Nitrous Oxide: Understanding more about Laughing Gas
With most dental visits, the procedure or treatment is completed with basic tools and nothing more. However, more invasive treatments or fear of dental procedures will require the use of nitrous oxide, otherwise known as laughing gas. You have most likely heard of the gas but are unsure as to what it does or what it is used for. By learning more about nitrous oxide, you can feel more comfortable with your next dental visit. What is Nitrous Oxide? N2O or Nitrous Oxide is popularly known as laughing gas and is used in dentistry as a method of sedation. The gas is both odorless and colorless. It works by relaxing the patient, so they begin to feel good, helping to alleviate any fears or nervousness. The gas is useful as well as easily reversible, so patients can complete a treatment and go back to work if needed.