Wing Kiu Ho | Selected Work (2019-2023)

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ARCHITECTURE Portfolio Wing Kiu Ho | B-ARCH | California College of the Arts | 2023

Selected Works 2023

Technical Skillset:

W in g K iu Ho | WI N KY B . A r c h Ar ch itectu r e | CCA I n t e r n a t ion a l Stu den t | H ong Kong

C o n t a c t I n for ma tion : E m a il | win g kiu h 4 1 5 @ g mai l .com B a se d in Ba y A r ea, CA

Rhino Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign...) Revit SketchUp Rendering V-Ray Rendering Enscape Grasshopper Microsoft Office Package

+4 Years +3 Years +1 Year +3 Years +3 Years +1 Year +1 Year +6 Years

Work Experience: App Building Consultancy Ltd Summer Intership | Hong Kong 2019 SF Model Shop and Tool Center Model Shop Monitor | Work Study | CCA 2021-2023 SF Media Center Media Center Monitor | Work Study | CCA 2021-2022 Education: B.Arch Architecture Degree California College of the Arts (CCA) San Francisco | 2019-2023 City College of San Francisco San Francisco | 2016-2019 Langnages Spoken: Cantonese (Native) English Mandarin Awards: Runner-up Studio Prize DC/DM Advanced Architecture Stuido Spring 2022


01 Community Building 02 Ecological Care 03 Radical & Ecological Sanctuary 04 Pavilion 05 Commercial Building 06 Desert House 07 Pop-Up Theater 08 Material Ecology & Method

01 Community Building

C - H o u se | Con n ected Com m uni t y TIMBER TOWN INNOVATION… Site | Greenville, CA Integrated Design Studio | Spring 2023 California College of the Arts Instructor | Peter Anderson Team| Suvin Choi, Chizumi Kano, Wing Kiu Ho Software | Rhino, Illustrator, Photoshop

Community Building | 1

Community Building | 2

The project cooperated with LMNOP Design and the residents’ advice to rebuild the community of Greenville after the fire in 2020. Our team had been studying the history from the beginning of the town until nowadays and we designed to come up with a community center for both tourists and the local community as a gathering space. The concept behind the design was to design two c-shapes to form a natural intersection in the center would be the interaction area for both groups which was the courtyard. We incorporated Engawa, a traditional Japanese architectural feature that connected the interior and exterior spaces to provide shade for summer and sunlight for the winder. Yet, two c-shaped buildings still maintain their separation and privates when they need to.

Community Building | 3

Community Building | 4

The incline C-shaped roof also imprinted the background

In the structural systems, we used the grid as the roof base and used

beautiful and natural Greenville property which was the

umns for these two buildings. There were two main structural column

mountain view by enhancing the hierarchy of the building.

was the v-shaped columns that were placed in the more public and

the dining hall, welcoming space, and museum would be held. Using

allow more dynamic circulation for people while they flow around th

visual was more appealing and attractive. The secondary structure w

wood columns using the local wood logs. This column would be plac such as the event hall and living space for visitors.

Community Building | 5

d it to help divide the col-

ns. The first primary structure

d open building where

g this type of column can

he space. And also, the

was the more traditional

ced in a more private area,

Community Building | 6

Structural Diagram

Community Building | 7

Rendering images from the public space, the museum, the intersection, the courtyard with two different seasons, and the private space, the library

Community Building | 8

Physical Model 1/8” scale

View from the Front Entry to the Courtyard, the Engawa

Community Building | 9

Physical Model 1/8” scale

View of the Structure, from the Grid Roof Structure to the V-shape Column, Join, and the Remaining Brick from the Fire

Community Building | 10

02 Ecological Care

Liv in g La n dsca pe MATERIALITIES OF CARE | Domestic Entanglements Across Species Site | Alameda Creek, CA DC/DM Advanced Architecture Studio | Fall 2021 California College of the Arts | ARCHT-5070-03 / MARCH-6070-03 Instructor | Adam Marcus, Associate Professor Team | Suvin Choi, Wing Kiu Ho Software | Rhino, Illustrator

Ecological Care | 11

The project used the roof to support several systems and relationships between humans, pollinator species, and plants. There are five major groups that this building would interact with our design, including human residents, the general public, beekeepers/gardeners, animals bumblebees, and plants. These five groups fuel the bio-economy of growth and production through maintenance care and consumerism. Our project is constructed using CLT panels, which can provide structural support and stability to reduce the need for additional structural members such as beams and columns.

Ecological Care | 12

The rooftop has been divided into five different categories, including the human box, walkway, bee boxes, skylights, and plants, for two different hierarchies of the rooftop systems, which are low maintenance for wildflowers and open public and on the other hand high maintenance for man-made habitat and extra care for animals specifically for the local bumble bee, crops, and flowers for both residents and animals, to provide the different needs for the triangular relationship between human, non-human species, and plants.

Ecological Care | 13

Ecological Care | 14

Bumble bee, human and plants have a bonded triangular relationship and they all rely on each other to survive. They all work in 2 ways. Like human takes care of the bumblebee and the bees balance out the ecosystem in the environment and provide honey and wax for human for food and products. Next, Bees help pollinate the plants and the plants grow flowers and crops. Last but not least, human water and take care the plants so that the plants can provide vegetables and fruits as food for human.

3 Perspectives Drawings

Ecological Care | 15

Ecological Care | 16

03 Radical & Ecological Sanctuary

Hy dr a-Cells SANCTUARY: NEW PARADIGMS IN COLLECTIVE FORM Site | Bay Bridge, San Francisco, CA Time | Future +100 yeras DC/DM Advanced Architecture Studio | Spring 2022 California College of the Arts | ARCHT 5070 Instructor | Jason Kelly Johnson Software | Rhino, Grasshopper, Photoshop

Sanctuary | 17

Sanctuary | 18

Growing Cells + Branching Skeleton

Hydra Cells Society is a club that mainly makes

In order to provide different needs for

documentaries about special local SF Marine species

two groups, this building was programmed

and all the members are living in this building to be

into two primary spaces. The top communal

self-sufficing by drinking the fog water they collect from

farming space uses and collects freshwater,

fog collectors and vegetables they plant or sea food

and another half is for public space for pro-

that they catch. Meanwhile, morning time visitors start

fessionals and members to study the ocean

entering the public space. Members and visitors can


use this time to interact with each other.

Sanctuary | 19

The building expands throughout the years by adding more skeletal tubes and spheres into the building. After working for a couple more years, the building already has expanded all the way to the bottom of the seabed.

About the circulation of this building, people mainly rely on the glass tubes to move around from one space to another. This steel structure outside the glass tubes does not only use for the circulation of humans and freshwater but also the main support for the whole structure.

Sanctuary | 20

Sanctuary | 21

Sanctuary | 22

Sanctuary | 23

Study Models

Final Physical Model

Sanctuary | 24

04 Pavilion

Y in Y an g P a v ilion NEWER NOONAN: the Not-So-Blank Canvas Project 1: CLT Pavilion Site | Dogpatch, San Francisco, CA Advanced Architecture Studio | Spring 2022 California College of the Arts Instructor | Craig Scott Software | Rhino, Illustrator

Pavilion | 25

Flow Line Diagram

Pavilion | 26

Pavilion | 27

Pavilion | 28

05 Commercial Building

Wor k-Life Bu ilding Design Media 3 | Fall 2020 California College of the Arts Instructor | Cesar Escalante Software | Revit, Enscape

Commerical Building | 29

This ten-story building was an office space in the modern building of around 89.000 square feet. The concept of this building is to create many outdoor spaces for temporary leisure space for workers to work in a healthier working environment to maintain their work-life balance habit, at the same time, help them have a more effective work.

Commerial Building | 30

Commerical Building | 31

Using curves to form a natural interloop section from the interior and exterior space, allows workers to walk outside the platform for a sunlight break and walk back inside the office workspace afterward. These outdoor semi-circled leisure spaces also welcome people to gather together while they are outside and encourage them to have a small chat with each other to maintain their healthy social life even in their work area.

Commerial Building | 32

06 Desert House

D eser t Hou se E03: Desert House Drawings B. Arch Core Studio 2 | Spring 2020 California College of the Arts Instructors | Clark Thenhaus, Craig Scott, Dylan Krueger Software | Rhino, Photoshop

Desert House | 33

Desert House | 34

07 Pop-Up Theater

Sp lash P a v ilion Project 01: EXPERIENCE FACTORY Site | Dogpatch, San Francisco, CA Film | Mind Game | Japan B. Arch Core Studio 3 | Fall 2020 California College of the Arts Instructors | Jason Kelly Johnson (Main), Matthew Kendall, Clayton Williams Software | Rhino, V-Ray

Pop-Up Thearter | 35

08 Material Ecology And Method

Material Ecology and Method | 36

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