4 minute read
Apartment/Condo Rental
Briarcrest at Winter Haven (863) 269-7078 robbinspropertyllc .com
Carlton Arms of Winter Haven (863) 875-1700 carltonarmsofwinterhaven com
Carrerou Enterprises, LLC (863) 294-2384 carrerouenterprises com
Oakley Rhinehart Cassidy, LLC (863) 324-3698
Silver Properties of WH, LLC (863) 510-7912 silverpropertieswh com
Village Realty of Winter Haven, Inc (863) 299-6767 villagerealtyrental .com
Winter Haven Housing Authority (863) 294-7369 winterhavenhousing com
Westside Lakeshore Club, LLC (863) 875-3137 lakeshoreclubwh .com
New Home Builders
Adams Homes (863) 619-8120 adamshomes com
Boyer Building Corp (863) 984-3996 boyerbuildingcorp .com
Built By Waters, Inc . (863) 287-4876 builtbywaters com/about-us
D R Horton (407) 850-5200 drhorton .com/Florida/CentralFlorida#
Maronda Homes (407) 515-0235 marondahomes .com/fl/hainescity/polk-county-scattered-33844 . html
Southern Homes of Polk County (863) 687-2700 mysouthernhome .com
Angie Allenfort, P .A . (973) 752-9192 cfhomesales .com
Associate Realty & Investments, Inc (863) 618-4000 chrissijasso .com
Barbara Taylor, LLC (863) 604-6256 coldwellbanker com
Brenda Brooks LLC, Keller Williams Realty Smart 1 (863) 224-4887 brendabrooks .kw .com
Brian Reeves, Watson Realty Corp (863) 899-1986 briansreeves .com
Brokers Realty of Central FL (863) 294-6773 thebutlerteam com carriEstate (863) 450-6525 carriestate .com
CENTURY 21 Watson & Myers (863) 324-1000 recentralgroup com
Chain of Lakes Realty, Inc . (863) 287-4679 chainoflakesrealty .com
Coldwell Banker Realty (863) 294-7541 coldwellbanker .com
Crosby & Associates, Inc . (863) 293-5600 crosbydirt com
Dawn Van Meter, CENTURY 21 Watson & Myers Realty (863) 287-7013 dawnvanmeter .com
East Polk County Association of Realtors
(863) 294-3163 epcar .com
I Think Realty (863) 280-2201 ithinkrealty com
John Wood Realty, Inc . (863) 324-9663 johnwoodrealty com
Joshua Johnson - Keller Williams Smart 1 (863) 206-3835 joshuajohnson .kw .com
Judy B Cleaves Properties, Inc (863) 299-5878 jbcleaves com
Larry Montanus, Advisor at SVN Saunders Ralston Dantzler Real Estate
(863) 812-4670 saundersrealestate com
Keller Williams Realty Smart 1 (863) 508-3000 lifeatkwsmart1 .com
The Lay Group (863) 248-5838 thelaygroup .com
Lockhart & Associates, Inc ., Realtors (863) 293-1234 lockhartonline com
Meeks Real Estate, LLC (863) 604-9287 carlameeksrealtor .com
NextHome | Norris & Company Realty (863) 875-5583 norrisandcompanyrealty .com
Star Realty of Winter Haven, Inc (863) 581-1338
StarRealtyofWH org
The K Team Real Estate Services, LLC
(863) 604-6220
Yourkteam com
Turner Properties of CFI (863) 291-1895 turnerpropertiescfi .com
Village Realty of Winter Haven (863) 299-6767 villagerealtyrental com
Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty - Dave Westphal (863) 287-3302 centralflorida-homeguide com
Title & Appraisal Services
Celebration Title Group (407) 801-9776 celebrationtitlegroup com
Executive Title of Central Florida, Inc . (863) 294-3633 exectitle org
Integrity First Title (863) 294-0604 integrityfirsttitle .com
Real Estate Title Services (863) 299-6942 realestatetitlefl com
Ridge Security Title, Inc . (863) 419-8485 ridgetitle .com
Winningham & Pospichal, Inc (863) 585-6422 polkappraisers .com
Moving Companies
College Hunks Hauling Junk and Moving (863) 999-5535 collegehunkshaulingjunk .com/ Winter-haven
Organized Haven (863) 268-4041 organizedhaven .com
Two Men and a Truck (863) 646-6683 twomen com
(863) 534-4000 polkcountyclerk .net
(863) 534-4777 polkpa org
(863) 298-6200 polksheriff .org
(863) 534-5888 polkelections com
(863) 291-5600 mywinterhaven .com
(863) 291-5656 mywinterhaven com
(863) 401-2256 whpd .mywinterhaven .com
(863) 291-5870
(863) 291-5880 whpl .mywinterhaven .com
WINTER HAVEN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT (863) 298-4551 mywinterhaven com
WINTER HAVEN AREA TRANSIT (BUS) (863) 765-5287 ridecitrus .com
BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU (407) 621-3300 centralfloridabbb .org
(863) 508-1100 careersourcepolk com
SOCIAL SECURITY OFFICE (877) 457-1739 ssa .gov
(863) 293-2138 winterhavenchamber com
Winter Haven’s approach to business is an unusually collaborative one, incorporating pro-growth government policies, strategic partnerships, highcapacity IT infrastructure, and flexible workforce development opportunities throughout the greater Winter Haven area . Cultivating a thriving business community through collaboration is at the heart of what we do in Winter Haven Many executives that relocate to the area say it’s what sets us apart .
Our collaborative spirit makes Winter Haven a welcoming destination for the young entrepreneurs looking for the perfect place to grow their business or the well-established business owner looking to develop close partnerships and collaborative connections
“The spirit of the Winter Haven business community and the opportunity to build relationships with other business owners play a significant role in the survivability of business in the community
The opportunities to thrive in the good times and bad are possible with producing reliable results for those we work and live within our area,” said Mike Potthast, owner of Central Avenue photography studio, Potthast Studios “I have been a Winter Haven Chamber of Commerce member since my first days in business, and the organization has provided the necessary resources to succeed . The opportunities for exposure to other business leaders and business owners in the community have been significant in the survival of my business in good and bad years . The Chamber’s website and email communications are always current and provide information to latest business social opportunities or featuring other members through their podcast series . ”
Winter Haven has experienced a high rate of growth over the last eight years Our location is a primary driver of that growth, which includes easy access to routes of trade, a history as a logistics and distribution hub, the availability of land, position between two major metro markets, a workforce of 9
• Main Street Winter Haven
• Small Business Development Center
• Winter Haven Economic Development Council million people within 100 miles, lower cost of living compared to surrounding metro markets, and of course the warmth and sunshine
Here are some businesses that can help you start a business, grow a business, market your business and give you the tools to join us in collaborative business partnerships that make our community a great place to work!
• Winter Haven Chamber of Commerce
• Central Florida Development Council
• Central Florida SCORE
If you own a business in Winter Haven and haven’t joined the Winter Haven Chamber, visit our website to learn how Chamber Membership can help you grow your business! We are excited to help you acquire the connections and tools you need to succeed on your business journey .
Winter Haven’s location at the center of the state makes it a perfect place for the transfer of