The Wine Merchant issue 112 (April 2022)

Page 19

Gateshead winery defeated by Covid



How much disruption has Covid caused you in recent weeks?

We’ve had a number of cancellations for big tables and for wine classes. It’s definitely had an effect on us in terms of the number of people drinking in. In my view, people are a little more reticent to drink out than they usually would be. I’ve not had Covid, but a staff member had it, and I guess it’s pretty impossible in the hospitality trade to avoid it when you’re always in a bar or a shop. I think it will get easier when the weather warms up and people start to drink outside.

The owner of the north east’s only urban winery has announced plans to close the company after the challenges of Covid and Brexit proved “too much for our small business”. Laneberg Wine – the UK’s most northerly

winery, based in the unlikely location of

first wines in 2019 to great acclaim from

The company was formed by Newcastle-

born Elise Lane, who returned to the region with her family to set up the winemaking venture, having already enjoyed a

successful corporate finance career. Business Live, March 30

No smoke without ire at Napa estate

We are such a small shop and we have continued to have our blackboard outside saying ‘only two customers at a time, and we’d appreciate it if you’d wear a mask and sanitise your hands’. To be fair, so many of our customers are regulars and know the score, so we’ve been OK. Trading-wise, we can be as busy on a Tuesday as we are on a Saturday – the weekend is shifting.

Suzy Wood Power Haywood Wines, Bournemouth

Business has been appalling for the quarter but typically January, February and parts of March are appalling because Glastonbury is a tourist town. I’ve noticed on the high street the Chinese, Americans and Italians, who are a big part of my business, are still absent. I’ve not had Covid, luckily, so I’ve just ploughed on through and my suppliers have all been OK, although yesterday I was told some stuff might have to come via courier as their drivers were off sick.

Well-known winemaker Heidi Peterson Barrett has walked away from a 20-year gig as a winemaker at Napa Valley’s Kenzo Estate over a disagreement with the owners about releasing the winery’s 2020 reds.

The 2020 vintage was interrupted by the

Glass Fire, which burst out on September 27 and led to significant smoke over the valley for days.

“I would like it to be public knowledge

that I did not make the 2020 reds,” Barrett said., March 18

• An entrepreneur who set up a wine tasting business before the pandemic struck has unveiled plans for expansion. Tom Newbold

Mark Ross The Green Room, Glastonbury

In Northern Ireland we are still having to isolate and if a member of the team gets Covid, we all have to test and stay away until we have a negative result. So in the past month one person has been off for a week with Covid, and having a member of staff absent for that long has a three-week knock-on-effect of trying to catch up getting everyone’s hours correct. The good news is that we have seen an uptake in business so it’s not affected our cash flow. Dominic Love H Champagne winner H The Crafty Vintner, Belfast

was forced to reinvent his Tomelier business when Covid put a stop to face-to-face events. He is now recruiting other wine experts to offer face-to-face tastings across the UK.

Derek Crookes Kernow Wines, Falmouth

Team Valley, in Gateshead – released its wine critics, customers and retailers.

Champagne Gosset The oldest wine house in Champagne: Äy 1584

Rugby Observer, March 28

THE WINE MERCHANT april 2022 19

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