Fabric lovers are paper lovers. From the ornate details of postage stamps to the simplicity of lined paper, Windham Fabrics designer Heather Givans celebrates the place where marks are made in her second collection Paper Obsessed. Security envelope textures, airmail stripes, and loose notebook papers turned into paper airplanes are the mainstay of this collection with a call to action that states:
“Now is the time for all good people to write letters to their friends and family.� Now is the time to make sewn things with paper that is fabric. A big thank you to all of the friends and family that sent #paperobsessed mail to Heather Givans for this project.
Aerodynamics Quilt – 76” x 96” Designed and pieced by Heather Givans. Quilted by Karen McTavish of McTavish Quilting Studio. Fabrics Used:
41684-8 White Out, 41686-13 Ballpoint, 41687-6 Paper
Air Traffic Control Quilt – 52” x 40” Designed and pieced by Heather Givans. Quilted by Dan Clayton of Quilting by the Stitch. Pattern available January 2016 from www.crimsontate.com. Fabrics Used:
Fabric used: 41684-8 White Out, 41686-12 Aluminum, 41687-6 Paper
Harriet Headbands Designed by Heather Givans. Sewn by David Barnhouse. Wholesale available from www.crimsontate.com Fabrics Used:
41687-14 Legal, 41684-6 Paper
Letters from Home Quilt – 65” x 80” Designed and pieced by Heather Givans. Quilted by Dan Clayton of Quilting by the Stitch. Pattern available January 2016 from www.crimsontate.com. Fabrics Used:
41682-3 PM Delivery, 41684-6 Paper, 41684-7 Eco Friendly, 41684-8 White Out, 41685-9 Mailman, 41685-10 Greyscale, 41686-11 Cerulean, 41686-13 Ballpoint, 41687-6 Paper, 41688-15 Chalkboard, 40171-20 Aqua/White (from Artisan Cotton)
Spiral Bound – 60” x 60” Designed and pieced by Amanda Castor of Material Girl Quilts. Quilted by Karlee Porter of Karlee Porter Quilts. Pattern available November 2016 from materialgirlquilts.bigcartel.com. Fabrics Used:
41684-8 White Out, 41686-11 Cerulean, 41688-15 Chalkboard, 41688-11 Cerulean
Postage Stamp Pillow – 14” x 22” Designed and sewn by David Barnhouse of Crimson Tate. Free tutorial in March 2016 from blog.crimsontate.com. Fabrics Used:
41682-2 AM Delivery, 40171-1 Charcoal/White. Artisan Cotton: 40171-2 Black/Grey, 40171-13 Red/White, 40171-29 Yellow/Copper, 40171-31 Turq./Copper, 40171-35 Aqua/Blue (Left) Succulent Garden Quilt – 58” x 70” Designed and pieced by Heather Givans. Quilted by Linda Benjamin of Dancing Gecko Studio. Available for purchase as a printed pattern from www.crimsontate.com. Fabrics Used:
41681-1 First Class, 41682-3 PM Delivery, 41683-5 Recycled, 41684-7 Eco Friendly, 41685-10 Greyscale, 41686-12 Aluminum, 41686-13 Ballpoint, 41687-6 Paper, 41688-11 Cerulean, 41688-15 Chalkboard
Harriet Headbands Designed by Heather Givans. Sewn by David Barnhouse. Wholesale available from www.crimsontate.com Fabrics Used:
41687-14 Legal
(Right) Wonky Triangles Quilt – 40” x 40” Pieced by John Adams of Quilt Dad. Pattern by Nancy Purvis of Owen’s Olivia. Quilted by Dan Clayton of Quilting by the Stitch. Fabrics Used:
41681-1 First Class, 41682-2 AM Delivery, 41682-3 PM Delivery, 41683-4 Manila, 41683-5 Recycled, 41684-6 Paper, 41684-7 Eco Friendly, 41685-9 Mailman, 41685-10 Greyscale, 41686-11 Cerulean, 41686-12 Aluminum, 41686-13 Ballpoint, 41687-6 Paper, 41687-14 Legal, 41688-11 Cerulean, 41688-15 Chalkboard. Artisan Cotton: 40171-1 Charcoal/White, 40171-2 Black/Grey, 40171-9 Blue/Aqua, 40171-12 Blue/Orchid, 40171-13 Red/White, 40171-15 Yellow/White, 40171-20 Aqua/White, 40171-24 Navy/White, 40171-31 Turq./Copper, 40171-35 Aqua/Blue
Garden Party Dress Pattern by Oliver + S. Sewn by Jenny Leisure of Crimson Tate. Available for purchase as a printed or PDF pattern from www.oliverands.com. Fabrics Used:
41682-2 AM Delivery, 41687-6 Paper
Alison Glass Woven Essentials Dress Designed by Karen LePage of Gentle Clothing. Sewn by Karen LePage and Kelly Cattanach. Pattern available soon from www.alisonglass.com. Fabrics Used:
41684-7 Eco Friendly
Mail Sack Pattern by Pink Chalk Studio. Sewn by Cathy Ciresi. Available for purchase as a printed pattern from www.pinkchalkstudio.com. Fabrics Used:
41681-1 First Class, 41682-3 PM Delivery, 41686-11 Cerulean (Lining), 41687-6 Paper (Pocket)
Indian Hill Quilt – 50” x 50” Designed, pieced, and tied by Heather Jones of Heather Jones Studio. Pattern available in the book Quilt Local from www.abramsbooks.com. Fabrics Used:
41684-6 Paper, 41685-10 Greyscale, 41686-12 Aluminum, 41686-13 Ballpoint, 41688-11 Cerulean, 41688-15 Chalkboard, 41681-1 First Class (Backing)
Open Wide – Small: 4” x 7.5” x 3”, Medium: 6.5” x 10.5” x 4.5”, Large: 9” x 12” x 6” Designed by Annie Unrein of ByAnnie. Sewn by Gloria Benito-Ortega and Annie Unrein. Quilted by Chris Calkins. Featuring ByAnnie’s Soft & Stable. Available for purchase as a printed pattern from www.ByAnnie.com.
Honey Bun Poufs Pattern by Amy Butler. Sewn by David Barnhouse of Crimson Tate. Available for purchase as a printed or PDF pattern from www.amybutlerdesign.com. Fabrics Used:
Fabrics Used:
41681-1 First Class, 41683-4 Manila, 41686-13 Ballpoint, 41687-14 Legal
Small: 41681-1 First Class, 41686-11 Cerulean, Medium: 41683-5 Recycled, 41686-12 Aluminum, Large: 41682-2 AM Delivery, 41686-13 Ballpoint
Creative Maker Supply Case Pattern designed and sewn by Sara Lawson of Sew Sweetness. Available for purchase as a printed or PDF pattern from www. sewsweetness.com. Fabrics Used:
41681-1 First Class, 41684-7 Eco Friendly, 41687-6 Paper
Letters From Home - Lap Size Quilt 65” x 80” Pattern available January 2016 - wholesale@crimsontate.com
Envelope 1 41684-8 White Out
Envelope 2 41687-6 Paper
7 8
Envelope 3 41684-6 Paper
2 3
Envelope 4 40171-20 Aqua/White*
1 3
Lining 1 41682-3 PM Delivery
Lining 2 41684-7 Eco Friendly
Lining 3 41685-9 Mailman
Lining 4 41685-10 Greyscale
Lining 5 41686-11 Cerulean
Lining 6 41686-13 Ballpoint
Background 41688-15 Chalkboard
Binding 41685-10 Greyscale
5 8
Backing 41682-3 PM Delivery
*From Artisan Cotton
Air Traffic Control - Crib Size Quilt 52” x 40” Pattern available January 2016 - wholesale@crimsontate.com
Airplane 41687-6 Paper
Airplane 41684-8 White Out
1 3
Background 41686-12 Aluminum
Binding 41683-5 Recycled
3 8
Backing 41688-11 Cerulean
Spiral Bound – Lap Size Quilt 60” x 60” Wholesale available November 2015 materialgirlquilts.wordpress.com SKU#
41686-11 Cerulean
1 Bolt
2 Bolts
5 Bolts
7 Bolts
41684-8 White Out
1 Bolt
2 Bolts
4 Bolts
6 Bolts
41688-15 Chalkboard
1 Bolt
1 Bolt
2 Bolts
2 Bolts
Binding 41688-11 Cerulean
1 Bolt
1 Bolt
1 Bolt
2 Bolts
Backing 41683-5 Recycled
2 Bolts
4 Bolts
7 Bolts
14 Bolts
Succulent Garden - Lap Size Quilt 58” x 70” Available now - wholesale@crimsontate.com
41686-13 Ballpoint
1 Bolt
1 Bolt
2 Bolts
3 Bolts
41683-5 Recycled
1 Bolt
1 Bolt
1 Bolt
2 Bolts
41687-6 Paper
1 Bolt
1 Bolt
1 Bolt
2 Bolts
41684-7 Eco Friendly
1 Bolt
1 Bolt
2 Bolts
2 Bolts
41686-12 Aluminum
1 Bolt
1 Bolt
1 Bolt
2 Bolts
41685-10 Greyscale
1 Bolt
1 Bolt
1 Bolt
2 Bolts
41688-11 Cerulean
1 Bolt
1 Bolt
1 Bolt
2 Bolts
41682-3 PM Delivery
1 Bolt
1 Bolt
2 Bolts
2 Bolts
41681-1 First Class
1 Bolt
1 Bolt
1 Bolt
2 Bolts
41688-15 Chalkboard
1 Bolt
1 Bolt
2 Bolts
3 Bolts
Binding 41685-9 Mailman
1 Bolt
1 Bolt
2 Bolts
2 Bolts
Backing 41684-6 Paper
2 Bolts
4 Bolts
9 Bolts
14 Bolts
6 1 7
17 Total SKUs 1. 41683-5 Recycled 2. 41683-4 Manila
3. 41682-3 PM Delivery
4. 41682-2 AM Delivery 5. 41684-8 White Out 6. 41686-12 Aluminum 7. 41686-11 Cerulean 8. 41686-13 Ballpoint 9. 41688-11 Cerulean
10. 41688-15 Chalkboard 11. 41684-6 Paper 12. 41681-1 First Class
13. 41685-10 Greyscale 14. 41685-9 Mailman 15. 41687-6 Paper 16. 41687-14 Legal 17. 41684-7 Eco Friendly
*Ships to stores June 2016* Photography by Eric Lubrick of www.ericlubrick.com Some photographs were taken on location in Downtown Indianapolis at Circa Apartments. It’s a great place to live. @crimsontate #paperobsessedfabric #heathergivans #windhamfabrics
812 Jersey Ave. Jersey City, NJ 07310 | 201.659.0444 | info@windhamfabrics.com | windhamfabrics.com