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Interprofessional Education (IPE

Educational Leadership 7110. Managing Finance, Budget, and Facilities

This course examines business management functions as related to human resources, budgeting, educational efficiency, observations/evaluations of teachers and school personnel; examines relevant topics such as comprehensive human resources development plans, professional development models and motivation, climate and productivity. This course will use a blended delivery model. Credit: 3 hours

Educational Leadership 7128. Higher Education Law and Policy

This course provides a comprehensive review of legal structures, regulations and case law concerning higher education and develops a framework for analysis and decision making in higher education. This course will use a blended delivery model. Credit: 3 hours

Educational Leadership 7152. Higher Education in the 21st Century

The course examines current issues and future trends that will impact higher education in the future. This course will use a blended delivery model. Credit: 3 hours

Educational Leadership 7235. Work Force and Economic Development

This course examines the components of workforce training and economic development at the local, state and federal level; the impact of a worker training program on economic development is presented. This course will use a blended delivery model. Credit: 3 hours

Educational Leadership 7312. Developing Effective Student Service Programs

This course examines how effective practices and programs in student recruitment, admissions, financial aid, counseling, advising, registration, and student activities and athletics impact student enrollment, retention and graduation. This course will use a blended delivery model. Credit: 3 hours

Educational Leadership 7513. Presidents and Executive Leadership

This course examines the current and future roles, responsibilities, cooperative partnerships and collaborative alliances of higher education presidents; building an effective leadership team and a culture of organizational and personal success (at all levels). This course will use a blended delivery model. Credit: 3 hours

I N T E R P R O F E S S I O N A L E DU C A T I O N ( I P E )

Interprofessional Education 520. Introduction to Graduate Academic Writing

This course is designed to help students strengthen their academic/scholarly writing skills by learning the basic mechanics of sentence structure, APA and other writing styles, critical inquiry and analysis, and writing an effective literature review. Note: this course spans the entire first semester of admission (running concurrently with both the Online 1 and Online 2 sessions) Credit: 3 hours

Interprofessional Education 700. Interprofessional Teamwork

Interprofessional Teamwork is a course designed to introduce first year pharmacy and PA students to key principles and behaviors associated with effective teamwork in preparation for working collaboratively in interprofessional patient-centered teams. Prerequisite: Health Science Graduate Programs only Credit: 0 hour Pass/Fail

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