1 minute read
Mission Colophon
from Windhover LVII
by Windhover
Printed by RR Donnelley in Durham, NC
One Litho Way, Durham NC 27703
Typefaces used are 70 point Duende Pro for display type, 30 point Yatra One for headers, 13 point Karla Regular for bylines, and 10 point Karla Regular, Bold, and Italic for body copy.
Book pages are printed on 80# Text Lynx Ultra Vellum, White. Cover printed on 100# Cover Lynx Ultra Vellum, White with embossing. Created with Adobe InDesign 2023 on personal staff MacBook Pros 1,200 copies distributed free of charge on NC State’s campus in Raleigh, North Carolina.
EDITOR IN CHIEF Ryley Fallon junior in English
DESIGN EDITOR Emma Carter senior in graphic design and English, creative writing
ASST. DESIGN EDITOR Sophia Chunn senior in graphic design
PROMOTIONS DESIGNER Cora Jones freshman in art + design
LITERARY EDITOR Tuesday Pil sophomore in English, creative writing
ASST. LITERARY EDITOR Protima Mukherjee senior in chemistry and science education
VISUAL EDITOR Ben Daggs sophomore in English and philosophy
AUDIO VIDEO EDITOR Javian Evans PhD of textile technology management
Literary Committee
Macon Monday freshman in English literature
Kayla Lare freshman in English
Marisa Hooper freshman in communication and English, creative writing
Nicole Shearon junior in English
Kaitlyn Parker freshman in English
Sruti Bontala freshman in biology, integrative physiology and neurobiology
Visual Committee
Hallie Walker junior in business administration, marketing
Camilla Keil senior in arts studies
Publication Adviser
Martha Collins