FEMSA News Summer 2006

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Official publication of the Fire and Emergency Manufacturers and Services Association


FEMSA Summer - 2006

Firehouse.com, Firehouse Magazine, Firehouse World, Firehouse Las Vegas and Firehouse Expo are the official sponsors of the FEMSA 2006 Summer Newsletter

©Copyright 2006, FEMSA, MA (USA) Editor: Karen H. Burnham Newsletter Committee: Eric Schlett, Chair Melinda Freeman, Board Liaison Gabe Steinbach, Layout



President’s Message


Welcome New Members

02 04 06 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 17 17 18 22 23 23

NFFF Memorial Weekend Harry Carter 2006 Fire Act: “Road Trip”: The True Story GAC Update

Personal Responsibility Code Operation Safe Arrival

Mutual Aid Americas “Firefighters Helping Firefighters” Dedication:”A man with a vision” Edward H. McCormack, Jr Trade Show 2006 Pictorial

The Successes of Home Day

FireRescue Magazine Conference & Expo Schedule In Memoriam

Keeping In Touch

FEMSA Member News Legislative Update

2006 Annual Meeting Preview & Schedule of Events 2006 Events Calendar

THANKS TO OUR ADVERTISERS • Firehouse • Fire Chief • Fire Engineering/ FDIC • FireRescue www.femsa.org

President’s Message

Since the spring newsletter, our community has lost some great leaders and innovators. The passings of Ed McCormack, Tom Brennan and Dick Otte represent a tremendous loss to our industry. Each of them made significant contributions, each in their own way, and each of them helped firefighters do their jobs more efficiently, more skillfully and more safely. They will be missed. At FEMSA we are busy planning for the Annual Meeting scheduled for October 4 -7 in Arlington, Virginia. Plan to arrive on the afternoon of the 4th and be sure not to miss the welcome reception that evening. This year’s meeting will be a little different than our previous meetings. Because we will be just a short Metro ride from Capitol Hill, we will hold our Hill Day activities in conjunction with the Annual Meeting. On Thursday October 5th we will kick off with a joint FEMSA/FAMA breakfast meeting hosted by Congressman Curt Weldon. During that session we will learn first hand from Congressman Weldon and others about the issues on the Hill that will impact our industry and our businesses. We also will have an opportunity to learn more about how to effectively communicate with our representatives in Washington and at home. The afternoon will be spent on Capitol Hill visiting your representatives and their staff and carrying our message directly to lawmakers. If you have never had the opportunity to wander the halls of the Congressional offices, I promise you it will be an experience you will never forget. What always strikes me is the access that Americans have to their elected officials. All it takes to make an impact is a little preplanning in the form of asking for an appointment in advance and then showing up with a clear message. It is important to note that often the legislator will not be available but a staffer will always take a moment to meet you and listen. It is probably more important to interface with staffers since they are responsible for briefing the boss on how the constituents feel about a particular issue. During our past Hill Days when only a handful of companies were able to participate due to capacity issues, we made quite an impact. Imagine what we can do with all of us there! We also will participate in a very special reception on Thursday evening. We are co-sponsoring the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation reception that kicks off the NFFF’s memorial weekend. This event will be held in the Library of Congress and is usually attended by many Congressman, Senators, Washington VIPs, and industry leaders. Friday will be our annual business meeting in the morning with caucus group meetings and the joint FEMSA/FAMA session in the afternoon. Friday evening will be our banquet highlighted by a very special keynote speaker. Saturday we will wrap up with a roundtable discussion in the morning. If you haven’t registered by the time you read this then go right to the FEMSA web site (www.femsa.org) and do so. (See also additional information in this newsletter.) Registrations will close very soon so don’t wait, do it now! It is important that your company is represented, both at the annual meeting and on Capitol Hill. Till next time,

Giff Swayne


FEMSA News • Summer 2006

WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! FEMSA is pleased to welcome its newest members:


Contact: Thomas Anderson, Executive Vice President and COO 8000 GSRI Avenue, Bldg. 3000 Baton Rouge, LA 70820 Tel: (225) 578-0333 Fax: (225) 578-7915 Email: tanderson@firstrst.com Web Site: www.firstrst.com A manufacturer of Decision Support Software Systems – GIS & Data Management


Contact: John Geras, President 6620 Orchid Lake Road New Port Richey, FL 34653 Tel: (727) 848-2424 Fax: (727) 845-5941 Email: team@teamequipment.com Web Site: www.teamequipment.com A distributor of Rescue Tools r

FEMSA News • Summer 2006

National Fallen Fire Fighters Memorial Weekend

A grateful Nation will honor its fallen fire heroes at the 25th Annual National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service on Sunday, October 8, 2006. The public ceremony will begin at 10 a.m. at the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial, the official national monument to all fallen firefighters, located in Emmitsburg, Maryland.

Memorial Service, as will the survivors of firefighters honored in earlier years.

We will broadcast the service live via satellite. Videotapes and DVDs of the service will be available after the Memorial Weekend.r

Thousands will attend the national tribute remembering America's bravest who died in the line of duty in 2005 and several who died in previous years. The national service will celebrate the lives of these dedicated men and women. The ceremony, rich in fire service traditions, will begin with an Honor Guard and bagpipe band processional. Families will receive American flags flown over the Nation's Capitol and the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial. The tribute will conclude with the unveiling of the memorial plaques listing the names of the 2005 fallen heroes and those who died in previous years. Families and coworkers of the fallen firefighters will receive priority seating for the





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www.firechief.com www.femsa.org


FEMSA News • Summer 2006


Peltier Jack Peltier and I have returned home. Back in April I decided to travel the highways and byways of our great nation in a quest to meet the real fire service. I thought this would be a great way to see and assess what folks out there are thinking and doing. I wanted to meet the people who are protecting America on their own turf. My best buddy Jack Peltier was the one who suggested that I go out and meet a number of departments who have benefited from the grants provided by the Assistance to Firefighters program created by the FIRE Act legislation. These success stories, he felt, are critical to the future of the program. Like you, I have heard a number of success stories, but my heart told me there was more to it than any of us really knew. My heart was right … and I plan to help justify more funding of the FIRE Act program by creating a journal that tells our Senators and Members of Congress about the true value of this program. Thanks to the efforts of FAMA, FEMSA and a number of their individual members, Jack Peltier and I were able make our nearly monthlong pilgrimage. We would have made some form of trip, but the support from FAMA and FEMSA folks allowed us to broaden the journey. Over a 26-day span, 6,100 miles and 18 states, we visited fire department personnel from more than 45 departments at 27 separate locations. I also expect to conduct additional interviews in three more states, as well as meet with Congressman Pascrell later this month. Along the way I created a daily web log for Firehouse.com. I hope you had a chance to follow the progress of our journey across America. More than 50 postings were made over the course of the road trip. They may still be viewed from the Firehouse.com web site (see link to Harry Carter’s Road Trip blog). There will be a series of articles written about our journey and all will be available for you to use when communicating with your Senators and Members of Congress – something you must do. And don’t forget the people who write for your local newspapers and those on your local television stations. Be proactive and help me tell this story. My goal for the trip and my continuing passion are and remain really quite simple. The current administration is trying to take away our FIRE Act money. People are scrambling to come up with ways to show the value of the program. What better way than to create a short, easy-to-read pamphlet featuring the people who have seen their organizations prosper because

FEMSA News • Summer 2006

The Harry Carter 2006 FIRE Act Road Trip: The True Story By: Harry R. Carter, Ph.D.

of the funds granted to them by the Assistance to Firefighters grant program? In each place we visited, Jack and I met with people who have benefited from the FIRE Act. You can read the details of our visits in my blog, but here are some of the major highlights and insights learned from the trip:

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On-board computers and GPS equipment enabled widespread evacuation plans where before there was none. Departments in the same region are coming together thanks to the FIRE Act and the new tools it has brought to them.

The FIRE Act has built new relationships and strengthened existing bonds due to fire officials from several counties working together on grant applications. From team-building efforts, departments within area counties are becoming interoperable.

Of those departments interviewed, the top items of need purchased with FIRE Act funds were personal protective equipment (PPE), self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), thermal imaging cameras, rescue and extrication tools and emergency vehicles.

Grants have allowed departments and counties the technology to provide county-wide communications systems, regardless of their frequency; have created true models of interoperability success; have funded virtual-reality fire inspectors training programs now in use by more than 400 different fire departments in 47 states; have created in-house teleconference system with equipment in every station within a department for more effective and efficient training operations keeping firefighters available for emergency response from their own stations. Morale is a fragile commodity and the FIRE Act breathed new life into every fire department we met

We owe it to our fire departments and first responders to fight with all our heart to make the FIRE Act all it can be. Thank you for believing in the rightness of our journey. This is just a sampling of what you will see from us in the future. Stay tuned!

Dr. Harry R. Carter is a veteran fire service professional from Adelphia, NJ. He is Chairman of the Board of Fire Commissioners for Howell Township Fire District #2, and a long-time contributing editor for Firehouse Magazine. He enjoyed a 26-year career with the Newark, New Jersey Fire Department, serving as a Division commander, a Suppression Division Battalion Chief, Chief of Training, and Commander of the Hazardous Materials Response Team. He has also had a long career with the Adelphia Fire Company in Howell Township, NJ. He served as Fire Chief, and Training Officer and currently serves as an active Life Member and is the fire company Chaplain. A veteran of 42 years in the fire and emergency service world, he holds degrees in organizational and management, fire service administration, public policy analysis, fire safety administration, the social sciences and business administration. He has authored seven books and has written more than 1,500 magazine, web and journal articles. r





FEMSA News • Summer 2006

GAC UPDATE A lot has transpired since our last newsletter and the members of your GAC are busier than ever. We have expanded our circle of influence this spring and summer, and have become more involved with issues that affect us all. This year's appropriation process with the Fire Act grant program was a highlight for the Committee. While we were a little late getting involved with the process, we were able to be heavily involved at a key point due to some "home" connections we have begun to establish. The end result was we were able to help move the process through at the Senate level. While it was a collaborative effort amongst the many different organizations we are working with, the important part is that for the first time we were an integral contributing member of the Fire Caucus group. This result was due to the efforts that you, the membership, have put into building the local relationships through your "Home Day" programs. Speaking of "Home Day" I hope each of you has looked at the great "Home Day" site on the FEMSA web page. This was a great effort for our first year and it is documented well thanks to our committee members who worked so diligently on the program. Our organization's ability to reach out at home has made us a very valuable asset to our alliance partners who work in Washington, DC. Remember, Every Day is Home Day! We have two great programs that we are

by Steve Lawrence

working on for the rest of this year. The first is our 3rd annual "Hill Day" in conjunction with our annual meeting in October. Make your appointments (NOW!) to meet with staffers and your members of congress. We have a fun day of activities scheduled, culminating with a wonderful evening reception at the Library of Congress in conjunction with the NFFF. Our second project is a "living document" outlining success stories, facts, anecdotes, etc. on the value of the Fire Act Grant program. This project, which we are doing in collaboration with our alliance members, may be the most important project we have undertaken to date. It is designed to be a document that can be presented when each of us visit with a legislator or staff members that will give them factual information on the success of the Fire Act Grant program and its importance to our country. This document will have links to various websites and information that will be continually updated so that you or any staff member of congress can get information about the Fire Act grant. Our goal is to have this ready for you on "Hill Day" and we are planning to present this to Congressman Weldon at the morning program. More to come as this is developed. As always, if you have any questions about GAC activities or need any assistance please don't hesitate to contact any of your GAC committee members. We all look forward to seeing you in October! r


Your GAC:

Bob Kreps, Co-Chair rkreps@idexcorp.com Steve Lawrence, Co-Chair stevelaw@mac.com

Tim Bendle timb@ustanker.com Doug Bonney kochekman@msn.com Ken Creese creese@sutphencorp.com George Goros ggoros@unitedplastic.com John Granby jgranby@lionapparel.com Mark LaDouceur mark.h.ladouceur@cummins.com Bill Latta bill@resqtec.com Mike Natchipolsky mike.natchipolsky@cygnusb2b.com Tony Parrino tony@hppmag.com Gabriel Steinbach gabe58@mac.com John Sztykiel jesztyki@spartanmotors.com

PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY CODE A license agreement allows these companies to print the PRC in their company literature, on their web sites, and in their advertising and promotional materials; the agreement is renewable annually. Alternatively, members may order stock products (wallet cards, hang tags and posters) for distribution to their customers. These items can be customized with company name and contact information. Join these FEMSA member companies who have entered into PRC license agreements:

Air One Equipment, Incorporated Bacou-Dalloz Division Fire Apparatus Magazine Fire Chief Magazine Fire-Dex, Incorporated Firehouse Magazine FireRescue Magazine Fire Research Corp.

FEMSA News • Summer 2006

Globe Manufacturing Holmatro, Incorporated Hypro LLC/FoamPro L.N. Curtis & Sons Lion Apparel, Incorporated Matjack Paratech Incorporated PlymoVent Corporation


Res Q Tek, Incorporated Spec Rescue International, Incorporated Southern Mills, Incorporated TNT Rescue Systems, Incorporated Towers Fire Apparatus VFISA



“Developing Procedures for Emergency Response” By Richard Patrick

This is the second in a series of columns on emergency vehicle safety by Richard Patrick, Director of EMS Programs and Emergency Service Initiatives for Emergency Services Education and Consulting Group(ESECG), a division of VFIS. The columns are a component of VFIS’ “Operation Safe Arrival” initiative, aimed at heightening safety awareness and reducing the frequency and severity of accidents involving emergency vehicles.

Many years ago, fire and EMS personnel were considered virtually “untouchable” when it came to accidents or malpractice. Things have changed considerably. The principle of public kindness is no longer an acceptable practice, and concepts such as sovereign immunity (individual vs. government) have been significantly limited by the courts. In fact, many federal, state, and provincial laws allow for suits against individual leaders of emergency service organizations. Terms such as “duty of care,” “breach of omission or commission,” and “joint and several liability” are now entering emergency personnel’s vocabulary.

One important way to prepare for this challenge is to develop, adopt and continuously practice a comprehensive set of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)/Standard Operating Guidelines (SOGs.) While a wide variety of subjects should be covered in a comprehensive set of SOPs and SOGs, one of the most important is the operation of emergency vehicles. Chief officers as well as drivers need to recognize the fact that emergency vehicle response is the basis for the success or failure of all other emergency functions. These expensive vehicles carry all of your portable equipment in addition to your personnel. Allowing an individual to sit behind the wheel of a 12,000 pound ambulance or a 45,000 pound fire apparatus staffed by your personnel – then permitting them to respond in the emergency mode on busy roadways – is a major responsibility. If your vehicles don’t arrive safely at the emergency scene, your organization can’t achieve its mission of saving lives and protecting property. The following are just some of the components that should be included in a comprehensive set of emergency vehicle procedures: • Driver Selection Criteria • Driver Qualifications • Required Training • Testing and Certification • Skills Maintenance • Periodic Recertification


Policies and procedures regarding the actual driving of an emergency vehicle should also be included. These “rules for the road” should include, but not be limited to, the following areas: • Safety Inspections Prior to Driving • Driver Behavior • Use of Warning Devices • Non-Emergency Response • Vehicle Control and Right-of-Way • Response Speeds • Intersection Practices • Passing and Rate of Closure • Riding Policy • Backing Up • Response in Privately Owned Vehicles

Having sound emergency vehicle response procedures practiced and in place will help provide positive direction to both your officers and drivers. They will also help protect your organization against accidents and the public relations nightmares that can occur when a department tries to justify poor safety standards. One warning about SOPs/SOGs, policies, or procedures, however; once adopted, they must be rigorously practiced. Nothing can be more embarrassing than adopting a procedure, say, to regularly inspect brakes, and after a brake failure accident, discovering the brakes have not been inspected in keeping with written internal procedures. VFIS Risk Control Services has developed a complete set of procedures, and communiqués, addressing many topics related to vehicle operations. They are accessible on our web site, www.vfis.com. You may wish to review them and make the necessary modifications that meet the unique needs of your own organization.

A noted emergency service educator, lecturer, author, and consultant, Mr. Patrick currently serves as Chief Executive Officer of the Annville Fire Department (PA) and member of the Annville Township municipality planning commission. In addition to his work with VFIS, Rick is also actively involved in various national, state, and local organization, including the National Association of Emergency Dispatch, National Fire Protection Association, International Association of Fire Chiefs, Congressional Fire Services Institute, EMS Magazine, and the American Ambulance Association. r


FEMSA News • Summer 2006


“Firefighters Helping Firefighters” submitted by Jack McLoughlin, Fire Research Corp.

Mutual-Aid America is a 501 (c) 3 that assists under funded fire departments in Latin America.

Our program began after the September 11, 2001 disaster with the chance meeting between myself and the Deputy Chief from South America, who was in NYC to help the FDNY and the city. Deputy Chief Christian Huerta stayed with me at the Engine 58 firehouse for a week in October of 2001. After his stay in NYC, he invited me for a friendly visit to his home in Guayaquil, Ecuador.

I spent a week in Guayaquil, and during my stay I was able to make many observations on what the Fire Department was lacking. Before leaving, I vowed to Chief Huerta that I would return and send some equipment. Since that meeting Mutual-Aid was formed and we have sent 20 trucks and 100’s of sets of Bunker Gear and Air-Packs to Guayaquil.

With our ability as a 501(c) 3 public charity to give a tax advantage to donors, we would like to find a mutually advantageous way to work with dealers who get used apparatus in trade. Our sweet spot is mid1970’s to early 1980’s apparatus, mainly due to condition and price. Of course, if donated, we will gladly accept newer and better apparatus. We also understand and participate in the U.S. market for used fire fighting apparatus and equipment and have moved our share of both. It is clear to us that supply exceeds demand.

Often, we have seen small fire departments hold on to apparatus for unreasonable periods of time in the hope of selling them at prices that are above what the market will bear. And we know that these are apparatus that the dealers just will not take in trade. Often, these vehicles from the late 70’s and early 80’s, and have very low mileage and are well maintained. They are among the most desirable for our purposes.

We would like to work with you and anyone that you can recruit to our cause to get this type of apparatus donated to Mutual Aid Americas, Inc., for which we would be glad to arrange a letter confirming the donation at full market value. We are currently working on a program which, if it is successfully launched, will name apparatus in memory of all our fallen brothers from 9/11. We hope that the equipment we send will help to keep them in our

FEMSA News • Summer 2006

memories while their namesake apparatus continues to do the work that they loved and died for. And that the apparatus named for them will help to maintain the safety and possibly save the lives of those unfortunate FF’s who are working with either sub-standard or no equipment at all. I hope that you will take an interest in what

we are doing and find ways in which we may work with you and with apparatus and equipment dealers throughout the U.S. Very truly yours, Daniel P. Sheridan, Captain, FDNY Director r


• With apparatus leaving the U.S. going to Latin America, it keeps U.S. departments with the most modern and safe equipment.

• When an apparatus leaves the states, departments have to buy new. With all the grant money available, it is now easier for small departments to buy newer equipment. • It keeps America working, when we have a market for new equipment, Americans have jobs.

• This program may lead to new markets in Latin America, as the economies get stronger. Working with Mutual Aid Americas, Inc., we will help to start to build brand loyalty. If they like their 1983 Brand X, I am sure they will be looking to buy a new Brand X when the funds are available. • It will help to keep equipment from piling up in our facilities. I can’t tell you how many stations I visit, where I see equipment piled up in the storage shed, or a truck parked outside, rusting and exposed to weather. That Parade piece that was the pride of the department 5 years ago, is now rusting. That same piece could be saving lives in another city. r 8


DEDICATION: “A Man With a Vision”

Edward H. McCormack, Jr. a legend in the nation’s fire services passed away on Tuesday, April 11 after a short illness. He was 67 years young. McCormack had over 40 years in fire training and education. He began his career at age 15 as a volunteer firefighter with the Hopkinton, MA Fire Department. In 1958 he became Chief of Fire & Security at Cushing Hospital in Framingham, MA, the youngest chief, at that time, in the Commonwealth. While at the hospital he instituted an emergency evacuation and disaster preparedness program, training all hospital staff.

During his tenure at the hospital, he was approached by the Fire Chiefs in Central Massachusetts to implement a training program for their firefighters. It was during this time that the Central Massachusetts Fire Training Academy was created. McCormack along with other instructors, traveled all across the state training firefighters. He led the charge to pass legislation, creating the Massachusetts Fire Training Academy, under the Department of Education. In 1966 he became the first Director and Chief of Fire Training for the Commonwealth.

In1973 he was elected as the Secretary/Treasurer of the International Society of Fire Service Instructors (ISFSI). In 1977 he retired from the Commonwealth after 23 years of service to work full-time with ISFSI, ultimately becoming the Executive Director and then CEO. In 1978 the Insurance Services Offices (ISO), were then conducting the annual FDIC in Memphis, TN. ISFSI held its annual conference and meeting two days prior to FDIC because many ISFSI members were speakers at FDIC. ISO decided they no longer wanted to continue running FDIC. McCormack successfully came up with a plan and in 1979 ISFSI took over the running of FDIC. Outgrowing the Memphis facility, they moved to Cincinnati in 1984 where they ultimately out grew the city and moved to Indianapolis in 1995, which is the home of FDIC today. McCormack lead the way with the ISFSI Board to create, in 1989, the Alliance for Fire and Emergency Management, under the umbrella of ISFSI. The Alliance was made up of nine smaller associations, the first being the Fire Department Safety Officers Association (FDSOA) created and incorporated in 1989.

McCormack left ISFSI in 1996, started his own consulting business and worked with companies and associations such as International Center for Emergency Response Training Academy, FL; Federal Micro Systems, MD; ProSafe Fire Training Systems, Canada; and Tutman Production Corp, MD, just to name a few. He was a certified Fire Instructor and Teacher Trainer in Massachusetts and a graduate of the Massachusetts State Police Academy, Municipal Police Program.

McCormack's knowledge of emergency management issues and his ability to harness resources and support, made him a strong advocate for our public defenders. Described as a visionary and a firefighter's firefighter, he was one of the nation’s leading experts in the area of training and education for the fire and emergency services. If you look at the history of our country, each century that passes has left a handful of true visionaries who through their tireless dedication, make dramatic changes and improvements that impact the lives of people for decades to come. The American Fire Service was extremely fortunate to benefit from one of these icons. “Big Ed” McCormack will be remembered as a true father of the fire service who believed there was no substitute for education, and made sure everyone had an equal opportunity to succeed. r

During his tenure with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, McCormack learned very quickly about politics. That led him into the national political arena where he soon became one of the most respected fire service advocates in the country. In 1974 he was one of the writers of the legislation PL93-498 that created the United States Fire Administration and National Fire Academy.



FEMSA News • Summer 2006

FDIC 2006

Farewell to Dan Juntune

Our FDIC Team

FEMSA News • Summer 2006




Members of the fire service industry discussed funding priorities with their Congressional representatives during the first annual “Home Day” events that began the week of April 17th, and continue on through the summer months. Many activities took place at manufacturers’ facilities where elected officials and their staffs got a first-hand opportunity to see the latest firefighting and emergency services products, and meet the people who build them. “Home Day” was orchestrated by the joint Governmental Affairs Committee (GAC) of the Fire Apparatus Manufacturers’ Association (FAMA) and the Fire and Emergency Manufacturers and Services Association (FEMSA). It was co-partnered by the Congressional Fire Services Institute (CFSI), International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC), and the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) to present a unified voice in presenting the top priorities of the fire service in 2006. The events coincided with Congressional recesses when



Ocala’s fire industry joined forces trying on April 19th to persuade lawmakers to increase federal funding that enables fire departments nationwide to buy new fire trucks and other equipment. A total of six Marion County fire and emergency industry companies met with lawmakers’ representatives at E-One’s headquarters with a clear message.

“We want to make our federal, state and local officials aware of what we do and bring to the county, and make sure legislators are aware of the financial need of the fire services,” stated Tim Dean, President of Pro Poly of America. Manufacturers are concerned about President Bush’s proposed fiscal 2007 budget, which would reduce funding of the FIRE Act and SAFER grant programs that provide federal money to fire and emergency services programs for new equipment and training.

most senators and representatives return to their home states to meet with constituents.

Full funding for the Fire Grants Program was one of the most critical priorities discussed. Of immediate concern is the 2007 fiscal year budget where the President has proposed funding only $293 million of the $1 billion authorized. The Fire Grants Program is considered especially valuable to the fire service because it provides funds directly to departments based on need and the most effective use of grant funds. Grant requests are judged by peers and experts in the fire service, and are designed to provide basic equipment such as personal protective clothing, SCBA, and replacements for old and out-of-date apparatus. Other critical priorities include continued support of the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Program that helps fire departments recruit and retain personnel in order to provide 24/7 coverage. The

Manufacturers also pointed out their contribution to the Marion County economy. “With more than 1,700 people employed in the industry – most at E-One – fire equipment provides a major economic impact,” Dean said. “It translates to an economic stimulus of close to $200 million right here in Marion County,” he said. The event featured displays from the companies involved and a tour of the E-One facilities that intrigued lawmakers’ staff members.

Marc Gustafson, E-One with Shawna Williams and Judy Moore of Congressman Cliff Stearns’ Office

Gary Ewers, Class 1/Hale with Mary Chiles of Senator Bill Nelson’s Office, and Adele Griffin of Senator Mel Martinez’s Office


To date, “Home Day” events have been held in the states of Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Wisconsin and Wyoming, with additional events planned through the fall. We are pleased and proud to recognize the member companies of FEMSA and FAMA who have sponsored “Home Day” in their states. Make "every day Home Day" by establishing a relationship and keeping in touch with your legislators and staffers on a periodic basis. Every member should know his/her representatives' Legislative Directors and Chiefs of Staff on a first-name basis, and they should know you. Accept that challenge!

Southern Mills had the pleasure of hosting U.S. Representative Lynn Westmoreland (GA8th district) at our yarn mill in Senoia, GA on Friday, August 4th. The afternoon program consisted of a comprehensive presentation of the flame resistant fabrics that we make and the protective clothing that is manufactured from them. We discussed the importance of our industrial and military market segments and put special emphasis on the Emergency Response sector. We asked the congressman for his full support in funding the SAFER and FIRE Act programs and urged him to become a member of the Congressional Fire Services caucus.

Congressman Westmoreland took a few minutes to tell us about his work in Washington including his views on Homeland Security issues like border control, illegal immigration, and the war on terrorism. The meeting concluded with a full tour of our yarn manufacturing facility which houses our completely vertical operation that converts bales of Nomex®, Kevlar®, Pbi, Pbo and other flame resistant fibers into spun yarns which are then transferred to our weaving in Zebulon, GA. All of Southern Mills’ manufacturing facilities are in Georgia’s 8th district, and we hope that the congressman will find time to visit our other plants later this Fall.


L to R: Robert Self (Quality Systems Mgr), Denise Statham (Director of End Use Marketing), Tim Peterson (Production Planning Mgr), Jean Harris (VP of Human Resources), Lynn Camp (Plant Mgr – Yarn Plant), Congressman Lynn Westmoreland, Joe Glovier (VP of Mfg), Kathy Harmon (Human Resources Mgr – Yarn/NW Plants)

“The downward trend in funding over recent years has raised concern,” said Bob Kreps, President of Hale/Class 1. “More than 50 percent of fire trucks in the United States are more than 15 years old.”


need for separate funding of the U.S. Fire Administration was also emphasized as being a more effective approach than including those funds within the Department of Homeland Security budget.


FEMSA News • Summer 2006

FEMSA News • Summer 2006





FEMSA News • Summer 2006

The Successes of Home Day 2006



bers, and legislative representatives. It was efficient, focused and over in two hours.

Cindy Williams from Federal Signal's corporate office in Illinois introduced U.S. Rep. Judy Biggert (R-Ill.). A member of the Congressional Fire Services Caucus, Biggert explained that with 340 members, the bipartisan caucus is the largest on the Hill and "brings together members of Congress that have a common interest — the firefighters and the mission of the firefighters and safety." The caucus meets bimonthly to discuss what legislation to propose.

Biggert offered a bit of insight on Congressional leaders. "See if you can talk to them in their home office. Don't be disappointed if you talk to the staff because they are the ones that relay to the Congressmen and -women," she said. "If you do meet in the district, they will have more time with you."

During the luncheon, Illinois Fire Chiefs Association Executive Director Bob Buhs gave a presentation on the state's fire service legislative efforts and the current status of the local FIRE Grant Program funding.

Paul Darley, president of W.S. Darley in Melrose Park, Ill., was the spark in getting the partnerships for Illinois' Home Day off the ground and pulled together in less than eight weeks. The feedback from all participants was positive, and there's much anticipation for future Home Days.

“Take it Home” By Janet Wilmoth June 5th, 2006

It couldn't be more obvious. Invite someone to your home for lunch and your relationship changes — usually for the better. This past week the Illinois Fire Service Association and members of the Fire Apparatus Manufacturers' Association and the Fire Equipment Manufacturers & Services Association invited Illinois state and federal legislators to lunch for Illinois Fire Services Home Day. Home Day was held in two Illinois locations: one to coincide with the opening of the Illinois Fire Services Institute's college in Champaign, and another in conjunction with the bimonthly Illinois Metropolitan Fire Chiefs meeting outside Chicago.

The event is an outgrowth of the Congressional Fire Services Institute's annual Hill Day in Washington, D.C., which encourages fire chiefs to meet with their Congressional leaders prior to the annual CFSI dinner. The goal of Home Day is to help legislators and their staffers develop a better understanding of the local emergency services and create better working relationships.

At the Chicago luncheon, there were more than 110 chiefs, FEMSA and FAMA mem-

The blueprint for planning a Home Day event is available to any fire department or FAMA and FEMSA members. Everything from sample invitations for legislators to an outline of key talking points is available at the FEMSA Web site. There's no excuse for you not to educate your legislators and staffers on the needs of the first responders. One last note: While Buhs was speaking, I noticed that each of his slides included, in the lower left corner, the small word "teamwork." It was a perfect reminder of what can happen when people work together to form one voice for the fire and emergency services in Illinois. The message came home. Visit www.femsa.org for information on how to put together a Home Day in your state.

Illinois Fire Service Home Day banquet hosted by W.S. Darley.

Paratech Home Day Report

Paratech Incorporated celebrated Home Day on April 20, 2006. Attending guests included Congressman Jerry Weller (R) 11th District, Illinois, Debbie Minitullo, Congressman Weller’s Illinois Chief of Staff, Chief Officers of the Frankfort and Tinley Park Fire Departments, and all Paratech employees and staff. Congressman Weller is the first recipient of FEMSA’s Fire Service Excellence Award, a member of the Fire Service Caucus on Capitol Hill and a Congressional leader for improving the U.S. Fire Service.

The highlight of our Home Day event was Congressman Weller’s speech to Paratech employees and fire service officers. Mr. Weller pledged to support the fire service grant programs and push for increased funding. He also pledged to support a federally funded FEMA task force for Illinois (Chicago area) and the establishment of a State of Illinois US&R task force network!

Following Mr. Weller's comments, he graciously took questions from the audience. Weller is a member of the House Ways & Means Committee and serves on the International Relations Committee as well. Questions from Paratech’s employees and staff focused on personal tax policies and the expansion of business opportunities with the emergency service community. We were also able to discuss export initiatives. Overall, the Home Day event was a complete success. All of us applaud FEMSA’s Steve Lawrence and his tireless efforts promoting the Home Day concept.

Left to right: Jim Burge: Paratech’s Vice President Sales and Marketing; Congressman Jerry Weller (R) 11th Dist. Illinois: Chief James Grady, Frankfort Fire Protection District, Illinois; Peter Nielsen

Congressman Weller addressing Paratech employees, staff and Home Day guests at Paratech’s manufacturing facility in Frankfort, Illinois

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FEMSA News • Summer 2006



The Successes of Home Day 2006


UNITED PLASTIC FABRICATING FAMA FEMSA Appreciation plaque for Congressman John Tierney accepted by Gary Barrett, District Director, and Helen Rush-Lloyd, Constituent Representative, by George Goros of United Plastic Fabricating, and Karen Burnham on behalf of FAMA and FEMSA.

On Wednesday, April 19th, representatives from United Plastic Fabricating (MA) and Karen Burnham from the offices of FAMA and FEMSA, hosted Home Day at the UPF manufacturing facilities in North Andover, Massachusetts. Guests of honor included Gary Barrett, District Director, and Helen Rush-Lloyd, Constituent Representative, from the offices of Congressman John Tierney (D-6th). Deputy Chief Bill Martineau of the North Andover (MA) Fire Department, and Chief Paul Romano with Firefighters Kelly McGonnell and Peter McGonnell of the Lynnfield (MA) Fire Department, attended and displayed recent apparatus purchased through FIRE Act grant funding. They each had an opportunity to point out the safety features of their rigs and explain the importance the FIRE Act program has been to their departments and their communities. UPF representatives led guests on a tour of the company's manufacturing facilities. A brief power point presentation on the history of UPF, its employees, and its facilities in Florida and Wisconsin was provided by Bill Bruns, Vice President of Sales & Marketing. George Goros, Vice President of Manufacturing Operations, highlighted the key messages of the FAMA/FEMSA GAC - full funding of the FIRE Act Grant program, full funding of the U.S. Fire Administration, and support of the SAFER grant program. During the luncheon, representatives had an opportunity to network and discuss the importance of the Fire Service Caucus, and support of David Paulison's nomination as the Under Secretary of FEMA. A plaque in appreciation of Congressman Tierney's support was presented on behalf of UPF and the FAMA/FEMSA GAC.

UPF, FAMA and FEMSA will continue to build on their relationships with Congressman Tierney and his staffers, as well as Senators Kennedy and Kerry from the State of Massachusetts. Appointments are presently being sought to meet with these legislators on Thursday, October 5th - the annual FAMA/FEMSA Hill Day event, this year in conjunction with the FAMA and FEMSA fall/annual meetings - in Washington, DC.

Deputy Chief Bill Martineau (No. Andover) Fire Department pointing out the value the FIRE Act grant program has been to his department.

speech and an overview to all the guests on the background of FRC ( size, number of employees, and how FRC supports the First Responders with the products we make & design) and show the importance of FRC within the fire and emergency business. After introducing the FRC staff, we invited everyone on a plant tour of our facilities to give them a first hand look at the products and support that FRC provides the fire & emergency industry.

Representatives from many of the surrounding cities Fire & Police departments were in attendance along with: Congressman Tim Bishop U.S. Congress, Joan B. Johnson Town Clerk - Town of Islip, Senator John J. Flanagan New York State Senate The response and input from everyone in attendance was very positive towards the service and products that FRC provides for the Fire & Emergency Service. We also learned a great deal about the importance of having our government representation understand what FRC does to support our First Responders and that we need to work together to continue to provide this support in the future.

Chief Paul Romano (Lynnfield) describing to Gary Barrett and Helen Rush-Lloyd of Congressman John Tierney's office the many safety features of Engine 2 compared to older trucks in his fleet, purchased with FIRE grant funds.

l-r: George Goros (UPF VP/Manufacturing Operations), Firefighter Kelly McGonnel (LFD), Jane Howe (UPF VP/Human Resources), Firefighter Peter McGonnel (LFD), Gary Barrett (District Director, Cong. John Tierney), Chief Paul Romano (LFD), Helen Rush-Lloyd (Constituent Representative, Cong. John Tierney), Mike Ashley (UPF VP Engineering), Brian Curley (UPF VP/Finance), Rob McGinty (UPF Plant Manager), Karen Pramas (UPF Marketing Specialist), Bill Bruns (UPF VP Sales & Marketing) [photo credit: Karen Burnham, FAMA/FEMSA]

FRC is already planning for next years Home Day event!

Some of those who attended our Home Day with members of the Fire Research Team



On April 18, 2006, from 8:30 - 11:30 AM Fire Research Corporation hosted our Home Day event starting off with a breakfast reception. During the morning reception, Jack McLoughlin(President -FRC) gave the welcome

l-r: Chief Gaglardi, Chief Kriklava, Congressman Tim Bishop, Chief Woods, Rick Fix (Nat'l Sales Mgr., Fire Research), and Jack McLoughlin (President, Fire Research). All three Fire Chiefs are from the Hauppauge, NY Fire Department.

Florida • Georgia • Illinois • Massachusetts • New York • Pennsylvania • South Dakota • Wisconsin • Wyoming



FEMSA News • Summer 2006

The Successes of Home Day 2006



industrial, automotive and outdoor applications. Streamlight is an ISO 9001:2000 registered company. For additional information, please call Streamlight at 1-800-523-7488 or visit www.streamlight.com.

Rep. Curt Weldon Sees Demonstrations of Flashlights for Fire/Rescue, Military

Rep. Curt Weldon Sees Demonstrations of Flashlights for Fire/Rescue, Military

Eagleville, PA, July 24 -- Congressman Curt Weldon, representing Pennsylvania’s 7th Congressional District, last week toured the Eagleville, PA headquarters of Streamlight, Inc., a leading manufacturer of high-performance lighting equipment for professional applications, including firefighting, EMS and military.

Representative Weldon met with employees and officials of Streamlight to discuss issues facing local businesses. The Congressman, a long-time advocate for the nation’s first responders and Vice-Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, also discussed the flashlight needs of firefighters, emergency medical services workers and military personnel, and saw demonstrations of the company’s extensive line of products for emergency and military professionals.

Weldon, a former volunteer Fire Chief in Marcus Hook, PA, formed the Congressional Fire and Emergency Services Caucus in 1987, the largest caucus in Congress with over 340 members from both the House and Senate. For almost 20 years, the Fire Caucus has provided a voice for the nation's first responders in Washington and transformed the fire service as a whole. As the Founder and Co-Chairman, Weldon has provided leadership in Congress to increase the awareness of first responder issues and to enact legislation to provide the country’s nation's firefighters with the funding and resources they require. He led the effort to pass the Assistance to Firefighter's Grant Program (FIRE Act) that has provided over $3 billion in direct funding to local fire departments.

Rep. Curt Weldon and the Streamlight, Inc. Staff.


Crimson Fire Amy Bilka with Senator Tim Johnson's office, Emy Carlson with Representative Stephanie Herseth's office and Ben J. Ready with Senator John Thune's office were in Brandon on Tuesday, May 23rd for a Home Day tour of the Brandon plant. President Jim Salmi gave the tour and discussed the importance of Crimson and other fire truck manufacturers within the fire industry.



On Friday, April 21st, Wheatland Fire Equipment hosted a FEMSA/FAMA “Home Day” to which Katie Legerski, Field Representative for US Representative Barbara Cubin, attended. FAMA(Fire Apparatus Manufacturers’ Association) and FEMSA(Fire Equipment Manufacturers and Services Association) are sponsoring “Home Days” across the USA in an effort to increase Congressional awareness of the need of funding for emergency service providers. At our Home Day, we specifically discussed Wyoming’s first responders with Ms. Legerski. What this means to Wyoming’s first responders: Wheatland Fire Equipment Co. is fully aware of the time, talent and training it takes to be the front line of defense for Wyoming and its citizens. To maintain a high state of readiness and expertise requires funding at the State and Federal levels. Ms. Legerski was invited by Wheatland Fire Equipment and given a presentation regarding federal funding and how vital it is to fire departments such as yours. This funding has been decreasing over the past few years regarding many valuable programs including: The Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program, U.S. Fire Administration, SAFER Program Utilizing organizations such as FEMSA and FAMA, Wheatland Fire Equipment Co. is doing our best to exemplify the need for continued funding of these and other programs. We intend to continue this effort on a State and Federal level until we are all as well prepared as possible for our next emergency whether it be local or national, natural or otherwise.

As Chairman of the House Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee, Weldon also directly oversees $80 billion in defense spending on critical weapons systems and other military equipment. Headquartered in Eagleville, PA, Streamlight, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of high-performance lighting equipment for professional fire fighting, law enforcement, military,

l-r: Amy Bilka of Senator Tim Johnson's office Jim Salmi, President, Crimson Fire, Emy Carlson of Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth's office, Ben J. Ready of Senator John Thune's office

From Left to Right: Garey Cozad, CEO/Owner Wheatland Fire Equipment; Katie Legerski, Field Representative for US Rep. Barbara Cubin; Howard Cozad, Owner Wheatland Fire Equipment

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FEMSA News • Summer 2006



Home Day 2006



May 1, 2006 - Home Day/Wisconsin Attendance: Congressman Petri attended with his District Director David Anderson, Senator Feingold’s Regional Coordinator Bob Schweder attended. Pierce was represented by Jeff Resch and Mike Schoenberger. They displayed one Pumper and one Homeland security unit.

Oshkosh Truck was represented by John Bourke who demonstrated an ARFF by pumping out 1500 gallons of water. · Class One and Hale Pump was represented by Chris Magiera who demonstrated a pump and gage truck.

Senator Feingold sent the following statement which was read by his staffer Davis Anderson:

Statement of Senator Russ Feingold“Thank you so much for this award and congratulations on the opening of your new facility. I am proud of Wisconsin’s history of quality manufacturing and am delighted that it continues right here at United Plastic Fabricating where you make products that help firefighters protect our communities. As you know, I am a strong supporter of the Assistance to Firefighter Grant program. FIRE Act grants have been an unqualified success in getting much-needed resources directly to local firefighters, both fulltime and volunteer. Wisconsin firefighters have done very well in earning these competitively awarded grants and I have had the honor of presenting some of these well deserved awards to departments throughout the state. I will continue to fight for adequate funding for this important program. Again, thank you for this award and for continuing your good work here in Neenah, Wisconsin.”

(left to right): WI Congressman Thomas E. Petri; Pierce Vice President of Sales, Jeff Resch; Regional Coordinator for Senator Russ Feingold, Bob Schweder and UPF VP Manufacturing Operations, George Goros.

· United Plastic represented by Marty Etteldorf and George Goros.

· Apparatus was viewed, toured and in one case Oshkosh unloaded 1500 gallons of water out of its overhead snozel in 1.5 minutes. The Congressman and all of us were impressed with that demo.

· Plant Tour of United Plastic Fabricating. Presentation by Marty and George on facts about the member companies including number of employees, payrolls, tax data and local supply purchase , FAMA and FEMSA overview, our Alliance Group, GAC overview and our priorities for the Fire Act Grant, Safer and USFS. The presentation included overheads, graphs and handouts.

Here Jeff Resch, Pierce VP of Sales shows the Pierce pumper and homeland security unit. (L - R) Congressman Petri; Senator Feingold's Regional Coordinator Bob Schweder; Jeff Resch; Mike Schoenberger, Pierce, VP Customer Service; Chris Magiera, Hale/Class1 Midwest Operations Manager; George Goros, UPF VP Manufacturing Operations; and Marty Etteldorf, UPF

It’s nice to know that FEMSA made such an impression on Bruce Bowling that he keeps in touch, now and again, to let us know how retirement life really is … or is he just rubbing it in?!! Bruce and Phyllis are alive and well and living in Siesta Key, Florida, the land of sunshine and beautiful beaches. They moved there a couple of years ago after retiring from their careers in New York and their Manhattan habitat. They purchased two homes – one to live in and one for investment purposes. Leave it to Bruce to find a deal!

Bruce had a couple of scares a year or so ago which kept him off his feet for about a month, but things are looking up. Thanks to Phyllis, they have made a whole bunch of friends down there and are always busy. Although Bruce admits that he misses the fire business and the many friends he made over the years, he does not miss the hustle and bustle of New York. The only drawback to Florida he conceded is the hurricane season, which they could do well without, and the only culture shock they had since moving there is the amount of cheese everyone eats there. “I would guess that 80% of the people are from the Midwest where cheese must be a staple in their diet. Of course I’m just kidding about the cheese – BUT IT’S EVERYWHERE. For the record, people from the Midwest are very different from New Yorkers; they are truly nice people!”

Bruce also admitted that he hasn’t worn a suit and/or tie since they moved south and is not even sure he could find one that still fits. Although he kept a few of them, he claims he gave most away before he left NYC. Can you believe he has totally resorted to shorts and sneakers? Surely we’d never recognize him out of his Manhattan attire, but if you see a handsome man, well tanned, in shorts and sneakers roaming the floor of the Dallas Convention Center in September for the FRI, be sure to look twice … it just may be Bruce! He’d love to hear from you. Drop him an email at bfirehouse@aol.com r


FEMSA is deeply saddened to report the passing of:


former editor and technical editor with Fire Engineering Magazine, circa April 20, 2006. April 11, 2006 [see separate article in this issue]


UPF WI Plant Manager Marty Etteldorf explains the manufacturing process of making an elliptical tank to Congressman Petri and Senator Feingold's Regional Coordinator Bob Schweder.

Florida • Georgia • Illinois • Massachusetts • New York • Pennsylvania • South Dakota • Wisconsin • Wyoming


Bruce Bowling


· Each company had a table top display and these were reviewed with the Congressman and Staffers by each company representative.

· Award presentation from Jeff Resch representing FAMA and George Goros representing the GAC. The Congressman and Senator Feingold’s staffer accepted plaques for their continued support of the Fire Act Grant and SAFER.



June 13, 2006 formerly with the Texas A & M Fire School for 30 years.

The thoughts and prayers of all FEMSA members are with the families and friends of our dearly departed.r

FEMSA News • Summer 2006

FEMSA MEMBER NEWS We strongly encourage members to post full-length press releases, product announcements, and promotions on the FEMSA website www.femsa.org


Ocala, FL, (July 18, 2006) – When disaster strikes, whether natural or man-made, cities are often left in complete communication failure. This includes those critical first responders responsible for helping the community and, more importantly, saving lives. The South Mississippi Regional Response Team (SMRRT) was formed in 2002 to prepare the six counties it encompasses with the tools and training to manage emergencies ranging from chemical, biological, radiological, and explosive situations to natural disasters. They, therefore, recently took delivery of an E-ONE HazMat/Command vehicle. “This rescue will allow us to interface with different agencies throughout the nation involved in a large scale disaster and safely address any hazards we are presented,” said SMRRT team leader, Chief Pat Sullivan. Federal Homeland Security funds were allocated to the state of Mississippi then filtered to the regions to use at their own discretion. Representatives from the six counties in the southern region then formed SMRRT to make certain the funds were properly spent. “This rescue vehicle would not have been possible without the Homeland Security funding,” Sullivan said. “I feel we have been good stewards of the grant money because we know that public money is scarce and we realize how important it is to be prepared.” “The total communication failure we experienced during Hurricane Katrina was indescribable,” Sullivan said. “Having the tools to address catastrophic situations like that, whether man-made or natural, is invaluable.”

Ferrara Expansion

Ferrara Fire Apparatus, Inc.

[July 14, 2006] Ferrara Fire Apparatus, Inc. continues growing its business by adding new products and more benefits for customers. In order to accommodate the ever-increasing demand for Ferrara products, the company has expanded ten times in five years. The most recent enlargement adds 40,000 square feet to our manufacturing facility. Another recent expansion added 46,000 square feet dedicated to Service and Refurbishment. Trailer/Body Builders magazine featured the new area in their May 2006 issue, highlighting Ferrara’s ability to facilitate quick turn-arounds on service and refurbishments. By having 300,000 square feet under roof, Ferrara Fire Apparatus,

FEMSA News • Summer 2006

Inc. is able to keep pace with its rapidly growing business.

Fire Apparatus & Emergency Equipment Magazine

[July 14, 2006] Fire Apparatus & Emergency Equipment magazine publisher C. Peter Jorgensen is pleased to confirm that William A. Manning has been named Editorial Director, and Henry Dinneen has joined the company as Western Sales Manager. Bill Manning, who was the editor for 15 years at Fire Engineering has been named Editorial Director of Fire Apparatus and brings a strong knowledge of the fire service and great enthusiasm with him. Henry Dinneen, former publisher for over 20 years at Fire Engineering who has also held a top post at Firehouse magazine, has taken on responsibility for advertising sales in all states west of the Mississippi River. Dinneen is has been consulting with publisher C. Peter Jørgensen on circulation management and editorial planning. “We’re celebrating our tenth anniversary in November, having been successful in bringing a new magazine with a unique editorial formula to the fire service,” Jørgensen said, “But we are all looking forward to 2007 as we expand our base and challenge the chain-owned trade books for reader attention.” Manning, Dinneen, Jørgensen, managing editor Ed Ballam, and East Coast sales manager Harry Dill met for two days in mid-July to hammer out the 2007 Editorial Calendar and define future circulation by targeting people with job responsibility involving emergency tools and protective gear as well as for apparatus. Dill was also with Fire Engineering for a number of years. “I’m very pleased to be able to put this highly knowledgeable team back together again,” Jørgensen said. “All the fire magazines are mailed to the 28,000+ fire chiefs across the country,” Jørgensen stated, “But last year we initiated a telephone survey that has now filled in key demographic information about more than 10,000 fire departments as well as the people in design, development, manufacturing and sales of products our advertises provide to the individual captains, lieutenants and firefighters.” The publisher added that the magazine is, more than ever before, in a position to facilitate interaction between the fire service and the manufacturers on a person-to-person level. “The editorial formula has been strengthened with this goal in mind. We’ve not only added new writers, but readers and advertisers will start seeing feature stories identifying products by brand as part of a regular series of direct “field reports,” Jørgensen said. “Nobody has ever bridged the gap between manufacturer and end user in a trade magazine the way we’re planning to go about it in the next few months.” He added that Fire Apparatus & Emergency Equipment magazine will be defining a whole new approach to industry-specific journalism.

Fire Chief Publications

[July 13, 2006] Station Style Sells Out … A 18

sold-out crowd of almost 250 packed the Station Style Conference venues in Phoenix on May 8–9, launching the inaugural event to enthusiastic reviews. Leveraging the interest generated by the annual Station Style Fire Station Design Award competition conducted by Fire Chief since 2001, the magazine put together a program of expert guidance and commentary related to fire station design and construction, from site selection to public financing. The program struck a chord with readers, and within weeks of the initial announcement, the conference was sold out. A pre-conference program on May 7 — also a sellout — offered attendees an opportunity to be part of an intensive focus group and work with four of the leading architects designing fire stations today, including Larry Enyart of LEA Architects, whose design for the Sky Harbor Center Phoenix Fire Station #16 received the 2005 Station Style Design Platinum Award. At the conclusion of the conference, attendees had the chance to tour that station. In addition to the program presentations, the conference also provided attendees an opportunity to learn more about the products and services of many of the companies serving the fire station marketplace. These exhibitors ranged from design firms to manufacturers of products and systems used in station construction. Chief Mark Gaillard of the Goodyear (Ariz.) Fire Department opened the conference by welcoming attendees and sharing his first-hand experience with the need for new stations. Goodyear is a suburb within the rapidly growing Phoenix area, and it’s estimated that the region will need 50 new stations constructed and staffed over the next ten years. In fact, Goodyear just opened a new station last month. The conference itself offered sessions conducted by top station design architects and consultants from across the country. Meals, tote bags and a reception were sponsored by a number of supporting companies.

Fire-Dex, Inc.

[May 2, 2006] Fire-Dex President Bill Burke celebrates his 10th year as president of the rapidly growing fire fighting apparel manufacturer, Fire-Dex. Since Bill’s appointment in 1996, Fire-Dex has experienced more than 400% growth in sales from less than $5 million in sales in 1995. [June 19, 2006] Fire-Dex, Inc. is proud to announce the appointments of Dee Beard to the position of Accounting and Paula Komm to Customer Service. Dee Beard joined Fire-Dex in January, 2006 as the receptionist. Due to Fire-Dex’s tremendous growth, Dee has been promoted to the accounting department where she will use her education and work experience of 20 years in payables, receivables, and payroll. She resides here in Medina with her two daughters. Paula Komm joins Fire-Dex customer service from the Fire-Dex accounting department. Paula now oversees all customer service responsibilities for most of the eastern United States. Paula brings over 30 years of customer


FEMSA Member News

service experience. She and her family reside in Medina.

Fire-Dex Production Supervisor Joe Luic

[July 5, 2006] Fire-Dex, Inc. is pleased to announce the addition of Joe Luic as Production Supervisor. Joe brings to Fire-Dex numerous years in manufacturing and operations management. Joe most recently was employed at Blue Ridge Paper in Olmsted Falls. Prior to Blue Ridge, Joe spent 12 years with Foseco Metallurgical Inc. where his last assignment was as a Product Specialist. Joe has 17 years of supervisory and operations management experience in cut and sew facilities from Richman Brothers Company and LaserCAM Systems Inc. Joe brings to Fire-Dex a proven track record of results and continuous professional growth. Joe completed his BBA from Cleveland State University in 2004. Joe will be responsible for supervising day to day manufacturing operations for Fire-Dex® Liners, Finishing, Wildland Apparel and ParaDex™ EMS Gear.

Fire-Dex Admin. Assistant Pam DeArmon

[July 10, 2006] Fire-Dex, Inc. is pleased to announce the addition of Pam DeArmon as Receptionist/Administrative Assistant. Pam brings to Fire-Dex a combined six years of administrative support experience. She will be responsible for supervising our front office and phone systems, and will assist in customer billing while reporting to Dave Liana, Director of Finance.


[June 15, 2006] "Top Notch" … Paul Andrews, VP of Online Sales for Cygnus Business Media, was awarded Sales Team Leader of the Year for Multiple Titles or Web Sites/B2B by MIN's (Media Industry Newsletter). Paul had stiff competition from presidents, CEOs, general managers and group publishers of top media companies. The publishers of Cosmopolitan Magazine, GQ and Billboard as well as B2B media firms such as IDG were among the 250 Attendees at the award ceremony held in Manhattan. After being honored,


ices community, and Officer.com is a leading portal for law enforcement professionals.

Firehouse Magazine

Cygnus Business Media V.P. of Online Sales - Paul Andrews

he humbly sent a note to his staff: I want to say thanks to all of you for your kind words as a result of my award. This award is truly based on a team effort! It is all the hard work that you do that enables me to be considered for this recognition. A piece of this belongs to all of you. Thanks for all your support and keep up the great work you are doing. Firehouse.com Takes Gold as Top Interactive Community American Society of Business Publication Editors Recognizes Leading Fire & Rescue Web Site Firehouse.com, the leading Web portal for the fire and rescue service, took home the Gold Award for Interactive Community by the American Society of Business Publication Editors. The competition is open to U.S.-based business-to-business, trade, association and professional magazines, Web and newsletter/Enewsletter publications, and their editorial and design staff and contributors. Entries in the category were judged to demonstrate a good job of generating an interactive community and involvement among Web site members and other users, and other industry-related audiences. The variety and usefulness of interactive devices are important considerations as is whether the site offers solutions to problems, is authoritative, well designed and organized, and easy to use. "This is really a great honor to be recognized by our business community for playing an important role in the lives of our visitors," Firehouse.com Associate Publisher Christopher Hebert said. "Our visitors are what make us a great destination, their involvement in every aspect of our site is critical to providing the resources, news, education and information they need." The Silver Award in the category went to the Oracle Technology Network, with PC World taking the Bronze. "Firehouse.com is honored to be in the company of some very comprehensive community-oriented Web sites," Founder Dave Iannone said. "We are going to continue to add new features and services, including more tie-ins with Firehouse Magazine and the Firehouse series of trade shows and conferences, to help us grow even more." Firehouse.com is visited by more than a half-million fire and rescue service professionals each month, featuring daily breaking news, robust discussion forums, on-demand training, shopping, an employment center, industry search tools and more. The site is one of three online portals for the public safety industry managed by Cygnus Interactive, a division of Cygnus Business Media. EMSResponder.com launched last fall to serve the growing emergency medical serv19

[July 10, 2006] A True Original … Firehouse magazine’s Editor-in-Chief Harvey Eisner was honored by the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) with a Seal of Excellence Award. Harvey is the first person ever to receive the prestigious award given to recognize individuals, groups, departments or organizations who have demonstrated a commitment to the efforts toward making the American fire service safer. Fireman’s Fund Insurance Co. was also honored during the awards ceremony at our own Firehouse World Conference and Expositions this past February. [See separate article under NFFF, this section.]

FireRescue GPO

[July 14, 2006] The FireRescue GPO has recently taken advantage of an opportunity to expand its membership. FireRescue GPO has been released from their obligation to offer this service as an exclusive IAFC member benefit. However, FireRescue GPO will continue to provide national level group purchasing services to the membership of all seven independent U.S. IAFC Divisions and revenue opportunities to these associations. In addition, FireRescue GPO will offer membership, at no cost, to include any U.S. Fire and Emergency Service organization outside the IAFC membership. “This change means that we will not only maintain program value to all U.S. IAFC Divisions, we will also increase our ability to provide cost effective purchasing options to the Fire Service and increase the revenue opportunities to the independent IAFC Divisions” says FireRescue GPO Executive Director, Andrew Forrester. This change along with the recent ownership transfer to National Purchasing Partners has resulted in significant growth within the organization. In the past twelve months, FireRescue GPO has more than doubled their staff, developed and launched a new website, awarded several competitively bid contacts and has expanded their contract offerings to include traditional fire service items including: turn outs, helmets, station & wildland boots, fire hose and much more.

MAKO Compressors [July 7, 2006] Bryan Lear has recently been appointed Western Regional Sales Manager for Mako Compressors, breathing air systems and components and will be based out of Orange County, California. He will be responsible for the development and growth of the high pressure and breathing air business covering applications in the fire service, dive, safety, government and paintball markets. His operational territory will include California, Nevada, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Alaska and Hawaii as well as South America and Mexico. Bryan’s activities will be focused on developing and supporting the highest standards for product sales, parts and service capabilities through Mako's exclusive distribution network. Bryan has over 17 years experience in the high pressure breathing air industry. He has held a number of sales positions selling SCBA's (self contained breathing apparatus), Biosystems Gas Monitors and other related systems and

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FEMSA Member News

components. He has an extensive knowledge of breathing air products, accessories and their applications. James R. Doyle has recently been appointed as the Global Sales Manager for CompAir / Mako breathing Air Compressors within CompAir’s High Pressure Division and is based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. He will be responsible for the development and growth of our global breathing air business outside of the USA. James is proficient in the development of industrial markets and products, focused on market penetration, identification and management of the support offered to permit a high standard of sales and service capabilities nationally and internationally, directly and through distribution channels. Determined, enthusiastic and driven by success and continually looking to grow market share with innovative ideas, James has over 15 years experience within the compressed air industry and held a number of sales and marketing positions within CompAir and more recently has been the Regional Sales Manager for CompAir Middle East. He has a broad knowledge of air compressors and their applications.

Morning Pride Mfg., LLC

[June 14, 2006] Morning Pride Manufacturing, LLC, announced today that it is extending pay differential and benefits for its employees on active military duty. The company will make up the difference between employees’ regular pay and their military pay, and maintain all company-paid benefits for up to two years. The company will also extend this same pay differential to employees who have been on active duty at any time in the last three years. “Fact is,” said Bill Grilliot, president and CEO of Total Fire Group, “since even before the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, members of the National Guard and Reserve forces have been serving longer and more often, and as a result have been more affected than in previous confrontations. We want to recognize the personal sacrifices so many men and women have made. “We are making our decision public,” Grilliot continued, “in the hope that other firms in the fire service – and everywhere – will join us in this important effort.” (Grilliot, himself, a retired U.S. Army Captain who served in the reserve, is an active Captain in a suburban Dayton fire department.) In order to provide a measure of employment security to reservists subject to active duty recall and minimize the disadvantages that occur when reservists need to be absent from their civilian employment to serve in the uniformed services, the United States enacted the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) in 1994. Codified in Chapter 43, Part III, Title 38 of the United States Code, this act mandates that “any person whose absence from a position of employment is necessitated by reason of service in the uniformed services shall be entitled to reemployment rights and benefits.” “[The company] has always honored the USERRA and later laws related to preservation of certain employee benefit rights,” Grilliot said, “but we also recognize that reservists give up more than just their jobs when they're called up for active duty. Although the law may require that their former positions be waiting for them

FEMSA News • Summer 2006

when they return, many reservists still have to deal with the financial hardships of the difference in pay between their civilian jobs and their military positions; as well, other job benefits they may lose out on while on active duty are not guaranteed to them. “Our announcement today,” he concluded, “is a response to this need, and we are encouraging all companies to join us in this important effort.”

National Emergency Equipment Dealers Association (NEEDA)

[June 16, 2006] Kenton Pattie, Executive Director of NEEDA, was selected by USA Triathlon to serve on the US team to the International Triathlon Union Long Distance World Championship. This is the amateur long distance world championship; there were teams from 35 nations last year in 05 and there will be more this year because of the appeal of the 06 destination and the fact that the 06 race comes at the end of the competition season in all northern hemisphere countries. The ITU World Championship race covers a continuous 2.5 miles lake or ocean swim, 86 mile bike, and 18 mile running course and altogether takes 7-10 hours to complete -- through breakfast, morning snack, lunch, tea and dinner for many competitors! Competitors are selected by the national triathlon federation of each country -- the USA federation is located in Colorado Springs. 06 will be Kenton's third year on the US team, the previous years were in Sweden 04 and Denmark 05. Kenton leaves for Canberra, Australia November 10, 2006, and plans after the race to make it to the Great Barrier Reef, the rain forest, and New Zealand en route home. Following Canberra, he is scheduled to compete in several US races in December including Charlotte, NC and New York City.

50% over the next ten years. Sixteen Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives are the core elements of this program. Information about the initiatives can be found at the program website Everyone Goes Home which is the mantra of the Life Safety Initiatives.

The "Seal of Excellence Award" is specifically designed to recognize the efforts of individuals, groups, departments or organizations that have demonstrated a commitment to the efforts of making the American fire service safer. "The first two recipients of this prestigious award have been on the fore front of this project and have committed themselves to implement the 16 initiatives in every fire service organization in America" said Hal Bruno, Chairman of the NFFF. "Both Fireman's Fund and Harvey Eisner have pledged their support and commitment to the goal of reducing the number of firefighters who make that supreme sacrifice each year." Editor Harvey Eisner was surprised and pleased with the award. "I talk about it every month in the magazine and support the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation and everything they do. I attended the very first [Life Safety Initiatives] summit in Tampa and am fully supportive in providing space and meeting rooms at our conferences for them." As a fire chief in New Jersey (Tenafly VFD), Harvey continued, "I think about it everyday in my own department and the safety of my members. The whole industry, cities and towns and counties need to be thinking about the safety of their firefighters." Funding for the Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives program was made possible through a grant by the Department of Homeland Security, Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program and a corporate match by Fireman's Fund Insurance. Firehouse Magazine and Firehouse.com, under the auspices of Cygnus Business Media have promoted every aspect of the program throughout the American fire service.

RealWheels Cover Co.

Firehouse Magazine Editor Harvey Eisner NFFF Executive Director Ron Siarnicki

National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF)

GABE: Insert photo – Attach: h award.jpg – caption: Firehouse magazine editor Harvey Eisner (l) and Ron Siarnicki, Executive Director of NFFF (r). The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) announced the selection of the recipients for the Firefighter Life Safety "Seal of Excellence Award". While attending the 2006 Firehouse World Conference and Exposition, Fireman's Fund Insurance and Firehouse Magazine Editor in Chief Harvey Eisner were recognized as the first recipients of this prestigious award. In 2005, the NFFF initiated a new program that was developed to reduce firefighter deaths in America. The goal of the program is to decrease the 100 plus line of duty deaths by 20

[July 10, 2006] Over 25 years ago, RealWheels President, Mr. Jan Polka developed a chrome wheel cover to go over the unattractive cast-spoke wheels of his Kenworth truck. At the time, he did not know how this simple idea would someday impact the appearance of thousands of vehicles across America and worldwide. Today, RealWheels holds numerous U.S. patents for their innovative designs, and is the exclusive United States manufacturer of stainless steel wheel simulators, wheel co ers, and other large vehicle wheel accessories. “Shining bright for 25 years,” RealWheels celebrates its silver anniversary in 2006. Southern Mills, Inc.

Southern Mills

[May 12, 2006] We are excited to unveil the new TenCate‘ corporate identity that will be the future image of our company in North America and around the world. All Royal Ten Cate group companies will be changing their identity to a common corporate brand supporting their particular business focus. The new TenCate brand effectively communicates what we do and what we stand for in our future vision and daily focus. Southern Mills, Inc. will remain our legal name, but the TenCate name and logo will become the promi-


FEMSA Member News

nent focus of our new identity. For our fire service related activities in North America, we will continue to use the Southern Mills brand in conjunction with TenCate.

Streamlight, Inc. Allen Lance Director Of Sales - Public Safety Division

Streamlight, Inc.

[May 30, 2006] Streamlight, Inc. today announced that Allen Lance, Market Manager – Fire/EMS, has been promoted to the newly created position of Director of Sales – Public Safety Division. In his new role, Lance will direct all sales activities for the company’s Law Enforcement and Fire and Rescue markets, leading a team of assistant directors and independent sales agencies to implement market-focused strategies to generate sales among municipalities and state governments nationwide. “We look forward to leveraging Allen’s extensive experience in the Fire and Rescue markets to achieve sales success in our newly created Public Safety Division,” said Streamlight President Brad Penney. “Streamlight has been a long-time flashlight leader in both these key public safety areas, so it was only natural that we should combine them into one sales division,” Penney added. “Under Allen’s leadership, I am certain that this team will achieve impressive sales heights.” Lance, who holds a Bachelor degree in Business Administration from the University of Florida, is a member of the Board of Directors of the Fire and Emergency Manufacturers and Services Association. He also serves on the Advisory Council for the Firefighter Combat Challenge, a yearly national fitness competition that attracts hundreds of competitors from U.S. and Canadian municipal fire departments.

Task Force Tips, Inc. [July 10, 2006] Task Force Tips has recently brightened its horizon with the addition of Scott Akins as Vice President of New Product Development. His professional experience, his MBA, along with an electrical engineering degree from the U.S. Naval Academy, made him a hands down choice to lead TFT’s strategic initiatives in new product development and market introduction. Before TFT, Akins was director of engineering for Fisher Scientific’s Barnant, the worldwide leader of peristaltic pump technology. While there, he established specifications, developed and released 24 new products while


also juggling ongoing engineering responsibilities. He previously served as Director of Technical Services and Senior Product Manager for Omnicell, a leading provider of systems and software solutions targeting patient safety and operational efficiency in healthcare facilities. TFT isn’t the only group thankful for Akins’ help. The U.S. Navy bestowed an award on him for “superior performance during combat operations” for his efforts in Operation Desert Storm.

Task Force Tips, Inc. Scott Akins Vice President New Product Development It’s Akins and other TFT workhorses who are forcing the company to once again expand their facilities in an effort to keep up with increasing sales. As a part of the expansion, trucks will be delivering a number of Robotic Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining centers to TFT’s South Plant in late August, all of which will hopefully help bring the unsafe practice of the firefighter standing on top of the truck using a deck gun to a much needed end. Aside from the safety issues, many fire departments are dealing with budget cuts and reduced staffing. It should come as no surprise that TFT engineers are busy developing products that will keep firefighters on the ground, close to pump operations, as well as maximizing the effectiveness and safety of the crews.

Expanding Into Indiana … After five consecutive record setting years, Towers Fire Apparatus Company, in its quest to be the premiere fire service distributor in the Midwest, is expanding into Indiana. Towers Fire Apparatus Company was founded in 1946 by Eugene “Bud” Towers as a manufacturer of quality fire apparatus for fire departments in the Midwest. It has remained a privately owned family business with the third generation of the Towers family currently managing the company. Through a direct sales force of full time sales representatives, TFA sells both fire apparatus and a complete line of fire equipment in Illinois, Missouri, Western Kentucky and now Indiana. A large part of TFA’s business is servicing the products we sell. Our service department carries a large inventory of parts to repair and service fire trucks, breathing air compressors, self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), and hydraulic rescue tools. Brad Towers took over as president of TFA from his father in May of 2000 and the metamorphosis was under way. A management team was formed to analyze both the strengths and weaknesses of the company, and create an action plan to enable TFA to attain its newly adopted mission statement – “We want to make it easy for you to do business with us.” With the new Team Towers having been formed and a spirit of hard work and cooperation adopted, the corporate goals have and continue to be met. Although TFA has gone through a number of changes since 1946, the basic principles on which it was founded continues. “To sell quality products at a fair price and service what we sell. We want to make it easy for you to do business with us.” TFA plans to have full coverage in Indiana by the end of 2006. Everyone at Towers is looking forward to doing business with all Fire Departments in Indiana. Andy Plofkin Joins Team Towers … Andrew T. Plofkin has been hired as Vice President in charge of Sales and Marketing for Towers Fire Apparatus. Andy brings a broad background of knowledge and experience to the Towers Management Team. His expertise will help guide TFA in accomplishing its goal of becoming the premiere fire service distributor in the Midwest. Andy has over 24 years in the fire service as a firefighter and a regional sales manager for MSA, Task Force Tips, and Onspot. r

Task Force Tips, Inc. Barb Wheele Business Systems Programmer

Speaking of change, Task Force Tips’ website has an entirely new look thanks to Business Systems Programmer Barb Wheele. The updated site features a fresh, clean design that’s easier to navigate. See the difference at www.tft.com.

Towers Fire Apparatus Company [July 7, 2006]


Towers Fire Apparatus

Team Towers Andrew T. Plofkin Vice President Sales and Marketing

FEMSA News • Summer 2006

LEGISLATIVE UPDATE by Sean Carroll, Legislative Director, Congressional Fire Services Institute

On Tuesday, June 6th, the House of Representatives approved H.R. 5441, the Fiscal Year 2007 Homeland Security spending bill. The bill, approved by a vote of 389-9, provides a 6% increase in funding for the operations and activities of the Department of Homeland Security.

The measure contains two amendments that will increase funding for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program (FIRE Act) and the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) program. The first amendment adds $111 million to the two programs, including $41 million for the FIRE Act and $70 million for SAFER. The amendment was introduced by Congressman Martin Sabo (MN), the Ranking Member of the House Subcommittee on Homeland Security Appropriations. Co-sponsors of the measure included Congressman Curt Weldon (PA), Congressman Steny Hoyer (MD), Congressman John Sweeney (NY), Congressman Rob Andrews (NJ), Congressman Timothy Murphy (PA), Congressman Bill Pascrell, Jr. (NJ), Congressman Jeb Bradley (NH), and Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones (OH). The second amendment, introduced by Congressman Tom Price (GA) and Congressman Randy Kuhl (NY), will increase funding for the two programs by $4.2 million dollars, distributing $2.1 million to each program.

The final bill, as approved by the House, will provide $543.1 million for the FIRE Act and $112.1 million for SAFER. On Thursday, July 13th, the Senate approved an amended version of the bill by a vote of 100-0. The bill contains an by Senator amendment offered Christopher Dodd (CT) and Senator Mike DeWine (OH) that will increase funding for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program (FIRE Act) and the Staffing for FEMSA News • Summer 2006

Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Program to $552.5 million and SAFER at $127.5 million, respectively. The Senate and House will convene a conference committee to reconcile the two versions of the bill before sending a final measure to their respective chambers for approval.

The Senate also overwhelmingly approved an amendment offered by Senator Susan Collins (ME). The amendment, approved 87-11, makes several structural changes to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), including changing the name to the United States Emergency Management Authority (USEMA). The preparedness and response functions of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) would be combined under USEMA. The agency will become an independent agency within DHS, limiting the Administration’s ability to reorganize the agency and reprogram funding. While the Senate reached agreement on a legislative proposal to restructure FEMA, the House continues to consider two measures with distinctly separate approaches for reorganizing the agency. Legislation approved by the House Homeland Security Committee, H.R. 5351, is similar to the Collins amendment in that it strengthens FEMA while leaving the agency in DHS. It also restores the preparedness functions stripped from FEMA during the Second Stage Review. Conversely, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee approved H.R. 5316, the RESPOND Act. The legislation will remove FEMA from DHS and create a separate cabinet level agency. Committee members have been critical of DHS for its lack of support of FEMA since the agency was enveloped into the department upon its formation. They contend that FEMA can function properly only by restoring it to its pre-DHS status as an independent



It is quite likely that when the conference committee meets to consider HR 5441, its members will consult with both House committees, as well as the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, on the provisions contained in the Collins amendment.

On Tuesday, July 25th, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 5852, “The 21st Century Emergency Communications Act of 2006.” The legislation, introduced by Congressmen Dave Reichert (WA) and Bill Pascrell (NJ), passed the House by a vote of 414-2. The bill will create an emergency communications office within the Department of Homeland Security, headed by an assistant secretary for emergency communications, for the purpose of enhancing operable and interoperable first responder communications systems nationwide. Under the legislation, the new office will be responsible for providing a baseline assessment of current emergency communications capabilities and the development of national standards for emergency communications equipment. The office will also requires state and local governments to establish effective Statewide Interoperable Communications Plans before being able to use homeland security grant funds for emergency communications and will facilitate coordination of emergency communications by establishing regional working groups comprised of federal, state and local officials and first responders. The Senate is currently considering several bills containing emergency communications components. Should the full Senate approve one of these measures, it is quite likely a conference committee will convene to consider H.R. 5852. r



October 4th - 8th Arlington, Virginia

Giff Swayne mentioned some of the Annual Meeting highlights in his “President’s Message” in this issue. For your information, the following is the full schedule of events as of August 14th, including our meeting sponsors. Hospitality Suite Open Daily 11:00 AM - 11:00 PM

OCTOBER 4TH - WEDNESDAY 12:30pm - 5:00pm FEMSA Board Meeting (Lunch at noon) 6:00pm - 8:00pm FEMSA/FAMA Welcome Reception All Members & Guests

FEMSA gratefully acknowledges its Annual Meeting sponsors: FEMSA COFFEE BREAKS

Firehouse.com, Firehouse Magazine, Firehouse World, Firehouse Expo, Firehouse Las Vegas FEMSA GENERAL MEETING BREAKFASTS

FireRescue Magazine, FireRescue Magazine Conference & Exposition, FireRescue1.com FEMSA RECOGNITION AWARDS



Fire Chief Publications


FDIC / Fire Engineering Magazine

OCTOBER 5TH - THURSDAY 7:00am FEMSA / FAMA "Hill Day" Breakfast All Members & Guests 8:00am FEMSA/FAMA "Hill Day" Program All Members & Guests 11:30am - 5:00pm Scheduled Appointments on Capitol Hill 6:00pm - 8:00pm National Fallen Firefighters Foundation Reception All Members & Guests co-sponsored by FEMSA/FAMA Library of Congress Penthouse

OCTOBER 6TH - FRIDAY (Cont.) 7:15am FEMSA Breakfast 8:00am - 11:45am FEMSA Membership Meeting 9:45am FEMSA/FAMA Spouses Program 11:30am - 1:00pm FEMSA/FAMA Executive Committees Lunch 12:00pm FEMSA/FAMA Lunch - All Members & Guests 1:15pm - 2:45pm FEMSA Membership Meeting Caucus Breakouts 3:00pm - 5:00pm FEMSA/FAMA Joint Meeting 6:00pm FEMSA/FAMA Cocktail Party 7:00pm FEMSA/FAMA Dinner OCTOBER 7TH - SATURDAY 7:15am FEMSA and FAMA Member Breakfasts 8:00am - 12:00pm FAMA Membership Meeting 8:00am - 12:00pm FEMSA Membership Meeting Afternoon Open Evening NFFF Candlelight Service, Emmitsburg, MD Optional

OCTOBER 6TH - FRIDAY 6:30am FAMA Board Breakfast 7:00am - 12:00pm FAMA Board Meeting Reports by Committee Chairs 8:00am - 12:00pm FAMA Committee Meetings as scheduled by Committee Chairs

OCTOBER 8TH - SUNDAY 10:00am NFFF Memorial Service, Emmitsburg, MD Optional Departure r

2006 Yearly Planner: Events, Meetings and Seminars 2006 SHOW/MEETING

Fire Rescue Canada Incident Management Symposium (Phoenix FD) Fire-Rescue International Contact: Karissa Jacobs at IAFC 703-273-0911 EXT 338 New Jersey FF Contact: Ron McGowan 609 522 1822

FDIC WEST Contact Lila or Nanci at 888-TEL-FDIC IAFC Southwestern Div. FAMA/FEMSA Annual Meeting FAMA/FEMSA GAC Hill Day FDSOA Annual Conference Contact: FDSOA 508-881-3114 Fire Rescue Conf. & Expo.including Fire-Tech Reno Contact: Ed Nichols 203-840-5968 IAFC Volunteer & Combination Officers Symposium



Aug 13-16 Sep 7-9 Sep 14-16

Halifax, NS Phoenix, AZ Dallas, TX

Sep 15-16

Wildwood, NJ

Sep 23-27

Los Angeles, CA

Oct Oct Oct Oct

Midwest City, OK Arlington, VA Arlington, VA Orlando, FL

(tbd) 4-8 5 28-Nov 2

Nov 8-12

Las Vegas, NV

Nov 9-12

Orlando, FL

For additional events, or to post your own events - go to www.femsa.org, log in, and post your own calendar listings!



FEMSA News • Summer 2006

Newsletter Advertising Rates (per 8.5� x 11� page) (Effective January 1, 2006) Quarter page........................................$100 Half page.............................................$200 Full page..............................................$400 Web Site Banner Advertising Rate Rotating 468x60 Banner/Display Ad (3 Month Min.) 3x $175/mo, 6x $150/mo, 12x $125/mo. Your banner will reach 6400 monthly visitors!!!

It is provided to members as a benefit of membership. Articles from members are invited. FEMSA reserves the right to edit for factual content, brevity and clarity. Copy and Advertising Deadlines: Contact the FEMSA office. Postmaster: Send address changes to FEMSA, P.O. Box 147, Lynnfield, MA 01940-0147




How can you support FEMSA, reach industry professionals, and thousands of individuals in the Fire Service each month?

FEMSA News is the official publication of: Fire and Emergency Manufacturers and Services Association, Inc. P.O. Box 147 Lynnfield, MA 01940-0147 Tel/fax: 781/334-2771 Email: info@femsa.org Web site: www.femsa.org

Fire and Emergency Manufacturers and Services Association, Inc. P.O. Box 147 Lynnfield, MA 01940-0147

FEMSA Advertising Rates for Newsletter and Web Site

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