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These battery systems are energy and poweroptimised to meet business and operational needs.

From just one, to as many units as are required for the OEM’s BESS applications, Volvo Penta’s solution is scalable up to hundreds of mega-watt hours.

Hannes Norrgren, President of Volvo Penta Industrial, comments: “Battery energy storage is increasingly in demand for a variety of applications including utilities, factories, decentralised microgrids and mobile charging stations.

“As our solution is application agnostic, we see huge potential for its adoption. Together with OEMs, our solution provides possibilities to store energy from and add resiliency to renewable solar or wind-powered sources, opening new business models that appeal to end customers on their road to net-zero emissions.

“BESS will enable highly flexible energy solutions, making low to no emissions a far more viable proposition for mobile and stationary use.”

He explains: “We’re starting by introducing the solution to customers in North America and Europe, followed by other markets, and are eager to begin collaborating with OEMs to kickstart new projects in BESS.”

Volvo Penta’s latest product is built on the Volvo Group’s electromobility platform which has seen success in applications such as trucks, buses and construction equipment.

In parallel, the Volvo Group is also investing in battery cell and pack manufacturing around the world to secure capacity and large-scale series production.

Heléne Mellquist of Volvo Penta reports: “Volvo Penta’s engineering expertise, together with knowledge from the Volvo Group, will be key in guiding our OEMs in developing a battery energy storage solution to meet new segment and application needs as we jointly navigate this energy transition.

“The company has taken an exciting next step in its journey to visualising and realising an ecosystem of road-to-net-zero solutions which not only strengthens our power generation business but go well beyond into new segments.”

From just one to as many units as required, Volvo Penta’s solution is scalable up to hundreds of megawatts, and optimised to meet BESS business needs.

Packaged in a holistic, safe, and easy-tointegrate way, strengthened by our service network, parts availability, and longer-term battery cell production.

The new BESS system reflects the pairing of Volvo Penta’s dedication and experience in OEM applications with customers’ deep knowledge in power generation and grid operability.

Battery energy storage systems (BESS) are composed of one or more batteries which store energy from various sources. Volvo Penta will be supporting battery energy storage manufacturers with a compact, efficient, highpower density integrated solution that’s easy to install, control and maintain.

Hannes Norrgren concludes: “The battery pack is a high-energy-density, high-power battery pack derived from heavy-duty applications. It has a favourable C-rate, allowing for rapid and substantial charging and discharging. The battery systems are energy and power optimised to meet business and operational requirements, scalable from one to hundreds of megawatt hours in energy.”

Full system supplier www.volvopenta.com

The Battery Management System contains control architecture which leverages the knowledge of the Volvo Group and built collaboratively with our customers for seamless integration with the battery energy storage control system.

The Thermal Management System Including pumps, radiators, active cooling unit, and heater for high-functionality in different tough environments. The Battery Monitoring System in the BESS subsystem ensures early fault detection, having the right parts at the right time, maximising uptime, and all-round peace of mind.

A Power Distribution Box and High Voltage Cables in the BESS have been designed with safety as a priority –creating a secure coffer for high-voltage electrical connections. Beyond the provision of energy and power-dense battery cells and modules, Volvo Penta is committed to addressing the complex and resource-intensive challenges involved in building a comprehensive solution that seamlessly integrates into customer’s applications.

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