Volume 34 No. 14 • October 2016
Inform. Impact. Inspire. Independent. Indigenous. Defenders protecting water are not criminals, says youth facing jail time Page 4
Grassy Narrows Young people are scared: They know they’re sick Page 7
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Big talking Trudeau does ‘exactly the opposite’ of public platitudes, chief Page 2
Alb Swee erta tgras s Insid e ! Pag
Photo: Barb Nahwegahbow
Windspeaker • Established 1983
ISSN 0834 - 177X •
Aboriginal Multi-Media Society (AMMSA)
es 10 –17!
Grassy Narrows: Young people are scared They know they’re sick Chief Simon Fobister Sr. of Grassy Narrows First Nation at Toronto press conference on Sept. 20. Stories and photos on pages 4 & 7.
October II 2016
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