Wine Extra Sep/October 2016

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WineExtra SEPT/OCT 2016







Contents SEPT/OCT 2016

Editor’s letter Table Talk






Catriona Andrew

Now You’re Cooking


Into the Spirit




Soft and subtle Green Tai Chicken Curry


Livin' The Life


Find Romance in a Wellington Weekend Getaway

We’ve Been Drinking Just Merlittle or Merlot?

12 Questions Abraham de Klerk

IWSC South African results

Scientists Find Promise In Treating Alzheimer's with a Mix of Wine Compounds Which Wine Pairs Best With Your Taste In Men? Forrester Vineyards Signs Major International Partnership Deal Ten Thousand Litres of Alcohol Poured Down the Drain

Taste Team

Special Report

Get out


Our pick of the very best viticultural-based events.


Krone "the Phoenix"


Published by: The Wine Show PTY Ltd, Unit 31 Westlake Lifestyle Centre, Westlake Drive, Cape Town, 7966


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Editor’s letter I

t has reached that point in the year where we can all sniff the festive season as it approaches. Everyone is feverishly making plans for their annual holidays and those who still haven’t booked anything are pulling out the hairs on their heads because the only available options are either ridiculously pricey or somewhat questionable on the standards.

Something that has not let down on the standards, but produced record prices was the recent annual Nederburg Auction where buyers from across the globe gathered to purchase a premium selection of wines from standout vintages to offer their patrons, whether it be restaurants, hotels or retailers alike.

MARYNA STRACHAN Follow us on Twitter @WineExtra

This ever-lavish affair was once more at the pinnacle of South African wine events and showcased just why our wines are so desireable. Despite the somewhat higher prices fetched for the wines, the reality is that our wines are still significantly more affordable than anywhere else in the world – that is if you’re comparing like for like on a quality scale.


It is no secret that we produce outstanding wines, as is seen by the results in this year’s International Wine & Spirit Competition results (Special Report) and with prices that are hugely competitive on an international market, South African wine producers are at the forefront of a breakthrough in interest – especially if they can just pass that ever-present mental block that some buyers and consumers have internationally. However, it must be said that those who have tasted the nectar from the land of milk and honey, know that they’re onto a good thing. We can only hope that very soon, all will follow! Cheers,

Correction: *Please note that the Oldenburg Grenache Noir as per the August issue’s We’ve Been Drinking segment costs R250 and not R2500 as published. **Please note that the image accompanying the 12 Questions questionnaire in the July/August issue was not Christo Pienaar.


TableTalk This month: Scientists Find Promise In Treating Alzheimer's with a Mix of Wine Compounds Which Wine Pairs Best With Your Taste In Men? Forrester Vineyards Signs Major International Partnership Deal Ten Thousand Litres of Alcohol Poured Down the Drain

Scientists Find Promise in Treating Alzheimer's with a Mix of Wine Compounds 8 WINE EXTRA SEPT 2016



ood resveratrol, a polyphenolic compound found in red wine, chocolate, berries and other foods, has yet to live up to its reputation as a wonder drug. The chemical has shown promise in lab studies for treating several maladies, but it's unclear how the body metabolizes it, and most research has found that it must be administered in extremely high doses. Now a team from Australia has found promising results in treating Alzheimer's disease with resveratrol combined with two other wine compounds. A 2015 study from Georgetown University shows the typical pitfalls of research into how resveratrol can be used by our bodies. The scientists found that large amounts of resveratrol - equivalent to the quantity found in 1,000 bottles of typical red wine slowed Alzheimer’s symptoms in patients suffering from the disease. To achieve this concentration, patients ingested resveratrol in pill form. Taking resveratrol in such high doses can cause a dangerous combination of side effects including nausea, diarrhoea and severe dehydration. Because of this, a cautious tack has been taken with clinical trials of high-concentration resveratrol pills in humans. A new study published in the journal Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry has revisited the idea to use a resveratrol pill to treat Alzheimer’s, but this time with a slightly different approach. Led by neuroscientist Dr. Nady Braidy, researchers from Australia’s University of New South Wales

avoided the problems associated with ultra-high resveratrol doses by creating a treatment that combined moderate doses of the compound the equivalent of the amount found in 13 bottles of red wine - with two other naturally occurring compounds found in red wine, one an antioxidant and the other a chelating agent, that have been shown to have healthful properties. (Antioxidants are compounds that attract free radicals containing oxygen; chelating agents grab onto metal ions. Red wine contains many examples of both.) The researchers hypothesized that when taken together, this combination would provide the neuro-protective benefits of red wine without the harmful effects of excessive consumption of alcohol or resveratrol. Braidy and his team started small, testing the new composite treatment on less than 30 subjects, and the results were promising. They saw that the supplement increased the activity of NAD+, a compound found in all living cells that has been linked to treating age-related neurodegenerative diseases, like Alzheimer’s. Because of these findings, the researchers plan to test the new combination on a large group of Alzheimer’s patients in the near future. For the rest of us, a miracle resveratrol pill may not exist just yet, but the results again suggest that the mix of compounds in a glass of wine hold undiscovered promise.



Which Wine Pairs Best With Your Taste In Men?


icking a wine can be a difficult and arduous process. There are so many to choose from, and they’re all amazing! You love them all like children! Sadly, your budget only allows for one bottle at a time. If you find yourself stuck in such a conundrum at the liquor store, there IS a solution. Simply turn to one of the most reliable preference indicators available: your taste in men. It would seem that how you like your guys isn’t that far off from how you like your booze (for better or worse). Sometimes we want a drink that’s reliable and pairs well with anything. Other times, we just 10 WINE EXTRA SEPT 2016

secretly want a drink that knocks us off our feet, both literally and figuratively. Here are some easy ways to determine which vino will pair best with your Dude Du Jour. The best thing about all of these wine choices is that, at worst, you’ll be over the hangover in a matter of hours. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for the men. The Adventurous Type: Lambrusco If you’re a sucker for any guy who tells you that he took a “gap year” to “backpack around Europe,” then you clearly have a taste for the adventurous - at least when it comes to other people. To match your thirst

TableTalk for the new and unusual, you need a wine with a bit of personality and spark. If you haven’t tried a Lambrusco, you may soon find yourself in love with this particular vino. Lambrusco wines are chilled reds, which are generally frothy and a tiny bit fizzy. That’s right: there is such a thing as a chilled, sparkling red wine. You’re welcome. The best part is that it’s not overly sweet, so it won’t diminish your street cred. The Bookish Guy: Malbec If your taste in men tends to veer into the “bookworm” category, then a nice Malbec is definitely your wine match. This red is definitely the sort of wine you drink while engaging in “deep” conversations or debates, or perhaps quietly reading by a crackling fire. It’s easy to drink and goes down smoothly and is only slightly pretentious. The Flannel-Clad Hipster: Pinot Noir If you love tattoos, flannel, and robust bears (paired with an obscure taste in music), then your hipsterloving ways will definitely go for a nice Pinot Noir. This wine checks off all your boxes: it’s not too fussy, but it’s also not as basic as a boring Merlot, plus it has a bit of sexiness going for it. And, most important, you won’t sound like a square when you order it at your local watering hole (which just opened last week). The Outgoing Guy: Chardonnay If you tend to love loquacious and outgoing dudes, who flourish at parties and charm everyone they meet, then Chardonnay is the wine for you. Complex, yet easygoing, this white wine gets along with everybody and has that added dash of class, too. And, unlike your guy, the wine won’t talk over you when you try to add to the conversation!

The Boy Next Door: Pinot Grigio If you like the reliable and boyish type (ugh, wish we could ALL be so practical), then a nononsense Pinot Grigio is right up your alley. This complementary white wine pairs well with almost any meal and has a light, somewhat casual nature. It never disappoints, and it never flakes out on your dates. The Comedian: Syrah If you’re enamored with the biting, witty types who often do standup or host their own podcast, then a full-bodied Syrah is the wine for you. This deep red has plenty of personality, and a very distinct flavour alongside a hint of attitude. You’ll definitely have a love-hate relationship with this wine: it will make you giggly, but it’ll also give you a fierce hangover. Much like dating comedians! The Bad Boy: Champagne Let’s be real, if you go for bad boys, you probably aren’t even a wine-drinker to begin with. But, if you had to choose, you would probably want to go with Champagne (or perhaps Prosecco). After all, this sparkling wine is the party drink of choice. It’s fun and exciting, and, at the proper moment, it will certainly drop you on your ass - much like the bad boys you’re so fond of. The Strong, Silent Type: Cabernet Sauvignon A complex and stoic man pairs nicely with a complex and (somewhat) stoic wine: the Cabernet Sauvignon. While many mistake this red wine for being a “standard choice,” it’s really anything but: underneath that unassuming exterior is quite a bit of depth. Plus, it pairs well with a nice, home-cooked steak - which your strong, silent type probably makes exceptionally well.

The Shy, Sensitive Type: Rosé If you’re a sucker for shy boys, then you’re very likely a secret romantic and prone to daydreaming. Rosé should definitely be your wine of choice, as it’s definitely a tad doe-eyed with a surprising amount of depth (depending on the brand, naturally). Isn’t it only fitting that you’re sipping a pink wine when you’re staring soulfully into your lover’s eyes? SEPT 2016 WINE EXTRA 11


Forrester Vineyards Signs Major International Partnership Deal


orrester Vineyards Pty. Ltd has signed a partnership deal with AdVini, a French wine distribution company listed on the Paris stock exchange and a major international player and wine distributor. This will open up new markets and add organic distribution to the brand. AdVini has acquired a significant share of the Ken Forrester wine brand. Ken Forrester will remain as Chief Executive Officer to manage the business. This comes shortly after the AdVini group purchased the venerable Stellenbosch stalwart, Le Bonheur, with plans to upgrade and restore the brand, as AdVini did with L’Avenir Wine Estate, renowned for its world class Pinotage. AdVini owns exclusive wine properties across France, as well as in Chile and South Africa and its history is firmly established in the best terroirs of these wine producing countries. Listing the Ken Forrester brand to its portfolio means it will be distributed throughout Europe and Asia by AdVini, while Ken and his team will


maintain growth in their current North American and English markets. According to Ken, this could mean sales doubling in the next five years. “The AdVini Group is a wonderful fit for our brand, with huge international market experience and superbly backed by over 100 sales people across the globe,” says Ken. “AdVini offers the most exciting growth potential for our brand and this acquisition places Stellenbosch and South Africa firmly on the map." Situated on the slopes of the Helderberg Mountain, in the heart of South Africa's most famous wine region Stellenbosch, Ken Forrester Wines is commonly referred to as the Home of Chenin Blanc and other premium award-winning wines. The range of top quality wines has received massive national and international acclaim with literally hundreds of awards and accolades over the last 22 years and is widely available in reputable restaurants and exported around the globe. Ken Forrester’s philosophy has always been to create a range of handcrafted, individually made wines that suitably complement a wide variety of food styles and provide excellent value.


Ten Thousand Litres of Alcohol Poured Down the Drain


he liquor destruction process saw the contents of bottles of whisky‚ brandy‚ vodka‚ wine and beer streaming into containers for disposal‚ under the orders of provincial police commissioner, LieutenantGeneral Khombinkosi Jula‚ at the Provincial Evidence Management Centre in Belhar‚ Cape Town. The confiscated liquor was seized from illegal liquor outlets across the province. Jula said the confiscation and destruction was a success for the police as “alcohol remains one of the key generators of serious and violent crimes in the province”. “At present there are 8‚134 liquor outlets operating legally and still 2‚094 illegal liquor outlets operating‚ which have yet to be dealt with‚” Jula said. “The amount of liquor being destroyed every year is always going to increase. All that we can say for now is that we are coming for those who are still operating illegally‚” Jula added. While many have queried whether or not the alcohol could have been resold‚ with the proceeds ploughed back into police coffers‚ Jula said: “While some might see this as a waste‚ liquor that was possessed illegally has to be destroyed. It cannot be

recycled. It was possessed in contravention with the Liquor Act and so cannot be resold‚” he said. A Lieutenant Colonel‚ explaining what happened to confiscated liquor‚ said: “SAPS stations in the Western Cape do not have the required space to store the confiscated liquor. This establishment (the evidence centre) was built in the province for that purpose. The individual stations bring the confiscated liquor onto the premises and it’s handed in to the SAPS 13 exhibit register. The liquor is then tagged and stored‚” he said. “We have ten 1‚000 litre bins and we do three destructions per month. So that is 30‚000 litres every month. After the liquor has been poured into the containers‚ we have a company that comes and collects it. It gets taken to Vissershok‚ a landfill site‚ and gets disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner‚” he said. Some income is‚ however‚ generated from selling the empty bottles and passed onto the State. According to Jula‚ the main purpose of the destruction operation is to curb all forms of crime in the province‚ particularly contact crimes such as murder‚ rape and assault to cause grievous bodily harm. SEPT 2016 WINE EXTRA 13

TasteTeam Just Merlittle or Merlot?

Whether you like Merlot or not, there is no denying the fact that it is South Africa’s most popular red wine varietal. It is also considered to be the varietal that is preferred by those who are merely starting to learn about the pleasures of red wine, simply because it is so fruity and approachable. Across the globe, Merlot also seems to be hugely popular, considering it is the third-most widely grown variety and does well as a blending component for many Bordeaux style wines. So, next time you’re in two minds as to which wine to pick up and haven’t given the Merlot’s on the shelf the time of day for quite some time, perhaps have a re-think and try one of these out as you may well be pleasantly surprised.

From left to right: Pella Verlatenkloof Merlot 2013, by Super single Vineyards, RRP: R220. Lourensford Merlot 2013, by Lourensford RRP: R110. Yonder Hill Merlot 2012, by Yonder Hill, RRP: R170. Steenberg Merlot 2013 by Steenberg, RRP: R155. Benguela Cove Merlot 2014, by Benguela Cove , RRP: R170. Durbanville Hills Merlot 2014, by Durbanville Hills, RRP: R67.


TasteTeam Pella Verlatenkloof Merlot 2013 RRP: R220

Daisy says: This wine brings a medley of exotic food flavours swirling ‘round your palate, including seductive black plum and a hint of soy sauce. The alcohol was a little ‘hot’ at first, whilst the tannins snuck up from behind and startled me. After a little time in the glass, they become more grippy rather than bullish and make the wine stand tall in my mouth, clinging to my tastebuds. Aromas of mulberries and dark cocoa powder came at me from the glass. A big, bold wine with a pleasingly full mouth-feel. Charlotte says: Dusty and soft, the nose reminds me of my grandparent’s front lounge which would only see guests when they really wanted to impress. Despite the first glance of a stylish sun filled room, you soon realise that this needs a little time to open up and stretch its legs before really showing off what it has on offer. With its meaty depth and

Daisy Knowles Daisy hails from the North-West Province, having grown up in Mafikeng. She spent five years in the UK, or (y)UK as she terms it, before returning to SA in 2001. She now lives and works in the fairest Cape. A most personable Personal Assistant by day, she dabbles with wine courses on the sideline to keep the brain in check and enjoys practicing the art of wine drinking at any and every chance she gets.

stewed fruit sweetness, this would be ideal alongside an aromatic and gentle spiced Moroccan Tagine. Eduard says: Looking at the colour, swirling, testing the aroma, the wine invites you on a journey along a small dusty road, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Take your time to get past the tannins, sit back and wait for the soft hues of raspberry flavours to creep forward inside the aromas of plums and cherry. Not overly complicated and one of those wines to just sit back and enjoy – but beware, before you know it the bottle will be empty Ilze says: It has a very shy red colour to it and holds a lot of promise on the nose. This wine smells like overripe plums and succulent red berries. It tastes a bit dusty like a dirt road, shows even tannins and yields notes of berries, plums and cassis, with a bitter smack on the palate. It does need a bit of aerating, but would be a good pairing to a cozy braai.

“…take a deep breath and settle in with this easy drinking wine, that nurses you like your Mother nursed you…” Maru says: The first whiff hinted at sherry or raisins, but quickly slipped into something more familiar to a Merlot nose - blackcurrant. I tend to favour wines that are more acidic, so for me the tannins were a bit too high on the

black tea spectrum, but not so far that Shakespeare might have accidentally dipped his quill into it. Also, Pella means “place of gathering” and since it’s so close to the Afrikaans “pelle”, I feel obliged to take it with me to the next gathering of friends. Guest Taster Braam: The type of Merlot you would quickly grab on your way to a ‘chilled’ Sunday braai. When you are still recovering from the evening before, but you do not want to show up empty handed. You show up, take a deep breath and settle in with this easy drinking wine, that nurses you like your Mother nursed you after you ran head first into the glass door. i.e she has sympathy for you, but she is laughing in your face.

Lourensford Merlot 2013 RRP: R110;

Daisy says: This wine had me envisaging driving along a gravel road in the Karoo with the windows down and aromas


Charlotte Spicer Charlotte is known amongst her friends and exasperated family as a professional “Intoxicologist”. She has worked in the wine and spirits industry for a number of years now. Apart from enjoying the odd glass or two of wine, she is partial to a wee dram of whisky and also likes to think she puts Nigella to shame in the kitchen – but doubts that she could lick her spoon that seductively…

of ‘green’ wafting into the car. I could smell dust and the green of vine leaves, tomato stalk, bay leaf and nettle – herbaceous in every sense. Allowing some time for oxygen to do its thing, stewed fruit flavours became notable (like blackcurrants and mulberries) and a definite hint of tomato jam. All I wanted to serve this with was a tamatie bredie – preferably slow cooked with the meat falling off the bone, and with chunky fresh farm-style bread to mop up every last bit. Charlotte says: A fabulous fruit filled nose, rich with homemade mulberry compote, dark, enticing and sweet. Before you think it sounds too much like dessert, be reassured that there is a tinge of green on the back end, which keeps the sugar in check, like Eucalyptus and fresh rose stems. A good grip of tannins adds depth and brings everything together nicely. Certainly a people pleaser, this would go down faster than a hooker after pay day. Eduard says: The colour gives nothing away, full dark and red with the edge just turning into a shade of brick. Swirling the wine around opens the aromas up toward sweetish canned plums and ripe cranberries together with some tobacco. At first taste I wrote down the phrase ‘quick kick, fast stop’ meaning a very direct and up front taste before rushing away, leaving you with a lingering sweetness, playing a balancing act with the soft tannins. A truly versatile wine that can be paired with just about any meaty meal, including that rack of ribs on the braai. Ilze says: This is a very dark wine. At first there is volatility in the alcohol that takes your breath away for a moment,


but opens up to the smell of thyme and fynbos. It has a mocha taste to it, with mulberries and ripe cherry fruit that complements it well. This wine conjures up the sight of a confident nerd with sex appeal – soft hearted and shy, but has some edge and opens up after a while. For fun, pair with Woolies prawn chips.

TasteTeam Yonder Hill Merlot 2012 RRP: R170;

Maru says: The Lourensford is really pleasant on the nose. A little perfume leaning towards a very subtle minty scent. I enjoyed the sweet-sour cherry flavour. The finish built up to a nice tingle, but then dwindled off a bit too abruptly for my liking. I still had a nice time drinking it and would gladly do so again.

“Certainly a people pleaser, this would go down faster than a hooker after pay day.” Guest Taster ~Braam says: This would be a great option for when you are away for the weekend, you and your friends are settling into a long night of laughter, a tjoppie on the braai and a Merlot that will surely turn your cheeks rosy, while you are debating the world’s problems ‘til the early hours of the next morning. And when the hour grows cold, and you are missing your wife, this wine will keep you warm…

Daisy says: Tart dark berries are more than apparent on first sip – as though you have freshly picked a handful from a field and put them in your mouth. Sweet spice can also be found further down the glass: cinnamon and nutmeg, along with a hint of almonds. The brief twang of the dark berries merges into sweet red plums and a pop of cranberry. And then, as though Christmas had come early, there was a subtle taste of elegant marzipan. A Tango dance of black and red cherries make for a satisfying and fruity conclusion. Charlotte says: I love a wine that oozes sex appeal like this one does. Full of soft, subtle, voluptuous fruit, dark cherries and chocolate covered strawberries, it does tend to let the mind wander down a rather seductive path. One which, perhaps due to some untapped fantasies (let's talk about that later), brings up images of silk whips, red lace and patent leather stilettos. A guilty

TasteTeam pleasure which I would indulge in any day. Eduard says: I started the wrong way around with the wine, chatting along and taking a sip before the nose was tried. What a good move it turned out to be. The tannins and acidity jumped right out of the glass to settle softly in the middle of my tongue, quietly establishing the tastes of blackberries and dark chocolate towards the aroma. The nose then turned up some sweet strawberry and dark cherry flavours making this a heavy ‘all-rounder’ wine that will pair up magnificently with a thick piece of steak covered in rich mushroom sauce.

Maru Fourie named after the ship on which her grandmother was born, and not the internet cat, normally finds herself wrangling in a wild herd of mobile app developers. When she's offline, she experiments with wordplay, adventure games, cooking, guitar and a sporadic amount of trail running.

good balance between acidity, tannins and fruitiness. The flavour reminded me of a red and a black Jelly Baby that was smooshed together. You know, if Jelly Babies were made of wine. This was my favourite wine for the evening. Guest Taster Braam says: When you are running late for an after work gathering and don’t even have time to go home for a change of clothes. You stop by your local TOPS on the way, and spot this little lady, and think “what the hell”, so decide to take a dive and try it. So while you arrive, do the rounds and greet all involved, you conveniently place her in the group without your friends noticing. But unlike that one night stand from your University days, you fondly claim her as your choice, and don’t even need to blame it on the beer-goggles.

“A Tango dance of black and red cherries make for a satisfying and Steenberg Merlot fruity conclusion.” 2013 Ilze says: This is a friendly, easy-drinking red wine. It shouldn’t be taken too seriously, so drink immediately, and perhaps even a bit chilled. It has flavours of Protea leaves, dark chocolate and blackberries, maybe even a hint of coffee. Then again I just had a good cup of coffee. Try with a good lamb shank that falls off the bone with hearty rosemary and butter roast potatoes. Maru says: This was the first time I had a wine from Yonder Hill, which is shocking because I have been driving past this farm every weekday and then recite the name loudly in a Victorian accent. I can kick myself because I really missed a few good years of wine sipping. It has a

RRP: R155 ;

Daisy says: This wine smelled rich of earth, leather and subtle spices before opening up. I picked up on a symphony of flavours including venison carpaccio, buchu and bay leaves, thyme and beef stock. This was a solid, sturdy and masculine wine, demanding to be taken very seriously. The tannins were smooth and rounded, making each sip pleasurable and alluring. You could feel the weight of the wine in your mouth – heavy yet balanced. Like a neat triangle where fruit, acid and tannin meet harmoniously, it was easy to keep going back for more. A delicious and discreet note of caramel flirts over the tastebuds as an elegant flavour finale. Charlotte says: I've never been one for fashion and the latest trends, I'm more of a stick to the classics kinda girl, so this one instantly appeals to my traditional comfort zone. Like a good English Sunday roast, a big chunk of juicy beef, Yorkshire puddings and lashings of homemade onion gravy - it may not be the dish du jour in the likes of the Test Kitchen but I'd say that it would beat any Michelin star plate any day, especially when executed which such classical aplomb such as this wine. Eduard says: What a fine and interesting wine this one turned out to be. I kept swirling the glass around taking a long sniff or two before swirling again and repeating for some minutes. Soft vanilla played hide and seek with dark red cherries in a light feeling of lavender. The taste took me even longer to unravel, beginning with extra wood tugged in along rich and balanced tannins turning around with sweet mint and finishes with a relaxed feeling of a light sea breeze. I enjoyed this one, interesting, creative and one to age for some years.


Eduard Rosenstrauch works as a media liaison for SuperSport. He loves all sports and spending time with his family. He likes the smaller wine farms, not the impersonal tasting rooms of the big guys. Whilst he doesn't have a favourite cultivar or wine, he rather focuses on the characteristics of each wine, not caring whether it's red, white, pink or bubbly.

Ilze says: The nose is rather shy, but has hints of blackcurrants and chocolate. It has flavours of black fruit, olives and damp earth. It sounds rather awful, but it is not. There is some meatiness to it that reminds me of stock cubes. When it opens up, it is balanced well - smooth and tannic at the same time. Not my favourite, but still drinkable. Maybe it should rather mature for a couple more years.

“You suddenly realise that you have hope, and it’s represented in the rest of this bottle.” Maru says: This wine was the first (and, judging by my notes, only) “savoury” one for the evening. If I didn’t know upfront I’d be tasting Merlot, I would have thought it was a Cabernet Sauvignon. It becomes a bit more fruity after a bit of a sit. The savoury-sweet notes and flavours reminded me of a childhood friend who taught me to dip my marmite toast into my sweet, milky rooibos tea. Maybe it was the bout of nostalgia, or the Gummi Bears theme song blaring in the background, or the fact that this is a nicely balanced wine that made me draw a smiley face next to its name in my notebook. Guest Taster Braam says: Staggering in the door on a Friday evening and desperately in need of a glass of wine in your comfy pants and slippers, but thankfully unlike your week at work, this wine is not long, and certainly not tedious. You suddenly realise that you


have hope, and it’s represented in the rest of this bottle. Enjoy it by yourself, or with someone that won’t judge you for you drinking the bulk of the bottle with one hand down your pants scratching your nuts. It’s the perfect manly stress relief.

Benguela Cove Merlot 2014 RRP: R170

Daisy says: With all the scrumptious flavours of mulled wine, only without being warm, this wine boasts ripe fruit with hints of cinnamon, cardamom, clove and nutmeg: utterly appealing to the nose. It was balanced and smooth with dark fruit components of black plum, black cherries and mulberries. It transported me to somewhere cold, with snow outside the window and a roaring log fire throwing warmth across my cheeks. Full-bodied and well structured, this is deserving of being served with something hearty: a lamb stew with dumplings or a venison meat

TasteTeam pie with Parmesan-crusted mash potato topping. Charlotte says: Someone always has to stand out at a party, and this one would certainly get people talking around a dinner table. Weird and wacky, this is not your typical Merlot so don’t go expecting the smooth, soft, rounds fruits (which let’s face it, can get boring rather quickly) and rather enjoy the fresh pine needles and forest floor type flavours. It packs a punch on the flavour stakes, as well as the alcohol levels so make sure you have a hearty steak or stew on hand to dive into before you wake up reaching for the panado’s & regretting that second bottle. Eduard says: Self-assured and to the point, complex and balancing itself out on the heavier side as a Merlot. There is no tip-toeing around with this wine, the nose is direct in its sweetness of dark plums and berries with an under tone of earthiness mingled in with a woody vanilla. The taste is even more direct with the tannins right in front and a distinct feeling of alcohol that carries the lingering aftertaste all the way through in an overall cloak of acidity. First of all, the wine is one to age a while and then, when opened, pair it with a meaty dish like a crisp pork belly or lamb shanks and rosemary. Ilze says: A vibrant red in the glass, this is a deep, flavoursome and good food wine. It brings about picturesque forests with mushrooms sprouting everywhere, a camp fire and good friends. Pair this with copious amounts of cheese of different flavours and yet more cheese. I can imagine having a maximum of two glasses of this wine as it is very rich and the acidity is high.

TasteTeam Maru says: Everything in this wine, from the oaky scent, to the sweet cranberry flavour, the strong tannins and the background music (still Gummi Bears), reminded me of a cherry cigar. This brought on another nostalgia attack. Of when I was at university and had a brief stint as a cashier in one of those tobacco slash curio gift shops. Okay… back to the wine. I would love to try it with a rosemary and garlic roasted leg of lamb.

Ilze van den Berg is an avid fan of all things aesthetically pleasing and gastronomically satisfying, Ilze describes herself as a self-proclaimed nerd, book worm and quintessentially quirky.

Durbanville Hills Merlot 2014 RRP: R67

“When your Father in law comes over and the pressure is on to impress…” Guest Taster Braam says: When your Father in law comes over and the pressure is on to impress, thankfully while you are looking through your cupboard and can’t decide, you see this this little gem. After two glasses he starts calling you “my boy” and slapping you on the back and you realise that you have survived to live another day. You go to bed that night, happy you did not go with the mystery unlabelled bottle which has been sitting there for over a year, as this one has pulled your nuts out of the vice….for now…

Daisy says: With a delicately perfumed nose including purple blooms – violets and lavender – alongside a whiff of mocha and vanilla pod. This wine certainly offers elegance as its first aroma, akin to the woman dressed in fitted black trousers and stilettos. With smooth tannins and flavours of toasted nuts wrapped in a blanket of ripe berry fruits, I could quite happily have sipped on this for hours. You can taste the toasted deliciousness of the barrel, where vanilla and roasted nuts come centre stage. Flavours of liquorice and juicy blackberries, with a note of cocoa powder, provide the drinker with a satisfyingly long finish where the only thing you can find to fret over is the possible lack of another bottle. Charlotte says: Would it be weird to liken an aroma on this to fresh dirt? It certainly isn't a negative impression,

just earthy, mineral and dark, but at the same time refreshing, like venturing into your garden on the first day of spring. It is a powerful wine, meaty and rich, with a sweet, yet slightly green twang like homemade gherkins. Smooth and full, it lingers long on the palate, yet the youthfulness shows on the slight tannic grip on the finish. It would certainly benefit from another year or two in the bottle or decanting before dinner. Eduard says: A dark crimson red heart with a tinge of youthfulness on the edge of this young wine greeted the eye. The nose was quite lively with sweet plums mingled in with a spiciness of rosemary and a dollop of lavender. The tannins play around on the palate, keeping the sweet fruitiness of the wine in the velvety lingering finish. Nicely balanced and easy to drink with a surprising twist - hints of fresh tobacco leaves lingering in the glass for the nose to pick up on the second try.

“You can taste the toasted deliciousness of the barrel, where vanilla and roasted nuts come centre stage.” Ilze says: It has a very intense smell of berry fruit, black cherries, thyme and fynbos. This is a full bodied wine driven by ripe red plums and has an interesting underlying herbaceousness. A nice wine, but still some stubborn tannins. Try it with maybe a pulled pork on freshly baked ciabatta. Damnit, now I am hungry.


TasteTeam Maru says: The smell on the Durbanville Hills Merlot leaned more towards the herbal, woody or floral notes than to the typical ripe, black fruit ones. It has a good flavour that sticks around for a while. A bit too much of the black tea vibes for my liking (I don’t think my palate was built for strong tannins), but nonetheless a crowd-pleaser. Guest Taster Braam says: We all have those friends who judge you for your wine choices, so at the next posh dinner party with your wife’s boss go for this one, but decant it and allow it to stretch its long legs before enjoying with your fillet steak. Everyone will “ooh” and “aah” and ask about it, but you can sit back smug in your knowledge that you gave them a great value for money offering, which they would’ve normally looked down their nose on.


Guest Taster - Braam Breytenbach People always tend to judge an Afrikaans 6’6" guy in the agricultural industry as someone who would only have an appreciation for the beverages of the “Brandewyn & Coke” variety, yet Braam loves to surprise with his interest in fine wine and craft beer. Certainly not an aficionado by any means, but with his fiance’s ever growing wine collection, it would be rude not to help her work her way through it…

The Business of Food and Wine Tourism Conference @winefoodconf

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FOUR OUTSTANDING INTERNATIONAL SPEAKERS With the growth of Wine & Food Tourism it becomes most important for all players to work towards the same goals. This conference will provide a platform to share ideas and introduce best practice in Wine & Food Tourism with a focus on the growth of the Business of Wine & Food Tourism. It will enhance Wine & Food Tourism and Hospitality proficiency on all levels.

Spier Wine Farm | 1 - 2 November 2016 REGISTRATION FEE: R4 800



Special Report

South Africa Results Released! | IWSC International Wine & Spirits Competition

2016/09/16, 10:37 AM


America & South Africa Results Released!

onal Wine & Spirit Competition’s expert judges, along with our award winning operations team have been hard at work sipping, fing and scoring and the final results for South Africa & South America are now available.

elease comes in conjunction with two major trade tastings – WOSA’s Intrepid South Africa and Wines of Chile’s Mercado epid South Africa, taking place at Tobacco Dock in London on 8th September 2016 will put the spotlight on South Africa and ir fearless, brave and intrepid nature as a winemaking country. The IWSC will have a table showcasing award winning wines ver Outstanding winners KWV Labories MCC Blanc de Blanc 2011, Paul Cluver Seven Flags Pinot Noir 2014 & Rustenberg Chardonnay 2015.

leno is the largest gathering of Chilean wine producers in the Northern Hemisphere and a celebration of all things Chile, at Old wery in London on 13th September. The IWSC will have a table showcasing award winning wines including Viña Cono Sur Sparkling ta Carolina Reserva de Familia Carmenere 2013 and Porta Reserva Carmenere 2015.

s were scooped by Viña Undurraga SA for their T.H. Syrah Maipo 2012 and Agricola y Comercial Santa Camila SA for their Gran Reserva Carignan 2015, described by judges as ‘Pure, precise fruit wrapped in a charming ripe character’. Gold Outstanding d to Casas del Bosque Syrah Pequeñas Producciones 2014

n Wine Farms were awarded an astounding 30 Gold medals, and 9 Gold Outstanding. Unusually, of all awarded wines, 24% were nding, 53% Silver and only 18% Bronze. Usually the larger proportion are awarded Bronze medals, highlighting how high the e for this set of South African wines.

clude a Gold Outstanding for Hartenberg Shiraz 2013, described by judges as having a ‘jam packed nose with cranberry, dark plum and rich fruit cake’ and ‘Big and impressive entry’. Diemersfontein Wines also scooped a Gold Outstanding for their Carpe ge Reserve, which judges called ‘elegant and classy’.

IWSC South Africa Results Released!

producing a number of the UK supermarket wines, scored very highly at the 2016 Competition. The Morrisons Signature Shiraz, Origin Wine, was awarded Gold, and their Tesco Finest* Shiraz 2015, and Tesco Finest* Sauvignon Blanc 2015 were both er Outstanding. Origin also produce the Waitrose FT Merlot 2015, awarded a Silver by IWSC judges. These are just a handful of ing accolades awarded to Origin Wine.

nnounced today are the Argentine wine results. Highlights from Argentina include Golds for Carmelita Malbec 2013, Pascual Toso , Viniterra Single Vineyard Malbec 2013 and Cadus Single Vineyard Finca Las Torcazas 2011.


reputation of its judging process. Our panels of stablished in 1969, The International carefully selected industry experts comprise Wine & Spirit Competition (IWSC) was re available online at Masters of Wine, buyers, sommeliers, WSET the first competition of its kind, set up l trophies such as Chenin Riesling, and Red Blends the will be announced the 26th and September, and all trophies will be qualifiedon educators respected wine journalists. to Blanc, seek out, reward and promote th the IWSC Annual Awards Banquet place London’s Guildhall, on Wednesday 16 November. tickets please Every single wine is assessed on its ownFor merits world’s bestwhich wines,takes spirits andatliqueurs. Mortimer within the context of its class. Now in its 47th year, The IWSC’s relentless pursuit of excellence underpins every aspect of the Competition on twitter and Instagram @theiwsc The International Wine & Spirit Competition’s competition today. expert judges, along with their award winning News Share operations team have been hard at work sipping, What sets the IWSC apart is the formidable 22 WINE EXTRA SEPT 2016


Special Report

swirling, sniffing and scoring and the final results for South Africa are now available. The results release comes in conjunction with a major trade tasting – WOSA’s Intrepid South Africa. Intrepid South Africa, taking place at Tobacco Dock in London on 8th September 2016 will put the spotlight on South Africa and focus on their fearless, brave and intrepid nature as a winemaking country. The IWSC will have a table showcasing award winning wines including Silver Outstanding winners KWV Laborie’s MCC Blanc de Blanc 2011, Paul Cluver Seven Flags Pinot Noir 2014 and Rustenberg Chardonnay 2015. South African Wine Farms were awarded an astounding 30 Gold medals, and 9 Gold Outstanding. Unusually, of all awarded wines, 24% were Silver Outstanding, 53% Silver and only 18% Bronze. Usually the larger proportion is awarded Bronze medals, highlighting how high the standards are for this set of South African wines. Highlights include a Gold Outstanding for Hartenberg Shiraz 2013, described by judges as having a ‘jam packed nose with cranberry, dark

cherry, ripe plum and rich fruit cake’ and ‘big and impressive entry’. Diemersfontein Wines also scooped a Gold Outstanding for their Carpé Diem Pinotage Reserve, which judges called ‘elegant and classy’. Origin Wine, producing a number of the UK supermarket wines, scored very highly at the 2016 Competition. The Morrisons Signature Shiraz, produced by Origin Wine, was awarded Gold, and their Tesco Finest* Shiraz 2015 and Tesco Finest* Sauvignon Blanc 2015 were both awarded Silver Outstanding. Origin also produce the Waitrose FT Merlot 2015, awarded a Silver by IWSC judges. These are just a handful of the outstanding accolades awarded to Origin Wine. Full results are available online at https://www.iwsc. net/result/search International trophies such as Chenin Blanc, Riesling and Red Blends will be announced at the IWSC Annual Awards Banquet, which takes place at London’s Guild Hall on Wednesday 16th November. For tickets please contact Pip Mortimer SEPT 2016 WINE EXTRA 23

Special Report Gold Outstanding Delheim Edelspatz Noble Late Harvest 2015 Boschendal Elgin Chardonnay 2014 Neethlingshof Malbec 2015 Neethlingshof Owl Post Pinotage 2014 Hartenberg Shiraz 2013 Nederburg Private Bin R163 Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 Kleine Zalze Family Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 Diemersfontein Carpe Diem Pinotage Reserve 2014 DeMorgenzon Reserve Chenin Blanc

Gold L'Avenir Single Block Chenin Blanc 2015 Lanzerac Le Général 2013 Louisvale Rosé 2014 Beau Constantia Aidan 2013 Ondine Semillon 2014 KWV The Mentors Noble Late Harvest 2015 Abraham Perold Tributum 2013 Daschbosch Hanepoot 2015 Beyerskloof Diesel Pinotage 2013 Beyerskloof Diesel Pinotage 2011 Saronsberg Shiraz 2014 Saronsberg Provenance Seismic Rooi 2013 La Motte Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 Bellingham Basket Press Syrah 2014 Rustenberg Peter Barlow Cabernet Sauvignon 2010 Galpin Peak "Tete de Cuvee" Pinot Noir 2013 Paul Cluver Noble Late Harvest 2014 Origin Wine Morrisons Signature Shiraz 2015 Neethlingshof the Six Flowers 2015 De Wetshof Lesca Chardonnay 2015 First Sighting Sauvignon Blanc 2015 Nederburg Private Bin Eminence 2012 Nederburg Private Bin Eminence 2007 Nederburg Private Bin Edelkeur 2009 Nederburg Private Bin Edelkeur 2005 Lourensford Limited Release Chardonnay 2015 De Grendel Rubaiyat 2014 Kleine Zalze Vineyard Selection Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 Romond Rebus Cape Cuvée 2011 Barton Sauvignon Blanc Semillon 2015



Catriona Andrew Shot on location at Beau Constantia wine farm

Outgoing, curious and a little bit loud is how TV sweetheart Catriona Andrew describes herself when we recently met up with this beauty at the magnificent Beau Constantia wine farm. SEPT 2016 WINE EXTRA 25

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW You’ve graced our TV screens since the ‘90’s, but where did it all begin?

and the opportunity that they gave me as a 20-year old, which was absolutely unheard of.

Well, I was born in Scotland and moved to Johannesburg with my family. It was when I moved to Pretoria that I decided to join an art school, Pro Arte, in Grade 10 as I had already realised that acting was what I wanted to do. After school I decided to attend UCT to further cement my knowledge and contacts in the industry.

It wasn’t long after that I got a small role in a local production and decided to go overseas. I was gone for one week and got this phone call offering me a new part in Snitch. Everyone warned me against taking this part as the character was quite a hard core, drug taking, sexually deviant woman, but for me it was the perfect opportunity to be blasted away from the character as Jane Edwards, who I’d almost ‘become’ to so many people.

Then, I got this amazing opportunity to audition for what was to be a brand new soapie, Egoli. I’d prepared myself for a very tough start to my career as everyone knows that it’s very difficult to have a breakthrough. Even my dad was encouraging me to rather become a lawyer or architect, but as it turns out, after my first major audition, I got the part as Jane Edwards who was the quintessential bitch. It was the most amazing opportunity as I was cast alongside these absolute giants in the SA entertainment industry. And that was my ‘home’ for almost nine years.

From there things have just always rolled for me as I got role after role in excellent productions. You live in Cape Town now. How did that come about? My heart has always been in the Cape. After my daugter was born, I had to be in Jo’burg for a role, but I’m back here now and loving it. There are also lots of acting opportunities here, so it works out well.

Why did you resign? I’d actually tried to resign for about 4 years, but stayed on at the insistence of director, Frans Marx. In the end I simply needed to leave as I needed to explore my creativity again as a trained stage actress. I will however never forget the experience


At what point did you realise you had a liking for wine? When I was younger I was more of a vodka-drinker, but it was when I lived and worked in Cape Town that I started to enjoy wine. There was however


a pivotal point for me one day when I visited Meerlust Wine Estate. Hannes Myburgh new quite a few of the Egoli crew and it was through that that he invited me to visit the farm. We had a beautiful lunch on his back stoep and I can honestly say it is still one of the happiest memories in my life.

especially if you’ve got kids. Steenberg is a stone’s throw away, so it’s easy to pop in there whenever we feel like it.

He took me through several flights of wines and after lunch he took me into his private cellar which was surreal. It was then that I realised wine was, in fact, art. Can you ask for a better introduction?

YYes! I’ve been to so many of the other farms, but the one I’ve never managed to get to is Delaire Graff! I’ve been invited a few times, but for some reason I’ve just never managed to make it. This summer I will definitely be making my way there.

Are there any wine farms on your wish-list which you haven’t yet visited?

Do you visit wine farms often or have any favourites?

Do you prefer red or white?

Yes, I do. I love visiting wine farms. I come to Beau Constantia quite a bit. I love its modern take and spectacular views and their wines are simply delicious. Obviously Meerlust will always be a favourite and I’m still sad that they no longer do their annual Christmas concert, which I so enjoyed. Spier is just one of those ‘must-visit’ places to visit,

After Hannes’ introduction to their wines, I was a full-on red wine chick. Sadly, ever since my daughter was born, I’ve had this very weird hayfever-like reaction to red wine which I never had before. As much as I used to love it, I simply can’t drink it any more. Nowadays I really enjoy Sauvignon Blanc, so that would probably be my varietal of choice on SEPT 2016 WINE EXTRA 27

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW most occasions. I have recently started to explore the world of wooded Chardonnays and still consider myself to be a learner on the subject as I am not quite as confident yet about which ones I prefer, but I’m certainly enjoying the various flavour profiles that you get on Chards. And then, of course, there’s also bubblies… If you had to pick up a bottle of wine from your local supermarket to a gathering, what would be the go-to wine that won’t let you down? The Mulderbosch Sauvignon Blanc or Alto Rouge or a Graham Beck bubbly.


If a wine were to be made in your honour, what would it be and what would it be called? IA journalist once wrote an article about me and said, “If Catriona Andrew were a wine, she’d be a Champagne”. I would however like it to be a signature of me. A Sauvignon Blanc with the characters to be something between the Cape Point Vineyards and Life From Stone versions. It would definitely be called ‘Catriona’. Do you have a wine cellar or collection at the moment?

CATRIONA ANDREW Sadly not at the moment as we’re living in an apartment, but we’re busy building our new house and there will most likely be a cellar of sorts. Is there a specific bottle of wine that brings back a very special memory? Sadly I can’t actually remember the name of the wine, but we were at Courchevel in this incredible restaurant. Unless you know somebody with the right contacts, you can’t get in – one of those. It’s got this black door and no signage outside. As we entered there was this beautiful piano and interesting décor, but what struck me first was the chains hanging from the ceiling. It certainly got a few raised eyebrows as we entered as it seemed like an otherwise very high-end spot. It turns out that the restaurant became a night club and everyone was dancing on the tables later that night, so the chains were actually totally above board and were fixed to the ceiling so you could dance on the tables and have something to hold onto! It was here that we ordered this bottle of wine, which was simply out of this world. It was when the bill arrived that we realised that the wine cost more than the entire meal. At that moment we agreed that it was absolutely part of the experience and just decided that ‘you play, you pay’ was the motto for the day. And that memory will stay with me forever.

What do you consider to be the perfect scenario to enjoy that special bottle of wine? My best is to be with my closest girlfriends with a few great bottles of wine and lots of laughter at home or somewhere private where we can be ourselves. That is simply perfect for me Catriona’s thoughts on the Beau Constantia Cecily 2016:

“I love this wine. I’ve loved it since I tasted it the first time a good few years ago. It’s smooth and elegant and doesn’t overpower you. It’s completely enjoyable and will complement any situation."



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Winner of Kokkedoor 2013, Chef Mynhardt Joubert is one of South Africa’s most dynamic chefs. Now KWV’s Brand Ambassador, Mynhardt cooks up culinary feasts in locations like the KWN Sensorium, Cathedral Cellar and 1Roodeberg.


ounded in 1918 as a winemaking co-operative one of South Africa’s most distinguished producers of wine and spirits. Mynhardt Joubert is a chef, TV celebrity and restauranteur with vast experience in the culinary industry. Today, he is KWV’s Brand Ambassador. As a lifelong lover of food and a multifaceted chef, Mynhardt is perfectly suited to the role of KWV Brand Ambassador; a brand that has produced quality since its inception.


A LAST NOTE: The chicken can easily be substituted with prawns or any other seafood. For a vegetarian option replace chicken stock with vegetable stock and the chicken with extra veggies. For a large dinner party double up the recipe, prepare the sauce in advance and add the vegetable and fresh herbs just before serving.

Pair this dish with: The KWV Moscato Website:

SOFT AND SUBTLE GREEN THAI CHICKEN CURRY AN ASIAN INSPIRED DELIGHT INGREDIENTS • 100ml Canola oil • 2 Large sweet potatoes cut length wise into chips • 1 Large tablespoon of green curry paste • 2-3 Fresh green chilies, deseeded and roughly chopped • 2 tsp Chopped fresh ginger • 3-4 Cloves garlic, chopped or crushed • 1 tsp Dried fine coriander • 1/2 tsp Dried fine cumin • 2 Handfuls of fresh coriander leaves, roughly chopped • 1 Cup of chicken stock • 4 Chicken breasts • 1 tsp Sugar • 1 Tin of coconut milk • 100g Tender stem broccoli • 100g Mange tout

• • • •

1 tbs Fish sauce Juice and rind of one lime Fresh basil and coriander Handful of sprouts

KWV Moscato is a great match for this dish as it is a great example of what can be done with a Moscato wine. The taste is uncomplicated and honest in its offering and the sweet and high notes of this wine loves the spiciness of this dish while the floral character bounces around in your mouth like butterflies with all the other subtle flavours of this great Asian dish. This aromatic wine exudes floral, perfume and peach aromas with an abundance of Muscat on the nose that follows through on the palate.

METHOD Place the sweet potatoes on a roasting tray and toss with 50ml of canola oil and season with salt and pepper. Bake until golden brown for about 25 to 30 minutes. In a food processor add the curry paste, chillies, ginger, garlic, dried coriander, cumin and a dash of chicken stock. Blend until a paste has formed. Add 50ml of the oil to a pan or wok and quickly fry the paste. Add the chicken and sugar and caramelize together. Add the rest of the chicken stock, coconut milk and heat through. Add the mange tout and broccoli with the fish sauce, lime juice and rind and cook until it starts to bubble then remove from the heat. Serve in large soup bowl with sweet potato chips and garnish with fresh basil and coriander and sprouts.


Livin’thelife by Maryna Strachan

Find Romance in a Wellington Weekend Getaway


’m sure that many people, like myself, look for opportunities to get away from the usual routine. The daily slog of life in which you do the same things and when you throw a couple of kids in the mix, even more so. So when I got the invite to visit Wellington sans kids, along with my loved one, it was an opportunity I couldn’t refuse. We packed the car and hit the N1 and, in no time, we found ourselves in the picturesque Wellington


valley. I can’t state enough just how underrated this valley has been and the weekend away highlighted it yet again. Our first stop was at Imbuko wines, which means ‘Admiration for…’ in Xhosa. This family owned farm takes the term ‘family-run’ to a whole new level, whith each member of the family, including After having a good laugh and starting things off on a high, we headed to Val du Charron to check in for


husbands and wives, playing an intricate part in the day-to-day running. They have a very wide range of wines and export quite a bit in bulk too and the prices are very pocketfriendly. We were treated to a wine and pie pairing with mini pies from a local Paarl-based bakery. It was such a novel idea and beautifully presented.

Half-way through the presentation, we were joined by matriarch Elizabeth, who came in like a whirlwind and quickly ensured that everyone had a shot of her home made buchu brandy whilst sharing the history of the farm and their formidable family with the group in the most enteratining and delightful way. It turns out that Imbuko also supplies a massive amount of buchu to a range of industries.


Livin’thelife the night. With the most glorious views over the valley, the setting is utterly sublime. I remembered visiting the farm a few years ago and the difference is noticeable in terms of the developments and upgrades done by owner Stuart Entwistle and his wife Catherine. There are two part to the accommodation offering – 4* rooms that form part of the main building and three 5* rooms set to the side, each with private pools. I believe that the 4* section is undergoing extensive upgrades, which I’m sure would be excellent. There is also a communal pool for the 4* guests which overlooks the beautiful setting and I can well imagine spending a warm summers day sipping on a glass of chilled Chardonnay from my lounger.

menu with friendly service and staff. Add to that some of the hearty Val du Charron wines, such as the Black Countess which I particularly enjoyed and you’re onto a good thing. I believe that there is an Italian restaurant in the making, which will offer family friendly deck-seating. This is due to open before summer and will no doubt add an exciting element to Val du Charron’s offering. The next morning, after a delightful breakfast, I had a relaxing hand massage in the spa at Val du Charron. The therapist was friendly and made me feel at ease straight away. It’s amazing how something as simple as a hand massage can soothe you! The spa offers a full range of treatments to ensure that every need is met for those looking to escape the daily grind in every way.

“...the most glorious views over the valley, the setting is utterly sublime.

The on-site restaurant, The Local Grill, follows a steak-house theme and offers a simple, yet delicious

Our last stop was a late lunch at Bar Bar Black Sheep restaurant situated at the well-known Oude Wellington farmstead. The restaurant made its Imbuko MD, Theunis van Zyl, and Company Secretary, Annalize van Zyl.



The spectacular view from one of the 5* rooms at Val du Charron.

name in Riebeeck Kasteel, but owners John and Susanna Tecklenburg have made Wellington their home for the past few years and have incorporated the same delightful charm into the heritage building with its nooks and crannies and rustic feel. The food is old-school in every way and nothing short of fabulous. You can taste the love and passion in every bite and with friendly service in a cosy environment, you simply can’t go wrong. The menu changes with the season and portions are generous. Whilst John cooks up a storm in the kitchen, Susanna ensures that patrons are well looked after and so this formidable team ensures an enjoyable experience. Our food was paired with wines from Wellington Winery (formerly known as Bovlei). Once again, the wines showed beautiful terroir-specific characters and highlighted the value for money aspect of the wines from the area. I can highly recommend the La Cave range of award-winning wines that show layers of deep complexity and character and all at very affordable prices.

company of Wellington’s locals and a handful of other media was a huge treat. The fact that we didn’t have to travel for hours to get there is an added bonus as it means you can hop in your car on a Friday after work and come home on a Sunday afternoon without feeling knackered and ready for the week ahead. There are so many other gems in the area which we sadly couldn’t visit, but no doubt there will be a next time. If you are visiting the area, be sure to check out Doolhof, Nabygelegen, Dunstone and Bosman Family Vineyards to name a few, for excellent wine and they also have phenomenal accommodation offerings. As we left the glorious Wellington, we were greeted by the most beautiful rainbow and so I also made my own promise in return – I will be back! #HeartWellington

To spend a weekend with my loved one in the JULY 2016 WINE EXTRA 37

We’ve Been Drinking Krone “The Phoenix”


rone, located at Twee Jonge Gezellen Estate (TJ) in Tulbagh and synonymous with the production of benchmark Méthode Cap Classiques from the classic Champagne varieties Chardonnay and Pinot Noir, has released The Phoenix Prestige Cuvée. Named after the legendary solar bird that is cyclically reborn or regenerated as a symbol of eternal life, The Phoenix P re st i g e C u v é e c e l e b ra t e s the renewed energy at the c e n t u r i e s - o l d Twe e Jo n g e Gezellen, as the renovation of this historic property continues. “The Phoenix” is an assemblage of the best of three vintages (2004, 2005 and 2006) and produced in unique bottles imported from France. A multivintage wine or Cap Classique is a purposeful blending of cuvées from different years to achieve a superior house style. The maturation for a minimum of ten years on the lees further enhances the complexity and creaminess of the wine. E l e g a n t a n d c o m p l ex , t h e nose offers the scent of yellow blossoms, ripe peach and classic biscuity notes. The palate shows fresh apple and lemon c re a m f l avo u r s w h i l st t h e mousse is fine yet persistent.

The finish has an underlying zesty freshness and a satisfying creaminess, which stems from extended lees contact. This prestige cuvee, packaged in a distinctive jet-black bottle with matching box, welcomes you to a world of luxury and elegance. Food suggestions: Ideal on its own but also delicious with mushroom risotto, crayfish with orange butter, duck breast and scrambled eggs. Krone Méthode Cap Classique is created on the historical Twee Jonge Gezellen farm in the picturesque town of Tulbagh. The grapes are night harvested in the beautiful Tulbagh valley, flanked by rugged mountains. The vineyards reach up the east-facing slopes of the Saron Peak, while the underground cellar lies at the foot of the mountains. Krone pride themselves on combining traditional techniques and innovative practices to ensure that they produce the finest sparkling and still wines using Chardonnay and Pinot grapes.

Cellar door price: Roughly R280 per bottle at leading liquor stores nationwide.



Questions Each month Wine Extra asks some rather pertinent wine industry related questions to some of the key players. Here’s what they have to say…

Abraham de Klerk - GM at Baleia Wines

1. Selling wine to

3. What would happen if SA wine received

China and the

meaningful support from government?

Far East. Are you engaging? Yes 2. Local & International wine competitions.

A booming international and local market 4. What’s the next BIG wine trend? Balanced site-specific wines; made by creative individuals with enough savvy to capture the consumer.

Worthwhile or waste of marketing budget? 5. Global warming and local wine production. What’s Depending on the audience – however I would say it’s

going to happen?


A definite critical focus on water conservation with a climate shift in terroirs.


12 QUESTIONS 6. Bulk exports. Sustainable or insanity?

I have absolutely no idea. To get the industry to work together is practically impossible as everyone is only out for self-gain

Sustainable and most probably the only survivors with the

and not SA wine as a global unit. There is one definite which is

Rand looking very unstable. Packaging, although important,

very much needed: proper and consistent high quality market

is an expense that will only increase. The challenge remains

research. Innovation through knowledge. Adapt or die.

how to do it better, faster and cheaper whilst also keeping the environment in mind.

11. You get to change one thing about the SA wine industry by just clicking your fingers. What are you

7. What is the best way to educate new wine drinkers

going to change?

about the product? The mentality that we all have to fight for our own corners. To One-on-one tastings so as to get a feel for the product.

actually work towards SA wine as a global brand, which will pull all along.

8. Our farm workers. Fair treatment or ticking time-bomb?

12. What will the SA wine industry look like in 20 years' time?

Education and ownership is the key within a cultural minefield.

Hopefully it can survive the gloomy political state. If to follow a Zimbabwe path; the future is bleak. On a positive note, I’m

9. What will a ban on alcohol advertising, in all its

excited to see how technology will help redefine the purity

proposed forms, mean to the wine industry?

of terroir. Allowing the consumer the convenience of instant knowledge on a virtual platform at wine purchasing. The idea

More creative marketing will come about and this might

of having a virtual experience in which one feels, tastes and

actually see the market increase as curiosity will drive the

breathes the terroir of a wine by a simple touch of the bottle‌


is defining.

10. You get to run WoSA for 12 months and nobody can argue or complain about your decisions. What are you going to do?


Into the Spirit Ginifer Ginifer is an Artisanal Joburg Dry Gin carefully crafted in small batches and copper distilled in Linbro Park, Johannesburg. We endeavour to produce the very best Gin Africa has to offer. Made from 13 different botanicals, sourced from all over the world, a number of the botanicals are native African medicinal herbs and sourced from places such as the Faraday muti market

HOW TO SERVE 1.5 tots Ginifer 1 can Finch and Leeds tonic water A slice of fresh Naartjie A sprig of fresh Rosemary Lots of ice

Retail price Between R370 and R400 in liquor stores nationwide. 42 WINE EXTRA SEPT 2016

Get Out Caption head: How did winning the Miss Universe pageant in 1992 shape you into the person you are today?

Sept/Oct 2016


This month: Franschhoek Uncorked Festival Pinotage on Tap 2016 Wine and Chocolate Pairing at Morgenster Chardonnay Festival for Hermanus Antonij Rupert Protea Party Cachet of Rare Collectors’ Wines at 32nd Nedbank Cape Winemakers Guild Auction Much More.....







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CAPE TOWN Ultra Mussels Wine Tournament: With Spring in full swing what better way to savour all things new than at this year’s Franschhoek Uncorked Festival from 24 to 25 September. Celebrate your heritage over a glass of Franschhoek wines, selected by the winemakers, and paired with delicious food cooked over an open flame as Franschhoek prepares to Braai4Heritage. Avoid the queues and pre-book your Uncorked Weekend Pass through Tickets cost R140 per person and allow you access to all of the participating wine farms as well as a complimentary tasting glass and free wine tastings For more info contact the Franschhoek Wine Valley offices on 021 876 2861 or visit www. for further details and a list of participating farms.

Pinotage on Tap 2016: Old and new Pinotage lovers will once again be treated to an abundance of Diemersfontein’s Original Coffee-Chocolate Pinotage, flowing straight from the barrel, coupled with delectable food and live local entertainment. All festival attendees will also receive a goodie-bag upon arrival filled with a few necessities for this unmissable day, which is all included in the ticket price. POT is excited to announce the entertainment for the upcoming festivals scheduled to take place later this year. The Cape Town event will welcome back Zolani Mahola, lead singer of the award-winning band Freshly Ground, supported by the Cape Town Brass Band, Jazz Trio and Wynberg Boys’ High School Steel Drum Band – all under the direction of legendary musical director Richard Cock, the creator of Starlight Classics. Cape Town – 29 October 2016, Diemersfontein Estate, Wellington. Tickets on sale via Computicket at R435. VIP packages are also available.

Wine and Chocolate Pairing at Morgenster: Visitors to Morgenster’s tasting room on the Estate in Somerset West outside Cape Town can enjoy a new experience, a wine tasting of owner Giulio Bertrand’s Italian Collection wines paired with specially selected artisan chocolates. Named for Bertrand’s love of Italian opera, the three Morgenster Italian Collection wines are grown and produced in South Africa from Italian varieties. Each has been matched with strikingly different chocolates, handmade by local chocolatier Jane Stewart from finest quality Belgian chocolate. Tastings cost R40 for five Italian Collection wines, or R65 for a four-chocolate and three-Italian Collection wine tasting. CFor bookings call 021 852 1738 or email info@morgenster. Tasting room hours 10:00 – 17:00.

Chardonnay Festival for Hermanus: Imagine manicured green lawns, crystal blue waters, garden furniture to lounge on, a fabulous string quartet, designer chefs’ tables and world-class Chardonnay in one of the most beautiful settings … this is the Hemel-en-Aarde Classic Chardonnay Celebration. Hemel-en-Aarde Wines is pleased to announce that the Hemel-enAarde Classic Chardonnay Celebration will take place for the first time this year on 18 & 19 November. The event will focus on the exceptional quality and the distinctiveness of the Hemel-en-Aarde Chardonnays, the cool climate and excellent terroir. The festival will be hosted at The Thatch House, a luxury holiday villa nestling on the edge of the Klein River Lagoon offering unsurpassed mountain and sea views only 5 min drive from Hermanus CBD. The Celebration will kick off at 16:00 on Friday, 18 November with the spotlight not only on Chardonnay, but also on all the other wines produced by the 13 wine growers from the Hemel-en-Aarde. The Saturday will focus exclusively on Chardonnay in the form of a tutored tasting, followed by a Chardonnay pairing lunch created by some of the best chefs from the area. Tickets for the tutored tasting and the designer chefs’ lunch will be limited to 150 people. The tutored tasting will start at 11:00 on Saturday morning. Chardonnay tastings will continue throughout the afternoon after lunch when guests can emerse themselves in lawn croquet, Boule and sunset boat cruises on the lagoon. Guests will be able to purchase either individual tickets for the three different events or a weekend pass which will allow access to all events. Transport to and from the event will be made easy and fun with the Hermanus Wine Hoppers running routes from different pick-up points for the duration of the festival.


CAPE TOWN Cachet of Rare Collectors’ Wines at 32nd Nedbank Cape Winemakers Guild Auction: IWines of great diversity including some exceptionally rare varieties and unusual blends will be setting new benchmarks at the 32nd Nedbank Cape Winemakers Guild Auction on Saturday, 1 October 2016, when 52 individually crafted wines go under the hammer in Stellenbosch. This South African wine industry showcase features small volumes of unique collectors’ wines all made exclusively for the auction by members of the Cape Winemakers Guild. The 2016 auction line-up comprises 32 red wines, 15 white wines, three Méthode Cap Classiques, a potstill brandy and a port making up the tally of 2 429 cases (6 x 750ml case equivalent). Whilst innovation is an important aspect of the annual CWG auction, the treasure trove of well-established wines of great auction lineage sees small private buyers, more serious collectors and the influential wine trade return year after year for a chance to purchase new vintages of these sought-after heritage wines. All auction wines are selected after rigorous scrutiny in a blind tasting by the members of the Guild and tested by an independent laboratory to ensure that they meet the highest standards of wine health measurement. The 32nd Nedbank Cape Winemakers Guild Auction, conducted by Henré Hablutzel of Hofmeyr Mills Auctioneers, is open to the public and will be held at the Spier Conference Centre in the Stellenbosch Winelands on Saturday, 1 October 2016. All buyers are required to pre-register for the auction through the Guild Office before Friday, 16 September and prospective buyers who are unable to attend the auction, can take advantage of the telephonic and proxy bidding facilities. Book directly through For more info call 021 874 9041, or e-mail

Antonij Rupert Protea Party: Don’t miss out on this year’s Season of Sauvignon Festival, which takes place in the picture perfect Durbanville Wine Valley over the weekend of 29 and 30 October. Festival-goers and Sauvignon Blanc aficionados can look forward to a host of Sauvignon Blanc activities in the Valley during the month of October in the build up to the festival. The festival will once again include the participation of 12 prestigious wine farms. Each winery has its own charm with superb entertainment for adults and children alike. This truly unique and festive experience has led to the Season of Sauvignon festival once again winning a Klink award in 2015 in the ‘Crowd Pleaser’ category for Best Wine Route Event. TA detailed festival program and information on ticket sales is available on For more info contact Angela events@durbanvillewine. or 083 310 1228.

Season of Sauvignon: Don’t miss out on this year’s Season of Sauvignon Festival, which takes place in the picture perfect Durbanville Wine Valley over the weekend of 29 and 30 October. Festival-goers and Sauvignon Blanc aficionados can look forward to a host of Sauvignon Blanc activities in the Valley during the month of October in the build up to the festival. The festival will once again include the participation of 12 prestigious wine farms. Each winery has its own charm with superb entertainment for adults and children alike. This truly unique and festive experience has led to the Season of Sauvignon festival once again winning a Klink award in 2015 in the ‘Crowd Pleaser’ category for Best Wine Route Event. A detailed festival program and information on ticket sales is available on For more info contact Angela events@durbanvillewine. or 083 310 1228.

The Franschhoek Craft Festival: Get out of hand at the inaugural Franschhoek Craft Festival this summer. This one-of-a-kind festival takes place at Môreson on 5 November 2016 between 11:00 and 17:00. Experience the magic first-hand of a selection of specially curated, handcrafted food and drink as well as specialised and limited edition pieces, including art, jewelry and luxury leather goods. You’ll be in good hands with plenty of local wines, Cap Classique, craft brews and small batch spirits. Môreson’s farm restaurant, Bread & Wine will be on-hand with their famed, artisan charcuterie and breads, with many other craft and fine food producers taking matters into their own hands offering cheeses, pastries, chocolates and so much more. Tickets, which include entry and tastings of the wines on show, cost R180 per person and can be booked directly via


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Durbanville Hills Bubbles and Blanc Festival: Celebrate one of South Africa’s top grape varieties this October at the Durbanville Hills Bubbles and Blanc festival on 29 and 30 October 2016. Hosted as part of the annual Season of Sauvignon festivities in the picturesque Durbanville Wine Valley, Bubbles and Blanc will delight guests with Sauvignon Blanc inspired activities including wine and bubbly tastings, live entertainment, an oyster and bubbly bar, and Sauvignon Blanc-inspired cocktails. Guests will be able to sample various Durbanville Hills Sauvignon Blancs as well as the newly launched Durbanville Hills Chenin Blanc and Sparkling Sauvignon. Foodies will not be disappointed with the variety of delectable options available from Cape Town’s best food trucks. Guests will also be treated to live entertainment by local talents including Ryan Kidwell, the Paige Mac duo and The Renegades. Little ones can look forward to a jumping castle, pony rides, face painting and so much more. Gates will open at 11:00 on both Saturday and Sunday. Adults: R90 (includes 8 vouchers for wine tasting, cocktails, water and soft drinks). Kids: R40 (includes 2 tickets for kid’s entertainments and a fruit juice). Tickets can be purchased online via For more information, please contact Simone Brown at or 021 558 1300. The Annual Goatshed Charity Dinner at Fairview: MFairview Wine Estate’s restaurant, The Goatshed, will host its third annual Charity Dinner this year on 21 October 2016. After battling cancer for many years and realising what a true privilege it is to have private health care, Co-Owner Shannon Riley of The Goatshed wanted to help those in a less fortunate position by hosting a charity event. Each year, The Goatshed Charity Dinner supports a new charity, with this year’s ticket sale proceeds going to the very deserving Red Cross Children’s Hospital. Tickets include a hearty four course dinner prepared by The Goatshed’s renowned chef, SJ Nel, as well as beautifully paired Fairview wines to complement each dish. Tickets cost R500 and are available on Unplugged62: From 7-9 October 2016 Joubert-Tradauw Vineyards will open their farm in true Klein Karoo hospitality style and welcome visitors from all over to join them for a fun-filled weekend of good live music, food and wine. The organizers, Red Hot Events, bring you an array of popular SA musicians throughout the weekend, including the blues rock phenomenon Albert Frost; the enigmatic Majozi and SA`s favorite instrumental dance band Nomadic Orchestra. Add to that the stylish gypsy jazz sounds of Manouche, the raw melodic rock of the much talked about newcomers Slow Jack and Hatchetman, three men who wrap their remarkable blend of three-part harmony around an intoxicating brew of original songs. And then there’s Hezron Chetty - creating neo classical original arrangements with his solo violin performance on the Sunday morning. Wrap it all up with the fabulous DJ Dirtroad`s “50's,60's,70's,80's, and some 90's beats” – and the weekend promises to be the best party the Klein Karoo has ever seen. All ticket options include a full weekend of festivities. The Joubert-Tradauw Vineyard will play host to nine bands starting Friday evening at 19:00 and ending Sunday morning at 11:00. Tickets also include access to camping facilities, as well as a Deli Alfresco Klein Karoo lunch on the Saturday from 15:00-17:00 along with a glass of Unplugged62 Sauvignon or Merlot. Van Loveren have come on board as a sponsor for the event and will be hosting a ‘Breakfast with Christina’ on the Saturday morning. Tickets available at an additional R120 per person. There will also be a market style tasting area on the farm with all sorts of delicious local fare to enjoy. Think cheeses, olives, freshly baked goodies, biltong and more. Wine on offer for the weekend will be plenty and a fully stocked bar will be set up next to the stage where visitors can enjoy tastings of Joubert-Tradauw's wines as well as Van Loveren’s much loved brands. Unplugged62 is a great weekend away for the whole family - all ages are welcome. Kids 12 and over can take advantage of the discounted ticket rate, while kids under the age of 12 are allowed free entry. For those who don’t fancy setting up camp themselves but want to stay close to the party, check out Cherry Glamping and book yourself a pre-pitched luxury tent. Price of R3,500 is for 2 adults sharing, kids stay for free (just bring their bedding!). Email Ticket prices: Adults Weekend Pass: R750 (Joubert-Tradauw's Deli Alfresco Saturday lunch included in the ticket price.) Kids 12 & Over: R375 (Joubert-Tradauw's Deli Alfresco Saturday lunch included in the ticket price.) *Kids under 12 - free entry. Buy tickets:



Paul René Bubbly Festival: Arrive in style with a splash of pink and indulge in the beauty, simplicity and elegance at the inception of the very first Paul René Bubbly Festival on 5 November from 11:00 until 21:00. Take a journey to the ravishing Robertson in spring to discover the home of Paul René at the Wonderfontein Wine Estate. Family and friends will experience the heart and soul of authentic hand crafted Paul René Brut and Brut Rosé. Bubbly will be for sale all day long at a discounted price. Gin combinations from festival partners Hope on Hopkins will fascinate guests and also entertain during the cocktail hour where our two brands will come together to create a new found synergy. The highlight of the day will be the launch of the first ever Paul René Magnum range, and one lucky guest will win a bottle to take home. Foodies will enjoy the delicious Saldana Bay oysters, Norwegian Salmon and other gourmet treats, which will be on sale throughout the day. Local coffee roaster Strictly Coffee will be selling coffee to caffeine junkies. Challenge a friend to a game of Boules or Croquet or take a drive in a motorbike sidecar around the farm. Delight in the MCC range while listening to live folk music. Kids’ activities will keep the young ones occupied. Entry fee is R200 per adult (children free) and includes a welcome bubbly-drink and beautiful goodie bag with a surprise or two. Tickets are available from WebTickets and capped at 200 to ensure a high-end intimate affair.

Inaugural Elgin Chardonnay Colloquium: As the first shoots of summer start showing, Wines of Elgin will be hosting their inaugural Elgin Chardonnay Colloquium over the weekend of Friday, 7th October and Saturday 8th October 2016 due to the huge success of the first #ElginCY tasting held back in September 2015 for invited guests of the WOSA Cape Wine 2015 event, and which has since been repeatedly requested by trade and consumers. The two day programme is as follows: A seminar and tutored tasting featuring top quality international and Elgin Chardonnays on Friday, 7th October, hosted by Jamie Goode, a London-based wine writer, lecturer and respected wine judge. This will be followed by a gala dinner. Friday’s activities will be hosted at Rockhaven, a beautiful venue nestled amidst vineyards, apple orchards, olive groves and lavender in the Elgin Valley. On the Saturday, 8th October, participants will be able to choose from one of three morning and from one of the four lunch events jointly co-hosted by participating producers bringing an exciting finale to the event. With its high altitude, proximity to the ocean, specific cloud cover and diurnal temperatures, Chardonnay excels in Elgin’s long cool ripening conditions. The full program and listing of wines being tasted can be found at or by emailing Tickets are limited so please book early if you would like to attend.


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Stellenbosch at Summer Place 2016: Johannesburg’s glitterati will soon gather for one of the City of Gold’s premier lifestyle events when Stellenbosch at Summer Place returns to Hyde Park on October 26. The stellar, one-night showcase of some of South Africa’s finest wines, food and art offers cognoscenti the exclusive opportunity to mingle with the country’s top winemakers and chefs. Lending additional panache this year, Stellenbosch at Summer Place will celebrate excellence forged from the eponymous region’s illustrious past and future; a place where greatness shaped over centuries is merged with the visionary talents of pioneering youth. Stellenbosch at Summer Place 2016 will be attended by these very protégés who are set to become the leading winemakers and chefs of tomorrow. Tickets for Stellenbosch at Summer Place 2016 cost R500pp and include all the wine, food and entertainment on the evening. Early booking is recommended as tickets are limited and sell out early. Please note that this unique gastronomic collaboration is not a sit-down experience but rather a swanky, mingling affair for guests to delight in all these exquisite culinary creations while they socialise in an ambiance of sheer luxury.For more information or to buy your tickets contact Elmarie Rabe at 021 886 8275, send an email to or book online at Also follow @StellWineRoute on Twitter.

Veritas: A Taste of the Best: Wine enthusiasts can experience the star-studded Veritas double gold and gold medal winning wines on Tuesday 25 October at the Bill Gallagher Room at the Sandton Convention Centre from 17:00-20:00. Tickets are available from Computicket and cost R160, which includes wine, brandy and cheese tastings. For more information, visit www. or contact the Veritas office at 021 863 1599 or email

GARDEN ROUTE Sasfin Plett Wine & Bubbly Festival : Toast the good life on 8 & 9 October at Plettenberg Bay’s Central Beach. Book your tickets now for Plett’s third festival dedicated to wine, bubbles and the finer things in life. Tickets are R200 per person, and this year they introduce the new Wine Theatre with a series of guest speakers in a small, intimate theatre for those of you wanting a wine aficionado experience. Enjoy wines from more than ten local vineyards. Eat local and drink local with artisan cheeses, charcuterie and breads, sushi, savouries and of course – beautiful, succulent coastal oysters. Sip, and stroll and enjoy the sun and sea just steps from the Indian Ocean at Plett’s Central Beach. All tickets include 10 wine tasting coupons, R20 discount on a bottle of wine and commemorative glass. Additional wine coupons and food available for purchase during the festival. Day Pass R200 per person. Weekend Pass (for both days) R350 per person (R20 discount on a bottle of wine - applies to one day only). For more info and to buy tickets, visit

Veritas: A Taste of the Best : Wine enthusiasts can experience the star-studded Veritas double gold and gold medal winning wines and brandies. Port Elizabeth on Wednesday, 16 November at the Wellington Room, Garden Court Kings Beach Hotel at 18:00. Tickets cost R110 for a sit-down tasting and light snacks. To book, call Jacques van der Merwe on 083 406 3354. Knysna on Thursday, 17 November at Kilzers Kitchen from 18:00 until 20:00. Tickets cost R150 for a sit-down tasting and snacks. Or on Friday, 18 November at 19:00 for a dinner with wines costing R350pp. For tickets, call Jenny Kilzer on 044 382 0135 or 082 572 7986. For more information, visit or contact the Veritas office at 021 863 1599 or



Non-Stop Entertainment at The Oyster Box: Local flavour mixed with sumptuous high teas and festive capers are the order of the day in The Oyster Box’s latest Calendar of Events. No Oyster Box calendar would be complete without an appearance by our beloved cat. Join Skabenga for a delectable Chocolate Factory High Tea and stand a chance to find a Golden Ticket to win a whopping Lindt and Oyster Box hamper. All Golden Ticket holders will be entered into the final draw to win a dream weekend away at The Twelve Apostles Hotel And Spa in Cape Town, as well as a Master Class at the Lindt Chocolate Studio. High Teas run from 30 September to 9 October daily. Book High Tea for Skabenga’s Birthday (we won’t divulge his age) on 6 October and you will be in for an oompa-loompa teatime treat. Cost is R390 per adult and R200 per child. Think pink in support of Breast Cancer Awareness in October and attend one of our pink-themed CANSA Pink Teas. Together with Le Creuset, we will donate R15 per person attending to CANSA. Dates run from the 10 to 31 October. Join the ghouls and ghosts for terrifying fun at our Halloween Dinner on 29 October. The menu, cooked up in the cauldron of our spooktacular Executive Chef Kevin Joseph, will be frighteningly delicious. Cost is R790 per person for 4-course Menu. An enchanting evening awaits at the Perrier-Jouët Food & Wine Dinner on Wednesday 2 November. Be prepared for an exquisite six-course dinner paired with a selection of PerrierJouët’s renowned range in the distinctive belle époque bottle. Cost is R850 per person (6-course Menu).

Veritas: A Taste of the Best : Wine enthusiasts can experience the star-studded Veritas double gold and gold medal winning wines and brandies on Thursday, 10 November at the Function Room, Deloitte Head Office, Umhlanga from 17:00 to 20:00. Tickets are available from Computicket and cost R100. For more information, visit or contact the Veritas office at 021 863 1599 or email


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