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Proud to support the Winnetka Community House Woman’s Board Proud to support the Winnetka Community House Woman’s Board.
Heartsaver CPR AED Training NEW!
This course teaches adult and child CPR and AED use, infant CPR, and how to relieve choking in adults, children, and infants. This hands on course teaches skills with the American Heart Association’s researchproven technique, which allows instructors to observe students, provide feedback, and guide the students’ learning.
Instructor: Joe Hubbard
Truth About Emotional Eating NEW!
Do you ever nd yourself heading straight to the kitchen when you are stressed? or continuing to eat even when you are not hungry but because you were bored or tired? During this workshop, discover and learn the latest techniques for managing common eating triggers, learn how to eat more intentionally and not on autopilot, and how to feel more in control of your eating.
Instructor: Mollie Lawniczak
Age 18 & Up
M / NM: $129
16599 W 6-7 pm 4/12-4/26
Age 18 & Up M: $50 / NM: $65 16830 Tu 6:30-8:30 pm
Instructor: Mollie Lawniczak
Age 18 & Up
M / NM: $85
16601 Tu 6-8 pm 5/9