FEMSA News Spring 2006

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Official publication of the Fire and Emergency Manufacturers and Services Association


FEMSA Spring - 2006

FireRescue Magazine Group is the official sponsor of the FEMSA 2006 Spring Newsletter

©Copyright 2006, FEMSA, MA (USA) Editor: Karen H. Burnham Newsletter Committee: Eric Schlett, Chair Melinda Freeman, Board Liaison Gabe Steinbach, Layout



President’s Message


Welcome New Members

02 04 05 05 07 07 07 08 10 10 12 13 13 15

FEMSA Board of Directors GAC Update “Home Day”

Legislative Update

Personal Responsibility Code

FEMSA Member Logo & Usage In Memoriam

Thinking of You Member News

Historical “2000 Years of Tradition”

Second National Firefighter Safety Stand Down - June 21st

President’s Message

By the time you read this our first “Home Day” initiative will have come and gone and I hope that each of you took the time to participate. The GAC committee has worked hard to organize and assist FEMSA and FAMA members to make Home Day a powerful vehicle for delivering our message to lawmakers in their local offices. Clearly the proposed cuts in funding for the FIRE Act Grants are at the top of the list in terms of talking points for our industry. Keeping the FIRE Act grant funded at a level of $750 million is critical not only to the continued expansion of our industry but more importantly it is the right thing to do to ensure that our first responders have the equipment and training they need to respond safely and effectively in their communities. We will continue to keep you informed about the progress made in restoring the funding and what additional steps you can take to help the effort. Please be sure to continue to let your representatives know how important the FIRE Act funding is to your community and your business. Remember that this is an election year so many elected officials are more sensitive to input from business leaders in their communities.

One thing we can all do is to help FEMSA’s membership to grow. The more businesses FEMSA represents the greater impact our message will have in Washington. With the proposed funding cuts it is time for our industry to come together and speak with one voice. I would once again call on each of you to reach out to companies that are not currently members and encourage them to join FEMSA so we can work more effectively together as an industry. We are also very busy planning the annual meeting to be held October 5, 6 & 7 2006 in Alexandria, VA. This meeting will be very special because we are going to combine our Hill Day efforts with our annual meeting. By working closely with our friends at CFSI, NFFF, NVFC and the IAFC we are planning to have a schedule filled with visits to Capitol Hill, special speakers from Capitol Hill, our business meeting, caucus group sessions and as always plenty of networking time. We will also celebrate FEMSA’s 40th anniversary! Please be sure to watch for more detailed information coming soon and plan on attending… this is one you won’t want to miss. Till next time,

NAM news Alert - U.S. Manufacturing Innovation Leadership at Risk

Giff Swayne

Operation Safe Arrival

Baltimore City Firefighters Honor Roman Kaminski

FEMSA 2005 Fire Service Excellence Award presented to US Representative

2006 Events Calendar

Thanks to our Advertisers • Fire Apparatus • Fire Chief • Firehouse • Fire News • FireRescue • NYSFAC • PennWell/ Fire Engineering/FDIC


Curt Weldon (R-PA)


FEMSA News • Spring 2006

2006 FEMSA Board of Directors / Members Update

PRESIDENT Giff Swayne Holmatro, Inc. 505 McCormick Drive Glen Burnie, MD 21061 Tel: (410) 768-9662, x103 TF: (800) 654-0203 Fax: (410) 768-6240 Email: gswayne@holmatrousa.com

VICE PRESIDENT Dan Reese Akron Brass Company 501 N. Cummings Lane Washington, IL 61571-9652 Tel: (309) 444-4440 Fax: (309) 444-8766 Email: dreese@akronbrass.com

SECRETARY/TREASURER Melinda Freeman Class 1, Inc. 607 NW 27th Avenue Ocala, FL 34475 Tel: (352) 387-0416 Fax: (803) 216-7971 Email: mfreeman@idexcorp.com

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER Don Welch Globe Manufacturing Co. P.O. Box 128 Pittsfield, NH 03263

FEMSA News • Spring 2006

Tel: (603) 435-8323, x309 Fax: (603) 435-6388 Email: donw@globefiresuits.com

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER Paul Andrews Firehouse.com 11720 Beltsville Dr., 3rd Fl Beltsville, MD 20907 Tel: (301) 486-3224 Fax: (866) 459-4526 Email:paul.andrews@cygnuspub.com EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO THE BOARD Karen Burnham FEMSA P.O. Box 147 Lynnfield, MA 01940-0147 Tel/Fax: 781-334-2771 Email: info@femsa.org

Tel: (307) 322-5350 Fax: (307) 322-2323 Email: garey@wfeonline.com

John Granby Lion Apparel, Inc. 6450 Poe Avenue, Suite 300 Dayton, OH 45414 Tel: (937) 415-2843 Fax: (937) 415-1994 Email: jgranby@lionapparel.com Allen Lance Streamlight, Inc. 9424 Meadow Trail Loveland, OH 45140 Tel: (513) 583-9041 Fax: (513) 583-9061 Email: alance@streamlight.com Steve Lawrence Rosecliff Partners, LLC 527 Windmill Hill Road Dublin, NH 03444 Tel: (603) 563-8929 Fax: (781) 481-0241 Email: stevelaw@mac.com

BOARD MEMBERS Rod Carringer Task Force Tips, Inc. 2800 E. Evans Avenue Valparaiso, IN 46383 Tel: (800) 348-2686 Fax: (219) 464-7155 Email: rac@tft.com

Peter Nielsen Paratech Incorporated 1025 Lambrecht Road Frankfort, IL 60423 Tel: (815) 469-3911 Fax: (815) 469-7748 Email: pknielsen@paratech-inc.com

Garey Cozad Wheatland Fire Equipment Co. 2020 South Rd., PO Box 487 Wheatland, WY 82201


Roger Weinmeister Super Vacuum Mfg. Co., Inc. 1303 E. 11th Street Loveland, CO 80537 Tel: (970) 667-5146 Fax: (970) 667-4296 Email: rogerw@supervac.com Janet Wilmoth Fire Chief Publications 330 North Wabash, Suite 2300 Chicago, IL 60611 Tel: (312) 840-8410 Fax: (312) 595-0295 Email:jwilmoth@primediabusiness.com


FEMSA is pleased to welcome its newest member: Innovative MicroSystems, Inc. Roy E. Collins, President P.O. Box 1560 Seaford, DE 19973 Tel: (302) 629-4620 Fax: (302) 629-7574 Email: roy@quotewriter.com Web Site: www.quotewriter.com

Quote Writer Software, an industry standard for uniform product specification, marketing and data management.r




DEPARTMENT L E A D E R The FIRE CHIEF franchise is the information resource for progressive emergency service leaders across North America. We provide timely and targeted information to enable chiefs and officers to better perform their duties and prepare for new challenges. Visit us at www.firechief.com to apply for a free subscription and sign up for our free weekly e-newsletter, Command Post.




The GAC is in full swing working on this year's programs. We have participated in all monthly Fire Side Chat luncheons, received excellent response to our first ever Alliance Luncheon, had great representation at the CFSI Annual Dinner, developed the Home Day program for our members, continued with the weekly email newsletters, participated in the National Advisory Council, and have been asked to work on the amendment for Congressman Castle's "Good Samaritan Bill". FEMSA and FAMA are beginning to make progress! Instead of just participating and attending we are being asked to help in policy making procedures. This is very exciting and we have come a long way by being consistent and helpful.

Our work with "like minded" organizations such as the IAFC, NVFC CFSI and others has helped us get our message out that we want to be part of a unified message. On April the 5th, the GAC under the leadership of Tim Bendle (US Tanker) and Bill Latta (RESQTEC) hosted a luncheon in Washington, DC to "get to know" the leadership of other similar organizations. [See separate article, this page.]

Another great event for the first half of the year is our Home Day program. We were very excited to have the IAFC, NVFC and CFSI joining in with us to help promote the day. Both NVFC and IAFC encouraged their members to work with FEMSA and FAMA members to get our message to our local Congressional delegations to support the Fire Act, Safer and full funding of the USFA. CFSI sent out a letter to all the Members of Congress and their staff telling them that we would be contacting them about our Home Day events! The Home Day committee did a great job getting the "Tool Kit" designed to help everyone with their activities. The Home Day effort is a great first step for all our members to introduce themselves and make new friends. When each of you come to the fall meeting this October, you will be a recognizable leader from your community when you visit on Capitol Hill. This consistent approach to working with each local office will enhance your company's stature at a local as well as national level. FEMSA News • Spring 2006

by Steve Lawrence

Having all of us constantly participate in these programs together, will enhance our efforts to be a recognized voice on issues that concern our businesses and our industry. Congressman Weldon challenged all of us to get involved and get to know our local staff members. Home Day is our starting point to let him know we listened when we see him at the fall meeting. This year, in addition to our Fire Service Excellence Award which was given to Congressman Weldon, the GAC will recognize staff members who have been instrumental in helping us work at the federal level. We will honor three staff members at this year's fall meeting. We will need your help identifying future recipients. If you would like to nominate anyone from your district, we would love to hear from you. The entire committee is excited to be serving both organizations and we will continue to need your support of the programs. We welcome any of your ideas, requests, or concerns. Please let us know how we can continue to be of service. r Your FAMA/FEMSA GAC:

Steve Lawrence, Co-Chair Bob Kreps, Co-Chair Tim Bendle, George Goros, John Granby Mark LaDouceur, Bill Latta, Mike Natchipolsky Tony Parrino, Gabriel Steinbach & John Sztykiel

by Tim Bendle and Bill Latta (co-chairs)

The Government Affairs Committee (GAC) of FAMA and FEMSA hosted a luncheon in Washington the day before the CFSI dinner for our alliance partners. To strengthen our message, the GAC is forging alliances with other organizations that have similar interests. Eight associations were represented, the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC), the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC), the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF), the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM), the National Fallen Fire Fighters (NFFF), the First Response Coalition, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), and the US Conference of Mayors. Representatives exchanged views on the most pressing legislative concerns and strategies for getting our voices heard. The overwhelming consensus was that we will accomplish more by working together, and the intention is to distribute a letter under all our logos to members of Congress and others in a position of influence.r

Right: Bill Latta and Tim Bendle Below: FAMA/FEMSA representatives attending the Alliance Luncheon (l-r:) John Granby, Steve Lawrence, George Goros, Bob Kreps, Tim Dean (FAMA President), Bill Latta, Tony Parrino, Mike Natchipolsky, Tim Bendle, and Giff Swayne (FEMSA President)



LEGISLATIVE UPDATE by Sean Carroll, Legislative Director, Congressional Fire Services Institute

On February 6th, the White House released its proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2007. The $2.77 trillion budget proposal includes a 1.3 % increase in Homeland Security spending and for the first time includes a line-item for the United States Fire Administration (USFA). Although some Homeland Security Grant Programs, such as the Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) and the State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP), received significant increases over Fiscal Year 2006 enacted levels, two key fire service programs did not fair well in the budget proposal. The proposal cuts the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program (FIRE Act) by over $250 million from the FY06 enacted level, receiving only 29% of its authorized funding, and eliminates funding for the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grants. The Office of Interoperability and Compatibility (OIC) received a proposed funding level of $29.7 million, a $3.5 million increase. OIC, located in the Science & Technology Directorate, administers public safety interoperability programs and houses SAFECOM, the agency charged with improving communications interoperability for public safety. The budget also would cut funding for other fire service programs outside of DHS’s jurisdiction. It proposes $7,889,000 for the Volunteer Fire Assistance Program, $5,111,000 less than the program received in Fiscal Year 2006. The budget would also eliminate the Rural Fire Assistance Program, which awards grants to rural fire departments in communities adjacent to Department of Interior lands. Although the Administration sought to eliminate the program in Fiscal Year 2006, Congress found merit in the program and funded it at $10 million. The Fiscal Year 2007 Budget Proposal can be obtained from the Office of Management and Budget’s website,http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/fy 2007. On Thursday, March 30th, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 609, the College Access and Opportunity Act, H.R. 609, which reauthorizes programs under the Higher Education Act. Included in the legislation was a provision authored by Congressman Bill Pascrell, Jr. (NJ), the "Campus Fire Safety Right to Know" Act. Congressman Pascrell had initially introduced the legislation as a stand-alone bill in the House, H.R. 2637. However, through the efforts of Congressman Rob Andrews (NJ), Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy (NY), and Congressman Jim Wilson (SC), the legislation was included as part of H.R. 609 when the Education and Workforce Committee considered the legislation last year. The Campus Fire Safety Right to Know Act amends the Higher Education Act by requiring colleges and universities to provide prospective and current students fire safety information on campuses. The legislation also authorizes a report from the Secretary of Education to Congress on the extent of the nation's campus fire safety problem and possible solutions. The legislation will utilize the same pro-



FY06 Request

FY06 Appropriation

FY07 Request

Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program (Section 33)




SAFER (Section 34)




Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI)
















Citizen Corps




Volunteer Fire Assistance (US Dept. of Agriculture)







State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP) Emergency Management Performance Grant Program (EMPG) United States Fire Administration (USFA)

Office of Interoperability and Compatibility (OIC)

Rural Fire Assistance (US Dept. of Interior)

* This number reflects funding for USFA and the Emergency Management Institute (EMI). After the most recent restructuring of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was removed from the Preparedness Directorate. USFA stayed within Preparedness and EMI was moved to FEMA. Funding levels for FY06 and the proposed budget number for FY07 reflect this change.

cedures schools use to compile and disclose crime statistics and other safety information. Congressman Pascrell first introduced the Campus Fire Safety Right-to-Know Act in the 106th Congress, in the wake of Seton Hall University's tragic fire on January 19, 2000, which killed 3 students and injured over 50 others. Some highlights of the legislation include the following: • Requires dissemination of information on each on-campus residence hall, including fraternities and sororities on and off campus, and whether the residence is equipped with fire sprinklers or other fire safety systems such as fire alarms or smoke detectors; • Provides statistics on the number of actual fires in each residence hall, including information on deaths, injuries, and structural damage over the previous two years; and information about fire safety education and

training provided to students, faculty, and staff and any planned improvements in fire safety; • Directs the Secretary of Education to report back to Congress on the current status of fires safety systems on college campuses throughout the country. "CFSI applauds Congressman Pascrell, as Andrews, well as Congressman and Congresswoman McCarthy, Congressman Wilson, for their commitment to improve campus safety," remarked Bill Webb, Executive Director of the Congressional Fire Services Institute. "This legislation will provide critical information to prospective students and their parents regarding the level of fire safety at colleges and universities across the nation." H.R. 609 will now go before the Senate for consideration.r

PRC PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY CODE Join these FEMSA member companies who have entered into PRC license agreements:

A license agreement allows these companies to print the PRC in their company literature, on their web sites, and in their advertising and promotional materials; the agreement is renewable annually. Alternatively, members may order stock products (wallet cards, hang tags and posters) for distribution to their customers. These items can be customized with company name and contact information. 5

Air One Equipment, Inc. Bacou-Dalloz Division Fire Apparatus Magazine Fire Chief Magazine Fire-Dex, Inc. Firehouse Magazine FireRescue Magazine Fire Research Corp. Globe ManF. Holmatro, Inc. Hypro LLC/FoamPro

L.N. Curtis & Sons Lion Apparel, Inc. Matjack Paratech Incorporated PlymoVent Corporation Res Q Tek, Inc. Spec Rescue International, Inc. Southern Mills, Inc. TNT Rescue Systems, Inc. Towers Fire Appar. VFIS

FEMSA News • Spring 2006

FEMSA News • Spring 2006



FEMSA Logo Usage Information

The FEMSA logo represents the association throughout the world. As such, its purpose is to be a unifying trademark which is easily recognizable to our members and the public. Maintaining and establishing the FEMSA logo is a primary objective. Therefore, it is essential for some reasonable guidelines for its use so we can keep the FEMSA logo known as a strong and positive emblem.


• The logo you download should not be altered in design, color, tagline, or typeface

• Keep the original proportions. Do not stretch or condense. The logo may be resized but ONLY if done proportionately and treated as one graphic unit • The logo should be linked to the FEMSA

homepage at: http://femsa.org/

The use of the FEMSA logo implies an agreement not to place the FEMSA logo on web pages that: • Knowingly infringe on any third party’s Intellectual Property Rights • Violates any law or regulation

any system, data or personal information

• Is materially false, inaccurate or misleading • Promotes or sells products or services related to gambling, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products or pornography • Is of an otherwise inappropriate nature or harmful to FEMSA’s reputation or Marks.

• Is defamatory, obscene, offensive, harassing, harmful to minors or pornographic • Contains any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancel bots or other computer programming routines that are intended to damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate

To download the FEMSA logo, please go to www.femsa.org


Peggy McKeever (Fire Research Corporation) underwent knee replacement surgery in January. After a short hospital and rehab stay, she is home recovering and feeling great! Cheery wellwishes may be sent to Peggy at 571 Chase Avenue, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071. George Sztykiel (Spartan Motors) suffered a stroke the day after Christmas. He spent some time in the hospital and in rehab, and is now home recuperating. He is walking with a cane and is starting to use his left hand a lot more. He and Krys have planned a trip to Arizona in early April. Cards may be sent to his home at 1459 Meadowbrook Road, East Lansing, MI 48823.r


FEMSA is deeply saddened to report the passing of Andre Juneau, Jim Juneau’s younger brother, on February 14th. It was Andre’s wish to donate his body to cancer research, and that has been done. Donations in Andre’s memory may be made to the American Cancer Society. r www.femsa.org


FEMSA News • Spring 2006

FEMSA Member News


C & S Supply [March 20, 2006] Congratulations to C & S Supply on their 10-year anniversary during 2006. Visit C & S Supply at FDIC in the center of the Dome. It is the 43rd consecutive year that a member of the Stark family has attended the FDIC. E-ONE E-ONE announced it has been certified to offer apparatus that meet the latest Underwriters Laboratories Canada (ULC) requirements. E-ONE can now offer ULC listing for many types of fire and special service apparatus delivered in Canada. The CAN/ULC-S515-04 Standard for Automobile Fire Fighting Apparatus identifies the minimum requirements of performance and design for new fire fighting apparatus. Suppliers must validate their individual products and the finished

FEMSA News • Spring 2006

apparatus must undergo independent, third-party testing and certification of the pumps, aerial devices, engines, brakes, and overall vehicle weight and balance. "Many Canadian departments want ULC listing to ensure the quality of their apparatus," says Justin Stewart, quality manager of E-ONE Canada. "Having ULC-listed apparatus can also potentially lower fire insurance premiums for property owners in a department's jurisdiction." Normally, ULC listing is only sought for apparatus such as pumpers, aerials, and water tankers. "We decided that if we were going to go through the certification process, we should expand the scope of coverage and be able to offer ULC listing for other types of apparatus as well," comments Stewart. "ULC listing is important to Canadian customers who want it," says Curtis Evans, vice president of customer satisfaction for E-ONE. "That's one reason we decided to include a wider range of products and not just those involved in structural


fire fighting. It took a high level of documentation and effort to achieve this broad certification, but we think it was worth it," he notes.

FIRE CHIEF [March 20, 2006] Jake Jaquet, the new editor of Fire Chief magazine, has joined the Prism team in the Chicago office as of Jan. 3, 2006. Jake has an extensive background in editorial management, writing and administration. Most recently, he served as a director at Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc., where he directed the editorial and business operations of 20 peer-reviewed print and online journals. Prior to that, Jake was the editor-in-chief of Healthcare Financial Management magazine, a publication of the Healthcare Financial Management Association. Other publishing experience includes roles as a managing editor and publisher. Jake will work closely with the Fire Chief staff to optimize opportunities and continue to deliver the in-depth, cutting-edge information that readers have come to expect. This is a posi-


FEMSA Member News tive step for the Fire Chief franchise, and we are all looking forward to a successful 2006.

FIRE CHIEF [February 22, 2006] Since Fire Chief introduced its Station Style Design Awards in 2001, interest in station concepts, architectural successes and the latest technology has far surpassed expectations. To move beyond the pages of the magazine, we’re proud to announce our firstever Station Style Conference that will focus on the changing role of fire stations and facilities for today’s emergency response agencies. Allhazards incidents, multiple-agency responses, financial restrictions and environmental issues demand that chiefs and municipal leaders consider many options before investing in a new facility.

What: An interactive environment focused on helping architects and emergency responders plan the most effective emergency response facility for their department and community. When: May 7-9, 2006 Where Phoenix Airport Marriott, 1101 N. 44th St., Phoenix, AZ 85008 For more information, conference registration and hotel reservations, please visit: http://firechief.com/stationstyleconference. FIRE-DEX [February 9, 2006] Fire-Dex is proud to announce its associate sponsorship of BAM Racing, the NASCAR Nextel

Cup team, their No. 49 Dodge Charger, and driver Brent Sherman. Fire-Dex will run a season-long associate sponsorship throughout 2006, while also being a featured sponsor on the car’s deck lid for 5 races. Fire-Dex will host NEXTEL Cup driver Brent Sherman at the FDIC in Indianapolis on April 27th for an autographing session. Sherman will be in the Fire-Dex booth from 2:00pm to 4:30pm and will have the BAM Racing No. 49 Dodge on display throughout the weekend. [March 2, 2006] Fire-Dex is pleased to announce the hiring of Bob Stuart and Tony Scheufler to the positions of Regional Sales Managers, Dee Beard to the position of Receptionist, and the promotion of Allen Rom to the position of Senior Regional Sales Manager.

FSI North America [March 16, 2006] Federal, State and local area dignitaries have been invited to participate in the FSI day long Open House to celebrate the new Sheffield Lake location of FSI North America. The June 6th, 12-noon Open House and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony will be held at 311 Abbe Road, Sheffield Lake, OH. As President, Mark Conron states, “FSI is very proud to locate in such an increasingly vibrant community as Sheffield Lake. This community offers a great quality of life as a lakefront community while being within minutes of the westward spreading industrial I-

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90 beltway. This new facility clearly will allow us to continue our explosive growth in the USA and worldwide Hazmat Decontamination, Life Safety, EMS and Fire Fighting markets.”

Fire Research Corporation [March 20, 2006] Fire Research Corp. has successfully completed its facility expansion. FRC is now fully operational in its expanded 38,000 square foot facility in Nesconset, NY. This expansion is a sign of FRC’s continued growth. Additionally, it represents our constant commitment to provide the fire and emergency services industry with state-of-the-art products. This expansion has been custom designed to accommodate the unique needs of developing and manufacturing our products for the fire and emergency services industry. The facility houses all manufacturing, production, engineering, service, and corporate groups. This includes automated machine shops, mechanical, scene-lighting, and electronic assembly areas, programming and electrical design test labs, a sewing shop, pump test area, and a powder coating booth and oven all in one facility.

[March 20, 2006] Brian C. Foley has recently joined FRC as our Inside Technical Salesperson. Brian has over 10 years of experience in Technical Sales, Customer Service and Manufacturing. Brian will be an in-house advocate for our customers by providing sales & technical support on a daily basis.r

• L.I. Fire & EMS - Uniondale, NY • EMS Today - Baltimore, MD is Expand • FDIC - Indianapolis, IN to New Je ing rsey • Fire Expo - Harrisburg, PA May Call for in details! • NYSAFC - Lake George, NY • Firehouse Expo - Baltimore, MD • NYS - LI Fire Expo - Uniondale, NY • NYSAFD - Ellenville, NY

FEMSA News • Spring 2006

HISTORICAL “2000 Years of Tradition”

Submitted by: Eric Schlett, Fire Engineering Magazine

If you are a firefighter, this is your year! You are part of an esteemed prothat marks its 2000th fession Anniversary this year - 2006. In 6 AD almost one third of Rome was destroyed by yet another series of large fires. Emperor Augustus deemed that something must be done about this recurring and devastating problem. The Roman Empire had already developed a highly skilled, efficient military that was capable of conquering massive regions well beyond the empire's boundaries. So, Emperor Augustus decided to create a paramilitary corps, know as the VIGILES, commissioned to protect the city of Rome from fire with the same degree of proficiency that his army held. Thus in that year, 6 A D, the VIGILES was established. This organization, started with freed slaves, but was later

6AD – 2006 AD

joined by freemen who were drawn by the growing prestige associated with this service. This Corp of seven thousand men were housed in barracks situated in segmented "fire districts" throughout the city. Their earliest equipment consisted of buckets, rudimentary axes and hooks and evolved into efficient water tankershuttle systems and hand operated pumps. The VIGILES became highly trained and skilled. In addition to fire suppression, they also implemented fire prevention methods through the establishment and enforcement of sophisticated fire codes. They immediately made a major difference in the safety of the city and all inhabitants. The VIGILES grew to become one of the most powerful, esteemed and elite organizations in the Roman Empire. The fire service, as we know today, is a direct result of the Roman VIGILES and all modern firefighters have a lineage to these early heroes.

With the VIGILES inauguration in 6 AD, 2006 AD marks the 2000th Anniversary of the fully organized designated public fire service. "2000 YEARS OF TRADITION" is the official commemoration of this historical hallmark. This yearlong occasion celebrates the past and honors the millions of firefighters who have preceded us. It also looks to the future of the fire service. This includes helping bring the fire service in poor and developing nations It is closer to today's standards. appalling that after all of these years of progressive firefighting, many of our brother and sister firefighters in poorer regions of the world still use virtually the same techniques and equipment that were used 2000 years ago. This aspect of the commemoration is being conducted through the association of the Fire Rescue Development Program, (FRDP), based in Rome. The FRDP, directed by Chief Robert Triozzi, was established to assist firefighters in developing and war-torn nations. The FRDP has an impressive history of assisting the fire/rescue services around the world, including; Sri Lanka, Kenya, Timor, Indonesia, Venezuela, Bosnia and many others. r 2006 AD - LET THE CELEBRATION BEGIN!!

Second National Firefighter Safety Stand Down Scheduled for June 21 Fairfax, VA, March 6, 2006...

Building on the success of the first National Firefighter Safety Stand Down in 2005, the Board of Directors of the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) has called for the second annual stand down to be held starting Wednesday, June 21, 2006, and continued until all personnel and duty nights have been covered. Fire departments are urged to save this date and plan to participate in the event. Last year, an estimated 10,000 fire departments participated in the National Firefighter Safety Stand Down. Activities were posted on the IAFC and its partners’ Web sites. The IAFC Safety, Health and Survival Section will be updating the recommended activities, and when those details are developed, they will be distributed. “Sadly, 106 firefighters died in the line of duty last year. Since many of the accidents occurred in department vehicles, we have decided to focus this year’s stand down on emergency vehiFEMSA News • Spring 2006


cle safety, where we can have the most impact. We must take dramatic steps to reduce the alarmingly high firefighter death and injury rates,” said IAFC President Chief Bill Killen. “While firefighter safety must be part of everyday life in the fire service, the Safety Stand Down raises awareness of the issue and calls national attention to the unacceptable number of firefighter line-ofduty deaths.” Once again, the IAFC will be reaching out to other fire service organizations to join forces and involve the entire fire service in the event. Last year, 19 organizations partnered with the IAFC for the first stand down. Submitted by Jennifer Ashley, IAFC Director of Communications

NOTE: The FEMSA Board of Directors has voted to support this effort and partner with the IAFC again this year. Look for further information and links at www.femsa.org.r www.femsa.org



FEMSA News • Spring 2006


U.S. MANUFACTURING INNOVATION LEADERSHIP AT RISK ‘Five Clear Warning Signs’ Point to Lower Economic Growth, Living Standards

WASHINGTON, D.C., Feb. 1, 2006

Downward trends in U.S. manufacturing innovation pose a serious threat to America’s long-term economic growth and living standards, according to a new report released today by the Council of Manufacturing Associations (CMA) and The Manufacturing Institute of Association of the National Manufacturers (NAM). “The manufacturing economy generates a large share of American prosperity,” said NAM President John Engler. “America’s continuing leadership in innovation and the production of high-value manufactured goods is essential to our nation’s long-term economic growth, productivity gains and standard of living. By itself, U.S. manufacturing would be the eighth largest economy in the world, and our nation’s manufacturing output is at an all-time high. But America’s economic leadership will be at risk if current trends continue. The NAM is advancing pro-growth policies to promote innovation, investment and productivity and ensure a healthy manufacturing economy in the future.” “Our nation can not afford to lose its manufacturing innovation edge and the wealth that it generates throughout our economy,” said Jerry Jasinowski, president of The Manufacturing Institute (the research and education arm of the NAM). “One bright ray of light is U.S. manufacturing’s tremendous productivity gains,” Jasinowski continued. “U.S. manufacturing productivity has surged 24 percent since the last recession -- 70 percent faster than the average productivity growth following the last five recessions. Strong productivity growth helps America compete in the global economy and is the key to higher wages and better living standards for U.S. workers. Higher productivity growth FEMSA News • Spring 2006

also allows for lower interest rates as the economy grows faster without generating inflation,” Jasinowski said. The report’s author, economist Joel Popkin, stated: “Though the U.S. accounts for 40 percent of all R&D spending in the industrial world, we can not become complacent about this leadership position.” “The rapid growth in overseas manufacturing is creating new global centers with the critical mass necessary to build their own innovation machines,” Popkin continued. “If the innovation process goes offshore, America will lose much of its capacity to generate wealth and a decline in long-term economic growth is assured,” Dr. Popkin said. “Developing human capital for a high performance workforce must be a top national priority if America is to remain the world’s leader in innovation and productivity,” Jasinowski went on to say. “The broadening shortage of skilled workers threatens our nation’s ability to compete in today’s fast-paced and increasingly demanding global economy and will only worsen as the baby boomers retire. “We need a bold action agenda to develop human capital, revitalize fundamental research and encourage productivity-enhancing investments in order to maintain a critical mass of production and a viable innovation process in this country,” he concluded. The new report,“U.S. Manufacturing Innovation at Risk,” by Dr. Joel Popkin is available at www.nam.org/Popkinreport.r


According to the new report, “five clear warning signs” show that America’s innovation process is at risk: 1.) Manufacturing output since the last recession lags that of earlier economic recoveries – its 15% growth is only half the pace averaged in recoveries of the past half-century.

2.) Manufacturing capacity remains underutilized, slowing investment in new plants and equipment. Since the last recession, total plant and equipment investment has risen at half the pace averaged in recoveries of the past halfcentury. Manufacturing capacity has grown at less than 1 percent annually (compared with 5% in the 1990s).

3.) The U.S. share of global trade in manufactured products has shrunk, falling from 13 percent in the 1990s to 10 percent in 2004. The U.S. now runs a trade deficit in Advanced Technology Products, and the U.S. share of global trade in some of the highest value-added export industries such as machinery and equipment is falling. 4.) U.S. manufacturing offers rewarding and desirable careers for highly skilled workers. Yet the widespread perception that manufacturing employment is unstable and lacks job opportunities discourages new worker entry. While manufacturing continues to pay better than other industries, the sector is experiencing a broadening shortage of skilled workers.

5.) America’s long-standing leadership in R&D is being challenged. While the U.S. continues to spend more than any other country on R&D investment, U.S. growth in R&D has averaged only about 1% per year in real terms since 2000.r


OPERATION SAFE ARRIVAL Don’t Become A Statistic by Richard Patrick

This is the first in a series of columns on emergency vehicle safety by Richard Patrick, Director of EMS Programs and Emergency Service Initiatives for Emergency Services Education and Consulting Group (ESECG), a division of VFIS. The columns are a component of VFIS’ Operation Safe Arrival initiative, aimed at heightening safety awareness and reducing the frequency and severity of accidents involving emergency vehicles. A 21-year-old firefighter dies of multiple blunt-force injuries when the tanker he is driving veers off the road and rolls over… Responding to a mutual-aid call, a fire chief is killed when the tanker he is driving at 58 mph skids out of control on a rain-slicked road… A firefighter, responding in his personal vehicle, is seriously injured when he swerves to avoid a truck at an intersection and skids into a city bus… Perhaps you’ve read about such accidents in an emergency services publication. On the other hand, maybe one of them hit closer to home, and the story made your local newspaper. Either way, the news isn’t good. According to the NFPA, fire department emergency vehicles were involved in an estimated 14,900 collisions in 2001 while responding to, or returning from, inci-


dents. Firefighters’ personal vehicles were involved in 1,325 collisions. Together, they resulted in 1,100 firefighter injuries. And that doesn’t count injuries sustained by civilians. Even worse, 24 firefighters — 17 of whom died in crashes — were killed in 2001 while responding to or returning from alarms — the second most common activity resulting in firefighter fatalities. The statistics are alarming. In its landmark Firefighter Fatality Retrospective Study: 1990-2000, the US Fire Administration noted that getting to a fire or accident is very dangerous, especially for volunteer firefighters. Since 1984, motor vehicle accidents have accounted for 20 to 25% of firefighter fatalities every year. One quarter of all firefighters who die in motor vehicle accidents are killed in private or personally owned vehicles. In addition, more firefighters are killed in tanker collisions than in engines and ladders combined. Emergency service injuries and fatalities like these are tragic. Compounding this tragedy are the injuries, deaths, and accompanying litigation that can occur when citizens are involved. Yet, with proper driver training, public education programs, and emergency vehicle response guidelines, many of these accidents can be avoided. VFIS is committed to reducing needless intersection, road, and traffic accidents involving the emergency services. That is why we are implementing Operation Safe Arrival in your state. It’s a campaign aimed at demonstrating the scope of the problem, exploring some of the attitudes and misconceptions that need to be changed, and providing basic safety programs designed to help reduce needless accidents and collisions. This is the first in a series of ten articles addressing various aspects of emergency vehicle safety, from proper use of lights and sirens to safe intersection 13

practices. I encourage you to read the articles in this series, share them with your colleagues, and urge them to join in our campaign. We don’t want you to become another statistic. Remember, you can’t help your community if you never make it to the scene.

A noted emergency service educator, lecturer, author, and consultant, Mr. Patrick currently serves as Chief Executive Officer of the Annville Fire Department (PA) and member of the Annville Township municipality planning commission. In addition to his work with VFIS, Rick is also actively involved in various national, state, and local organizations, including the National Association of Emergency Dispatch, National Fire Protection Association, International Association of Fire Chiefs, Congressional Fire Services Institute, EMS Magazine, and the American Ambulance Association.r



On February 16th, the Baltimore Fire Department named its Eastern Avenue Station after our good friend Roman Kaminski. This is the first time in the history of the City of Baltimore that a fire station has been named after a civilian, a fitting tribute to a man who has dedicated so much to the fire service. For a video news clip about the dedication ceremony from Channel 13 in Baltimore, go to http://www.wjz.com/ video/?id=15421@wjz.dayport.com. r FEMSA News • Spring 2006

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2006 Yearly Planner: Events, Meetings and Seminars 2006 SHOW/MEETING

FDIC - Fire Department Instructors Conference Contact Lila or Nanci at Fire Engineering 888-TEL-FDIC Fire-Rescue Med Conference Saskatchewan Fire Chiefs SASFire FAMA Tech. Comm. Alberta Fire Chiefs Metro Chiefs Ontario Fire Chiefs FDIC Bahrain Contact Lila or Nanci at 888-TEL-FDIC IAFC Eastern Division Penna Fire Expo Contact Tina Alexander at 717-464-3291 British Columbia Fire Chiefs Hazmat Response Teams Conference Manitoba Fire Chiefs Quebec Fire Chiefs NFPA World Safety Conference FDIC East Contact Lila or Nanci 888-TEL-FDIC Fire 2006 (New York Fire Chiefs) 800-676-3473 Health, Fitness and Safety Symposium (Phoenix FD) New England Fire-Rescue/IAFC N. E. Division Contact: Chief Charles Maurais 781-631-3086 IAFC Southeastern Division Pittsburgh Fire/Rescue & EMS Maritime Fire Chiefs IAFC Missouri Valley Division Newfoundland Fire Chiefs Texas A & M Municipal Fire School Firehouse Expo Contact: Rob Brice, 800-827-8009 Fire Rescue Canada Incident Management Symposium (Phoenix FD) Fire-Rescue International Contact: Karissa Jacobs at IAFC 703-273-0911 EXT 338 FAMA Tech Meeting New Jersey FF Contact: Ron McGowan 609 522 1822

FDIC WEST Contact Lila or Nanci at 888-TEL-FDIC IAFC Southwestern Div. FAMA/FEMSA GAC Hill Day FDSOA Annual Conference Contact: FDSOA 508-881-3114 Fire Rescue Conf. & Expo.including Fire-Tech Reno Contact: Ed Nichols 203-840-5968 IAFC Volunteer & Combination Officers Symposium


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FEMSA News • Spring 2006

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