Window seat issue no5 fall 2014

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The Official Newsletter of Emilio T. González Aviation Director, Miami-Dade Aviation Department

Issue No. 5


Fall 2014



Computer Services Manager In past issues, we’ve proudly shone the Employee Spotlight on some of MIA’s frontline customer service superstars. This time around, we’re highlighting a behind-thescenes MDAD employee who truly shines and has an outsized impact on all things MIA: Computer Services Manager Sandy Mesa. Sandy has been a member of the MDAD team for a total of four years and a County employee for 27 years. With a degree in Computer Science and a passion for customer service and problem solving, she is a perfect fit for her role here at MDAD. What exactly does that entail? Simply put, Sandy is responsible for computer and desktop support and deployment (all things desktop), network security, e-mail, and mobile device support. If you’re reading this on your desktop or mobile right now, it’s because of Sandy and her team. Most recently, Sandy has been spearheading the technical development of MIA’s mobile app, which is detailed later in this issue. As our mobile app tech guru, Sandy is a bit like a ringmaster: ensuring that creative/content developers are on task; working closely with the programmers at Phunware to keep the coding moving; and leading MDAD’s in-house (continued on page 2)



t’s hard to believe, but in just a few short months 2014 will be behind us and another year will begin at MDAD, filled with new challenges and new opportunities for growth. We have plenty to look forward to, but I don’t want to get ahead of myself: 2014 isn’t finished yet, and there’s lots to do between now and the end of this already eventful year. Major projects to check off on our collective 2014 to-do list include the totally reengineered and redesigned Central Boulevard, which is now well on its way to completion. We’ll be celebrating MIA’s grand new entryway in the coming months with our partners from the Miami-Dade Expressway Authority. Miami Central Station is slated to open by year’s end as well, offering even more options for employees and travelers to connect to our airport. And on the topic of connecting, MIA’s airline partners will be launching new service to Cap-Haitien, Haiti; Munich, Germany; Campinas, Brazil; and Helsinki, Finland

before year’s end, connecting our community to even more points on the globe. Along with these new transportation links, MDAD is about to take a quantum leap forward with new digital platforms that will make MIA fully accessible to mobile users wherever they are. I’ve got more to say on that exciting development in this installment of the Window Seat, plus a review of the many positive events that have happened across our system of airports since I last wrote. On a closing note, thanks for your continued efforts and for your full commitment to MDAD. Nothing featured in this newsletter – and I mean nothing – would happen without your hard work. Sincerely,

© 2014 Miami-Dade Aviation Department / Miami international Airport. All rights reserved

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