Window News September 2022

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4 66% PriceBracedRespondentsOfForMoreIncreases 42 ‘Do We Now Need A Green Deal II?’r 104 Former John DirectorLewisTo Speak At Glazing Summit

Expert Witness Service Call 0800 085 3032 Email RISA are specialists in domestic window installations. As part of the Glass and Glazing Federation Group, we are able to call upon the resources and expertise of the entire GGF Group for the benefit of our clients. RICS CPRSinglePartyinstallationWindowaccreditedanddoorspecialistsappointedexpertjointexpert35compliantreports☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ When you need expert backup for a fenestration dispute. When a dispute between an installation company and a homeowner cannot be settled, specialist expert advice and reporting can be the best way forward. Our RICS accredited experts can help. We can act as a single joint expert or as a party appointed expert and produce a high quality report in line with the Civil Procedure Rules for expert witnesses. • Domestic window and door installations • Building regulation compliance inspections • British Standard 8213-4 • Specification disputes

CONTENTS WINDOW NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2022 3 TRADE NEWS 4 VIEWPOINT 42 DEAR GERALD 50 PEOPLE 52 PRODUCT NEWS 60 MACHINERY 80 ON SITE 84 MARKETING & INTERNET 96 EVENTS 104 TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 106 CHARITY 108 W INDOWNEWS THE LATEST INDUSTRY NEWS W Publisher Gerald Batt Tel: 01255 850245 E-mail:©2022Box13225.Frinton-on-Sea,CO133BTpicture:AndasHomesBreathesNewLife Into Heritage Homes With Quickslide And Kolorsea, read more on page 86 You can now receive your industry news in a range of formats: Newscast, Website, Social Media, and a magazine. So whatever your preference is for catching up with the latest innovations and news in the industry, there is a Window News format to suit everyone. We aim to keep readers up-to-date with the latest industry news, trends, technical innovations and suppliers. Our web format means that we can be in the right place at the right time – wherever that may be. The contents of Window News are provided for general use only and do not constitute general advice and should not be relied upon. Views/opinions, replies and specific advice expressed by external persons are not necessarily those of Window News and are not subscribed to by Window News. To see the full terms and conditions please http://www.winPrivacy

“Holding our prices despite increases from our supply chain, on the strength of the efficiencies that we have gained has delivered a very real contribution to our customers’ profitability so far this “We’llyear.

A survey of industry by Emplas reveals that 66% of respondents expect further price increases from their suppliers before the summer is Carriedout. out in July against the backdrop of continuing inflation, energy and fuel prices as well as rising labour costs, only 34% of those polled expected to escape cost increases from their suppliJodyers. Vincent, sales director at Emplas, said it appeared many companies were resigned to rising “Everycosts. supply chain is under pressure at every level and there appears that a lot of people are re signed to price increases”, he said.

“We’ve pressed our supply chain very hard to do what they can to hold prices. Our scale is helpful in doing “Despitethat.this we’ve still had to take our fair share of increases since this year but have been working hard to hold our prices to our customers and will continue to hold them as long as we can sustainably.” Emplas has invested significantly to drive efficiencies throughout its operation during this period, including a redesign of its factory floor; investment in its fleet; and an ambitious factory floor leader ship Combined,programme.thishas contributed to year-on-year efficiency gains of between 12 and 15% across its business – a saving which has been passed directly to its customers in the form of a price freeze since February.

“Costs to our customers are going up, people product, everything costs more, and although the mar ket has performed strongly in the first half of the year, it is inevitably down on where we were previous ly”, Jody continued. “That is going to put pressure on installers in the second half of this year.


66% Of PriceBracedRespondentsForMoreIncreases

continue to look for those operational gains as we move forward and as long as we can do so without compromising our own profitability or the stability of our”

Above: Jody Vincent



A powerful statement from the WLT spells out clearly what we face as individuals and as organ isations across the globe. They said: ‘If we are to avoid cata strophic climate change and the biodiversity loss that goes with it, scientists tell us we only have until 2030 to cut global emissions in half. A make-or-break decade lies ahead, and we need to act now.

the project began in July 2021 and successfully reached completion in June 2022, which now brings the warehouse space to 95,000 Sq. Ft. and means that Reynaers can now hold approxi mately 40% additional stock to suit its customers’ changing requirements for aluminium windows, doors and façades. Enhance ments to the site will also help to improve the thermal performance of the building and contribute towards Reynaers’ ambitious sus tainability targets.


“I’d like to take this opportuni ty to thank our operational and warehouse teams who were key to making the building extension happen. They ensured that we were able to operate safely and successfully while the work was in progress – a testament to the agili ty and flexibility of our team.”

“We don’t generally sit still as a business, particularly when it comes to improving our products and service to customers. Wheth er they are operating in the do mestic or commercial sector, we make every effort to ensure that we support customers as much as we can from initial enquiry, through design, specification and project build. We accept that a key part of this service is managing customer expectations and making sure that we take continual steps to improve our “Theefficiency.buildingextension plays a key part in improving efficiency. It will enable us to boost our warehouse stock bulk and pick faces by seven hundred – an increase of more than 46%. This will help us to reduce our lead times and will future-proof our ability to meet demand in the coming years.

In addition to the customer ben efits, the extension project has allowed Reynaers to make impor tant improvements in the welfare facilities for its warehouse staff, providing new centrally-located toilets, canteen facilities and a ded icated rest area. The building now also has the advantage of a cov ered loading and unloading area to provide shelter to those working in the area and to protect the mate

The effects of the climate crisis are evident for all to see, but by work ing with WLT through our Carbon Balanced programme, you can be part of the’

The World Land Trust (WLT) is an international conservation charity that protects the world’s most bio logically significant and threatened habitats. Patrons include Sir David Attenborough, Steve Backshall, Chris Packham and Bill Oddie and its vision is to protect the world’s most threatened habitats and species for the future.

As part of a far reaching and wider environmental and sustainability programme, Endurance Doors have become carbon neutral by partnering up with the World Land Trust and by offsetting through a carbon balanced portfolio. This has been achieved through careful analysis of emissions, products, processes and practices, with the first investment made to the inde pendent charitable body for the calendar year of 2021.

John McComb, Director of Technical Services at Reynaers Aluminium UK

Reynaers’ Invests In A Multimillion-Pound Extension To Substantiate Growth

Director of technical services John McComb, said: “We had always planned to extend our building, but brought those plans forward by around three years due to substan tial continued growth.

Having seen significant growth in recent years, specialist aluminium profile company, Reynaers Alu minium UK, has invested several million pounds in the extension of its UK headquarters to optimise lead times and to future-proof the business in line with its growth

Fall Again But Price Inflation Makes For A Record-Breaking Q2

Merchant Volumes

Total value sales data from Brit ain’s Builders’ Merchants shows Q2 2022 recorded the highest revenue since the BMBI started, despite lacklustre June sales. However, with Q2 volumes falling -11.3% compared with Q2 2021, it is +17.3% price inflation which is behind the record-breaking Quartergrowth. 2 2022 total value sales were 4.0% higher than Q2 2021, with one less trading day this year. Ten of the 12 categories sold more with Kitchens & Bath rooms (+18.5%), Heavy Building Materials (+9.2%), Decorating (+7.0%), Tools (+2.9%) and Ironmongery (+1.3%) all having their best-ever quarterly sales. Only Timber & Joinery Prod ucts (-3.0%) and Landscaping (-6.3%) sold less. Comparing Q2 2022 with Q2 2019, a more normal pre-Covid trading year, total value sales were +25.2% higher this year, but volume sales were -2.7% down while prices were up +28.7%. Despite one less trad ing day, like-for-like sales were +27.3% higher. All categories sold more, including Landscap ing (+38.9%), Timber & Joinery Products (+37.0%) and Renew ables & Water Saving (+29.6%) which all outperformed Mer chants overall. Heavy Building Materials (+22.1%) and Kitchens & Bathrooms (+20.3%) grew more Quarter-on-quarter,slowly. sales were up 9.7% in Q2 2022 compared to Q1 2022. Volume sales were +7.9% higher and prices were up +1.6%. Like-for-like sales were +15.1% higher in Q2, despite three less trading days in the most recent quarter. Seasonal category Landscaping (+37.4%) was considerably ahead of the rest of the field with Heavy Build ing Materials (+12.1%) the only other category growing faster than total Merchants. The exceptional revenues seen in Q2 came in spite of falling year-on-year sales in June (-1.0%). Volume sales for the month were -15.3% lower with prices up +17.0% compared to the same month in 2021. With two less trading days this year, like-for-like sales were up +8.9%. Nine of the twelve categories sold more, led by Kitchens & Bathrooms (+10.8%) and Renewables & Water Saving (+7.7%). Ironmongery (-1.4%), Landscaping (-8.5%) and Timber & Joinery Products (-12.2%) all sold less.


2022 BMBI report is available to download at

“As an organisation, DGCOS has always believed strong ly in collaboration with our members’ best interests at heart. We engage with and listen to our members so they can contribute and collab orate in industry topics and feel heard. This feedback is turned into actions which serve purely to raise stand ards, protect consumers, and help our members’ business es stand out and thrive. We now want to expand this out to the wider industry and as an independent body, we are in a good position to lead this forward and remain impar tial with the formation of the Fenestration Working Group. “I have seen first-hand all the

Total value sales in June 2022 were 31.0% higher than the same month three years ago, with no difference in trading days. All categories sold more than June 2019, with Landscap ing (+44.5%) and Timber & Join ery Products (+40.3%) perform ing the the previous month, June 2022 total merchant sales were -4.2% down. Volume sales were -3.7% lower than May, with prices down -0.6%. Eleven of the 12 categories sold less, with only Workwear & Safetywear (+4.2%) selling more.

The Double Glazing & Con servatory Ombudsman Scheme (DGCOS) announces the launch of a new Fenes tration Working Group. Chief Executive, Faisal Hussain, explains why this is such an important initiative that will harness the power of coming together for the greater good of the industry.

DGCOS Launches Fenestration Working Group To Promote The Sector Externally

Mike Rigby, CEO of MRA Re search who produce this report, said: “The continuing theme for 2022 is the impact of price inflation and rising costs on the building sector which can be seen clearly in the Q2 results. A record-breaking quarter, but unlike last year, it’s price and not volume which is driving growth. With energy price reviews now every three months, and inflation expected to reach 13% around the turn of the year, this may be the case for some time to Developedcome.” and run by MRA Research, the BMBI – a brand of the Builders Merchant Fed eration – is a monthly index of builders’ merchant sales, and the most reliable, up-to-date measure of Repair, Maintenance, and Improvement (RMI) activity in the UK. The index is based on actual sales from GfK’s Builders’ Merchant Point of Sale Tracking Data, which captures value sales out to builders from generalist builders’ merchants, accounting for over 80% of total sales from builders’ merchants throughout Great Britain. An in-depth review, which includes commentary by sector experts, is provided each

TRADE NEWS WINDOW NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2022 7 best practice that take plac es within our sector and want the objective of this working group to be about promoting the good things that we do to external stakeholders, like the government. This isn’t a sociable thing. The meetings will be online and structured to discuss what’s happening and where we are going. It won’t mean lots of time out of the business, or a load of extra work. All you need to do is be part of the conversation so that together, we can tackle issues and make important changes that benefit everyone in the industry and make a real difference. “The working group is open to anyone operating within the glass and glazing sector. I strongly believe that by work ing together, we can shape the future of our industry. If you want to be part of this future, please contact me directly to show your interest and join the other forward-thinking organ isations who have already”


“The period since the pandem ic has obviously been extremely hectic, but we’ve been flat out for the best part of ten years,” Paul “That’scontinues.why we’ve decided to implement an 18-month expansion plan, that’s not only seen us invest


Tuff-X Processed Glass has invest ed in a third Super Spacer applica tion line as part of a wider capital investment worth £2m.

Tuff-X Invests In Third Super Spacer Line As Part Of £2M Expansion

in the third line, but also commit to a 30,000 square foot factory ex tension, and purchase new cutting equipment and other machinery.

In addition to conservatory roofs, Tuff-X has also launched a new rooflight – Infinity Ecolite. “Tinted glass defeats the object of fitting a rooflight in the first place,” Paul ex plains. “With Ecolite, we’ve come up with a solution – a product that looks virtually no different to a standard, non-tinted glass unit, but that reflects twice the amount of heat, and conforms to the latest changes to Document O of Building TonyRegulations.”Palmer,Edgetech’s head of sales, comments: “We’re absolutely delighted to see Tuff-X continu ing to thrive and grow using Super “WithSpacer.their 25-year legacy of excellence, and now significantly expanded manufacturing capacity, we’re excited to support them as they go from strength to strength in the years”

one of the key reasons we’ve been using Super Spacer for the last 15 years – its flexible construction means it’s more than capable of handling the unortho dox glass shapes that we produce on a daily “However,basis.that’s not the only rea son we use Super Spacer. It also offers excellent thermal perfor mance, the aesthetics are really good, and we receive great service from FacedEdgetech.”withsoaring demand, and finding it harder to maintain the excellent service and quick lead times Tuff-X prides itself on, invest ing in a third Super Spacer line was the obvious next step.

The Prescot-based firm, a loyal Edgetech customer for 15 years, makes extensive use of the com pany’s Super Spacer product for conservatory roof glass. “Unlike IGU manufacturers that fo cus mainly on windows and doors, at Tuff-X we’re experts in making the unconventionally shaped units that go into conservatory roofs,” explains commercial director Paul “ThatHiggins.includes a lot of triangular units for conservatory gables –and many spacer products can’t accommodate the acute angles we “That’srequire.

“It’s a £2m investment overall, and represents our commitment to continuing to offer our customers the very best products, backed by the very best service.”

lanternroof WNK01 glazed secondsinfastertofitQUOTE CODE: NEW 10%DISCOUNTCUSTOMERTRADE Supply & install the multi-award-winning aluminium Korniche Roof Lantern Fitted in minutes, glazed in seconds. The strongest lantern in class, available up to 3x2.5m in four glass panels and a maximum size of 6x4m *Discount applies to all trade customers and applied to the first, single item purchase only of the Korniche Roof Lantern Delivering the best products, with the best service, at the best price Contact Made for Trade for a Kwikquote today | | 01642 610799

Phil Bates, Alu-tec director, ex plained: “We’ve seen consistent growth over the past eight years as our reputation has grown for quality windows and doors in AluK, backed up by a wealth of knowledge and industry experience.

to increase beading capacity, and a further saw has been ordered for facilitating larger profiles such as curtain walling.

“Later this year, we’ll be introduc ing the AluK SL52 curtain walling system, which is already well proven in the commercial market, and will be amongst the first to launch the new AluK patio door to the”

As well as the investments in its factory, Alu-tec has just appointed a new estimator and order proces sor to support trade and commer cial buyers and extended its office to accommodate four further new staff members going forward.

Phil Bates added: “We work very closely with the whole team at AluK, which means we are always quick to introduce new product options and we get great support when it comes to targeting new business opportunities right across the product portfolio.

Despite rising inflation and the on going cost-of-living crisis, there is still a sense of cautious optimism in the aluminium sector, buoyed by the fact that demand remains relatively strong at the higher end of the market. That optimism is reflected in the ongoing investments being made at trade and commercial fabricator Alu-tec in Southend, as it prepares to increase its output of AluK Boostingproducts.the company’s current factory area of 11,500 sq ft, an extra 5,800 sq ft of production space has been added dedicat ed to bifolds and patios, leaving additional space for fabricating windows and doors. A new bead saw set-up has also been installed

Alu-Tec Voices Confidence In The Aluminium Market


“The excellent relationship we have with AluK, and the scale and efficiency of our operation means we can always offer high quality products at competitive prices, so even if demand does start to falter, we have every reason to be con fident about what lies ahead. We still have big ambitions to increase the amount of commercial work we take on, as well as welcoming new trade customers and showing them why Alu-tec and AluK are the right supply partners.”

“Up until recently, Deceuninck increased its share of our cus tomer base so that it accounted for 95% of all the work we were doing,” General Manager Stuart Prior explained. “The key drivers are the excellent colour offer and the industry-beating lead times.

The final development that encour aged Patios Southwest to move to Deceuninck for 100% of its patio sliding door profile was the introduction of the sculptured sash.

Deceuninck’s Slider24+ is manu factured at the company’s facility in Calne, Wiltshire. It is robust, is PAS24 secured, and offers market leading weather performance. It is also energy rated at A+, is available with a low threshold, and comes with a 10-year guarantee.

Deceuninck has more than 30 colours in stock, all ready to go. So even if we wanted something like Agate Grey, we can order it and get our products out of the door in two weeks.”

Abbot-based compa

The new sculptured sash means that the Slider24+ now suites per fectly with Deceuninck’s Heritage Window Collection and the 2800 system, which will allow installation companies to upsell across prod uct ranges, as well as maximise opportunities provided by the sys tems company’s market-leading colour offering.

“We’reScheme.thrilled to partner with Reynaers to help prove the performance of their products with regards to energy efficiency,” says Lis Clarke, operations director of FENSA & BFRC. “Reynaers is clearly a quality focused brand with the emphasis on sustainability and innovation, which is precisely where the future of the window and door industry lies. But while innovation and quality are tangi ble in the features and benefits of a product, energy efficiency is invisible and needs a third-party impartial verification to substan tiate manufacturers claims. We are pleased to be working with the team at Reynaers to deliver exactly this.”

“We had a handful of customers who relied on a sculptured sash for some of their sales, so when De ceuninck introduced a sculptured sash earlier this year, the reasons for have two systems running side by side disappeared,” Stuart said.



“We’ve now informed our custom ers of our decision to move over the Deceuninck 100%, and we’ve only had positive feedback.”

“We are very excited for Patios Southwest,” Rob McGlennon, De ceuninck’s MD, said. “They manu facture up to 150 patio doors each week, and more than half of that is colour – so they’ve definitely found”

Patios Southwest has taken on Deceuninck as a single source for its PVC-U patio sliding door profile, in a bid to manage quality and Thesupply.Newton

Patios DeceuninckSwitchesSouthwestTo100%Supply General manager of Patios South west Stuart Prior

ny had dual sourced for a number of years, but the company found that increasing numbers of cus tomers were moving over to the Slider 24+ system from Deceun inck to benefit from a number of features on offer.

The British Fenestration Ratings Council (BFRC) has announced that Reynaers Aluminium UK Ltd, specialist in the develop ment of innovative and sustain able aluminium solutions for windows and doors, has signed up to the BFRC Energy Rating

doorbi-folding WNK02 15%QUOTEDISCOUNTCODEINTRODUCTORYDISCOUNT* *Discount applies to all trade customers and applied to the first, single item purchase only of the Korniche Bi-folding Door | *Korniche Bi-folding door price is based on 7-7-0 configuration 5100 x 2000 stock colour, delivered. Unglazed. Price is correct at point of publishing. Delivery restrictions apply. Product specification and prices may be subject to change without prior notice. *PAS24 as standard requires laminated glass installation Delivering the best products, with the best service, at the best price Contact Made for Trade for a KwikQuote today | | 01642 610799

2000 GLAZED SECONDSBEADEDSECONDSININUNGLAZED, EXC VAT Including FREE delivery EASY EVERYGLIDETIME SAVE HOURS ON SITE with the only clip-bead that delivers glazing and de-glazing in seconds. The Korniche Bi-Folding Door has more to offer.. As standard! articulatedengineeredPrecision axle with fully bearinged rollers Competitive glass supply Trickle vents positioned in outer frame (No frame extenders required for PART F compliance) PAS24 security as standard * 10 YEAR warranty Korniche matching hardware, including brushed stainless steel Enhanced performancethermal FREE deliverynationwide

Rehau Engages With Local Installers In Open Day Event

the sector and demonstrate Re hau’s market-leading product and services portfolio. Topics explored included ensuring and enhancing polymer product sustainability through initiatives such as Rehau’s own recycling project, and the technical ramifications of recent uplifts to Approved Document L and F under the Future Homes Standard. “It is a very exciting time for the windows industry, and organisa tions such as Rehau have a duty to keep installers and fabricators updated and listen to their views,” said Martin Hitchin, CEO of Re hau UK. “It was for this reason we hosted this latest event at our Herefordshire facility, which has proven invaluable to building stronger relationships and, importantly, obtaining customer feed back. Discussions sparked on the day around technical and sustain ability concerns have provided us with valuable insight and will help inform us how we can best help our existing customer base.”

TRADE NEWS 14 WINDOW NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2022 Rehau threw open the doors of its UK headquarters to installers and fabricators last month for a much-anticipated customer event.

Rehau also showcased its latest innovative products and servic es currently under development, including its latest product, the Rio Flush Fit French Door, alongside incoming accessories and services such as the in-profile Smart Guard

The Ross-on-Wye-based systems company extended invitations to local fenestration professionals to discuss current issues affecting

Shelforce To Hit 200 Fire Doors A Week

The company says ‘the Fireshel is the perfect solution for local authorities who need fully EN tested 3rd Party Accredited, replacement Fire Door sets that are compliant with the latest 2020 MHCLG Annex A recom mendations. All Fireshel fire doors have been fire and smoke tested from both the inside and outside and PAS 024 Security www.shelforce.comtested’.

Birmingham window and door manufacturer Shelforce is having to increase capacity for its fully compliant Fireshel 30-minute fire, smoke and security resistant door. By the beginning of September its Erdington factory has been geared up for producing 200 doors a week to cope with rising demand. After launching the Fireshel into the market in 2020, Shelforce was manufacturing 70 fire doors a week from a standing start, with an increase in capacity to produce 130 doors a week at the start of this Howardyear.Trotter, business manag er at Shelforce, said: “It doesn’t seem that long ago when we had to hit 130 doors a week, and the demand for our Fireshel has just continued to rise. We are getting busier and busier and have had to create more full-time jobs as a “Weresult.recently welcomed a couple of competitors to come and have a look around our factory to see our employment model and the way we do things, and in the end one asked us if we could make the doors for them. We also have five tower blocks in the city to get stuck into from this month onwards, for both fire doors and windows.” Those include 6,000 fire doors for energy and regeneration spe cialists EQUANS and 2,500 for Fortem, which provides special ist property solutions. Shelforce leads the way in inclu sivity when it comes to training and employment opportunities in the glazing industry, with 75% of its workforce disabled, and Howard added: “We have a packed last quarter of 2022 and are looking forward to helping to deliver important refurbishment projects within Birmingham.”

TRADE NEWS WINDOW NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2022 15 security alarm and the lead-gen erating Rehau Connect platform. Also on display was the company’s new Window.ID service, which will allow fabricators, fitters and end-users to access key frame data including installation and inspection dates. The fact Window.ID will be able to provide informationsustainability-focusedsuchastheageand amount of co-extruded or virgin PVC in the frame was also a key focus, alongside demonstrating Rehau’s recycling capacity through its polymer-recycling PVCR plant. “With the windows market begin ning to take a familiar, pre-COVID form, it is our aim to provide more customer events at our UK head quarters like the one just organised for locally-based businesses,” said Martin. “It is with these anticipated visitors in mind that we recently upgraded the showroom to dis play our products, digital services and environmental commitments. The finished article was very well received and will become the location where we showcase new products and services.” He concluded: “While we are always in touch with our installer and fabricators, there really is no substitute for meeting face-to-face. These events go beyond simply showcasing what Rehau can do for our customers – they are a key sounding board for discussion, interaction and involvement on what is affecting the sector, and we look forward to hosting more in the Tofuture.”register your interest for future events, click here.


Jon Vanstone, Chair of Certass Trade Association, the organisa tion behind certifiedcompetent., explains: “Many occupants already have the means of ven tilating their living spaces and reducing the level of air pollutants and water vapour in their homes, by rapid ventilation methods such as regularly opening windows. But

siderations of things to install when undertaking home improvements, to simple actions homeowners can take Certasstoday.TA has created a digital pack for installers to use across their platforms to spread the word about the importance of ventilating homes. It includes the #FreshAir Feeling video, a consumer guide, social media posts, graphics and TheGIFs.issue of ventilation has been brought into the spotlight since the new Approved Document F regu lations came into force on 15 June The2022.statutory guidance from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLU HC) explains that a well-ventilat ed property must have methods of: extracting water vapour and pollutants, supplying a minimum level of outdoor air for occupants health*, quickly diluting indoor air pollutants and water vapour and minimising the entry of external air Thepollutants.document also lays out the numerous methods of achieving this level of ventilation, including the installation of windows with trickle vents, ensuring extraction systems are installed in kitchens and bathrooms, and the implementation of mechanical or whole-house ventilation systems. The #FreshAirFeeling campaign is based on the statutory guidance and simplified to assist the industry by targeting homeowners and improving their awareness of ventilating their homes.

InFor–#FreshAirFeelingNewCampaignBetterVentilationUKHomes is a campaign de signed to fill the consumer educa tion gap on the regulations around ventilation that apply when mak ing home improvements. To help homeowners and residents under stand the importance of ventilating their properties all year round, the digital campaign comprises tools with advice on what to do to get that #FreshAirFeeling, from con

Certass Trade Association has launched a new ventilation awareness campaign via its dedicated consumer site certifiedcompetent.

it is also vital to have background ventilation methods installed in homes in order to avoid the buildup of moisture and air pollutants to keep homes healthy.

“The key messages from Certass Trade Association and certified are for occupants to keep their homes healthy for themselves and their families, by always ventilating their properties and ensuring they have the correct background ventilation in place when they have home improve ments carried out. “The pack has already received good feedback from our contacts in Government and we are in talks with our consumer advice partners to endorse the campaign across their own platforms to increase the reach to more UK homeowners.”

Experts Hardwarein Get in touch and speak to one of t.expertsourtoday: Peterborough: 01733 393330 t. Cumbernauld: 01236 721557 e. w. John Mitchell Technical Manager Carl F Groupco Hardware Amanda Hale RoundbrandCarlFGroupco’shardwaresupportthroughoutPAS24testinghasbeeninvaluable…”“


The task of profine Energy is to make the 29 locations of the prof ine Group in 23 countries largely independent of current electricity price developments and the large energy companies who operate their own photovoltaic systems. This significantly increases the re liability of supply and helps reduce the cost base for these locations.

At the same time, the companies of the profine Group will make a significant contribution to active climate protection through renew ables. profine Energy will be involved in national and international energy projects. The goal of the company is to provide services in the field of renewable energies in Germa ny and abroad. This includes the project planning, development, construction and operation of photovoltaic systems along with battery storage and systems for regenerative energy production from wind and biomass. Specific Announces New Group Energy Venture



profine Group and the Wirth Group have founded a joint energy service provider, profine Ener gy GmbH, based in Waghäusel, Germany.

projects and services for partner companies are also planned. The customers of profine Group can also benefit from the knowhow of this group energy service provider and can design their own energy future in an environ mentally and climate-friendly way through joint projects with profine Dr.Energy.Peter Mrosik, owner and CEO of profine Group commented: ‘profine stands for sustainability and the circular economy and we have a clear attitude and vision for this. Hence, the founding of profine Energy GmbH and invest ments in renewable energies are another logical step. We invite all our partners to join us on our Markusjourney.’Wirth, Wirth Group con cluded: ‘The goal is an overall strategy with which all internation al locations are converted to green energies. We have developed a professional plan for this. We bring the expertise from numerous solar projects to the partnership and will develop challenging projects.’


comments: “Since starting out, we’ve been supplying arched and angle frames in a wide range of PVC systems, many of which have always been a part of our in-house “Bystock.investing in new formers and adding Optima from Profile 22 to this list, we’ve now opened the door to fabricators and installers of this leading system, meaning they don’t need to look any further than Premier Arches when it comes to their arched and angle frame “Withneeds.over 1,000 fabricators across the UK manufacturing Optima from Profile 22 products, this investment has significantly increased our potential to grow our customer base, positioning Premier Arches as the leading sup plier of quality arched and angle”

TuffX Increases Capacity To Meet Demand

From Profile 22


TuffX has invested £500k to add two more production lines at its Knowsley factory in response to continuing high demand for its specialist toughened glass and popular Infinity roof light range. A third laminating line has been installed to meet demand for lam inated glass. The Sagertec glass laminating machine will allow TuffX to boost its output, demand for which has increased over the last few years due to the growing popularity of glass balustrades and balconies in both commercial and residential properties. Components of a third dou ble-glazing line have also been purchased and recently installed at the factory. This will boost factory efficiency and production capacity of TuffX’s Infinity range of products and Ambience con servatory glass. Demand, and subsequently output, for TuffX’s Infinity roof lights has already grown 25% this year, thanks to its hassle-free ‘drop in and seal’ Theinstallation.twonew additional produc tion lines are part of TuffX’s wider planned schedule of investment for 2022, as the toughened glass specialist continues its long-term plan for growth. This includes a substantial factory extension currently underway and due to be completed early next year, along with other recent machinery pur chases, recruitment of more staff and new additions to the TuffX vehicle fleet. “Continuing demand for modern, light and airy homes and commercial spaces means our specialist glass solutions for balustrades and balconies as well as our range of infinity roof lights and roof glass just keeps grow ing,” said Paul Higgins, TuffX’s commercial director. “With these latest new lines to boost our output, we’re building on our consistent track record of investments in recent years to en sure we continue to give our cus tomers the efficient, high-quality and reliable service they know to expect when they come to us.”

Arched and angle frame supplier Premier Arches has added Opti ma from Profile 22 to its range of systems, widening its customer base and ensuring PVC fabricators across the UK can benefit from its extensive and high-quality product Managingportfolio. director Sean Greenall

In collaboration with the Council of Aluminium and Building (CAB), Fensa, BFRC and GGF, members across England, Scotland and Wales are now able to access al uminium recycling services, cour tesy of CAB’s partners, aluminium recycling specialists Alutrade. And, as with the existing PVCu recycling scheme, it remains a totally free collection service.

“We’re delighted to help offer this much-needed service to GGF members, Fensa Approved Installers and BFRC manufactur ers,” said Ed George, commercial manager at Alutrade “Aluminium is virtually 100% re cyclable and recycling it for future use takes just 5% of the original energy needed to produce pri mary aluminium. So dedication to recycling aluminium brings benefits not just to the individual members using the scheme but to the credentials of the entire sector.”

The Glass and Glazing Federation (GGF) recycling scheme has now been expanded to include alu minium alongside PVCu.

The expansion of the scheme to now include aluminium reflects the success of the PVCu recy cling initiative and its popularity among installers and homeown ers, who are increasingly look ing at businesses’ sustainability Memberscredentials.will be paid directly by Alutrade for any aluminium col lected. Alutrade is claimed to be the largest and most established independent aluminium recycling company and extrusion special ist in the UK, having been recy cling aluminium since 1987. On average, Alutrade recycle in the region of at least 30,000 tonnes of metal every year at its aluminium recycling plant.

“We are all about collaboration and working with industry lead ers and partners to ensure our members have access to the best products and services that can help their businesses thrive,” said Anda Gregory, chief development officer at the GGF. “Expanding the free recycling scheme we offer our members to now include aluminium as well as PVCu is an example of how we are always looking to develop and grow our offering, so that our members’ businesses can do the GGF,same.”Fensa and BFRC members can book online to have deglazed old aluminium frames and off cuts collected from site free of charge typically within 72 hours. Last year, the GGF partnered with CNC Recycling to offer members a similar scheme for PVCu, and the same online form can be used for both PVCu and alumin ium collection bookings. As with the PVCu recycling scheme, par ticipants receive a certificate at the end of the year recording the amount of waste material they re cycled, the vast majority of which remains in the industry to create new fenestration products.


GGF Launches Free RecyclingAluminiumScheme

THE NEW STANDARD FOR V.S. Concerned about recent changes to Part L and Part F of the building regulations? You don’t need to be. Victorian Sliders has it covered. Our celebrated ECOSlide window now delivers U-values of 1.4 and a BFRC Rating of A+ to meet Part L, and by fitting each window with the maximum number of trickle vents as standard up to 10,000mm2 (EQA), we’re ensuring it will meet Part F too – all for just £249, regardless of size. With it, you’ll have everything you need to keep up with the latest regulations. Get compliant the easy way –speak to Victorian Sliders today. Call 01269 846200 or visit Any size for £249 * Up to 1300mm x 2400mm One product, one price* *Any size white PVC-U window to a maximum width of 1300mm by a maximum height 2400mm. Includes white hardware and trickle vents as standard. Excludes curved, foiled or sprayed colours and georgian bars/astragal bars. All prices exclude VAT & delivery. Oversized windows are available at extra cost. (Maximum size 1600mm x 3000mm) Subject to any surcharge at time of sale. E&OE. 1.4 U-Value A+ rated window Toughened glass top & bottom Anti-Jemmy security bar extruded in cill 10 year warranty White hardware as standard Tilt & easy clean function Quick release tilt restrictors PART L COMPLIANT PART F COMPLIANT

Michael explains: “There has

AluK Reveals That Installers Still Need Info On Part L

Quickslide has added an eighth DAF box truck to its fleet, in re sponse to continued growing de mand for the fabricator’s windows and doors nationwide. The new DAF 290CF 18-tonne boxed vehicle features built-in glass racks, six-way cameras –including cameras located inter nally to monitor cargo – upgraded lighting and sign writing, and the latest tail lifts that are designed to be tucked neatly away when not in Theuse.vehicles also come with full air-conditioning and mod cons including a fridge and microwave, to provide a comfortable working environment for drivers out on the “Ourroad. drivers travel the length and breadth of the country, spending hours on the road, delivering to our nationwide customer base. And we want them to be as efficient and comfortable as possible,” said MD Ben Weber. As part of Quickslide’s continued focus on efficiency, the entire logistics operation is linked to its EvoNET business management system, which arranges deliveries in the most efficient order and uses the vehicle’s sat-nav sys tems to provide the most efficient route. It also keeps customers up-to-date with the status of their delivery through automatic text messages and email alerts.


obviously been a huge amount about Part L in the trade press and online, but a significant minority of installers have clearly either been too busy to engage with that or have been caught out by the speed at which the updated Regs have come into force. Many in fact are still questioning whether they need to do down the U-Value or WER/DSERs compliance route and whether they now have to fit triple glazing, and are looking for answers from their suppliers.


“We have already provided a num ber of tools to our fabricators to help them get the message across to their customers that AluK products have been enhanced to deliv er compliance via either route, and that their costs don’t need to rise because we’ve achieved that using double rather than triple glazing.

Having delivered one of the most extensive communications pro grammes in the industry to its network of fabrication partners, AluK is now also talking directly to installers to help ensure that the messages about how to respond to the tougher thermal efficien cy requirements have reached the people who actually have to demonstrate compliance via Build ing Control or any of the certification Michaelagencies.Williams, AluK’s managing director, says that fabricators are still reporting relatively low levels of awareness amongst their custom ers of what Part L means for them in both the retail and the new build sectors and in the different regions of the UK. This is borne out by the fact that AluK has just had a record 36% open rate on its most recent email to installers about the topic and almost 350 downloads of its two Part L Guides covering Eng land and Wales from the website at:

It might be more than two months since the rules changed on Part L of the Building Regs, but AluK says there is still a real hunger for knowl edge and information at the sharp end of the industry.

“However, there is still obviously work to do, so we’ve given installers full access to our dedicated Part L website which contains all they need to know and have creat ed a useful guide to Part L specifi cally for them which shows exactly what they need to do in order to Installerscomply.” can download the free AluK Part L guides


After a pandemic-enforced mora torium, the Glass & Glazing Feder ation (GGF) has reinstated its an nual Members’ Day, which takes this year place on 28th September 2022 at the Etihad Stadium, Man chester, the home of Manchester City Football Club. Traditionally Members Day is the key point in the calendar when the GGF’s Board and officers meet the ma jority of members face-to-face. This year, a strong programme of presentations on a wide range of key topics has been coordinated to provide tangible content. This is in addition to an opportunity for members to network and discuss key issues with the GGF team and industry Membersleaders.areinvited to join a stadium tour of the Etihad from 11.00, with registration for the formal programme commencing from 11.30, and the programme itself commencing at 13.00, when President Tony Smith will give the opening address. Guest speakers include Dave Dalton, CEO of British Glass, and Jade Lewis, chief executive of the Sustainable Energy Association, whilst an intensive programme will ensure that members learn about the key initiatives that are being introduced throughout the GGF Group. Presentations by GGF Group officers include Dave Mechem, Head of RISA, on a po tential solution to the controversy surrounding trickle vents, whilst the GGF’s John Mannell will bring members up to date on the key Skilled Pathways Scheme, that is designed to provide solutions to the skills gap. GGF Chief Development Officer, Anda Gregory, will be providing key insights in to the GGF strat egy for the next five years and the increased value that will be provided to members. This will run in conjunction on improving the already impressive member benefits to welcome a new influx of businesses to the federation. Maintaining the football theme, following the conclusion of the formal programme, members are invited to attend the evening re ception at The Football Museum, also in Manchester, commencing at GGF18.30.Managing

Members’ Day Returns Etihad Stadium

Director John Agnew believes that this year’s Members’ Day is the most impor tant for many years: “The pandemic coincided with one of the GGF’s most significant periods of change, improvement, devel opment, and growth, so there is a great deal for us to discuss at this year’s Members’ Day. It also therefore promises to be the most dynamic and rewarding for members to attend, with a packed programme. And also of course, a long overdue opportunity to network with others sharing sim ilar concerns and goals, at a time when we all continue to be tested as Membersbusinesspeople.”mayregister for tickets, using the

Andy explained that while he keeps his finger on the pulse by reading the trade press, customer days hosted by the multi-site trade fabricator have directly contributed to creating and maintaining an effective dia logue with his own customers.

“I attended a recent customer day that Listers hosted at Tot tenham Hotspur’s new stadium, and I was able to take expert technical advice – straight from the horse’s mouth – back to my customers about changes to the Building Regulations,” he said.

Scott Windows has been a Listers customer for almost a decade, and benefits from a wide range of high-end products that in clude the Sheerline aluminium range, the Residence Collec tion, and the authentic PVC-U flush alternative to the Timeless Accordingrange. to managing director Andy Farrington, beating down suppliers on price, and not realising the wider benefits that they can bring to your business, can do more harm to your com

“Indoors.particular, during the Covid pandemic, Roy was very pro active, and he put us in touch with a lot of people – such as the chief executive of Certass –who were able to give us excel lent advice on how to run our business.”

Having a close relationship with your suppliers is just as important as finding the right products for your portfolio, according to a leading window installation Tamworth-basedcompany.Bradley

“This is supported by ongoing professional marketing support from Listers, which further lifts the professionalism of our busi ness and helps us to continue to win business from our cus tomers, who are typically 45+

“I’vepany.known Listers’ MD Roy Frost for more years than I care to remember,” Andy said. “He genuinely looks after his cus tomers and he brings a lot more to the table than windows and

“This made a real difference to how we sold our products, and how we presented ourselves as a professional company.



TRADE NEWS and in the market for high-end Onproducts.”thispoint, Listers’ product range is expansive, and offers Andy everything his customers wants, he said. “I’m loving the Sheerline Bifold Door at the moment,” Andy said. “It is such a unique offer ing with the clip-in bead and slimline sash. We’ve been fitting it for a few months now, and the customer feedback has been excellent, especially with the door’s smooth operation. “Also, my fitters absolutely love it because it is so easy to install, and much quicker than other bi-folding doors.” Andy admits that the product offering at Listers is a good foundation for Bradley Scott Windows, but a broader part nership between the two com panies offers so much more. “I’ve got three fitting teams I need to keep busy,” he said. “I can’t guarantee that if I my rela tionship with my suppliers isn’t secure. I like to think Bradley Scott works with Listers, rather than just buys products from them. We are definitely a part” Supercharge Your Production Give your aluminium window and door production an edge with Window Designer. • Process designs up to five times quicker than some alternatives • Single software package across PVC-U and aluminium • Modular system grows as you do • Further efficiencies with time-saving add-ons Boost production. Reduce overheads. Make money. info@firstdegreesystems.comwww.firstdegreesystems.com01283808042 Full software suite for use across both Aluminium and PVCU UP QUICKERTO 5X

Emerson, director Ideal Window Solutions, attributing the decision to commit to a three-year supply agreement on product quality and service, Em plas’ understanding of the sector – and specifically the support it had received during successive lockdowns. He said: “There are a lot of differ ent reasons why we’re working with Emplas but one is their sec tor expertise. They get what we need from them and what we’re up “Thatagainst.included during lockdown, when they got some stick for coming back when they did but did so at our request and that of other commercial customers because sites never shut down and needed windows.

Jody Vincent, sales director, Em plas, said: “We’re delighted to be able to continue to work closely with Ideal Window Solutions in what I believe is a genuine exam ple of industry partnership.

Ideal Window Solutions Signs WithSupplyThree-YearAgreementEmplas

Emplas has held its prices more widely since February this year, absorbing cost increases while achieving efficiency gains of up to 15% within its own operation, savings it has passed on directly to its customers.

“Product quality is good – we’ve worked with some other suppli ers and it isn’t always – and the communication, the visibility of our supply chain that they give us through EVA, the Emplas por tal, is excellent.


“They’re investment led, they innovate and they deliver what we need as a supplier into retail but particularly, the commercial Setsector.”upby

New build and retail installation specialist, Ideal Window Solu tions, has committed to a threeyear supply agreement with TheEmplas.agreement builds on the close working partnership the two companies have enjoyed since first working together in Thom2017.

Chris Palmer and joined by Thom, a former Masco director, in 2012, Ideal Window Solutions works with lead ing housebuilders, in addition to supplying retail customers throughout Hampshire and West Sussex. Thom said that the length of contract lead times in the com mercial sector combined with the price increases that the window and door sector had seen over the past two-years, had made maintaining margins difficult. “Retail isn’t a problem. We don’t know what we’re fitting until we sit down with the homeowner. We get the price from Emplas, reflect that in the price to the homeowner and get it back to them almost immediately. There isn’t a delay. The price is what it is, if it’s increased, we pass that on and the homeowner pays it”, Thom “Contractsexplains.aredifferent with house builders, we’re pricing months in advance and that has made it difficult to guarantee “Emplasmargins. are intelligent enough as a supplier to understand that, and they have worked with us to develop a partnership which works for us and them as part of a three-year deal.”

“The team has a fantastic repu tation in the commercial sector built on decades of experience, and it’s our privilege to be able to continue to support them go ing “Theforward.factthat they have signed a three-year deal is also indicative of the confidence they have in us and our own growing specialism in a new build”

Thom Emerson, Director, Ideal Window Solutions

“Earlier this year, we successfully completed an independent audit of our manufacturing processes, and were awarded the Gold CMS Mark from CENSolutions for our windows – it’s a testament to our commitment to excellence, and by partnering with Premier Arches, we’re confident that their products will help us to maintain this high standard moving

(from left to right) Andy Martin, Operations Director, Andrew Wright Windows, Colin Kennedy, Construction Director, Cruden Building, Charlie Berry, Managing Director, Andrew Wright Windows. Arched and angled frame manu facturer Premier Arches says it has seen an influx of fabricators want ing to benefit from the company’s high-quality and unique product offering. The latest to come on board is Lancashire Trade Frames.

Seven Figure Contract Wins For Irvine Windows Company


Charlie Berry, managing director, Andrew Wright Windows, said, “It is especially pleasing for us to have won these contracts from one of Scotland’s most prominent housebuilders. Over the years, we have invested consistently in our production facilities and in build ing a fantastic team of people with a real focus on delivering Foundedquality.” in 1937, Andrew Wright Windows is one of the longest established window manufactur ing companies in the UK and one of Irvine’s biggest private employ ers, providing work for around 125 people. From two specialist production facilities in Irvine, the company manufactures double and triple-glazed UPVC windows, with a current annual production capacity of 30,000 units. Cus tomers range across the commer cial, trade, domestic, and local government sectors. Cruden Building is part of the Cruden Group, one of Scotland’s largest development and con struction groups. The company currently delivers around 1,200 homes per year, across the private and public sectors, repre senting almost 1 in 15 of homes built annually in Scotland.

“We used to have several suppli ers of specialised frames, but with a reputation for excellence, we decided to come on board with Premier Arches this Spring, and since then, we’ve been very happy with the high-quality products they provide us with.

TRADE NEWS WINDOW NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2022 27 New contracts valued at just un der £1.8m (one point eight million pounds) have been awarded to Irvine based Andrew Wright Win dows by Cruden Building. The nine separate contracts com bined involve the manufacture and supply of more than 3,500 (three thousand five hundred) win dows and doors for housing de velopments across central Scot land. This includes new housing developments at Larkhall in South Lanarkshire, Musselburgh and Prestonpans in East Lothian and East Balornock, Castlemilk, Barlanark, and Dennistoun in Glasgow.

General Manager Gavin Stoddard comments: “At Lancashire Trade Frames, we pride ourselves on providing our customers with the best products we can, but when it comes to arched and angled frames, we knew it was best to buy these in from an expert, and Premier Arches certainly fit the bill.

The branch is also located next to other trade suppliers making it easy and convenient for custom ers to visit. The 6075 sq. ft warehouse and office space is located at num ber 18 Holbrook Enterprise Park and features a dedicated windows and doors showroom displaying the company’s prod uct offering. Also available is a free skip service that WSC offers trade customers. This initiative saves WSC customers precious time and money on skip hire, by providing free skips for old win dow and door waste. Customers can also help themselves to the free refreshments available all day while discussing upcoming projects with the friendly in-store Sarahteam.

Following the opening of the Sheffield trade counter, WSC will have seven locations across the UK, with more branches coming soon, as the company continues to expand their national foot Duncanprint.


Window Supply Company Expands Trade Counter Network Into England

West Lothian based uPVC windows and doors manufac turer, Window Supply Company (WSC), has announced Sheffield as their first trade counter loca tion in England, expanding their national footprint. The company’s new 105, 000 sq. ft. manufacturing facility is in Whitburn, West Lothian and supports trade customers from branches in Aberdeen, Bellshill, Dundee, Edinburgh, and Living ston.

Starkey, said: “We have been planning the launch of the Sheffield trade counter for some time and it’s exciting that we are now so close to opening in a brand-new market for us. Open ing the new branch in Sheffield brings the company a strategic opportunity to expand into an area where we feel we can offer quality products with high levels of service to local tradespeople”

The new Sheffield branch, opening in August, sees the company advance into England and is spearheaded by Sarah Starkey. Sarah, a prominent figure with in the sector, is the company’s Sales Director – England, re sponsible for establishing and expanding WSC’s trade counter network south of the border. The Sheffield branch is located within the modern Holbrook En terprise Park and benefits from easy access to Sheffield city centre. The site boasts excellent road communications with the M1 motorway as well as the M18 – ensuring the branch is easily accessible to trade customers.

Murray CEO adds: “Our investment in people, technology and infrastructure is testament to our continued growth across the UK. Opening our first branch in England is evidence of our confidence in our product offer ing and service levels, and our commitment to trade installers across the”

Total security with TOTAL70 Our timeless TOTAL70 window and door system achieves the highest possible energy ratings and performance and is tested to the highest security standard giving you an added level of security to your home and family. Windows. Reinvented for modern life.

Two in five (42%) manufacturers

However, while the majority (80%) of manufacturing leaders expressed a clear understand ing of what they need to do and the benefits of investing in new technologies, once they are aware of the benefits, barriers to adoption remain.

The survey also showed that manufacturing leaders are ex ploring a range of technologies to revolutionise the way they make and distribute their prod ucts.

SME manufacturers across all sectors are being urged to ac celerate technology adoption to adjust to the economic chal lenges around the supply chain, energy costs, post-Brexit and MadeCovid.Smarter, the movement connecting UK manufacturing industries to digital tools, conducted a survey of some 200 SME manufacturers in the North TheWest.results highlighted how the last two years affected them, and their approach to digitali sation and their priorities going Theforward.survey revealed while many (35%) makers, particularly smaller businesses, are fo cussed on survival after a turbulent few years, achieving growth by improving productivity and adopting digital technologies are key drivers for SMEs.

In fact, two-in-five manufac turers (38%) revealed they had plans to invest in or adopt new technology in the next two or three years. Meanwhile, one in three respondents said their lat est business strategy included integrating digital technology or a roadmap towards automation.

To Survive, Recover And Grow


Survey Reveals Need For Manufacturers To Digitalise

Made Smarter

Almost half (44%) expressed an interest in data and systems integration technologies, while two-thirds were considering in dustrial machinery, robotics and Theautomation.surveyalso tapped into attitudes towards technology adoption where it found almost a third (29%) cited productivity, efficiency, and output as key drivers for manufacturers in 2022 and beyond, despite the current business climate. In creasing revenue (18%) was the secondary motivator to invest in new digital tools, followed by attracting and winning new customers (17%).

The survey also revealed a fragmented awareness of the business advice and support available, meaning SMEs are potentially missing out on valu able funding and support avail able to them.

added: “We have de veloped a simple and straight forward process which quickly gets to the heart of a business’s challenges and supports them to take that first step in their digital

Initial registration only takes five minutes and is followed up with a digital transformation work shop to identify core challenges, provide a bespoke digital manu facturing roadmap, and pinpoint other ways that Made Smarter can support a maker’s digitali Edwardssation.

Inagas director, Chris Kemp comments: ”The opportunity to relocate production to the Culham Science Centre fulfilled our de mand for a larger, better equipped facility to manufacture the UK’s most comprehensive range of high-performance manual gas filling machinery.

Donna Edwards, Programme Director for the Made Smart er adoption programme in the North West, said the findings of the research show that the case for digitalisation has never been “SMEstronger.manufacturers have endured a few unsettling years and continue to face a multi tude of recovery challenges,” she said. “They are aware that technology brings significant benefits and they risk being left behind by not capitalising on the opportunities on offer. But it is also clear that they need support and advice to create a roadmap to digital transformation to enable them to adopt the right digital tools, progressively and sustainably, to avoid risking wasted time, money and effort.” Made Smarter was designed to overcome these and other hurdles by helping SME man ufacturers navigate through complex technology advice and decisions.

TRADE NEWS WINDOW NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2022 31 said that the lack of capital and funding to invest was holding them back from investing, as well as the lack of time (10%).

Inagas Production Moves To Culham Science Centre In Oxfordshire

“Now that je2 is settled into the new laboratory and manufacturing space, production is underway to meet increased customer de mand across the globe. We’re also working on some exciting new innovations and product enhancements, available later this year. Personally, I’m excited to be out and about visiting customers more – there’s nothing like talking to IGU companies first-hand, to promote and demonstrate our products and explain the benefits, but also to understand what issues and challenges different companies are facing in the current market..”

“Hundredstransformation.ofmanufacturers have reaped the benefits of our impartial help, identifying the most effective technologies to boost productivity, efficiency, growth and create high value jobs. Meanwhile, hundreds more have taken advantage of fund ing opportunities to invest in those ideas, as well as investing in the right skill sets and leadership development to help them achieve their “Digitalisationgoals.isthe key to UK manufacturing’s post-covid survival, recovery, and growth. And with new challenges at our door, such as rising energy prices, supply chain disruption and labour shortages, now is the time for business leaders to reach out and take advantage of the support on offer.”

Inagas, industry specialist for manual gas filling and testing equipment for the IGU market has announced its production partner, John Ellison Electronics Limited (je2) has relocated to the heart of the UK’s science and tech powerhouse, the Culham Science Centre in Oxfordshire. Fitting with Inagas’ strategy of innovation in electronics and technology in gas filling, the Culham Science Centre is a hot spot for enterprise and the home to the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, a global leader in fusion energy research.

Justin Ratcliffe, BABSI’s CEO

Collaboration With Balustrade & Balcony Suppliers & Installers Association

GQA’s Bespoke Qualification Service is aimed at employers who wish to be able to offer those staff undertaking very specific roles the opportunity to work towards gain ing a qualification where one does not already exist. The service is perfect for niche, specialist areas, which do not lend themselves to meeting the required content of a standard regulated qualification. In close consultation with BABSI, GQA is developing three oneday essential knowledge courses leading to a GQA/BABSI skills card in addition to a new NVQ Level 2 in Balustrading and Railings. The three courses include: essential knowledge of balustrading instal lation; supervising balustrading installation projects and designing & specifying balustrading installa tion projects. The Essential Knowledge of Balus trading Installation course will cov er topics such as an overview of the industry; product range; quality standards; building regulations re lating to the industry; installing the product; and identifying problems with installations.

TRADE NEWS Collaboration currently underway with a new trade association is demonstrating the practicality of GQA’s ‘Bespoke Qualification Service’. GQA, the awarding and qualifications-writing organisation is assisting The Balustrade and Balcony Suppliers and Installers Association (BABSI), a new body fully launched in May 2022.

GQA In Bespoke Quals

Commenting on the collaboration with GQA, BABSI’s CEO, Justin Ratcliffe said: “Qualifications are a standard against which every one can be benchmarked equally. GQA’s Bespoke Qualification Ser vice is helping us to prove compe tency not just through the devel opment of specialist courses, but through the end-of-course testing procedure. We are anticipating that the new, bespoke qualifications will be available from quarter four this “Byyear.joining BABSI and getting involved in the courses and the qualifications they offer, members are demonstrating their commit ment to best practice, collabo ration and improving the quality and understanding of the value of balustrades and balconies for their Commentingcustomers.”


on the Bespoke Qualification Service, GQA’s EQA/ Technical Officer, Martin Sadler says: “It is disappointing when people in specific, specialist job functions are not able to develop their careers by working towards achieving a qualification because a relevant regulated option is not available. This is where our Be spoke Qualification Service can help. Developing a qualification tailored specifically to them, which carries the approval of GQA, means that employees can ful ly prove their competency, and employers can put into place for them a career progression route. Once developed, the qualification is exclusive to the employers con cerned.”

Representing designers, manu facturers, installers, raw material suppliers, distributors, contractors, component and specialist product and service suppliers throughout the sector, BABSI’s mission is to be the recognised voice of the balustrade and balcony sector. The organisation aims to establish stringent standards of quality and service in order to set a profession al benchmark for the industry.

Mick Clayton CEO of GQA Qualifi cations added: “Both our Accredit ed Training and Bespoke Qualifica tion services are proving extremely popular. They demonstrate the need for a flexible approach to training. Here at GQA we have close to 200 qualifications covering a broad variety of sectors. The bal ustrade and balcony industry, just like any other, needs training solu tions tailored to its specific needs. I’m proud that we are helping to facilitate this and contributing to raising standards and assisting in shaping careers.”

HWL’s sup port for the Leeds Manufacturing Festival, the specialist fabricator of flush products, has formed new partnerships with Leeds City Col lege (LCC) and University Techni cal College Leeds (UTC). This includes running ‘manufac turing treks’ where students spend half or a full day touring and work ing in its aluminium and PVC-U factories, and a commitment to create a new training centre and student classroom on site.

The move also saw HWL add the Sheerline Prestige Aluminium to its offer as well as its complete casement range.

It’s decision to partner with local colleges has given HWL a route to students who have already ex pressed an interest in engineering but who might not have otherwise considered a career in manufac Philturing.said that this had also deliv ered a significant up-tick in the skills base of its recruitment pool.

Phil added: “It’s about the handson experience. Showing them what goes into products what they fabricate is, then going back to the UTC facility where they are being taught about how to install it.”

Phil Gray, operations director, HWL Windows, pictured with Max Rjazancevs, the specialist fabricators latest apprentice.

“When you’re going through a re cruiter, you’re scraping the bottom of the barrel. You don’t get people who want to do the role.

The Skills Gap

HWL has also committed to create a series of new apprentice ships offering students the oppor tunity to gain a formal qualification in HWLfabrication.tookthe decision at the end of last year to drop manufacture of ‘standard’ product, focussing instead on the manufacture of specialist products.

The new HWL manufacturing school will give students the op portunity to learn about the prin ciples of manufacture from from product design to installation. This includes manufacture of alumini um and PVC-U windows.


HWL Windows has developed a series of partnerships with leading colleges to recruit high calibre en gineering students into the window and door Developedindustry.following

Phil Gray, operations director, HWL Windows, explained: “The kids get the opportunity to see how we operate and to ask questions in a real working environment. “It’s been massively successful. They’re engaged, they’re asking lots of questions, they want to connect with you on social me dia after they’ve been. It’s like a switch goes on.”

This has built around Timberweld, which it used in its pioneering development of a non-glassbonded 90° jointed R9 window in 2017, replicating a traditional 90° mechanical joint on both sides of a welded sash, also offering an R9 open-in door and R7 in a Timber welded format.

“With what we’re doing now, we’re getting people with an interest in engineering. They’re coming to us and they already know a little bit about processing, manufacture but the biggest thing is they have a positive attitude towards learn “Ifing.we can show them how to build windows, get them out onto the factory floor, we’re bringing the future leaders of our business into our”

HWL Forges New Partnerships To Address


Aspen Home Improvements in Essex has added the Gallery 44 Composite Doors from Listers to its product range, giving them pride of place in their showroom.

Growing With The Right Support

Jack AndAchievesAluminium900114001

“Sheerline is stuffed with all the lat est technology, which homeowners love – especially the flush-fit sash,” Alan said. “And if they want something similar, but in PVC, Listers supplies the Logik S from Eurocell, which has a really modern-looking Alanframe.”knows he can shop around different suppliers, but Listers sup plies everything he needs to grow his business, including excellent customer service. “I hear of window companies struggling first to meet the in creased demand, and then the shift to high-value products,” Alan said. “I don’t have any of those problems. We are racing forward at a fast pace, and really enjoying the ride!”

Aspen is a long-term Listers’ customer, and its broad product offering means Aspen can contin ue to grow and offer their customers greater choice without seeking new “Withsuppliers.Listers,customer service is paramount, and it really shows,” Alan explained. “They understand the urgency with getting jobs com pleted on time and to a high stand ard, so if there are any problems, they get them sorted immediately.”

Listers’ Customer

“Over the last couple of months, we’ve taken on the Gallery 44 Composite Doors from Listers, and kitted-out a whole area of our showroom with them,” managing director Alan Murrell said. “The customers love them, especially the wide choice of colours and hardware “Homeownersoptions.are also becoming more tech-savvy, and they are showing more interest in the Kubu Smart Lock, which we also offer through Listers.”


As part of its ongoing programme of development through accredita tion, Jack Aluminium has success fully secured certification for ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, illustrating its commitment to providing custom ers with exceptional quality and meeting environmental standards. Audited by BM TRADA, the scope of certification was for the design, assembly, test, inspection and supply of aluminium systems for the manufacture of windows and ISOdoors.9001 is the international benchmark defining the require ments for a Quality Management System and how it manages processes and systems to meet the needs of customers and other stakeholders. ISO 14001 assesses the status of a company’s environmental management system against defined parameters. “We’re delighted to achieve these two accreditations,” says Ash Pearson, sales manager at Jack Aluminium. “We’ve always been committed to attaining and exceeding the highest standards in the quality and manufacture of our products, while ensuring that we meet environmental targets means that not only are we doing our bit for the planet, but it makes it easier for our customers to achieve com pliance on projects for architects and specifiers.”

Aspen Home Improvements typi cally serves homeowners who are in their late-40s and into retirement, in a 15-mile radius around Billeric ay in Essex. For them the appeal of standard white PVC casement windows is diminishing, and they are looking for statement pieces for their homes. “I tell my customers that they shouldn’t waste five grand on new windows,” Alan said. “Instead, they should invest five grand in their homes with the latest windows and Newdoors!”products, such as the Sheer line range from Garnalex, are win ning a lot of new business for Alan and his team.

Sternfenster is also looking to improve PVC-U production further with a new welder and corner cleaner, while the glass process ing division will soon receive a new glass cutting table.

Lead times for both PVC-U and aluminium are back down to five days on key Sternfenster prod ucts, as the company continues to invest in machinery, infrastructure, and customer support.

Five-Day Lead Times On KeySternfenster Products

PVC-U chamfered and sculptured casement and tilt and turn windows in the most popular colours (White, Rosewood, Golden Oak, Rosewood/White, Golden Oak/ White, and Anthracite Grey/White) are now available in five days, as are PVC-U Residential and French Doors. These match the popular Visofold 1000 Aluminium Bi-Fold Door in White, Anthracite Grey, Black and Anthracite Grey/White.

“This commitment to product quality and delivery is supported by our continued investment in our customer support,” Nathan said. “We recently launched our online showroom, which is the lat est tool our customers can use to generate leads and win business. Homeowners can learn all about our products, and make some of the key buying decisions, without having to leave their front rooms.”


“Offering a swift response time our most popular products – in the most popular colours – is a defining feature at Sternfenster,” sales director Nathan Court said.

“While the recent period of high demand and uncertain supply knocked everyone for six, I’m glad to report that we are back on track in both PVC-U and alumin Theium.”Slider 24 Patio Slider is now available in just 10 days in the leading colours, while other colour choices across the whole PVC-U product range are typically down to 15 days. This latest announcement follows a series of significant invest ments at the Lincoln-based trade fabricator, including £600K-plus for a new Schirmer cutting and machining centre, and a £200K outlay for two new trucks, which will replace two of the compa ny’s older vehicles next year. This follows the £500K-plus outlay on four new 18-tonne lorries Stern fenster made in March this year.

Discover the advantages of selling our simple, perfectly matched range | | 01332 978000 Insulated with technology properly co-ordinated quality aliuminium that matches Beautiful, consistent colour powered by our NEW in-house Powder CoatingInsulatedPlantwith technology PART L Compliant 3 Bespoke RAL colours 144 stocked colourcombinations 10 day lead time To learn about Colour by Sheerline and the advantages of selling our simple, perfectly matched range visit c o l o u r | | 01332 978000



Roseview Windows has doubled its capacity over the past two years to 750 PVC-U vertical slid ers per week plans and is already planning to increase that even fur ther to a record 1000. It attributes much of its ability to cope with that kind of unprecedented growth to the fact that it switched to Business Micros’ Evolution man ufacturing and Evonet business management software during the pandemic, claims the company Richard Burrells, Roseview’s managing director, says the new software is helping to revolutionise the business, enabling it to work towards achieving market leading levels of efficiency and customer service, without sacrificing any of the traditional craftsmanship which distinguishes Roseview from its competitors. He explains: “Like so many in the industry, we saw demand rocket after the first lockdown. Because ours is a relatively labour-intensive opera tion, we would have struggled to respond to that if we hadn’t been able to modernise our factory and automate so many of our admin and business management pro cesses with the help of Business RoseviewMicros.” doubled its factory space in 2021 and now occupies two factories totalling 45,000 sq ft. It also invested in a third ma chining centre and increased its shopfloor workforce to more than All70.three machining centres are now linked to Business Micros’ Evolution manufacturing pro cessing software and the Evonet business management system has been installed to give the Roseview team complete visibility of every aspect of the operation. There are now barcode scanning points throughout both facto ries so that every frame can be tracked from start to finish. And a full raft of Evonet modules means that the Roseview team also has full, real-time visibility of every order from quotation right through to Fordespatch.RichardBurrells, this is key to being able to grow the business in a controlled way – even during the pandemic. He adds: “We’ve gone from paperwork and whiteboards to a fully digitised factory with a dashboard facility which lets us see everything from production volumes to product mix, sash to frame ratios and individual fabri cator output at a glance. That kind of insight has been vital as we’ve

Richard Burrells ends: “Customers are already benefiting from our software investments in terms of improved service and reduced lead times. However, with the ad dition of Touch Portal, they will be able to make their own efficiencies as well and potentially even win new business thanks to the inbuilt lead generation”

For Business Micros, the Rose view installation is a showpiece for the Evonet software, given that almost every available module has been installed, including produc tion batching, despatch planning, Evoassist for automated glass ordering and order confirmation emails, and Courier for delivery Nicktracking.Bailey, Business Micros’ head of sales comments: “These are all standard modules, but they have had to be adapted to take into account just how specialist the Roseview set up is, with three different vertical slider ranges and lots of precision fabrication still carried out by hand. “We worked very closely with the team to ensure that the soft ware does exactly what Rose view wanted it to do – and a bit more – and they also now have a support package in place with us which means we can continue to help them get the most from their investment.”

CDW Systems

TRADE NEWS WINDOW NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2022 39 expanded and obviously gives us the platform we need to plan how we move forward in the future.”

To Meet Continued Demand Aluminium fabricator CDW Systems is recruiting to cope with demand, as the Glouces ter-based business sees no sign of a slowdown. The company, which is part of the East Manor Group alongside double glazing specialists Clear way Doors & Windows, has seen a stream of commercial contracts come through that had been put on hold during the pandemic. Production will also be spread over both sites to help get orders out the door as quickly as possible for customers.

CDW’s group chairman Jeremy Phillips said: “We have a very full order book, with commercial contracts coming off hold, plus school projects that are being done later in the year than usu al and we are now recruiting to cope with that, which is a great place to “Spreadingbe.production across Clearway will help with the flow of things and help us attack lead times as certain products, such as our glazed patio systems, are better suited to their operation and will move quicker through Itproduction.”followsCDW Systems, which is celebrating 30 years this year, recent move to a new transport provider to provide better flex ibility, with deliveries in certain places and at certain times now “Everythingavailable. we are doing is geared towards being able to get product out of the factory door and to customers when they want it, and to be as flexible as possible,” added Jeremy. “Cus tomers wants can change daily and we are now set up to cope with that from a logistics point of “Strengtheningview. our team will im prove our commitment to supply ing our customers with the high est quality products on time as demand continues to”

Looking To Strengthen Team

The next step for Roseview is to add Business Micros’ new BM Touch software to its operation. The Touch Portal option for fab ricators integrates directly with Evolution and Evonet and means trade customers will be able to quote, price and place orders with Roseview online using real time product and pricing data.


“From becoming FSC certified in 2016 to undertaking our first carbon emissions assessment a couple of years ago, we have made multiple changes over the years to be as environmentally sustainable as possible.

The Sash Window Workshop has announced that despite opening a new workshop and doubling their manufacturing capabilities, in 2021 they man aged to reduce their carbon emissions by 39% in compari son to 2019. The company believe that it is important to do everything they can to reduce their car bon footprint and improve their sustainability, while also providing a high-quality product and Havingservice.previously assessed their carbon footprint for 2019, The Sash Window Workshop set themselves a target to reduce their carbon footprint rather than just offset them. Reducing emissions means that the car bon is never released into the atmosphere, whereas offsetting compensates for carbon emis

The switch to electric and hy brid vehicles saw the carbon footprint from The Sash Window Workshop’s company car travel decrease by 58.6% (to a total of 13.62 tonnes over the year).

With many of the sales team making the switch to electric ve hicles during the middle of the year, this figure should reduce further in 2022.

Bothsions.reports were carried out by Carbon Footprint Ltd (www., who help businesses conduct inde pendently verified reviews of their carbon emissions.

In 2021, the company started switching their sales team to use electric cars to help reduce emissions, as well as installing electric charge points at their workshop for employees and visitors to use.

The Sash Window Workshop Reduce Carbon Emissions By 39%

The Sash Window Workshop’s scope 1 and 2 emissions for 2021 totalled 194.36 tonnes of carbon, with their total tonnes of emissions (also including scope 3 indirect emissions) totalling 214.50 tonnes of carbon.

Richard Dollar, managing di rector at The Sash Window Workshop, commented: “Having worked towards being environ mentally responsible for several years, I am proud that we have not only achieved our goal to reduce our carbon footprint but have also reduced it by an impressive 39%.

As The Sash Window Workshop look to reduce their carbon footprint further in the future, as an environmentally responsible company they believe that it is important to offset any carbon emissions made in the mean time by the business. The Sash Window Workshop will therefore be offsetting their emissions for 2021 by investing in inde pendently verified carbon offset ting www.sashwindow.comprojects.

“Each wooden window made from sustainable wood saves approximately 160kg of carbon dioxide in comparison to a plas tic window (source: Heriot Watt University). This means that by using sustainable wood to manufacture our windows and doors, we use the most sustain able and the greenest choice of any material.”

Unprecedented innovations in door technology

Window Ware Customer Service Impresses Shelforce

The hybrid of cross laminated engineered hardwood, LVL timber and hardwood stiles and rails, pressed with DoorCo’s signature 4mm GRP skins, results in a door that will not move, bow or twist more than 3mm and requires minimal maintenance. The immovable core Email. | Visit. Motorway House, Charter Way, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 2NY

TRADE NEWS Birmingham window and door manufacturer Shelforce started working with Window Ware in May when it needed to source letter plates and security chains for its Fireshel composite fire door. This popular door incorporates the FireFrame dual fire, smoke and security compliant fire door set solution (including the FD30 / FD60 FireFrame outer frame) from Winkhaus, plus TS008 compliant letterplates from Yale and security Shelforce’schains. business manager Howard Trotter said: “We have been hugely impressed with Window Ware since we started working with them in May this year. Not only do we get the letter plates and security chains when we want them, their team is so easy to deal with “Demandtoo.” for the Fireshel keeps increasing and we are now having to produce 200 fire doors a week to meet that. Having a supplier like Window Ware has helped us keep up thanks to their fast supply. Hitting deadlines is only possible if the supply chain works together and Window Ware have proved the perfect partner.” Sam Nuckey, Window Ware’s man aging director, said: “This is exactly the kind of positive feedback we absolutely love to hear! Our whole operation is geared to deliver the fast response, stock availability and dependability of supply our customers need to meet demand and keep their businesses moving, so it’s great to know we’re getting everything spot on for Shelforce. We also like to think we’re a friend ly, helpful bunch here at Window Ware, so I’m delighted that their buying experiences with our team have been so smooth and easy for them.”


reliably reminded that we continue to harm our global environment, the sooner we stop the sooner we can slow global warming. A great deal of work has already been achieved in the move towards sustainability, but there is much more work to be done.

Phil Slinger

The rate at which energy prices have risen in the last few months has been staggering and there are no indications of an end to the rises anytime soon. With further price rises expected this com ing winter, rising costs are fuel ling inflation and pushing many households into debt. So is it time to look again at some form of ‘Green Deal’ from the Government or is there anything we can do as home and business owner occu Wepiers?talk of ‘sustainability’ which the Oxford Dictionary defines as “The use of natural products and energy in a way that does not harm the environment” We are

energy saving measures using Green Deal finance. At this time, energy costs, whilst not cheap, were relatively stable and whilst the improvements would reduce energy consumption, there would be no initial saving for the con sumer until the loan had been paid off. That said, the 10,000 forward thinking consumers on the ‘Green Deal’ then, will now be realising their cost of energy savings with a lower rate of consumption.

The original ‘Green Deal’ was a Government initiative launched in January 2013 which encouraged consumers to apply for a loan to insulate their homes which includ ed building fabric insulation, new windows and doors. These loans were taken out over a 10 to 25 year period and were intended to be paid off from the savings that improvements would make. The scheme was not a huge success, by the end of June 2015, only 10,000 households had installed

‘Do We Now Need A Green Deal II?’

By Phil Slinger – CAB Chief Executive

It is very unlikely that energy costs will fall back to anywhere near 2013/15 costs so is it now time that we really should en courage Government to do something, both to help us all to reduce our energy consumption to reduce the cost of living, but also to get us on the roadmap to a promised carbon-neutral future by We2050?canreduce energy consumption for hot water and space heating by changing from gas to ground source or air source heat pumps. In reality, whilst some savings in running costs can be achieved, these will take quite some time to realise as the investment in the change can be excessive, so, like the old ‘Green Deal’ not immediately practical for most consumers.


The Council for Aluminium in Building for their part are begin ning to work closely with other associations and groups in order pool knowledge and help expe dite recommendations for home improvement and refurbishment of commercial property. It is hoped that cost effective solutions can be found that will help us all on the way to a carbon neutral 2050.

The most immediate savings on space heating can be made by correctly installing property insu lation, these savings will reduce carbon emissions. According to LETI (London Energy Transforma tion Initiative), currently 18% of the UK’s annual carbon emissions comes from our domestic housing stock, 80% of which is estimated to still be in use by 2050. Not only will insulation help reduce costs and carbon emissions, it is esti mated by Public Health England that some 10,000 people each year die prematurely as a result of cold old window with a modern high performance window can make a contribution to energy saving, but only if it is installed correctly by ensuring minimal cold bridging around the window reveal otherwise much of the insulation savings can be lost. Is it not time for us to review alongside replace ment window and door installations the need for building fabric insulation to make the most of the capital investment in replacement windows and doors? Not only is this the right thing to do, but it is potentially a huge ‘range building’ opportunity for business, espe cially in the home improvement sector. There is no doubt that a retrofitted energy efficient home, or ‘low-carbon’ home, will retain the insulation investment once Asold.‘Green Deal II’ could be part funded by Government and by profitable energy companies, but there are also consumers who could afford to update their existing homes to a ‘low-carbon’ standard, if they were educated into what that standard needs to be. The movement, ’Insulate Brit ain’ make some bold statements on their website, but in essence are calling on Government to immediately make provision to up date social housing to help bring people out of ‘fuel poverty’. Whilst Building Regulations are begin ning to change for new dwellings, it is clear that a detailed plan is needed to refurbish much of our current building stock to reduce our reliance on foil fuels, only then can we switch to a reduced electricity consumption for keep ing property warm in the winter months. It is also worth mention ing a correctly insulated building also works in reverse by helping to keep out the heat of anticipated future heatwaves in the UK.

Aluminium remains at the top of consumers minds as the most ‘sustainable’ material for windows and doors, not only is the material fully recyclable, it is estimated that aluminium systems have a life expectancy twice that of compet ing materials. The continued rise in demand for aluminium systems is clearly demonstrated by these competing material systems companies adopting or designing aluminium products as premium

In an open letter, Nathan Court, sales director at Sternfenster, asks other fabricators if now is the right time to re-evaluate their business structure, and to consider partner ing with companies who can make them more profitable.

Sadly, the only effect this has is to cause panic, and for companies to react counter-intuitively – ie, they under-invest and overstretch themselves. In fact, we are already starting to see that happen.

Some forecasters are saying inflation could peak at 13.3% in October this year, which has been driven in the most part by high fuel prices, high food prices, and the ludicrous jump in the cost of energy – all the things that eat into households’ budgets and prevent spending elsewhere, including home improvement. Taken at face value, and the situation doesn’t look that rosy, but don’t forget that not all house holds are affected equally by the squeeze on the cost of living. Many homeowners will be irritated most by rising costs, and will have mon ey for those refurbishment projects dreamt up during lockdown and beyond. According to the ONS, half of all home improvement spending between 2011 and 2020 came from the upper fifth house holds by income – these are the people we should be targeting.

At Sternfenster, we have invested in the machinery, infrastructure and product design to meet the increased demand for high-end, high-margin products. We see sus tained activity at the top end of the market until at least the end of the year, and we are geared to make the most of those opportunities. We’ve seen this coming some years back. For example, we were the first UK fabricator to own a Graf Welder, and we now have three at our facility in Lincoln. They can produce a near invisible weld on our foiled StyleLine sashes, and the flush sash option accounts for approximately 40% of all our PVC business. The demand for colour, too, continues to grow, which we can comfortably meet thanks to continued investment. Other fabricators are not so lucky. They are unable to make the most of those profitable product lines because the standard white casements they produce, while at volume, don’t leave a great deal of wriggle room as input costs rise.


Work Smart For Improved Profits, Says Sternfenster

And as the market starts to cool after what has got to be one of the most difficult three years of trading, we are hearing the usual doom-laden tales of woe, about how small-to-medium-sized fab ricators are going to fail because high input costs and reduced demand are squeezing profits and threatening cash flow

At Sternfenster, we have the capacity to take that high volume work off your hands, so that you can concentrate on the more profitable niche products such as foiled flush sash casements. You will still be making a decent profit on those frames, but you don’t have to worry about investing in machinery, or about the continued labour shortage. And you will benefit from the exceptional service offer that we have built for our installation cus tomers. Specifically, we are seen as a single point of contact for aluminium, PVC-U, and glass, and we provide a broad digital market ing support offer, which includes a virtual showroom, production transparency, and business advice. Despite the negative words of some, there are still opportunities, and we can help you make the most of them.

Nathan Court, sales director, www.sternfenster.comSternfenster.

Let’s not sugar-coat the situation. We are in for a tough few months.

Some people say that we are very good at talking ourselves into a recession, which I think is unfortu nately true. Too many people are happy to look for the challenges rather than the opportunities. 0113 277 8722 Ideal for vision panels in doors, the Uni-Blinds® ScreenView® integral blind system provides the perfect solution for balancing patient confidentiality and privacy with observation and monitoring. Being permanently encapsulated within the double glazed units in windows, doors and partitions, this unique blind system is safe, easy to use, hygienic and maintenance-free, whilst enabling privacy in an instant. availableQuotes in 60 minutes 60 Morley Glass & GlazingUnitLtd3 Leeds 27 Industrial LeedsBruntcliffeEstateWayLS270HH Innovation comes built-in STAND G26SCREENVIEW PRIVACY & VISION IN AN INSTANT

By Neil Cooper-Smith, Senior Analyst, Business TherePilot is little doubt that a slowdown has and is happening. Year-on-year sales figures for this Au gust are down seven per cent on where they were last year. Leads are down 30%.

A headline analysis of Google Trends also shows searches for energy efficient home improvements

It’s only the second time this year, that we have seen a notable increase in sales and leads. The last time was in March, when average sales rose almost 15% and leads were also up 14%, reversing the falls recorded in February on January. We suggest that this is attributable in part at least, to the energy crisis. The spike seen in leads and sales in March preceded months of media exposure on the raising of the energy price cap in April from £1,277 to £1,971.

What we saw, however, last month was a reversal of the downward trend seen in July with sales up 16% and leads up 17%. This was also significantly up on June.

The Business Pilot Barometer offers a monthly analysis of the key trends defining window and door retail. It draws on real industry data collated by Business Pilot, the cloud-based business management tool.To find out more see

VIEWPOINT 46 WINDOW NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2022 Sales bounce back. Could Government energy incentives be on the horizon?

The Business Pilot Barometer

With homeowners already feeling the pinch of the first increase, following weeks of expectation, the regulator confirmed at the end of August that the cap will go up again on 1st October pushing aver age gas and electricity bills to £3,549 a year – an 80% increase on where it was in October 2021.

In comparison Nationwide estimates the cost to run a house between an A and C rating will rise by a more modest £1,000.

VIEWPOINT WINDOW NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2022 47 and windows and doors jumped in the weeks preceding both announcements, suggesting a cor relation between the increasing cost of energy and increased demand for windows and doors.

There are also growing calls on Government to incentivise homeowners to do so in the face of the unfolding national energy crisis. We’d suggest that right now, Government support is a little way off, so we’re going to have to per suade those who can, to spend. That makes it a good time to go back and revisit those leads that didn’t convert in the past 12-months. Giving you visibility of every lead and its’ status in real time, Business Pilot brings this information to your fingertips, as well as helping you to run your installation business more efficiently, with dragand-drop job scheduling and process

In this context the case for energy efficient home improvements is clear – and based on our own sales data and that of Google search, that isn’t lost on the homeowner. The question is, with rising inflation and broader pressure on household budgets, will they have the confidence to invest?

The housing market continues to stand firm, in fact exceeding expectations by recording a 0.8% price increase in August on July, the thirteenth succes sive increase in a row.

With many homeowners having seen significant rises in the value of their homes, it may give them confidence to spend on home improvements, par ticularly those which lower their energy bills.

Lender Nationwide has calculated that homes in the UK most commonly have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of D. This it says means that the average energy cost to heat and run those houses will increase by £1,250 a year from October, inclusive of the £400 government discount. Bills for E-rated properties are likely to go up by more than £1,700 and those living in the least-effi cient homes, rated F or G, face a £2,700 rise.

are based on a ‘fit for purpose’ minimum requirement and form a benchmark to qualify products and services. Standards are ‘self policed’ in other words, claimed as meeting the Standard by a pro ducer who supplies a product.

On packaging the Standard now requires that boxes con taining coating powders are clearly labeled with full details of their contents to further help in reducing failures.

The revised Standard also expands on the Florida testing for ‘super durable’ and ‘hyper durable’ powder formulations where coatings are less flexible ensuring that these high-perfor mance products now fall within the Standard. Other changes to the Standard include testing that is required on a finished coated sample, rather than just referring to a metal Standard.

we generally specify British Standards or a Euro Standard (EN) as a minimum require ment for many of our construction contracts often to the exclusion of lengthy written specifications. Even though we are out of the EU, the UK remain members of CEN/ CENELEC and has an obligation to implement an EN Standard as an identical national Standard and withdraw any conflicting nation al Standards. These Standards

During the recent Qualicoat UK & Ireland conference held at the Building Centre in London, Chris Mansfield commercial director of Tomburn and licensed Qualicoat applicator, offered delegates an insight into the recently released BS EN 12206 for coated architec tural aluminium having sat on the working group dealing with the Inrevision.theUK

Specify BS EN 12206 Or Qualicoat?

Current confusion regarding coating thicknesses has now been taken out of the Stand ard by removing the ‘average minimum thickness’ of 50 mi crons and just stating that the minimum thickness of coating should be 40 microns. Viewing distances for quality inspection has also been reduced to 1m from 3m in the previous Stand ard. This reduced distance allows for visual inspection to inclusions and scratches, how ever, for colour matching this distance can be increased as required. Furthermore on colour matching the new Standard also offers the option to use colour metric equipment to identify colour and variance.

Basically the new BS EN 12206-1:2021 now more closely aligned to the current Qual icoat specification which is constantly being updated with new methodology and devel


By Angus Mackie – Qualicoat UK & Ireland Chair

Originally released in 2004, BS EN 12206 ‘Paints and varnishes, coating of aluminium and alu minium alloys for architectural purposes, coatings prepared from thermosetting coating powder’, was subject to a review process in 2016 and was eventually released as a new updated Standard in May 2021. The major changes to the new 2021 Standard are as Infollows:the2004 Standard cleaning prior to applying the conversion layer was stated as ‘Before the conversion stage, the substrate shall be thoroughly cleaned and/ or pickled.’ The 2021 Standard now includes a requirement for a 1gm/m2 aluminium surface etch to ensure contaminants are removed. The 2004 Stand ard quoted ‘chrome-free’ as an alternate conversion layer, the new 2021 Standard now offers, chrome, chrome-free and pre-anodising as alterna tive pretreatments systems that can be used, all of which offer an equally desired outcome of surface pretreatment.

Angus Mackie opments, so which should you specify? There is no reason why you can’t specify both together if you wish to cover all bases, however should you do so, you could lose out on what benefit a Qualicoat specification can bring to architectural finishes. There are three things that clearly differenti ate a Qualicoat specification: BS EN 12206 does offer a testing methodology, but does not state a frequency of production testing, Qualicoat specifies both method ology and frequency of testing. BS EN 12206 is self policing, rely ing on a suppliers word that they ers just Europe, Qualicoat is a worldwide, third party inspected SimplySpecification.put,A Qualicoat specifi cation takes the ‘Due Diligence’ out of specifying a powder coater to coat to BS EN 12206. The global Qualicoat Standard is incrementally revised in real time with regular update sheets and is revised to include all updates each year end. The Specification, its appendices and any update sheets are freely available for download at For details on the availability of various colours and finishes con





alone to keep customers supplied during the boom – and none of that was passed on. We’ve absorbed numerous increases in raw material costs and big currency losses in the value of the £ against the USD since the start of Covid and our own margins have been eroded considerably as a result. Like most importers, we obviously had to impose a surcharge on orders as our freight costs rock eted, but we were completely transparent about this with customers, kept it as low as we could and reduced it as soon as costs started to fall.

I’ve seen the recent appeal in the press from several large fabricators for suppliers to halt the current round of price increases, rather than pushing them down the supply chain at a time when the cost-of-living crisis is dampening con sumer demand.

Mila spent more than £1.1m on air freight last year Dear


As a supplier MD, I’m hugely sympathetic to that position and applaud the massive efforts that so many fabricators have already made to absorb many of the price rises they’ve faced over past 18 months, either by reducing margins or improving efficiencies – or both. However, I would point out that the vast majority of suppliers have been doing exactly the same.

For Mila, and I’m sure for the vast majority of suppliers, imposing any kind of price rise or surcharge is always going to be very much a last resort. None of us wants to lose business, make our customers less competitive or undermine relationships that have been built up over many However,years. for this industry to be able to respond to the challenges it faces in both the short and medium term, suppliers at the top of the market do have to be in a strong enough position to be able to invest in the kinds of products and process innovations which will stimulate demand and help those at the sharp end to win new busi to assume that suppliers can just shoul

I always invite businesses in our industry to our factory to look at how we do things because I want them to adopt the same employment model as us. I know, however, that our business performance is what will convince others to adopt it.

It’s probably worth pointing out here that Mila has a small number of very large customers who sign annual supply agreements with us. These carry with them guarantees on how both rising costs and savings on currency fluctuations will be shared – for the benefit of both parties. These obviously involve a level of commitment that, until now, many fabricators have been reluctant to make. After the turmoil of recent years though, I’m expecting inter est to MilaManagingRichardincrease.GydeDirector

“If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it,” and our industry should be about improvement and how we can challenge ourselves to make us

Dear Gerald

The problem with our industry is that installation companies or even fabricators can spring up overnight without any business credentials what soever and not put any time into all the certifica tion that reputable companies do.

der the full burden of rising costs, but we are all so interdependent now that that’s simply not realis tic. Whatever point you’re at in the supply chain, you need a stable, financially secure supplier who won’t let you down.

The Grenfell tragedy has taught the industry the importance of certification and the all-round safety of the products we make. These products save people’s lives as well as keeping them secure and Ifwarm.wewant

Most decent, reputable companies have got In ternational Standards ISO 9001 for quality man agement and ISO 14001 for our responsibility to the environment, it’s how we measure quality.


If we’re serious about improving as an industry how do, we do that and measure that success? We still suffer as an industry in terms of credibility, and it still has a certain, White Gold, perception in the general public’s eyes. The Grenfell tragedy also, quite rightly, shone a negative spotlight on fire doors, and we must challenge these things and shine a positive light on the industry.

With the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, I have seen ‘Be the Best’ slogans around the city during the successful event and it made me think – what does the best look like in our industry, and how do we measure that? They say that turnover is vanity while net margin is sanity, but is that any more important than cus tomer service and customer satisfaction? Is it all about reviews, or accreditations for meeting standards? What about fully automated factories?

If we know what we need to do to be the best, and where we sit in that, then we can improve and I do think we can learn a lot from other companies in the industry, be it competitors or Atsuppliers.Shelforce

BusinessHowardYoursbetter.sincerely,TrotterManager, www.shelforce.comShelforce.

If you want to get involved in the discussion, or would like to air your views on a particular industry subject, then Email me at will publish everything, but we will do our utmost to make sure that everyone’s voice is heard.

our industry to be the best, we must set the benchmark, and that can’t be turnover, it must be built on certification and standards. Hitting those standards is how we measure quality, and what should set you aside from others.

“Both appointments demon strate our desire to promote from within,” Mark explained. “While they prepare the group for opportunities that will inev itably come our way, it is also good to bring in some younger “Itpeople.isvitally important that we bring in a mix of people with the right skills and ethos – we are also conscious that we have a gender imbalance in the busi ness and that is something that we are starting to” GroupCornwallMD


“Tom’s keen eye for detail will bring some welcomed talents and a different perspective in matters of future growth and modest diversification. Over seeing the operational side of the Group, working with a small and dedicated team in different departments, will allow future opportunities to be fully ex plored and developed.”

Tom Julian has been appointed as the new managing director of The Cornwall Group, while Kate Bunt takes on the group finance director’s role.

Tom’s move from finance di rector forms part of the group’s strategy to prepare for signif icant growth over the short to medium term, while developing new opportunities away from the company’s traditional focus on “Weglass.areslowly moving away from being solely reliant on glass as our core industry,” Cornwall Group’s chief executive Mark Mitchell said. “Glass accounts for about 85% of our business, but that is shrinking as we invest more in property and the wider retail market.

Tom said: “It has been a thrill working here since 2010 and I am excited about this latest challenge. I hope to build on and continue exploring our good work, relationships and oppor tunities, both commercially and charitably yet keeping firmly to our roots in the glass industry.”


Kate Bunt, the youngest of the group’s 12 directors, has moved in the finance director’s role from a group finance manager’s “Weposition.have a great team, and I am looking forward to further developing my skills and rela tionships, while being part of a group that continues to grow and flourish,” Kate said.

Tom Julian Kate Bunt

HussainFaisal CEO Join the fenestration DGCOS is a consumer protection scheme for the installation of double glazing products. Being a member of DGCOS shows that as an installer you are committed to complying with high standards of consumer WORKINGprotection. GROUP Find out more! Let’s have a conversation, email me at: We’re launching a new working group to help promote all the good things we do as a sector to external stakeholders, like government. Be part of shaping how our industry is perceived and make a real difference. It’s open to anyone operating within the glass and glazing industry. Find out more: 0345 053 8975 | |

Nick Taylor (left) Martin Smith (right)

In his new role, Martin is re sponsible for product design and quality. He oversees new product development as well as maintaining and improving Ken rick’s existing range of hardware products. He also manages Ken rick’s operations and is responsible for the day to day running of the factory as well as health and Assafety.Kenrick’s new technical man ager, Nick Taylor brings 35 years’ industry experience with him. He joins Kenrick from hardware distributor DGS Group, where he worked for 27 years, most re cently as business development and technical manager. Nick works closely with Kenrick’s de sign team to develop new prod ucts and he supports the sales team with customer demon strations and site visits. He also helps customers to achieve the required industry certification for testing windows and doors.

Commenting on Martin and Nick joining the business, Ste ve Jones, Kenrick’s managing director, said: “We are absolutely delighted to have such an enviable level of skill and experience in Martin and Nick. Both are seasoned engineers and are ex tremely well qualified to help us develop innovative new products and enhance our existing prod ucts. We have ambitious future growth plans at Kenrick and Martin and Nick will both play a key role in helping us stay ahead with a wide range of hardware solutions that meet the needs of today’s”

Hardware supplier Kenrick has bolstered its team with two sen ior appointments. Martin Smith has returned to the West Bromwich based business as design and operations manager after a decade away, whilst Nick Taylor has joined the firm as technical manager. The duo has more than 60 years industry experience between Motorcyclethem.enthusiast Martin Smith has re-joined Kenrick after working for British motorcycle firm Triumph as project engineer for the last 10 years. He has many years’ experience in hard ware design and development having worked in design and development roles at Kenrick and Laird.

Smith And Taylor Join Hardware Supplier Kenrick


GGF Appoints New Health, Safety And Environmental Manager

Lauren brings with her a wealth of experience in the field so is well placed to provide expert advice to GGF members, as John Agnew, GGF managing director, explains: “The GGF aims to be the industry authority on best practice in all areas of business, including the highest technical and health and safety standards, but to achieve this goal, we need in-house exper tise. Lauren is a fantastic addition to our team for precisely this rea son. Lauren joins us with 6 years of experience in helping companies achieve better health and safety practices, improved staff wellbe ing, and positive environmental strategies, so will be a valuable resource for all our members.” “I’m thrilled to be part of the GGF team, providing advice to members about health, safe ty, and environmental issues,” adds Lauren. “My experience not only lies in ensuring compliance but going above and beyond to identify trends within business es to help prevent problems and achieve best practice. I can help design and deliver staff training and provide HR support as well as more traditional health and safety duties such as the production of fire risk reports and companywide risk assessments. I am passionate about helping companies provide the best possible workspace for their employees, so to be able to offer this support to all the GGF’s members, is a fantastic opportuni ty.”


“Then it’s his decision to build a department around himself if he thinks we need it and we will back him 100%. Paul’s marketing background is fantastic and once he has familiarised himself with the business we are looking forward to him hitting the ground running. That’s why we have brought him into the business.”

Leads 2 Trade Appoints Head Of Digital Marketing

On joining the provider of double qualified sales leads for companies in the home improvement industry, Paul said: “It’s a hugely established company and I’m hoping to help provide new focus and help guide the team where the business needs to be guided and help “I’veperformance.joinedthe team at the perfect time with the transition and I’m really enjoying the fast-paced nature of the business. I’m really excited about the challenge ahead.”

Andy Royle, Leads 2 Trade co-founder and director (left) and Paul Henry, head of digital marketing (right)

Andy Royle, the company’s co-founder and direc tor explained the appointment: “We have wanted a high-calibre figurehead in house for marketing and Paul will look at the mechanics of the business and our digital strategies and how we currently work with agencies – can we do digital marketing better, which campaigns affect the call centre the most, which help get the most conversions.

Leads 2 Trade has appointed a head of digital mar keting as part of a significant restructure that will drive the growth strategy of the business after an unprece dented two years for the industry. With a background in both online and offline market ing and having worked for some of the largest market ing agencies in Manchester across a whole host of in dustries, Paul Henry will head up the Stockport-based company’s marketing in house.

In the continually turbulent so cio-economic situation we find ourselves in, staff wellbeing and sustainability must be a top priori ty. That is why the Glass & Glazing Federation (GGF) is delighted to welcome a new health, safety and environmental manager, Lauren Mawford, to the team.

“It all comes down to the data of course and being able to get real time product, availability and pricing updates direct from the factory to the salesman when there are so many variables involved. Business Micros is the only company with the funds required and access to the vast supplier datasets necessary to be able to create a system like Portal, and it’s an incredibly exciting time for me to be involved as the whole platform starts to grow and develop.”

He said: “Touch is the solution the market has been waiting so long for in terms of being able to deliver a truly integrated online ordering experience all the way from the homeowner to the fab“Withricator.Touch Portal, fabricators can offer a 21st century commercial e-commerce experience to their installers for probably the very first time. In turn, installers can use the linked Touch Vendor lead generation and quoting tool to finally take maximum advan tage of the way that so much of the retail buying experience is now conducted online.

PEOPLE 56 WINDOW NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2022 Shaun McAllister has joined Business Micros Group as business development manager for its ground-breaking Touch software platform.

Shaun McAllister Joins Business Micros Group

A long-serving fenestration sector specialist with a wealth of friction stay expertise is the latest addition to the team at Cotswold Architectural Prod ucts. Amber Dangerfield, a qualified engineer, has spent the previous 18 months as the company’s operations supervisor, before which she served in a variety of senior engineering roles at a leading European hardware sup plier for more than a decade. In her new role, Amber will be tasked with ensuring Cotswold adheres to the exacting standards of QMS and ISO, and maintains outstanding quality standards across the board.

He will be working closely along side Richie Thornton, director at Business Micros Group company The Consultancy, who is coordi nating all the technical elements of the roll out.

For Shaun, this was an oppor tunity too good to turn down.

As a highly experienced sales and software specialist, with a career spent with the likes of Pricepoint, Everest and Anglian, Shaun has come on board at the perfect time to support the roll out of the new Touch Portal end to end online ordering system to Hisfabricators.rolewill be to liaise with all those customers who have already ordered Portal to ensure that the software is successfully integrated into their businesses; and then start promoting the system to the rest of the market.

“This is an extremely excit ing opportunity for me to help shape the next phase in Cotswold’s history,” Amber “Drawingcomments.on both my engineer ing background and years of friction stay experience, I’m confident I can ensure that we live up to the reputation for quality and reliability that made the Cotswold”

Richie Thornton added: “Now that Touch Portal is finally live in the market, we’re investing in the resources we need to make sure that customers can really make the most of it. I think Shaun’s combination of both commer cial and retail experience will be a huge benefit to customers as they deploy Portal internally and then roll it out as a powerful new sales tool to their trade custom”


World-classspeakerskeynote The biggest issues facing the sector Incredibleopportunitiesnetworking 400+ attendees from across the industry For more information, call 01934 808293 email In the space of just a few years, the Glazing Summit has become one of the biggest and most anticipated fixtures in the fenestration industry calendar. It’s an unmissable opportunity to hear key decisionmakers, opinion-shapers and sector experts tackle the hottest topics facing the sector, along with 400 other senior figures from throughout the industry. Be a part of the conversation, and help shape the future of UK fenestration- book your ticket now! BOOK TICKETSYOURTODAY THE THECONFERENCE!INDUSTRYBIGGESTBIGGESTISSUES | THE BIGGEST NAMES – have you booked your place yet? MOMENTUM BUILDING FOR GLAZING SUMMIT BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER: Headline SponsorJOIN US FOR THE LEADERSOPTIONALDINNER BOOK NOW Networking, 4 Course Dinner, & After Dinner Speaker shel force EST 1839

Requested by name from home owners, the benefits of a Korniche lantern are clear to see for the consumer, with ultra-slim profiles that maximise natural light to flood the living space, yet with significant time-saving attributes for the in staller. Whilst similar products may look to offer some of the benefits of that reduced installation time, it is the beauty of the design you can’t see that hammers home Korniche and parent company Made For Trade’s unique approach to fenes tration - nothing comes close to matching a Korniche under the Theskin.industry-leading product stands by its impressive ability to be ‘fitted in minutes and glazed in seconds’; something that is by virtue of its design from the outset using meth ods and design practices that are often an alien concept to the fenes tration industry. These details might not be on show behind the narrow sightlines and hidden fasteners, but the unitary construction, fastening system and glazing components prevent anything from coming close to the same security, weather-tight ness and market-leading structural Thereintegrity.are no visible fixings on show for example on a Korniche and all joints are seamless; whilst this means perfect aesthetics as it meets the eye, it also hints at the ‘clean sheet’ method of design and construction behind. The number, grade and size of the carefully speci fied bolts on the Korniche for exam ple have been optimised for security and rigidity compared with typical self-tapping screw fixings, whilst intricate details such as ridge bosses using anti-crush tubes for perfect installation torque provide a superi or, more precise fit than traditional glazing fittings such as flat plate.

Designed brighter, engineered better; why the Korniche Lantern roof is still the product to which others are compared in terms of security, construction, aesthetics and ease of installation. Lighting the project and leading the way since 2016; the Korniche Roof Lantern was not only catapulted straight to the top of the desira bility stakes for flat roof glazing at launch, but its game-changing engineering-led design - backed up by experience derived from the motorsport and automotive sectors – means that this Korniche product still remains a giant leap ahead in terms of construction.



Made For Trade’s investment is not

engineered to be the strongest and stiffest on the market, the lantern supports industry-lead ing maximum glass sizes without the need for additional rafters, and the cunning design details mean that glazing the structure is free of tapes and messy sealants. That’s not all, in these days where the thermal efficiency of a home is of the ut most priority, the thermally-broken based on continually improving and optimising all stages of how the company operates, allowing MFT to remain at the forefront of manufacturing and efficiency in the fenestration industry. This NQA Certification sets MFT and the Korniche Roof Lantern apart as a result, thanks to the precise repeatability of every single aspect of how a Made For Trade product is designed, sold and manufactured.

ADVERTORIAL WINDOW NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2022 59 just in the fasteners themselves; Korniche kits use a selection of aluminium components such as end caps and ridge bosses that have been uniquely die cast to suit, ena bling greater accuracy and tighter tolerances to be achieved to the benefit of the structure. During installation of a Korniche Roof Lantern, installers will see a system that bolts together as a unitary structure rather than box sections and plates that flex or distort to the detriment of security, structural integrity and weather proofing. Matching the installa tion speed of the Korniche might almost appear feasible, but when specifying a glazed product that relies on strength and security, that speed needs to be backed up with assurances that it is derived from clever engineering from the outset, rather than any simplification of Meticulouslyconstruction.

“By introducing sash window kits to the Hardwick range, we’ve simplified the process, so our customers know exact ly what they’re paying which makes pricing jobs quick and easy, while allowing the end user to customise their window. It also benefits sash repair com panies as it consolidates their stock holding.”

of ironmongery, hardware and workshop con sumables to timber door and window manufacturers and specialist joiners, Toolfix are no strangers to sliding sash win dow hardware. With everything from sash cord and weights, to parting bead and pulleys, Toolfix can sup ply everything that’s needed to produce a sash window, bar the timber and glass.

How can we make it easier for our customers?

It’s a question that’s front of mind and one which has led to the introduc tion of sash window kits from Toolfix Joinery & Construction AsSupplies.asupplier


With a large selection of iron mongery available on the mar ket, especially to the end user who can be overwhelmed by the choice, Toolfix have simpli fied the process to create sash window kits that comprise of a locking fastener, 2x sash lifts, 2x roller stops and 4x pulleys.

As the ironmongery in the kit is from a single source, con sistency and quality of finish is ensured, giving timber window manufacturers and their cus tomers the peace of mind that it will stand the test of time and match on every window, claims the company.

The kits are part of the Hard wick range of ironmongery, exclusive to Toolfix and inspired by over three decades of experience working with specialist joinery manufacturers.

“With a potentially endless choice of hardware options, pricing jobs for the end user can be a continuous backwards and forwards process for sash window manufacturers” says Carson Burt, Toolfix sales.

Simplifying Ordering For Sash Window Hardware

Joiners benefit from order ing hardware for a complete window under one code and straight-forward pricing. This allows for a degree of flexibility and gives the end user some choice over the final look of the window. As the price is only determined by the finish and whether it comes with or without pulleys, quoting a job is quick and easy for joiners.

to comply with the new building regulations

See the Yale SlotVent range at

Ventilation requirements to maintain indoor air quality.

Slim, adjustable ventilation. Choose from 10 colours and 3 sizes, with standard, noise reducing and fly screen options.

Lee Dickinson, operations director at Genius, has been impressed with both the product and the service from Mila, He commented: “The rapid fabrication of the Mila hinge has improved our produc tion efficiency, the adjustability and the quality of the product has fulfilled our customer needs, and the supply chain has performed impeccably without a single dis Theruption.”Mila ProSecure hinge came to the market back in 2016 but con tinues to be one of the company’s best-selling hinges. In 2021 alone, more than 1m units were sold in the UK. As well as the speed of fitting, it offers lots of other ben efits for fabricators and installers including SBD accreditation, a BSEN Grade 5 rating for corrosion resistance and a 25-year mechan ical operation guarantee. More details are at:

The Genius team gave Mila their long-term demand forecast and were reassured by the fact that, even while there is ongoing dis ruption to global supply chains, Mila could guarantee stock and next day delivery of the hinge – right across the range of 13 different finishes. In the Genius factory, the Mila ProSecure hinge is proving faster to fit than the hinge that Genius was using previously. In fact, the demo video on Mila’s own web site shows that it is easy to fit the ProSecure hinge in less than one minute – thanks to a combination of one-piece fitting straight from the box and ‘Glider’ technology which means the whole hinge slides directly onto the frame, ready for simple front face adjust ment with an Allen key.

for each shift.

Proving that even in the most ef ficient factories, there is still room for incremental improvements, Genius PVC in Norwich has just switched to the Mila ProSecure door hinge for its range of PVC doors in Kömmerling’s 70mm profile. Feedback from Genius’ trade cus tomers was that they would like more adjustability on their doors during installation. In response, a small, cross-functional project team at Genius set about evalu ating the options on the market and concluded that Mila’s million selling ProSecure hinge could deliver exactly what customers wanted and improve the fabrica tion efficiency at the same time.

The Mila hinge has also been seamlessly integrated into Geni us’ Kanban lean manufacturing flow, with a new dedicated Point of Use racking system set up which can be loaded with only the exact number of hinges required


Genius Decision To Switch To Mila

Fitting the Mila ProSecure door hinge, next to the dedicated Point of Use racking system

Total Hardware is now stocking the Yale Stable Door Lock. Chris Pell, general manager at Total Hardware, said: “Our custom er-focused approach means we stock the products our customers need. With the increasing popu larity of stable doors in both con temporary and traditional settings, we are delighted to be adding the new Lockmaster Stable Door Lock range to our portfolio.” Made specifically for PVC-U and composite stable doors, the Yale lock is a combination of Yale’s recently launched Lockmaster 21 multi-point door lock and its Lockmaster Keyturn key-operated multi-point lock for doors. The lock achieves PAS 24:2016 security as standard when in corporated as part of a doorset. It features the Lockmaster hook and anti-lift pin, which is used on multiple door styles offered by the majority of fabricators, on both the top and bottom leaf, delivering a familiar experience for install ers and consumers alike. It also features an easy-to-use push-in snib feature to prevent accidental Thelock-outs.range includes 35mm and 45mm backsets, is available with or without rollers, and comes with a two-piece keep that makes installation easier. It is tested to 240 hours of cor rosion resistance (Grade 4) and features a faceplate made of 430 stainless with Yale branding.

Both ranges are compatible with most major sys tems, and because they’re manufactured in-house, come at a very affordable rate, potentially saving aluminium fabricators thousands of pounds a year, says the company.



Total Hardware Adds The Yale Stable Door Lock To Its Range

Aluminium bi-fold hardware supplier AT Precision is now supplying Cortizo-compatible hardware, open ing up further availability for its fabricator customers.

Since early 2020, the Durham-based company has been supplying its Everglide range of bi-fold hard ware, which includes door rollers, top guides, pull handles, cleats and shootbolt handles, as well as the Everseal range of high-quality gaskets.

“With over 100 fabricators across the UK manu facturing Cortizo bi-fold doors, this investment has significantly increased our potential to grow our customer base, positioning AT Precision as a lead ing supplier of quality, affordable, aluminium bi-fold hardware.” Cortizo-CompatibleHardwarePrecisionNow

Sales director Michael Hewitt comments: “Most fab ricators want to save the hassle by sourcing their bifold hardware directly from their systems company. But by coming to AT Precision instead, they’re able to get their hands on quality hardware at a much more affordable rate.

“This is something we’ve been offering since we opened our doors, serving to fabricators using almost any system on the market. Now, that list also includes Cortizo.

Chris commented: “The Yale Sta ble Door Lock fits perfectly with the aesthetics of stable doors and offers an impressive mix of securi ty, style and

UAP’s technical director, Julian Roberts explains: “Our Soterian range is a market-leading model of TS008 letterplates and, with the new iPlate, we believe we offer unparalleled choice for aesthetics, features and securi ty. The unique frameless design gives the new iPlate a stand-out appearance and it offers durable, corrosion-resistent door hard ware in three on trend finishes: satin stainless, mirror polished stainless and PVD gold stainless. In addition to the iPlate, UAP has also added a new inward opening option to its Soterian range for a more traditional inward opening design combined with a sleek, contemporary look suita ble for modern homes. Featuring a long lasting, super shiny surface finish in mirror pol ished stainless steel, satin stain less steel or PVD gold-coated stainless steel, the new inward

“Both the new additions to our Soterian range has been cy cle tested for 20,000 cycles to underscore durability. We believe they will make Soterian even more popular across the delivery chain, from door manufacturers and architectural ironmongery specialists through to contractors and uapcorporate.comhomeowners.”

The new TS 008 Soterian iPlate letterplate is internally sprung with UAP’s reliable torsion bar, providing confidence of positive closure for the end user, while offering a sleek aesthetic with a unique frameless design. Along with traditional brushes in front of the aperture, the UAP iPlate also features outward-facing, draught-excluding brushes to discourage vandals from placing unwanted items in the cavity.

UAP Posts Two Additions To Its Soterian Letterplate Range

opening Soterian letterplate has rounded and bevelled edges for a high-end, designer look. Compatible with the UAP Soteri an Slim internal letterplate sec tion the inward opening Soteri an letterplate is also designed for use with 44mm and 54mm composite and timber doors and offers quick and easy five-step fitting. The product’s pivoting stay mechanism reduces the internal flap opening for pro tection against key fishing and lock manipulation, and there are no fixings to the exterior of the letterplate, preventing the outer frame from being unscrewed.

64 WINDOW NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2022 UAP has enhanced its Soterian Letterplate range with two new innovations that provide a greater variety of aesthetic and practical choices. Designed for seamless fitting to either the Soterian Standard or Soterian Slim range of let terplates, the new Soterian TS 008 iPlate External Letterplate from UAP has been developed for installation with the UAP Soterian Slim internal letterplate section for use with any 44mm and 54mm composite or tim ber doors. Created for the high end retail market and new build developments, the new iPlate enables specifiers to benefit from the robust security and ease of installation associated with UAP’s Soterian TS008 Letterplates, while offering a choice of aesthetic, says the company.

Julian adds: “When we devel oped the Soterian letterplate sys tem, we envisaged a range of mix and match options that would enable customers to select the right Soterian Letterplate for each door and property. For the inward opening model, we studied Vic torian letterplates and the inward opening systems that have been popular for generations, taking that concept and adapting it to include the security, ease of installation and aesthetic considerations that have made our Soterian range so successful.

Aluminium fabricator Direct Trade (Yorkshire) Ltd has recently added Stellar from Epwin Window Sys tems to its portfolio. Direct Trade decided to partner with Epwin Window Systems to ensure it remained at the forefront of aluminium technology. Mark Powell, sales director at Direct Trade (Yorkshire) explains: “The market has changed and install ers are expecting more innovation from their products to sell into the consumer. Epwin Window Systems has been synonymous with deliv ering cutting-edge PVC-U sys tems and that design innovation is evident in Stellar. Stellar is techni cally ground-breaking and it’s the first aluminium system that fits like (Yorkshire) Ltd Adds Stellar To Support A Changed Market

The new Stellar Slimline Aluminium Bifold Door is 20% slimmer than the original Stellar Bifold. At 117mm wide, the slim meeting stiles create an attractive sightline in the closed position for maxi mum customer appeal.

PVC-U, which will be a great bo nus for our installing customers.”

The new Stellar Slimline Bifold also benefits from tailed glazing gaskets and an under-glass seal which breaks up the cavities behind and under the glass to enhance the thermal performance.

And installation is further improved due to the unique patent-pending adjustable locking stile, so the clearance between the lock and keep can be adjusted to take up cutting tolerances, eliminating the


Direct Trade

Initially fabricating the new Stellar Aluminium Slim Bifold door and Lift & Slide patio door, the Doncaster-based trade supplier is clear on the advantages Stellar will offer its customers. Mark said: “Both Stellar doors offer incredibly slim sightlines which are popular with today’s consumers. Furthermore, because Stellar doors have patent ed pre-gasketed knock-in beads, installation is far quicker saving substantial installation time.”

By design, both the Stellar Slim Bifold door and Lift & Slide patio door meet the new changes to Part L of the Building Regulations with 28mm glazing. Mark said: “The changes to Part L have meant some aluminium systems have needed to introduce various enhancements to comply with regulations. But Stellar was al ready compliant by design and we are delighted to have added the products to our portfolio.”

Established in 1998, Direct Trade (Yorkshire) has an impressive track record of helping window installers succeed in today’s competitive market. Mark said: “We foster a culture of working with our customers and offering the best in product innovation to help them stand out in a compet itive market. Adding Stellar into our portfolio represents a mas sive opportunity for our custom ers and we are already looking at introducing more Stellar products later this”

Profile thickness is 66mm with the aluminium foam-filled profiles pow der coated in the 60-micron thick, fine textured ‘Silka’ finish as stand ard; marine grade power coating is an option. Thermal performance will improve upon Building Reg ulations for double glazed whilst comfortably achieving an ‘A’ rating with triple glazed units. Colour will be anthracite grey or black and with white internally as an option. A wide colour palette is available but with longer lead times.

The Silka Lift ‘n’ Slide door comes with the package: 144mm Alu minium profile thickness, standard or 25mm extension cill, 5-point locking, and high security Siegenia hardware, and heavy-duty rollers good for 300 kgs are the key num bers, with thermal performance matching the Silka window.

Further information

The Stellar Lift & Slide patio door is similarly impressive and de livers incredibly slim sightlines making the most of the glass area. The system’s strength allows sash widths up to three metres wide via a range of inter lock sizes, as slim as 50mm, to achieve the best combination of aesthetics and size capability.

In a somewhat unorthodox prod uct development cycle, Apeer has launched a range of slimline aluminium casement windows under its Silka brand, the name un der which the company originally introduced its top-selling range of GRP-faced residential doors.

Silka Aluminium Windows –Brand New Launch From Apeer

The move comes, says the firm, following demand from homeown ers after being impressed with the surface coating to be found on all Silka residential doors and who asked if it could be matched on a range of windows. Extending the unusual product development pro tocols still further, the name Silka originally referred to the special coating developed by the compa ny to catch the eye of homeowners looking for a residential door that looked good with their new alumin ium windows, but who were unable to find an attractive or reasonably priced solution. Since then, Silka has been devel oped into a significant sub-brand of Apeer, with a wide range of door styles, its own dedicated factory space and now, a complementary range of Silka aluminium case ments and a Lift ‘n’ Slide garden door, to offer a suite of matching windows and doors in the unique Silka finish.

PRODUCT NEWS WINDOW NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2022 67 need for adjustable door jambs.

The Silka window brings a number of design elements in addition to its super smooth yet distinctive Silka finish: at 50 mm, the Silka window is set to offer one of the slimmest sightlines on the market for a double-glazed sash, but the designers believe it is the slimmest to offer triple glazing.

The new Pyrosec Slimlite door, a steel-framed fire rated fire door


Trio Of New Fire Rated Door Sets Launched By Promat UK

“With no margin for error when it comes to the design and installation of passive fire protection products, it is important that spec ifiers and installers have access to the systems they can depend on. That’s why we invest in creat ing fully tested complete systems which ensure risk is minimised at all points in the supply chain –ultimately providing peace of mind for clients and the end-users of buildings.”

Promat timber fire doors, which are tested as a complete assembly to provide assured protection in the event of a fire., claims the company.

architects and specifiers with a complete glazing solution backed by third party test evidence and Promat’s 360-degree ‘Wheel of PyrosecAssurance’.Door provides strong aesthetic appeal with large vision panels. It is available in a single or double leaf configuration, with minimal stainless steel frame members and compatibility with a full complement of over panels and side screens that allow for clear butt joint glazing.

Passive fire protection systems specialist Promat UK has devel oped two new steel framed glazed door systems and a timber door set to provide specifiers with assured fire safety solutions in domestic, public and commercial Allbuildings.threedoor

The new steel frame doors, Py rosec Door and Pyrosec Slimlite, allow fire doors to be integrated into fire resistance screens and partitions with ease – maximising light transmission and vision with out compromising safety. Both are designed to integrate with the Pro mat Systemglas Ferro fire resistant glazing system, which provides

For those applications where a slimmer frame is sought, Pyrosec Slimlite will meet the brief. The glass area is maximised thanks to a super-slim 20mm frame section, 25mm stiles and 90mm rails, mak ing it one of the most slimline fire rated doors available in the UK.

The new fire rated door sets, along with the complete Systemglas range, can be fitted by Promat approved installers, which ensures the company can provide clients with complete traceability of the in stalled product. Key to the ‘golden thread’ approach being adopted by the construction industry more broadly, this means Promat can provide a post-installation certifi cate of conformity because it is in control of the whole supply pro cess, from raw material sourcing, design and manufacture to instal Cathlation.McLean, segment manager

sets are available in EI30 or EI60 specifications, which means they will retain their integrity and provide effective insulation to protect people and assets in the event of a fire for either 30 or 60 minutes, claims the company.

– glass at Promat UK said: “As the annual Fire Door Safety Week once again shines a light on why we can never become complacent about fire safety in new build and refur bishment projects, we are delight ed to be able to be launching these three new door sets at this time.

The third new fire door from Pro mat, a timber door set, offers the same fire resistance as the two Pyrosec options for applications where a traditional timber solution is required. It integrates seamlessly with the Promat Systemglas Ligna glazing system, which is widely used in all kinds of traditional and contemporary interiors.

with e: t: 01453 845717 For your FREE trial go We’ that’s 100% dedicated to the window, door, conservatory and curtain walling industry. So if you need more fabricator, installer or trade counter customers, our data allows you to target prospects directly, helping you win more sales, more effectively. And with the recent legislation changes, we can help you with GDPR compliancy too. your prospects are stronger. @WindowbaseLtd


Gerald commented: “Thermal effi ciency is taking centre stage once again. Our new glazing options means consumers can maximise the comfort of their homes.”

Epwin Window Systems has announced several new updates to its PatioMaster PVC-U sliding door system. Gerald Allen, head of marketing at Epwin Window Systems, said: “PatioMaster is the UK’s most popular PVC-U patio door system, and it just got even better. The latest updates further enhance the system without los ing any of the high-quality features that our customers appreciate.”

Epwin Window Systems Enhances Its PatioMaster PVC-U Sliding Door System

The new updates include rein stating the tried-and-tested Yale 6-hook lock on all doors. Gerald commented: “We’ve listened to

customer feedback and brought back the Yale 6-hook lock. We are also working closely with Yale to develop a new PAS 24:2016 lock ing system based around the Yale 6-hook lock with shoot bolt extensions to create 10-point locking for maximum security. It will be a step-change in door hardware security and we look forward to launching this soon.” Further upgrades include en hanced security. The PatioMaster door now has an improved re inforcing chamber width, which allows for larger reinforcing and means the system is 33% strong er, claims the company. There is also an enhanced thermal performance and a new sash profile that increases the variety of glazing options to 28mm and 36mm (which is triple glazed). And weather seals have been further improved as a result of the in troduction of a new PCE gasket.

There have been aesthetic en hancements too. There is a choice of outerframe options to increase design versatility and a new interlock sightline perfectly aligns with the opposing sash rebate for a more considered aesthetic. There is a new midrail design that not only looks good but is easier

“There have al ways been many reasons why the PatioMaster PVC-U sliding door system is the best-selling patio door system in the UK. With these new product enhancements, the list is now even”

The system benefits from Epwin Window Systems’ colour offer ing, which features 19 stocked foil finishes including on-trend shades such as Sage, Claystone and Pebble Grey,as well as 30 Made to Order options. There are also five complementary base colours, white, tan, brown, cream and grey, to provide a sleek, high end aesthetic even when doors are Geraldopen.concluded:

Aluminium systems company Exlabesa has upgraded its KC75 casement window system with a new look. The product now comes available in two different design options – a stylish contemporary casement aesthetic, or a flush finish designed to mimic the timeless look of a timber Equallywindow.suitedfor new-build and refurbishment projects, the product can be quickly and easily fabricat ed to tight deadlines thanks to its innovative corner cleat. Available in top-hung and sidehung applications, the system features polyamide breaks to maximise its thermal efficiency, and a drainage system that helps it withstand severe weather.

The product can be dry-glazed internally or externally using clip-in Deliveringbeads. air permeability of 600pa, watertightness of 600pa, and wind load of 2,000pa, the product has also been adapted to the tougher standards required by the new Part L of Building Regu lations – it now offers U Values of 1.2, claims the company.

PRODUCT NEWS WINDOW NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2022 71 to fabricate because it involves fewer components.

Proudly made in Britain, the KC75 comes in an unlimited range of colours, matte, shine, textured and


The RouteHassle-FreeToCompliance

Explaining more, Ultraframe Marketing Director, Alex Hew itt, said: “When we set about designing our solutions to the updated Building Regulations in terms of our solid roof U-Values, we had several key aims – that there would be no extra installa tion steps, that the aesthetics of our roofs weren’t affected, and that homeowners were guar anteed to get a compliant roof.

We were conscious that should our solution be something that the fitter had to manually apply on site, that there was a risk of it being forgotten or omitted. As so much care has gone into the aesthetic appeal of our Ultraroof and Livinroof systems, we were also adamant that our solutions must not affect the good looks of the roofs.”

Ultraframe has proudly spoken about the company’s solution to achieve the U-Values required by the new Building Regulations on its solid roofs. Both the Ultraroof and Livinroof solid roofs have been re-engineered to ensure that they meet the new 0.15 W/ (m²K) requirement without any additional installation steps or time on site for fitters.


The clever solution developed by the Ultraframe R&D team for the Ultraroof tiled roof is a new foil membrane that is applied to the Ultrapanel insulation panels dur ing the manufacturing process. On the Livinroof hybrid roof, a new high performance phenolic

PRODUCT NEWS WINDOW NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2022 73 insulation board is now being incorporated into the product. According to Ultraframe, ‘most other suppliers have chosen a solution whereby additional components such as extra layers of PIR (insulation), or timber are attached to the roof by the fitter, increasing the install time of each roof. Some designs demand higher specification plasterboard, and although some manufacturers supply this, other suppliers offer the option for the installer to source the additional components themselves. As the fitting of these extra components adds an additional installation step, and if it is not a part of the roof when delivered, there is a risk that these vital extra compo nents may not be installed’.

‘In some solid roof products these extra layers will also de mand the use of window packers as the roof is raised, incurring extra cost, raising flashing lines and disrupting the aesthetic of the roofline. For those suppliers who have based their solution around higher spec insulated plasterboard, this complicates the installation, as this plaster board is heavy to handle, and installation can be awkward.

As even lower U-Values are demanded from 2025, manu facturers offering extra layers of products or higher spec plaster board as their solution will be left with nowhere to go in terms of a compliant solution, as additional plasterboard would be a ‘final resort’ solution when all other avenues for improving the U-Val ue had been exhausted – these roofs would keep getting thicker and ‘Finally,heavier’.some manufacturers are also now offering various solutions at different U-Values, some of which are not compliant. This makes things confusing for Building Inspectors and install ers in terms of clarifying that the compliant version is being used’. Concluding, Alex said: “We are delighted to have implemented these hassle-free and failsafe solutions which have already been welcomed by our retail cus tomers. Homeowners choosing an Ultraframe solid roof can have absolute certainty that will re ceive a compliant roof that looks just as striking as it did before the changes to Building Regula”


This means installers can buy glass from their local supplier, delivering average savings of 10% or more

pioneered the development of a non-glass-bonded 90° jointed R9 window in 2017, replicating a traditional 90° mechanical joint on both sides of a welded sash.

This effectively eliminates the pre-existing requirement to glassbond the sash, reducing weight and simplifying handling and instal lation by allowing installers to glaze windows in the same way as any other PVC-U system.

“It delivers some big savings on glass, especially given increasing costs and volatility in glass supply.” Residence Collection Astragal Bar kits from HWL are supplied preprepped with an aluminium carrier and glass cleaning wipe.

“We don’t manufacture standard products, which means we’ve focussed on how we can make the supply of our flush window and door ranges, which include Residence and Kömmerling Tim berwelded 90° jointed flush case ments and flush aluminium options from Sheerline, better.

All fitters have to do on-site is wipe down the unit using the supplied glass cleaning wipe, peel back the adhesive tape, and place the carri er and clip in the astragal bar.

“We believe that it’s the little things that make a big difference.”

“We’ve now removed the last barrier to sourcing glass locally for Residence products by creating a new astragal bar fitting kit, which can be used to install the astragal bar on site.

Fit Your Own Astragal Bar And Cut The Cost Of Glass, Says HWL compared to buying glazed frames from their fabricator. Graham Howatson, director at HWL said: “We supply a lot of products with astragal bars. They go hand-in-hand with that heritage finish, so they’re used on R9, R7 and to a slightly lesser degree on “HistoricallyR2. that’s meant we’ve applied the astragal bar here in the factory and so our customers have had to buy units from us.

Having pioneered the development of a non-glass-bonded 90° jointed R9 window on both internal and external faces of the sash, HWL says it is one of only two Residence Collection fabricators in the UK to offer R9, R7 and R2 as a non-glass bonded product.

“It comes back to the fact that we’re a specialist supplier”, Gra ham continued.

Residence Collection specialist HWL is helping installers counter the cost of glass increases even on products with astragal bars, by supplying them unglazed. According to HWL sourcing glass locally rather than buying in glazed frames from your fabricator cuts the cost of IGUs by around 10%.

“You’re basically looking at three steps”, explained Graham, it couldn’t be easier but can make a big contribution to your bottom HWLline.”

As well as delivering immediate benefits to installers by simplifying handling and reducing weight, it also puts HWL in a unique position of being able to supply non-glass bonded residence products with astragal bars in ‘kit form’.



Beingments.permanently sealed within the glass unit, the ScreenView blind is never exposed to dirt or germs, so it stays pristine over its lifespan. And, as an addition al safeguard, the blind’s control mechanism is protected with a Sanitized antimicrobial coating to help with infection control.


panels and other windows that separate a healthcare facility’s communal or public areas from private spaces such as treatment facilities, consultation rooms, operating theatres and patient rooms. Unlike vision panel flaps and externally mounted blinds, Screen View blind requires no cleaning or maintenance, other than routine cleaning of the control knob, and it is protected from the daily knocks and accidents that can easily dam age blinds in busy public environ

Safety is optimised further when ScreenView is coupled with cer tified fire rated glass in insulated glass units. One of the benefits of specifying integral blinds from Morley Glass is having the flexibil ity to choose from different types of glass to meet different perfor mance goals, and that includes enhanced fire resistance through the company’s partnership with ThisPyroguard.means ScreenView blinds can be specified to provide passive fire protection, with assured perfor mance of 30, 60 or 120 minutes, depending on the building require ments. It all adds up to a privacy and shading system that is hygien ic, practical and fully compatible with designs in line with Approved Document B in England & Wales, as well as the equivalent regula tions in Scotland and Northern IanIreland.Short, managing director of Morley Glass said: “ScreenView gives specifiers and facilities man agers a new option for controlling privacy and shading in healthcare environments that allows other important design objectives such as fire safety, hygiene, infection control and aesthetics to be met. We can provide specialist specifi cation and design guidance to help achieve the right solution using ScreenView, as well as the other integral blind solutions in our UniBlinds portfolio.”

As with every product in the UniBlinds range, ScreenView is manu factured by Morley Glass in Leeds using the ScreenLine integral blind systems from Italian pioneer Pellini S.p.A. Morley Glass says the system is also available in the industry’s shortest lead times – just 10-12 days when ordered by 10am on

Integral blind manufacturer Morley Glass has launched a new system designed specifically for hospitals, medical schools and other health and social care facilities.

ScreenView balances the need for patient privacy and observation, allowing for easy switching between the two at different times of the day. Unlike any of the Venetian or pleated blinds available in the current Uni-Blinds range, Screen View has two layers of wide slats arranged in a ladder style, which move up and down to provide an open view for observation or com plete closure. The blind is perfect for door vision

Rhino Aluminium moved over to a comprehensive Window Design er software package in 2021 on a ‘per license’ rental agreement,


“We have dedicated lines to each product – bi-folds, patio sliders, en trance doors and windows – which help manage the business and reduce the margin of error,” Jordan said. “And we expect our software to operate in a similar way. “As we’ve grown over the nine years we’ve been in operation, we’ve wanted to improve our operation so that processes are removed, nothing is circulated on paper, and our stockholding is kept to a “Unfortunately,minimum. our previous software provider was not able to provide the solutions we need.”

PRODUCT NEWS 76 WINDOW NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2022 When Kent-based Rhino Alumini um wanted to expand the business and make the most of new oppor tunities, they turned to First Degree Systems for a software solution that would help to efficiently increase the throughput of orders while minimising stockholding and maximising profit.

Based in Broadstairs, Kent, Rhi no Aluminium was established in 2013 with the aim of providing aluminium windows and doors to the trade but on PVC-U lead times. Twenty-five operatives produce 200 frames per week from an 11,000ft2 facility, and Jordan King, project processing manager, said that efficiency is key to the smooth running of the business.

PRODUCT NEWS WINDOW NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2022 77 that included the Stock Assistant and Production Manager bolt-on “Windowpackages.Designer

In the summer 2022, Rhino Alu minium invested in adding the scan stations on the factory floor, so that all orders are now communicated throughout the site electronically.

“This makes life easier for everyone at Rhino,” Jordan said. “All depart ments have got an overview of the business – the production team, workers on the shop floor, office staff – and Window Designer is giving us the room and confidence to expand.

“Plus, some of our customers are quoting and ordering direct ly through Cloud Retailer, which removes the need for all double entry, and the need for paper or ders. Previously, customers would send in hand-written orders, which would need to be amended, sent back to be checked, and resubmit ted. Now it is managed automat ically and sent direct to the order processing department.”

is a very straightforward programme,” Jor dan said. “It is not an architectural piece of software like our previous system, which means it is a lot easier to use – in fact, anyone can use it. “As you activate the other ele ments, you quickly appreciate how much the whole Window Designer suite can improve your business. For instance, Stock Assistant automatically manages your stock demands, while Production Man ager schedules manufacturing and delivery. Together, they completely maximise the efficiency of your time and space, so you are not wasting money through holding excess stock or having machinery and people sat idle.

“We’ve got some great pieces of machinery, and our staff are hard-working and diligent, but until we moved over to Window Designer, we were limited in what we could do. Today, we have the time and the space to develop our aluminium offering, win new business, and improve our profits.”

“Rhino are a forward-thinking company who are using the tools at their disposal to expand and make the most of opportunities,” he said. “I’m looking forward to a long-lasting relationship where we can continue to help make them more www.firstdegreesystems.comprofitable.”

Greg Beachim, sales manager at First Degree Systems, was pleased that Rhino was seeing the tangible benefits of investing in the right software.

“People come and go and with a lot of other software systems it’s easy to end up paying for users that aren’t still in post, or maybe don’t need access anymore (al though we’d argue that everyone in your business can get value out of Business Pilot!).

The ease with which subscriptions can be managed and changed within Business Pilot compares to other software platforms where admins lose time exporting and up loading CSV files to make changes, claims the company. The update come hot on the heels of the overhaul of its drag-anddrop schedule board. Introduced earlier in the summer it gives installers access to a new re al-time weekly Fitting Value from its Schedule Board. This gives in stallers access to an instant visual reference for cashflow, week-byOtherweek. updates this year include full integration across all digital calendars, for example outlook or Google and the API it launched in May with FENSA, which allows members of the scheme to register their jobs instantly without having to fill out FENSA’s own forms.



The update launched this month allows company admins to go into their account and change the num ber of licences that they’re using, or the status of individuals with a single click 24/7. This automatically triggers an update, within Business Pilot’s own accountancy software, switch ing off repeating invoices and payments automatically, giving retailers complete freedom to shift

only pay for active licenses, as in the ones you are using, rather than ‘zombie users’ who aren’t there.”

Elton Boocock, managing director, Business Pilot, explains: “It sounds like a small update but managing licenses and users can be a real pain for busy businesses.

Business Pilot has issued a new update, allowing users to switch users on and off, automatically from within the system, so its cus tomers only pay for licences that they actually use.

With 24/7

Subscription Management

resourcing with the ebb and flow of their business.

“Either way, we’ve made it easy to switch off licenses so that you

Business Pilot Puts An End To

effectively.” Launched in 2017 and ‘designed by installers for installers’, Busi ness Pilot connects the dots between sales, operations and financial reporting, from the mo ment a lead is registered through to completion and even aftercare.

Plan Your Cashflow With Drag-And-Drop Scheduling

“ now also get is that very easy to understand overview on the schedule board. You can glance across, see Weekly Fitting Totals and adjust schedules so that your cashflow is sustained throughout the month, helping you to manage your business more

Focus and Vector, the firm’s long-established software pack ages for windows, doors, and conservatories will now feature the option to animate a wide range of Asproducts.aresult, installers will be able to more clearly demonstrate to cus tomers how their products work and communicate the benefits.

Project information to financial reporting is there any time, on any device anywhere installers need it and brought to their fingertips in real-time in an easy-to-understand management dashboard.

“The visualisation aspect of Focus and Vector has always been one of the most powerful tools the soft ware has to offer, so we decided to enhance it with animations that show how a huge range of differ ent products open and close.

Business Pilot has launched a major update of its drag-and-drop schedule board, giving installers access to a new real-time weekly Fitting Value from its Schedule ItBoard.means that if an appointment is moved from one week into the next, as well as being instantly up dated in weekly cashflow forecast ing, it also shows on the Schedule Board for that specific week, creating an instant visual reference for cashflow, week-by-week.

The latest round of updates in cludes a new option to view service call details by double-click ing the entry without leaving the Schedule

You can access information on any job any time, or group that infor mation together to see and analyse trends across your business.

“It’s one of the really big wins about Business Pilot”, explains Elton Boocock, Business Pilot’s managing director.

“We’re delighted with the positive feedback we’ve received so far and hope it helps dozens more installers boost their conversions.”

PRODUCT NEWS WINDOW NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2022 79 Industry software experts Win dowlink are enhancing their offer ings with a new animation func tionality.

Focus and Vector help installers make their pitches quicker, easi er and more effective, claims the

He continues: “Every aspect of the system is linked, so you make one change, in this case drag-and-drop an appointment from the schedule board from one week to another, and your cashflow forecasts and weekly Fitting Value is immediately

“We’d been approached by a number of different installers who explained that their homeowner clients often struggle to visualise how more complex products like bi-folds and sliding doors oper ate,” explains Mark Dudley, Win dowlink managing director.

Windowlink Offers New Animation Functionality

Helpingcompany.companies manage the sales process from quote through to contract and delivery, they allow homeowners to customise their ideal product, choosing from a vast array of different styles and config Thisurations.can then be quickly and easily translated into personalised quotes, contracts, and reports –helping build trust, and present installers as highly skilled and professional. With Vector, you can also signifi cantly streamline the conservatory survey process, too. Quotations can be turned into a job file that’s sent directly to a surveyor, who can then make any modifications, then send an order to www.windowlink.comsuppliers.

Serving the trade market, Roseview Windows was established in 1977 and has grown yearon-year. In 1985 it was the first company in the UK to specialise in manufacturing PVC-U vertical sliders. Based in Buckingham shire, the company currently manufactures around 700 windows a week, with plans in place to increase output to 1,000 win dows per week. With the arrival of Yoshi, or its second SBA-4 VS PVC-U Profile Machining Centre, it is well equipped to achieve this.

Like all Roseview’s fabrication machines, the new SBA-4 VS PVC-U Profile Machining Centre has been given a name to make it easy to identify in production meetings. Mike commented: “We name all our machines after Nintendo characters. The first machine we purchased from Haffner is called Bowser. This new one is Yoshi. We also have a Mario, Luigi and Super Mario.”

Vertical slider manufacturer Roseview Windows has taken delivery of a second SBA-4 VS PVC-U Profile Machining Centre from Haffner. Mike Bygrave, sales & market ing director at Roseview Win dows, commented: “Roseview has witnessed a sharp upturn in demand in the past 18 months as a result of the continued popularity of feature-rich sash windows. Our investment in this new machine will give us a big increase in capacity and further support our continued strategy for Thegrowth.”second machine arrives on the shop floor just 12 months after the business took receipt of their first Haffner VS machining centre. Mike commented: “We invested in our first SBA-4 VS machining centre to replace an ageing machine and upgrade ef ficiencies across the shop floor. It made such a huge difference to our fabrication capabilities we had no hesitation in ordering a second machine to support our business growth trajectory and maintain our quality sash win dow output.”

The Roseview team had no hes itation in working with Haffner again either. Mike said: “We have a trusted partnership with Haff ner based on cooperation and support. There was no reason to go anywhere else.”

The SBA-4 VS PVC-U Profile Machining Centre is said to be driven by technical innovation and high-performance accuracy, which makes it ideal for man ufacturing both standard and mechanically jointed vertical sliders. For a company such as Roseview, which is renowned for the quality of its product and the efficiency of its operations, it is the perfect choice.


Roseview Windows Takes Delivery Of Second SBA-4 VS PVC-U Profile Machining Centre From Haffner

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Jade Engineering has worked closely with the manufactur ers of Guardian Warm Roof, to develop a version of its ‘Swiss army knife’ punch tool that dramatically reduces fabrication time for its popular solid roof Thesystem.Guardian Warm Roof en gineers recognised that they needed to provide a more efficient and accurate solution for its fabricators to replace the template and power tool sys tem of drilling the various fixing holes for the main aluminium sections of its solid conserv atory roof replacement. After an earlier company designed a solution that was deemed to be expensive and unworkable, the firm contacted Jade Engineering and threw down the challenge to provide an answer.

Jade Punch Tools Speed Up Fabrication Of Guardian Warm Roof

Tim Douglas, technical manag er for Guardian Building Sys tems, the company behind the Guardian Warm Roof, says that Jade Engineering has produced an ideal solution for its fabri cators: “The Jade multi-tool carries out the punching for all of the profiles in our system, using a single station. This in itself saves a significant outlay, with tool changes carried out quickly and simply. The process significantly improves upon the hand-marking and drilling that our fabricators used previously, improving speed of course, but also accuracy. Errors have been Timeradicated.”alsopraised

Jade Engi neering’s immediate grasp of Guardian Building Systems’ requirements: “Jade’s engineers understand the requirements of roof structure profile fabrication and quickly offered an ideal solution that is now working ex tremely well for our fabricators. The tooling and punch stations are also superbly”

Jade’s response was to engineer a multi-tool head that may be adjusted quickly and simply to switch between the various aluminium profiles used in the Guardian Warm Roof, mounted on a single punch tool pump unit. Thus, a single Jade unit not only replaces the cumbersome hand-prepping, but provides a single, com pact punch station when other systems would require multiple units to complete the prepping requirements of the various pro files within the system. Factory space for the punch process is therefore minimised, offering further economies.




Senior Architectural Systems’ slimline SF52 aluminium curtain wall system has proved to be the perfect fit for a new £22m sports and leisure centre in

façade which creates an inviting and welcoming main entrance. The thermally-enhanced alu minium curtain wall system will also help improve the energy-efficiency of the scheme whilst maximising the use of natural daylight, claims the company.

Architects, the new state of the art Berwick leisure centre features a glazed


Senior worked closely with spe cialist contractor Crown Doors and Shutters Limited and main contractor Tolent Construction Ltd to deliver the landmark leisure scheme which is set to breathe new life into the area by replacing the town’s previ ous leisure centre. To ensure the town’s existing Swan Cen tre could remain operational

Senior has a long history of playing an active role in the leisure sector and has provided aluminium fenestration solu tions for a number of contracts across the UK, including being specified for leisure chain David Lloyd’s flagship club in Bristol.

throughout, the new leisure centre was constructed in two phases with the project team working closely to carefully coordinate each element of the build to limit the disruption to the local community.


Senior’s SF52 aluminium sys tem features attractive slim sightlines and enhanced ther mal performance to help boost energy-efficiency. Available as a mullion drained system which removes the need for visible drainage slots, Senior’s SF52 curtain wall can be specified as capped, silicone sealed or as a combination of the two for even greater design flexibility. Thanks to Senior’s in-house powder coating facility, the SF52 sys tem is available in an almost unlimited range of colours and finishes.

Andas means ‘breathe’ in Swed ish. Both Quickslide and Kolorseal were delighted to be chosen to help Andas Homes live up to its name by breathing new life into a heritage renovation for a luxury homes development in Yorkshire. Quickslide’s sliding sash windows were chosen to complete the res toration of the 19th-century Hare wood Estate farmhouse in Chapel Wold. Situated in the hamlet of Kearby, the site is steeped in his tory, with one of the stone barns dating back to the 1800s. So careful consideration was given to ensure the property’s traditional Yorkshire stone walls and slate

Quickslide And Kolorseal

Breathes New Life Into Heritage Homes With

“Chapel Wold is a luxury, sensitive renovation, which draws out the

Andas Homes

Andas Homes has been working with Quickslide for a number of years for premium, heritage pro jects such as this.

The process of transforming the period farmhouse into a luxury home uncovered charming her itage features including fireplac es, oak beams and a stone floor basement which were all carefully renovated and restored. A new garden room extension made a modern yet sympathetic addition. This, along with a spacious out side seating area and landscaped garden, emphasises the biophilic focus of Andas Homes, where every design aspect contributes to a focus on improving health and well-being and building a connec tion with the surrounding nature.

ON-SITE 86 WINDOW NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2022 roof would be complemented with perfectly proportioned authentic yet highly efficient sash windows to reflect both the heritage and luxury of the new development.

“This luxury development at Chap el Wold is just the latest example of how doors and windows are transforming home design. Glaz ing elements are now so much more than just building products. They add value and personality to the very fabric of home building and are an integral and crucial consideration in the internal and external design of a home.”

Stellar Delivers

ON-SITE WINDOW NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2022 87 character of the existing buildings and breathes new life into their timeless traits,” said designer Hol ly “WeSimpson.lovethe quality and perfor mance of Quickslide’s sliding sash windows, in particular the run through sash horns which make the frame so authentic.”

“Together with Kolorseal we can give home builders high quality, stunningly beautiful products in the exact shades their customers are looking for” said Quickslide’s managing director Ben Weber.

Andas Homes opted for a be spoke colour frame. Quickslide chose colour-coating specialist’s Kolorseal, their regular supplier for colour coating. Kolorseal could easily match to their exact pre ferred shade of Light Grey. The colour option provided the perfect complement to the pinky tones of the Yorkshire stone walls.

Tristan concluded: “Stellar is an exceptional aluminium system that has allowed us to secure several lucrative domestic and light commercial contracts. Its slim flush aesthetics, impressive per formance credentials and ease of installation are a gamechanger in aluminium system design and give our business a competitive edge in an ever-tightening”

On New Beachfront Café Project

Tristan Jones of GD Windows explains: “The former public house closed as a result of the effects of the pandemic and its new owners wanted to remodel the building into a chic, modern beachside café. The brief was to open up the front and rear aspect of the building to allow al fresco dining and make the most of the impressive views across Cardigan Bay. Full height, Stellar aluminium bifold doors in anthracite grey were the perfect choice and with their slim, flush sightlines were able to create the dramatic transformation the café owners required.”

As the Stellar doors are situated in a coastal location, the finish of the doors was important. Tristan said: “Stellar is manufactured with marine grade powder coating as standard and comes with a 25year guarantee against peeling, powdering and blistering, which allowed us to manufacture and fit with confidence. And as the bifold doors are part of the Stellar port folio, every component has been subjected to rigorous testing to ensure the products can withstand the harshest of elements and com ply with all building regulations.” Thanks to the quick-fitting prop erties of Stellar, the project was completed on schedule and the new café was able to open in April to capitalise on the start of the busy tourist season. Tristan said: “Replacing the original front and rear elevations with a floor to ceiling Stellar bifold door has trans formed the premises. This project has proven a great success and is more than living up to the expecta tions of the café owners.”

Stellar aluminium bifold doors have been manufactured and installed on a new beachfront café refur bishment project in Aberporth in Cardigan Bay. The newly-launched Caffi Driftwood underwent a total building transformation into a modern dog-friendly café which is proving popular with tourists, walkers and local residents. The manufacture and installation of the 5-leaf and 3-leaf Stellar bifold doors was awarded to experienced Stellar fabricator, GD Windows.


For Gwyn Davies, director at GD

Stellar aluminium system from Epwin Window Systems, has just been used in a stunning cedar-clad domestic extension in Aberporth, West Wales. The property is situated on a coastal hilltop so the glazing solu tion needed to make the most of the stunning views as well as be able to withstand the harshest of weather conditions. The home owners were also keen to create a high-end finish, so the aesthetics were key.

Windows, there was only once choice: Stellar from Epwin Win dow Systems. He said: “We began manufacturing Stellar aluminium in September 2021 and it has all the high-end credentials this project demanded. The homeowners were delighted with the superb flush aesthetics and performance stand ards of the products.”

The project ran quickly and effi ciently thanks to the experience of the GD Windows team coupled with intelligent design of the Stellar system. Gwyn commented: “You cannot underestimate just how quick and easy Stellar is to fit. Even the homeowners comment ed on how quickly everything was installed. The pre-gasketed knockin beads make fitting very straight forward and leave the neatest finish we have seen on aluminium products. You cannot underplay the importance of this difference –there is nothing else like it on the Stellarmarket.”windows and doors have helped to create a stunning, highend extension that more than lives up to expectations and the homeowners are delighted with the results. The products’ performance is more than delivering too. Gwyn said: “We completed the installation before the storms that hit Wales in February so the prod ucts were tested to the max. The homeowners got in touch to say they were thrilled by the strength and security of the products in the worst of”


GD Windows manufactured and installed six Stellar aluminium windows and one Stellar door with side screens in the extension to the property. This included two 3755 mm wide large-scale Stellar case ment windows on the front eleva tion to capitalise on the outstand ing vistas across the bay. All the windows and doors were flush on the internal and external faces to create the sophisticated high-end aesthetics required on the project.

The homeowners contacted experienced local fabricator and installer GD Windows for advice.

More than 180 m2 of Pilkington Suncool glass was also used at Gig Mill School, replacing glass in the nursery, corridors, and toilets, with careful attention taken in reducing the amount of sun glare experienced by the young nursery

Thepupils.changes to both schools were made as part of replacement work to existing areas. As such, great care was taken to ensure a like for like offering was made to match the aesthetics of a previous window replacement scheme and to avoid clashes with the existing elements. There was also focus on bringing as much light as possible

1.0 TheW/m2K.glassprevents solar heat gain while still allowing for a very high level of light transmittance, with natural light exposure also found to have a significant impact on learn ing, says the company.

The solar control glass was in stalled in Ridge Primary School’s assembly hall, entrance corridor, offices, staff room and ICT suite –totalling 110 m2 of glass.

To meet the assignment, the council commissioned Prestige Windows Ltd to replace 380 m2 of glazing across Ridge Prima ry School and Gig Mill Primary School with Pilkington Suncool 70/35 solar control glass, which keeps buildings a comfortable temperature without compromis ing on natural light. In the warmer months, Pilkington Suncool 70/35 helps to prevent overheating by reflecting the sun’s heat, making it suited to glazing on east, south or west elevations, which are most exposed to the sun in the UK. When winter ar rives, the thermal insulation prop erties of the specialist glass help to keep heat in, with a Ug-value of

Too Cool For School: Pilkington Suncool Keeps Students Comfortable In Two Dudley Schools into the rooms, using the small est suitable frames to divide the panes, while matching the existing Marklayout.Chenery, project manager

Heating and cooling systems are often used to create optimal learn ing conditions. But for two schools in the West Midlands, Dudley Council required a solution that could create a cool and comfort able learning environment without adding to energy bills.

at Dudley Council said: “We are incredibly pleased with the work undertaken. The attention to detail in creating a workable like-for-like replacement of windowpanes across both projects has really been “Goingappreciated.”intotheseworks, our pri mary concerns were solar control and thermal insulation, especially as some of the glazing was in an exposed, south-facing location.”

Research shows that a comforta ble temperature is vital to optimise students’ ability to learn. On aver age, a school year that’s hotter by 1°F (0.56°C) correlates to a loss of 1% of a year’s learning, according to one study, claims the company.

The window replacement work was carried out in areas of the schools that are most at risk of overheating.


“The project has helped bring extra comfort to both Ridge Primary and Gig Mill School, providing a much better learning environment than previously, when the buildings suf fered from overheating in summer and substantial heat loss in the Adrianwinter.”Parker, regional sales man ager for Central UK at Pilkington UK said: “Schools represent 36% of all public sector emissions, with £630 million spent annually on en ergy. So, they increasingly need to find more energy efficient ways for striking the optimal temperature for learning as we edge closer to the net-zero “Pilkingtondeadline.Suncool helps buildings to manage temperature and energy use in some of the world’s most demanding environments, with the specialist glazing used in The Palm Tower in Dubai. Yet it’s equally as effective in Dudley, as public sector organisations solve the puzzle of creating comfortable temperatures while lowering energy use, at a time when heatwaves are becom ing more www.pilkington.comfrequent.”

ploring the capital’s top attractions including the British Museum, Covent Garden and Soho.

A total of Granada Glazing’s 14 Horizontal Sliding units were installed in first-floor bedrooms facing the street to attenuate ex ternal noise without impacting on the visual aesthetics of the guest a white high gloss finish, the slimline aluminium frames support 6.8mm acoustic laminated glass to meet the re quired noise reduction level. When correctly installed, secondary glazing can make buildings up to 80% quieter by reducing noise levels up to 54dB, claims the company. The secondary glazing was in stalled by Granada’s trade partners JRM Property Services Ltd during the hotel’s refurbishment for new owners Leonardo Hotels.


However, its location on a busy junction in Southampton Row necessitated sound-proofing measures to keep out street and traffic noise. Secondary glazing is an excellent choice as it offers a cost-effective and efficient solu tion in reducing external noise by up to 80%, as well as improving thermal insulation by up to 65%, claims the company.

John Ashmore, director at JRM


For NYX Hotel Guests

Secondary glazing manufactured by Granada Secondary Glazing has created a quieter and more comfortable experience for guests at a trendy boutique hotel in in a vibrant area of north London, says the Behindcompany.thebright mural on its street-facing elevation, the NYX Hotel London Holborn offers a selection of 213 rooms and suites providing the perfect base for ex

Derek Sumner, installation manager at The Sekura Group commented: “We work on many projects like this one in Doxford Park. We also have ongoing framework agreements and re sponsive maintenance contracts with local authorities and housing associations across the region. It means we need to work with supply partners we can rely on. When it comes to hardware, Carl F Groupco delivers that reliability, as well as exceptional quality and value for money.”

Carl F Groupco Supports Sekura Group On North East Refurbishment Project

The Doxford Park project in volved work on high-rise proper ties in the Lofthill, Padonhill and Preston Hill areas. It was part of a £210m investment in the North East by housing association Bernicia. It involved the like-forlike replacement of fully reversi ble and fixed pane windows and included the manufacture of 532 Thesashes.hardware selected for the project was the Roto FRH UNI Top Swing Reversible system and the Roto TSL Espagnolette.

Property Services comments: “Secondary glazing was specified as part of the hotel refit due the need to reduce noise issues as it is located on a busy junction. The secondary glazing looks fantastic and is very unobtrusive.”

Social housing specialist The Sekura Group has just completed the manufacture and installation of 133 windows for a refurbish ment project in the Doxford Park area of Sunderland. When it came to the hardware for the pro ject, The Sekura Group worked with its longstanding hardware supply partner, Carl F Groupco.

Robert Cottam, Granada Glazing commercial sales manager adds: “Secondary glazing scores very highly in businesses, such as hotels, where creating a quiet and peaceful environment is essential for guests’ comfort and the overall enjoyment of their stay.”

Suitable for all property types, Gra nada’s slimline aluminium second ary glazing frames can be powder coated in over 200 RAL colours. Virtually invisible, they blend in with any interior décor. The Granada Glazing product range encompass es hinged, sliding, vertical sliders, including tilt back, and lift-out www.gsecg.comoptions.

The robust Roto FRH UNI Top Swing Reversible system has been designed with multi-storey public and commercial buildings and high-rise domestic applica tions in mind. It is ideal for situa tions in which safe control of the opening is necessary.

The Roto TSL Espagnolette has been designed to provide a high level of security for outward opening windows, with specific protection against jemmying. Derek commented: “Carl F Groupco is one of the industry’s major stockists of Roto hardware and these two products com bine the durability, longevity and price point projects of this nature”



By Wojciech Brożyna – MD of Aluprof UK Currently buildings are respon sible for nearly 40% of all global greenhouse gas emissions. Many countries have pledged to be come ‘carbon-neutral’ by 2050 which is a huge task to complete, but one we in the UK are legis lated to achieve. Up to 80% of our 2050 building stock is already built which will require updating in the next few decades, but today we can take a glimpse at what will be the new normal by 2050.

Tompartnership.Cherowbrier, Aluprof’s major projects manager comments: “The bespoke system from Aluprof is finished in three shades of bronze anodising which will offer a sustainable finish and an aesthetic appearance for many decades to come. The


The Forge aspires to be the first commercial building constructed and operated in line with the UKGBC’s net zero definition and energy reduction targets. It com prises two new office buildings and a public courtyard. Located in Sumner Street, The Forge is a Landsec office development located just behind Tate Modern in London and is one of the most innovative construction sites in London, pioneering several new construction methods fit for the decades ahead. Breaking new ground, the project

will be the world’s first large-scale office scheme to be built using a standardised “kit of parts”, in an approach known as ‘platform de sign for manufacture and assem bly’ (P-DfMA), which applies the advances made by the manufac turing industry to construction. With regard to the development of the facade, Aluprof are delighted to have been invited to take an early design role in developing a unitised facade system that meets the P-DfMA specification pioneered by architects and en gineers Bryden Wood. Construc tion is led by Sir Robert McAlpine and Mace, working together in an innovative joint venture (JV)

ON-SITE WINDOW NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2022 93 new system was designed with a standard +/-15mm stack joint for to accommodate the building movement, as well as an impres sive non-standard stack joint for the 7th floor which had to accom modate a +20/-30mm movement. The project also has a range of external feature fins with con cealed fixing to provide the build ing with sight-lines of 120mm and 170mm that project 125mm or 225mm from glazing line.” The unitised curtain wall has been designed in close collaboration with Bryden Wood, which allowed Aluprof to develop a highly-ef ficient façade unit. The full-size mock-up unit has been rigorously tested in Aluprof’s Research and Innovation Centre in Ogrodzona where it passed air leakage, im pact, wind resistance, and water penetration tests. The units were transported in purpose designed, reusable stillages which were then lifted to the floor plates using a combination of large materi al hoists and tower cranes for installation by specialist install ers NACWL. A key feature of the stillage design was to protect the units from any stress and impact during transportation and lift. The new bespoke system has been named as MB-SE120 and has a UW value of <1.3 W(m2K).

Jaimie Johnston MBE, board director and head of Global Sys tems at Bryden Wood, says, “The Forge is a landmark moment for construction. The platforms approach to design for manu facture and assembly we have applied at the Forge is the result of many years’ R&D into how we can modernise construction. The huge gains we are seeing on this project in productivity, efficiency, collaboration, safety and sustain ability demonstrate that P-DfMA will be transformational for the sector – and for the built environ Richardment.”

Neil Pennell, head of design In novation and Property Solutions at Landsec, comments on the impact The Forge is set to have on the industry: “The Forge is setting new industry standards for sustainable construction. The pioneering approach we have taken to design and construct will transform how offices are built in the future. Our experiences will shape the way we approach fu ture projects and help change the industry for the better – we hope this will be the first of many zero carbon buildings to come.”

Sansom, Landsec, project manager for The Forge, appreciates the work being done by the project team: “We want to lead the sector in the adoption of new methods and technologies. However, the real value in innova tion lies in its practical execution. As with anything being done for the first time, there are always going to be challenges along the way but we are in a great posi tion to handle these thanks to the experienced and expert team working with us.”

Energy Improvement Pilot Project


Housing Association Specifies ISO Chemie For

Winframer is a prefabricated installation frame, manufactured to accommodate cavities up to 250mm that allows windows to be supported independently from the face of the wall regard less of any external cladding being in place.

Quick and easy to install, the product’s application at The Crescent, Northallerton has been integrated alongside ISO Chemie’s ISO Bloco One sealing tapes to achieve Passivhaus certified window perimeter sealing performance. The flex ible humidity variable sealing foil ISO-Connect Vario SD and ISO-Top FLlex tape have also been chosen to deliver greater internal air tightness around wall, floor and ceiling joints, sys the company. These products have also been used at a fourth property in Myton on Swale which will receive internal wall Theinsulation.Broadacres project comes as a wider Government strate gy aims to reduce carbon lev els in housing that has single skin, cavity or non-cavity walls – these buildings have a repu tation for losing considerable amounts of energy, heat and Thesound.ISO Chemie products have already contributed to ‘impres sive’ results of 2.52 m3h-1m2 during initial air testing at the pre-plaster stage, delivering improved levels of air tightness and thermal performance across the pilot properties, claims the Eddiecompany.Grant, project manager for Broadacres, said the housing association’s new sustainabili ty strategy outlines a roadmap which will lead to all its homes and operations having net zero carbon emissions within the next 30 years. He said: “With our sustainability programme in mind, we are cur rently retrofitting the four initial properties to help them achieve zero carbon ready standards, which will further inform our longer-term approach. This work is scheduled to complete later this year and the ISO Chemie products have already proven their value in delivering

ISO Chemie’s thermal insulating and load bearing bracket sup port system and sealing tapes have been specified for a new energy improvement initiative being carried out by a northern housing association. The move sees Winframer units being retrofitted at three 1940s – 1960s built houses in Northallerton and Stokesley as part of Yorkshire-based Broa dacre Housing Association’s (BHA) pilot project. This will eventually bring hundreds of poorly insulated properties up to zero carbon ready standards and provide improved housing for BHA customers along with long-term cost savings, claims the company. Passivhaus certified and fire rated to up to 30 minutes,

ISO Chemie’s WIinframer and Bloco One are part of an effective energy improvement pilot scheme being undertaken at Broadacre Housing Association’s properties

The architectural style of Lower Steenberg’s Yard has been informed by both the neighbouring Victorian-era industrial buildings and Scandinavian design ele ments, with the latter inspired by Mr Richard Steenberg, the Danish industrialist who established a number of businesses in the area throughout the 1850s. As a result, clean lines and the extensive use of natural light are key features of the scheme. This has been achieved to great effect using Sen ior’s slimline aluminium fenestration systems which have been fabricat ed and installed by Crown Doors and EachShutters.oftheapartments feature


ISO Chemie’s technical adviser, said: “As new building regulations continue to take effect, property owners and landlords are increasingly requir ing smarter ways to deliver their refurb projects through sustain able technologies. Our tapes can support this activity, provid ing high performance airtight, acoustic and thermal sealing Thesolutions.”company states, the com posite Winframer brackets can bear heavy windows loads, in cluding bi-fold doors, to provide a reliable, strong and high-per formance support frame. In stallation is quick with windows attached directly and secured mechanically using either stand ard fixing screws or fixing lugs in the usual manner.

A multi-purpose foam tape, Iso-Bloco One provides effective and rapid sealing of windows from inside the building during construction, avoiding the need to use time consuming and costly external access systems. This can deliver cost savings of up to 70% when compared to traditional three component

of the wider regen eration of the former industrial area of Ouseburn Valley, Lower Steen berg’s Yard is a four-storey devel opment comprising ground floor commercial office space and 28 residential apartments on the floors above. Benefiting from stunning riverside views of the Ouseburn, a small tributary of the River Tyne, the scheme has been designed by Xsite Architecture and constructed by Esh Construction for developers PfP igloo.

Senior’s low U-value PURe alu minium windows, specified as triple-glazed tilt and turn style units to provide safe and secure venti lation and ease of maintenance.

Senior’s thermally-efficient PURe Slide and PURe Fold patio doors have also been installed to provide access to private terraces which overlook the river. As well as helping to maximise the use of natural light, Senior’s fully Part L compliant PURe aluminium windows and doors will also help improve energy efficiency, reduce fuel costs and contribute to lowering the overall carbon footprint of the building.

The ground floor retail units also benefit from Senior’s PURe case ment aluminium windows, with fur ther daylighting achieved through the use of Senior’s slim profile SF52 aluminium curtain wall sys tem to the main entrances. Senior’s robust SPW501 commercial doors have also been installed to provide safe and secure

Senior HelpsRevolutionise Newcastle’s Former Industrial Area

Senior Architectural Systems has supplied the full fenestration pack age for a new mixed use scheme in Newcastle, providing a combina tion of its high-performance alu minium windows, curtain wall and door Createdsolutions.aspart

A hinged insulation core com bines with the composite wood structural bracket to become an integral part of the overall wall structure, providing compliance with window energy saving regulations (EnEV) and the RAL quality assurance association.

demonstrable energy efficiency Nickimprovements.”Thompson,

Made up of three components: track, roller system and clamping mechanism, installation and use are also easy.

“Things are tougher out there at the moment for a lot of people but while most of us will have noticed the increase at the petrol pumps or on our energy bills, there are still a lot of people who are continuing to invest in their “Newproperties.kitchens, new bathrooms, ensuites, investing in outdoor spaces – they contribute to increased demand for a lot of the home improvement products offered by the glass sector.

Cash-In On Continuing Home Improvement Demand

“You don’t have to be a glass processor to fit them. Products like the MasterTrack BT, FT or our shower system, the MasterTrack ST require no glass processing on “Vetromount®,site. our balustrade system or our Juliet balcony options, are again easy to fit and don’t require specialist skills of glass processing on site.


Davefixings.Broxton, managing director of Bohle said the legacy of COV ID lockdowns, and the increased amount of time people had spent in their homes, meant that despite inflationary pressures, the home improvement market con tinued to perform strongly.

Dave continued: “The products that we’ve targeted at the home improvement sector have been designed to meet demand and to deliver end-user appeal but also to keep stock holding to a mini mum as well as be easy to install.

Bohle has launched its new Home Improvement brochure which pulls a range of easy-tofit home improvement products under one roof.

There are further options of a synchronous opening, so that two doors can open at the same time, and telescopic opening, which allows two or three leaves to retract simultaneously.

“The new home improvements brochure brings those products together in one place, so whatev er the project, the detail is there at your fingertips.”

Aimed at the domestic fit-out market, it includes the glass consumables and hardware specialist’s MasterTrack internal sliding door and shower systems; Vetromount Balustrade System; Juliet balcony options; plus, a wide range of hinges and shower

“In a market that is continuing to perform strongly, they gener ate opportunities for glass pro cessors, but also window and door retailers who are looking to www.bohle.comdiversify.”

This includes MasterTrack BT which was launched by Bohle as a second addition to its Master Track sliding door range along side the MasterTrack FT, this Itspring.uses a sophisticated sliding mechanism that comes with the option of a hydraulically operated dampening system.

turers and suppliers to success fully promote their products and market their brand to the ideal customers. We look forward to supporting Tim and the FrameX team with their business growth plans.”

Endurance Launch New Trade Website have we built a next generation digital platform for the trade, but we’ve added great functionality, useful content and a unique tick eting system for customer queries under the AMICUS CRM system’. He added: ‘This will mean that each customer query will be responded to in the most efficient and timely manner by one of our dedicated customer service executives. As it’s a software-led platform, we can streamline que ries, respond to them quicker and ultimately give our Installer Part ners a far better customer experi ence with first class communica tion channels.’ This is another investment from Endurance Doors as they look to become a perfect composite door partner and with several new product innovations in the pipe line, there’s never been a better time in which to be an Installer Partner. As managing director, Stephen Nadin points out: ‘As an owner-managed and independ ent business, we’re free to make executive decisions quickly, and the trade website has been a carefully thought-out project with the customer in mind. We’re not just investing for the short-term within the business, but we have firm objectives for the long-term with our strategic vision to be the ultimate door’

FrameX has signed-up to Sal estracker, the online prospect database from Insight Data. Following a period of pur chasing one-off data lists from Insight, the manufacturer of aluminium glazing products has now agreed to take full advan tage of the company’s prospect data and market intelligence.

Each database is accessed through the specialist Insight Data CRM platform, Salestrack er, and the data can be split by category, region or postcode so customers can create bespoke contact lists, email marketing campaigns, direct mail cam paigns and lists for in-house sales

FrameX InsightAppointsData

FrameX will be utilising Insight Data’s industry databases which include business information, contact details of key deci sion-makers as well as credit ratings, helping companies to pinpoint high-quality prospects and generate more leads.

(L-R) Libby Bunker of Insight Data with Tim Mooney, MD of FrameX Endurance Doors have launched a new trade website within their overall web platform, to provide support to their nationwide net work of Installer Partners. Within the new trade website are marketing, customer and techni cal hubs, packed with content and downloads, including the latest photography and video assets. There’s also the facility to study educational topics and book online training courses on various topics, from sales to installation. This is all part of the forthcoming Endurance Training Academy and there’s already training courses scheduled for the powerful new Touch Portal. But there’s much more than just trade specific information on the website as Scott Foster, head of group sales and marketing for Endurance Doors said: ‘Not only


The FrameX team will use In sight’s Salestracker platform to access a host of key databases, providing live and up-to-date information on local builders, ar chitects and specifiers, builders merchants as well as window, door and conservatory compa nies operating within the UK. Libby Bunker, customer sup port executive at Insight Data, said: “It’s incredible news that FrameX has chosen us as their data partner. “Our sales and marketing plat form Salestracker, along with our renowned prospect data bases, have helped systems houses, fabricators, manufac

Everything You Need Start Selling hup!

The hup! retail brochure explains to a homeowner how hup! is the better way to build by detailing its core USP’s using jargon-free terminology, clear diagrams, and beautiful imagery of hup! exten sions, conservatories, and trans formations, says the company.


vide this extensive package of sales tools to those who are now trained and ready to sell hup!.”


Ultraframe has announced the launch of a brand-new pack age of hardworking sales tools, designed to help retail installa tion companies sell the new hup! building system. The package includes a hup! retail brochure, sales presentation, explanatory video, and inclusion of all three on the Ultraframe sales app. Explaining further about the support available to hup! users, Ultraframe marketing director, Alex Hewitt, said: “The response we’ve had to hup! since we launched it at the FIT Show has been phenomenal. We have already hosted a series of open days and training days – all of which have been oversubscribed – and we’re delighted to pro

The sales presentation is ideal for use in sales appointments ei ther at home, or in a showroom, and explores the reasons why a homeowner may want to ex tend, the concerns they typically have, and then presents hup! as the ideal solution. Meanwhile the hup! video demonstrates a build step by step and shows the many different options that can be created on the same foot print – offering the perfect mix of information and inspiration. All three sales tools are available on the Ultraframe Sales App for ultimate ease of use. For those wanting to find out more about the revolutionary hup! building system, Ultraframe has now announced the next dates for its popular hup! open days at its Clitheroe HQ which will take place on 6th and 20th September, and 4th and 11th October. To register for any of the open days which offer a fantastic opportunity to get hands-on with hup! and learn about everything from surveying and specifying, right through to installation, visit: https://bit. ly/3SCtqE1. Concluding, Alex said: “We would urge anyone interested in learning more about hup! to book their place quickly on the upcoming training and open days as spaces have filled up fast on previous dates. For those who are now ready to sell hup!, remember that our sales pack age is a real hardworking asset and one that we will be enhanc ing with further items over the coming months.”

Carl F Groupco Launches My CFG Online Customer Platform

“Throughcan. the new website, we hope our customers will see the benefit of coming to AT Precision, and in turn, we promise to contin ue to deliver the high-quality prod ucts and great customer service that they’ve become used to.”


Following a hugely successful past 12 months, bi-fold hardware sup plier AT Precision has launched a new website, enabling its fabricator customers to have full access to information about the products and services the company has to offer. Through the new website, cus tomers now have easy access to information about the company’s Everglide range of bi-fold hard ware, its Everseal range of gas kets, as well as its range of plastic

The easy-to-navigate platform works across desktop and mobile devices and features several key functions.

New Website

ancillaries, security hardware, and a brand new range of aluminium profile. Sales director Michael Hewitt com ments: “Since opening our doors in 2020, we’ve gone from strength to strength, building up our prod uct portfolio, and supplying our customers with quality hardware at a very affordable price.

“From our point of view, the website and the analytic tools behind it will be invaluable in helping us keep in touch with existing cus tomers, as well as identify new customers, how they found us and what they’re looking for – and using this information to adapt the business to serve them as best we

“With such a wide product offering matched with cost-saving servic es, we thought it was high time we update our website to reflect the success we’ve had over the past two and a half years, and to pres ent all we do for our customers in a clear and precise way.

The first is an easy-to-use order function, so customers can place orders online whenever they need.

“We’ve now recently added a new range of aluminium profile Launches to our offering, meaning we can now supply our customers with everything they need to manufac ture a bi-fold door, bar the actual glass.

The second is a quote request option, so customers can request prices on products. John com mented: “Because My CFG is available on mobiles and tablets, customers can place hardware orders or request prices while they’re out on site. This function ality will help them move jobs through their systems faster.”

John Crittenden, managing director of Carl F Groupco, said: “We’re delighted to be launching My CFG. It makes our customers’ lives easier because it gives them online access for all their hardware ordering needs.”

Independently-owned hardware distributor Carl F Groupco has just launched My CFG, an online platform that gives the company’s customers another value-added benefit, claims the company.

AT Precision

There are also dedicated sec tions where customers can view their account, pay invoices and change their details. John com mented: “We know these sections will bring huge benefits to our customers because they often undertake their admin and finance tasks at different times of the day and even weekends. By giving them 24/7 access for all account functions, we can help them to be more productive and more effi”

Hewitson knew Leads 2 Trade’s pedigree having dealt with them for over 10 years and was keen to work with them again with his new business.

“We comfortably sit around 90% of the enquires, which is higher than any other lead provider that we deal with, and we close around 40%-50% of sales as the lead quality is very good.

The result for Foxtons Frames, which specialises in the conserv atories, Orangeries, single storey extensions and replacement warm roof systems, as well as replace ment windows and doors, has been a fantastic two-year partner“Leadsship.


“Leads 2 Trade has helped our business grow,” added Nick, “and without them I am sure that we would not have got off the ground during what was a very tough time for many during the Pandemic. We see them as an important part of our business going forward and hope to work into the future with Leads 2 Trade by our side.”

Andy Royle

“As a business we also need a consistent number of leads sup plied and with L2T we can set quantities of leads on a weekly basis, so we are never supplied with enquires that potentially could

The lead is sold to just one other company, giving the installer a 50% chance of winning the work, and if the installer doesn’t get to sit and pitch then it doesn’t cost them Nickanything.said: “I think the no pitch, no fee service shows how confident Leads 2 Trade are on the quality of the leads they supply, and it really helps us save money and time.

One service that is working es pecially well for the company is Leads 2 Trade’s guaranteed appointment, no pitch no fee, service. The lead is provided with a fixed appointment against set cri teria and the available dates in an installer’s diary – so all they have to do is turn up and close the deal.

2 Trade are by far our biggest lead supplier and offer the best value and service. The on line portal is helpful, and staff are always willing to advise and help,” said Nick.

Kent-based installer Foxtons Frames Limited has hit a sales tar get of more than £1.2m thanks to sales leads from Leads 2 Trade –and lead quality, value and service are the reason they have been so successful says the company’s NickMD.

“While I have had offers from many potential lead suppliers over the years, Leads 2 Trade immediately give you confidence that you are working with a good, honest and exciting business,” said Nick. “Since my very first meeting with them they have done exactly what they promised, and I have consist ently had leads on a weekly basis of which I have created sales in the order of several millions of pounds in turnover.”

With genuine enquiries in post codes in the areas Foxtons Frames covers, from South London down into the entire Kent region, Leads 2 Trade has been a great support.

Leads 2 Trade Value And Service Key For Foxtons Frames go to waste.”

Andy Royle, co-founder, and Managing Director of Leads 2 Trade said: “We have worked with Nick a long time and are delighted that Foxtons Frames is seeing huge benefits from our booked appoint ment, no pitch no fee, leads. They are perfect for installers to up their conversion rates and get a better cost per”

Quickslide’s factory, offices and showroom are located just two miles from the club’s St Giles Road stadium. Many Quickslide employ ees and local customers are regulars at Brighouse Town’s games and several employees have also played for the club.

Quickslide is sponsoring Brighouse Town FC for another season. The Northern Premier League side’s motto is ‘One town, one team’ and, as official partners and kit sponsors for the club’s men’s and women’s teams, that’s a sen timent Quickslide can fully get on board “Strengtheningwith. links with our local community is important to us as a business,” said Quickslide’s man aging director Ben Weber.

He continued: ‘There’s a free listing on our website which has been designed with SEO in mind, thanks to our digital partners ICAAL, along with a wide range of assets from our marketing hub including bro chures, social media collateral, imagery and POS materials. Yet it’s the work we’ve done on a local basis to drive leads that has really helped us standout and importantly, has provided our Installer Partners with con sistent, pre-qualified leads at no cost to’

others, but the Installer Partner programme from Endurance Doors, we believe is a standout package and we’ve taken inspi ration from outside our industry to help achieve this.

Quickslide Scores Again

Over the last 3 years Endur ance Doors have continued to invest in their Installer Partner programme, which includes an enhanced showroom sup port package, digital marketing assets, SEO optimised website listing and a local lead gen eration platform among other scheme benefits. It’s very much a proven pro gramme that helps Installer Partners excel in their respec tive local markets as Scott Foster, head of group sales and marketing for Endurance Doors outlines. He said: ‘There are many installer schemes in the industry with some better than Endurance Doors Continued To Invest In Their Installer Partner Programme

“We’re aware club supporters include our future employees as well as plenty of our current ones, so sponsorship is good for morale and even our future business plans,” said “Long-standingBen.employees are crucial in the recipe of business excellence and we’re committed to the people who make Quickslide the success it”


“We proudly still hold the title of best business in Calderdale, which we were awarded for our contribution to the community and investment in people, as well as our overall business performance. It’s important for us to support the community and be in conversation with our neighbours.”

“We’re one of the largest employ ers in the area but our business is mainly selling to trade customers nationwide, so it’s really important to us to have a good relationship with the local people in a direct way like this and bring tangible, positive benefits to the town.

There are also retail swatch books for consumers to browse through the colour options available along with retail mood boards to help guide the process of visualising the right colour palette for their home.

To help with social media marketing, a selection of social renders has been designed for both trade and retail markets. There is also a bank of videography and gif files to further promote the colour offering across all digital platforms plus a series of trade e-shot templates

Customerstoo. can download or order copies of any of the materials via Epwin Window Systems’ Connect digital portal. Gerald said: “The extent of the colour collateral covers all market ing touch-points so our customers have access to a professional, joined up approach. All items can

be personalised with the custom ers’ own branding to help connect with their audience on a more personal Underpinninglevel.”all the materials is a powerful colour proposition.

Epwin Window Systems’ colour offering features 19 stocked foil finishes which include on-trend colour choices including Sage, Claystone and Pebble Grey. They also offer 30 made to order options that reflect modern trends in colour selection, including an expanded selection of contemporary greys and heritage colours in addition to new metallic finishes.

Epwin Window Systems Launches Promotional Package For Colour

Epwin Window Systems has devel oped a suite of marketing materials to help fabricators and installers make the most of their new colour offer. Gerald Allen, head of marketing at Epwin Window Systems, said: “Colour offers incredible opportunities for fabricators and installers. With Epwin Window Systems they have everything they need to se cure higher value sales and tap into consumer demand for high end Theproducts.”marketing materials include an extensive range of marketing col lateral purposely designed for trade and retail markets. For retail, assets include a dedicated consum er-focused colour brochure that is packed with high quality lifestyle imagery along with a retail video illustrating the benefits of coloured products. Retail point of sale ma terial includes showroom graphics, posters and pop-up displays to help draw consumer interest as well as leaflets they can take away.

All colours in the range benefit from Epwin Window Systems’ continued investment in state-ofthe-art colour technology, including two Luna R lamination machines, which offer the best in lamination Geraldtechnology.concluded: “Epwin Window Systems has everything fabricators and installers need to promote col our, from the exceptional product range to the powerful marketing materials. For anyone seeking to make the most of what the next generation of coloured windows and doors has to offer, look no fur ther than Epwin Window Systems.”



Ben Aspinall, DoorCo’s head of Technology & marketing ex plains more about the updates: “The Original brochure details the entire range of our foam-core composite door option, from Traditional, Contemporary and Designer collections to the expan sive range of Glazing and Paint options available to finish. As with any door collection, the options are always evolving but there are some exciting new additions in this edition of the brochure follow ing the all-round positive feedback we received on some prototype products showcased at FIT Show 2022.

“The Designer collection, which includes the iconic Monza II and unrivalled Links doors, has evolved the most. The Inox Nice and Inox Monaco designs are now available on the Monza II door, and we have added the Black Inox cassette to specific designs (in both the Designer and Contem porary collections), giving them a modernistic edge. The Links door designs have been enhanced too, with new options of Flip Flat Stipple. There is a new Metallic finish available across all Flip Flat Stipple cassette sizes, and the new Twintone option, which offers a striking contrast Anthracite Grey cassette to use on against the wide range of grey door colours, is available across the collection too.

New BrochureORiGINALNowAvailable

DoorCo’s Edition 2 of the Original composite door brochure is now available in print and online. The latest edition includes new prod uct innovations and updates to the Glazing collection, with new glass and cassette designs availa ble across the range, like the new Metallic and Twintone cassettes.

“There are also some different up dated styles available in the Tradi tional collection, thanks to the re designed Turnberry and Turnberry Grid Flip Standard cassettes. A Square option on the Standard Flip profile, that works particularly well on the Belfry Farmhouse door design, has also been added by popular

“Followingdemand.theupdates to Ap proved Document L, we have been working with our glass suppliers to ensure that every permutation of glass design in our Glazing collection meets the new standards. This also gave us the chance to update the collection to keep it relevant and add new designs like the new Metallic de sign (as seen at FIT) for key door styles, other handpicked styles, and the previously exclusive Grip core range, which includes pop ular designs like Tectronic. This change has resulted in a consoli dated Decorative Glazing collec tion, available on all our doors, which we intend to keep evolving with cutting-edge glass designs.

“The new brochure is available on line via or for customers to order and down load from our online Asset Portal.”

ture of retail might have in store, some of his golden rules for customer service, and actionable insights to help companies stand out and succeed at a higher level. It is definitely not one to Themiss!”annual one-day conference is taking place at Edgbaston Stadium, Birmingham, and is expected to again attract more than 400 industry leaders and business owners from across the glass and glazing sector.

A host of expert and keynote speakers will discuss the major issues facing the industry and share ideas and solutions. Tickets are selling fast so don’t miss out on booking your place and taking advantage of a day of informative discussions, debates and


One of the UK’s most dynam ic business leaders will speak at the Glazing Summit on 18th WithOctober.eight years as director of customer experience at John Lewis and Waitrose, and 10 years as the business partner of TV celebrity Mary Portas –dubbed the ‘queen of retail’ – Peter Cross is an expert on consumer behaviour, retail and customer experience. Peter will share insights on the future of shopping, and how the home improvement industry can become irresistible to its target Andrewcustomers.Scott, founder of the Glazing Summit commented: “Peter is known for his charis matic, inspiring and straight-talking style. Having worked with some of the world’s most iconic brands, he is looking forward to sharing his trusted techniques with the glazing industry. “With economic uncertainties, and consumer confidence at an all-time low, I’m sure he will leave Glazing Summit delegates with a clear sense of what the fu

Former John Lewis Director To Speak At Glazing Summit

Frame Fast UK celebrated its 25th year, with the award win ning manufacturer partying long into the night with its team, cus tomers, suppliers and friends. “Around this time last year, I was thinking what we could do to celebrate our 25th an niversary,” says Nigel Leivers, Frame Fast’s managing direc tor. “That’s when my daughter Megan came into my office and said we should have a big party. What’s more, she had a name ready and Frame Fest was Frameborn!” Fest was a huge success with more than 300 guests gath ering at Bustler Market in Derby to enjoy the festivities. With a DJ, arcade games, stilt walkers, superb food from Greedy Pig caterers and live music from The Four Muppeteers, a fantas tic night was had by all.

Paul Brighouse and Nigel Leivers

“It was definitely a night to re member. There was a real festival atmosphere to the whole evening, and it was a great way to thank everyone who has contributed to the success that Frame Fast has enjoyed over the last 25 years, including our dedicated team, suppliers and, of course, our cus

Nigel continues: “Megan wasn’t the only one behind the success of Frame Fest. Customer care manager, Kathy Brighouse and sales manager, Greg Brighouse also played a big part in the organisation.

For more info or to sponsor, call Sarah on 07540 049655 or

It’s Go, Go, Go At AmericaGlassBuild

GlassBuild America will include a British Pavilion with four UK com panies united under one banner. Georgian Bar Company, UAP Limited, Ciilock and EDM Limited make up the British quartet.

“It’s likely to be a busy stand,” says Sarah Ball, organiser of People in Glazing Society and Joint MD at Balls2 Marketing. “We have wanted to do something within the halls as we have close ties with the management at GlassBuild Amer ica , but the pandemic had scup pered the last 2 years. It makes it even sweeter to know that we have managed to get a space on the floorplan this year.”


“Fortomers.any business to be successful for 25 years is a major achieve ment, but for one to continue going from strength to strength is testament to our understanding of the market, and customer service. It was very special to be able to welcome so many guests to Frame Fest and celebrate not just the past 25 years, but toasting a great future as well.”

Frame Fest Celebrates 25 Years

The British Pavilion will also be hosting an afternoon soiree, spon sored by Quickslide, just before PIGS on 19 October. “Sarah had decided after two previous successful PiGs events at Glassbuild Atlanta and Vegas that this one should be the best one yet. With what’s planned and the British Pavilion at the show I’m sure it won’t disappoint and both will provide an excellent opportu nity for British companies looking at the vast opportunities the US market has to offer.”


Further management courses are planned for later this year and into 2023 as part of the compa ny’s overall strategy to develop its talent. Clare concluded: ”Our strategy for continuously improving our offer has always been to invest across the business and nowhere is this more important than in our employees. By developing the next generation of leaders, we are fostering an effective culture that helps us deliver on our commit ment to our”

Leadership Success For Epwin Window Systems’ Employees

Epwin Window Systems’ commit ment to investing in its workforce has been further demonstrated with twenty of its employees suc cessfully completing the Managing Team Dynamics programme, as part of the company’s compre hensive Management Training and Development strategy. The programme ran over several dedicated sessions and was deliv ered to a number of team leaders, supervisors and managers across the Telford-based business. The Management Training pro gramme was delivered by expe rienced leadership trainer David Scarfe from Quantum Leap Ex ecutive Development. The expert training provider specialises in Ex ecutive Coaching, Executive Men toring, Leadership Development and Strategic Consultancy with a clear focus on creating future lead ers and in doing so, helping them create their own high-performance Commentingteams. on the success of the training programme, Clare Bailey, managing director at Epwin Win dow Systems said: “Our manage ment training programme is not only designed to be stimulating and thought-proving but practical and effective too. The skills learnt are completely useable across the work environment and help further develop the necessary skills of our management and leadership Theteams.”Managing Team Dynamics programme covered a series of topics including culture and re sponsibility, behaviour and com munication, team creation and coaching and mentoring.


said: “The high-impact motivation al learning sessions are composed of a combination of purpose and goals to help develop the qualities of the employee and equip them with the skills needed to lead and manage a team successfully.” Clare continues: “As a responsi ble business, we take the training and development of all our staff very seriously. By investing in their future, it means we are playing our part in helping to develop a new generation of talent that showcases the value our business has to offer people wanting to build longterm, sustainable careers.”

Mark Handley, Building Our Skills’ partnerships manager, says: “I’m delighted that GQA’s technical team has agreed to support the Inspiring the Fu ture campaign by volunteering. We’re now well on the way to achieving our primary objective of securing 50 industry volun teers. I’ve been very pleased with the response, but I urge the fenestration industry to acknowledge the need to get more involved with schools and colleges. Working with Inspiring the Future is a great approach to attracting new talent to the industry, and teaching young sters about the sheer breadth of roles it has on offer. I think anyone volunteering would find it all very rewarding.” Those interested in volunteer ing can do so by clicking here

GQA Building Our Skills volunteers


has been designed to connect young people with the world of work through volunteers. It is seen by Building Our Skills as key in helping to acquaint school age children and their teachers with the industry, and to communicate to them the broad range of job roles and career paths it offers. The campaign connects vol unteers to state primary and secondary schools via its free match-making platform. Volun teers are asked to give just one hour a year to the programme, although they can choose to do more if they wish in order to help inspire children. The first step is to register on the web site of Building Our Skills and


for in-person school visits are based around volun teers being local to the school in question. Virtual visits can also be delivered from any where in the UK. Volunteers are supported by the Inspiring the Future team and are given access to training videos as well as training webinars and forums should they wish.

Building Our Skills – Making Fenestration, Glass and Glazing a Career of Choice has received a further boost to its campaign to take the industry to the ed ucation sector as the starting point for creating a workforce for tomorrow. Four members of the technical team from GQA Qualifications have enrolled to be a part of the ‘Inspiring the Future’ programme that Building Our Skills is promoting along side the Education and Employ ers Charity. Setting a great example to employers in the industry, the team from the awarding and qualifications-writing organisa tion has signed up to support the campaign by volunteering to visit schools to help inform youngsters about the possibili ties for their future careers, and what they could achieve if they join the Fenestration, Glass and Glazing Inspiringindustry.TheFuture

GQA Technical Team,

The Latest To Volunteer To Take The Industry To The Education Sector

Building Our Skills has high lighted the Education Sector as the single most important area for the industry to focus on to raise awareness of the oppor tunities it offers and to inspire future generations to look to Fenestration, Glass and Glazing as a career of choice.

complete a very simple appli cation form. Teachers who have signed their schools up to the programme can see details of the volunteer, where they are based and the industry they are in, and then invite them to talk to their school about the job they do and the industry they do it

“Our overall goal is to reach a total of 52,000 miles which is the distance it would take to go around the world twice – synonymous to the Mental Wellbeing ideology “ask twice”. We want to break the stigma and raise as much aware ness for Mental Health as possible, because is “OK not to be OK”. My aim is to raise £10,000 from this ride so any amount you are able to donate in support of the challenge will be hugely appreciated.

Dan Sullivan comments: “We Mind & Kelly Matters is a charity close to my heart. In the early days of Door Co, I used to speak to Kelly Hewitt almost on a daily basis when she worked for The Glazerite Group. When we heard Kelly had chosen to take her own life following her struggles with Mental Health, both Jayne and I were devasted, and when John Hewitt, Kelly’s father, announced he was setting up a charity in her name to help break the stigma around mental health and prevent suicide, we swore we would do all we could to support.

“We Mind & Kelly Matters became DoorCo’s nominated charity. We launched a Pink Door Range in 2020 that donates a proportion of the slab sales to the charity and have supported and sponsored other events, like their gala dinner last year, as well as internal fund raising with the DoorCo team. So when the cycling challenge was announced, it was something I wanted to get involved with. Sport ing events aren’t really my thing, but I do love a challenge, and this certainly posed a big one!

Dan Sullivan, MD of DoorCo has signed up to cycle the USA route of the We Mind & Kelly Matters challenge, The Loneliest Road tour, starting on 24th September.

“Donations can be made via’sMindForFacebook,–LinkedIn,Twitter&Instagram.”moreinformationaboutWe&KellyMattersandtheHeroesTheLoneliestRoad2002,visit:moreinformationonDoorCo01625428955orvisit:

Dan Sullivan Faces The Loneliest Road In Aid Of We Mind & Kelly Matters


“The ride is split into two parts. The first leg, which starts on the 10th September (World Suicide Preven tion day) will see 12 Kelly’s Heroes cyclists travel approximately 1,900 miles and over 91,500ft climbing from Spain, through France and Germany cycling to reach Senden horst in Germany in 10 days. I am taking part in the second USA leg, which starts on the 24th Septem ber. I will be part of a team of 12

Kelly’s Heroes cycling 3,343 miles and climbing 145,427ft in total over a 17 day period, starting in New ark (in the US) and finishing on the Golden Gate Bridge in San Fran cisco on the 10th October – World Mental Health Day.

As part of its Secure Communi ties Scheme, security specialist, Burg-Wächter UK, has pledged to support the Rainy Day Trust – the only charity specifically supporting the home improvement industry – to supply security equipment to independent trades people who fall victim to tool theft in its joint campaign with Toolstation. Bryan Clover, chief executive of the Rainy Day Trust said: “Tool theft is becoming more prevalent and that is a factor of the way the economy is going. In fact, in 2020 alone, almost 11,300 tool thefts from vehicles were reported. If your power tools are gone and you’re a roofer for example, you can’t go to work the next day – it’s as simple as Bryanthat.”continued,

“However, if the worst does happen, the Rainy Day Trust is here to help. Once verified as a genuine claim, replacement tools are organised as quickly as possible to help minimise the dis ruption a theft can cause. “Our partnership with Toolstation was offered additional support by Burg-Wächter UK, who were happy to help by providing a package of security products ideal for protecting van doors as well as bolts and chains to secure both vehicles and tools. Although good insurance will help mitigate the loss in the first instance, fitting good strong high-quality security devic es will help to protect against and deter future”


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