certain sailor. As the sting of defeat wafted away with each puff of my Ashton White Label, I became more comfortable and accepting of our decision. We pushed the boat, we pushed ourselves and we pushed our timetable to a reasonable limit. I then thought of circumstances in the past when the decision sat with me to bail on a race and I didn’t, at times leading to a TLE or breakage. I'd failed to use those as learning experiences. I think that settling into the decision of retiring was ultimately what I needed in order to learn that it’s OK and — when it comes to crew wellbeing — the obvious choice. At the end of the day nearly 90 boats retired from the race. What a roller coaster ride this event turned out to be (both literally and figuratively). On the last leg of my Chicago Mac journey, I thought of all of the modes of transportation I’d employed: car, plane, car, boat, car, plane, horse and carriage, plane, car, plane, car. On the final plane ride home, as I wrote this, I recalled a quote from Robert E. Lee I heard long ago; “We must expect reverses, even defeats. They are sent to teach us wisdom and prudence, to call forth greater energies, and to prevent our falling into greater disasters.” Be safe out there, and remember sometimes your nearest exit may be behind you! See you on the water.

Sailing the Northeast Issue 166 Publisher Anne Hannan Editor in Chief Christopher Gill Senior Editor Chris Szepessy Contributing Editor Joe Cooper Graphic Design Kerstin Fairbend Contributors Laurent Apollon, Rick Beannerot, Deborah Bastin, Debra Bell, Billy Black, Cate Brown, Stephen Cloutier, Andrew Cooley, Julia Cronin, Cliff Crowley, Brian Dale, Lisa duBusc Miller, Grant Ehrlich, Ro Fernandez, Beth Fleisher, Celeste Flick, Dave Foster, Magi Foster, John K. Fulweiler, Maeve Gately, Fran Grenon, Jason Hines, Andy Houlding, Azia Keever, Tom Kluepfel, Irwin Mainway, Lynn Oliver,, Vin Pica, Ricardo Pinto, Karen Ryan, Nevin Sayre, Meghan Sepe, Jeff Smith, Steve Szydlowski, Carl Tjerandsen, Captain Andrew Tucci, USCG, Kate Wilson, Karina Zaleski, Suzanne Zaleski, Waldek Zaleski Ad Sales Erica Pagnam Distribution Man in Motion, Rare Sales, Jack Szepessy WindCheck is published ten times per year. Reproduction of any part of this publication is strictly prohibited without prior consent of the members. WindCheck encourages reader feedback and welcomes editorial contributions in the form of stories, anecdotes, photographs, and technical expertise. Copies are available for free at 1,000+ locations (yacht clubs, marinas, marine retailers, restaurants, sailing events & transportation centers) in the Northeast. Businesses or organizations wishing to distribute WindCheck should contact us at (203) 332-7639. While WindCheck is available free of charge, we will mail your copy each month for an annual mailing fee of $29. Mail payment to: WindCheck Magazine P.O. Box 195, Stratford, CT 06615 Phone: (203) 332-7639 E-mail: WindCheck is printed on recycled paper. Member of

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WindCheck Magazine

August 2017



Editor’s Log 4

Letters 8

Checking In 10

Key Lime Sailing Club 18

Scaramouche Refit Part III 20

Calendar of Events 22

Tide Tables 34

Sound Environment 36

Captain of the Port 38

The Boating Barrister 39

Book Review: Sea Kayaking and Stand 40 Up Paddling

Book Review: Rogue Waves 41

CT/LI Lightning Junior District & Chubb 45 Area B Triplehanded Champs

3rd Annual Secor Volvo Fishers 46 Island Sound Race

Dinghy Racing ‘Round Shelter Island 50

Gotham Multihulls Regatta 52

Stonewall Sails Pride Regatta 53

33rd Annual Newport Regatta 54

Coop’s Corner 56

Brokerage 59

Classifieds 60

Advertisers Index 65

16 Why I Attended the America’s Cup?

Travel writer, surfer, sailor and adventurer Lisa duBusc Miller, who lives in Rye, NY, spent a lot of time in Bermuda in the 1970s and ‘80s. She revisited her beloved “coral cap,” arguably the loveliest venue in the 166-year history of racing for the oldest trophy in international sports, for the 35th match for the Auld Mug.

42 Bermuda, AC Endeavour and the O’Pen BIC

Thirty-two sailors, ages 10 to 15 and from ten countries around the world, converged in Bermuda during the 35th America’s Cup for a once-in-a-lifetime experience, the America’s Cup Endeavour O’Pen. Thirteen-year-old Karina Zaleski from Stamford, CT recounts an utterly unforgettable “un-regatta.”

47 Reaching for Success at The Clagett

The mission of the C. Thomas Clagett, Jr. Memorial Clinic & Regatta, hosted by Sail Newport in Newport, RI, is to enable people with disabilities to reach their personal levels of achievement. Sailors from Rhode Island, Florida, Pennsylvania, Illinois, New Jersey, Connecticut, Indiana, New York, Massachusetts and Canada turned out for the 15th edition of this inspiring event.

48 Rockin’ the Block!

There’s no other place in the world like Block Island, and no finer way to kick off a summer of sailing than the Storm Trysail Club’s Block Island Race Week. Kate Wilson of risingT Media & Marketing in North Kingstown, RI, who produced The 1BI Race Week e-newsletter, reports on the action.

66 On Watch: Chris O’Brien

Facing life as a quadriplegic after a diving accident, Chris O’Brien thought his days of sailboat racing were behind him, but that was before his friend Cliff Crowley told him about adaptive sailing and the Robie Pierce One-Design Regatta. Cliff, who crewed for Chris in The Robie, shares the story of this remarkable young man. On the cover: First we take Manhattan…Laurent Apollon captured Andy Houlding’s Corsair 28R Skedaddle blasting through New York Harbor during the Fourth Annual Gotham Multihulls Regatta. You’ll find Andy’s race report on page 52. © Laurent Apollon Images

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WindCheck Magazine

August 2017


Letters Whither the Rules? Editor’s note: The Boating Barrister column by John K. Fulweiler, Esq. in our July issue raised some interesting questions. If you missed “Do the Rules of the Road Work?” it’s posted at Dear John, Anent your article on Rules of the Road in WindCheck, we encountered the same question on a much smaller scale in the 1970s when I was a member of the International Regulations Committee of the International Yacht Racing Union. The committee worked under the international organization in charge of the regs, but also on an Inland Rules promulgated by nations in Europe. An example involves sailboards, which had become a hazard in constricted passages and crowded lakes, similar to your observations about sailing vessels proceeding at 40 knots and making changes in course that other traffic has no way of predicting. Some of the Low Countries declassified sailboats as sailing craft, making it their responsibility to avoid collisions. Currently, World Sailing recognizes kite boarding as sailing, the international class for which seeks admission to the Olympics. Speaking of unpredictability, how does another craft or even a swimmer know what course a craft that at times flies is on? It’s like the Andrea Doria case where none of the four Italian officers were plotting on radar the course of the Stockholm – the only way to determine the actual course of the other vessel. It might be postulated that respecting the America’s Cup match the racecourse was closed to traffic so that the problem did not surface. Yet suppose there was a collision with severe damage and one boat sued the other for damages. Coincidentally encountered last weekend Anthony Parker, an Admiralty lawyer, who helped defend the U.S. Naval Academy after one of its yachts T-boned a civilian racing yacht. The latter took Navy to court, partly because as the non right-of-way yacht it had failed to foot the bill to pay for the damages. The court threw the case out under the principle that the yacht by entering the race came under the Assumption of Risk doctrine. Look forward to other comments you receive. Your Obedient Servant, Henry (Harry) H. Anderson, Jr., Mystic, CT Harry, Thanks for your letter! Anyone that starts correspondence with a nod toward the lexicon of Beowulf (i.e. “anent”) is okay in my logbook. I was pleased to learn someone with your yachting pedigree gives credence to my earlier observations regarding the inadequacy of the Rules of the Road with respect to certain craft in certain situations. I hope we’re not excreting to windward and that the powers that be hear our canary. It is, indeed, an issue that needs prompt treatment. I’d enjoy speaking with you should you find the time. Thanks again for the response. Very truly yours, John K. Fulweiler

Swallows, Amazons, and Memories Mr. Cooper, I’m 87, and grew up sailing in Long Island’s Little Neck Bay. My heart skipped a beat when I read your mention of Swallows and Amazons [“Summer Reading,” July 2017]. As an 11-year-old girl, I fell in love with the book. I introduced a grandson to it when he was little; he followed in my love of sailing and crewed in the 2015 Transatlantic Race! As a teenager, I talked my father into buying me a 16-foot wooden plank sloop complete with muslin old, homemade tub that had to be re-caulked by me every spring and after launching it still leaked a bit all summer…Ha ha! But I had so much fun sailing in the Bay with a few boys my age...everyone had a different class boat. We had races, and I was always last until one day we had heavy winds and my old tub won! Also a teen favorite was Seven Seas on a Shoestring by Dwight Long, published in 1939. A few years ago, I was able to buy a used copy from a New York City book dealer. Believe it or not, this past weekend the Wall Street Journal had a great review of Swallows and Amazons in their Book section. Perhaps you saw this. Best regards, Anne Brown, Port Washington, NY PS – We were all agog when a new post-war Luders 16 was moored in the Bay. It was beautiful! Joe Cooper replies: Dear Ms. Brown, Thank you, thank you so much for your delightful letter. It struck me on several levels largely because the Swallows and Amazons series is a permanent part of my childhood, even as a grown child. Your grandson is a very lucky young man to have had a grandma with such an interest and adventurous streak. Sailing can be today such a technological heavy activity, yet at its root it is much more than a sport or the Olympics or any of the other elite events. Rather it is, to me, how the Walkers, Blacketts, Callums and all the rest used it. Great adventures with family and friends. Your adventures mirror mine albeit I had a fairly watertight Sabot, a tender to my dad’s boats. We would arrive somewhere, lower the anchor, raise the awning and I was off, sometimes for hours at a time. In the evenings I would read S&A books by the light of a kerosene hurricane lamp. I have that lamp’s descendants on our Ranger 33 now…and Swallows and Amazons, too. The smell of kerosene even today transports me, Doctor Who-like, back to those sunny, fun-filled days long ago Thank you so much for sharing your history with me and our readership. Cheers, Coop Eight Bells: Robie Pierce The world of sailing, especially adaptive sailing, lost a great friend when Robie Pierce of Newport, RI passed away peacefully on July 12 at 76 years, surrounded by his family. Known by many names – The Mayor of the Waterfront, Swamp Yankee, Borisll Logical Bob, Mr. Magoo, or just Bob, Robie came into the world quietly on January 3, 1941 in New Bedford, MA…the last time he was ever quiet. Robie’s family lived in South Dartmouth, MA before moving to

8 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine

Marion in the 1950s, and he graduated from Tabor Academy before entering the University of Vermont. Growing up at the Beverly Yacht Club and sailing 110s, he won a number of regattas. Later, on a Ranger 26 named American Pie, he won everything in sight. Robie’s career in the marine business included jobs at Ranger/O’Day with Jim Hunt, J Boats with Bob Johnstone, and C&C. At the Miami Boat Show in 1982, Robie was moving a J/24 when the mast hit an overhead wire. How did he handle this? In true Pierce fashion, he named his own J/24 Full Charge, complete with lightning bolt graphics. At Christmas 1985, Robie was diagnosed with MS, forcing him to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Not one to let a little thing like MS get him down, Rob began his career as a disabled sailor. As he said to friends, “I’ll continue to sail if I have to crawl to the boat.” So much for adversity. He went on to win a number of major adaptive regattas, including the US Disabled Championship in 1991, ‘93 and ‘95. Seeing that sailors with disabilities needed acknowledgement on a world stage, Robie made certain that US Sailing became the RNA (Recognized National Authority) for the sport, then made it his goal to make sailing a Paralympian sport. While the late Ian Harrison MBE of Great Britain led that charge, he would not likely have succeeded without help from Robie, the late Hugh Elliot, and the late Gay Lynn (whose husband Bill was a Past President of US Sailing). Sailing became a demonstration sport at the 1996 Paralympics in Atlanta and was accepted as a medal sport in Sydney in 2000. As if Robie didn’t have enough to do, during the 1990s he

was an integral part of Newport-based Shake-A-Leg, which was founded by his friend Harry Horgan after Harry was paralyzed in an automobile accident. With a mission of engaging people in their own mental and physical recovery after an accident or a devastating diagnosis, Shake-A-Leg became a place where people of all abilities could break down previously insurmountable barriers. Robie continued to clean house on the racecourse, winning the World Disabled Sailing Championship in 1993 and the Japan Match Race Cup in ’94. Through Robie’s persistence, the U.S. hosted the Disabled Worlds for the first time in 1998, in Newport. Unsurprisingly, he was a moving force in the event’s overwhelming success. In 2004, US Sailing’s Committee for Sailors with Disabilities presented Robie with the Gay S. Lynn Memorial Trophy, which is awarded to “a person, volunteer or professional, or an organization, that is selected as having made an outstanding contribution to disabled sailors and the sport of disabled sailing over a sustained period of time.” Fittingly, he was the first recipient of the award. When a group of Robie’s friends started a new regatta for disabled sailors in 2009, they knew it had to be named after him. Called for permission to use his name, he responded with a typical Pierce retort: “But I’m not dead.” Upon relenting, he bombarded the organizers with alternate names for the event…all featuring his name. Fortunately, they ignored him and it’s known simply – and fondly – as the Robie Pierce One-Design Regatta. Robie will be missed by many, not only for his indomitable spirit but his positive outlook that said there was nothing he couldn’t do. I’ll miss you Magoo, and so will so many others. – Bill Sandberg ■

WindCheck Magazine

August 2017


checking in.

Performance Yacht Sales Now Open in Stratford, CT Performance Yacht Sales, headquartered in Coconut Grove, FL, has opened its newest office at Brewer Stratford Marina in Stratford, CT. Offering a large selection of new sail- and powerboats from Bavaria, Performance Yacht Sales North East will also have select brokerage boats. “With the opening of our new boat sales and select brokerage office,” said Performance Yacht Sales President Alex Sastre, “We will be offering sailors and powerboaters from Maine to Maryland the extensive range of Bavaria boats, known for designs of the highest quality, with excellent attention to detail and value.” Bavaria’s product line includes sailing yachts, motorboats and catamarans, built in the most advanced production facilities in the world. As the world’s number two production boat company, Bavaria delivers the most cost-competitive boats on the market. The new office will be managed by veteran yachtsmen, with Kevin Dailey as Managing Director and Rusty Stewart as Sales Manager. Dailey is a highly regarded sailboat racer with nearly 40 years of experience in the marine business. During the course of his career, he has worked with North Sails, Nautor’s Swan, and Sparkman & Stephens. Stewart has more than 20 years in the marine industry and brings decades of expertise in helping clients find joy on the water. Both Dailey and Stewart have been sales and management leaders for one of the largest new boat dealers in New England where they were instrumental in sales growth and the introduction of new product lines to sailing and boating enthusiasts. “Throughout my career, I have never seen a line of power and sailing boats more beautifully designed and built that are squarely aimed at the family market,” said Dailey. “There is nothing more satisfying than helping people share time together on the water, and I look forward to this exciting opportunity.” Performance Yacht Sales will have a diverse selection of boats on display at the Newport International Boat Show in Newport, RI and the Norwalk Boat Show in Norwalk, CT in September, and the U.S. Sailboat Show and U.S. Powerboat Show in Annapolis, MD in October. For more information, visit ■

Quantum Sails Acquires HOOD Sailmakers

Quantum Sails, headquartered in Traverse City, MI, has completed an agreement with Hood Sailmakers in Newport, RI to acquire the company’s sailmaking rights and manufacturing assets. The acquisition, which includes occupancy of Hood’s world headquarters in RI, will increase Quantum’s global sailmaking capacity and

provide a new home base for Quantum’s sales and service operations in the northeastern U.S. “This acquisition provides much needed capacity for our growing share of the Grand Prix racing market,” said Ed Reynolds, President of Quantum Sails, who cites the TP52s, C&C 30s, RC44s and other offshore classes as areas of strong growth for the company. Quantum is gaining share in the big boat market, explained Reynolds, which will also benefit from the location and capabilities of the larger facility. “The Hood and Quantum brands are synonymous with performance and quality,” said Hood CEO Rob MacMillan. “In addition to becoming a leader in the Grand Prix and Superyacht markets, Quantum is very strong in the markets served by Hood Sails; our customers will have access to the customer service and support offered by the Quantum Sails network.” Noting that Quantum will uphold the terms of warranties held by owners of Hood sails, Reynolds added, “We value the long-term relationships Hood has with its customers and will continue the legacy of service and support for which Hood is known. We look forward to introducing Hood customers to the Quantum brand as well.” Quantum is talking with Hood-affiliated lofts around the world to discuss opportunities for continuing the business relationship and ways to best serve sailors in those local markets. Several members of the Hood staff have accepted positions with Quantum Sails including Rob MacMillan who will serve as Quantum’s Regional Manager for New England, and Dave MacMillan, who will serve as Quantum’s New England Operations Manager. ■

Sailors for the Sea named Environmental Innovator of the Year Sailors for the Sea, a Newport, RI-based conservation organization that engages, educates, inspires and activates the sailing and boating community toward healing the ocean, was named an Environmental Innovator of the Year by the Green Sports Alliance. The award was presented at the annual Green Sports Celebration in Sacramento, CA. “We are proud to work with an amazing community,” said R. Mark Davis, President of Sailors for the Sea, “and the Clean Regattas program would not be possible without the hundreds of volunteers that bring the program to life and implement our sustainability initiatives.” The world’s only sustainability certification for water-based events, Sailors for the Sea’s Clean Regattas program is now in its 11th year, comprising 25 Best Practices to help event managers easily implement sustainability. For more information, visit ■

10 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine

WindCheck Magazine

August 2017


checking in.

Roton Point Multihull Regatta is September 15 - 18 The Roton Point Sailing Association in Rowayton, CT is hosting the 58th Annual Roton Point Multihull Regatta September 15 18. An open regatta sanctioned by the New England Catamaran Sailing Association, the event is sponsored by Gosling Brothers, Ltd. of Bermuda and their world famous Black Seal Rum. “The 2017 Regatta is open to all ‘beach’ catamarans measuring less than 22 feet,” said RPSA Vice Commodore Lou Killeffer. “We run separate starts for sufficient class registrations for onedesign classes, plus an Open Class using Portsmouth handicap numbers. We also run a separate one-design class for Hobie Getaways, of which Roton Point has its own fleet for member use. We typically have entrants including F20s, F18s, A-Class, Hobie 21s, Hobie 18s, Hobie 16s, Hobie Getaways, and ‘Other.’”

“Come join the tradition!” Killeffer added. “You’ll enjoy a wonderful fall weekend at one of the most beautiful venues in the Northeast and race on one of America’s most famous sailing playgrounds. You’ll meet and compete with some of the best cat racers and enjoy one of the best mid-regatta parties on the Sound. More information including the Notice of Race and online registration can be found at ■

Eight years of weekly water quality monitoring on Aquidneck Island Clean Ocean Access, a Middletown, RI-based non-profit organization with a mission of “action today so future generations can enjoy ocean activities,” has published their 2008-2016 Water Quality Monitoring Summary Report to share results from their water quality monitoring program on Aquidneck Island. It is emphasized that this program focuses on locations that are known for swimming and ocean activities, although not all locations are



“Long known as the ‘prettiest park on Long Island Sound,’ Roton Point’s greatest asset has always been its remarkable, 12-acre waterfront location,” Killefer continued. “Our sailing bay is one of the best small-boat harbors on Long Island Sound, with a wooden ramp and motorized winch above a sandy beach protected by two breakwaters. We have plenty of space to store boats overnight, and ample parking for cars, trailers and RVs. Tent camping is permitted free of charge in our beautiful Grove overlooking the Sound. In addition, this year many club members will open their homes to visiting competitors, and there are several nearby hotels for those who prefer their own accommodations. Our bathhouse has showers for men and women, with plenty of hot water, and the ‘Hotel’ clubhouse has a large covered porch for our off-water festivities. Breakfast is served to racers Saturday and Sunday mornings, with a variety of bag lunches and drinks available to take on board.”

necessarily recognized as designated swimming areas. With the help of citizen science volunteers, Clean Ocean Access collected 3,593 water samples on a weekly basis during the period of 2008 to 2016. Samples were collected at seven popular swimming locations and two likely source areas of Enterococci bacteria along the Aquidneck Island shoreline, with approved funding for laboratory fees from the City of Newport. Collecting data from weekly water samples over an eight-year period provides an opportunity for quantitative long-term trend analysis. During this period, the communities of the City of Newport and Town of Middletown have made significant investments to address the pollution problems facing the Aquidneck Island shoreline. The full report can be found at To learn more, contact ■ Megan Carvalho, Communications Coordinator at Clean Ocean Access, contributed to this report.

12 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine

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SEPTEMBER 14-17, 2017

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WindCheck Magazine

August 2017


N E W P O R T, R H O D E I S L A N D


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Transient Infrastructure Grants Fools’ Rules Regatta August 12 In a ceremony in Yorktown, VA in June, U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke shared a $14.7 million check with Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) Vice President Heather Lougheed, who accepted on behalf of America’s recreational boaters. The amount represents 2017-18 funding for the federal Boating Infrastructure Grant (B.I.G.) program, which funnels user taxes paid by boaters to develop transient boating projects. BoatUS was instrumental in creating the program in 1998 that is viewed today by local municipalities as an economic development tool to attract overnight-boater spending. Municipal marinas, private marinas and boat and yacht clubs are urged to consider applying for available funds by the Sept. 11, 2017 deadline. The B.I.G. program recognizes that transient boaters offer economic benefits and add to the vitality of waterfront communities, marinas and boat clubs. Funds go to construct, renovate or maintain transient-boater facilities, including docks, moorings, restrooms (including floating ones), fuel docks, electricity, water and sewage utilities, recycling and pumpout stations, and potentially small dredging projects. To date, more than $180 million has been awarded. Funding for the competitive B.I.G. program comes from excise taxes on boat gasoline and fishing tackle that boaters and anglers pay into the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund, while U.S. Fish and Wildlife administers the funds. Grants are for projects located on water bodies deep enough for boats 26 feet in length staying overnight from one to 15 days, and to navigate at a minimum depth of 6 feet. A minimum of 25 percent matching funds is required. While the annual deadline for the B.I.G. program is in September every year, state boating agencies may have earlier deadlines for receiving applications. To find your state’s B.I.G. administrator contact or to see a sampling of prior projects that received B.I.G. grant funding, go to BoatUS. com/gov/BIG.asp. ■

The 40th Annual Fools’ Rules Regatta, sponsored by Jamestown Yacht Club, will be held Saturday, August 12 on the Town Beach, East Ferry in Jamestown, RI, with the rain date the following day. A cannon will be fired at 9 am to begin construction of the “vessels.” Entrants are allowed two hours to construct a sailing craft on the beach, which must be made of non-marine items only. Craft may be pre-constructed, but must be disassembled and built again on the beach. Races, on a downwind course, begin at 11 am. Vessels compete for first, second and third place in each class, with classes determined by the number of “sailors” on

© Steve Szydlowski

each vessel. The Unlimited Class has included vessels from 15 to over 40 feet LOA, crewed by many hardy fools. Coveted awards include The Karl Smith Most Ingenious Design, the Frank Newman Judges’ Award, and the The Worst Example of Naval Architecture. The Fools’ Rules Regatta is open to anyone who likes to have fun and be foolish, and there’s no entry fee. Participants and spectators come from far and wide and plan vacations accordingly, and special events are planned for this 40th edition. Life jackets are required for each participant and each vessel must carry an anchoring device. Complete information, rules and entry form can be found at or by calling Candy Powell at 423-1492. ■ 14 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine

checking in.

Sachem’s Head Yacht Club to Host Inaugural Coastal Classic In the yachting world there are many “classic” coastal races. However, there is only one Sachem’s Head Coastal Classic. While the Connecticut shoreline does not offer towering volcanic spires to navigate around or the glitz and glam of other world famous sailing venues, it is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful places to spend a warm afternoon on the water. After a long, long hiatus Sachem’s Head Yacht Club in Guilford, CT is excited to host an Eastern Connecticut Sailing Association PHRF regatta.


This year, Sachem’s Head YC will host the inaugural SHYC Costal Classic on Saturday, August 19. This will be a 15to 20-mile coastal race, and it’s open to any sailboat with a current PHRF rating. The course length will be determined based on class breaks and weather conditions. The course will be a coastal tour of the local shoreline, using familiar landmarks and navigational aids as turning marks; not just beating to windward and returning to the starting area. The conclusion of the race will be spectacular, with the finish line just off the Sachem’s Head harbor entrance. Following tradition, there will be a festive awards party at the SHYC Clubhouse with dinner and live music Established in 1896, Sachems’ Head Yacht Club has fostered passion for sailing and love of the sea for many local families. The club provides sailing, swimming and tennis lessons for children and a robust sailing and entertainment schedule for adults. Visit to learn more. The club invites all interested sailors to enter the Coastal Classic. Entry can be completed online at ■

WindCheck Magazine

August 2017


Why I Attended the America’s Cup? By Lisa duBusc Miller Sure, there are plenty of cool colorful racecourse graphics and insightful commentary when you watch the world’s greatest sailing race on TV. But when those hydrofoiling winged AC50 catamarans are soaring right at you, across the Great Sound of Bermuda in the 35th America’s Cup, as you sway to and fro astride a luxurious spectator boat, with a Goslings rum swizzle in hand, and a warm salty breeze is blowing, nothing beats it. In the words of, the America’s Cup, which is held every four years, is the “pinnacle of international sailing, and has generated intense excitement and fierce rivalries for more than 160 years.” And “it is not only the oldest trophy in international sport; it predates the modern Olympic Games by 45 years and is yachting’s biggest prize.” This year was the first time it has ever been held in Bermuda. Rewind to April 30, 2016, when American Yacht Club in Rye, NY provided some up close and personal time to its members with the “Auld Mug.” Then a few months later, in July 2016, we were fortunate enough to get to spend time with ORACLE TEAM USA at Coral Beach & Tennis Club and their boat. It was around then that I made a personal pact to return to Bermuda in 2017 to see them defend the Cup, on this island full of my favorite childhood memories. The pure physics of this particular regatta are difficult to comprehend. But we all do our best. These boats behave more like man-powered airplanes as they hover and glide above the sea, tacking and swooping like birds in the deep turquoise waters off of Royal Naval Dockyard. We flew to Bermuda on June 14, landing amidst Day Two of the SuperYacht Regatta over on the St. George’s side of the island. Although we had planned to take an official spectator boat out to watch them, the boat broke and could not be fixed in time. Ah, island life…So, we decided to relax on the pink sands of Coral Beach Club instead. ORACLE had the day off, so we spent quality time with team member Juan Vila, who is a friend of the family. Juan is meteorologist and tactician, and he rides in the first chase boat during the races. Juan is also “possibly the best and most experienced Spanish sailor of all time. Winner of some of the most important sailing events worldwide he is the only Spanish competitive sailor to have won both a round-the-world race with stopovers (Whitbread/Volvo Ocean Race) and the America’s Cup. As if this was not enough, he broke the Jules Verne record (‘round the world non-stop) on board the maxi-trimaran Banque Populaire,” according to Trofeocondegodo in May 2012. Spending time with Juan, a Barcelona native, it was impossible not to think about how few Americans are actually on “the American team.” Perhaps the rules will change and going forward, teams will be comprised of nationals only. We will see. We headed out the next day, June 16, to watch the J Class

boats, but there was not enough wind for racing, so we just enjoyed the jovial camaraderie aboard the sailboat. As we motored around this “coral cap,” as our Captain refers to Bermuda, he educated us on how a volcanic eruption mixed with the winds, temperatures and currents of the Gulf Stream to create this, the most northern coral island in the world. Captain Bob – whose family’s been in Bermuda for 300+ years – proceeded to regale us in his lovely Bermudian lilt, with maritime wisdom. He told us about how Bermuda was discovered by Spanish pilot Juan de Bermudez in 1505. He also touched on the sinking Sea Venture coming upon Bermuda in 1609 after a hurricane. The story of salvation of those aboard and their miraculous arrival on two small ships the following May in Jamestown, VA is widely thought to be the inspiration for Shakespeare’s The Tempest. Bob also described the “thick slurry of lyme” created for use in the island’s signature limestone roofs, designed to collect rainwater. This is how the island gets all of its water. He delved into a discussion about the endangered cedar trees, crystal caves, and that magical grotto at the entrance to the old Castle Harbour Hotel, which brought me right back to age 8.

The author (right) and her mother share a moment with ORACLE TEAM USA skipper Jimmy Spithill. ©

I, in turn, found myself reminiscing about sea slugs and champagne bottles that my brother Bentley and I used to find at the bottom of Harrington Sound. They were remnants of when my grandparents’ “Harrington House” used to be called Harrington Hotel and guests gleefully tossed half-empty bottles over the coral wall into the water in the 1940s. It was on that very same wall, on hot summer nights, that I sat with my mom and grandma in the 1970s and ‘80s, eating ice cream and searching the sky for shooting stars. For Day 1 and Day 2 of America’s Cup Match presented by Louis Vuitton, we boarded America’s Cup ferries, spectator sailboats, catamarans and even managed some time aboard a floating pirate ship (Calico Jack’s) in Dockyards, complete with “walk the plank.” Yachts of all shapes and sizes surrounded us, and I recalled when my grandfather would walk me into the Royal Bermuda

16 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine

Emirates Team New Zealand so thoroughly had the measure of ORACLE TEAM USA throughout the 35th America’s Cup Finals that the defenders were lucky to win one race. © ACEA 2017/Photo Ricardo Pinto

Yacht Club for lunch during a workday in the ‘70s. I’d smell the cedar rafters and doors and think nothing of his knee high socks worn with shorts, coat, and tie, as I’d gaze at the rows of sailboats docked in Hamilton Harbour. Aboard the spectator boat, we reveled in the atmosphere and variety of boats surrounding us now, here at the America’s Cup: everything from Ross Perot’s 39-foot Buzzi RIB to Charles Simonyi’s luxury 233-foot yacht. The atmosphere was one of genteel majesty and the sun was so hot, the beverages so refreshing, the turquoise water so inviting, and the limestone roofs atop pastel homes dotting the shoreline, so charming. It all mixed

together and allowed us to feel a heady America’s Cup high. Between the regalia and relaxation, we noticed ORACLE has had a few missteps: losing precious time up on foil, incurring various penalties, and not keeping their speed up while foil tacking and jibing. We all bristled whenever the hulls of the ORACLE boat came off foil and touched down, causing unstable flight. And yes, we speculated – along with the rest of the world – about whether the decision by the New Zealanders to bank on bigger leg muscles to power their boat’s hydraulic system would pay off. They certainly took an innovative gamble by swapping out the traditional arm-powered winches with cycle-style grinders to provide power to raise and lower the foils and pull in the huge wing-sail. This had the added benefit of keeping their hands free, leaving less in the hands of helmsman Peter Burling and wing trimmer Glenn Ashby. The shape of their daggerboards, favoring light wind conditions, might’ve factored in, too. But it was all just banter and speculation on our part. But, as is commonly said, we all can agree that this race has become a technology race almost more than anything else. So, in spite of a few exhilarating moments of potential, ORACLE TEAM USA had fallen behind the Kiwis, giving up all four races – over the course of both days – despite all our cheering from the spectator boat lineup. We numbed the pain after Day One by dancing it away to music by Alison Hinds, the Queen of Soca, in the America’s Continued on page 58

WindCheck Magazine

August 2017


Key Lime Sailing Club Turns Key Largo into a Sailing Destination

at the waterside Tiki hut. The Key Lime Sailing Club is also partnered with Morning Star Sailing Charters ( Morning Star has been around Key Largo for over 30 years and is an important part of the key’s sailing scene. In addition to chartering their Key Lime Sailing Club & Cottages is a

By Azia Keever great place to relax in the slow, rustic, and friendly atmosphere of the Old Florida Keys. © Deborah Bastin/ The Florida Keys have always been a sailor’s getaway and Key sailboats, they offer captained sunset Largo is becoming a sailor’s sails and snorkel trips seven days a week. dream destination. Key Largo A sailboat marina, the South Dade is the uppermost key in the Marina, was also added to the Key Lime long chain of islands off the Sailing Club in February of 2017, offersouthern tip of Florida. With ing eco-friendly kayak tours through the one of the best coral reefs, mangroves ( Molasses Reef, just three miles In fact, the marina has taken on a offshore of its south end, this community vibe, with kayak rentals key is one you don’t want to and tours with both clear and tradijust merely drive through on tional kayaks, as well as sailing bareboat your way down to the tourist charters, captained sunset sails (we love trap at the end of the rainbow. our sunsets, if you can’t tell by now!) on Any local will tell you Key a 34-foot Gemini catamaran with an Largo is a must-experience 18-inch shoal draft, 4-hour charters with staple of the Florida Keys. one or two activities available, everglades For those wanting to kayaking tours, mangrove jungle advenexperience the epitome of the ture snorkeling, beach barbeques, and a low-key, sailor lifestyle of the 10- to 11-hour, 32-mile round trip sail Keys, the Key Lime Sailing out into the Club and its many ocean for a offshoots around the snorkel turtle upper keys is the place reef tour. to go (keylargocottages. Other boats com). Key Lime Sailing available are a Club & Cottages, just 33-foot Moran hour’s drive from gan Islander, Miami in Key Largo, a 24-foot is where sailors take a Hunter, and a break from living aboard few Catalina their boats to enjoy each 22s. other’s company and the Attached warm beach breezes over to the club is, a cool drink and a beauof course, an tiful sunset. The club ASA-accredis family-owned and ited sailing sailing-oriented. There is school. With a plethora of free water locations at toys for anyone staythe South ing at the club to use at Dade Marina their leisure, including Guests have the exclusive use of a Catalina 22 for the duration of their visit. and the Key kayaks, paddle boards, © Jason Hines/ Lime Sailing snorkel gear, canoes, and Club, the American Sailing Academy (americansailingacademy. fishing gear. The secluded beachfront location of the cottages com) offers classes from ASA 101 Basic Keelboat Sailing certificreates an environment of trust and community among the cation to ASA 106 Advanced Coastal Cruising and beyond. vacationers. Everyone gets to know each other on the beach and 18 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine

whole stay. Imagine yourself taking this no-stress small vessel out to Nest Key, what we like to call Mud Bath Island, and spending the day there with an ice chest full of drinks and food. Key Largo has a lot to offer for all of your vacation dreams, and the Key Lime Sailing Club has been slowly focusing the Key into a top sailing destination while supporting and maintaining its important historic areas and cultivating environmental awareness among vacationers and locals alike. Whether you come here to learn, relax, or explore new experiences, the club has what you need, when you need it. Key Lime Sailing Club & Cottages. Easy to reach and hard to forget. ■

The waterside Tiki hut is perfect for enjoying an after-sail libation. © Brian Dale/

The captains down at the club even have the qualifications to teach the ASA 107 Celestial Navigation Certification course, if you ever want to forgo the modern marvel of your GPS. And if you are thinking of becoming an ASA instructor, you can get certified down here as well! Vacation is a great opportunity to finally get those certificates out of the way and encourage your kids to learn how to sail on their own. But one of the most convenient things about the club is that when you book a stay in one of the many seafarer-themed cottages you get a personal Catalina 22 to cruise around in for your

Up close and person with a manatee ©

WindCheck Magazine

August 2017


Scaramouche Refit, Part III By Andrew Cooley Welcome to the final installment of Phase I refit of the mighty Scaramouche. Since the last issue our team has fully completed all of the final finish coats to the hull topsides, striping details, and bottom painting. Scaramouche is now in the water and back at her homeport of Stamford, CT and her owner is eager to get some more miles under her keel.

With the final topside coatings completed, the integrated aluminum toe rail needed touching up. The freshly painted hull was covered and protect, and the bare aluminum was coated with a protective clear coat. ©

Fitout and install of the new transducer. Careful attention must be paid to proper alignment to ensure accurate functioning of the new unit. Once installed, the area was faired to the surrounding hull so that the vessel glides smoothly and effortlessly through the water. ©

As with any large project, the push to the end is often the most challenging time. This project was no different. The owner had selected AwlGrip for the final topcoats, and in order to deliver the desired high gloss luster, our team meticulously examined the primed surfaces to ensure a smooth and consistent substrate to apply the final coats. With the confidence that all the prep had been completed, the team turned their attention to ensuring the paint booth was ready. Before final coats are applied, the booth must be thoroughly cleaned, all scaffolding washed and wrapped, plastics torn down and new plastic sheeting installed, all tapes changed and unpainted areas protected. Once fully prepped, the final coats are applied in a series of consecutive paint shoots that take most of the day to apply. The paint is left to cure for several days before recovering and marking out of the striping details. In marking out the new cove stripe, the decision was made to resurrect the classic arrow of Sparkman & Stephens yachts. After a few timely phone calls and email exchanges, S&S provided a scalable drawing for our paint team to re-create the iconic detail just in the nick of time.

Once the final topside coatings had been applied, the team turned their attention to finishing off the underwater hull. Having spent an extensive amount of time re-fairing the bottom, the final bottom coats are as critical as the topsides. Scaramouche’s new owner was steadfast in his decision to mitigate the chances of corrosion. The bottom paint system is comprised of a robust commercial grade epoxy barrier coats finished with completely copper-free bottom paint. With the bottom and topsides in pristine condition, Scaramouche’s new owner decided to rename the boat in keeping with his and his family’s history. However, in homage to the boat’s storied history, he and his wife designed a stunning yet subtle graphic which carries on the famed boat name, Scaramouche. The final stages of the refit included installation of removed hardware and fittings, replacement of the underwater hull/running gear anodes, and paint touch-ups to the foredeck. Once

As a hands-on owner, Hiro Nakajima has been involved with every step of this project.

20 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine

The custom designed homage to the vessel’s storied past is proudly displayed on both hull sides. Her new owners spent a considerable amount of time developing and fine tuning the design, which was finally printed on high gloss vinyl and skillfully applied in a matter of minutes. ©

completed, the team at Brewer Stratford Marina skillfully transferred the boat from our facility onto the Travelift and safely launched her with no incident. Given the boat’s deep draft, both the launch and stepping the mast had to be scheduled on the high tide, but all went smoothly even with this summer’s unpredictable weather. After commissioning the systems and engines, Scaramouche’s owner and crew sailed her proudly down the Housatonic and back to Stamford Harbor. She will spend the remainder of the summer and early fall on the water, enjoying her new

touches and prepping for next year’s Newport Bermuda Race. She will be back in our shop this winter, where the team will carry out Phase II by renewing the decks and house. Keep an eye out for this classic beauty this summer on the Sound! ■ Andrew Cooley is the owner of Cooley Marine Management, LLC in Stratford, CT. With a background in marine repair and project management, he is well versed in both new construction and refits. To learn more about CMM’s repair, refit, project management, consulting and marine general contracting services, visit

"Your Refit Specialists" Painting/Composite/Fiberglass Repair and Fabrication/Woodworking Project Management and Consulting


50 Housatonic Ave, Suite 204 Stratford, CT 06615

WindCheck Magazine

August 2017


Calendar 2017 AUGUST Ongoing through October River Cruises Aboard Onrust Enjoy a river excursion (1.5 hours) or a sunset cruise (2 hours) aboard a replica of Adriaen Block’s historic vessel. Fee includes museum admission. Connecticut River Museum, Essex, CT; Reservations: 860-7678269; 3 Junior Safety-at-Sea Seminar Presented by the Storm Trysail Foundation and sponsored by the Jamie Boeckel Fund for Safety at Sea and Sailing World, this hands-on workshop includes presentations covering safety procedures, particularly man overboard recovery and big-boat organization & crew work, in-the-water demonstration of inflatable PFDs and the inflation of a six-man canopied life raft, and sail handling & man overboard drills, both upwind with jibs and downwind with spinnakers. Ram Island Yacht Club, Stonington, CT; Peter Rugg:; safety-at-sea-seminars


3 Singles Under Sail Social Meeting On the first Thursday of every month, single sailors and “wanna-be” sailors get together to meet skippers and crew of this adventurous, Norwalk, CT-based sailing club. For location and more details, check

3&4 RS Feva North American Championship This Junior Sailing Association of Long Island Sound event is organized by the RS Feva Class Association and hosted by Indian Harbor Yacht Club. Greenwich, CT;; 3 & 17 Shoreline Sailing Club meeting If you’re an active single over 35, this club’s activities include sailing, fishing, kayaking, dances, dockside parties, golfing, skiing and more. Meetings are held the first & third Thursdays of each month. 7:00pm; Westbrook Elks Lodge, Westbrook, CT; 4-6 45th Annual Buzzards Bay Regatta The largest multi-class regatta on the East Coast has divisions for Lasers (including Radials & Masters), C420s, I420s,V15s, 5O5s, J/24s, J/80s, F-18s, R18s, and PHRF Racing & Cruising boats. New Bedford Yacht Club, South Dartmouth, MA; buzzardsbayregatta. com

5pm Saturday), and the Signature Lighthouse Boat Tour (11am Sunday), presentations, panel discussions, free tours and more. Staten Island, NY; 718-390-0040;; 4-6 SIYC Race Week at Shelter Island This event includes the Around-the-Island Race or middle distance race and a two-day series for yachts racing in IRC, PHRF, One-Design and Classic divisions. Shelter Island, NY; 4-6 Newport Jazz Festival Presented by Natixix Global Asset Management Performers include Maceo Parker, Béla Fleck & The Flecktones, Branford Marsalis Quartet, Joey DeFrancesco + The People, Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue, The Roots, and many more. International Tennis Hall of fame and Fort Adams State Park, Newport, RI; newportjazz. org 5 DIYC One Design Regatta & JY15 Connecticut State Championship Duck Island Yacht Club, Westbrook, CI; diyc. com 5 Boardman Cup Invitational This ECSA points event is hosted by Milford Yacht Club. Milford, CT; milfordyachtclub. com;

© Spectrum Photo/Fran Grenon

4-6 7th Annual National Lighthouse & Lightship Recognition Weekend Activities at this National Lighthouse Museum event include the Lightkeeper’s Gala aboard the Cornucopia Destiny (Friday), a presentation on “Saving America’s Light Stations” by United States Lighthouse Society President Wayne Wheeler (3-

5 Howard C. Hoxsie Regatta This J/24 event is hosted by Harlem Yacht Club. City Island, NY;; 5 30th Annual SWIM Across the Sound Marathon This 15.5-mile swim from Port Jefferson, NY to Bridgeport, CT raises funds for SWIM Across the Sound, Connecticut’s largest cancer charity. Volunteer captains with boats are needed! Captain’s Cove Seaport, Bridgeport, CT; give.

22 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine 5 America’s Boating Course This boating safety class is presented by the Neptune Power Squadron. 9am; $60; Harbor Boating Club, Huntington, NY; Donald Lagreco: 631-271-8762;;; 5 About Boating Safety Completion of this 8-hour class, presented by U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 24-3, satisfies the Connecticut licensing requirements for a Safe Boating Certificate and PWC Certificate. Family participation is encouraged. 8am; Flotilla 24-3 Training Center, Milford, CT; 860-663-5505; skperrone@; *All students will need to get a State of CT Conservation ID number before taking the course.Visit to register for a free ID number. 5&6 YRA Championship Regatta Sponsored by Thomson Reuters and co-hosted by Riverside, Indian Harbor & American Yacht Clubs, this Yacht Racing Association of Long Island Sound event is open to dinghies, inshore & offshore one-designs, and PHRF & IRC boats. Greenwich, CT & Rye, NY; 5&6 AHYC Blue Water Regatta This event is open to J/24s, J/105s, PHRF Spinnaker & Non-spinnaker boats and Multihulls. Atlantic Highlands Yacht Club, Atlantic Highlands, NJ; 5-7 Twenty Hundred Club Block Island Race This PHRF event comprises races from Newport, RI to Block and back. 6 3rd Annual Let’s Take a Veteran Sailing Presented by SailAhead and hosted by

AUGUST Continued Centerport Yacht Club with support from Oakcliff Sailing, The WaterFront Center, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, Northport Yacht Club, Lloyd Harbor Yacht Club and legions of volunteers, this amazing event’s mission is to introduce hundreds of Armed Forces veterans to the healing benefits of sailing. Centerport Yacht Club, Centerport, NY;

© Laurent Apollon Images

7&8 PYC Invitational This Junior Sailing Association of Long Island Sound event for C420, RS Feva, Pixel, Laser & Radial sailors is hosted by Pequot Yacht Club. Southport, CT;;

11 - 13 J/Fest New England Open to all J/Boats, this event includes a special J/24 40th Anniversary Race, a North Sails Local Knowledge & Weather Brief, a Party and BBQ at Fort Adams, and the culminating event for the U.S. J/70 Youth Championship. Sail Newport, Newport, RI; 11 - 13 Long Island Sound Beneteau Owners Rendezvous This event is presented by Prestige Yacht Sales and hosted by Brewer Essex Island Marina. Essex, CT; Maureen Mazan: Maureen@PrestigeYachtSales. net; 203-353-0373 11 - 13 14th Annual Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors Show Maine’s only in-water boat and home show features the state’s finest artists, architects, boatbuilders, craftspeople, designers, furniture makers, marine gear vendors, chefs & musicians. Attractions include the Concours d’Epifanes for classic boats that have been revitalized by talented boatyard & boatbuilders from around the Gulf of Maine, a Fun For Kids area live music, fine Maine food, and the 15th Annual World Championship Boatyard Dog® Trials. Gates open at 10am daily. Harbor

© Allen Clark/

9 LIS Windsurfing Champs American Yacht Club, Rye, NY; Kevin Broome: juniorayc@gmail. com;; 11 JSA Feva Championship American Yacht Club, Rye, NY; Kevin Broome: juniorayc@gmail. com;; 24 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine

and Buoy Parks, Rockland, ME;

© Debra Bell/

12 36th Annual American Cancer Society Regatta Sponsored by the Mount Sinai Sailing Association, this is the second longest running

ity regatta in the U.S. PHRF Spinnaker and Non-spinnaker boats (with Double-Handed & One-Design divisions based on entries) will sail a course of approximately 8 to 20 miles, followed by a party at Mount Sinai Yacht Club with live entertainment, food, refreshments, raffle & auction. Mount Sinai, NY; 12 40th Annual Fools’ Rules Regatta Competitors in this event, sponsored by Jamestown Yacht Club, must build a “sailboat” from non-marine materials and attempt to sail a 500-yard downwind course. Volunteers are needed! Town Beach at East Ferry, Jamestown, RI; Candy Powell: 401-423-1492;

12 NYC Greens Ledge Trophy Race Norwalk Yacht Club, Norwalk, CT; 12 & 13 Marblehead Corinthian Classic Yacht Regatta This first event in the North American Circuit of the Panerai Classic Yachts Challenge is hosted by Corinthian Yacht Club. Marblehead, MA; 12 & 13 GSBYRA Invitational Regatta This Great South Bay Yacht Racing Association event is hosted by Narrasketuck Yacht Club. Amityville, NY;; 12 - 20 Nantucket Race Week Co-hosted by Nantucket Yacht Club and Great Harbor Yacht Club, this event raises funds for Nantucket Community Sailing. Events include the 44th Annual Opera House Cup for classic wooden boats, a 12 Metre regatta, PHRF racing, a youth regatta, an open sailboard regatta,; © The Providence Journal/Steve Szydlowski

12 37th Annual Women Skippers’ Race City Island Yacht Club, City Island, NY; 12 New Haven Mayor’s Cup This ECSA points event is hosted by New Haven Yacht Club. New Haven, CT; 12 Fuller Offshore Race This PHRF pursuit race is hosted by Watch Hill Yacht Club. Watch Hill, RI; 12 HYC Mayor’s Cup Regatta Huguenot Yacht Club, New Rochelle, NY;

women’s fun sail, paddlecraft races and more. Nantucket, MA; © Karen Ryan Photography

13 The Masthead Race Hosted by Masthead Cove Yacht Club since 2006 in memory of MCYC Past Commodore Carol Marcinuk, this novice-friendly race benefits the Marcinuk Fund for Ovarian Cancer Research at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Huntington, NY; Dave Tuck:; WindCheck Magazine

August 2017


AUGUST Continued

13 64th Annual CIYC Day Race City Island Yacht Club, City Island, NY; 14 & 15 50th Annual Regatta for the Dorade Trophy In “The Dorade,” youth sailors race overnight on 29- to 44-foot PHRF boats. Stamford Yacht Club, Stamford, CT; stamfordyc. com; Ray Redniss: rredniss@; 14 & 15 JSA Optimist Champs This Junior Sailing Association of Long Island Sound event is hosted by Cedar Point Yacht Club. Westport, CT; 15 & 16 61st Annual Beach Point Overnight Race This PHRF race for the Junior Distance Sailing Championship of Long Island Sound is hosted by the Beach Point Club. Mamaroneck, NY;

17 Junior Safety-at-Sea Seminar Presented by the Storm Trysail Foundation and sponsored by the Jamie Boeckel Fund for Safety at Sea and Sailing World, this hands-on workshop includes presentations covering safety procedures, particularly man overboard recovery and big-boat organization & crew work, in-the-water demonstration of inflatable PFDs and the inflation of a six-man canopied life raft, and sail handling & man overboard drills, both upwind with jibs and downwind with spinnakers. Sail Newport, Newport, RI; Joe Cooper: 401-9656006; bushranger147@gmail. com; safety-at-sea-seminars 17 Singles Under Sail Program Meeting: Storms, Winds, Mud & Sand! Dr. James Tait, co-founder & co-coordinator of the Werth Center for Coastal and Marine Studies at Southern Connecticut State University, will discuss

the effects of hurricanes Irene & Sandy on the coastline of Long Island Sound and sea level rise. 7:30pm; $10; DoubleTree Hotel, 789 Connecticut Ave, Norwalk, CT; 18 13th Annual Ida Lewis Distance Race Depending on weather conditions, organizers of “The Ida” may send IRC, PHRF, One-Design, Multihull and Double-Handed boats of 28 feet LOA or longer on one of four coastal courses between 104 nm and 177 nm. Ida Lewis Yacht Club, Newport, RI; long-race

© Meghan Sepe

26 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine

18 The Stamford Overnight Race With a course of approximately 47 nm from Stamford to Stratford Shoal and back, this race is open to monohulls 24 feet LOA or over, owned or chartered by a YRALIS member and with a valid PHRF or IRC certificate. Stamford Yacht Club, Stamford, CT; 18 Sam Wetherill Trophy Overnight Race Honoring the memory of an ardent bluewater sailor, this ECSA double points race around Block Island was established to encourage long distance overnight racing for cruising sailboats. Essex Yacht Club, Essex, CT; 18 & 19 Nantucket Regatta This Panerai Classic Yachts Challenge event is hosted by the Nantucket Yacht Club, Great Harbor Yacht Club and Nantucket Community Sailing. Nantucket, MA;; paneraiclassicyachtschallenge. com

18 - 20 Hinman Masters Team Race New York Yacht Club’s Harbour Court, Newport, RI; 18 - 20 33rd Annual Boat Show at Hudson River Maritime Museum This event features a variety of antique and classic boats at beautiful Rondout Creek. Kingston, NY; acbs-hrc. org 19 3rd Annual Western Long Island Sound Governor’s Cup Day Race & Charity Regatta Presented by Huguenot Yacht Club, City Island Yacht Club & Manhasset Bay Yacht Club, this benefit for Sails For Sustenance is a challenging event for PHRF (Spinnaker & Non-Spinnaker) and IRC boats, plus an additional start for unrated cruising boats (PHRF ratings will be assigned). New Rochelle, NY; 19 13th Annual Ms. Race

Hosted by Atlantic Highlands Yacht Club, this PHRF nonspinnaker race for all-female crews benefits 180 Turning Lives Around, a non-profit organization dedicated to ending domestic violence and sexual assault. Atlantic Highlands, NJ; Diane Kropfl: 732-872-9190; ahyc.;

© Jeff Smith/

19 SHYC Coastal Classic This inaugural ECSA distance race, with a course of approximately 15 to 20 miles, is open to any sailboat with a current PHRF rating. Sachem’s Head Yacht Club, Guilford, CT;; register at

19 8th Annual Newport SUP Cup Proceeds from this paddle around historic Newport Harbor (with short and long courses) support Clean Ocean Access. Newport, RI; 19 43rd Annual Milford Oyster Festival Attractions include a canoe & kayak race, a schooner cruise, a boat decorating contest, a car & motorcycle show, kids’ activities, live music by Blackberry Smoke, The Artimus Pyle Band, and Dizzy Fish, abundant oysters, and much more. 10am - 6pm; free; Milford, CT; 20 45th Annual Opera House Cup Regatta The first allwooden, single-hulled classic boat regatta on the East Coast, this North American Panerai Classic Yachts Challenge event is co-hosted by Nantucket Yacht Club and Great Harbor Yacht Club. Nantucket, MA;

20 Ram Island Invitational This ECSA points event is hosted by Ram Island Yacht Club. Noank, CT; ramislandyachtclub. org 21 Solar Eclipse If you miss this eclipse of the sun, you’ll have to wait until August 8, 2024 for the next one visible from the Continental U.S. 21 - 26 J Class World Championship This spectacular event is hosted by New York Yacht Club’s Harbour Court. Newport, RI;; 23 & 25 - 27 Manhasset Bay Race Week This event is open to Opti, Laser, Snipe, Ideal 18, Sonar and MBOD sailors. Manhasset Bay Yacht Club, Port Washington, NY; 25 & 26 15th Annual Connecticut Leukemia Cup Regatta Hosted by North Cove Yacht

WindCheck Magazine

August 2017


AUGUST Continued

Club, Duck Island Yacht Club, Essex Corinthian Yacht Club and Brewer Pilots Point Marina, this regatta supports the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s mission to cure blood cancers. Westbrook, CT;

for sailors with adaptive needs includes match racing clinics with Dave Perry and David Dellenbaugh and match racing in Sonars. Oyster Bay, NY; 25 - 30 Oakcliff Acorn Foiling Camp New for 2017, this program is for high-adrenaline athletes with performance sailing experience who want to join the ranks of high-flying hydrofoil sailors. Oakcliff Sailing, Oyster Bay, NY;

jammers Sailing Club to give new sailors, new boat owners, families, junior sailors, and anyone looking to practice or simply go sailing an opportunity to learn and experience how a weekend regatta works, this event has a long starting line and short triangle courses. Milford, CT;

26 EBYRA Day Race Eastchester Bay Yacht Racing Association; City Island, NY; © Carl Tjerandsen

25 - 27 Clagett/Oakcliff Match Race Regatta Hosted by The WaterFront Center with support from Oakcliff Sailing, the C. Thomas Clagett, Jr. Memorial Clinic & Regatta, SailAhead and Warrior Sailing, this event

26 Mason’s Island Regatta This ECSA points event is hosted by Mason’s Island Yacht Club. Mystic, CT; 26 2nd Annual Wind Jam Regatta Created by Wind-

© PVB Photo 2014

26 & 27 Bedford Pitcher Regatta/ Star Open This event is hosted by Star Fleet #2, the oldest active Star fleet in the world. Cedar Point Yacht Club, Westport, CT;

28 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine

26 & 27 Newport Classic Yacht Regatta presented by IYRS This Panerai Classic Yachts Challenge event is sponsored by North Sails and Sail Newport. Fort Adams State Park, Newport, RI; 26 & 27 Newport Unlimited Regatta This event is open to all multihulls with a New England Multihull Association handicap rating. Newport Yacht Club, Newport, RI; newportyachtclub. org; 27 HHC Labor Day Regatta Hempstead Harbour Club, Glen Cove, NY; 27 & 28 25th Annual Long Island Seafood Festival Hosted by the Long Island Maritime Museum, this family event features food from Blue Island Oyster Company and Claws Seafood

Market. 10am - 7pm; west Sayville, NY; 30 - 9/3 Oakcliff International This is the third and final event in the GRAND SLAM Grade 2 Match Race Series. Oakcliff Sailing, Oyster Bay, NY;;

SEPTEMBER 1-3 Vineyard Race 2017 Sailors can choose from three courses in this Labor Day Weekend classic: 238 nm from Stamford, CT around Buzzards Bay Light Tower and back, 143

© Allen Clark/

nm to Seaflower Reef and back, and 116 nm to Cornfield Point Shoal and back, with divisions for IRC, PHRF, HPR, Multihulls, Classic Yachts and DoubleHanded boats and a Corinthian Challenge for college sailors. Stamford Yacht Club, Stamford, CT; vineyardinfo@stamfordyc. com;; 1-3 20th Annual Rhythm & Roots Festival New England’s Hottest Festival of Music and Dance features performances by The Mavericks, Rosanne Cash, Natalie MacMaster and Donnell Leahy, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Big Sandy and His Fly-Rite Boys, and many more. Ninigret Park, Charlestown, RI; 2 FIYC ‘Round Island Race This circumnavigation of Fishers Island is an ECSA points event that’s open to PHRF boats, IODs, Ensigns, Watch Hill 15s, J/70s, and other classes by invitation. Fishers Island Yacht Club,

Fishers Island, NY; 22 92nd Annual Stratford Shoal Race This event is open to all boats with current handicap certificates that also comply with YRA of LIS minimum equipment recommendations. PHRF Spinnaker boats sail a course to Stratford Shoal and back; PHRF Non-Spinnaker boats sail a course to cable and Anchor Reef and back. Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club, Oyster Bay, NY;

© Rick Bannerot

2 Western Long Island Sound Lighthouse Cruise

Venture out on the Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk’s hybridelectric research vessel Spirit of the Sound™ for an close-up look at eight historic lighthouses: Peck Ledge, Greens Ledge, Sheffield Island, Harbor Ledge, Great Captain Island, Execution Rocks, Sands Point, Stepping Stones and Eaton’s Neck. Maritime Aquarium educators will offer details, histories and anecdotes about the lighthouses, and also point out visiting winter waterfowl. Binoculars will be provided. The vessel has a climate-controlled cabin, but the best view’s on deck so bring plenty of warm clothes. Passengers must be over 42” tall. The 7-hour cruise departs at 9am. $75 ($65 for Aquarium members); advance reservations are required. The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk, CT; 203-852-0700, ext. 2206; 3 90th Annual Conanicut YC Around the Island Race The oldest continuing yacht race on Narragansett Bay, this race around Conanicut Is-

WindCheck Magazine

August 2017


SEPTEMBER JUNE Continued Continued

1 land is open to all sailboats with 47th Annual Lloyd’s a PHRF of NB rating. Conanicut Trophy Race - Lloyd RI: Harbor Yacht Club, Jamestown, coYacht Club, Huntington, NY;; 3 1 Onne van der Wal PhoSYC Pre-OSC Race on tography Workshop This an ECSAAround points the the is Water: event. Shennecossett Island Race Onne will Yacht CT; give a Club, guidedGroton, photographic tour aboard the M/V Gansett, shooting Narragansett Bay’s 1 oldest continuing yacht race. 119th Annual 3 - 7:30pm; $595 HYC includes a meal Day Race Huntington (lobster roll -or turkey club), Yacht Club,soft Huntington, NY; beer, wine, drinks, snacks & a swag bag ($50 discount for returning students). Limited 1 to 15 photographers; reserve King’s Cup Race & at 401-849-5556 or gallery@ Reception - Minuteman; Yacht Club, Westport, CT; 3 4th Annual Providence 1 Paddle Battle A fundraiser 32nd Polar Seltzer for Clean Ocean Access, this Great Chowder SUP race starts andCookfinishes in Off - The original, the Seekonk River.largest East Provi-

dence Yacht running Club, East Proviand longest chowder dence, RI; ProvidencePaddlecompetition in New England officially kicks off summer in Newport! 12 - 6pm; Newport 7 Yachting Center, Newport, RI; Singles Under Sail cial Meeting On the first 1Thursday of every month, single sailors and “wanna-be” Accelerated Safe sailors get together toHandling meet skippers Powerboat and crew of this adventurous, This course, taught by a Norwalk, CT-based sailing club. US Powerboating certified For the location and more deinstructor, is for anyone who tails, check wants to learn how to safely operate a powerboat or 7 & 21 their on-the-water improve Shoreline boat handlingSailing skills andClub already meeting If you’re active has or does not needan a State single over 35, this club’s Boating Safety Certificate.activiAges ties&include kayak10 up. 9amsailing, - 6pm;fishing, U.S. Coast ing, dances, dockside parties, Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 77, golfing,Benson skiing and more. MeetSouth Marina, Fairfield, ings are held the first & third CT; register at Thursdays of each month. 7 Jay Lipp: Alsopm; Westbrook Westoffered on 6/4Elks & 5Lodge, and 6/5 &6 brook, CT; &2 12th Annual CPYC One8 Design Regatta - This event PYC Falkner Island Overserves as the 2013 Soverel night Race Pequot Yacht 33 National Championship Club, Southport, CT; pequotyc. and the 2013 Viper 640 New com

8 - 10 Championship (any England C&C Northeast one-design keelboat Rendezfleet with vous Mitchell Marina, sufficient entries Park can be given a Greenport, NY; cncnortheast. start). Cedar Point Yacht Club, com Westport, CT; Halsey Bullen: 203-247-2712; cpycodr@gmail. 8 - 10 com; 40th Annual Norwalk Association 1Seaport &2 Oyster Festival Attractions SYC Double-Handed include a New England Seaport Regatta - Stamford Yacht Club, Village, harbor tours, historic Stamford, CT; Don Wyllie: and working vessels, arts & 203-561-2065; crafts, barbecue competition,; oyster shucking competition, Pirate’s Coast Adventure, Kids’ 1Cove, & 2 live music by Sawyer Fredericks,Island Funky Dawgz Brass Band, City Cup - This Ricky Byrd & Deuces Wild, and regatta, organized by the more. Veteran’s Memorial Park, Eastchester Bay Yacht Racing Norwalk, CT; Association, is open to all PHRF, IRC &One-Design yachts. City 9 Island, NY; 7th Annual Village Cup Hosted by Port 1Regatta &2 Jefferson Yacht Club in collaboMaritime Cup Regatta ration with the Village This PHRF event is partofofPort the JeffersonRiver and the Port Jefferson Hudson Yacht Racing Conservancy, this PHRF regatta Association Series. Kingston supports pancreatic cancerRiver Sailing Club at the Hudson research and palliative care atNY; Maritime Museum, Kingston, Mather Hospital and the; garten Foundation’s mission to

30 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine 56 May 2013 WindCheck Magazine

2eradicate the disease. Bay Day - This free community event, hosted by The WaterFront 9 Center and Friends of the Bay 63rd Annual to “celebrate andWinkle promoteCup Centerport Yacht Club, Centerenvironmental awareness,” port, NY; includes live music, food & refreshments, the Anything 9 Floats Race, free harbor That 49thaboard Annual Cup tours theKatrina oyster sloop Lloyd Harbor Yacht Club, HunChristeen, free sailboat rides and tington, NY; kayak demos and touch tanks of local marine life. 12 - 5pm; The 9 WaterFront Center, Oyster Bay, HBC Invitational This NY; 516-922-SAIL; ECSA points event is open to all; boats with a valid ECSA PHRF certificate, self-bailing cockpit, 2fixed berths, galley facilities and the ability to beHarborfest self-supporting 23rd Annual forCraft a weekend. Boat & Fair Housatonic - Arts & crafts, Club, Stratford, Henchlive music, familyCT; funLee stage, man: 203-668-5940; lhench-& children’s fun park, nautical; environmental exhibits, food, model yacht regatta, boat cruises on Manhasset Bay and 9 more. Port Washington, NY; Captain Island Race 646-580-5341; Douglaston Yacht Squadron, 4Douglaston, NY; 6th Annual Dark ‘n Stormy Benefit: Sailing

9 DIYC Laser Regatta Duck Island Yacht Club, Westbrook, CT;

niss: 203-348-3710; rredniss@;

9 & 10 133rd Annual Shattemuc Open Regatta & Dinner This Hudson River Yacht Racing Association PHRF event is hosted by Shattemuc Yacht Club. Ossining, NY;; 10 52nd Annual ValeurJensen Denmark Stamford Race Presented by the Stamford Yacht Club, Royal Danish Yacht Club, Stamford Sail & Power Squadron and the Consulate General of Denmark, this event is open to boats with PHRF or IRC ratings and classic boats (over 25 years old). Other boats of one-design or level racing classes are also eligible and may race in accordance with class rules. The race will have starts for non-spinnaker classes, as well as courses for Multihulls 18’ LOA and over. Sail like a Dane! Stamford, CT; Ray Red-

14 - 17 47th Annual Newport International Boat Show Hundreds of new sailboats & powerboats will be on display, along with thousands of products & services from domestic & international exhibitors. Newport, RI;

© Rick Bannerot

10 & 11 Lorna Whittelsley Women’s Regatta This event is sailed in Ideal 18s. Indian harbor Yacht Club, Greenwich, CT; 12 America’s Boating Course This boating safety class is presented by the Smithtown Bay Power Squadron. 7:30pm; $50; Hauppauge High School, Hauppauge, NY; Allan S. Hiltunen: 631-265-6561; achilt@;;

14 - 17 Bowen’s Wharf Newport Wooden Boat Show Attractions at this unique event include a replica of Ernest Hemingway’s 1934 sportfisher. Bowen’s Ferry Landing Marina, Newport, RI; 15 & 16 8th Annual Indian Harbor Classic Yacht Regatta This event is hosted by Indian Harbor Yacht Club and sponsored by Atlantis WeatherGear, Gosling’s Rum, Ella Vickers and WoodenBoat Magazine. Greenwich, CT; Shelia Graves:;


14 - 17 Newport Brokerage Boat Show More than 100 select sailboats and powerboats from 40 to 140 feet presented by over 30 brokerage firms will be on display Newport Shipyard, Newport, RI;

© Allen Clark/

YACHT CLUB RACE WEEK PARTICIPANTS SAVE 40% OFF TRANSIENT FEES Inquire about additional Transient Loyalty Program Benefits.

SEASONAL & TRANSIENT SLIP RENTALS • 72 slips with 30/50 amp power and water


• Unparalleled resort style amenities including bathroom/shower facilities, outdoor swimming pool, 24-hour fitness center, indoor basketball/racquetball court, and a shuttle to the Stamford train station • Short walk to waterfront restaurants on the west branch of Stamford Harbor and water taxi services to Harbor Point restaurants • Minutes drive from I-95, Stamford train station and downtown Stamford

T GMAn c h orPoin t M arina .co m | 203.363.0733 | VHF 68 150 Southfield Ave nue , Sta m fo r d, C T 0 6 9 0 2

WindCheck Magazine

August 2017



15 & 16 80th Annual Fall Off Soundings Club Fall Race Series This ECSA points event comprises a race from New London, CT to Gardiners Bay, NY on Friday and course racing on Saturday. 15 - 18 58th Annual Roton Point Multihull Regatta Sponsored by Gosling’s Rum, this New England Catamaran Sailing Association-sanctioned event has separate starts (with sufficient entries) for Hobies, F20s, F-18s, A-Class & Open Class (Portsmouth), and a beach party at the most beautiful park on Long Island Sound. Roton Point Sailing Association, Rowayton, CT; 16 Brent C. Donahue Cross Sound Race Honoring the memory of a great sailor and a friend to all, this distance race is hosted by Black Rock Yacht Club. Bridgeport, CT; 16 International Coastal Cleanup More than 18 million pounds of trash was collected by nearly 800,000 volunteers in this Ocean Conservancy event last year. To help turn the tide on trash and fight for a healthy ocean, visit 16 Central Long Island Sound Lighthouse Cruise This 5-hour cruise aboard the Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk’s hybrid-electric research vessel Spirit of the Sound will make close passes by five beacons: Peck Ledge, Greens Ledge, Sheffield Island, Penfield Reef, and Stratford Shoal. Maritime Aquarium educators will offer details, histories and anecdotes about the lighthouses, and also point out visiting winter waterfowl. Binoculars will be provided. The 32 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine

vessel has a climate-controlled cabin, but the best view’s on deck so bring plenty of warm clothes. Passengers must be over 42” tall. The 5-hour cruise departs at 10am. $70 ($60 for Aquarium members); advance reservations are required. The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk, CT; 203-852-0700, ext. 2206; 16 & 17 Storm Trysail & Riverside Yacht Club Long Island Sound Championship Riverside Yacht Club, Greenwich, CT; 17 26th Annual Coastweeks Regatta This rowing event for singles, doubles & fours is part of the annual Mystic Weekend of Rowing. Mystic Seaport, Mystic, CT; 17 Women’s Invitational Mendez Trophy This event is sailed in Ideal 18s. Larchmont Yacht Club, Larchmont, NY; 17 Singles Under Sail Program Meeting: Everybody loves oxygen, even FISH! Curt Johnson, Executive Director of Connecticut Fund for the Environment, will discuss how volunteer “Sound Sleuths” are collecting water samples in bays and harbors as part of a collaborative initiative of Soundkeeper and Save the Sound to monitor the health of Long Island Sound. 7:30pm; $10; DoubleTree Hotel, 789 Connecticut Ave, Norwalk, CT; 21 - 24 41st Annual Norwalk Boat Show There’s something for every boater at the Northeast’s most popular boat show. Norwalk Cove Marina, Norwalk, CT; 23 2nd Annual American Yacht Club Leukemia Cup Regatta This event combines the joy of sailing with the

important task of raising money to find a cure for blood cancers. American Yacht Club, Rye, NY; 23 16th Annual Red Lobdell Memorial Regatta This ECSA points race is open to all boats over 20 feet LOA. Stonington Harbor Yacht Club; Stonington, CT; 23 12th Annual Heritage Cup Classic Yacht Regatta
 This event is hosted by the Hempstead Harbor Club. Glen Cove, NY: Mike Emmert: GoldenI37@; 23 Cross Sound Challenge Hosted by Essex Corinthian Yacht Club, this ECSA points event has a course length of approximately 15 miles. Essex, CT; 23 Fall Race Around Prudence Island This Narragansett Bay Yacht Racing Association event is co-hosted by the Twenty Hundred Club and Quonset Davisville Navy Yacht Club. 23 WSC Last Chance Regatta This ECSA points event is hosted by Windjammers Sailing Club. Milford, CT; windjammers. org 23 & 24 JY15 North Americans Duck Island Yacht Club, Westbrook, CT; 23 & 24 28th Annual East End Seaport Maritime Festival Presented by the East End Seaport Museum & Maritime Foundation, this event features classic boats on display and racing, a parade, live music, ship tours, children’s activities, arts & crafts, pirates, whaleboat and kayak races, fireworks, a clam chowder contest and more. Greenport, NY;

23 & 24 and 9/30 & 10/1 AYC Fall Series This twoweekend event is hosted by American Yacht Club. Rye, NY; 24 39th Annual Bud Humphrey Memorial Race This circumnavigation of Prudence Island is hosted by Barrington Yacht Club. Barrington, RI; 24 MYC Last Chance Regatta This ECSA points event is hosted by Milford Yacht Club. Milford, CT; milfordyachtclub. com 24 NBYC End of the Summer Regatta This PHRF distance race is hosted by New Bedford Yacht Club. South Dartmouth, MA; 24 20th Annual By Land and By Sea: Antique Vehicle Show This family event features a dazzling display of pre1930 cars, trucks & motorcycles and a Grand Parade of Vehicles. 9am - 4pm; Mystic Seaport, Mystic, CT;; 26 America’s Boating Course This boating safety class is presented by the South Shore Power Squadron. 7pm; $60; Freeport High School, Freeport, NY; Margaret C. Widman: 631669-3821;;; 27 America’s Boating Course This boating safety class is presented by the Oyster Bay Power Squadron. 7:30pm; $75; Syosset High School, Syosset, NY; Thomas Peltier: 516-987-9715; TJP98@;;

Add your event to our print and online calendar by emailing to

by the 7th of the month.

WindCheck Magazine

August 2017


August 2017

These tide tables are predictions and are to be used as a reference only. The times of high and low are approximations and are affected, in part by onshore and offshore winds, full and new moons as well as changes in currents. Always use caution when entering or leaving any harbor and navigate in areas that are well marked. WindCheck assumes no liability due to the use of these tables.


The Battery, NY Port Washington, NY 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/4 8/4 8/4 8/4 8/5 8/5 8/5 8/5 8/6 8/6 8/6 8/6 8/7 8/7 8/7 8/7 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/11 8/11 8/11 8/11 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/13 8/13 8/13 8/13 8/14 8/14 8/14 8/14 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/16 8/16

4:04 AM 10:29 AM 4:38 PM 11:11 PM 5:03 AM 11:18 AM 5:32 PM 12:00 AM 6:00 AM 12:04 PM 6:23 PM 12:47 AM 6:52 AM 12:50 PM 7:08 PM 1:31 AM 7:37 AM 1:35 PM 7:49 PM 2:15 AM 8:18 AM 2:19 PM 8:26 PM 2:57 AM 8:55 AM 3:02 PM 9:01 PM 3:37 AM 9:30 AM 3:43 PM 9:35 PM 4:15 AM 10:04 AM 4:23 PM 10:09 PM 4:51 AM 10:40 AM 5:03 PM 10:49 PM 5:28 AM 11:21 AM 5:45 PM 11:34 PM 6:05 AM 12:07 PM 6:34 PM 12:26 AM 6:49 AM 12:58 PM 7:35 PM 1:22 AM 7:44 AM 1:52 PM 8:48 PM 2:21 AM 8:53 AM 2:50 PM 9:58 PM 3:26 AM 10:02 AM


8/16 8/16 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/18 8/18 8/18 8/19 8/19 8/19 8/19 8/20 8/20 8/20 8/20 8/21 8/21 8/21 8/21 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/25 8/25 8/25 8/26 8/26 8/26 8/26 8/27 8/27 8/27 8/27 8/28 8/28 8/28 8/28 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/31 8/31 8/31 8/31

3:54 PM 11:01 PM 4:36 AM 11:04 AM 5:04 PM 11:58 PM 5:46 AM 12:03 PM 6:11 PM 12:53 AM 6:49 AM 12:59 PM 7:10 PM 1:46 AM 7:45 AM 1:54 PM 8:02 PM 2:37 AM 8:35 AM 2:47 PM 8:51 PM 3:25 AM 9:24 AM 3:37 PM 9:39 PM 4:11 AM 10:13 AM 4:25 PM 10:26 PM 4:55 AM 11:02 AM 5:11 PM 11:15 PM 5:37 AM 11:52 AM 5:58 PM 12:05 AM 6:20 AM 12:40 PM 6:47 PM 12:55 AM 7:05 AM 1:28 PM 7:41 PM 1:45 AM 7:55 AM 2:15 PM 8:41 PM 2:36 AM 8:52 AM 3:04 PM 9:41 PM 3:29 AM 9:50 AM 3:56 PM 10:37 PM 4:27 AM 10:44 AM 4:52 PM 11:27 PM


8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/4 8/4 8/4 8/4 8/5 8/5 8/5 8/5 8/6 8/6 8/6 8/6 8/7 8/7 8/7 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/11 8/11 8/11 8/11 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/13 8/13 8/13 8/13 8/14 8/14 8/14 8/14 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/16 8/16

2:00 AM 7:58 AM 2:16 PM 8:20 PM 2:57 AM 8:59 AM 3:13 PM 9:16 PM 3:50 AM 9:53 AM 4:04 PM 10:05 PM 4:37 AM 10:39 AM 4:50 PM 10:47 PM 5:21 AM 11:21 AM 5:31 PM 11:23 PM 6:01 AM 11:56 AM 6:07 PM 11:47 PM 6:34 AM 12:20 PM 6:29 PM 12:06 AM 6:52 AM 12:34 PM 6:46 PM 12:37 AM 7:07 AM 1:03 PM 7:18 PM 1:15 AM 7:37 AM 1:40 PM 7:56 PM 1:56 AM 8:15 AM 2:22 PM 8:40 PM 2:41 AM 8:58 AM 3:07 PM 9:28 PM 3:30 AM 9:46 AM 3:58 PM 10:24 PM 4:25 AM 10:40 AM 4:54 PM 11:27 PM 5:25 AM 11:41 AM 5:55 PM 12:39 AM 6:32 AM


8/16 8/16 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/18 8/18 8/18 8/18 8/19 8/19 8/19 8/19 8/20 8/20 8/20 8/20 8/21 8/21 8/21 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/25 8/25 8/25 8/25 8/26 8/26 8/26 8/26 8/27 8/27 8/27 8/27 8/28 8/28 8/28 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/31 8/31 8/31 8/31

Bridgeport, CT 12:50 PM 7:04 PM 2:11 AM 7:58 AM 2:19 PM 8:29 PM 3:26 AM 9:25 AM 3:41 PM 9:45 PM 4:25 AM 10:26 AM 4:41 PM 10:45 PM 5:18 AM 11:20 AM 5:36 PM 11:38 PM 6:08 AM 12:10 PM 6:28 PM 12:28 AM 6:55 AM 12:57 PM 7:16 PM 1:14 AM 7:39 AM 1:40 PM 8:01 PM 1:56 AM 8:20 AM 2:19 PM 8:44 PM 2:35 AM 8:57 AM 2:54 PM 9:26 PM 3:11 AM 9:34 AM 3:29 PM 10:14 PM 3:51 AM 10:15 AM 4:10 PM 11:11 PM 4:39 AM 11:09 AM 5:00 PM 12:14 AM 5:45 AM 12:20 PM 6:02 PM 1:17 AM 7:05 AM 1:33 PM 7:23 PM 2:19 AM 8:17 AM 2:37 PM 8:35 PM


8/1 1:10 AM 8/1 7:12 AM 8/1 1:19 PM 8/1 7:34 PM 8/2 2:05 AM 8/2 8:08 AM 8/2 2:12 PM 8/2 8:27 PM 8/3 2:56 AM 8/3 9:00 AM 8/3 3:03 PM 8/3 9:17 PM 8/4 3:43 AM 8/4 9:49 AM 8/4 3:51 PM 8/4 10:03 PM 8/5 4:28 AM 8/5 10:34 AM 8/5 4:37 PM 8/5 10:47 PM 8/6 5:09 AM 8/6 11:17 AM 8/6 5:19 PM 8/6 11:28 PM 8/7 5:49 AM 8/7 11:57 AM 8/7 6:01 PM 8/8 12:08 AM 8/8 6:28 AM 8/8 12:36 PM 8/8 6:41 PM 8/9 12:47 AM 8/9 7:07 AM 8/9 1:14 PM 8/9 7:23 PM 8/10 1:27 AM 8/10 7:46 AM 8/10 1:53 PM 8/10 8:06 PM 8/11 2:09 AM 8/11 8:27 AM 8/11 2:35 PM 8/11 8:51 PM 8/12 2:54 AM 8/12 9:11 AM 8/12 3:19 PM 8/12 9:41 PM 8/13 3:44 AM 8/13 9:59 AM 8/13 4:08 PM 8/13 10:36 PM 8/14 4:38 AM 8/14 10:51 AM 8/14 5:03 PM 8/14 11:36 PM 8/15 5:38 AM 8/15 11:49 AM 8/15 6:02 PM 8/16 12:39 AM 8/16 6:41 AM

34 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine


8/16 12:51 PM 8/16 7:05 PM 8/17 1:43 AM 8/17 7:45 AM 8/17 1:55 PM 8/17 8:08 PM 8/18 2:45 AM 8/18 8:47 AM 8/18 2:57 PM 8/18 9:09 PM 8/19 3:44 AM 8/19 9:46 AM 8/19 3:56 PM 8/19 10:07 PM 8/20 4:38 AM 8/20 10:41 AM 8/20 4:52 PM 8/20 11:01 PM 8/21 5:29 AM 8/21 11:32 AM 8/21 5:44 PM 8/21 11:52 PM 8/22 6:17 AM 8/22 12:21 PM 8/22 6:34 PM 8/23 12:41 AM 8/23 7:02 AM 8/23 1:08 PM 8/23 7:23 PM 8/24 1:28 AM 8/24 7:47 AM 8/24 1:53 PM 8/24 8:11 PM 8/25 2:15 AM 8/25 8:31 AM 8/25 2:39 PM 8/25 8:59 PM 8/26 3:02 AM 8/26 9:15 AM 8/26 3:25 PM 8/26 9:47 PM 8/27 3:51 AM 8/27 10:01 AM 8/27 4:13 PM 8/27 10:38 PM 8/28 4:42 AM 8/28 10:51 AM 8/28 5:04 PM 8/28 11:32 PM 8/29 5:36 AM 8/29 11:43 AM 8/29 5:58 PM 8/30 12:27 AM 8/30 6:33 AM 8/30 12:39 PM 8/30 6:54 PM 8/31 1:23 AM 8/31 7:29 AM 8/31 1:35 PM 8/31 7:49 PM


August 2017

These tide tables are predictions and are to be used as a reference only. The times of high and low are approximations and are affected, in part by onshore and offshore winds, full and new moons as well as changes in currents. Always use caution when entering or leaving any harbor and navigate in areas that are well marked. WindCheck assumes no liability due to the use of these tables.


Fishers Island, NY 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/4 8/4 8/4 8/4 8/5 8/5 8/5 8/5 8/6 8/6 8/6 8/6 8/7 8/7 8/7 8/7 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/11 8/11 8/11 8/11 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/12 8/13 8/13 8/13 8/13 8/14 8/14 8/14 8/14 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/16 8/16

5:21 AM 11:41 AM 5:51 PM 12:32 AM 6:16 AM 12:32 PM 6:41 PM 1:22 AM 7:06 AM 1:23 PM 7:28 PM 2:09 AM 7:54 AM 2:12 PM 8:15 PM 2:53 AM 8:40 AM 2:57 PM 8:59 PM 3:31 AM 9:24 AM 3:37 PM 9:41 PM 4:08 AM 10:05 AM 4:16 PM 10:20 PM 4:44 AM 10:45 AM 4:56 PM 10:58 PM 5:23 AM 11:26 AM 5:39 PM 11:38 PM 6:04 AM 12:10 PM 6:28 PM 12:22 AM 6:50 AM 12:56 PM 7:21 PM 1:08 AM 7:38 AM 1:43 PM 8:16 PM 1:56 AM 8:28 AM 2:31 PM 9:12 PM 2:48 AM 9:20 AM 3:26 PM 10:12 PM 3:49 AM 10:18 AM 4:30 PM 11:14 PM 4:57 AM 11:18 AM


Woods Hole, MA 8/16 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/18 8/18 8/18 8/18 8/19 8/19 8/19 8/19 8/20 8/20 8/20 8/20 8/21 8/21 8/21 8/21 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/25 8/25 8/25 8/25 8/26 8/26 8/26 8/26 8/27 8/27 8/27 8/27 8/28 8/28 8/28 8/28 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/31 8/31 8/31

5:34 PM 12:14 AM 6:00 AM 12:18 PM 6:31 PM 1:12 AM 6:56 AM 1:18 PM 7:24 PM 2:08 AM 7:49 AM 2:17 PM 8:17 PM 3:01 AM 8:42 AM 3:12 PM 9:08 PM 3:49 AM 9:31 AM 4:03 PM 9:56 PM 4:33 AM 10:18 AM 4:51 PM 10:41 PM 5:17 AM 11:05 AM 5:40 PM 11:28 PM 6:02 AM 11:53 AM 6:32 PM 12:17 AM 6:49 AM 12:44 PM 7:25 PM 1:07 AM 7:37 AM 1:34 PM 8:17 PM 1:57 AM 8:25 AM 2:24 PM 9:09 PM 2:48 AM 9:15 AM 3:16 PM 10:03 PM 3:45 AM 10:08 AM 4:15 PM 10:59 PM 4:48 AM 11:05 AM 5:16 PM 11:53 PM 5:47 AM 12:00 PM 6:11 PM


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WindCheck Magazine

August 2017


sound environment.

Brewer Takes Stand for Clean Water

Sponsors Historic Swim from Montauk to NYC By Lynn Oliver On June 15, swimmer and clean water advocate Christopher Swain became the first person in history to swim the entire 133mile length of Long Island Sound and the East River. The purpose of Swain’s swim, from Montauk, NY to New York City, was to call for a permanent end to the dumping of raw sewage into coastal waterways. At the 100-mile mark of his swim, in Mamaroneck, NY, Swain paused to say hello to Jack Brewer, founder of Brewer Marinas. Together, they announced a partnership to distribute a revised version of Swain’s Best Practices For Boaters. During their meeting, Brewer spoke of his mother, an avid open water swimmer who regularly swam three miles through Long Island Sound from Mamaroneck to Rye Playland, becoming a strong voice for clean water in the region. The importance to her of clean, swimmable water became a foundational value of Jack’s and helped shaped his approach to marine business. “The more people we can get to embrace clean water, the better,” said Brewer. “We are in a position to help thousands of boaters find ways to clean and paint and protect their boats in ways

that support the health of the waters that all of us use and enjoy.” Best Practices For Boaters is by no means the last word on ocean protection, but rather a comprehensive set of suggestions – swap out your zinc anodes for longer-lasting and more oceanfriendly aluminum anodes, avoid single-use plastic bottles, and pump sewage holding tanks into receptacles on pumpout boats or

Swimmer and clean water advocate Christopher Swain shares a moment with Brewer Yacht Yards & Marinas founder Jack Brewer at Brewer Post Road Boat Yard in Mamaroneck, NY. ©

36 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine

shoreside facilities – that can help boaters do more for the waters they love. “Thousands of boaters use Long Island Sound and the East River,” said Swain. “We developed Best Practices for Boaters to help folks have fun on the water and protect the health of the ocean. The idea is to make boaters aware of the impact their routine activities and choices can have on the health of coastal waterways.” From the start, the Brewer team recognized that they were in a position to protect local waterways. Siting and construction decisions reflected a commitment to protecting fragile coastal ecosystems. Rain gardens and storm water control plans helped to divert and absorb contaminated runoff. Today, everything from solar panels and electric pumpout boats, to boat washing catch basins, and ground water protection systems – as well as helpful advice on environmentally-friendly choices – can be found at Brewer. With its recent merger with Safe Harbor Marinas, Brewer’s environmental initiatives are supported by a national focus including the Sea Bin Project. A floating bin designed to collect debris, these successfully tested at Safe Harbor’s San Diego, CA location this spring and will be rolled out in marinas worldwide. When the opportunity arose to shine a light on Long Island Sound’s water quality, Brewer stepped up to support Swain, who swims threatened waterways to energize protection and restoration efforts. This was not Swain’s first long swim for clean water. He was the first person to swim the entire lengths of the Columbia, Hudson, Mohawk, Charles and Mystic Rivers, as well as Lake Cham-

plain. Over the last two decades, Swain has braved everything from pesticides, raw sewage and nuclear waste to blood-sucking sea lampreys. In Long Island Sound and the East River, Swain swam between two and five hours a day, accompanied by a safety boat whose crew assisted him in collecting water quality data, documenting conditions, and conducting a wildlife inventory. “Every 20 to 25 minutes, I swam up next to the boat, took a water sample, hydrated, and re-fueled,” noted Swain. “We cooperated with the U.S. Coast Guard, so when there was a small craft advisory, gale warning or dangerous sea state, I didn’t swim that day.” Swain swam in a wetsuit, cap, goggles, and a SharkShield repellent device strapped to his ankle. About 50 miles in, an engine failure on his safety boat halted Swain’s westbound progress. He and his crew limped into Brewer Bruce & Johnson’s Marina in Branford, CT. During the time it took to get the engine repaired and then ultimately replaced, Brewer supported Swain by loaning a private boat. Brewer locations in Stratford, Stamford and Mamaroneck also provided assistance. Brewer/Safe Harbor Marinas will be an ongoing partner with Swain, working to identify opportunities to leverage their coastal presence for the good of the ocean. Swain’s big dream? “One day every waterway in North America will be safe for swimming every day.” For more information about Christopher Swain including Swain’s Best Practices For Boaters, visit To learn more about Brewer Yacht Yards & Marinas, log onto ■

WindCheck Magazine

August 2017


from the captain of the port Calling Dr. Skipper, Calling Dr. Skipper – The Onboard Medical Kit By Vincent Pica Commodore, First District, Southern Region (D1SR) United States Coast Guard Auxiliary About 35 years ago, while trying to sail out of Hurricane Alberto’s way in the North Atlantic, a rogue wave hit us and I went airborne. Catching the side of my head on a brass runner, I managed not to be thrown below at a high rate of speed. Of course, it didn’t do wonders for the side of my head. I was crewing with a new captain for the first time and, when the Chief Medical Officer Marty Boorstein grabbed the scotch because there was no alcohol in the medical kit, I started to worry that more was at work here than Alberto. This column is about the advances since… “It is just a Band-Aid” When someone wants to say that something hasn’t really been fixed, they often say, “Just put a Band-Aid over it.” Band-Aid, which is a brand name, realized that they could do better themselves and the new waterproof Band-Aids, on the market now for a few years, are dramatically better than the old version. There is a semi-permeable membrane over sterile gauze, which makes them waterproof and breathable. Wounds need that in order to stay clean and yet be warm and moist enough to promote circulation and healing. These new Band-Aids, and 3M’s “NexCare,” are roughly twice as expensive but worth every penny in healing and prevention from infection. These are fine for cuts and punctures, but if you have blistering on your hands from a burn of some type, you’ll need something that has medical product directly integrated into the dressing, and still breathes too. Such a product would be BandAid’s Advanced Healing Blister Cushion. Not all burns come from fire – think about putting your hand on a hot exhaust pipe or having a line run through your ungloved hand at a high rate of speed. Allevyn and Duoderm have similar products and all can last for several days in place if need be. Liquid Dressings? Many of us have heard of the use of SuperGlue as a liquid dressing/ersatz stitching. It is clever, other than the fact that the SuperGlue itself comes with a warning that says that it is toxic. NewSkin and Dermabond are liquid bandage products that are designed for the same purpose but don’t sport a warning label that says “toxic!” I have no experience with these products under

maritime conditions but I have heard some skippers note that, under harsh conditions, “the stitches come out…” Pain Killers? If you are going to keep anything stronger than Tylenol aboard, you’ll need a doctor’s prescription to buy it and training on how to administer it. Daunting… With that said, many Search And Rescue teams, both at the ski patrol level and on-the-water, are opting for something called “fentanyl” – it is sprayed in the victim’s nose where it is fast acting but short-duration. You’ll still need medical training and prescription processing, but in lieu of giving someone a needle injection with morphine for a crushed leg from a shark bite, this might be something for the right skipper with the right profile to look into. Assists? Need some help out there? Don’t forget some low-tech devices – such an otoscope (the thing the doctor sticks in your ear during an exam). “Dr Mom” offers a cheap and lightweight stainless steel model with an LED light. Great for reading fine print, finding splinters or a bit of barnacle that embedded itself in your finger. What do you do if someone needs artificial respiration? First, I hope you’re up to date on your Red Cross First Aid training. If not, “Google” it and get into a class. In addition to getting good solid training on medical “tech,” you’ll be properly trained in CPR, including artificial respiration. And when you train for that, one of the key items is something between your mouth and the victim’s. Only when “in extremis” do we bypass modern day sanitation and body-fluid control – and one device you might want to have aboard is the NuMask. It fits inside the victim’s mouth like a snorkel rather than over the face like a mask. In summary, you don’t have to stop at the over-the-counter medical kit. You can take your skippering skills to the next level. Remember, you are responsible for the crew, the boat and the boat’s wake. If you are interested in being part of the USCG Forces, email me at or go direct to the D1SR Human Resources department, who are in charge of new members matters, at and we will help you “get in this thing.” ■ Captain Andrew Tucci is the Captain of the Port and Sector Commander for US Coast Guard Sector Long Island Sound. Captain Tucci is responsible for all active-duty, reservist and auxiliary Coast Guard personnel within the Sector. As Commodore of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary First District, Southern Region, Vin Pica works closely with Captain Tucci and his staff to promote boating safety in the waters between Connecticut, Long Island and 200 nautical miles offshore. Sector Long Island Sound Command Center can be reached 24 hours a day at 203-468-4401.

38 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine

The Boating Barrister An Admiralty Lawyer’s Moveable Feast: From the Galley to the driven by procedure over substance. I don’t know what occurred in Wheelhouse By John K. Fulweiler It’s hard to sauce up the law like you might a galley full of dry chicken. Problem is, there’s just never enough sauce to make reading the law anything but dry and that’s why it falls on these shoulders to work my culinary magic. Tuck into our main course featuring a Texas decision highlighting an interesting Jones Act wrinkle with a side of maritime lawyer troubles. Go on, give it a taste. No matter how developed your culinary pallet, this Jones Act decision involves a fact pattern familiar to any of us who’ve done some laboring. How it sets up is the plaintiff was working aboard a dredge, having just finished cutting an anchor chain with a hot torch. He stands, torch in hand, and walks near two crew attempting to reattach the cutterhead. The plaintiff’s testimony is the dredge captain yelled at him to help lift a heavy socket-wrench assembly, and plaintiff tucked the torch under his arm and lent his muscle to the endeavor. Later, plaintiff reports his arm was hurt and he ultimately sued. The curious wrinkle you can taste in the main dish is the “specific order” exception to a claimant’s own negligence under the maritime law. Generally speaking, when a crewmember is carrying out a specific order (and what that is gets sort of technical) and is injured, her damages may not be reduced by a finding of her own negligence as might otherwise be the case. So here, when the jury awarded plaintiff $420,000 the court couldn’t reduce the damages by the 50% of fault the jury assessed against plaintiff. Plaintiff got the whole bundle. Neat dish, huh? Now the side isn’t something we serve all that much, but it brings out the flavors of what it’s like to practice law from the attorney’s perspective. You need some background. Before trial, the attorneys and the judge typically get together to discuss various procedural issues including what charges (or instructions) the court will read the jury. Here, the court apparently told the attorneys during such a charging conference that “I’m not going to mess with this any further.” The next day before the trial begins, defense counsel asked the court to consider a proposed definition of a “specific order.” Hey, I’m on the claimant’s side usually, but I can see where the ends of justice might be served by including such an instruction. The court refused the instruction “mainly because it’s not timely.” Fourteen pages later, the appeals court upheld the trial court’s decision on that point with lots of noise about the court’s discretion and inherent powers and some reference to the trial court having “admonished” the attorneys – a word meaning to reprimand that I don’t much like and which courts use a little too liberally for my taste buds. At any rate, procedural circumstances like these are stressful situations and I submit court made deadlines risk outcomes

this instance, but I don’t like situations where the chef ’s deadlines trump considerations of what might be fair and right. They’re a lot of moving parts to readying for trial and, I ask what would’ve been the harm to quickly hear arguments on that charge? Again, without commenting on this case but simply as a broad inquiry, I wonder sometimes how much the human condition affects justice? More than we realize, no doubt making the efforts of kitchen workers like myself all the more important. Enough of the kitchen; I pursue maritime claims. I may tilt at the occasional windmill and sometimes draw the wrong side of the legal coin, but I’m always championing my client’s claim. We pursue claims for breach of contract, claims for injury and the always wrenching death claims. Liability requires fault and if there’s fault, we’ll find and highlight (and bang the table) as to how the fault caused our client’s injuries. It’s a little eddy of the vast legal world, but it’s as close as you can get to living a white collar life of making wrongs right. Worry maybe I’m too passionate? Don’t. I am our client’s voice and it’s a responsibility I take with awesome seriousness. If you were in my office, you’d want nothing less from me. If you’re on the other side of the table and facing a lawsuit as a vessel owner, I have some thoughts. Be engaged. Your motives and your lawyer (and insurer’s) motives may not always be consistent. You should ask for status updates and make regular inquiries as to whether settlement offers have been made or settlement demands received. Sit down with your lawyer occasionally and demand to know the end game, demand an explanation as to the strong points being made by the claimant’s attorneys, and ask your lawyer to explain your defenses and the likelihood of success. Just because you have insurance doesn’t mean you should forget the claim and I’d wager, your involvement will protect your best interests and may result in an earlier resolution. In the meantime, get sailing and cut up that blue water with foaming streaks of wind-powered etching. And don’t forget to be kind too, man. These days I don’t see as much kindness as there should be; it’ll get you further than you’ll realize. Underway and making way. ■ John K. Fulweiler, Esq. is a Proctorin-Admiralty representing individuals and small businesses in maritime matters including personal injury claims throughout the East and Gulf Coasts and with his office in Newport, Rhode Island. He can be reached at 1-800-383-MAYDAY (6293), or visit his website at

WindCheck Magazine

August 2017


book reviews. Sea Kayaking and Stand Up Paddling

Connecticut, Rhode Island and the Long Island Sound By David Fasulo Published by Falcon Guides, an imprint of Globe Pequot 237 pages paperback $24.95 Long Island Sound, Fishers Island Sound, Block Island Sound and Narragansett Bay have some of the very best waters in the country for kayak touring, stand up paddling and kayak fishing, and our friend David Fasulo has written the definitive guide to exploring the many islands and coastal preserves of this scenic area. After an introduction with an overview of popular areas and tours, how to select the right equipment, launch ramp etiquette, basic navigation, and safety tips including advice on dealing with rough water, the author takes us on an easterly course from Greenwich, CT to Block Island. More than 40 paddling areas are highlighted, with kayak tours for cruising paddlers, distance paddlers and rough water enthusiasts and the best spots for stand up paddlers. We particularly like the “Something Fishy” segments, with tips on the best places and techniques for catching stripers, blues, fluke and other species. In addition to excellent maps with overviews of paddling circuits and launching areas, this book is packed with more than 100 exceptional photographs, most by author David Fasulo, a professional photographer whose images have graced the cover of WindCheck. Among the other shooters providing images is another avid paddler and frequent WindCheck contributor, Carl Tjerandsen, whose photos of Mystic River Mudhead Sailing Association events have appeared in several issues of this magazine. A certified American Canoe Association sea kayak instructor and a participant in several Blackburn Challenge open ocean distance races, David Fasulo has envisioned and completed long distance kayak circuits including the “Stonington Triangle” – Stonington, CT to Montauk, NY, to Block Island, RI and back to Stonington in a day, a distance of 54 miles in 14 hours. He is also 40 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine

the author of How to Rock Climb: Self Rescue and Rock Climbing Connecticut. Whether you’re strapping your ‘yak or board onto a foredeck or roof rack, you deserve a good paddling and Sea Kayaking and Stand Up Paddling Connecticut, Rhode Island and the Long Island Sound is a comprehensive resource and a most worthy companion. ■

Rogue Waves

Anatomy of a Monster By Michel Olagnon Published by Adlard Coles Nautical, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing, Plc 160 pages paperback $30 A source of terror to mariners for centuries, the giant waves known as rogues are seldom seen, and countless reported encounters have been dismissed as exaggerated stories by frightened survivors. Although now acknowledged as far more than myth, relatively little is known about this phenomenon and rogues had not been the subject of in-depth scientific research until now. Author and naval engineer Michel Olagnon has studied these mysterious, ship-killing waves his entire career. Because rogues are not the only type of unexpected extreme waves, Olagnon prefaces his discussion with a look at other damaging waves including bottom waves, sneaker waves, tsunamis and mega-tsunamis including the highest wave ever observed, a 1,720-foot monster (yes – one thousand, seven hundred and twenty feet!) that came ashore in Alaska in 1958. A researcher at the French Institute of Maritime Research, Michel Olagnon specializes in wave statistics and the analysis of ship and marine structural reliability. The founder of a highly acclaimed international conference on rogue waves, he theorizes about how future technology could be used to spot rogue waves as soon as they appear, and perhaps even predict them before they form. Fascinating and evocatively illustrated, this is the definitive guide to understanding how rogue waves are born, live and die. ■

WindCheck Magazine

August 2017


Bermuda, AC Endeavour and the O’Pen BIC By Karina Zaleski Editor’s note: Thirteen-year-old Karina Zaleski lives in Stamford, CT and sails out of Stamford Yacht Club. Coming from a family of sailors, Karina represented the Northeast U.S. at the America’s Cup Endeavour O’Pen, an international event for junior sailors held in Bermuda during the 35th America’s Cup. I first started sailing the O’Pen BIC last fall, when my friend from Optis introduced me to the boat. My friend urged me to go to the Junior Olympic Regatta in Florida. I had so much fun at this regatta and with the idea of an “un-regatta.” BIC sailing was fun for me and I wanted to sail in another BIC regatta. Nevin Sayre [BIC Sport North America’s Junior Sailing Programs Director] encouraged me to do O’Pen BIC North Americans in Sarasota, Florida. I’m really glad that he did. O’Pen BIC North Americans was my second BIC regatta, and the qualifier for the AC Endeavour event in Bermuda. This event was also an un-regatta. An un-regatta is all about having fun. You never know what you will be told to do on each leg. Sometimes it is only a 360 or a mandatory capsize, but sometimes you must stand until you round the next mark. North Americans was a great experience for me and the experience that it led me to have was even better.

Above: Karina Zaleski (yellow helmet) and new friend Jesie DeBraga ham it up during Sunday’s freestyle event. © Suzanne & Waldek Zaleski Below: How many future America’s Cup sailors do you see in this photo? © Suzanne & Waldek Zaleski

Only a few months later, I was on my way to Bermuda! When I arrived in Bermuda, I met some of the RS Feva sailors from Holland at the airport along with a few BIC sailors from Japan. Soon we were off to the Messina House, where 32 sailors, 32 chaperones, the O’Pen BIC coaches, and a film crew would be housed. There were sailors from 10 different countries including many representing the U.S. On the second day of the trip, Jesie DeBraga, a Bermudian friend that I met on the first day, took me to the Blue Hole, which is an old dolphin hole. We went swimming in caves and cliff jumping. Afterwards Karina (center) and her fellow O’Pen BIC athletes were invited onto the main stage at the America’s Cup Village. © Suzanne & Waldek Zaleski 42 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine

the main stage at the AC Village. Sunday was almost everyone’s last day in Bermuda. Some sailors, including myself, sailed in a freestyle event where the goal was to impress the judges by putting on a show. You can do things like headstands, capsizes, pushups off the boom or across the boat and anything else that you can imagine. Sunday evening was the farewell dinner with the O’Pen BIC and Feva sailors. I headed home on Monday morning, taking the early bus to the airport. This was an amazing experience for me. I’ll never forget the friends I met, the places I went, the things I learned, or the entire experience! ■ The author, cleared for takeoff in a blokart © Suzanne & Waldek Zaleski

Bermuda’s motto, ‘Quo fata ferunt,’ is Latin for ‘Whither the fates carry us.’ © Suzanne & Waldek Zaleski

we got ice cream and went back to the Messina House. In the evening we took a trip on the Spirit of Bermuda to watch some of the Red Bull Youth America’s Cup racing. This was a delightful start to my trip. We started practice on the third day. For sailors from outside Bermuda, the AC Endeavour program and the U.S., it was their first time sailing under the “Bridge of Doom” – it’s like limbo for boats. Everyone had so much fun with overcoming the obstacles that Nevin put in front of us. That evening, Nevin surprised us with blokarting, which is a lot like O’Pen BIC sailing on land with wheels. We also met Peter “Pedro” Stevenson, who has designed foiling gear for the O’Pen BIC and other boats. On Thursday and Friday we sailed the regatta, and Saturday was our big show. We sailed a race for live television, as the halftime show between Race 1 and Race 2 of the America’s Cup Finals. All of the sailors had fun and did great, especially in that race. They even asked us up to

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WindCheck Magazine

August 2017


America’s Cup Endeavour O’Pen BIC: The Experience of a Lifetime!

Sailors had to heel over enough to pass under the “Bridge of Doom” while being careful not to capsize. © photoMagiFoster

By Nevin Sayre With the backdrop of the 35th America’s Cup, 32 O’Pen BIC sailors, ages ten to fifteen, participated in the America’s Cup Endeavour O’Pen on Bermuda’s Great Sound June 15 -18. The kids and parents represented ten different nations from around the world, and all hailed the event as the “experience of a lifetime.” The first two days saw spectacular “un-regatta” style racing with required freestyle moves, unique course obstacles, and tight short reach and upwind courses. Several reaching, leg, the sailors slalomed America’s Cup-style starts downwind around jibe tested the sailors, and marks. Along the way, made for very close action. mandatory capsizes, stand Bryce Tone, from Sarasota, up sailing, and tight mark FL, edged out Leo Beyer roundings led to exciting of Germany and local racing. Bermudian O’Pen BIC The grand finale was star, Aiden Lopes, to take the “Bridge of Doom.” first place. Olga Fregni of In order to cross beneath, Italy was fourth, followed sailors had to heel over by Hawaiian Marcos Baez. far enough to clear their The biggest action, masts while not capsizing. however, was on Saturday Marcos Baez from Hawaii between Race One and The enthusiastic crowd at the America’s Cup Village loved the O’Pen BIC Freestyle Kai Boat Club led the Race Two of the America’s Exhibition. © photoMagiFoster fleet through the finish, Cup Finals. After the but all 32 O’pen BIC sailors brought the spectators to a roar with O’pen BIC “Dock Out Show” on the big stage, the kids raced the their impressive show of seamanship. “Half Time Show” in front of thousands of cheering spectators. To In their encore, the sailors took to the water again in front of kick off this quick, eight-minute race, a reaching start brought the the grandstands on Sunday, just before Race Three of the America’s O’Pen BICs within a few boat lengths of the Grandstands. After a Cup Finals. This time they put on an O’Pen BIC Freestyle ExhibiThese 32 young sailors enjoyed a once-in-a-lifetime experience at the America’s Cup Endeavour O’Pen. © photoMagiFoster

tion, delighting the crowds with all kinds of boat handling skills, creative balancing acts, and spectacular dismounts. The O’pen BIC sailors unlocked new heights in their stoke by adding elements of windsurfing, skateboarding, snowboarding to junior sailing. As the incredible America’s Cup foiling catamarans showcased the future of stadium sailing, the O’Pen BIC sailors demonstrated what is possible in junior sailing. Full results, photos, videos and more can be found at ■ A resident of Vineyard Haven, MA, Nevin Sayre is a World Windsurfing Champion, an avid kiteboarder and the Junior Sailing Programs Director at BIC Sport North America.

44 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine

Lukens, Danilek & Ornstein Win the CT/RI Lightning Junior District and Chubb Area B Triplehanded Championship By Grant Ehrlich The stars aligned over Niantic Bay June 30 and July 1 for the Connecticut/Rhode Island Lightning Junior District and US Sailing’s Chubb U.S. Area B Triplehanded Championship, a two-day event hosted by Niantic Bay Yacht Club in Niantic, CT. Day 1 included a clinic, practice racing, and video debrief by 5-time U.S. Match Racing Champion and Chief Rules Judge Dave Perry with guest appearances by current Lightning District Champion Dave Peck and Lightning expert Randy Shore. The clinic began on land with a demonstration of the nuances that make good teams great and the details that make great teams champions. Perry, Peck, and Shore covered mast tuning, the synergistic interplay between the backstay, wire and sheet controls, and the subtleties of sail trim. Then it was on the water for two hours of training under the megaphone of Coach Perry, and two hours of practice racing, to be revisited in a video debrief. Six junior teams participated, using borrowed boats provided by Niantic’s Lightning Fleet 85. When the boat covers came off, the next expression was awe. “Yo, dude, these Lightnings are sick!” was the immediate reaction of MudRatz sailor Alex Hughes. Day 1 concluded with a gourmet cookout by Chef Carol Faye of Niantic’s Slipper Shell Galley. Day 2 was dedicated to championship racing. Niantic Bay YC’s crack race committee hammered out seven back-to-back “no rest for the weary” races. This was a national qualifier, after all, with no wimping out to the “I,” “U,” or “Z” flags by this RC. “X” was all they needed. Early on, Parker Colantuono, Amelia Reed and Jackie Morrison from Sail Newport, sailing More Cowbell, were looking very strong, with 1-2-1 for Races 1 to 3. MudRatz Zach Champney, Peter Cronin and Alex Hughes on Shaken, not Stirred were also placing well, taking the gun in Race 2. Then Chris Lukens, Timothy “TJ” Danilek and Pierce Ornstein from Riverside Yacht Club found their mojo, putting in 1-1-2 for Races 4, 5 and 6. Going into the 7th race, the Lukens and Colantuono teams were in the hunt for the podium, tied with 8 points, and the American Yacht Club team of Eric Dowd, Nicholas Hein and William O’Leary were just two points over MudRatz Lisa Spalding, Evan Spalding and Iain Jaeger. Better still the breeze was building, so much so that the video drone had to head for shore. Chris Lukens’ team from Riverside YC prevailed, earning the right to proceed to the Chubb U.S. Junior Championships at Toms River Yacht Club in Toms River, NJ August 8 -11, where they will compete for the Sears Cup. ■

Six teams representing American Yacht Club, MudRatz, Riverside Yacht Club, Sail Newport and Westhampton Yacht Squadron competed in the the CT/RI Lightning Junior District and Chubb Area B Triplehanded Championship. Many of these young sailors were new to the Lightning, and all agreed that this venerable 19-footer rocks! © Julia Cronin

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August 2017


The 3rd Annual Secor Volvo Fishers Island Sound Race On July 7 & 8, 100 sailors between the ages of 12 to 18 and representing 15 yacht clubs competed in what has become one of the most eagerly anticipated races in the Northeast. Sponsored by Secor Volvo in New London, CT and sailed in 420s, the Secor Volvo Fishers Island Sound Race is a challenging, two-day, clubto- club race along the shorelines of three states. Modeled after the ‘round-the-world Volvo Ocean Race by founder and chairman Brandon Flack, this one-of-a-kind event includes “stopovers” at yacht clubs along the route. This year’s race started at Niantic Bay Yacht Club in Niantic, CT on Thursday, and the first of six legs brought sailors to Fishers Island Yacht Club in Fishers Island, NY. After spending the night on the island, teams sailed to Mystic Shipyard in Mystic, CT on Friday. Like “the other Volvo,” this circumnavigation of Fishers Island Sound features live-streaming video footage shot by drones, online access to real-time GPS race tracking, and a VIP spectators boat. Because much of it takes place on open waters, teams may encounter rough conditions and must make decisions including how to negotiate the area’s infamously vexing tidal currents, this event is a tremendous confidence builder. The Secor Volvo Fishers Island Sound Race is the world’s first junior sailing event to achieve platinum level certification in Sailors for the Sea’s Clean Regattas program. Organizers and participants implemented numerous best practices including banning the use of plastic water bottles, using recyclable din-

Light air prevailed for the 3rd Annual Secor Volvo Fishers Island Sound Race. © Julia Parker Cronin/Outrageous Photography

Eli Gleason and Kristen Healy of Niantic Bay YC are this year’s winners. © Julia Parker Cronin/Outrageous Photography

nerware, eliminating single-use trash bags. Complete results, photos and videos can be found at ■

The sailors did a beach cleanup on Fishers Island before the start of Friday’s racing. © Julia Parker Cronin/Outrageous Photography

46 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine

Reaching for Success at The Clagett The 15th Annual C. Thomas Clagett, Jr. Memorial Clinic & Regatta for sailors with disabilities was hosted by Sail Newport in Newport, RI June 21 - 25. Fifteen years ago, five boats sailed in the inaugural Clagett and this year 21 (3 sonars and 18 2.4mRs) boats took part in the clinic day and sailed the 10 races. Sailors from Rhode Island, Florida, Pennsylvania, Illinois, New Jersey, Connecticut, Indiana, New York, Massachusetts and Canada enjoyed a variety of challenging conditions while racing on Narragansett Bay. The fleet had three races on the final day, after waiting ashore under the postponement flag until the breeze started to build from the southwest. Ben Hall, who hails from Bristol, RI, won all three of the races for the 2.4mR class on the final day, finishing eighth overall (He did not compete on Day 1). “I was sailing a borrowed boat and didn’t want to crash, so I got out in front to avoid anyone,” Hall joked. “This is my first Clagett Regatta, and I learned a lot from sailing the boat in the MetreFest recently.” Paul Tingley from Halifax, NS won the top prize in the 2.4mRs. Tingley, who is no stranger to The Clagett or the 2.4mR, won a bronze medal in Rio at the 2016 Paralympic Games in the Sonar and decided to race the 2.4mR in the 15th Clagett. He won the gold medal in the 2.4mR at the 2008 Paralympics, and has represented Canada at five Paralympic Games. “I love coming to The Clagett and plan on being here racing for many more years to come,” said Tingley. “It was the tightest racing I’ve ever been and I had to make every race count…I’d like to thank Ben Hall for not being here the first day!” Racing at her first ever Clagett in the 2.4mR was Barbara Galinska from Chicago, IL. She started sailing the 2.4mR in November, having previously steered a Freedom and Sonar out of the Judd Goldman program. “It was the hardest thing I have ever done,” said Galinska, “and I am hoping to do again very soon!” The three teams in the Sonar class left everything on the racecourse, with very close racing and finishes for the entire 10 race series. After securing the top spot on the podium, the Y-Knot Sailing team, from Lake George, NY (skipper Dave Whalen and crew Spencer Raggio and J. R. Hardenburgh) couldn’t have been happier with their results. “If it wasn’t for the Clagett and the Clagett Boat Grant Program, we wouldn’t be here, commented mainsheet trimmer Raggio. “The help from everyone to get the Sip and Puff steering system operational has been amazing, and to have Dave steer the last two days with the system has been fantastic. We have had great competition from the other Sonars with really close racing and finishes. We’d also like to thank Mike Ingham for his coaching over the last four days…it really helped raise everyone’s game.” “We’ve had another successful year and I am thrilled that we have had the chance to have 18 2.4mR sailors on a Clagett start line,” said Clagett President and Co-Founder Judy

nan. “We will be working with the 2.4mR class on expanding the presence through the Clagett Boat Grant Program, and we expect to see the 2.4mR as a class at the 2024 Paralympic Games. We are looking forward to being back in Oyster Bay at Oakcliff Sailing Center in August with the Clagett/Oakcliff Match Race Regatta and being able to provide the opportunity for sailors to increase their match racing skills which they can then use in fleet racing. We’ll see you all back in Newport next June for the 16th Clagett.” Founded in 2003, the C. Thomas Clagett, Jr. Memorial Clinic & Regatta honors Judy McLennan’s father Tom Clagett (1916-2001), a U.S. Navy World War II veteran who learned to sail on Chesapeake Bay. As a youngster, Clagett suffered temporary paralysis as the result of a bout of meningitis, an experience that left him with a deep respect for the accomplishments of people

Left to right are Clagett President and Co-Founder Judy McLennan, Carl Lessard, Sonar class winners Dave Whalen, J. R. Hardenburgh and Spencer Raggio, and Stephanie McLennan. © Clagett Regatta/Ro Fernandez

with disabilities. The Clagett’s stated mission is “to assist sailors in realizing their potential on the water by providing them both the knowledge and tools to improve their skills and the opportunity to use these skills in competition.” Tom Clagett’s motto was “Reach for Success,” which resonates with every Clagett participant. Clagett competitors, who have won medals at the 2008, 2012 and 2016 Paralympic Games, often comment that The Clagett, has improved their quality of life as they apply what they’ve achieved on the water to everyday situations. Sponsors of the 15th Annual C. Thomas Clagett, Jr. Memorial Clinic include Fiduciary Trust International and Newman’s Own Foundation at the Platinum level; American International Group, Inc. (AIG) at the Gold level; The Horance A. Kimball & S. Ella Kimball Foundation and Innovative Construction Inc. at the Silver level; and Barbara & Richard Bohan, Gustave White, Sotheby’s International Realty, and Alice & Bruce Whelihan at the Bronze level. Registration for the 2018 Clagett will be held on June 20, with the clinic June 21 and the regatta June 22 - 24 at Sail Newport. For more information including complete results, log onto ■ WindCheck Magazine

August 2017


Rockin’ the Block!

Block Island Race Week XXVII was one to remember Editor’s note: This is an amended version of the report originally published in The 1BI, the daily e-newsletter for the 27th Storm Trysail Club Block Island Race Week produced by risingT Media & Marketing in North Kingstown, RI.

Dan Cheresh’s Extreme2 won five races on her way to victory in the C&C 30 North American Championship. © Stephen R Cloutier/Block Island Race Week XXVII

Chris Lewis looked a bit stunned as he stood on the dock at Payne’s drinking a mudslide while surrounded by his jubilant team. Lewis and his crew on Kenai (Houston, TX) had just pulled off a stunning comeback and somewhat surprising upset, doing so in dramatic fashion. Winning both races on the final day, Kenai took advantage of a rare stumble by Jeff Willis’ Challenge IV (Huntington Bay, NY) to win the always ultra-competitive J/44 class at the Storm Trysail Club’s Block Island Race Week XXVII, which was held June 17 - 23 on Block Island, RI. “It is an honor and a thrill to win Block Island Race Week,” said Lewis. “We have an awful lot of respect for all these J/44 teams. It’s a very competitive class, and we consider this a tremendous accomplishment.” Kenai also

won the J/44 North American Championship, one of several contests at “the championships regatta” that included the IRC, J/109 and C&C 30 North American Championships, PHRF and J/88 East Coast Championship, and J/105 New England Championship. Skipper David Rosow’s Loki (Southport, CT) captured the J/109 North American Championship in similarly convincing fashion, successfully defending her North American crown despite having four new crewmembers. “Putting together a new team was complicated, but the chemistry came together well,” Rosow said. Good Trade, owned by the husband-wife team of Bruce Stone and Nicole Breault of San Francisco, CA, captured the J/105 New England Championship, winning five races and placing second in two others. “Our crew work is so solid that I can call for any type of maneuver at any time and not worry one bit,” said Breault, who calls tactics. Good Trade won the prestigious Everett B. Morris Memorial Trophy, a perpetual trophy presented to the boat that wins its class and, in the judgment of the race committee and Storm Trysail Club Commodore, turns in the Best Overall Performance at Race Week. Teamwork, a J/122 owned by Robin Team of Lexington, Twenty boats turned out in the Performance Cruising Class, and Christopher Schneider’s Rascal – possibly the sharpest Ericson 39 on the water – was victorious in the Non-Spinnaker division. © Allen Clark/

48 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine

Chris Lewis’ Kenai won a tiebreaker to claim the J/44 North American Championship. © Stephen R Cloutier/Block Island Race Week XXVII

NC, made her debut at Block Island Race Week in resounding fashion, winning the last four races to claim the IRC 3 North American Championship. “I came up here with nine of my best friends and we had the time of our lives,” Team said. “This is a mighty sweet win and we are definitely coming back!” Art Santry of Newport, RI skippered his Ker 50 Temptation/ Oakcliff to the North American Championship in IRC 2. This was the first Block Island Race Week victory for Santry, who last competed at the biennial regatta in 1985 when he was 29 on his father’s Frers 58. “The boat was crewed as well as it’s ever been,” said Santry, who had six students from Oakcliff Sailing in Oyster Bay, NY aboard, an ongoing partnership the skipper is proud of. “I’m a big fan of having young kids on the boat,” he said. “They’ll give you all they got…we had a great group of kids this week and they all did a terrific job.” The IRC 1 North American Championship was a 2-boat match between Heidi & Steve Benjamin’s TP52 Spookie (South Norwalk, CT) and the U.S. Naval Academy Varsity Offshore Sailing Team’s TP52 Hooligan (Annapolis, MD). Spookie won all eight races, but Benjamin said it was exciting competition. “I thought the Navy boat did a very good job of starting all week and improved every day. They got the better of us at one point today and we had to tack away,” said Benj, who worked with the midshipmen on their sail trim throughout the week. ORC Club made its debut as a class at Block Island Race Week, and Lincoln Mossop’s Swan 42 The Cat Came Back (Jamestown, RI) led from start to finish. “I’ve been doing Block Island over 20 years,” said Mossop, who dedicated his first Block Island Race Week win to his late father. “It feels great to win this regatta!” This was also the first Block Island Race Week win for Douglas McKeige of Mamaroneck, NY, whose Jazz won seven of eight races to clinch the J/88 East Coast Championship. “I

didn’t expect to do quite this well, but I had a great team here with me this week,” McKeige said. “They hike hard and are constantly working to get the most out of the boat.” Maryellen & David Tortorello of Bridgeport, CT celebrated their 30th anniversary during Block Island Race Week, and the party continued when their J/111 Partnership was victorious in PHRF 1. “We had very, very good competition and I think the key was consistency…we put up a lot of top three finishes,” said David Tortorello. “Our crew work was fabulous.” Brad Porter’s Carrera 280 XLR8 (Westbrook, CT) won two of three races to open the regatta and never looked back in capturing PHRF 2 by 16 points. “I have a very talented team and they sailed the boat extremely well,” Porter said. “We were really in the groove this week. Everything just kind of came together in terms of tactics, crew work and boat speed.” With victory in PHRF 3, John Esposito’s J/29 Hustler (Mohegan Lake, NY) has won her class in 11 consecutive editions of Block Island Race Week! “Winning Block Island never gets old,” said Esposito. “I came out of retirement to do this regatta and now I’m going back into retirement until 2019.” Robert Bruno’s Chance 31 Arabesque (Avon, CT) won a tight battle in PHRF 4. “We were tied on points going into the last race of the regatta and managed to squeak out the win,” said Bruno. Dan Cheresh’s Extreme2 (Saugatuck, MI) won a decisive victory in the C&C 30 North American Championship. With veteran pro Mark Mendelblatt as tactician, Extreme2 won five races and did not need to start the last one. “We wanted to come back strong after our performance at the New York Yacht Club Annual Regatta,” said Cheresh, who took third in that event. “Our improvement was all over the board. We had better straight line speed and Mark did a great job of putting us in the right places.” Testing Life, a Tartan 46 owned by Deb & Brian Mulhull of Ocean City, NJ, topped the Performance Cruising Spinnaker class and claimed a second straight Race Week victory. “We sailed the boat very well because we have a great crew and good sails,” Brian Mulhull said. “We’re always happy to win at Block Island and we had a great time once again.” Under the leadership of Race Week Chairman AJ Evans, the Storm Trysail Club sought to boost participation among owners of cruising boats. Their efforts were rewarded with a strong Continued on page 58 WindCheck Magazine

August 2017


The Long Way 'Round

The 47th Annual World’s Longest Sunfish Race, 30th Annual Catamaran Race, 7th Annual Laser Race, and 2nd Annual C420 Race Around Shelter Island, NY By Beth Fleisher, Southold Yacht Club Race Committee Chair Southold Yacht Club in Southold, NY hosted a unique day on the bay on Saturday, July 8, as a competitive fleet of 29 boats began the World’s Longest Sunfish Race Around Shelter Island. A fairly unusual event in the world of dinghy racing, this is a distance race of 18.9 miles in a line drawn around the island… much more when upwind tacking is taken into account. This was the 47th year for this race, which is on many a sailor’s bucket list. Rob Eberle came all the way from North Carolina to the North Fork of Long Island to cross it off his list. He finished sixth after a hard-fought race in foreign waters, posting a time of 4 hours, 1 minute and 49 seconds.

encouraged him: “Jim, it’s a long race. You have plenty of time to catch up!” Koehler took his advice to heart, placing first with the ninth best time in the race’s 47 years, 3:54:15, three seconds ahead of John Eckart of Massapoag Yacht Club in Sharon, MA. This perhaps best encapsulates the spirit of the race. Yes, a race of so many miles and hours is a challenge that every participant takes seriously. But while the race is certainly competitive, it is a very supportive fleet, cheering each other to the finish. This is a race for young and old. Some Sunfish sail doubles, so parents can share the experience with their children. Dr. Dick Heinl was a strong competitor in the race, and at 92 was its oldest participant, finishing in 4:41:40. His name will be engraved on the Heinl-Lyman Octogenarian Plaque, for oldest competitor. Sisters Kathryn Campbell and Joyce McKenzie grew up sailing in Southold but now live far apart, in the Virgin Islands and Manhattan, respectively. They met up to spend the afternoon on the water. Their effort won the Peggy Wagoner Memorial Trophy, for first woman sailor(s) over the finish line. Thirty years ago, catamaran sailors decided they had to get in on the fun. This year fielded two divisions of cats on the water. Division A saw Andrew Burdett of Mount Olive Township, NJ in his wickedly fast A Class cross the line in 2:02.20. The race committee had to race back from lunch on land to their position to clock him over the line! He was the first boat in from all the fleets, and won his division. Division B was

Jim Koehler was late for the start of this year’s World’s Longest Sunfish Race Around Shelter Island, but was smiling as he crossed the finish line first. © Celeste Flick

Perhaps more remarkable is the story of this year’s winner, Jim Koehler of Amityville, NY. Koehler has raced around the island in years past, but this year traffic on land and a few other complications caused him to be over three minutes late for the start. He was feeling discouraged, but Southold Yacht Club member Peter Young, observing the race from a safety boat, Left to right are Jim Koehler (first place Sunfish and first place Masters), Kathryn Campbell and crew Joyce McKenzie, who won the Peggy Anderson Wagner Award as the top female finishers, and Dick Heinl, the oldest finisher at age 92 © Celeste Flick 50 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine

Sunfish racers at the start © Celeste Flick

were allowed to compete in their C420s. The day’s breeze and reaches gave them plenty of opportunity to trapeze and fly the chute. Robbie Elliston and Amanda Burke won handily at 4:16:38. After a, long, challenging sail with harsh tide considerations and high wind and waves on the back side of Shelter Island in Gardiner’s Bay, they crossed the line with well-deserved huge smiles on their faces. Back at the club, sailors, volunteers, and members relaxed and enjoyed the after-race party. A race like this doesn’t happen without a lot of support from the hosting club. Southold Yacht Club rallies for this unique and now historic event. Safety is always top priority. Ten safety boats followed the fleets around the island, never losing sight of the sailors, keeping in constant contact with each other and the race committee. The hospitality committee is large, guaranteeing plenty of good cheer on land. The Race Around Shelter Island is a milestone in the life of every sailor who completes the course. Souvenir t-shirts will be worn for years to come, and competitors relish the chance to answer the question, “What’s that?” from their landlocked friends. This race builds memories, which is why it is such a cherished and long- running event. Put it on your calendars for next summer…you won’t regret it! Complete results are posted at event/14876#_newsroom. ■

taken by James Gilmore of Narrasketuck Yacht Club (Amityville, NY) sailing with Geoff Loffredo, who won the race in a Sunfish as a teen sailing at SYC. Experience doesn’t hurt in a race of this sort. Lasers joined the race seven years ago. Though this year’s Laser fleet was small, the racing was competitive. Arthur Leiz of the Noyack Bay Informal But Competitive Laser Racing Association sailed an outstanding race, finishing in 3:57:02, over 11 minutes ahead of second place finisher Cole Coby of Shelter Island. 1 6/11/15 3:43 PM Page 1 yanmar_dealer_ad_7x4.75_windcheck_Layout This was the second year that Southold YC’s youth sailors

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WindCheck Magazine

August 2017


Gotham Multihulls Regatta

Relishing the breezy conditions, Michael Divon’s Corsair 37 Milk & Honey claimed a second consecutive victory in the Gotham Multihulls Regatta. © Laurent Apollon Images

By Andy Houlding The fourth edition of the annual Gotham Multihulls Regatta enjoyed spectacular racing weather on June 3 & 4, with plentiful breeze and sunny skies. The conditions favored Milk & Honey, the Corsair 37 owned by Michael Divon, and she took first place for the second year in a row. My Corsair 28R Skedaddle repeated last year’s second place, and Glenn Reed’s Condor 40 Intruder grabbed third in a fleet of nine trimarans. The only regatta in New York City for multihulls, Gotham Multihulls is organized by Laurent Apollon, who was assisted in Race Committee work by SailAhead, the group created by brothers and Hobie sailors Kilian and Sean Duclay to help veterans deal with PTSD through sailing. Saturday’s race started as usual off Staten Island’s Great Kills Harbor, where our hosts at the Richmond County Yacht Club are headquartered. We reached up to Coney Island, tacked back to the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge and up to marks in the New York Harbor, with plenty of time to check out the Statue of Intruder, a Condor 40 skippered by Glenn Reed, finished third. © Laurent Apollon Images

Liberty. Milk & Honey got the gun, and we corrected out behind her. Most of the multihull fleet overnighted at the new One°15 Brooklyn Marina in Brooklyn Bridge Park, and enjoyed pizza and beer at Fornino Pier 6. Sunday started with a skipper’s gathering on the pier by the marina, where we decided on an in-harbor course starting below Governor’s Island and turning north to the Statue. The breeze was light at first but filled in nicely, the boats flying chutes and gybing across the harbor with the Manhattan skyline providing a backdrop. Jeff Bugbee’s modified Corsair 31 Final Gravity missed the race on Saturday but had a great start on Sunday, finishing a close second behind Milk & Honey. But since Final Gravity didn’t compete in Saturday’s race, Skedaddle held second place overall. Gotham Multihulls 2017 is part of the New England Multihulls Association racing schedule, counting for the annual NEMA championship. For more information, visit and ■ Andy Houlding is the Editor of the NEMA newsletter.

52 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine

Stonewall Sails Pride Regatta By Maeve Gately Hudson River Community Sailing (HRCS) and the Knickerbocker Sailing Association (KSA) partnered for the 14th annual Stonewall Sails on June 24. Stonewall Sails, which was the first gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender sailing regatta when it debuted in 2003, remains the longest-running LGBT sailing regatta in the world. It is the sixth year that HRCS has partnered with KSA, who in turn raises funds to support HRCS youth programs. This year, KSA members raised over $9,000, and competed for a close first place out on the Hudson. “Twenty-knot gusts and a very strong ebb current made for some white-knuckle mark roundings,” said regatta co-organizer Matt Kapp. By the end of the day, the top three finishers were separated by just one point. “There’s never a dull moment on the Hudson,” Kapp, added. “And, as always, hats off to HRCS for their professionalism and patience!” Earlier that same week, HRCS hosted the first annual Mark J. DiStefano Youth Regatta, the final event in HRCS’s youth keelboat racing program. This program is the first interscholastic sailboat racing league in New York City, and brings public and private schools together to compete on the water. The regatta honors the memory of Mark DiStefano, an avid sailor who passed away late last year. Family and friends of Mr. DiStefano came down to watch the regatta, which took place on a breezy morning. “Whether it’s KSA, local high schools, or industry groups like the New York Architect’s Regatta Foundation, HRCS is proud to provide a venue for organizations of all types to get out

© Tom Kluepfel

on the water and celebrate their mission,” said HRCS Community Sailing Director Don Rotzien. Celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, HRCS was founded in 2008 to develop leadership and academic success in underserved New York City youth through sailing education, and provides maritime education and recreation to the community at large. As part of that mission, HRCS partners with a number of groups and community organizations throughout the season, hosting regattas, team building events, and a membership program to connect the city to the waterfront. Organizations interested in hosting their event with HRCS should contact the organization at ■ Maeve Gately is the Development Director at Hudson River Community Sailing. With winds gusting over 20 knots, the Stonewall Sails race committee called for reefing on the seven competing J/24s. © Tom Kluepfel

WindCheck Magazine

August 2017


33rd Annual Newport Regatta Photos by More than 600 sailors on 177 boats from 24 U.S. states and three countries turned out for the 33rd Annual Newport Regatta, hosted by Sail Newport in Newport, RI on July 7 - 9. This event is typically the largest event of Newport’s summer sailing for one-designs, and participants experienced a medley of weather conditions on five racing areas on Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound. On Friday, the Melges 20s, 110s (contesting their National Championship), RS Aeros (Nationals) and J/70s (New England Championship) raced outside Newport Harbor off the East shore of Jamestown on a tough, rainy day with low visibility. The breeze started out a moderate easterly and built to a strong 16- to 18-knot northerly. On Saturday, the sunshine arrived with a moderate southerly that built to 15 to 17 knots for “Chamber of Commerce” conditions. Sunday morning’s light northwesterly shifted around to a

building southwesterly, and the 16 classes completed multiple races in winds in the upper teens. The M32 catamarans started a race around Conanicut Island in light air earlier in the day, finishing in 18- to 20-knot blustery conditions 17 miles later. The additional classes that raced on Saturday and Sunday included 2.4mRs, 29ers, 5O5s, Comets (Atlantic Coast ChamBob Maccini’s Blue2 (Jamestown, RI) won the VX One New England Championship. © Allen Clark/

Joe Berkeley of Hull, MA and Linda Epstein sailed retread to the 110 Class National Championship. “Dr. Ep has game!” Berkeley enthused. © Allen Clark/ 54 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine

Representing Ida Lewis Yacht Club, Griffin Spinney (helm) and Ben Rosenberg finished third in the 29er class. © Allen Clark/

pionship), Ensigns (Atlantic Coast Championship), Etchells (Narragansett Bay Championship), F-18 catamarans, J/24s, Lasers, Swan 42s (New England Championships) and VX Ones (New England Championship). The Dr. Robin Wallace Trophy, which recognizes the sailor

with the best performance in the Newport Regatta, was awarded to Laser sailor John Kirkpatrick of Portsmouth, RI. Sailing Johnny B. Goode, Kirkpatrick, who is only 17, bested a fleet of Laser veterans and class champions with a 2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-3 scoreline. Complete results are posted at ■

With 17 boats, the Melges 20 fleet was surpassed in size only by the J/70s (29 boats) and Lasers (21). © Allen Clark/

WindCheck Magazine

August 2017




Sailing Capital of the World By Joe Cooper Congratulations to the entire team of lads and ladies from The Land of the Long White Cloud, aka Kiwis. Much has been said about Kiwi innovation with respect to bikes (although Pelle Petterson must be laughing his stern post off), X-box controls, the new generation of young’uns and all the other stuff. What I have not seen remarked on anywhere is the social and historical context behind this success, the almost inbuilt ability to innovate. New Zealand is a tiny nation of a few islands and a lot of sheep at what was, before the internet afforded ‘easy’ access to the outside world, pretty close to the end of the world, on the very edge of the windswept wastes of the Southern Ocean. Consequently, Kiwis have a long history of making things and fixing their own stuff. “DIY” could be the Kiwi national motto and nowhere is this cultural vein more obvious than in their recent win. Bloody good job, you lot. Of all the people watching this spectacular performance arguably, two cities with knowledgeable and skilled sailors, sizable populations of former (and in one case, current) AC competitors, and sizeable populations of Kiwis and Aussies are Annapolis and Newport. Any sentence with those two towns in it is not far away from the discussion on which is the Sailing Capital of the World. I was reminded of this debate on a recent Thursday, while volunteering at the NBYA Opti Regatta, hosted by Ida Lewis YC and sailed in the basin between Goat and Rose Islands. Sheepdogging some 70 Optis from King Park to the Astro-Surf on a sunny morning in July means being alert for all manner of traffic coming and going around the south end of Goat Island. This glorious morning scene was full of powerboats of all shapes and sizes, from the boys in their Bayliners all the way up to a selection of Mega Yachts. The Jamestown Ferry was plying its circuitous route back and forth and Oldport Launch service was shuttling sightseers from downtown to Fort Adams. There were the oddly shaped, so called Life Boats, complete with signage saying ‘150 passengers only’ shuttling punters from a Carnival lines cruise ship anchored at the top end of our proposed racecourse around to Perotti Park public dock, also the destination for the

Providence to Newport Fast Ferry. There were a goodly supply of guys in center cockpit skiffs going fishing, trawlers coming home from fishing and one bloke sailing around in a Dyer 10. The charter 12 Metres were up and about, entertaining groups of sunburnt insurance salesmen from Iowa with the experience of sailing on an America’s Cup yacht. The Opti regatta had a circle for the Green fleet and one for the other colors. I, and a young man, Mickey, the son of an Ida member whose dad had volunteered him, was the weather mark boat and so I had plenty of free time to watch the sailing world go by. In no particular order the following is a selection of the boats I remember seeing Two largish tris, recently arrived in the OSTAR, departing Newport for points unknown. This demanding race, the grand parents of all solo racing, has since the second edition in 1964, finished in Newport. That second race, it may be remembered, was the one that put Eric Tabarly on the map. There were other OSTAR finishers moored in various parts of the harbor. This modest fleet included the first-to-finish winner (in an Open 50), a couple of Class40s, and so on. As the tris were passing Fort Adams there was, sailing inbound, a beautiful classic yacht, maybe a New York 50, a gaff-rigged cutter rig with flying jib set on a bowsprit that would be the envy of any sportboat. Two of Newport’s tour boat schooners were crossing each other also, close inshore to the fort, one of which saluted something with a shot from what was probably a small bronze starting canon, complete with smoke wafting down on the light southerly. Said light southerly was not an advantageous direction for a square-rigger, so the Oliver Hazard Perry, also outbound for sea, was under power as she transited the Newport Bridge. Poking over the Goat Island condos, the wedding hall and almost over the top of the former Hyatt were the aero lights and wind wands of the mega yachts at Newport Shipyard. A third J-Class was motoring into the shipyard to join two already dockside, plus an assortment of sailing yachts over 30 meters, in town for The Candy Store Cup. Because of the cruise ship’s anchorage we had to move the racecourse to the east a bit, which put the bottom mark closer than preferred to the anchorage off the Point. This was occupied with, apart from the usual yachts on their moorings, half a dozen 65- to 100-foot yachts, power and sail, anchored out. One of the ‘another day at the office’ aspects of running races in this area is the requirement to not put marks ‘too close to that white, anchored yacht’. During the intermittent flurries of moving marks, I saw out of the corner of my eye the usual Hinckleys, Little Harbors and the odd Morris or two common to Newport and Narragansett Bay, heading their various ways. They were in company with several mega yachts plying the channel to and from New England Boatworks and the Hinckley yard, up the bay a few miles. Across the bay at Conanicut Yacht Club in Jamestown, the summer camps were in full swing with the 420 and Opti programs underway, closely watched by college and high school sailors in the ubiquitous RIBs. When not actively engaged in moving marks, I turned off the

56 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine

engine and so drifted to the north on the fading morning flood tide. As the young’uns approached the weather mark, I motored back to the south of my mark and so be looking onto Brenton Cove. My eye took in a fine collection of all classes of sailing yachts, on moorings, or in the case of cruising boats, at anchor. The south side of the channel in Newport is an open anchorage and, for instance, the French are easy to spot in their unpainted, hard-chine aluminum cruising boats. They and their cruising brethren, a motley assortment of yachts strewn with solar panels, wind turbines, fuel jugs lashed to the rail and biminis zippered to dodgers idled at anchor, their owners in various states of repose watching the sailing world go by. My gaze drifted past the cruising fraternity across to the Swan 42s and a couple mid-sized IRC boats, more Hinckleys, and landed on Bolero, that classic wooden boat of a past era. Further up in Brenton Cove, the Sail Newport summer program was in full flight, in boats of number and class too numerous to identify, or at least list here. The Newport Regatta was starting the next day and some boats were out practicing. This particular cohort represented almost 80 years of ‘sportboat’ thinking and design in the shape of the 110 (hosting their National Championships), all the way up to Melges 20s. The Etchells had small room on the Newport side so were practicing on the Jamestown side trying to keep away from the nippers in Optis. I guess the crews from the J/70s, F18s, VXOnes and Lasers were confident in their speeds, although the high school kids in the 29ers were buffing up on their gybing in what remained of the water between the east side of our course near Goat Island. Bear in mind, all this was just one day on one month of summer and it’s not a Bermuda Race year, although it was a Bermuda 1-2 year. Neither does this discussion include past visits by IMOCA 60s, who use Newport to stage for events departing from New York, Class40s across a variety of events, a selection of giant tris including, a few years ago, Spindrift preparing for a crack on the west-east transatlantic record, 3 days and change being the time to beat. And a few weeks ago, Bristol’s Charlie Enright and the Vestas 11th Hour Racing VOR program in town after a practice trip across the Atlantic. During their stopover for a 10day buff n’ fluff in Newport Shipyard, I was able to get a clutch of my own Prout high school sailors the dollar tour hosted by a Kiwi shore crew member, after which Enright and Co. took off on another trip back the other way. Yup, Annapolis is a lovely city with lots of sailing. But Sailing Capital of the World, at least as measured by the diversity of sailing boats passing through or calling Newport their hailing port? I don’t think so. ■ Australian born, Joe ‘Coop’ Cooper stayed in the US after the 1980 America’s Cup where he was the boat captain and sailed as Grinder/ Sewer-man on Australia. His whole career has focused on sailing, especially the short-handed aspects of it. He lives in Middletown, RI where he coaches, consults and writes on his blog, joecoopersailing. com, when not paying attention to his wife, teenage son, dog, two cats and several, mainly small, boats.

Cooper’s Recommended Reading List, Part II (If you missed part I of Coop’s list of books that have contributed to his understanding of, and approach to, making long voyages at sea, you’ll find it at The Ocean Sailing Yacht by Donald Street: The author is an accomplished surveyor of coastlines (and boats), an insurance agent with Lloyds of London, and another character who’s made a career of boats. The Venturesome Voyages of Captain Voss by John Claus Voss: A professional mariner, like Slocum, if memory serves, Voss made several voyages in boats, under 35 feet. Deep Water and Shoal by William Albert Robinson: The story of a circumnavigation, with one crew, in a 32-foot Alden ketch in the 1930s. The Long Way and Cape Horn: The Logical Route by Bernard Moitessier: Written by a man who has attained mystical proportions in the French sailing fraternity, these two books recount long distance, long term voyages, solo in one case, in a 40-foot steel ketch, complete with insights in the psychology of solitude. The Ship Would Not Sail Due West and Ice Bird by David Lewis: The first is his account of competing in the first OSTAR. The second, written after his 1972 circumnavigation of Antarctica in a 32-foot steel boat is, in my mind, more of an essay on how not to undertake a passage and is interesting in that light. A World of My Own by Robin KnoxJohnston: An account of his benchmark solo singlehanded circumnavigation – 290 days at sea, non-stop in a 32-foot Tahiti ketch – undertaken in the late ‘60s. ■

WindCheck Magazine

August 2017


America's Cup

Block Island Race Week

Continued from page 17

Continued from page 49

Cup Village, then ate a somewhat somber dinner with ORACLE team members at The Frog and Onion in Dockyards. We left to catch the last ferry to Hamilton to enjoy live music at The Hog Penny pub and dancing at Café Cairo. I headed home from Bermuda to Rye, New York while ORACLE TEAM USA spent the next week (June 19-24) shedding about 200 pounds off of their AC50, according to skipper Jimmy Spithill. And under his watch, ORACLE managed a critical win in their effort to defend the Cup, maneuvering in shifting winds in the 6th race on June 24. I watched the Kiwis win the Cup on TV in my kitchen in Rye, and could almost taste the Goslings, smell the saltwater, and feel the boat sway. Almost. ■

turnout for the Performance Cruising Class, with many of the 20 boats sailed by crews comprising families and friends. Christopher Schneider’s Ericson 39 Rascal (Centerport, NY) won the 10-boat Performance Cruising Non-Spinnaker division with a 1-2-1-2 scoreline. New for Race Week XXVII was a division for Multihulls, and Block Island resident Thomas Lee’s Gunboat 55 catamaran Jammy prevailed over four trimarans. “The Jammy crew learned a lot this week about the Gunboat 55,” said Lee, who keeps the big electric blue cat at a dock in front of his home on Coast Guard Road. “It seems like the fresher breezes that predominated this week really suit Jammy. We are really thrilled with this win.” Mount Gay Rum and North Sails were the Gold Sponsors of Block Island Race Week XXVII. Additional sponsors included Atlantic Yacht Rigging, Bitter End Yacht Club, Commanders’ Weather, Deepwater Wind, Freedom Boat Club, Gill, Gowrie Group, Heineken, Lila Delman Real Estate, Regatta Ginger Beer, Landfall, New England Boatworks, New England Ropes, Newport Vineyards, Pantaenius Yacht Insurance, PhotoBoat. com, Sailing World, and WindCheck. More information can be found at ■

Lisa duBusc Miller was born in Greenwich, CT. She has travelled around the world and written about her adventures. Her articles have been published in The Rye Record, The Rye City Review, Global Living Magazine, Indagare Magazine, Eastern Surf Magazine, The Greenwich Citizen, The Examiner News, Whalebone Magazine, The Pingry Review, Bucknell Magazine, and Scuttlebutt Sailing News. She lives in Rye, NY with husband, three teens and two dogs.

58 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine











Family Owned & Operated Yacht Sales, Service, Storage, Slips & Moorings Since 1975 SELECT SAILBOAT LISTINGS 53’ 1998 Amel 53 48’ 2015 Beneteau Oceanis 48 46’ 2009 Beneteau 46 45’ 2017 Beneteau Oceanis 45 45' 2003 Jeanneau Sun Odyssey45 45’ 1977 Fuji 45 44’ 1989 J/44 43’ 2008 Beneteau 43 42’ 2004 Sabre 426 42’ 1993 Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 41’ 2000 Beneteau 411 41’ 2008 Tartan 4100 40’ 2011 Beneteau 40 40’ 2007 Beneteau 40 40’ 1999 Beneteau First 40.7 39’ 2006 Beneteau 393 39’ 1982 Cal 39 38’ 2014 Beneteau Oceanis 38 38’ 1982 Ericson 38 38’ 2000 Beneteau 381 36’ 1993 Catalina 36 36' 1983 Catalina 36 36’ 2001 Beneteau 36CC 34’ 1987 Express 34 34’ 2005 Beneteau 343 33’ 1984 Hobie 33’ 1974 Pearson 10M 31’ 2002 Beneteau 311 31’ 1988 Tartan 31 31’ 1987 Pearson 31 30’ 1987 Catalina 30 30’ 1984 S2 9.2 CC 28' 1990 Beneteau First 285 22’ 1963 Pearson Ensign

$229,000 399,000 218,750 425,000 215,000 65,000 180,000 185,000 260,000 109,000 110,000 335,000 189,000 168,000 107,000 159,000 34,000 184,000 39,900 92,000 45,000 35,000 79,999 26,000 84,000 24,500 15,500 49,900 38,000 19,900 14,900 12,000 14,900 1,200

SELECT POWERBOAT LISTINGS 45’ 1986 Bayliner 4588 Motoryacht $125,000 41’ 1968 Hatteras 25,000 38’ 2002 Regal 3860 108,000 33’ 1974 Egg Harbor 33 32,000 30’ 2003 Mainship Pilot II 70,000 28’ 2003 SeaRay 280 Sundancer 52,995 27’ 2017 Northcoast 27 Hard Top call 26’ 1990 SeaRay 260 9,900 23’ 2018 Northcoast 23 Hard Top-In Stock call 22’ 2003 SeaRay 220 Sundeck 27,500 20’ 2018 Northcoast 20 Center Console-In St call 20’ 2000 Bayliner Trophy 9,750

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WindCheck Magazine August 2017 59



14’ Laser 1992 - Hull in very good condition. All accessories included: Spars (standard rig upper and lower, boom), sail in great shape, all running rigging, blades, tiller and tiller extension. New, unused extra centerboard included. $1100. Located in Milford, CT. Call Chris: 203-895-0083. 22’ ODay 1973 - Good condition. Johnston 9.9 hp outboard, main and self furling jib. Great family sailing boat .Located in Mamaroneck Harbor. $2,500. 914-329-4132.

22’ Etchells 1998 - Pacesetter # 1086, 2 sets Doyle sails, open sail card, North full boat cover, 3 spin poles, forward ring frame, Tack Tick compass, double axle trailer w/ sail box, new axles 2005, new brakes, bearings 2014 $12,000. 860-227-6135

23’ Com-Pac 23/3 1988 - Good condition, lightly used, nicely rigged. 130% genoa, Harken roller furling. 2000 8hp Johnson w/ alternator, very low hours. $6,900. Trailer available separately. Galvanized frame in excellent condition, new keel rollers. Needs some additional work, can provide parts and labor as part of purchase. More info/photos contact:

BOATS FOR SALE- SAIL 27’ C&C Mark V 1984 - Strong racing and cruising credentials. Chosen by Sailing World as top 27 foot PHRF racer. Newly rebuilt Yanmar engine. New bottom paint (2017). Custom trailer. Large sail inventory. Sleeps 6. Located in Trumbull, CT. Quality boat for racing or family. Reduced to $11,000. Contact: Larry Fullerton 203-400-2085 or

27’ O’Day 1986 – Harmony is a pleasure to sail. 2011 Tohatsu 9.8hp long-shaft, 2007 main & 130% genoa, 2007 roller furler, Icom VHF radio (DCS functionality), tiller autohelm. Located in Bridgeport, CT. Contact Craig 203-505-9614 Asking $9,500

27’ Custom Noe - EnCharette is a legendary race winner that has been meticulously maintained and upgraded throughout her stellar career. Huge North Sails inventory, custom Triad Trailer, 5Hp Honda. 203-214-5696. Asking $20,000.

28’ O’Day 1980 - Great boat. Fantastic weekender. Re-powered 7 years ago with a new 13 hp Beta Marine Engine, low hours. Sleeps 5. Auto helm. Well maintained by NVBY. Two sets of sails + Spinnaker. Will include the balance of the season on mooring at Noank Village Boat Yard, Noank, CT. Asking $12,500. Call Bob @ 860-383-5405

BOATS FOR SALE- SAIL 30’ Olson 911SE 1988 - Highly regarded cruiser / racer design. BADGER is wellmaintained and upgraded, including recent carbon aramid sails - main (‘14) and two headsails (‘15). Competitive PHRF racer and comfortable family cruiser. $29,900. Lying Westbrook, CT. Mike 203-903-3957.

30’ Pearson 1976 - Bill Shaw Design cruiser racer great sailing boat Atomic 4 engine and hull professionally maintained asking $7,200. Contact Carmine 631 8960983 or

30’ Alberg 1967 - Well maintained fresh water cooled Atomic Four engine, new exhaust, mast step and aluminum mast bulkhead support upgrade. Self tailing winches, 3 head sails, all sails in excellent condition. Barrier coated hull. 6’3” cabin head room with memory foam cushions and comes with cradle. Holds several regatta trophies (Long Island, NY). Asking $11,000 Contact Gary (516) 443-1878 or

31’ Tashiba Pilothouse Cutter 1987 Beautiful all weather Bob Perry design. One-of-a-kind pilothouse model. Wellmaintained. Full teak decks, spacious bright teak interior. Galley w/stove. Two piloting stations, sail outside or inside. Listed at $69,000. For more info pictures, contact

find us on facebook 60 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine

BOATS FOR SALE- SAIL 31’ Island Packet 1985 - New rigging, roller furling. Yanmar diesel, new Awlgrip paint. Freshly refurbished. Asking $46,500. Call Bruce 860-235-5035 or Dana 860-912-0042

31’ O’Day 1986 - Very well maintained, inside and out. Comes with many upgrades that others just don’t have. Radar, chart plotter, wind & speed instruments, autopilot, dodger & bimini, Very stable pleasure to sail and cruise. $21,000 Contact Don:

32 Catalina C-320 1996 - For Sale By Owner. Excellent Condition 32’ with Newer Raymarine Electronics and Radar. Fin Keel, New Dinghy, Kato Davits, Doyle Stack Pack, Bimini & Dodger, Magma Grill, Edson Cockpit Table, Full Cushions and Many Upgraded Additions. Located in Glen Cove, NY. $49,900 619-895-3406

BOATS FOR SALE- SAIL 33’ Kalik - Beautiful sailing yacht with sleek long lines and unrivaled responsiveness. Well-maintained, one owner. Equipped for racing and cruising. Full teak decks, welcoming and spacious teak interior, sleeps 7, large galley w/stove/oven, dedicated Nav station, large sail inventory. Competitive race record when actively raced. Listed at $19,500, For more, contact Fred: 347-927-3350.

37’ Baltic Racer/Cruiser - Built in Finland to Baltic’s renown standards. Unusually well-equipped, maintained and updated. Sleeps 7-8 in three teak cabins. She’s strong, light, fully equipped for racing, day sailing or to places more distant. Many pictures, low price and detailed specs at 914-473-0606

34’ Catalina 1989 - Tall rig wing keel. A modern design with low heeling angles and a PHRF rating of 150. Frank Butler designed a great boat with a spacious layout - queen size aft berth, wide modern main salon and roomy cockpit. Excellent mechanical condition with newer electronics. Asking $37K Owner 203-579-1500

36’ Catalina 2000 - Meltemi is one of the best equipped Catalina 36’s on the market today. Full enclosure, davits, dinghy, solar panels, SSB. Owner is very motivated. Maintenance records available. $74,000 (RI) Latitude Yacht Brokerage, Tim Norton CPYB, 401-575-8326,

33’ Ranger 1975 - Good condition,1998 Yanmar 3GM,FWC. Decent sails, Matrix VHF with AIS, Garmin gpsmap 740s 203-224-0448 $8,650 33’ Dehler Optima 101 1986 - German built open transom fractional racer cruiser. Recent Yanmar, North Sails, barrier coat, rigging , many upgrades. Light, fast and exceptionally well designed and built with cruising amenities. If you are looking at Sabre and J, check this out. Mystic, CT. $28,000, 860-857-9987


36’ Bayfield - (41 foot overall) Classic clipper bow, high-gloss bright work. AC 2 cycled. Radar, autopilot, VHS/AIS with remote mic. Windvane steering. Hot and cold water, shower with tub. Electric flush toilet. Large refrigerator with freezer. 6’3” headroom, YANMAR diesel. New battened mainsail with lazy jacks. Roller furling jib. New windless, 2 anchors, 6 self tailing wenches. Gas stove/oven. Ready to sail away. Two boat owner. Just reduced $59,900. 516-984-7337

38’ Cabo Rico 1990 Cutter Rig - Three anchors with rodes. Windlass. 150 gallons of water. Watermaker. Cabin heater. Dodger. Bimini. Head, shower, cockpit shower and double galley sink. Regrigerator/freezer. VHF, GPS, autopilot, radar, solar panels, wind generator. $109,000. Call Bob Kleid 203-394-1838

38’ Ericson 1995 -Must see Ericson 38-200, top quality Pacific Seacraft build. Re-powered in 2012 with 38 HP Yanmar, up-dated sails and canvas, bimini, self-feathering prop. Very clean and well maintained at excellent yard. Yacht quality teak interior with two stateroom layout and stall shower. A rare opportunity to get a great sailing yacht with many upgrades, price reduced $15,000 by her two boat owner. Asking $99,000. Jim Munro, New Wave Yachts, 508-972-2044.

WindCheck Magazine

August 2017


BOATS FOR SALE- SAIL 38’ Hunter 386 2003 - Located in East Greenwich, RI. Well-lit and airy interior. Great family boat for week or more well equipped with HVAC, dodger, bimni, auto pilot, radar. All top brand equip from Pro furl, Raytheon, Lewmar, Yanmar. Many improvements over the winter, Ready to sail away. Asking $115,000. Contact Anthony at 401-954-1172.

38’ C&C 115 2006 - New Listing! A carbon fiber rig, stiff epoxy hull, furling 110% headsail, aft-led control lines and a spacious cockpit make her a joy to sail. She has been gently raced and mostly cruised by her original owner. NEW (2016): Saildrive, Barrier Coat on Keel and Bottom Paint. New Windlass Installed (2017). She is clean and ready for inspection. $149,900 (MA) Please call to make an appointment to see this great boat. Latitude Yacht Brokerage, Matthew Leduc CPYB, 401-226-1816

BOATS FOR SALE- SAIL 39’ Vilm-116 2004 - Fast, comfortable, and extremely seaworthy. Recent upgrades and specifications: Doyle Mainsail (2014), air conditioning w/reverse cycle heat, 4 AGM Batteries (2014), Simrad AP22 hydraulic autopilot, Garmin GPS 128 Chart Plotter. $189,900 (MA) - Call Ryan J. Miller CPYB: 401-835-0069

40’ Saga 409 2005 - The Saga 409 is the definition of a performance cruiser. Impressive 6’9” headroom in the main salon along with windows and hatches that let in lots of natural light. Recent Awlgrip “Stars & Stripes Blue”. $185,000 (NC) - Call Tom Miller: 401-835- 7215

40’ Beneteau - The Beneteau 40 offers a great combination of performance, ease of handling and interior comfort that make her a perfect choice for cruising couples or families. Two available from $168,000. Call Willis Marine 631-421-3400 38’ Hunter 2006 – New aggressive pricing! Full suite of electronics for navigation & entertainment, bimini and dodger to shade and protect the cockpit, dinghy davits, NEW (2016) North 3DL full vertical batten mainsail & jib, solar panel and many more options that make her a comfortable and easy boat to sail and relax. $127,500 (RI). Latitude Yacht Brokerage, Matthew Leduc, 401-226-1816

Place your classified ad by sending your listing to WindCheck, P.O. Box 195 Stratford, CT 06615

41’ Gulfstar Center Cockpit 1974 - Sloop owned by a marine industry professional for over 40 years and lovingly maintained. Major upgrades including repower with Yanmar 51 HP Diesel - repowered 1999 and electronics. Ready to sail over the horizon! $50,000. Call Michael Beers, McMichael Yacht Brokers. 718-764-7215.

BOATS FOR SALE- SAIL 42’ Sabre 426 2004 - Fresh Awlgripped in 2014 flag blue with a white boot top. New sails in 2012. She looks beautiful and is ready for a new owner. $260,000. Call Willis Marine 631-421-3400

42’ Beneteau First 42s7 1995 - Bruce Farr Design. Owners’ model, 6’5” headroom, A/C. Extensively outfitted for coastal and offshore cruising. 6 man liferaft. 2015 upgrades include: Raymarine radar and instruments, new lenses for ports and hatches, 135% genoa. Very Good Condition. $85,000. Contact: Don at 203-247-1695

43’ Bristol 43.3 1987- Altair is a Ted Hood designed yacht with desirable classic teak interior, two staterooms and ample space. The Bristol 43.3 is well known to have great sailing characteristics, featuring a centerboard and aft cockpit. Currently stored indoors and available for inspection this 43.3 has seen major improvements over the past few years totaling over $65,000! Some of the key improvements include: new Westerbeke 55D Diesel Engine (2013), new fuel tank (2016), mast rewired (2016). $159,000 (RI) Latitude Yacht Brokerage, Ryan Miller CPYB, 401-835-0069,

44 Jeanneau 1989 –Big Boat, Low Price! She is very well outfitted and is seriously for sale. She was updated in 2003 with NEW: canvas, sails, cushions and Yanmar Diesel Engine. She is a two cabin, two head layout. $79,900 (MA) - - Call Matt Leduc: 401-226-1816

or call 203-332-7639

62 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine

BOATS FOR SALE- SAIL 44’ Tartan 4400 2005 - “Her raised salon provides for a comfortable and conveniently accessible main cabin” - Tim Jacket. She is in the water with less than 500 hours on the engine and includes a new dodger and bimini. - $349,000 (NJ) Ryan Miller, CPYB, 401-835-0069 –

BOATS FOR SALE- SAIL 47’ Beneteau 473 2005 - New Aggressive Pricing! Well outfitted/maintained. Solar Panels, Westerbeke 8Kw diesel generator, full suite of navigation electronics, SatTV, entertainment, 2 Zone AC/Heat, davits and beautiful dodger & bimini. $219,750 (MA) Latitude Yacht Brokerage, Matthew Leduc CPYB, 401-226-1816


Offshore Passage Opportunities Your Offshore Sailing Network. Sail for free on OPB’s. Learn by doing. Gain Quality Sea time towards your lifetime goals. Sail on different boats with different skippers to learn what works and what does not. Want to be a paid skipper? Build sea time and network with pro skippers. We are the crew network for the ARC, Caribbean 1500, NARC, World ARC Rally, Salty Dawg Rally, Newport/ Bermuda Race and delivery skippers worldwide. Helping Sailors Sail Offshore Since 1993.

45’ Beneteau Oceanis 2017 - Change in plans has this brand new boat on the market. Extensive factory options including electric winches, furling main, air conditioning, generator, B&G instruments and performance sail package. Asking $425,000. Willis Marine Center 631-421-3400

48’ Beneteau Oceanis 2015 - Just arrived at our moorings! This boat is fully equipped including A/C, generator, electric winches and many more factory options. Owner has moved up. Asking $399,000 Willis Marine Center 631-4213400

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45’ Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 2003 - Immaculate 1 owner vessel here in our harbor! Well equipped with roller furling main and genoa, oversized winches, beautiful rich wood interior and teak decks. Asking $215,000. Willis Marine Center, Huntington, NY 631-421-3400

46’ Baltic 46 – MERRYTHOUGHT Finnish quality throughout in this well found and very able racer-cruiser. Close-winded, fast and comfortable with full teak interior, good electronics and large sail inventory. Single hand cruise or full crew race this exceptional design. Sell or trade. 860-823-7952

49’ Beneteau 2007 - “L ESPRIT DE LA MER” is a beautiful example of this award winning model. Building on top of the design that won Best Full-Size Production Cruiser by Cruising World Magazine, this yacht is equipped to cruise with generator, air conditioning, teak deck, bow thruster, dinghy davits, watermaker and much more! Currently dockside in the Hamptons and is available for inspection. - $279,000 (NY) Latitude Yacht Brokerage, Ryan Miller CPYB, 401-835-0069


BOATS FOR SALE- POWER 23’ Albemarle - V-8 Volvo, inboard outdrive, Center console, Sharp, fast. Great sea boat. Asking $35,750. Call Bruce 860-235-5035



WindCheck Magazine

August 2017



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Lee Reichart Mystic, Connecticut

(614) 209-7579 203-787-2322 64 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine

advertisers index. Aeroyacht Multihull 631-246-6448 .................... 9 Blue Water Sailing School 800-255-1840 ................. 29 Boat Talent ....................................................... 40 Connecticut Dept. of Energy & Environmental Protection....... 37

McMichael Yacht Brokers ........ 2, 59 Mamaroneck, NY 914-381-5900 Newport, RI 401-619-5813 Milford Landing 203-874-1610 ............................................... 30 Miller Marine Canvas 203-878-9291 ....................................... 28 Mystic Seaport .................................. 25

Connecticut Dept. of Energy & Environmental Protection....... 26 860-434-8638

Nautical School 800-992-9951 .................. 14

Consolidated Yachts 718-885-1900........................................... 36

New England Airlines 800-243-2460 36

Cooley Marine Management 203-873-6494 ............................ 21

New England Boatworks 401-683-4000 17 Newport International Boat Show 13

Custom Marine Canvas 800-528-9262 .................................... 19

North Sails 3 Milford, CT 203-877-7621 Huntington, NY 631-421-7245

Defender 800-628-8225 ..................................... 24 Norwalk Cove Marina 203-838-2326 .......... 29 Destino Yachts 860-395-9682 ..................... 43 Performance Yacht Sales 860-467-4775 .......... 67 Doyle Sails .......................................................... 7 Bronx NY 800-237-4453 Huntington Station, NY 631-673-5055 East Greenwich, RI 800-238-0107 South Dartmouth, MA 508-992-6322 Salem, MA 978-740-5950 Eli’s Tavern 203-693-2555 ................................ 37 Fairhaven Shipyard 508-999-1600 ....... 15 Hamilton 800-639-2715 ........................ 33

Popes Island Marina 508-979-1456 11 Port of New Bedford 11 Sailcube (McLaughlin) 800-784-6478 45 Sparcraft America 704-597-1052 41 Sperry Sails 508-748-2581 27

Headsync 401-619-3800 ................................... 28

TGM Anchor Point Marina 203-363-0733............................... 31

Joe Cooper Sailing 401-965-6006 ........... 40

Thames Yacht Club ............................................. 43

Landfall 800-941-2219 ................................... 68

Vineyard Race 23

Mack Boring & Parts Co. 908-964-0700 ................................. 51

Wichard 401-683-5055 32 Willis Marine Center 631-421-3400 5, 59

WindCheck Magazine

August 2017


on watch.

Chris O’Brien By Cliff Crowley

As a teenage member of Black Rock Yacht Club in Bridgeport, CT, Chris O’Brien was a superb athlete and junior sailor with a natural and immense attraction to both salt and fresh water. Chris would become a sailing instructor, and an NCAA Division One swimmer at the College of Charleston. He often joined me as © Cliff Crowley bowman on my Swan 44 Moondance for the Vineyard Race, or on John Esposito’s infamous J/29 Hustler. That all changed one summer day on Block Island six years ago when Chris and friends were running down the beach, diving into the sea for one last dip before catching the last ferry home. Chris suffered a catastrophic injury when his head hit a sandbar just below the waves. He was airlifted to a hospital on the mainland and his life as a quadriplegic had just begun. Over the next few years we stayed in touch, and I followed his rehabilitation and exhaustive and demanding physical therapy, which continues today. The results of Chris’ hard work have started to show. I had mentioned adaptive sailing regattas to him in the early years, but it was too soon. This winter we bumped into each other in a local pub when Chris zoomed over in his wheelchair to say hello. I said, “If you can do that, you can push a tiller back and forth and you can sail.” Chris enthusiastically agreed it was time, and we entered the Robie Pierce ‘Beyond Disabilities’ One-Design Regatta. I said, “Don’t worry, we’ll take it easy.” Chris replied, typically, “The heck with that. I’m going for the win!” My skipper had issued my orders. The Robie is sailed in Ideal 18s fitted with bucket seats and harnesses. Two adaptive sailors are strapped into positions at the helm and mast, with a third able-bodied crew to assist. It’s very competitive, with top Paralympic racers from around the country, all recovering from or managing various physical conditions and injuries. Chris was the least physically mobile sailor in the 20-boat fleet. Our plans for practice never materialized. Chris had not even sat in the boat, and I was having sleepless nights before the regatta. Had I promised too much? Could we actually do this? Will the boom clear his head on jibes? Will I slip and fall on his legs and break them? Chris is 6’1”. Imagine a boom coming at you and whizzing over your forehead, and you can’t even duck or raise your hands to protect yourself. I put a hockey helmet in my gear bag just in case, but Chris’ father and I both knew he’d never wear it. I learned of the dozens of challenges quadriplegics and their families face every day, and every other sailor faced similar situations. We wondered why some skippers were straddling their tillers and facing aft on downwind legs. Well, that’s how many blind sail-

ors feel the wind on their face and adjust course with their knees. Try trimming a jib that last inch or so when muscular dystrophy continues to sap your arm and grip strength a little more each season. As we sailed off our first day waving to our support team, our jib trimmer yelled out, “Damn!” I asked, “What’s the matter?” He said, “I left my leg on the dock!” In a half century of boating that’s one I hadn’t heard. “Forget it,” I said. “You won’t need it unless we need to row in.” These brave people have one thing in common. They overcome daily challenges, undeterred with a smile, and without complaint. They are all simply inspirational and awe inspiring. Many thanks to the dozens of American Yacht Club and Larchmont Yacht Club volunteers, and regatta chairs Bill Sandberg, Buttons Padin and Siobhan Reilly, who in many pre-race phone calls said, “You get him here and we’ll make it work!’”…and “Don’t worry. If it’s over 10 knots we don’t sail.” Bah! The first two gusty days we saw 18-20 knots! Chris may not be very mobile, but he’s young, strong, determined, and competitive. Being strapped into a seat as you heel over leaning backward with water whooshing by inches from one’s ear takes getting used to, and trust in your crewmates, but mostly it takes courage. Our first two days were survival mode, but I wouldn’t let Chris’ mom know that. She eagerly awaited his return on the dock each day, dry and in one piece. Chris managed the tiller virtually the entire weekend. The few times he asked for assistance were because I was concentrating on the front of the boat and had forgotten about him, because he’d been doing so well. Once or twice I grabbed the tiller and swung it to avoid a collision, jerking his arm and shoulder. I’d forgotten his hand was Velcro-ed to a snow shovel handle we’d duct taped to end of the tiller. Sorry about that! I checked regularly and Chris always had a huge grin. It’s the smile you can only make on the water, sailing at hull speed in close racing…the ‘sailing smile’ he had not sported in six years. We finished in the upper half of the fleet. A wildly successful regatta for many reasons, mostly because Chris was back on the water doing what he loves. Many new connections were made with sailors in this community, and we learned of other adaptive regattas and programs around the country. Chris is looking forward to his next regatta, squeezing it between his classes at Harvard University where he expects to graduate next year. You can follow Chris’ adventures at facebook. com/ChrisOBriensDeterminationPage. As we sipped post-regatta drinks on the beautiful AYC patio, pondering our next adventure, Chris happily declared, “I will not be going five years and 310 days between regattas again!” We both learned a lot that weekend, myself more than anyone. ■

66 August 2017 WindCheck Magazine

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