Full Portfolio 2016 \ Win Myat Myat Phyo \ Graduate (MA) Landscape Architect

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R 2016

Win Myat Myat Phyo



Community Details Management Masterplanning Miscellaneous








Graduate (MA)Landscape Architect


Win Myat Myat Phyo

Over the years.












Table of Contents



PROFILE I am a cheerful person with a positive drive. Being born in Myanmar, raised in the U.K. and having close friends from several countries has made me an open-minded, global citizen. I love creativity in all shapes and sizes. The meaning of my everyday work is to make a global contribution, to help people, to solve challenges and to develop better new situations than old ones. My semester abroad to the U.S. has been one of my greatest challenges, which turned out to be a rewarding experience. My professional experience also diversify from working at a multi-disciplinary firm before attending the Masters course, writing at Landscape Architects Network and winning an Elementary School campus design in Chicago, which has now been completed. At this beginning chapter of my career, I am eager to face any new challenges and learn new skills in order to keep evolving and refining my craft.




3-D Computer Modelling/ Visualisations: I am highly interested in creating atmospheric (realistic and conceptual) visualisations. In order to refine the outputs, I would be interested in learning high-end 3-D modelling software. Conceptual Stage of the design process w.m.m.phyo@gmail.com Community/ client consultations: My interest in people helps me enjoy speaking with community members. linkedin.com/win-myat-myat-phyo- Illustration: After a college background in fine art, I have ab72b368 been delving into simple, clear, abstract illustration work. Graphic Design: I have been gaining more interest in behance.net/WinPhyo graphic design, which is key in any promotional work. www.s-n-i.net Writing: I am an articulate writer with experience. I feel that writing can be one of the core parts Native Burmese, Fluent English of a design project and a source of inspiration.

7th April 1993 Born in Myanmar, Raised in England (British)

Full, clean UK Driving License

Self-Driven Open-Minded Honest Team Player Reading non-fiction Dancing Learning Ukulele

Positive Resilient Fair Leader Making own skincare products



September 2015- July 2016 MA Landscape Architecture, University of Sheffield, U.K.

October 2012- Present Writer at Landscape Architects Network (landarchs.com)

July 2014- July 2015 Assistant Landscape Architect, Terence O’Rourke, Bournemouth, U.K.

July 2016- Present Founded Stories ‘n’ Illustrations (s-n-i.net)

September 2011- July 2014 BA Landscape Architecture with Planning, University of Sheffield, U.K., including a semester abroad at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (September 2013December 2013) September 2009- July 2011 Winstanley College, Wigan, U.K.: Maths, Chemistry, Fine Art, Physics- Grades A(4)

Friendly Dedicated Travelling Hiking

June 2013- July 2013 Sheffield’s Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Project for Walkley Community, Sheffield September 2013- July 2013 Mentoring Landscape Architecture students with Landscape Society’s Buddy Scheme, University of Sheffield June 2012- July 2012 Teaching English at a school in Quito, Ecuador, as part of Original Volunteers

September 2002-July 2009 Standish Community High School, Wigan, U.K.- Grades A*(8), A(1), B(1)




Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator


Adobe InDesign

Adobe Premier Pro

Corel Painter

Microsoft Office


Graduate Landscape Architect

Curriculum Vitae

Writer 004

Win Myat Myat Phyo

View of sculpture from the side 005


Smokes of Impermanence \ Conceptual Garden

MA 1st Semester A/W 2016

Smokes of Impermanence Art Practice and Landscape Design: Garden as Art Software Used Throughout history, the garden has been considered an art form. In recent (esp. ‘western’) culture, it has largely lost such a primary role. The aim of the project is to reinvigorate and examine the ‘garden as art’ as idea, and as physical, functional place.

The main challenge of this project is to make a garden that extends the notion of ‘garden’ and meets the function of art in some way, exploring form, function and materials of the “garden” in conventional and unconventional ways. The final, outside the box solution is a sculpture in the sea, which questions the term “garden” and explores process art as a device to explore the notion of time.


Win Myat Myat Phyo

Art in the Sea \ Conceptual digital painting of a sculpture in the sea

Underlying Themes The Garden: Conceptual Show Garden\ Nature as the Garden In this project, the definition of a “Garden� is questioned to be something bigger than the boundaries of the typical Westerners’ housing plots. Hence we transport back to a time where humans were of a primitive nature and our garden consisted of a bigger Landscape where our undeveloped lands were made up of the contents we see in the gardens today: of rocks, grasses, water, flowers... The scale of the conceptual show garden is increased significantly outside the boundaries of the Art Gallery and the Show Space into the very limitless boundaries of nature itself. A seascape setting has been decided as the most fitting.

The Medium: The incense \ A visual reminder of Impermanence An incense is a powerful medium in Zen Buddhism to relay the properties of impermanence. The unlit incense whispers the potential of an unenlightened human and the lit incense is a glowing hope, more importantly, its ephemeral smoke mirrors the transient nature of life. The incense as: 1) Process Art, burning from start to finish and 2) an artistic Medium, a powerful tool, which can demonstrate properties of creation and destruction. Using incense as a both a tool of medium and process art allows further exploration of a garden that exist to tell the story of time and impermanence. 007









Exploring the notion of impermanence with conceptual digital painting


Smokes of Impermanence \ Conceptual Garden

Process art is the story-telling device used to explore the notion of time, something which in a more primitive time ceased to exist. The installation wants the viewers to dwell in the mystery of impermanence that exists all around us, every second of the day. Process art captures the creation and destruction process, more importantly the present moment in between the start and the end. Through dwelling in such a process allows viewers to access the feeling of infinity. Process Art Video Link: h t t p s : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h ? v = A d v I R S t A 5 f Q

Win Myat Myat Phyo

9pm: Story of the night

In the cold breeze of the night, against the backdrop of the City behind them, the people gathered looking out into the darkness, the bluish black sky looming in front of them. Within the near distance, they can make out the straight lines of the installation with thick lines almost plunging into the gentle waves of the sea. It was a quiet night; everyone is at peace, thanks to the swishes and swooshes of the waves, which they imagined is washing their worries and troubles out into the distance- away from their current reality. Suddenly, the several thick lines lit up at the bottom with a golden glow, which quickly turned into a bundle of smoke. Dramatically, the incense sticks burned in unity, relentless like the crashing waves. The ashes fall into the ocean to be carried away by the water. The people watched with intent. Tonight, this group of people brought together by one event begin to see the set of incense sticks as themselves, no longer in separation. They stand side by side one another in eternal silence, no longer separated by households and statuses. As the incense gave out their last breath of smoke, the notion of life and death was on the people’s minds, for despite their seemingly differences, all would be reduced to the two dates of birth and death- start and end. This moment they shared, now like the once burning incense, is impermanent. Tonight, they shared the feeling of infinity in the still presence of watching the brief event. The leftover smokes and the waves continue mirroring the transient nature of the events of their life, coming and going, coming and going, coming and ...



View overlooking the sculpture


Smokes of Impermanence \ Conceptual Garden

View from the back of the sculpture

Win Myat Myat Phyo



Play. 011


Mosaic “River� runnel running along the artificial rolling mounds BA 1st Semester A/W 2013

Theophilus Schmid Elementary School

The main challenges of this project are to dramatically reduce rainwater runoff from the school Campus Design for Chicago Public School site and create a coherent, spatially sophisticated design that Software Used meets basic ADA requirements, including providLocation: 9755 S. Greenwood, Pullman neighbourhood ing safer car parking space within the school grounds. Chicago, Illinois \ Size: 1.85 ha \ Client: Openlands and The design solution is informed through a series Healthy Schools Campaign \ Budget: $1.5million capi- tal funding \ Project Completion Date: October 2014 of community consultations with the schoolteachers and children, the community and the engineers in This is the winning campus design, now imple- volved. The final design proposes a multifunctional, mented on-site, for Chicago Public School. The project was vibrant outer environment that caters for the younginitiated by Space to Grow- an innovative partnership led by er and older children to explore, play and rest, whilst HSC and Openlands to transform Chicago schoolyards into also catering the surrounding community members centers for outdoor learning, play and engagement with na- to engage in sporting activities outside school hours. ture, while also addressing neighbourhood-flooding issues. The backbone of the design engages in functional With expertise from Chicago Public Schools (CPS), the Chicago Department of Water Management and the and engaging water management system, becoming an Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Great- educational and practical feature in itself that can teach children er Chicago, the design was simplified in the later stag- and adults alike on sustainable water management and captures due to budget with its key principles and features kept. ing run-off from the surrounding residential grounds.


Theophilus Schmid Elementary School \ Campus Design


Win Myat Myat Phyo



Analysis of the existing site, not to scale

[1] Pavement

The project has been featured in:


[2] Swale

[3] Underground Storage Tank

“Most of our neighbours suffer from significant flooding when it rains,� Principal Andrea Black 013



[1] [4]





[4] Overground Barrel with tap

Originally proposed Master Plan, (Imperial) Scale 1:20 @ >A0 Bottom: Illustration showing the journey of stormwater on site

[5] Mosaic Runnel

[6] Large Rain Garden

“Runnel”: a small man-made feature that captures rainwater from the school’s roof and feeds it into a garden that’s ready to soak up all that water! 014

Theophilus Schmid Elementary School \ Campus Design


Win Myat Myat Phyo

Amphitheatre for sporting events and refurbished track

“This new outdoor space has made an overall difference in the whole school environment; beautifying the space has made everyone even more proud of the school.� Margaret Thornton, a retired teacher and community member

Learning garden with edibles- a tool for teaching

Climbing net on an existing hill

Resting area surrounded by native prairie

The butterfly garden at the entrance space 015


Implemented Master Plan, drawing key ideas from the original

Learning garden implemented along the runnel

June 30th 2016: community members came out to Schmid Elementary school to play and to tend the gardens in their schoolyard

Play equipment with artificial rolling hills

Space to Grow breaks ground for the new campus design 016

Theophilus Schmid Elementary School \ Campus Design

Pathway near the entrance

Win Myat Myat Phyo

Top: Section A-A’, Scale 1:200 @ A1 demonstrating the unfolding experience towards the river; Bottom: Aerial Map of site NTS 017


Facing the Flow \ Castlegate Riverside Park

BA 2nd Semester S/S 2014

Facing the Flow

The potential to create space for a new economy that will contribute to the vitality and ecoCastlegate Riverside Park nomic regeneration of this area such as introduction Location: Castlegate, Sheffield, U.K. \ of low cost, temporary refurbishment of existing Size: approximately 2 ha \ Client: University of Sheffield buildings and low cost, temporary structures that may appeal to new creative Software Used industries looking for affordable accommodation. The aim of this project is to produce a fully inteStrategically considering how the regeneragrated design proposal, which will include site and user tion of Castlegate can contribute to the wider regenerexploration, conceptual development, strategic planning, master planning and detailed design, including plant- ation and identity of the Upper and Lower Don as ing and construction. The brief is to create a new riv- well as recognising and responding to the strategic sigerside park that makes an immediate contribution to the nificance of the site as a potential gateway landmark social and environmental life of the city following the demoli- at a key arrival point of the City and as a hub to connect tion of the markets and possible exposure of the River Sheaf. the river corridor to the city centre is also of importance. The following pages reveal the conse The park will also be an important stepping stone quent masterplan and detail design solutions. that reconnects different communities that surround the site.


Win Myat Myat Phyo

Castlegate: The Forgotten Place

Where a castle once stood, A temporary bowling green Filled the mood, Until the blocky markets shadowed Thinking for good, A place where the rivers once kissed, Then never to be missed What now will create the bliss?

Historical Images Riverside walk

River Don Poor relationship to the river Main through roads


and s Bus r


Castle ruins


Key pedestrian space

River Sheaf



Oppressive pedestrian routes

Existing site analysis, NTS

Conceptual ink painting showing links and key spaces, NTS 019


Facing the Flow \ Castlegate Riverside Park

Section B-B’ Scale 1:200 @ A1 demonstrating the urban square transitioning to the River Sheaf 020

Win Myat Myat Phyo

Riverside adventure



Playful Escape


Mu Wooded Sanctuary


Work S




Facing the Flow \ Castlegate Riverside Park

Hotel + Cafe

Art Studios + Restaurants


Urban square


kshop Spaces


Masterplan 022




Win Myat Myat Phyo

Undulating playful escape

Urban Square



Softscape and Hardscape Materiality

Facing the Flow \ Castlegate Riverside Park

Threshold from Urban Square to Woodland


Win Myat Myat Phyo

1 2 3 4

Planting Plan Area

Wall Formations of the Urban Square




1 2 3 4



Facing the Flow \ Castlegate Riverside Park


Castle Ruin



+52 Castle Ruin N

Detail Masterplan 026

Win Myat Myat Phyo

Spatial Sensations: Planting Plan The planting concept is “Spatial Sensations� whereby four types of spaces will evoke four different spatial sensations that have diverse landscape experiences for the user moving through the site. The area chosen transitions from a woodland to ornamental grassland areas. Vegetation in the Castlegate Riverside Park is key to providing the diversity in the visual and experiential qualities of the site. The spatial sensation begins with urban woodland at the southern edge of the site whose primary function is to spark curiosity and exploration in human beings, followed by a woodland edge that unfolds onto an open and undulating ornamental grasslands whose role is to delight visitors through colour, movement, texture, scent and seasonal change in a playful manner. The central idea in the planting strategy is to ensure that these vegetation types are vibrantly and randomly integrated with careful arrangements in certain areas, having human experience at its core. As the landscape matures, the planting in the Castlegate Riverside park will become a site of experiential exploration whereby user’s freedom of movement will reflect the freedom of arrangement and growth of the planting, for unique spatial sensations to discover.



Facing the Flow \ Castlegate Riverside Park \ Planting Plan


Win Myat Myat Phyo

Spacial Sensations: Planting Plan

Planting Plan 1:50 @ A3


Planting Maintenance The concept of the planting scheme is “Spatial Sensations� that is based in naturalistic planting that encourages users the freedom to explore and play within the planted landscape at their own discovery. It is a low maintenance planting design whereby most of the planting is arranged and planted in a random manner. We have created this to allow unique experiences throughout the site. Therefore, planting should be allowed to move without any disturbance. We love seed heads therefore seed heads should remain after flowering for winter interest, therefore work does not have to start until late winter.


Perennials Cut back all perennials to a height of 40cm in late winter. Remove cuttings off site. Cover a thin layer of bark mulch to a depth of 5cm. Do not put a thicker layer that is more than 7cm as it can risk reducing oxygen to the roots. Trees Do not prune the trees. However, make sure all trees within the woodland have 2m clearances. Check and carry out the work in late winter. Bulbs and Shrubs No specific maintenance required for bulbs and shrubs.


Facing the Flow \ Castlegate Riverside Park \ Planting Plan

Planting Schedules


Win Myat Myat Phyo

Section A-A’ 1:50 @ A3, depicting summer season 031


Facing the Flow \ Castlegate Riverside Park \ Planting Plan


Win Myat Myat Phyo

The Glade

@Construction Design

The idea behind the design is one that allows the structure to be a part of the woodland- connecting the boundaries between the soft and hard landscape to allow for that mysterious, alluring atmosphere to take place. A series of freestanding walls play with the visual permeability to affect the users’ curiosity whilst exploring the space. The seating area is placed amongst lush green vegetation and tall oak trees to allow for a restorative setting. Overall, its curvaceous form varies in rhythm and unity, allowing the woodland to take a character of its own.



Facing the Flow \ Castlegate Riverside Park \ Construction Design

Axo-visualisation of the glade


Win Myat Myat Phyo



Facing the Flow \ Castlegate Riverside Park \ Construction Design


Developing one of the forms in depth, the interior walls were broken up to allow a seating area to emerge in between. The exterior walls were also segmented to what will become a rhythm of walls- together they will act as a visual barrier and frame out into the wooded landscape. The strategic diagram takes the structures and its grove of trees as a standalone space to concentrate on how the walls will form views outwards and inwards or in some cases, block views from the outside/ inside. Left: Conceptual explorations of the glade; Right: Strategic Plan, Scale 1:200 @ A3 036

Win Myat Myat Phyo


Layout Plan 1:200 at A3 037


Facing the Flow \ Castlegate Riverside Park \ Construction Design


Win Myat Myat Phyo

Top: Elevation 1:100 @ A3; Bottom: Elevation detail 1:50 @ A2, Material: Broom finish shotcrete



Top: Elevation 1:100 @ A3; Bottom: Elevation detail 1:50 @ A2, Material: Broom finish shotcrete

Top: Elevation 1:100 @ A3; Bottom: Elevation detail 1:50 @ A2, Material: Broom finish shotcrete


Facing the Flow \ Castlegate Riverside Park \ Construction Design

Visual Rhythm, illustrative diagram

Win Myat Myat Phyo



Facing the Flow \ Castlegate Riverside Park \ Construction Design

Top: Section through the glade, Scale 1:50 @ A3


Win Myat Myat Phyo

View towards the multi-functional recreation area/ detention basin during the summer season 043


The Urban Archipelago: Monastic Islands of Yangon \ Yae Kuu Myo Ma Monastery

MA 2nd Semester S/S 2016

The Urban Archipelago Design and Management Final Year Project Software Used Location: Yae Kuu Myo Ma Monastery, Yangon, Myanmar \ Size: 2.5 ha \ Client: University of Sheffield The following pages present the excerpts from the exhibition of the final year project. The main challenges were the selection of an actual site with problems, to produce own brief and present design solutions , backed up by a management plan to ensure the solutions are feasible.

The challenges of the Monastery site varied from drainage problems to the addition of a school for disadvantaged children, which meant the design had to accomodate new and old users. The final design and management solutions ensure the basic survival of the tropical weather contions of Yangon with an integrated sustinable urban drainage system that accomodate for daily rainfall and storm events . The Management Plan looks forward at the monastery site becoming a sustainable hub to educate the people of the City towards the latest sustainable designs, looking at solutions such as mosquito control, waste management, innovative green roof designs and producing drinkable water on-site.


Win Myat Myat Phyo

Brief and Management Plan available upon request



The Urban Archipelago: Monastic Islands of Yangon \ Yae Kuu Myo Ma Monastery

Content from the presentation board with Masterplan , Scale 1:500 @ A2 046

Win Myat Myat Phyo



The Urban Archipelago: Monastic Islands of Yangon \ Yae Kuu Myo Ma Monastery

Content from the presentation board with illustrative section-elevation showing Management Plan content, Scale 1:100 @ approx. >A0 048

Win Myat Myat Phyo

View towards the multi-functional recreation area/ detention basin during monsoon

View of green roof Lilypad shelter amongst tropical vegetation with large foliage



Monks washing their robes in communal showering area fitted with visible gullies

Wetland and pond area in light rain, monsoon season 050

The Urban Archipelago: Monastic Islands of Yangon \ Yae Kuu Myo Ma Monastery

Looking into the Monastery from the entrance

Win Myat Myat Phyo

Miscellaneous Illustration, Writing & Photography

Stories ‘N’ Illustrations




Collective Dreams


A Dream on


The Reflection of a Dream

n a Journey

The Unbalanced Equilibrium


Miscellaneous \ Illustration


Win Myat Myat Phyo




For more writing, please go to www.landarchs.com to access 80+ Articles

Miscellaneous \ Writing

Pocket Parks Issue 028 Small Scale PAISEA Landscape Magazine Feature 054

Win Myat Myat Phyo




Miscellaneous \ Photography


Win Myat Myat Phyo




Miscellaneous \ Photography


Win Myat Myat Phyo




Miscellaneous \ Photography


Win Myat Myat Phyo





The End.




Copyright © Win Phyo 2016. All Rights Reserved.



Win Myat Myat Phyo \ Portfolio \ 2016

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