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Master of Arts in Sport Management (MASM
Interprofessional Education 701. Interprofessional Education Introduction 1
This course sequence allows students to learn about, from, and with other health sciences students in an interprofessional environment focused on roles/responsibilities, communication, values/ethics, and teamwork. Prerequisite: Health Science Graduate Programs only Credit: 0 hour Pass/Fail
Interprofessional Education 702. Interprofessional Education Introduction 2
This course sequence allows students to learn about, from, and with other health sciences students in an interprofessional environment focused on roles/responsibilities, communication, values/ethics, and teamwork. Prerequisite: Health Science Graduate Programs only Credit: 0 hour Pass/Fail
M A S T E R O F A R T S I N S POR T M A N A G E M E N T ( M A S M )
Master of Arts in Sport Management 535. Sport Research
This course familiarizes the graduate candidate with the nature, procedures and application of research in sport management. Candidates examine, analyze and synthesize sport research literature and plan, conduct and report upon a simple sport research study. Credit: 3 hours
Master of Arts in Sport Management 553. PR and Social Media in Sport
This course focuses on the growth of the Internet and social media, and their emerging role as marketing and public relations media. Students explore the advantages and disadvantages relative to traditional marketing practices. Students engage in creating promotional and informational video formats, web pages, online survey forms, and work to analyze survey responses. Credit: 3 hours
Master of Arts in Sport Management 555. Sport Economics and Finance
This course is designed to allow the student to understand the fundamentals of finance, budgeting, and accounting in the sport and recreation industry. The course will emphasize financial principles, financial markets as well as growth and development of revenue sources in the 21st century. Credit: 3 hours
Master of Arts in Sport Management 557. Sport Marketing and Promotions
This course provides the theoretical underpinnings of sport marketing and promotion, and illustrates their application with practical examples from the sport marketplace. The course also introduces students to the application of basic principles of marketing in the sport industry with emphasis on intercollegiate athletics, professional sport, and multi-club sport operations. The students develop a broad appreciation of marketing by providing them with an up-to-date understanding of marketing concepts as they are currently being applied in advanced study and work in marketing, consumer behavior and related fields. Credit: 3 hours
Master of Arts in Sport Management 558. Sport Sales and Sponsorship
This course provides the theoretical techniques used to sell and generate revenues in the sport industry. This required course concentrates on corporate sales and sponsorship, its growing role and its vital importance in sports. Topics include sales proposal development, sponsorship solicitation, licensing rights, new business development, endorsements and merchandising, commercialization of technology, and corporate partnerships. The course provides an overview of the industry and instruction on effective methods to plan, price, organize, acquire, implement, measure and evaluate sponsorships including the development of a corporate sponsorship plan. Credit: 3 hours
Master of Arts in Sport Management 559. Sport Venue and Event Management
This course provides identification and investigation into the design and management of sport and recreational venues. Management techniques and procedures for athletic events are examined. Required field trips are a vital component of in this class. Credit: 3 hours
Master of Arts in Sport Management 561. Sport Law and Ethics
This course enables the student to analyze and understand legal issues and to discuss the ramifications of those issues with a foundation of comprehensive information that is relevant to managers in the sport industry. Ethical considerations in sport decision-making are also discussed. Credit: 3 hours
Master of Arts in Sport Management 572 – NCAA Compliance and Administration
This course is designed to give students a working knowledge of NCAA rules and regulations at the Divisions I, II and III levels will be covered, as well as NAIA compliance. Topics covered will include recruitment, initial and continuing eligibility, progress toward degree completion, amateurism, financial aid, etc. Credit: 3 hours
Master of Arts in Sport Management 574. Collegiate Athlete Development and Wellness
This course will provide students with insight into the importance of using an athletic program as a vehicle to holistically develop athletes both on and off the court or field; particular focus will be placed on career development, counseling services, life skills seminars, personal finance, communication, post-sport career transition, and reaching injured athletes. Credit: 3 hours
Master of Arts in Sport Management 576. Fundraising and Development in College Athletics
This course will provide students with insight into the importance of using an athletic program as a vehicle to holistically develop athletes both on and off the court or field; particular focus will be placed on career development, counseling services, life skills seminars, personal finance, communication, post-sport career transition, and reaching injured athletes. Credit: 3 hours
Master of Arts in Sport Management 591. Organization and Administration of Sport
The administrative processes in sports and athletics from high school, to college, to public/private recreation, and to professional sports will be analyzed and examined. Credit: 3 hours
Master of Arts in Sport Management 600. Social Issues in Sport Management
This course explores how power relations, stereotypes, cultural ideologies and personal beliefs impact sport participation. Critical analysis and research are the basis for exploring the links between sport and major issues in society. Credit: 3 hours
Master of Arts in Sport Management 615. Psychology of Coaching
This course provides students with a foundation in the theories and philosophies associated with the field of coaching. In this course, students critically analyze the strengths, limitations, and potential applications of various theories, philosophies, and ideas. Examples include: Developmental Systems Theory, Ecological Systems Theory, protective factors, and developmental assets. Credit: 3 hours
Master of Arts in Sport Management 616. Theory of Coaching
This course will explore methods of coaching and their applications. Theoretical and applied ideas regarding structure of practice, goal-setting and achievement, and defining the various roles a coach must fill will be presented. Students will use ideas from theories discussed in settings and discuss results of different applications. Credit: 3 hours
Master of Arts in Sport Management 618. Youth Development and Ethics in Sport
This course is designed to emphasize positive youth (10-19) development and ethical coaching through sport. The focus will be on a variety of contemporary issues that will arise in youth sport and the moral, ethical, and, sometimes legal, obligations of coaches in those situations. Ethical decision-making skills are also emphasized. Credit: 3 hours
Master of Arts in Sport Management 620. Sport Management Internship
Students will complete an internship once coursework is completed. The internship must be with a sport/sport-related organization and must be approved by the MASM Program Director. Requires a minimum of 250 clock hours and is supervised by the MASM Program Director and the internship site supervisor. Credit: 3 hours
Master of Arts in Sport Management 640. Comprehensive Exam
Serving as the comprehensive, culminating requirement of the MASM degree, the comprehensive exam will be used for students to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and application of major concepts in Sport Management. Credit: 1 hour (P/F)