Membership Pays for Itself! Don’t miss an opportunity – take advantage of the tremendous savings offered by CDA endorsed companies. More information about these exclusive member benefits can be found online at Members – be sure to log-in for benefit and discount codes.
Quick Reference Guide
Cellular Phone Service/Wireless Verizon Wireless: 303-740-6900 x101 Clothing for Staff Land’s End: 800-990-5407 Collection Services/NSF Fee Recovery eCashflow Systems: 303-482-2773, 877-739-3952 The Advantage Group: 303-302-2894 Quantum Healthcare Services: 303-984-8300, 877-984-8300 Computers/Digital Imaging/ Networking/IT Services CSI Colorado, LLC: 303-325-5598 Credit Cards Citi: 800-ADA-4068 Credit Card Processing Best Card powered by First Data: 303-482-2773, 877-739-3952 Dental Charts/Dental Forms/Patient Brochures Stepping Stones to Success: 800-548-2164 Emergency Preparedness Institute of Medical Emergency Preparedness: 866-729-7333 Filing Supplies/Storage Equipment/ Prescription Pads/Forms Evolving Office Solutions: 303-663-8006, 866-238-6583 Financial Planning and Investment Management Sharkey, Howes & Javer: 303-639-5100, 800-557-9380
ADA Members Retirement Program/401(k): 800-523-1125 x7386 Gold and Metals Reclamation D-MMEX USA: 800-741-3174 Health Savings Accounts First Horizon Msaver, Inc.: 866-257-2652 Insurance Products CDA Benefit Plan (Health) Administered by CNIC Health Solutions: 303-770-5710 x1269, 800-232-2588 Dentists Professional Liability Trust of Colorado (Malpractice) Administered by Berkley Risk Services: 303-357-2600, 877-5020100 Other Insurances (Workers Comp, Business Liability, Disability/Life Insurances) Administered by COPIC Financial Group: 720-858-6280, 800-421-1834 Lab Work Authorization Forms CDA-owned service: 303-996-2841, 800-343-3010 x101
Patient Financing Plans CareCredit: 800-300-3046 x4519 (new enrollment), 800-859-9975 (already enrolled) Payroll Processing Paychex: 800-729-2439 Postage Meter Products Pitney Bowes: 877-562-4500 Shipping FedEx: 800-MEMBERS Telephone On-Hold Advertising On Hold Advertising, Inc.: 877-493-9003 Vehicle Lease/Purchases Auto Buyer’s Pro: 303-888-8889, 800-530-8884 AutoNation Direct: 303-799-3513, 866-548-2201 Mercedes Benz of Littleton: 303-738-7700, 888-255-4236 X-ray Training Tapes CDA-owned service: 303-740-6900, 800-343-3010
Loans: Dental Practice Banc of America Practice Solutions, Inc.: 800-692-0790 Office Supplies Office Depot: 303-330-9754 Patient Education and Dental Procedure Education 720-890-6004 x224
Membership can pay for itself – are you taking advantage? Colorado Dental Association, 303-740-6900, 800-343-3010,
CDA Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief Dr. Joseph C. Tomlinson Managing Editor Molly M. Pereira CDA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
Dr. David Lurye President Dr. Pasco Scarpella President-Elect Dr. Thomas Pixley Vice President Dr. Kenneth Peters Treasurer Dr. Calvin Utke Secretary Dr. Jeffery Hurst Immediate Past President Dr. Gerald Savoy Speaker of the House Jim Young Executive Director BOARD OF TRUSTEES Dr. Robert Morrow Arkansas Valley 719/324-5251, fax 719/324-5252 Dr. Dana Johnson Boulder/Broomfield 303/447-8810, fax 303/447-0553 Dr. John Ordahl Colorado Springs 719/596-3098, fax 719/596-3099 Dr. Stephenie Kaufmann Intermountain 719/687-9219, fax 719/687-3919 Dr. John Siegmund Larimer County 970/226-2920, fax 970/226-8699 Dr. Timothy Kneller Metro Denver 303/696-9364, fax 303/696-6282 Dr. James Armbruster II Northeastern 970/522-1684, fax 970/522-9492 Dr. Brian West San Juan Basin 970/259-5600, fax 970/247-2820 Dr. Fred Thrash San Luis Valley 719/589-4771, fax 719/589-4258 Dr. R.J. Schultz Southeastern 719/542-0036, fax 719/583-2530 Dr. Robert Benke Weld County 970/356-2120, fax 970/356-1013 Dr. David Nock Western 970/242-4433, fax 970/256-7671 Cynthia Packard, RDH Allied Dental Team 719/324-5251, fax 719/324-5621 Tiffany Manzo 520/548-3361
CU Student Member
USPS 661730 ISSN 0010-1559 Journal of the Colorado Dental Association (ISSN 0010-1559) is published quarterly by the Colorado Dental Association, 3690 S. Yosemite St., Ste. 100, Denver, CO 80237-1808. Annual subscription rates: CDA members included in dues; Non-members US – $35; Other countries–$45. Periodical postage paid at Denver, Colorado, and additional offices. Single copy is $10 in the USA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Journal of the Colorado Dental Association, 3690 S. Yosemite St., Ste. 100, Denver, CO 80237-1808. Articles for publication, correspondence, and advertising should be addressed to: Managing Editor, Journal of the Colorado Dental Association, 3690 S. Yosemite St., Ste. 100, Denver CO 802371808. 303/740-6900 or 800/343-3010. The Journal reserves the right to reject any advertising and, as a matter of policy, does not accept advertising of any product classified by the American Dental Association Council on Dental Therapeutics as unacceptable. Advertisements: For advertising rates and specifications call 303/740-6900 or 800/343-3010. Contributions: Neither the Editors nor the Colorado Dental Association are in any way responsible for the articles or views of contributors published on these pages. The Journal of the Colorado Dental Association is a peer-reviewed publication.
©2009 Colorado Dental Association. All Rights Reserved.
H E L P F U L C O N TAC T I N F O R M AT I O N Colorado Dental Association 3690 S. Yosemite St., #100 Denver, CO 80237-1808 303/740-6900, 800/343-3010 Fax 303/740-7989 or American Dental Association 312/440-2500, 800/621-8099 Fax 312/440-7494 Colorado State Board of Dental Examiners
303/894-7800 Fax 303/894-7764 Metropolitan Denver Dental Society 303/488-9700, 800/810-0140 Fax 303/488-0177 Colorado Springs Dental Society 719/598-5161 Fax 719/532-0054 Southeastern Colorado Dental Society 719/320-5282 Fax 719/296-8648
University of Colorado School of Dentistry Main Office 303/724-6900 General Practice Residency Program 303/724-6941 Faculty Practice Clinic 720/848-2527 Clinical Affairs 303/724-7110 Continuing Education 303/724-7121 Graduate Program for Ortho 303/724-7001 International Student Program 303/724-7060 Department of Public Health and Environment (Radiology Equipment Certification) 303/692-3030 Fax 303/759-5355 Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA Numbers and Drug Issues) 303/705-7323 OSHA Regulations 720/264-6550 Internal Revenue Service 800/829-1040
Vol. 88, No. 3
Summer 2009
About Our Cover:
Letter to the Editor
I May Not be a Healthcare Policy Expert, but I Have Stayed at a Holiday Inn Express‌
2009 Annual Session Photo Essay
By David Lurye, D.D.S., CDA President
Benefits at a Glance
United in Membership
The CU School of Dental Medicine Commencement 2009
By Jim Young, CDA Executive Director
ust a few of the faces
Summary of Transactions: 2008 House of Delegates Meeting
By Dr. Denise Kassebaum, Dean
CDA Executive Committee
2009 Dentist Graduates
giving back in Colorado
CDA Staff
2009 Hygienist Graduates
CDA Organizational Chart
An Overview of the CDA and Affiliated Organizations
Be Careful When Rebalancing Your Portfolio
Component Society Map
Additional Programs Associated with the CDA
of dental professionals
communities for Give Kids A Smile Day.
Photo credits: The photos of our dental professionals were provided by Broomfield Photography Studio, Inc.
6By Mimi Hackley, M.P.H., C.F.P.
2009 State Legislative Session Wrap-Up By Jennifer Goodrum, CDA Director of Governmental Relations
Alphabetical Listing of Members
D136 Honoring CDA Life Members
D70 City Listing of Members
D138 Ascent Benefits Company Providers
D122 Specialty Listing of Members
D157 Nonprofit Dental Clinics
D135 Allied Dental Team Members
D158 Related Dental Organizations
Publication Member of the American Association of Dental Editors
VOL. 88, NO. 3
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
Letter to the Editor
Letter to the Editor Dear Colorado Dental Association: I would like to express my gratitude to you for recognizing me as “Volunteer of the Year” at the 2009 Annual Session in Vail, Colo. The recognition was completely unexpected, greatly appreciated and (if you can believe it) it rendered me speechless. I didn’t even know that such an award existed. I, like many others, give back what I can to the profession out of gratitude and to serve a greater good. I hope that others will follow my lead and make it a core part of their professional lives. The work that we do helps not only the profession of dentistry but the citizens of Colorado. I plan to continue my service work as I move forward in my practice and life. It gives me so much motivation to be recognized by people who I have the utmost respect for. Thank you again! Sincerely, Brett H. Kessler, DDS Dr. Brett Kessler (left) and CDA Immediate Past President Dr. Jeff Hurst at the 2009 CDA Annual Session.
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
VOL. 88, NO. 3
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
P R E S I D E N T ’ S
I May Not be a Healthcare Policy Expert, but I Have Stayed at a Holiday Inn Express… By David Lurye, D.D.S., CDA President
funny thing happened several years ago. My house blew up. I was out of work with 130 staples and stitches in my working arm, just Dr. David Lurye weeks after I had closed on buying a practice in Grand County. I was “short on cash and long on time” as the song goes, and I told a colleague that I would not be able to renew in the CDA/ADA because of financial considerations. This was before either of us knew that there were “hardship” waivers available. He told me he would pay and I could pay him back, but that it was important that I stay a member of our organization, as that is how it stays strong, one dentist at a time. That was in 1991. I got involved in my “local” component, a four and a half hour drive away, first for the educational opportunities that they provided, and second for the camaraderie of fellow
small-town dentists. They had a business meeting (still do) in between morning and afternoon CE, and I got a taste of what the politics of dental healthcare were back in “the day.” Looking back, the issues that arose then, like the potential of having to label every little bottle with OSHA hazard stickers, and the controversies that arose over infection control seem like easy fixes compared to the mess that healthcare and our economy are in at the moment. Hindsight being what it is, it is easy to reconstruct what happened, but our country’s economy is now driven by healthcare, and dentistry occupies space the size of a spare tire on a system the size of a truck. Healthcare, which used to comprise about 6% of our GDP just two generations ago, now eats up about 17% of every dollar spent in the U.S. — and if things keep up the way they are, is projected to eat up 30% to 40% of all dollars spent in the U.S. in another generation or two. I may not be an expert, but I understand math, and our country cannot sustain this trend. Dentistry, by the
way, is about 2.5% of the healthcare sector, or about one-fourth of 1% of the GDP. We have had one group saying, “we cannot let ourselves get tacked onto universal healthcare,” while others say, “if we are not at the table, we’ll be on the menu.” We have some saying healthcare is an elective commodity, while others say it is a privilege, an obligation, or a right. I don’t have the answer to what healthcare should be considered, but I know what I believe, and one thing I am not afraid to do is tell people the truth about what I’m thinking. My grandfather used to tell me, “Always tell the truth…that way you don’t have to remember what you said.” As I get older, I can see why he said that, but in the meantime, if I don’t take opportunities like being president to tell you what I believe because I’m afraid of having a different opinion or afraid that I might offend someone or afraid that I might be politically incorrect.…I just can’t let that happen, so here goes. While I cannot go into everything I would like to talk about in my first column as
SPLINTOLOGY The art and science of fabricating precision processed bruxism nightguards and TMJ treatment splints. · 303-469-3362 · 8
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
president, I will steal one from Bill Maher, host of that politically incorrect show “Real Time,” and call for some “new rules.” NEW RULE: Everyone in this country who wants but cannot legitimately afford a “dental home” should be able to find one, just as they should be able to find one for medicine. The way our society defines who that is has to be changed. NEW RULE: If dentists are to regain the respect and trust we have enjoyed in the past, we must do a better job interfacing with other healthcare providers, understanding healthcare policy and financing, and policing our own profession. NEW RULE: Dentists must remain the undisputed experts regarding oral health and the care recommended to patients must be driven by dental needs, not third party coverage. There…That’s it…That’s What I Think. The rest, as they say, is commentary. So here comes “The Rest of the Story.” Don’t get me wrong. I value and respect the people who work so hard at organizing and staging charitable events, and I myself either participate in or contribute to them. Without a doubt, lots of people are helped in a short period of time. However, I don’t think that people should be forced to depend on one-day or one-weekend charitable events – they need a place to go the rest of the year; they need a dental home.
reduced-fee services, as I am sure that many of you do. To that end, in 2010, the Colorado Dental Association will work to develop a method for tracking charitable discounted services. Imagine 3,000 dentists being able to point out to the public that they give away millions and millions of dollars during the year – week in and week out. Maybe, just maybe, the public and legislators would take notice and find ways to better address mandated programs. On the other hand… If you remember the movie “The Usual Suspects,” Kevin Spacey said, “the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he didn’t exist.” While they are not the devil, in my opinion, the insurance industry has pulled a great trick as well, convincing the public and our legislators that dental “insurance” is necessary for everybody. My girlfriend teaches in a school district that gives free or reduced lunches to 100% of the children if 75% of them qualify, using parameters of income that the government has established. If giving to all what only some of them need is not strange enough, almost 90% of these children, and mind you, these are sixth to eigth graders, carry at least one cell phone, with some carrying two! The same families that our government has defined as qualifying for free lunches and public healthcare programs can afford cell phones for sixth graders! What’s next? State or federal funding for cell phone companies?
That being said, I think an equally or even more important benefit that these charity events accomplish is drawing attention in the public’s, legislator’s and media’s eyes of the shortcomings of mandated but unfunded federal and state programs. They help showcase the needs of the underserved. My hope is that the end-result is a society that doesn’t need to do charitable events anymore. That’s my goal…do them so we don’t have to do them.
There is a saying in business that “every system is perfectly designed to get exactly the results it produces.” We have a system that has enabled this mentality of needing cell phones (or cigarettes, or you fill in the blank) before food and healthcare. We, as healthcare practitioners, but also as tax-paying citizens, cannot and should not be silent about this. CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?
Every week I see patients who are barely scraping by, just earning enough, sometimes working two or three jobs, just to make rent and buy essentials. We help as many of these folks as we can with free or
If society and government are concerned about “access” they need to recognize that just like in education, parents can be part of “the problem” and they should be part of the solution. I
VOL. 88, NO. 3
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
expect parents to take responsibility for themselves and their children. Likewise, the government should not enable these parents’ poor decisions by mandating healthcare programs for families who get their kids cell phones before they would think of taking them to a dentist, or putting food on their tables. Schools and government programs cannot and should not have to “fix” everything. And I’m a bleeding-heart liberal! I will close this topic by telling a story about my beloved dog, Moab, who died last year at the animal ER. There was a couple paying for their dog’s care ahead of me in line, and the fee was close to $3,000. The couple took out three separate credit cards to pay the bill. There was no mention of, “but we have no insurance.” Why is it that people aren’t willing to do for themselves or their kids what they do for their pets? Why is it that every healthcare dollar for people should be paid with someone else’s money? We need to be able to candidly discuss this with the public, with legislators, and the media, by writing letters-to-the-editor, using public service announcements and well placed advertisements. Make no mistake. I want to help those who really need help, but I don’t want to subsidize care for those who can afford it but constantly make bad choices. We just have to figure out a way to make sure that kids don’t pay for their parent’s mistakes. As my good friend Dr. Joe Devine says, these children did not get to pick their parents. It may take a generation to retrain parents, but isn’t that a better outcome than having another unnecessary and unaffordable entitlement program? Somewhere in here I had to get in a few words about ethics. We used to be up near the top of the list in trusted professions. We still hover in the top 10, but our integrity is questioned in magazine articles and 20/20 pieces. There are a multitude of rags out there posing as dental journals, running ads and articles on “how to net a extra half million dollars on just two extra
PRESIDENT continued on page 10 9
PRESIDENT continued from page
The CDA staff, Executive Committee and Board of Trustees cannot do it by themselves either. It takes many voices at many levels to be heard, and we need to have the courage to write letters, make calls and risk getting out of our comfort zones to communicate about issues with others.
patients per week,” or “imagine earning $2,500/hour,” or “what every doc ought to know about women, including how to flash that ‘naughty boy’ smile.” Garbage. And much of this comes from some highprofile, well-known dentists. These ads and this sort of attitude undo much of the good that we do with our charitable efforts, and add to our “fat-cat” image that we hear about so often. I am quite sure that ads like I mentioned do nothing to endear us to legislators, and probably provide ammunition for some of the legislation addressing new levels of providers. Which leads me to my final topic before discussing a few things going on at the CDA… Mid-level providers seem to be the hottopic du-jour. It could be worse. We could be in a state where the legislators have approved new levels of non-dentist providers to do irreversible cutting procedures on patients. I don’t know every detail, but I can tell you that this is very real and it’s time to take notice. Back in 2002, an out-of-state insurance company ran an ad in the newspaper looking for a “Treatment Plan Analyst.” The ad continued to explain that this was “a production-oriented position to provide dental opinion based upon clinical knowledge and contractual agreements to determine necessity of pre-post treatment for existing dental conditions…[must be] proficient with diagnostic radiographic interpretation…Qualifications: current certification/licensure as a Registered Dental Hygienist or Certified Registered Dental Assistant.” I read this ad out loud in the ADA House of Delegates in 2002, and it fell on deaf ears. Were we afraid to take on certain insurance companies? Why didn’t dentists and insurance providers protest loudly? What do we do when that happens here? Gary Cummins, our former CDA executive director, introduced us to a number of “Garyisms.” One of the better known was, “I don’t know if this is a ‘fall on your sword’ issue.” Well, things like 10
this ad are worth falling on my sword, and to emphasize it during my induction speech at the CDA Annual Session in June, I brought a sword with me. In the last year, we have had to deal with a number of issues affecting dentistry. While different people have things they would “fall on their sword” for, things like the verbiage in this ad should cause us to draw swords, or at least elicit a knee-jerk reaction. We must not let things like this happen here in Colorado. In the 2009 legislative session, our association worked very hard to come up with legislation that was palatable to both the CDA and the Colorado Dental Hygienists Association (CDHA). Compromises were made, but we feel that the agreement we came up with is far superior to what other states are dealing with. One of the things that make the CDHA so strong in this state is certainly not their size, but the active participation at the grass roots level of each individual member. We could learn from their example; this is what we need to do in our association. At this year’s annual session, I held the sword and used its weight as a metaphor, for as I spoke, I remarked that it was getting heavy already. As one person, I can’t swing the sword, or even wield the pen that is supposedly mightier than it. Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
I began this letter with a story about the advice my friend gave me – that it was important I stay a member of our organization, as that is how it stays strong, one dentist at a time. Joe Sakic just retired. As a team captain, he did not win the Stanley Cup alone for the Colorado Avalanche, but with an entire team of exhausted, battered and bruised teammates. I am not asking you to lie down in front of a slap-shot, but when we talk about the pen being mightier than the sword, or e-mails, phone calls or text messages, it is in numbers, and knowing that your teammates are all hustling too. Do we, as dentists, sit at the table or stay below the radar? I think the time for staying below radar is over. If we sit at the table, we talk about the problems we see in the healthcare and medical system, and have knowledgeable dialogue about what we want to happen to dentistry. If we choose to stay away from the table, we do so not slinking away from the radar, but again, bravely discussing the problems of the already almost bankrupt public programs. Medicare will be out of money within nine years, social security money will be gone in about 30. States are already reporting being out of Medicaid money and are asking providers to work for nothing. Our members need to know this, understand the problems, and help address them. In my humble opinion…staying under the radar appears as self-serving. Robert Jarvik, inventor of the artificial heart, said that “leaders are individuals with a poorly developed sense of fear, and no concept of the odds against them.” I urge you to come along on a journey of learning to maneuver around in the 21st Century of healthcare, and check your fear at the door. I
United in Membership By Jim Young, CDA Executive Director
ongratulations on being a member of the American Dental Association, the Colorado Dental Association and your Jim Young local dental society. Your participation in this unique tripartite membership structure is critical to the future of the dental profession, your practice and the oral health of all Coloradans. The value of your participation is evident in this very directory. As you read through the pages, you’ll find the contact information for colleagues in your community and across your state. We hope this information will be incredibly valuable to you in staying in touch with associates, developing relationships to improve your patient care, and helping connect patients and colleagues across Colorado. As you look at the over 3,000 colleagues listed, recognize that your voice joins with theirs as the CDA represents your interests and those of organized dentistry at the state Capitol and in Washington DC. In this period of fast moving healthcare reform, having your
voice heard is critical to ensuring a positive outcome for you and your patients. Stay up-to-date on the happenings with healthcare reform and other legislative issues critical to dentistry at both the state and federal level by monitoring the new CDA Website,, and providing the CDA with your e-mail address so you can receive ealerts and e-newsletters. CDA membership also joins the buying and negotiating power of your practice with that of thousands of others to provide great values on a variety of products and services you need. If you’re not taking advantage of CDA-endorsed company offers, you’re missing the opportunity to save thousands of dollars annually. Check out the CDA endorsed companies on pages ?? in this directory. Using just a few of these opportunities can result in savings far beyond the cost of membership.
One great way to stay informed about the latest happenings at the CDA is to regularly visit the newly redesigned CDA Website at Here you’ll find the latest information on CDA activities, endorsed companies, and hundreds of other topics. is also the best place to keep up with new CDA member benefits and CDA legislative activities throughout the year. We’re constantly looking for partners who can help you and your practice be more effective and efficient, and you’ll often see them here first. In the coming months, look for a new CDA service that will allow you to get your practice online in an easy-to-edit, search-engine-optimized and low-cost method. No longer will you need to worry about the quality or credibility of an unknown Web development company. You’ll be working with your trusted partners at the CDA to establish a Website for your practice and patients.
In addition, don’t miss out on opportunities from CDA affiliated organizations like the Dentist’s Professional Liability Trust (page ??) and the CDA Benefit Plan (page ??). These groups offer liability and medical insurance coverage designed exclusively for CDA members at great prices.
In the electronic world that we’re in, it’s not only important to be online with a Website, but it is critical to communicate by e-mail. E-mail allows for immediate communication and reaction to time sensitive information on topics critical to dentistry. For this reason, the best way to keep up with the latest happenings at the CDA and in the legislature is to be sure the CDA has a good e-mail address on file for you that you check regularly. In recent months, the CDA has sent e-alerts to CDA members with the latest information on critical topics such as the FTC Red Flags Rule, Colorado Medicaid reimbursement changes, proposed anesthesia permit changes, and much more. To be sure you receive this important information in the future, call or e-mail the CDA with your current e-mail address at 303/740-6900, 800/343-3010 or I
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
VOL. 88, NO. 3
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
CDA Executive Committee President Dr. David C. Lurye is a 1985 graduate of the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry. He attended the University of Bergen, Norway Dental School in 1984 through an exchange program. Dr. Lurye served as a lieutenant in the U.S. Public Health Service and worked in three Indian Health Service hospitals/clinics. He has had a private practice in Winter Park since 1988 and recently joined a second practice in Ridgway. He teaches one day a week at the CU Denver School of Dental Medicine. He is also part of a U.S. team involved in an international research project on head, neck and dental anatomy. Dr. Lurye is a past president of the Western Colorado Dental Society, and a fellow in the Academy of Dentistry International, American College of Dentists, International College of Dentists, and Pierre Fauchard Academy. Dr. Lurye enjoys running, cycling and motorcycling with his girlfriend, Pat. Immediate Past President Dr. Jeffery M. Hurst is a 1985 graduated from Creighton University in 1981 and has been in private practice in Lakewood for the past 28 years. He served for eight years on the MDDS Board, completing his last year as president of MDDS. He continues to enjoy representing organized dentistry as a media spokesperson. Dr. Hurst has been a delegate to the CDA for 23 years and enjoys serving on the Executive Committee. He is a member of the Pierre Fauchard Academy, and a fellow of the American College of Dentists and International College of Dentists. His hobbies include racquetball, running, golf and mountain biking, as well as playing the guitar. 14
President-Elect Dr. Pasco W. Scarpella has practiced general dentistry for the past 23 years. After practicing 17 years in Louisville, he established a new practice in Brighton over five years ago. He graduated from the University of Missouri in Kansas City. He has been in the CDA House of Delegates for the past 22 years. He is a former CODPAC chair and key contact coordinator, delegate and alternate delegate to the ADA, past-president of the Boulder/Broomfield County Dental Society, and the CDA editor for six and a half years. Dr. Scarpella is the chair of the Council on Governmental Relations, the chair of the COMOM Task Force and is a member of the Academy of General Dentistry. He is a fellow of the Pierre Fauchard Academy and the International College of Dentists. Dr. Scarpella enjoys writing, has written several plays, composes music, sings barbershop, and is a high school-certified football official. He is very proud of his four children: Janna, Natalie, Julianne and Frank; and his wife, Karen. Vice President Dr. Thomas R. Pixley is a graduate of Colorado State University and the University of Colorado School of Dentistry. He completed his general practice residency at the University of Rochester. He has been in private practice for 22 years in Fort Collins. He has served on numerous boards and committees including the Dentists Professional Liability Trust and the CDA Board of Trustees. He is a member of the American College of Dentists, International College of Dentists and Pierre Fauchard Academy. An avid supporter of organized dentistry, he has Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
worked extensively on access-to-care issues, as well as governmental affairs. Dr. Pixley also serves on the Colorado Mission of Mercy (COMOM) Task Force. He enjoys all outdoor activities, especially skiing. His wife and three boys are the center of his world. Treasurer Dr. Kenneth S. Peters graduated from the University of Colorado School of Dentistry in 1984 and has been in private practice ever since. He has had a general practice in Highlands Ranch for the last 21 years. He has been active in organized dentistry, serving on MDDS's Board of Director's for 13 years and as president of MDDS in 2000. He has been a member of the part-time clinical faculty at CU for the last nine years, and is also on the faculty of the International Partnership for the Study of Occlusion. He has served as a member of the Board of Directors for the American Equilibration Society for the last four years, and is a past president of the Colorado Prosthodontic Society. He is a member of the Pierre Fauchard Academy and a fellow of the International College of Dentists. He enjoys golf, and spending time with his wife Teresa, son Scott, and daughter Andrea. Secretary Dr. Calvin D. Utke graduated from Creighton University in 1984 and has been in private practice for 25 years, except for a sixmonth overseas tour as a reservist during Desert Storm. Dr. Utke has his general dentistry practice in north central Colorado Springs. He has served in all positions within the Colorado Springs Dental Society and has been trustee or alternate trustee for his component for 12
years. Dr. Utke has also served on the CDA Finance Council for the past 10 years and serves on the Colorado Mission of Mercy (COMOM) Task Force. He is a member of the International College of Dentists and a fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry. He and his wife, Kathryn, live in Black Forest and, in his spare time, he likes to golf and tend to their two Missouri Fox Trotter horses. Speaker of the House Dr. Gerald B. Savory (Jerry) graduated from the Creighton University School of Dentistry in 1976. He served as a captain in the U.S. Army Dental Corp. Upon his discharge from the military, he established his private practice in Boulder where he has served the communities of Boulder County for the past 31 years. He has been past president of the Boulder/Broomfield County Dental Society
VOL. 88, NO. 3
and has been the CDA trustee for Boulder/Broomfield County for the past three years. He has been a member of the visiting faculty at the L.D. Pankey Institute since 1989. He holds membership in the American Academy of Restorative Dentistry, the American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics, the American Equilibration Society, the Pierre Fauchard Academy, the International College of Dentists, and the International Academy of Gnathology. He is a fellow in the Academy of General Dentistry and participates in two national study clubs. He has been married to his wife Mary Ellen for 32 years and has three adult children.
after serving two years of active duty with the U.S. Army Dental Corps. In 1982, he transitioned his practice into a group of five dentists. He currently practices part-time with two other dentists in a group practice. In addition, he is owner and president of Nadent, an insurance claim review company. He served as president, vice-president and treasurer of the Larimer County Dental Society, and three years on the CDA Peer Review Council prior to becoming the editor for the CDA in 2006. He enjoys boating, skiing, basketball, travel, and other recreational activities with family and friends. I
Editor Dr. Joseph C. Tomlinson graduated from the University of Kentucky College of Dentistry in 1971. He began private practice in Fort Collins in 1973
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
CDA Staff Executive Director Jim Young joined the CDA in March 2009. Prior to the CDA, Jim worked at Ducks Unlimited, the nation’s largest Wetlands and Waterfowl Conservation Organization, providing leadership to fundraising, volunteer and membership programs. Before that, he served as a university faculty member and an assistant director of a U.S. Olympic Committee Medical Research and Testing Site. Jim’s experience also includes the development of hospital based centers offering cardiac/pulmonary rehabilitation, corporate health promotion, and wellness. You can reach Jim Young at 303/9962846, 800/343-3010 x106 or Associate Executive Director Molly Pereira joined the CDA team in 2002. A Colorado native and former Boulder newspaper reporter, Molly came to the CDA after working for the Colorado Bar Association. Her duties at the CDA include association publications, member correspondence, advertising and media relations. She also coordinates volunteer charitable programs including Give Kids a Smile Day, maintains the Website and is responsible for e-communications. You can reach Molly Pereira at 303/996-2844, 800/343-3010 x104 or Director of Finance Pam Brockhaus joined the CDA in November 2008. Prior to joining the CDA, Pam spent a number of years in the governmental accounting field working for the State of California, Douglas County Colorado and the City of Maumelle, Arkansas. Pam’s duties include overseeing the association’s fiscal operations, for-profit activities and endorsed companies. Pam is also
responsible for the maintenance of all fiscal records, files, reports, as well as initiating and maintaining all required audits. You can reach Pam Brockhaus at 303/996-2843, 800/343-3010 x103 or Director of Membership Benefits Lu Anne Garvin came to the CDA in 2001. She previously managed offset print shops and achieved a $1M+ sales year in the electrical industry. She is responsible for the Annual Session, continuing education, ADA CERP certification, Peer Review, HIPAA, community and charity events, and serves as a liaison to other dental related associations. She also coordinates communications and events to the ADA 14th District on behalf of the trustee. You can reach Lu Anne Garvin at 303/9962845, 800/343-3010 x105 or Director of Membership Administration Jeanne Nicoulin joined the CDA in 1999. Her duties include membership recruitment and retention, and dues invoicing and waivers. She is active with the New Dentist Committee, COMOM and the Membership Council. Jeanne maintains the CDA database, and handles membership records and requests. She is responsible for processing accounts payable and cash receipts. She also handles insurance contract analysis for members through the ADA legal department. You can reach Jeanne Nicoulin at 303/996-2842, 800/343-3010 x102 or Director of Governmental Relations Jennifer Goodrum joined the CDA staff in 2009. Her duties include legislative and regulatory outreach, creating and providing educational materials to legislators, Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
expansion of the CDA action team leader program, implementation of grassroots advocacy software, and CODPAC administration. Prior to joining the CDA, Jennifer managed the government relations program for a national pharmacy association. In addition, her political experience includes roles with the office of a Texas congressman and with the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) Office of Policy and Planning. You can reach Jennifer Goodrum at 303/9962847, 800/343-3010 x107 or Office Manager Geri Mustain came to the CDA in 2002. She previously worked nine years for AORN, a national nursing organization. At the CDA, Geri is responsible for maintaining the CDA service center, coordinating business committee meetings, and arranging catering needs for various meetings. She also oversees all office equipment/supplies, x-ray training program sales and the annual production of the House of Delegates Manual. You can reach Geri Mustain at 303/740-6900, 800/343-3010 or DLLC Facilities Manager and CDA Support Mike Masamori joined the CDA in 2006. Prior to the CDA, Mike spent 30 years in the wholesale electrical industry working for a distributor and as a vendor agent holding a variety of positions including warehouse operations and management, purchasing, sales, inventory control, and customer service Mike’s current duties at the CDA include facility and grounds management, rental space management, lab pad sales, and technical and operational support. You can reach Mike Masamori at 303/996-2841, 800/343-3010 x101 or I SUMMER 2009
CDA Organizational Chart House of Delegates Board of Trustees Executive Committee Allied Organizations
Executive Director
Dentists Limited Liability Co. (DLLC)
Jim Young
CDA Enterprises, Inc.
Delegates from each of the 12 component societies are elected by their respective components. The number of delegates from each component is proportional to the membership of the component society. Comprised of one trustee from each component society plus the elected officers and ex-officio members of the Executive Committee.
Comprised of the six elected officers and the three ex-officio members (Speaker of the House, Editor and Executive Director).
Independent Affiliates Dentists Professional Liability Trust (DPLT) Medical Benefit Plan
Ascent Benefits Company, Inc.
Public Relations Publications/ Advertising Web Site Management
Associate Executive Director Communications, Benefits, Operations Molly Pereira
Government Relations Jennifer Goodrum
Finance & For-Profit Pam Brockhaus
Membership Administration Jeanne Nicoulin
DLLC Facilities/ CDA Service Support Mike Masamori
Legislator Outreach
Budget and Finance
Membership Administration
Facility/Grounds Management
Grassroots/ Advocacy
CDAE/Endorsed Companies
Membership Recruiting
Rental Space Management
Finance and Bookkeeping
Operational Support
Regulatory Agency Liaison CODPAC VOL. 88, NO. 3
Membership Services
Office Manager
Lu Anne Garvin
Geri Mustain
Special Events
Communication Systems
Peer Review
Lab Pad Sales Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
Allied Dental Team (ADT) Continuing Education/ ADA CERP
Equipment Support Maintenance of Office Materials/ Operations 17
An Overview of the Colorado Dental Association and Affiliated Organizations
he Colorado Dental Association is a constituent society of the American Dental Association, and represents over 82% of all licensed dentists in Colorado. More than 3,000 members, comprising every dental specialty, collectively exemplify the CDA’s mission of providing the membership and public with superior service and to demonstrate effective leadership in advocacy, education, communication, and quality products and services that enhance member practices, professional
growth, and patient care. The CDA is comprised of 12 components representing different geographical sections of the state. The following is a breakdown of the various entities within the CDA.
House of Delegates The CDA House of Delegates is the supreme governing body with absolute authority over the CDA. It is the collective voice of the association. Members of the CDA House of Delegates are chosen by the 12 component societies of the association. The allocation of delegates to represent component societies is determined by a formula defined in the CDA Bylaws, Chapter IV, Section 1-B. The formula is designated to give proportional representation based on the size of each component society. In addition, the president, president-elect, vice president, immediate past president, secretary, treasurer and speaker of the house are exofficio members, as are the editor and executive director.
Board of Trustees The powers and duties of the CDA Board of Trustees, as defined in Chapter V, Section 6 and 7 of the CDA Bylaws, make it the administrative body of the association. In general, the Board of Trustees carries out the policies of the House of Delegates when the House is not in session, and prepares proposed policies for consideration in the next session of the House of Delegates. The Board of Trustees also provides supervision of the properties of the CDA office and all other property or offices owned or operated by the associa-
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
tion. The Board of Trustees appoints the executive director and editor, prepares the annual budget, supervises financial affairs, selects the time and place of the Annual Session, and reviews all reports and makes recommendations on them to the House of Delegates.
Independent Affiliates The Dentists Professional Liability Trust of Colorado (DPLTC) and the Medical Benefit Plan operate as independent entities. Both trusts are administered by private companies that are contracted to provide clerical and necessary support. The CDA strives to maintain a collaborative relationship with the trust boards.
Administration The executive director oversees the day-to-day administration of the association. The executive director, in association with the Executive Committee, serves the same capacity as a corporate chief executive officer. The voting members of the Executive Committee are the immediate past president, president, president-elect, vice president, treasurer and secretary. These officers are elected by the House of Delegates at the Annual Session. The treasurer serves a two-year term and must come from the Metro Denver Dental Society (MDDS). The secretary must come from a non-MDDS component and also serves a two-year term. The ex-officio members of the Executive Committee are the speaker of the house, editor and executive director. They do not have voting privileges. I
6 10 4 1
Metropolitan Denver Dental Society (MDDS) Dr. Timothy Kneller 303/696-9364, fax 303/696-6282 Colorado Springs Dental Society Dr. John Ordahl 719/596-3098, fax 719/596-3099 Southeastern Colorado Dental Society Dr. R.J. Schultz 719-542-0036, fax 719/583-2530 Boulder/Broomfield County Dental Society Dr. Dana Johnson 303/447-8810, fax 303/447-0553
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Western Colorado Dental Society Dr. David Nock 970/242-4433, fax 970/256-7671
Larimer County Dental Society Dr. John Siegmund 970/226-2920, fax 970/226-8699
Northeastern Colorado Dental Society Dr. James Armbruster II 970/522-1684, fax 970/522-9492
San Luis Valley Dental Society Dr. Frederic Thrash 719/589-4771, fax 719/589-4258 San Juan Basin Dental Society Dr. Brian West 970/259-5600, fax 970/247-2820
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
10. Weld County Dental Society Dr. Robert Benke 970/356-2120, fax 970/356-1013 11. Arkansas Valley Dental Society Dr. Robert Morrow 719/324-5251, fax 719/324-5252 12. Intermountain Dental Society Dr. Stephenie Kaufmann 719/687-9219, fax 719/687-3919 • Members practicing in Grand or Summit counties can choose to belong to MDDS or Western Colorado Dental Society. • Members practicing in Elbert County can choose to belong to MDDS or Colorado Springs Dental Society. • Members practicing in the city and county of Broomfield may choose to belong to MDDS or Boulder/Broomfield County Dental Society. 19
Additional Programs Associated with the CDA Dentists Professional Liability Trust of Colorado (DPLTC) President: Dr. Jeane Schoemaker The Dentists Professional Liability Trust of Colorado (DPLTC) provides liability coverage exclusively for CDA member dentists. Nearly 1,700 CDA members participate in the plan. The DPLTC also offers a series of risk management programs. For more information, call the trust administrator (Berkley Risk Services) at 303/357-2600 or 877/502-0100 and talk to Dr. Nate Reynolds.
The Medical Benefit Plan President: Dr. David Werking The Medical Benefit Plan provides members and their employees with health insurance. CDA member dentists make up the governing board, which is committed to providing competitively priced plans, a full range of benefits and quality service. Members may choose from six plans, including two high-deductible health plans that allow them to establish a Health Savings Account and receive tax savings. For more information, call the plan administrator (CNIC Health Solutions) at 303/770-5710 or 800/2322588 x1269 and talk to Sue Donovan.
Colorado Dental Association Enterprises, Inc. (CDAE) Chair: Dr. Kenneth Peters CDAE is the “for profit” arm of the nonprofit CDA. Its mission is to generate non-dues revenue by providing high-value consumables, insurance products and programs of interest to the CDA membership. The CDAE Board is responsible for seeking out and endorsing companies that will provide special benefits and services exclusively to CDA members. CDAE is an entity that generates income from the sale of products (i.e. laboratory work authorization forms), credit card processing, endorsed companies and Ascent Benefits Company (an insurance company owned 50% by the CDA). CDAE reviews endorsement opportunities from commercial businesses that sell products and services to CDA
members. For a list of endorsed products and services, see the “Benefits at a Glance” section in the following yellow pages.
Colorado Dental Political Action Committee (CODPAC) CODPAC is a political action committee (PAC) that raises money to support state legislators who understand the importance of dentistry and are committed to the oral health of Coloradans. These contributions help the dentistry’s voice to be heard on legislation that affects the dental profession and patients. Your CODPAC contributions are vitally important. When making a CODPAC contribution, please note the following important points. CODPAC is designed for CDA members only. $525 is the maximum allowable CODPAC contribution for each two-year cycle. Prohibited contributions will be returned. Contributions to CODPAC are not tax-deductible. The Colorado Secretary of State requires that certain information on each donor (name, address, occupation, name of employer) be collected and reported to the agency.
Colorado Dental Association Relief Fund The CDA Relief Fund is a non-profit 501(c)3 entity funded primarily by the ADA. The ADA solicits and collects funds. Upon submission of an audit of the CDA’s fund, the ADA rebates a portion of the contributions collected in Colorado to the CDA Relief Fund. The funds are used to render financial aid to dentists and their dependents, including former dependents of deceased dentists. Funds are awarded because of misfortune, age, or physical or other disabling conditions. All funding requires the CDA Board of Trustee’s approval. Other revenue is obtained from investments.
Colorado Dental Association Charitable and Educational Fund Board (CDACE) Chair: Dr. John Hanck CDACE is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization that administers two separate funds.
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
One fund supports various charitable and dental education programs in Colorado, including the Colorado Mission of Mercy (COMOM). This fund also supports grant funding to other Colorado non-profit dental organizations. The second fund is a repository for money collected by the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies’ Board of Dental Examiners. These funds are collected in conjunction with licensing fees. The money funds a legislatively mandated Peer Assistance Program to provide professional counseling and monitoring for dentists and hygienists with substance abuse or mental health problems. The Colorado Board of Dental Examiners must approve all expenditures from this fund.
Dental Limited Liability Company (DLLC) DLLC was established as an equal partnership between the CDA and the Metropolitan Denver Dental Society (MDDS) to purchase the building that houses the administrative offices of both organizations.
Concerned Colorado Dentists (CCD) CCD is a group of dentist volunteers, most of who are in recovery from chemical dependency and other former impairments. They work to help impaired dentists address their afflictions before patients are harmed or other damage occurs. CCD provides information about addiction, treatment and recovery. They also offer colleague interventions to gently urge voluntary corrective action before consequences happen. CCD complements the Dentists Peer Assistance Program (DPAP) by providing additional services and support that only peer recovering dentists can provide. They also offer speakers for dental, assisting and hygiene school meetings. There is no cost for these confidential services. Call Dr. Michael Ford for information at 303/810-4475. I
Summary of Transactions
2009 House of Delegates Meeting Committee on Rules and Order:
RESOLUTION 02-09-H Concerning the Summary of Transactions of the 2008 CDA House of Delegates. RESOLVED, that the Summary of Transactions of the 2008 session of the CDA House of Delegates as published and distributed be approved.
Robert L. Kendig, DDS, MDDS James A. Leland, DDS, WCDS John C. Ley, DDS, CSDS William R. Mackie, II, DDS, BBCDS Roger N. Meyer, DDS, CSDS Gaylen R. Miller, DDS, BBCDS Paul K. Miyamoto, DDS, MDDS James D. Nelson, Jr., DDS, CSDS Robert D. Olson, DDS, MDDS Claude A. Pareja, DDS, MDDS John M. Parrish, Jr., DDS, SECDS William J. Pontarelli, DDS, MDDS Nile G. Scott, DDS, SECDS Paul R. Sheppard, DDS, SJBDS Thomas B. Swain, DDS, MDDS Peter D. Will, DDS, MDDS Leslie J. Williams, Jr., DDS, BBCDS H. W. Youngquist, DDS, CSDS Bruce J. Zimmerman, DDS, CSDS
Council on Membership:
Council on Finance:
RESOLUTION 03-09-B Concerning Life Members RESOLVED, that the following individuals meeting qualifications for Life Membership in the Colorado Dental Association, effective January 1, 2010 be approved.
RESOLUTION 04-09-B Concerning the 2009/2010 Fiscal Year Operating Budget. RESOLVED, that the 2009/2010 operating budget of revenue and expenses be approved.
Roger A. Allan, DDS, CSDS Jack M. Allen, DDS, MDDS Donald J. Batliner, DDS, MDDS Stuart E. Bennett, DDS, MDDS Edward J. Bertagnolli, DDS, MDDS Gary L. Boudreaux, DDS, MDDS Jan B. Buckstein, DDS, MDDS James S. Colt, DDS, CSDS William A. Corley, DDS, SECDS Michael P. Cosby, DDS, MDDS Richard F. De Marco, DDS, MDDS Robert B. Deloian, DDS, MDDS Earl Dodgion, DDS, SLVDS Stanley Y. Doida, DDS, MDDS Michael D. Dougherty, DDS, MDDS Edgar S. Downs, DDS, MDDS Paul R. Dumke, DDS, MDDS Michael K. Frisch, DDS, MDDS Lawrence M. Gabler, DDS, MDDS J. S. Garrett, DDS, LCDS Richard J. Gleinn, DDS, BBCDS Robert O. Greer, DDS, MDDS George W. Haltom, III, DDS, WCDS Carl E. Johnson, DDS, SJBDS Steven C. Karden, DDS, MDDS
RESOLUTION 01-09-H Concerning CDA House of Delegates Standing Rules and Procedures. RESOLVED, that the standing rules and procedures of the CDA House of Delegates be approved as published and distributed. HOUSE ACTION: ADOPTED
privileges of active membership without the right to vote, make motions, or hold office, except as permitted in Chapters IV & V of these Bylaws.” And be it further RESOLVED, that Chapter V, Section 1 of the Colorado Dental Association Bylaws be changed in the following manner, such that it reads: “Section 1. COMPOSITION: The Board of Trustees shall be composed of the elected officers, the Immediate Past President, one trustee elected by each component society, the Allied Dental Team Members, and the Student Member. The Speaker of the House, the Editor, and the Executive Director, shall be ex-officio members without the right to vote.” HOUSE ACTION: ADOPTED
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Board of Trustees: RESOLUTION 05-09-B Concerning the adoption of the proposed CDA Constitution re-write in its entirety. RESOLVED, that the Colorado Dental Association adopt the proposed Constitution re-write in its entirety. HOUSE ACTION: ADOPTED RESOLUTION 06-09-B Concerning the dental student’s voting right on the Board of Trustees. RESOLVED, that Chapter 1, Section 4, Subsection G of the Colorado Dental Association Bylaws be changed in the following manner, such that it reads: “G. Student Member. A student member in good standing shall be entitled to all
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
RESOLUTION 07-09-B Concerning the formation of a task force to study changes to the CDA governance structure. RESOLVED, that the 2009 CDA House of Delegates directs the CDA President to appoint a task force to study potential changes to CDA governance including but not limited to changes to the structure and length of terms of the CDA Board of Trustees and Executive Committee. And be it further RESOLVED, that this task force shall include three (3) members of the CDA Board of Trustees, two (2) members of the CDA Executive Committee, two (2) members of the CDA Council on Membership, the CDA Executive Director and an appropriate number of CDA members at large at the president’s discretion. And be it further RESOLVED, that the task force shall report their findings and any recommendations for changes to the CDA governance structure back to the 2010 CDA House of Delegates for their review and appropriate action. HOUSE ACTION: ADOPTED
HOUSE continued on
page 22
HOUSE continued from page
RESOLUTION 08-09-B Concerning the adoption of the updated CDA Strategic Plan in its entirety. RESOLVED, that the updated CDA Strategic Plan, as published on pages 227-231 of the CDA House of Delegates manual, be adopted in its entirety. HOUSE ACTION: ADOPTED
CDA Task Force on Continuing Education: RESOLUTION 09-09-B Concerning the change to the CDA Bylaws to revise continuing education requirements and the reporting mechanism. RESOLVED, that effective December 31, 2009, Resolution 8-91-HS be rescinded. And be it further RESOLVED, that effective December 31, 2009, the phrase “(30 hours per calendar year)” in line 39, Chapter 1, Section 3 entitled Definition of “In Good Standing” in the current CDA Bylaws be deleted and replaced with the phrase, “as described in the section on Standards of Continuing Education.” And be it further RESOLVED, that effective January 1, 2010, the CDA Bylaws be amended in Chapter 1 with a new Section 4 “Standards of Continuing Education” (and re-numbering of the subsequent sections within Chapter 1 of the CDA Bylaws) with the addition of the following revised CE requirements and reporting mechanism: “The CDA requires a minimum of fifteen (15) hours per year of dental continuing
education credits. Attendance at eight (8) hours of the aforementioned fifteen (15) CE hours shall be at CE courses designed to enhance dental clinical skills and/or procedures. Furthermore, such hours are to be obtained through continuing education programs offered by an organization that is an American Dental Association Continuing Education Recognition Program (CERP) recognized provider, or approved by the Academy of General Dentistry Program Approval for Continuing Education (PACE) or is an American Medical Association Category One continuing medical education course. It is required that the hours of continuing education achieved through such programs during the preceding year will be reported at least annually by the member to the Colorado Dental Association by the time of the first dues payment for the following year. The CDA will maintain the records of continuing education credits of members of the association in a manner that is retrievable when needed and appropriate notice is given. Any CDA member enrolled in a full-time educational program or residency accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental Education, or deployed on active duty in the military is exempt from such requirements during the time period of their enrollment in such programs or during the period of deployment. The continuing education requirements will be disseminated to all members each year along with the continuing education recording sheets sent out at the time of dues billing.”
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
HOUSE ACTION: ADOPTED AS AMENDED RESOLUTION 10-09-B Concerning the CERP Extended Approval Provider designation. RESOLVED, that whereas the CDA is currently an ADA CERP Provider, the CDA shall make formal application to the ADA by December 31, 2009 in order to receive its “CERP Extended Approval Provider” designation. And be it further RESOLVED, that until the CDA is granted designation as a CERP Extended Approval Provider by the ADA (but not after this designation has been granted), CDA members may attend non-CERP certified CE courses in order to fulfill their 2010 revised CDA CE requirements for “membership in good standing.” And be it further RESOLVED, that the CDA, on an annual basis, shall submit the required list of Colorado component societies along with all other required information to the ADA to maintain its CERP Extended Approval Provider designation. HOUSE ACTION: ADOPTED
Dr. Randy Kluender: RESOLUTION 11-09-B Concerning the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and Office of Head Start Dental Home Initiative. RESOLVED, that the Colorado Dental Association support the Office of Head StartAmerican Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Dental Home Initiative, which strives to find dental homes for Head Start children in Colorado. HOUSE ACTION: ADOPTED
Board of Trustees: RESOLUTION 12-09-B Concerning adoption of a House protocol statement regarding the noncompliance of a member with CDA Bylaws. RESOLVED, that effective July 1, 2009, the following protocol statement is adopted by the CDA House of Delegates to clarify the adjudication of a member alleged to be in non-compliance of CDA Bylaws. The Bylaws state four possible reasons why a member would be alleged to be in noncompliance. They are: 1. Failure to pay one’s CDA dues. 2. Failure to comply with the CDA Peer Review process. 3. Failure to comply with the Committee on Ethics and CDA’s ethics standards, and 4. Failure to comply with the CDA standards of continuing education. Protocol: The protocol by which members alleged to be in non-compliance concerning peer review, ethics, and continuing education may be handled as follows: 1. The case of a member alleged to be in non-compliance may be referred to the Executive Committee (EC). The EC will provide “due process” for the member as outlined in the Bylaws of the American Dental Association, Chapter XII.
2009 ELECTION RESULTS 2009/2010 CDA Officers President President-Elect Vice President Immediate Past President Secretary Treasurer Editor Speaker of the House Executive Director
Dr. David Lurye, WCDS Dr. Pasco Scarpella, MDDS Dr. Tom Pixley, LCDS Dr. Jeffery Hurst, MDDS Dr. Calvin Utke, CSDS Dr. Kenneth Peters, MDDS Dr. Joe Tomlinson, LCDS Dr. Gerald savory, BBCDS Mr. Jim Young
CDA Delegates to ADA House of Delegates Dr. Jeffery Hurst, three-year term, 2010-2012 Dr. Robert Morrow, three-year term, 2010-2012 Dr. Kevin Sessa, three-year term, 2010-2012
CDA Alternate Delegates for 2010 ADA House of Delegates Dr. Charles Danna, MDDS Dr. Gary Field, CSDS Dr. Karen Foster, MDDS Dr. George Gatseos II, MDDS Dr. John Hanck, LCDS Dr. Brett Kessler, MDDS Dr. David Lurye, WCDS (designated alternate under CDA Bylaws) Dr. Steven Nelson, MDDS
3. The member has the right to appeal per Chapter XII, Section 20 of the Bylaws of the American Dental Association. 4. Any charge not specifically covered in this policy may be subject to Chapter XII, Section 10 and Section 20 of the Bylaws of the American Dental Association.
2. The president of the CDA will appoint another member of the EC to conduct an investigation of the allegation. This investigator will assemble all pertinent facts, and will work with the attorney for the Colorado Dental Association to provide for a “hearing” held by the EC, provide “notice,” prepare written “charges,” and prepare a written “decision,” as per Chapter XII, Section 20 of the Bylaws of the American Dental Association. The EC votes as to whether or not the member is found to be in non-compliance. The investigator is not entitled to vote during the hearing.
RESOLUTION 13-09-B Concerning the utilization of EDDA’s to perform oral prophylaxis. RESOLVED, that the 2009 CDA House of Delegates directs the CDA president to appoint a task force to investigate the feasibility of seeking statutory change within the current Dental Practice Law with the purpose of establishing parameters and a protocol under which the Colorado State
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Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
Legislature would grant the statutory authority for the utilization of expanded duties dental assistants (EDDA) to perform supragingival scaling on adults and/or children under the direct supervision of a licensed dentist. And be it further RESOLVED, that this task force would report back to the 2010 CDA House of Delegates for their review and action. HOUSE ACTION: ADOPTED
Dr. Arnold Cullum:
The 2009/2010 Executive Committee: President-Elect Dr. Pasco Scarpella, Secretary Dr. Cal Utke, President Dr. Dave Lurye, Immediate Past President Dr. Jeff Hurst, Vice President Dr. Tom Pixley, Treasurer Dr. Ken Peters, Executive Director Jim Young, Editor Dr. Joe Tomlinson, and Speaker of the House Dr. Jerry Savory.
CDA Immediate Past President Dr. Jeff Hurst (left) and CDA President Dr. Dave Lurye.
A few audience members put their hula skills on display at the Polynesian Dinner.
Dr. Nathan Reynolds (left) receives the Exceptional Leadership Award from CDA Past President Dr. Jeff Hurst.
ADT member Cindy Packard, R.D.H. (left), and Dr. Bob and Dolly Morrow at the Saturday night Polynesian Dinner.
Dr. Jeanne Salcetti, CDA President Dr. Dave Lurye and Dr. Brett Kessler.
Dentists awarded Life Membership in the CDA in 2009.
2009 CDA Annual Session • Vail, CO
CDA President Dr. Dave Lurye used a mighty sword to help deliver his presidential address.
The racers line up for the annual 5K/1 mile fun run.
CDA staff members pose with the hula girls.
Dr. Jeff Nelson and CDA Treasurer Dr. Ken Peters at the Past President’s Reception.
Dr. Stephenie Kaufmann and her family at the Past President’s Reception. Participants were deep in concentration at the Lei Making Workshop.
Membership can pay for itself! Membership in the Colorado Dental Association can pay for itself if you take advantage of the tremendous savings offered by our endorsed companies. We know you’re busy caring for patients and running a business. As a member benefit, we’ve researched and screened multiple dental-related companies so you don’t have to. Better yet, we’ve negotiated prices exclusively for members. This saves you both time and money. The following companies are endorsed by the CDA. If you are a member, you can take advantage of the exclusive discounts offered by these companies by logging on to the CDA Website,, and gaining access to the member codes. Refer to these codes when contacting each company. Cellular Phone Service/Wireless
Verizon Wireless: 303-740-6900 x101
Clothing for Staff Land’s End: 800-990-5407
Collection Services/NSF Fee Recovery eCashflow Systems: 303-482-2773, 877-739-3952 The Advantage Group: 303-302-2894 Quantum Healthcare Services: 03-984-8300, 877-984-8300
Computers/Digital Imaging/ Networking/IT Services CSI Colorado, LLC: 303-325-5598
Credit Cards Citi: 800-ADA-4068
Credit Card Processing Best Card powered by First Data: 303-482-2773, 877-739-3952
Dental Charts/Dental Forms/Patient Brochures Stepping Stones to Success: 800-548-2164
Emergency Preparedness Institute of Medical Emergency Preparedness: 866-729-7333
Filing Supplies/Storage Equipment/ Prescription Pads/Forms Evolving Office Solutions: 303-663-8006, 866-238-6583
VOL. 88, NO. 3
Office Supplies Office Depot: 303-330-9754
Financial Planning and Investment Management Sharkey, Howes & Javer: 303-639-5100, 800-557-9380 ADA Members Retirement Program/401(k): 800-523-1125 x7386
Gold and Metals Reclamation D-MMEX USA: 800-741-3174
Health Savings Accounts First Horizon Msaver, Inc.: 866-257-2652
Insurance Products CDA Benefit Plan (Health) Administered by CNIC Health Solutions: 303-770-5710 x1269, 800-232-2588
Dentists Professional Liability Trust of Colorado (Malpractice) Administered by Berkley Risk Services: 303-357-2600, 877-502-0100
Other Insurances (Workers Comp, Business Liability, Disability/Life Insurances) Administered by COPIC Financial Group: 720-858-6280, 800-421-1834
Lab Work Authorization Forms CDA-owned service: 303-996-2841, 800-343-3010 x101
Patient Education and Dental Procedure Education 720-890-6004 x224
Patient Financing Plans CareCredit: 800-300-3046 x4519 (new enrollment), 800-859-9975 (already enrolled)
Payroll Processing Paychex: 800-729-2439
Postage Meter Products Pitney Bowes: 877-562-4500
Shipping FedEx: 800-MEMBERS
Telephone On-Hold Advertising On Hold Advertising, Inc.: 877-493-9003
Vehicle Lease/Purchases Auto Buyer’s Pro: 303-888-8889, 800-530-8884 AutoNation Direct: 303-799-3513, 866-548-2201 Mercedes Benz of Littleton: 03-738-7700, 888-255-4236
X-ray Training Tapes CDA-owned service: 303-740-6900, 00-343-3010
Loans: Dental Practice Banc of America Practice Solutions, Inc.: 800-692-0790
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
CSI Colorado, LLC
Cellular Phone Service/Wireless Verizon Wireless 303-740-6900 x101 or x103, 800-343-3010 x101 or x103 CDA Member Benefit: 15% discount off your monthly service bill. Verizon Wireless offers a variety of packages to fit any budget, including local and national calling plans at a 15% discount for CDA members (if you share a plan with multiple phones, the discount is only applied to the primary line). For specific information regarding calling plans, please call 800-922-0204. New and current Verizon customers can benefit from this plan. All orders must be processed through the CDA to be eligible for the discounts offered through Verizon. Members must download an order form and assignment of liability form from the CDA Website,, to qualify. Fax your completed documents to the CDA at 303-740-7989.
Clothing for Staff Lands’ End 800-990-5407, CDA Member Benefit: 10% discount on logo’d apparel. Give your office a professional, welcoming image with high quality, comfortable, personalized apparel offered by Lands’ End. Now the name you trust at home is a welcome addition to your workforce as well, in assorted styles to suit your practice’s environment.
Collection Services/NSF Fee Recovery eCashflow Systems 303-482-2773, 877-739-3952 CDA Member Benefit: Free NSF check collections. Expedite collections of your non-sufficient funds (NSF) checks, and receive 100% of the check amount. Approximately 85% of NSF checks received by eCashflow Systems are collected within 30 days via Automated Clearing House. When eCashflow Systems collects on your NSF check, your practice will receive 100% of the check amount and an additional $2 to cover a portion of the bank fees you may have incurred as a result of the NSF check. If the check is not collected in 30 days, additional collection services are available at no charge. There is no cost to you for this service and no long-term commitment.
The Advantage Group 303-302-2894, CDA Member Benefit: Pay only 27% of the fees collected. The Advantage Group offers patient-sensitive, cost-effective receivable/delinquent account collection services. CDA members pay only 27% of the account balance collected on primary placement accounts (approximately 90% of all collections are primary placement accounts). By paying $4.50, two pre-collection letters can be sent. If collection is received within 30 days, your dental office receives 100% of the collection. If collection is not received, the account automatically goes into collection status.
Quantum Healthcare Services 303-984-8300, 877-984-8300, CDA Member Benefit: 25% discount on accounts receivable collections. 10% discount on electronic check conversion services. 10% discount on risk management services. Quantum Healthcare Services provides accounts receivable collections at discounted rates, and free check verification and collection. They also offer risk management tools for preventive assessment of the “collectability” of patient accounts, and Q Data (a fingerprint based patient identification system).
Computers/Digital Imaging/ Networking/IT Services 303-325-5598, CDA Member Benefit: 3% discount on equipment and labor. CSI Colorado specializes in network management with extensive experience in custom operatory installation, implementation and administration. They provide servers, workstations, LCD monitors, scanners, printers, patient entertainment, data and phone cabling. CSI works with Patient Gallery/Image FX, PracticeWorks, DICOM, EagleSoft, SoftDent, Dentrix, Kodak Dental Imaging, EasyDental, VIXWIN, intraoral, panoramic, digital radiography and much more. CDA members receive a 3% discount, and completive labor and system pricing.
Credit Cards Citi 800-ADA-4068, With the ADA World MasterCard with ADA Travel Rewards you can earn 15,000 bonus points for travel rewards when you become a card member and have $1,500 in purchases, plus triple points on every dollar spent at gas stations, convenience stores, supermarkets, and restaurants. Cards feature worldwide acceptance, no annual fee, convenient online account management, plus Citi’s dedicated customer service support.
Credit Card Processing Best Card powered by FirstData 303-482-2773, 877-739-3952, CDA Member Benefit: No transaction fees. Best Card has great rates and personalized service. Over 1,200 dental offices have each saved an average of nearly $900 annually in credit card processing fees. Fax a recent credit card statement to 866-7177247 and they will fax back a free analysis showing how much you can save. In most cases, practices use their same processing equipment. Terminal equipment sells for $150 and up. With Best Card, you will receive one deposit and one monthly statement for all of your days activity for Mastercard/Visa/Discover and AMEX.
Dental Charts/Dental Forms/Patient Brochures Stepping Stones to Success 800-548-2164, CDA Member Benefit: 10%-20% discount. Stepping Stones to Success will provide your office with all of your practice management needs. Get 200 full pocket folders plus 10 forms for $1.26 a chart (a 20% discount). Buy any forms and full pocket folders separately, and save 15%. Buy patient brochures and informed consent forms and save 10%. All charts are thorough, easy-to-use and HIPAA compliant. Call to request a complimentary chart with all forms and a catalog.
Emergency Preparedness Institute of Medical Emergency Preparedness (IMEP) 866-729-7333, CDA Member Benefit: 10% discount. The Institute of Medical Emergency Preparedness created a comprehensive plan for medical offices. This emergency plan was created by doctors and provides your staff with educational tools, drills, and stepby-step directions for a medical emergency or crisis. It meets OSHA requirements and prepares you to have all the documentation you need to prove you were proactive and followed set emergency procedures.
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
Filing Supplies/Storage Equipment/Prescription Pads/Forms Evolving Office Solutions 303-663-8006, 866-2-EVOLVE, CDA Member Benefit: Up to 70% discount. Evolving Office Solutions offers manufacturer-direct purchasing on all dental filing supplies, and filing and storage equipment. They also offer an array of reception room and office furniture, and cater to your custom printing needs. Exclusive discounted pricing is available for CDA members — savings up to 70% over Medical Arts Press and Colwell prices.
Financial Planning and Investment Management Sharkey, Howes & Javer 303-639-5100, 800-557-9380, CDA Member Benefit: 20% discount. Sharkey, Howes & Javer is a nationally recognized fee-only financial planning and investment management firm. They provide financial solutions to fit your financial goals. They offer discounted financial planning fees, investment selection, 401(k) consulting, retirement advice and objective insurance evaluation. Members receive a free consultation and a 20% discount on planning services.
ADA Members Retirement Program 800-523-1125 x7386, The ADA Members Retirement Program offers qualified and nonqualified retirement plans, including 401(k) and profit sharing.
Gold and Metals Reclamation D-MMEX USA 800-741-3174, CDA Member Benefit: Periodic scrap bonus. Exchange your scrap metal for cash! Send in your failed crowns and bridgework, silvery alloy powder, partials, grindings and casting flashes, platinum foil, extractor bags, and floor sweepings. D-MMEX provides free and insured shipping, no charge for melt and assay, element analysis of gold, platinum, palladium and silver, a detailed analysis of the shipment, and fast payment (settlement within 10 business days). Current market prices are listed on the Website.
Health Savings Accounts First Horizon 866-257-2652, CDA Member Benefit: Tax deduction. First Horizon HSAs and HSA-qualified high-deductible health plans are available to you, your family, and your staff. First Horizon builds customized healthcare solutions for individuals and groups that can lower your insurance premiums by an average of 30%, compared to low-deductible plans. By combining an HSA with a qualified highdeductible health plan, you’ll also reduce your income taxes because contributions to an HSA are 100% tax-deductible.
Insurance Products CDA Benefit Plan administered by CNIC Health Solutions 303-770-5710 x1269, 800-232-2588, CDA Member Benefit: Exclusive to CDA members only. The CDA Benefit Plan, Inc. offers six medical plans, including two high deductible health plans, to fit any budget. All plans have access to the Rocky Mountain Health Plans network with more than 10,000 providers. The plan is a nonprofit organization managed by CDA members for CDA members and their employees. Anyone who works 20 or more hours per week is eligible. To obtain enrollment form information, call Sue Donovan at 303-770-5710 x1269 or 800-232-2588. Enrollment forms can be faxed to 303-770-5673.
VOL. 88, NO. 3
Dentists Professional Liability Trust of Colorado administered by Berkley Risk Services 303-357-2600, 877-502-0100, CDA Member Benefit: Exclusive to CDA members only. Liability (malpractice) insurance coverage through the Dentists Professional Liability Trust of Colorado continues to set the standard for dentists’ liability coverage in this state. There are approximately 1,700 participating members. The Trust was created by Colorado dentists, for Colorado dentists and continues to be managed by Colorado dentists. Voting members of the board are CDA dentists. Call Dr. Nathan Reynolds (manager of the Dentists Professional Liability Trust of Colorado) at 303-357-2600 or 877-502-0100 for more information.
COPIC Financial 720-858-6280, 800-421-1834, CDA Member Benefit: Several discounts on various insurance services. COPIC Financial provides business and personal insurance products at competitive prices through multiple providers. The CDA owns this book of business. Insurance products include: • Business Owners Property and Liability (BOP) (Kristin Stepien, 720-858-6297) • Worker’s Compensation (Kristin Stepien) • Commercial Umbrella (Kristin Stepien) • Employment Practices (Kristin Stepien) • ERISA, Fidelity, Fiduciary Bonds (Kristin Stepien) • Personal Lines (home and auto umbrella liability) (Kristin Stepien) • Disability Income (up to a 20% CDA discount) (Mike Edwards, 720-858-6289) • Disability Overhead (10% CDA discount) (Mike Edward) • Disability Retirement Security (10% CDA discount) (Mike Edwards) • Life Insurance (personal and business needs, best rates regardless of health issues) (Mike Edwards) • Long-Term Care (10%-15% discount from two carriers) (Carolyn Samuelson, 720-858-6286)
Loans: Dental Practice Banc of America Practice Solutions, Inc. 800-497-6076, CDA Member Benefit: Reduced administration fees. For more than 20 years, Banc of America Practice Solutions has served the needs of dentists by offering financial products and services to the dental community. Whether you own a practice or are just getting started, we can provide customized financial solutions for your shortterm needs and long-term aspirations. Banc of America offers financing for practice sales and purchases, new practice start-ups, improvement and expansion, equipment and more.
Office Supplies Office Depot 303-547-2525, CDA Member Benefit: 10% discount. Office Depot provides CDA members with a 10% discount off 11,000 items in the Big Book catalog (discount off Retail Catalog price). Link your credit card(s), or sign up for the Store Discount Card, to use the discount program for purchases at local Office Depot stores. Take advantage of free, next business day delivery with no minimum order amount. PLEASE NOTE: You must register first before using any of
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
Telephone On-Hold Advertising
these options. Contact Kimber Grobe at to register.
On Hold Advertising, Inc.
Patient Education and Dental Procedure Education 720-890-6004 x224, CDA Member Benefit: $100 discount. Patients don’t want to learn, they want to know. is a comprehensive oral health information resource. It allows you to visually educate your patients about procedures, which greatly improves treatment plan acceptance. Available to the public in any of 35 languages at the click of a mouse, the site is peer-reviewed and internationally certified as an unbiased and trustworthy source of dental information.
CareCredit 800-800-5110 (new enrollment), 800-859-9975 (already enrolled), CDA Member Benefit: Special offer on enrollment. CareCredit Patient Payment Plans provide no-interest and low-interest plans to help your patients receive the care they need. Patients can choose from 3, 6, 12 and 18 month no-interest plans, or 24, 36, 48 and 60 month low-interest extended plans. Offering fax, phone and online applications with instant credit decisions, CareCredit is an easy program to use. Receive a free educational audio CD just for calling.
Payroll Processing Paychex 800-729-2439, CDA Member Benefit: 15% discount on payroll processing and HR set-up fees. Paychex is a leading provider of payroll, human resource services and benefits outsourcing solutions for small-to-medium-sized businesses. Paychex offers comprehensive payroll processing services, including direct deposit, check signing, payroll tax administration and retirement plan services.
Postage Meter Products Pitney Bowes 866-5Pitney x4071, CDA Member Benefit: Receive $50 in free postage coupons. Receive a 90-day free trial of the Pitney Bowes mailstation‚™ digital mailing system and $50 in free postage coupons. Save money with an integrated scale that automatically calculates and sets the exact amount of postage you need. Never overpay for postage again!
Shipping FedEx 800-MEMBERS, CDA Member Benefit: 27% discount on select shipping services. Members can now take advantage of the following discounts on select FedEx services: • Up to 27% on select FedEx Express U.S. services; • Up to 23% on select FedEx Express international services; • Up to 15% on select FedEx Ground services; • Up to 10% on select FedEx Home Delivery services. Once you have enrolled in the FedEx Advantage Program, your discounts will automatically be applied to your FedEx account number. Best of all, there are no costs and no minimum shipping requirements to take advantage of this benefit.
Vehicle Lease/Purchases Auto Buyer’s Pro
Patient Financing Plans
877-493-9003, CDA Member Benefit: Discount on services. Turn on-hold time into profitable time. Instead of listening to a radio station or dead air while holding, educate your patients about every service you offer with fully custom messaging produced by On Hold Advertising’s dental expert scriptwriters and voice talent. In addition, build your practice with an automated appointment reminder system. Dental practices all across the country depend on PhoneTree to confirm appointments and reconnect with lapsed patients using voice, text and e-mail messaging.
303-888-8889; 800-530-8884, CDA Member Benefit: $100 discount. Once you see how effective Auto Buyer’s Pro is at securing extraordinarily low prices, you’re likely to never buy or lease a new or used car on your own again. Members receive a $100 discount over the standard flat fee charges for new or used vehicles. Auto Buyer’s Pro also helps maximize your trade-in’s value.
AutoNation Direct 303-799-3513; 866-548-2201, CDA Member Benefit: Dedicated Website specifically for CDA members. No charge for services, from initial research to vehicle delivery. AutoNation Direct is the CDA member automotive buying service, representing all makes and models of both new and used vehicles. In addition to providing a consistent, convenient experience, AutoNation leverages its national group buying power to assure CDA members, employees and family members a competitive price.
Mercedes Benz of Littleton 303-738-7700; 888-255-4236, CDA Member Benefit: Preferred pricing for CDA members. Members receive preferred pricing on all makes and models of Audi, Porsche, Acura, Honda, Mercedes and Mitsubishi. Mercedes Benz of Littleton will deliver a demo vehicle to your dental office and pick-up your trade for appraisal. Delivery is free in Colorado.
CDA PRODUCTS AND SERVICES 303-740-6900 or 800-343-3010 Many of these products can be purchased online at Allied Dental Team – 303-996-2845; 800-343-3010 x105 Classified Advertising – 303-996-2844; 800-343-3010 x104 The CDA posts classified advertising online each month. The minimum charge is $25, which buys a five-line ad (40 characters per line). Additional lines are $5 each. Members receive five lines of complimentary classified ad space in each of the four published issues of The Journal of the Colorado Dental Association. Contact Molly Pereira or Concerned Colorado Dentists – 303-810-4475 Concerned Colorado Dentists is a committee of dentist volunteers, most of whom have recovered from chemical dependency and other former impairments. They work to help impaired dentists address their afflictions before patients are harmed or other damage occurs. Call Dr. Michael Ford.
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
Direct Reimbursement (DR)/Ascent Benefits Company, Inc. (Ascent) – 303-996-2848 (network provider inquiries); 303-996-2849 (dental products offered); 800-343-3010 x108 or x109 Learn about CDA Enterprises’ 50% ownership of Ascent Benefits Company – a dental benefits company established for dentists, by dentists. Ascent offers a dental insurance product for the benefit of employers and patients alike that does not reimburse at deeply discounted rates. Administration for employer self-funded dental benefits including DR (no network or fee restrictions) or Administrative Services Only plans (has a network) are also available. Call Marti Seaman to become a network provider or to obtain free Ascent brochures to display for your patients. If you have patients who would like to learn about Ascent’s dental benefits and flexible spending account options, please have them call Christy Jungmann or visit “Find a Dentist” Online – 303-996-2844; 800-343-3010 x104 or The CDA Website offers a free marketing tool for member dentists. “Find a Dentist” allows the public to select a dentist by location, specialty, services offered and a variety of other methods, and then link directly to the dental practice Website. If you have not already submitted information for the free online search engine, submit your information online or contact Molly Pereira or Lab Work Authorization Forms – 303-996-2841; 800-343-3010 x101 Purchase State Board of Dental Examiners approved lab work authorization forms (in duplicate and in compliance with Rule VIII of the Colorado Dental Practice Law – see The member price is $30 plus tax for one package of six books and $26.50 plus tax per package if ordering two or more packages. Call Mike Masamori or Legislative and Political Action Programs – 303-996-2846; 800-3433010 x107 The CDA’s Governmental Affairs Council and Political Action Committee play a key role in promoting the association’s legislative and political goals. Members are encouraged to become knowledgeable and involved with the ADA Grassroots Program, the state Key Contact Program and CODPAC. Contact Jennifer Goodrum or Meeting Space Available – 303-996-2841; 800-343-3010 x101 The CDA/MDDS building has meeting rooms available to rent for dental-related meetings. Call Mike Masamori or Membership Mailing Labels – 303-996-2842; 800-343-3010 x102 Every member is entitled to one complimentary set of adhesive mailing labels each fiscal year with additional sets at $50 each. Contact Jeanne Nicoulin or Peer Review Services – 303-996-2845; 800-343-3010 x105 Peer Review consists of CDA dentist volunteers who assist in confidentially resolving patient/dentist disputes through mediation or arbitration (without involving the State Board or legal counsel). Contact Lu Anne Garvin or “Quit the Spit” Educational DVD or VHS – 303-996-2844; 800-343-3010 x104 Purchase this award-winning anti-tobacco educational tool for your office or your patients. DVDs are available for $10 each. Contact Molly Pereira or
VOL. 88, NO. 3
X-ray Training Tapes – 303-740-6900; 800-343-3010 Certify your assistants who take x-rays with a required State Board of Dental Examiners approved training course (compliance with Rule X of the Colorado Dental Practice Law – see VHS or DVD formats are available to members for $130 each. Contact Geri Mustain or
CDA MEDALLION PLAN The following companies are annual supporters of organized dentistry in Colorado through the Colorado Dental Association Medallion Partnership:
Platinum Level Sponsors Carr Healthcare Realty — 303-817-6654,, Dental Real Estate Services Colliers Bennett & Kahnweiler — 303-283-4575,, Dental Real Estate Services Fortune Management — 303-771-0499,, Practice Management
Gold Level Sponsors COPIC — 720-858-6280 or 800-421-1834,, Insurance Services CTC Associates — 303-795-8800,, Practice Transition Services PDA — 303-494-2118,, Dental Laboratory and CE Seminars
Silver Level Sponsors BleekerVigesaa General Contractors, Inc. — 303-637-0981,, Dental Office Construction CDA Benefit Plan (CNIC Health Solutions) — 303-770-5710 x1269; 800-232-2588,, Health Insurance for CDA Members — 720-890-6004 x3,, Online Patient Education and Procedure Demonstrations
Bronze Level Sponsors Cornerstone Dental Solutions — 720-488-1199,, Computer Sales/Services/Networking Henry Schein Dental — 303-790-7745,, Dental Supplies Jill Allen & Associates — 303-995-6419,, Orthodontic Practice Consulting Mendel & Company Construction, Inc. — 303-698-5628,, General Contractor Services and Tenant Finish Patterson Dental — 303-393-1081,, Dental Supplies Practice Works, Inc. — 800-262-8144 (x72610 for northern Colorado or x72830 for southern Colorado) or 800-944-6365,, Exclusive Maker of Kodak Dental Systems Steward Quantum Leap — 970-207-0776,, Practice Management and Consulting Wells Fargo — 303-863-6014,, Banking
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
The University of Colorado Denver School of Dental Medicine
Commencement 2009 By Dr. Denise Kassebaum, Dean University of Colorado Denver School of Dental Medicine
ach May, the University of Colorado Denver School of Dental Medicine hosts its commencement ceremony, the timeDr. Denise honored tradition in Kassebaum academics when degrees are conferred and dreams are realized. This year’s commencement was held on May 22, 2009. It was a milestone not only in the lives of the graduates, but also for the faculty and community of partners and friends who support the academic programs. For all of its pomp and circumstance, one of the most important outcomes of this ritual is that it requires a pause in the busy life of the university. It gives me the opportunity to reflect on the partnerships and collaborations, with organizations like the Colorado Dental Association, that strengthen our institution and make possible accomplishments in the mission areas of education, research, patient care and service. So on a cloudy Colorado morning, dental and dental hygiene graduates, their families and friends, the faculty of the School of Dental Medicine, ceremony honorees, and community friends assembled for the third dental graduation ceremony to be held on the beautiful Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora. Fifty dental graduates were awarded their Doctor of Dental Surgery degrees. The dental class of 2009 was an outstanding class, comprised of ethical, intelligent practitioners who are eager to earn the public’s trust through competent care provision. This special class joined others before it in starting dental school with one of the highest grade point averages of any dental class across the nation, and the National Board scores for these exceptional students demonstrated accomplishment with equally high achieve-
ment at the end of the program. While several of the graduates have plans to go into private practice, many others are going on to complete advanced dental education programs, which include general practice residencies and dental specialty programs. Twenty dental hygiene graduates received their Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene degrees. The dental hygiene class of 2009 was an amazing and exceptionally talented class. They came into our school with outstanding GPAs and demonstrated 100% pass rates on all of the standardized National Board and licensing examinations they took. This group of highly educated and trained dental hygienists will go down in the history of the dental school as the last class of our University of Colorado Denver School of Dental Medicine Dental Hygiene Graduates. Due to a strategic realignment required by shrinking budgets, the dental hygiene program has been officially discontinued. No one could have asked for a better class, a more talented group of individuals, to hold this distinction and to be sewn into the fabric of the school’s rich dental hygiene history. In her remarks to her class, Class President Tera Koch spoke of the 35-year history of the dental hygiene program that was rich with honor and accomplishment. She called on the dental hygiene class of 2009 to go forth and serve the public as ambassadors of this special class and the school. Each year, the University of Colorado Denver School of Dental Medicine Alumni Association honors individuals who have made outstanding contributions, or who have rendered outstanding service to the school, Alumni Association or university. This year, the School of Dental Medicine Honorary Alumni Awards were awarded to Dr. Claire Collins, Dr. Ulrich Klein, Dr. Elizabeth Towne and Claire Silk. This year’s Dean’s Recognition Award was given to Dr. Kristin Robbins, a University of Colorado Denver School of Dental Medicine Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
alumnus and CDA member who practices in Denver. She was honored for her efforts that resulted in the creation of a scholarship fund for future School of Dental Medicine students. The commencement speaker was Dr. David Quissell, chair of the School of Dental Medicine’s Department of Craniofacial Biology and past associate dean for research. Dr. Quissell shared inspiring stories about his life growing up and as a scientist, and challenged graduates to follow their passions but to never forget to care for the most vulnerable among us. The magical moments of graduation are what sustain academic administrators and faculty through challenges with severe budget shortfalls and difficult program cuts. It is the smiles on the faces of the graduates and their families that I never tire of seeing. It is moving for me because I know that each one has so much promise. As I look at the new practitioners they have grown into, I am heartened that the next generation of oral health providers will be up to the task of treating the underserved and addressing the access to care challenge that we all share. They are truly the hope and future of our profession, and I thank them for letting the School of Dental Medicine faculty and staff be a part of their lives. Let me once again congratulate the classes of 2009! It is my heartfelt wish that your new roles in dentistry and dental hygiene will be a source of great pride and deep personal satisfaction in the years to come. To the members of the Colorado Dental Association who continue to volunteer their time to teach and mentor the newest members of the dental profession, thank you again for your support of the University of Colorado Denver School of Dental Medicine. We need you today more than ever before, and I am confident that together we are making a difference in the lives of our graduates and the patients our graduates are privileged to treat. I
2009 Dentist Graduates
Dr. Kari Amick
Dr. Kevin Baker
Dr. Cameron Birch
Dr. Trevor Caffall
Dr. Emanouela Dr. Peter Carlson Carlson
Dr. Emily Caskey
Dr. James Christiansen
Dr. Jody Davix
Dr. Derek Dean
Dr. Jeremy Dye
Dr. Jack Emmons
Dr. Patricia Fiore
Dr. Benjamin Foley
Dr. Krystal Foley
Dr. David Franckum
Dr. Kelly Freeman
Dr. Katie Haldy
Dr. Donavan Hansen
Dr. Cameron Hatch
Dr. Matthew Hein
Dr. Michael Heymore
Dr. Raechel Johnsom
Dr. Sung Kim Dr. Brian Kleinman
Dr. Kristin Kovar
Dr. Jackie Kramer
Dr. Pearl Lai
Dr. Diane Le Huan Cua
Dr. Tony Lere
Dr. Kristen Dr. Benjamin Ortega Mayorga McDowell
Dr. Bahar Mirshahi
Dr. Nate Moeller
Dr. Brian Nazeri
Dr. Sarah Nazeri
Dr. Vinna Norris
Dr. Derek Petersen
Dr. Andy Pocock
Dr. Pamela Raabe
Dr. Annie Ross
Dr. Roland Sanchez
Dr. Laura Sathre
Dr. Katie Scholand
Dr. Jennalyn Slootmaker
Dr. Brianna Sweeney
Dr. Andreea Torok
Dr. Jason Tucker
Dr. Matthew Whitesides
Dr. Terrance Wolbaum
VOL. 88, NO. 3
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
2009 Hygienist Graduates
Leslie Allen, RDH
Daphanie Becker, RDH
Weghan Crow, RDH
Jessica Ellison, RDH
Jennifer Goddard, RDH
Aisa Hedensten, RDH
Tera Koch, RDH
Brittney Larson, RDH
Paige Marner, RDH
Emily McKeller, RDH
Alyssa MIlam, RDH
Stephanie Opitz, RDH
Jackie Paisal, RDH
Anne Pham, RDH
Kristin Reda, RDH
Reeta Jennifer Reichelderfer, RDH Shakya, RDH
Rachael Stafford, RDH
Lisa Tabberson, RDH
Elena Timoshina, RDH
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
Be Careful When Rebalancing Your Portfolio By Mimi Hackley, M.P.H., C.F.P.
evere market volatility may cause even the most experienced investors to make extreme investment decisions. As the market spiraled downward in late 2008 and 2009, many investors watched their stock and bond positions shrink with the market until they could no longer stand the shrinkage, at which point they ran for safety at exactly the wrong time. If you are reeling from the impact of wild market swings, before you run for cover in “safe” vehicles like cash, CDs and money markets, it would be wise to ask for advice first. If you’re one of many who reallocated your portfolio to a more conservative stance near the bottom of the market, it would be a good time to ascertain whether staying put will really help you achieve your goals. In fact, after one of the worst market declines since the Great Depression, now is a terrific time to seek good financial advice.
Is a low return from a “safe” asset good enough? While keeping your investments safe feels good, most investors’ goals are expensive enough that they can’t be reached by achieving 1% or 2% annual returns. Instead, most goals require a mix of risk and caution mainly achieved through a combination of equity and fixed-income investments. The percentage of each type of asset category in your portfolio is dependent on your individual goals and circumstances, as well as the length of your time horizon until you need the money, and how much you have saved thus far. Will staying in cash and bonds be a mistake? Unfortunately, when you move money to fixed cash accounts at or near
the bottom of a market cycle you may actually lock in losses of as much as 50%, or delay your portfolio’s recovery for several years. Unless you need the money within the next few years, you should bite the bullet and try to maintain only as aggressive a stance as is needed to reach your goals. Doing so will afford you the most opportunity for recovery and future growth. Mimi N. Hackley, M.P.H., C.F.P., is director of financial planning at Sharkey, Howes & Javer, Inc., a Denver-based, fee-only financial planning and investment management firm and a supporter of the Colorado Dental Association. Visit or call 303/639-5100
This space reaches more than 3,000 dental professionals. Target your audience. For advertising rates and information, call Molly Pereira at 303-740-6900 (outside Denver call 800-343-3010).
VOL. 88, NO. 3
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
2009 State Legislative Session Wrap-Up By Jennifer Goodrum, CDA Director of Governmental Relations
he Colorado state legislature completed its regular session on May 6, 2009. As always, the CDA worked hard on your behalf at the statehouse. It was a busy session with a number of bills that impacted the dental profession. Primary bills of interest and their final status follow:
Bills that Passed • SB 129 - Bill Concerning the Duties of a Dental Hygienist SB 129, as originally introduced, expanded the permitted duties of a licensed dental hygienist. The CDA successfully amended this bill to address a number of concerns. SB 129 was approved by both the Senate and the House and signed into law by the governor on April 21, 2009. A full discussion of SB 129 was published in the CDA’s June 2009 issue of the newsletter. Visit the “Member News and Publications” section on our Website,, or contact the CDA for a copy of the article. • HB 1128 - Bill Establishing an Academic License for Dental Faculty HB 1128 creates an academic license, under the State Board of Dental Examiners, for dentists who are employed by a Colorado school of dentistry and not otherwise licensed to practice dentistry in the state. A dentist with an academic license would not be allowed to practice dentistry outside of his or her academic responsibilities. The CDA supported HB 1128, which was passed by both the House and Senate and signed into law by the governor on March 18, 2009. • HB 1293 – Bill Creating a Hospital Provider Fee to Increase Medicaid Reimbursement and Expand Program Eligibility
HB 1293 creates a hospital provider fee to increase Medicaid reimbursement to hospitals and expand eligibility for Medicaid and the Children’s Basic Health Plan (CHP+). The original bill did not directly impact dentistry, but a $1 million appropriation was added to account for an expected increase in dental benefit claims due to expanded Medicaid eligibility under this program. While appropriations are always welcome, the bill seeks to expand enrollment without addressing problems with dental provider shortages. The bill would improve payments to hospitals but not individual practitioners. The bill was approved by the House and Senate, and was signed into law by the governor on April 21, 2009. Several dentists with community health clinic, hospital and Medicaid experience have applied to be on the governing board that will oversee implementation of the bill. We hope that a Board position would bring visibility to dental provider shortages, as well as lend insight into whether a fee addressing better payments for individual providers might be feasible. • HB 1061 - Bill Requiring Disclosure of Insurance Intermediary Entities HB 1061 requires health insurers to disclose relationships with any contractors or “intermediary entities” that set policies and standards of care for the plan, and to disclose payments made to these entities. The bill would also require any intermediaries used by a health insurer to comply with the standards required of the insurer. The bill was passed by the House and Senate and signed into law by the governor on April 30, 2009.
Bills that Failed • HB 1344 – Bill Adjusting Regulation of Medical Malpractice Insurers and Increasing the Limit on Claims for Non-
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
Economic Damages The Colorado Trial Lawyers Association introduced HB 1344, a late session bill that sought to raise limits on medical malpractice claims. HB 1344 would have increased the cap on noneconomic malpractice damages to account for inflation, and added an automatic cost-of-living adjustment each year. Automatic cost-of-living adjustments would have added significant uncertainty about future costs and likely caused increases to insurance premiums. The CDA opposed the bill due to concerns about provider costs and access-to-care. At the House hearing on the bill, the malpractice cap increases were stricken. The bill was defeated on a subsequent vote in the House. Malpractice caps will almost certainly be revisited in a future legislative session. The CDA has offered its expertise to policymakers as a reasonable voice in future discussions. • SB 9 - Bill Providing Dental Services for Eligible Adults Under Medicaid SB 9 would have added adult dental services for eligible adults as well as prenatal and postpartum dental care for pregnant women under Medicaid. While the bill has broad support, including support from the CDA, and has been a chief priority for many Colorado policymakers, it did not pass this year due to lack of available funding. • HB 1116 – Bill Allowing Colorado General Funds to be Used for Children’s Dental Programs Colorado law currently prohibits the use of state general funds to implement children’s dental assistance programs. HB 1116 would have repealed that prohibition. At this time, the Children’s Dental Assistance Program is funded through federal grants. The bill did not change any appropriations; it simply
would have allowed the use of general funds in the future, should they be required. The CDA supported HB 1116. The bill was passed by the House and approved by the Senate Health and Human Services (HHS) Committee but died in the Senate Appropriations Committee. • HB 1084 - Bill Limiting Timeframe and Paperwork for Medicaid Audits HB 1084 would have limited the timeframe on audits of healthcare providers to the calendar year of the audit and the two prior calendar years. Requests for records would be limited to 15 days during each of the three years covered by the audit, except in cases of deliberate or reckless false claims by the provider. The CDA supported HB 1084. However, due to state concerns about lost revenue and compliance with federal audit standards, the bill died in the House HHS Committee. • SB 12 - Bill Regarding the Professional Review of Healthcare Providers As introduced, SB 12 permitted specified groups to review the professional conduct and patient care practices of healthcare providers. It also granted immunity protections to groups authorized to perform such reviews. In the Senate, the scope of the bill was restricted to emergency care providers in
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trauma centers. The bill no longer addressed dentists, as peer review for dentists was already addressed under the Dental Practice Act. The modified bill was defeated by the House HHS Committee. It is likely that the legislature’s healthcare task force will review this topic again during the summer 2009 recess. • SB 61 – Bill Requiring a Dentist/Physician to Review Insurance Coverage Denials SB 61 would require health insurance companies to have a Colorado licensed doctor or dentist, as relevant, on staff to review any denials of benefits. The CDA monitored the progress of SB 61, which passed in the Senate but lost in the House. • HB 1273 - Bill Establishing a State Authority to Implement a Single Payer System HB 1273 would have created a governing entity to implement a single payer healthcare system for Colorado. Oral health services were included in the plan and the implementing board included a dentist as one of the 23 directors. The bill died in the House. • SB 46 – Bill Concerning Healthy Snack Foods in Schools SB 46 detailed extensive criteria for healthy snack foods that would be allowed on school campuses. It prohibited the sale
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
of snacks that do not meet the criteria. The CDA signed a letter of support for SB 46, along with a coalition of healthcare providers. However, the bill died in the Senate Education Committee. This year, the State of Colorado faced a significant budget shortfall, requiring new revenue sources and reductions to account for a budget imbalance of $1.5 billion. The budget situation dictated the outcome of many bills, especially those requiring state funds for implementation. In this environment, appropriations for public programs, including Medicaid reimbursement rates, were subject to cuts. The CDA worked to ensure that cuts to dental reimbursement were as minimal as possible. The final rate cut for dental providers was 2% (down from a previous proposal of 5.8%). The Medicaid office is attempting to avoid an across-the-board rate cut, and has reached out to practitioners for ideas on other ways that costs can be reduced. Please contact Jennifer Goodrum at 303/996-2847, 800/343-3010 x107 or if you have ideas to share. For ongoing information about bills that the CDA is tracking, as well as emerging legislative plans for 2010, please visit the Government Relations & Advocacy section of our new Website, I
Ethics and Advertising: Practice Pitfalls and Risks By John Kezer, attorney, Dentists Professional Liability Trust
ate last year, the Colorado State Board of Dental Examiners amended its Advertising Rule (Rule XXVI). The changes are significant and an awareness and understanding of the Rule is critical to any dental practitioner who advertises. The Advertising Rule outlines what is appropriate and what is unlawful in advertising by dental professionals. Many CDA members advertise in the yellow pages, in media publications and broadcasts, and on the internet. Ads are often intended to be “catchy,” but this can sometimes result in dentists getting “caught” – and not just by the Board. It is hard to conceive that any dental professional would intend to mislead the public or violate the Rule but these violations frequently occur. “Catchy” Examples Just open the yellow pages or look on the internet for ads from various dental practices. Ads that intend to be eyecatching for marketing purposes may also be eye-catching to the Board or to the plaintiffs’ bar. Various words and phrases can be misleading to the public. Testimonials are also often used – but are they true? If you use testimonials, be sure to meet the conditions of the Rule (i.e. that they are backed by reasonable substantiation and they include the required statement that “results may vary in individual cases.”) Advertising that makes unsubstantiated medical claims or promises violates the Rule. For example, consider the exposure from statements that guaranty results. Avoid making claims like, “appearances will be transformed,” your 38
treatment will “make a difference in your life,” “results will meet or exceed expectations,” your new teeth will be “stronger and longer lasting,” and/or your treatment will be of “the highest quality available.” Another thing to watch out for is publicizing your titles with professional organizations. Advertising being a “Fellow,” “Associate Fellow” or “Diplomate,” or having a “Fellowship” or a “Mastership,” or having “bona fide credentials” can lead a patient to believe that post-graduate education was involved. While professionals may understand these hard-earned titles, the general public may not. In fact when something goes wrong the probability is high that the patient will claim that their choice of dental professional was based on the representations of unique skill, of a “specialty,” or of an understanding that post-graduate education was involved. Lastly, the acronym “alphabet soup” of letters used to claim associate or fellowship designation/status in the various academies is now prohibited under the Rule (i.e. FAGD, LVI, etc.). However, the “new” alternative of spelling out the variety of titles or designations, suggested by some as appropriate and lawful, may not be without risk. It may be best to avoid use of designations or to avoid their use without adequate explanation, clarification or disclaimers. Standards to Follow The ADA Code of Ethics, ADVERTISING rule (Rule F), hasn’t been changed. That rule addresses and provides that although any dentist may advertise, “… no dentist shall advertise or solicit patients in any form of communica-
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
tion in a manner that is false or misleading in any material respect.” The Dental Practice Act (Act) and the Advertising Rule continue to prohibit: “misleading, deceptive, or false advertising” or “misrepresentations or omissions of facts, ads which are intended to or likely to create unjustified expectations about the result of dental or dental hygiene care or ads which assert advertised services are superior in quality to those of other practitioners.” For example, practitioners should avoid using assertions that the dentist is “the expert,” the “most knowledgeable,” the “most respected,” “among the elite,” or a “top dentist.” Dentists need to note that the Rule continues to provide that: “It is misleading, deceptive or false for general practitioners to list their names, advertise, or promote themselves in any area or locations that implies a specialty.” While the Rule no longer requires a disclaimer that a school or CE program is not accredited, it only allows for the use of “…acronyms earned at a Program accredited by a regional or professional accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education or the Council on Postsecondary Education.” Risks and Consequences Violations of the Act or the Rule could result in Board sanctions, which can be severe. Breach of contract, warranty claims or Colorado Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) claims are not normally covered by insurance. Litigation of such claims is time-consuming, extremely troublesome and can expose the defendant to damages separate from any malpractice damages.
Consider an actual case filed not too long ago against a dentist where the plaintiff alleged: “To induce Plaintiff to allow dentist to perform services for Plaintiff, Defendant made several material misrepresentations about his qualifications; what he was going to do; how he was going to do it; and the results he was going to achieve.” And consider the claim in that same case that: “In the course of his treatment and care of the Plaintiff, Defendant violated the CCPA, which prohibits Defendant from representing that services rendered by him are of a particular standard, quality, or grade, when he knew, or should have known that his services were of another standard, quality or grade.” Suggested Actions Dentists and hygienists should review the Act, the Rule and the ADA Code of Ethics. They all provide very useful guidance as to what a dental practitioner can do, and the “don’ts” of advertising.
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Practitioners should engage in their own risk management and carefully review any existing or proposed advertising. • Check ad proofs. • Don’t rely on media kits. • Don’t rely on sales people. • Review what you’re provided and think through the expectations that may be created by the suggested advertising. • Be careful with your word selection and catch-phrases. • Be extremely careful with testimonials. • Spelling out credentials or designations from the academies may not be adequate. • The Rule requirements for “specialty practice” need to be followed. • Avoid communications that express or imply specialization, which don’t fit the Rule. • Think through the expectations that may be created by listing designations that imply post-graduate education
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
without explanations or clarifications. • Guarantees, warranties or claims that services are superior in quality to those of other dentists need to be avoided. The nature and content of ads should be done in anticipation of 20/20 hindsight, which always occurs after the event (heaven forbid it) of a patient complaint to the Board or a lawsuit. Issues and risks can be avoided by being ethical, by being vigilant and by being the professionals I’m certain you all strive to be. I John Kezer, Esq., is an attorney with Jones & Keller, PC. He has been the Dentists Professional Liability Trust attorney for 15 years. You can contact John at 303/5731600 x150 or The Dentists Professional Liability Trust Risk Management Programs, began several years ago, emphasize exposure from advertising practices and how to avoid problems. To learn more about these programs, contact Dr. Nathan Reynolds at 303/357-2600 or 877/502-0100.
Classified Ads:
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association,Vol. 88, No. 3, Summer 2009 issue. O P P O R T U N I T I E S WA N T E D Opportunity Wanted: General dentist seeking position in Pueblo, Colo. as an associate or partner. Looking to work three-to-four days per week starting Sept. 1, 2009. I speak Spanish and enjoy all aspects of general dentistry. Please e-mail if interested. Opportunity Wanted: Retired orthodontist in Denver metro area seeking part-time work; can also cover vacations and health issue situations. I can be reached at Space Opportunity Wanted: General dentist looking to share or rent space two-to-three days a week in DTC area. If you are a dentist in DTC with an extra operatory a couple days a week, please call 720/937-3195. Orthodontic Opportunity Wanted: Highly motivated and accomplished ABO orthodontist, 15+ year’s experience, relocating to Denver, seeks a position as an associate or partner in a patient-friendly orthodontic practice.,
P O S I T I O N S AVA I L A B L E Associate/Buyer: Downtown Littleton. Owner of 29 years looking for an associate/buyer for general practice. Owner has limited his practice to endo only and has separate treatment area but needs to share private office space and employee area. General practice is well-established and grossed $440,000 last year in a down year and almost $500,000 in 2007 with no capitation. Two operative ops. and a hygiene op. Price is $240,000, 30% down and owner will carry the balance at 6% for five years. E-mail responses to No brokers please. Associate: I have an opportunity for an associate dentist to work in my beautiful Golden office on Fridays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. If interested and willing to work in an enjoyable environment with wonderful staff, please contact Dr. Wachuta at 303-278-2800. Associate: Tired of the “business” of dentistry? Well-established metro Denver area practice seeking general dentist for associate position. Fee-for-service only practice. Three years experience or GPR required. For more information, please contact Malcolm E. Boone II, D.D.S., M.S., at 303/388-1661 or 303/4511111 for details or fax CV to 303/451-7238. Associate Positions: Please visit our Website,, for current associate opportunities and e-mail your resume to Associate Buy-In: Eagle County, Colo. Please e-mail your resume to or call Larry Chatterley at 303/795-8800. Associate Buy-In: Arvada, Colo. FT associate with buy-in opportunity. Fast paced state-ofthe-art practice netting $1.3M and rapidly growing. Digital x-ray, Cerec, implants, Dentrix. Competitive benefits. Contact 303/916-7609.
Associates: Denver, Colo. Associate/ownership positions immediately available in several practices collecting $520,000 to $1.6M. New graduates welcome. Income potential, $180,000 to $360,000 in year one. E-mail my staff at Associate: Well-established, newly remodeled, Arvada dental office is looking for an associate dentist who has the attitude of a recent graduate and is willing to work hard. Let’s see if we’re right for each other. Please call us to schedule an interview, 303/423-0860. Associate: Colorado Springs area. Immediate opening at a rapidly growing office in Falcon, Colo. for an associate with possible buy-in. Private practice experience a plus. E-mail resume to or call 719/310-8090. Associate: Associate position available in a general practice treating children. State-of-theart facility including digital x-rays. Friendly staff. Starting at $120,000/yr. with great benefits. Possible future partnership. Call 720/470-4291 or e-mail resume to Associate: General dentist wanted for associate or partnership. Office location is in Pueblo, Colo. Unique opportunity, call 719/5460404 for more info, ask for Kriss. Orthodontist: Orthodontist opportunity: Excellent location available for orthodontist in NE Denver to share space or to build practice. Office located in retail center with middle school located directly behind. No other orthodontists for miles. Call 303/443-2900. Pediatric Dentist: My Kid’s Dentist is looking for an experienced pediatric dentist to work PTFT in our brand new state-of-the-art facility. We offer high income potential, training, a comfortable working environment, exceptional benefits package, and ownership opportunities. We are currently located in Superior and have plans to open up pediatric practices in Westminster, Lone Tree, Highlands Ranch, Lakewood, and Colorado Springs. For more information or to visit a practice, contact Joe Saporito at 720/270-6849 or e-mail him at Dentist: General Practice. Peterson Air Force Base and U.S Air Force Academy. F/T position providing civilian services. Excellent compensation and benefits package. Dentists please e-mail CV's to: or Fax to: 305-576-5864. RLM Services, Inc. EOE. Dentist: Fort Collins and Parker, Colo. Mountain Dental is seeking experienced, fulltime doctors to step into productive and well-established practices. We offer the opportunity to lead your own clinical team while shedding the administrative and financial burdens. Our philosophy of preserving and supporting the traditional private practice setting provides a great work-life balance, excellent compensation and benefits, and unlimited opportunity for professional growth.
If you possess an unrivaled passion for providing quality care in a fee-for-service setting, we would enjoy talking to you. If you are looking for a rewarding practice opportunity in Fort Collins or Parker, call 715/926-5050 or e-mail Visit our Website at Dentists: Centennial, Colo. Mountain Dental is seeking an experienced full-time doctor to step into a productive and well-established practice. We offer the opportunity to lead your own clinical team while shedding the administrative and financial burdens. Our philosophy of preserving and supporting the traditional private-practice setting provides a great worklife balance, excellent compensation and benefits, and unlimited opportunity for professional growth. The unique mix of experienced and younger doctors creates phenomenal synergies and drives the advancement of care for all patients. If you are looking for a rewarding practice opportunity in Centennial, call 715/926-5050 or e-mail Visit our Website at Dentist: Kids In Need of Dentistry is looking for a dentist for our Miles for Smiles Mobile Dental Unit. Limited travel is required but mainly the bus will be located in the Denver metro area. This is a three to four day per week contract position. If interested, please contact Julie Collett, executive director, at 303/733-3710. Dentists: Denver, Colo. Perfect Teeth is seeking senior dentists in Colorado with a compensation range of $90,000 to $200,000+. Successful private or group experience required. Benefit package. Also seeking associate dentists (compensation range $75,000 to $95,000). Specialist opportunities also available for partand full-time ortho, endo, oral surgery, pedo and perio with exceptional compensation. Call Dr. Mark Birner at 303/691-0680, e-mail at or visit Dentists: Denver, Colo. Dental One is opening new offices in the upscale suburbs of Denver. Dental One is unique in that each of our 12 offices in the Denver area has an individual name such as Rock Canyon Dental Care or Heather Park Dental Care in Aurora. All of our offices have top of the line equipment, digital xrays and intra-oral cameras. We are 100% fee-for-service but take most PPO plans. PPO patients make up 70% of our patient bases. We offer competitive salaries, a complete benefits package and equity buy-in opportunities. To learn more about working for Dental One, please call Aaron Ellis at 972/755-0884. Dentists: Mountain Dental is seeking dentists to join practices that offer the ability to lead your own clinical team while delegating the business liabilities. Our philosophy of supporting communities and traditional practices allows for great flexibility, reward, and growth for each doctor. The unique mix of experienced
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
C L A S S I F I E D doctors and young professionals creates phenomenal synergies and drives the advancement of care for each patient. If you are looking for a rewarding practice opportunity in the greater Denver or Colorado Springs areas call 715/926-5050 or e-mail Visit our web site at Dentist: Durango, Colo. Seeking highly motivated individual for a children’s dental office in beautiful southwestern Colorado. Enjoy all Colorado has to offer without the traffic and crowds of the metro area. Durango is home to Fort Lewis College, offers year round mountain biking and fly fishing, skiing in the San Juans, and great eateries. The ideal candidate for this position will be a pediatric dentist or a general dentist with experience in a children’s office with an opportunity for hospital dentistry. Individual will be highly compensated based on production/collection with a guaranteed minimum salary and benefits. Please contact Dr. J. Ryan Mickelson at 970/247-0174.
P R AC T I C E S F O R S A L E Purchasing Practices: Discreet, full-value, allcash, no-fee transitions. Mountain Dental seeks to invest in established, fee-for-service dental practices in the Colorado marketplace. With more than 40 years experience, we know what practices are worth and allow sellers to avoid stressful and time-consuming auctions that expose your practice to nosy competition and tire-kickers. Importantly, sellers have control of their continued clinical leadership post-closing and seller financing is never required. To learn more, please contact Director of Investments Sean Epp at 715/579-4188 or You can also visit us online at We look forward to hearing from you! Practice: Pinetop, Ariz. Dentist retiring. Pinetop is in the N.E. corner of Arizona just 35 miles from Snow Flake, Arizona. It is at 7,200 ft. elevation, within national forest, skiing fishing, etc. The practice is a long-established general practice. No prepaid plans, some PPO, about 50% fee-for-service. Six fully established operatories, panorex, digital x-ray, nitrous oxide, microscope. Two hygienists, two assistants, and two front office persons. Production will be above $800,000 for the year on a four-day, 36 hour week. Call for more details and to make an offer, 480/513-0462 or 602/266-6060. Practice: N Colorado Springs. Collections of approx. $500,000 with unique growth potential. Clinic concept serving El Paso and surrounding counties with high average number of new patients per month. For details, please contact or call 303/646-3802. Practice: Aurora location with metro Denver coverage. Half a million in collections with unique growth potential. Clinic concept serving the metro area with a consistent number of new patients per month. For more information, please contact or call 303/646-3802. Practice: Small pediatric practice for sale. Share space with an orthodontist. Great starter location near Park Meadows Mall. Call Shannon at 303/792-0345. Practice: Pueblo, Colo. Grossing over $1M per year with a dedicated staff that will stay with VOL. 88, NO. 3
the practice. Wonderful location in a growing part of the state. Priced at $550,000. Will assist buyer with financing. Contact Dr. Robert B. Deloian with Professional Transition Strategies at 303/814-9541. Practice: Strong general practice located in the San Luis Valley. Producing $350,000 on three days a week. If you like a relaxed lifestyle with skiing, hunting, fishing boating and other outdoor activities, this deserves a look. Would consider an associate with an option to buy. Contact Dr. Robert B. Deloian with Professional Transition Strategies. 303/814-9541. Practice: Southern mountain town, Colorado. Collecting $450,000, low overhead. Beautiful location, close access to large city. Three ops. (with potential expansion), established 1,200+ active patients, 20 new patients per month. Susan Spear, MPB, Inc., 303/973- 2147, Pediatric Practice: Arvada, Colo. Collecting $1.33M. Controlled overhead. High earnings! Real estate for sale. Strong referral base! Beautiful 4+4 open bay centers, 2+2 quiet rooms. If you compare, this practice outshines them all! Susan Spear, MPB, Inc., 303/9732147, e-mail Practice: Southwest, Colorado. Why compete with metro Denver? New modern facility, 4.5 treatment ops! High production. Strong owner compensation. Owner support for transition! Susan Spear, MPB, Inc., 303/973-2147, e-mail Practice: Denver/Lakewood. Solo group practice. High production, exceptional team, 1,800+ active patients! Motivated seller! Seeking experienced qualified buyer! Susan Spear, MPB, Inc., 303/973-2147 or Sell or Buy a Practice, Associate Buyins/Buy-outs: It’s a seller’s market! I have associates and buyers! Susan Spear, Practice Transition Specialist/Licensed Broker, SAS Transitions, MPB, Inc., 303/973-2147, General Practice Opportunities in Colorado: Denver, Arvada, Westminster, Fort Collins, Englewood, Aurora, Commerce City, Castle Rock, Parker, Pueblo, southern Colorado and Grand Junction. For more information on current practice listings, please visit or call Larry Chatterley at 303/795-8800. Pedodontic Practices: Northern Colorado. Looking for partner or associate to buy-in. Also buy-out opportunity in Cheyenne, Wyo. For more information on current practice listings, please visit or call Larry Chatterley at 303/795-8800. Orthodontic Practice: SE Denver. For more information on current practice listings, please visit or call Larry Chatterley at 303/795-8800. Endodontic Practice: Lakewood, Colo. For more information on current practice listings, please visit or call Larry Chatterley at 303/795-8800. Seller/Buyer Services: If you would like more information on how to buy, sell or associate in a practice, please call Larry Chatterley at
CLASSIFIEDS continued on page 42 Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
CLASSIFIEDS continued from page 41 303/795-8800 or visit our website for practice transition information and current practice opportunities at Practice: Steamboat Springs, Colo. Busy practice in small town near ski area. Collecting $750,000 with $260,000 profit. Call Jerry Weston, Professional Marketing and Appraisal, 303/526-0448. Practice: Colorado Springs, Colo. Buy half of busy practice in Rockrimmon. Four ops. in great area. Collections of $450,000 with much growth potential. Call Jerry Weston, Professional Marketing and Appraisal, 303/526-0448. Practice: Colorado Springs, Colo. Broadmoor area, six ops., collecting $800,000, nice profit picture, set for life! Call Jerry Weston, Professional Marketing and Appraisal, 303/526-0448. Practice: Summit County ortho practice in ski town. Four chairs in great practice. Profit $300,000 plus. Call Jerry Weston, Professional Marketing and Appraisal, 303/526-0448. Practice: Cheyenne, Wyo. Great practice collecting $1M per year. All fee-for-service. $510,000 profit. Professional Marketing and Appraisal, Jerry Weston, 303/526-0448. Practices: Professional Marketing and Appraisal, specializing in Colorado practice sales and transitions. Over 20 years of personal attention to the dental profession. Call for current listings. Jerry Weston, Professional Marketing and Appraisal, 800/632-7155,
Practice: SW Colorado. Part-time practice in beautiful mountain town. Three chairs, fully computerized. Dentist moving overseas. Contact Practice: Loveland, Colo. Practice offers unlimited growth potential with a now betterthan-average patient base for practice this size. Fee-for-service; low overhead. Call Dave Goldsmith, 303/304-9067 or Practice: Pueblo, Colo. Great growth potential and income. Need a motivated buyer with cosmetic and implant capabilities. Modern, professional building in excellent location with ample room for growth. Computerized practice, newer equipment and very appealing office decor with good patient base (80% being feefor-service). Call Dave Goldsmith, 303/304-9067 or Practice: Colorado Springs, Colo. General practice for sale. Collecting over $500,000 on three-to-four days a week. Four op. with decent equipment. Office remodeling available with new lease contract. Sale for below the market practice value. Please contact, 719/4404900 or
S PAC E AVA I L A B L E Space Sharing: Tough times = flexibility. Looking for several dentists willing to office share, mixed disciplines OK. Space would make a great start-up or satellite office. New building, design your interior space. Location: 8151 Southpark Lane, Littleton, Colo. Call Dr. Albert, 303/669-4840.
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
Space Sharing: Space sharing opportunity in newer high tech office near Quincy and Parker overlooking CC Reservoir. Open to arrangements with specialist or GP. Digital x-rays. Five ops. Phone 303/693-7330. Space Sharing: Denver, Colo. Share expenses – why pay for everything yourself? Seeking general dentist/specialist wanting to share practice costs without the burden of going solo on expenses. Office totally re-equipped three years ago. Four operatories, each with computer, intra-oral camera, DVD, CD, satellite radio and TV. Digital x-ray, Pan-X, Caesy, Luma bleaching, portable Diagnodent, Harvey, Statim, & Hydrim washer. Software schedules, bills, processes insurance for multiple providers. Private office, consult room, and reception room with large flat screen educational program. Contact Dr. Pavlik, 719/592-0878 or Space Sharing: Are you a GP looking to decrease overhead and increase productivity? Four exceptional ops! One available every day, four w/alternating schedules. State-of-the-art suite! E. Arapahoe. Call Susan, 303/973-2147, MPB, Inc. Space Sharing: Littleton, Colo. We are seeking a GP to space share in our state-of-theart general practice for two-to-three days a week. Four treatment rooms, digital x-ray, Eaglesoft. Great location off of Arapahoe and Holly. Please e-mail Amy Kirsch at Space Sharing: Dentist in upscale BelMar area looking for dentist to share office space. E-mail inquiries to:
C L A S S I F I E D Spare Sharing: Space share in GP office in Aurora. Six treatment rooms, fully-equipped with latest ergonomic concept, administration support, fully digital office, pleasant professional location. Call 303/369-1069. Office Space: Sublease opportunity. Pearl Street Dental has extra time and space available in this beautiful, state-of-the-art dental facility. One-to-two fully equipped, huge dental suite(s) complete with diode laser and cavitron available four-to-six days a week. This suite(s) has a wonderful view of the flatirons and systems that are available to support a dental team. $2,500-$3,500/month. Amenities of this suite include: digital x-rays, digital panorex, diode lasers, cavitron, Adec chair and delivery system, surgical operating microscope, cabinet storage, and use of lab and sterilization center. Please call PSD at 303/443-3771 to set up an appointment to tour this gorgeous office and see what options will work for you. You can also go to to preview this office. Office Space: Office space at bargain basement rates! Dental suite first floor in busy shopping center on south Havana Street, 2,500 RSF, high traffic area with good visibility and easy street access, signage, ready for immediate occupancy. Six ops, x-ray, air and suction lines, fully plumbed, built-out reception area in front office, two restrooms inside suite. Tremendous opportunity for start up without much extra costs. Starting rental rate: $10 per RSF + common area maintenance. For more information and showing, call Joe at 303/8325522 or e-mail to
Office Space: Centennial, Colo. Ortho/pedo space for lease. 1,800 sq. ft. plumbed for five open-bay ops. Located across from Newton Middle School on the busy corner of Arapahoe and Colorado. Approx. one mile from new Streets of Southglenn development. General dentist located in the same building. 303/2213044 or Office Space: Boulder, Colo. 1,350 sq. ft. Four plumbed ops. for lease or lease purchase. Great central location. 303/818-2787, Office Space: DTC/Highlands Ranch. Modern dental building in a new business park near Park Meadows Mall. Perfect for a specialist or GP. 2,400 sq. ft. Central vacuum and air compressor. Contact Ken Andow at 303/9084442 or Office Space: 26th and Wadsworth dental building. Lakewood/Wheat Ridge border. Remodeled suite with three open ops. Plumbed for vac, nitrous, ox, drains, water. Triple filtered compressed air in all suites. Specifically built for dental use, has dark room and x-ray ready. Upgraded trim, finish, sinks and cabinetry. Landlord willing to help with equipment financing. Current tenants include well established periodontist and GP. Extraordinary collegial atmosphere. Excellent signage. Parking ratio 6:1000. $16/sq. ft. Call Mike at 720/938-4700. Office Space: Dental building in Buena Vista, Colo. 1,400 sq. ft., four ops. Outstanding dental practice in town for 22 years. Beautiful community, constantly growing. Building for
More than 300 practices transitioned.
Purchase and Sale Employment Agreements Professional Corporation State Board Proceedings Wills Trusts Powers of Attorney Living Wills
Call: 303-320-4580
501 S. CHERRY ST., SUITE 610, DENVER, CO 80246 Legal Counsel to the Colorado Dental Association Since 1978
CLASSIFIEDS continued on page 44
Twenty-five years successfully helping Colorado dentists.
“See me before you sign”
rent or sale. Excellent opportunity. Call Dr. Dave Drake, 719/395-2851. Office Space: 1,100 sq. ft., near Park Meadows mall. Plumbed for nitrous, includes one fullyequipped operatory, x-ray, air and suction lines. Shared space with orthodontist. Ideal for oral surgeon or pediatric dentist. Automatic referrals. Call Shannon at 303/792-0345. Office Space: Loveland, Colo. New construction class “A” space. Up to 8,500 sq. ft. available for immediate build-out. Great location and tenant finish allowance. Call 970/663-1000. Office Space: Build/Relocate/Remodel: Foothills Commercial Builders has specialized in building dental offices for more than 20 years in Colorado. Bring us on board early to help you minimize construction costs by choosing a space that best meets your needs. We promise to go the extra mile to provide you with the highest quality craftsmanship at an exceptional value. See some of our work at or call us at 303/755-5711 x300. Office Space: First floor office with five operatory suites located in central Greeley. All plumbing, nitrous lines, computer lines and cabinetry are in place, along with sterilization room and lab space. Call 970/356-5151. Office Space: Leasing new space? Your new landlord is represented by a commercial realtor, attorney and other expert resources. Who is representing your best interests in the transaction? Tenant representation – we represent YOUR best interests: site identifica-
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Specializing in Professional Practice Sales and Appraisals VOL. 88, NO. 3
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
CLASSIFIEDS continued from page 43 tion and demographics analysis; lease valuation and analysis; lease negotiations; and experienced dental services (space planning, information technology, space design and construction support). We will locate the optimum practice growth potential site for you, represent your best interests in the leasing process and assist in overall facility development. Kirby Phillips, Genesee Commercial Group, LLC, 720/308-6430. Office Space: Dental offices in Lakewood, Colo. 26th and Kipling area. 850 sq. ft. built-out, four ops., full service $19/ft. 1,900 sq. ft., owner will assist w/tenant finish per your specs., full service $17/ft. Three months FREE. Call Jack, 303/919-0813. Office Space: Cottonwood Lakes Medical Campus. Thornton, Colo. Ideal demographics, high traffic and visibility. Contact Medical Facility Partners, LLC, 720/308-6430 or Office Space: Colorado Springs, Colo. Briargate area by major intersection. 2,095 sq. ft. First floor, modern bldg., four ops. Plumbing, cabinetry, data lines, etc. present. Call 719/2664848 or Office Space: Colorado Springs, Colo. Dental space, 2,000-3,150 sq. ft. Partitioned/plumbed for four ops. Beautiful building with great visibility and easy access in affluent area. Call Russell Stroud, 719/590-1717.
For Sale: Dental office closing, all items for sale: dental chairs and lights, x-ray heads, vacuum, chemclave, compressor, and instruments/handpieces. Please call 720/4681315 or e-mail For Sale: New Adec 533 Continental Delivery System with deluxe touchpad. New Adec 551 Assistant’s Instrumentation, long arm with w/single four-position. New Adec 500 patient chair. New Adec operatory light. New Planmeca wall mount intraoral x-ray with long cone extension. New Assistina 301 Plus lubrication system. Contact Dr. Jeffrey Rayl, or 719/599-3999. For Sale: Used Belmont x-ray machine. Very little use. Make an offer. Call Alex at 719/3723041 or 719/248-0044. Hands on Surgical Cadaver Course: All implant surgical and bone grafting procedures performed on fresh frozen cadavers. Implant placement, ext/graft/implant, sinus augmentation. Course is held in Redlands, Calif. (near Loma Linda University), Sept. 25-26, Oct. 9-10, Nov. 6-7 or Dec. 11-12. The cost is $2,995. Call 909/307-0770 for more information. Temporary Fill-in Service: Keep your office open for vacations, maternity leave, illness, disability or a resource for periodic patient overload. Nation’s most experienced locum tenens (temporary professional) service. Exclusively for dentists, interim employment opportunities. Forest Irons & Associates, Inc., 800/433-2603 or
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association
Looking To Hire a Trained Dental Assistant? We have dental assistants graduating every three months in the Denver, Broomfield, Fort Collins and Grand Junction areas. To hire or to host a 32-hour externship, please call the Colorado School of Dental Assisting at 800/383-3408. Service: Concerned Colorado Dentists (CCD) is a subcommittee of the Colorado Dental Association. We are in existence to help colleagues, staff and/or families who think they may have a problem with substance abuse. If you think you or someone you know may have a problem, please call Dr. Michael Ford at 303/810-4475 (day or night). All inquiries are kept confidential. Delivery: Let Crystal Courier Service take care of your delivery needs! From Ft. Collins to Pueblo, we deliver SAME DAY. Call 303/5342306 or visit us on the Web at Attorney: Representing dentists/dental practices: Practice start-ups, purchase/sale of practices, associate agreements, employment law, and contracts. Hourly and flat fee billing arrangements. Responsive. Please contact Ryan Howell at 303/800-9120 or This is an advertisement. Accounting: Did you pay too much tax this year? Are your returns even done yet? Don’t wait until next year for another ugly April 15 surprise. Call now for your tax check-up and start saving today! KRAMER & JENSEN, LLC. Contact: Scott Jensen, C.P.A., J.D., M.B.A. 303/741-22530,