FEB 2021
The Personalized Service Of Windermere Chambers Bay
Buyer & Seller Tips:
Avoid The Pitfalls
Where to buy What & When To Plant
Get Dirty
Seeds In The 253
Health Benefits Of Gardening
WHAT'S IN Gardening: The Wonder Drug
Who knew digging in the dirt had so many health benefits!
What and When to plant Getting the timing right for your summer bounty
Seeds? Is that still a thing?
We are a far cry from when I sold seed packets door to door.
Risk vs Reward
Buyers and Sellers need to watch out for this market's potential pitfalls.
Pierce County Market Statistics
Real estate is local. See the market statistics for your area.
this issue?
SPRING IS ALMOST HERE It's time to start thinking about THE GARDEN, whether you grow flowers or food. The seed swaps and indoor seed sowing are happening now. In Pierce County, seeds are traditionally in the ground by April 15th.
The Health Benefits of Gardening We all know we love the beautiful flowers. And when we grow our own food it makes us feel better on some level. In researching for this article I discovered not only gardening's physical and environmental benefits, but mental benefits as well. Here are some surprising facts I learned at organiclesson.com.
GET STRONGER WITH LESS STRESS 1. Gardening Strengthens the Immune System
Gardening may not sound enticing when you find out about the germs and bacteria that live in the soil. Well, the good news is that exposure to these microorganisms may help people, especially young children, build immunity against many types of diseases. According to a report from the National Wildlife Federation, it’s important for parents to encourage their kids to take part in outdoor activities. Children who spend more time outdoors will feel less stressed, sleep better, and experience fewer ADHD symptoms.
2. Gardening Provides Stress Relief
According to a study by researchers at Wageningen University, gardening may have a calming effect by reducing the amount of stress hormones (cortisol) in the body. You may be surprised by how relaxed you feel after you spend some time among the plants.
3. Gardening Offers a Workout
Certain types of gardening may offer a pretty good workout. For example, one study found that three hours of gardening is similar to an hour spent in the gym (in terms of calories burned). All the activities (e.g. pruning, digging) will add up and give you a good workout.
Get Happy 4. Gardening Elevates Happiness
According to a UK research study, dirt contains a natural antidepressant called Mycobacterium vaccae. This particular antidepressant causes cytokine levels to increase, which in turn boosts the production of serotonin.
5. Gardening Stimulates the Brain
Some studies have found that gardening has a positive influence on mental health due to its brain-stimulating properties. For example, regular gardening may help reduce the risks of dementia by 36%. Gardening isn’t just a physical activity. It’s also a hobby that can offer plenty of social interactions and cognitive learning.
6. Gardening Encourages a Healthier Diet
People are more likely to maintain a healthier diet if they start to grow their own fruits and vegetables. Gardening can make us more conscious about what we eat. It encourages us to question the source of what we eat and whether there is a healthier alternative for it. Yes, there are also parts of gardening that may be difficult to deal with, such as the infestation of pests like fruit flies, fleas and ants. We think, however, that most gardeners will agree that the benefits of gardening clearly outweigh the drawbacks. So what are you waiting for? Start gardening today. Start off small by growing a few indoor plants then work your way up to a larger garden as you get more comfortable with the various aspects of gardening. There are so many positive things we can gain from it!
Get Dirty
It's the perfect time of year to start planning and planting your garden! In
What To Plant When
Western Washington we still have a chill in the air, but the warm weather is coming and so is the rain! If you
Western Washington
are thinking of adding a vegetable garden or some new flowers, check out our guide to find the peak times for planting and harvesting.
Diverse Growth We have a unique mix of options for what to plant from vegetables, plants, herbs, and even your own berry bushes. Be sure to mark what times of year to plant what to ensure you can enjoy your crop.
The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul. -Alfred Austin
Planting Calendar Beets • Broccoli • Cabbage • Carrots Cauliflower • Kale • Lettuce • Peas Spinach • Basil • Coriander • Dill Lemongrass • Parsley • Ageratum Alyssum • Amaranthus • Bachelor Button Baby's Breath • Coleus • Daisies Impatiens • Moon Flower • Morning Glory Nasturtium Petunia • Salvia Sunflower • Sweet Pea
Beets • Broccoli • Cabbage • Carrots Cauliflower • Kale • Lettuce • Peas Spinach • Basil Coriander • Dill Lemongrass • Parsley • Ageratum Alyssum • Amaranthus • Bachelor Button Baby's Breath • Coleus • Daisies Impatiens • Moon Flower Morning Glory • Nasturtium • Petunia Salvia • Sunflower • Sweet Pea
Beans Corn Peppers Cucumber Tomatoes Brussel Sprouts Onions • Squash Lavender Rosemary Sage • Thyme Strawberries Grapes
Broccoli Cauliflower Spinach Geraniums Pansy
Beans • Brussel Sprouts • Corn Cucumber • Onions • Peppers Squash • Tomatoes • Catnip
Where to Buy
Plants & Seeds In the 253
Ed Hume Seeds
11504 58th Ave E, Puyallup
Watson's Greenhouse and Nursery 6211 Pioneer Way E, Puyallup
Portland Avenue Nursery 1409 E 59th St, Tacoma
3310 N Proctor St, Tacoma
Willow Tree Garden & Interiors 216 27th St W, University Place
Wild Thyme Nursery and Landscaping 4416 S 74th St, Tacoma
The Fernseed
2703 N Proctor St, Tacoma
Risk vs Reward
concerns for selling & buying in this market
Low Inventory has created a strong sellers market. Sellers beware! There are risks in taking too "good" of an offer.
No Inspection sounds great! However, buyers can still sue your for the perceived undisclosed issues they discover later. The best solution is to have a pre inspection and give it to the buyers. That way they are buying fully aware. The offer for the highest dollar amount is not always best. The offer for the highest amount that haS the best chance of closing is. Always remember, low appraisals are a huge issue when accepting financed offers for more the the sale price. It is happening daily and is out of the buyers control. Presenting multiple offers is no small feat. For your protection and decision making process it needs to be done in a clear, concise, organized fashion. Ask for a spreadsheet for comparison so you can see all terms and contingencies at once. Beware of the real Estate professional who is just going to put a sign in the yard. You still need them to expose your property to the market professionally to get the right buyer for your home.
Due to the current market conditions we at Windermere Chambers Bay are advising you, the buyer, that this is a sellers market and as such buying in this market contains uncertainty.
Purchasing without an inspection can lead to unexpected issues with the home down the road. Paying more than list price can mean you are paying more than the home is currently worth. Bringing in additional funds (using the form 22AD) to pre-negotiate a low appraisal means you are willing to pay more than the home's current appraised value. Be aware any one of these items can effect the equity position of your purchased home now and in the future.
Real Estate is Local
The Power Of Windermere. The Personalized Service Of Windermere Chambers Bay.
Pierce County is a collage of hyperlocal real estate markets. Windermere Chambers Bay brokers navigate those markets with personal, firsthand knowledge of not just your city, but your neighborhood. Your street. Your home. No app or online algorithm can do that. There’s no need to rely on faceless data. Rely on us to serve as your human algorithm.
2700 Bridgeport Way W Suite F University Place, WA 98466 (253) 565-1121 Follow Us Online: @windermerechambersbay @windermere253
The Power Of Windermere. The Personalized Service Of Windermere Chambers Bay.