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Winfer Gondwe

Johannesburg, South Africa

PRINT MEDIA Builders Quarterly Magazine Builders Quarterly Magazine is a Quarterly-construction journal that is circulated in South Africa and through out the Southern African region. It is one of the most reliable construction industry news source featuring news worthy items and major construction projects in South Africa and the Southern African region. Readership Profile Builders Quarterly is read by professionals in Architectural firms, private developers, building contractors, Property developers, Construction firms as well Government Departments. Demographics Builders Quarterly has a print run of 6200 copies. The distribution breakdown is as: Target Audience 6200 copies distributed via subscription as well as major role players in each of the four industries according to our comprehensive data base. 30% - Johannesburg Municipality 25% - Tshwane Municipality 20% - Ekurhuleni Municipality 15% - Nelson Mandela Municipalty 10% will be distributed to:  Sedibeng District Mu
