The Wine Merchant issue 94 (August 2020)

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THE WINE MERCHANT. An independent magazine for independent retailers

Issue 94, August 2020

Dog of the Month: Gary Batch Bottle Store, Altrincham

The Twisted Cork is the latest independent wine merchant to make its home inside a former shipping container. Read about Christine and Lee Longden’s new venture in Tiptree, Essex, on page six.

Indies can hang on to new trade Survey shows that most indies have recruited extra customers this year, and believe they can retain a third of them


ptimistic independents expect

to keep more than a third of the

new customers they’ve managed

to acquire since lockdown began in March, according to an exclusive survey carried

out by The Wine Merchant in association with Liberty Wines.

Two out of three respondents say

customer numbers have increased

during the lockdown period and into

the beginning of August. When asked to suggest how many of these new

customers would be retained once the

threat of Covid-19 has receded, the average prediction was 35.8%.

It could be argued that merchants are

now in a good position to gauge their long-term retention rate, with rivals

such as Majestic, The Wine Society and

supermarkets now trading more fluidly than they were in April and May.

Overall, the average sales growth

figure for the March to July period for all

respondents in the survey (including those who report a sales decrease) was 43.9%,

Continues page two

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