The Wine Merchant issue 75

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THE WINE MERCHANT. An independent magazine for independent retailers Issue 75, November 2018

Dog of the Month: Rory Lancaster Wine Company

THIS MONTH 3 BACCHUS What’s happened to independents’ allocations?

4 comings & GOINGS

The merchants who’ve gone from two sites to one

10 tried & TESTED

© goodluz /

Bordeaux’s harvest is back to normal levels after the frost damage of 2017, according to Allan Sichel, president of the Bordeaux Wine Bureau. The region is increasingly focused on specialist merchants in the UK as it withdraws from lower price points – see interview on pages 18 and 19.

Business rate cut won’t solve trade’s problems Independent wine merchants have given a muted reaction to the Chancellor’s cut in business rates for small retailers.

independents. Wayne Blomfield of Park

Vintners in west London describes the Budget as “reasonably balanced” and accepts “it helps

The cuts come at a time when the government small businesses a little bit”.

has announced an increase in wine duty, rents

But he says that although the business rate

are soaring and there are fears in the wine trade cut is welcome, “it’s just a short-term fix”. about the impact that Brexit will have on the

He adds: “I think it’s noticeable that no one

economy – and their sales.

actually said what the problems are – they are

in England with a rateable value of £51,000 or

want to say that – they don’t want to have to

Chancellor Philip Hammond confirmed a tax

cut to business rates of one third for all retailers less, coming into force next April. The measure will apply for the next two years, until the next re-evaluation of rateable values in 2021. There was a mixed response from

all blaming online shopping, but it’s not online shopping, it’s greedy landlords. But they don’t reform the tax system properly. It’s a sticking plaster.

Continues page 2

A wine that will give you a Ready-Brek glow

14 david williams

The bad science behind Stoptober and Dry January

22 travels in tuscany

Vermentino Nero is a new experience for most

30 the wright wine co

Why Julian Kaye sometimes dresses up as Baron Samedi

44 roaming in romania

Indigenous grapes are the stars of our first buyers’ trip to Dealu Mare

48 make a date

The January tastings that you’d be mad to miss

48 supplier Bulletin

Essential updates from agents and suppliers

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