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An IPowerE One Day Seminar
27th September 2023
‘Diverse Solutions for De-Carbonisation’
IPowerE One Day Seminar
‘Diverse Solutions for De-Carbonisation’ will be held on 27th September 2023 - IGEM House, Kegworth.
This one-day Seminar is aimed at examining today’s energy challenges demand a full range of solutions to de-carbonise the power sector. Conventional gas fired plant will continue to support the Energy Transition, with changes to despatch, control, and fuels used. Energy storage will, be it in battery or grid scale solutions, be used to complement renewable systems, deployed at increasing scale. Grid control and management will assume great importance as today’s energy transmission and distribution systems are adapted to meet tomorrow’s requirements. This seminar will bring many of these themes together, providing information and the opportunity for discussion and debate amongst your Power Engineering peers. With the added opportunities for networking and discussions in smaller groups during the day and the excellent venue, this should be both an informative and enjoyable day. Meetpoint Midlands is a quiet, relaxed and friendly meeting centre based in Kegworth in the East Midlands. Conveniently located just off junction 24 of the M1, three miles from East Midlands Parkway train station and four miles from East Midlands Airport allowing easy access for delegates and free parking.
Please contact the office for more information Tel +44 (0)1234 214340 or email enquiries@ipowere. org
Key points: Registration is from 9:00am and the Keynote Speaker talk will be commencing at 9:15am. Morning Presentations will be followed by a Buffet lunch. After lunch the Afternoon Presentations will commence, followed by a Panel Discussion and a Finish- approx 16:00pm.
About IPowerE technical papers
The IPowerE publish four technical papers each year in the IPowerE journal Power Engineer. Additional copies are available to download free of charge to members. Updated regularly, members of the IPowerE can access our technical paper archive and download essential industry information. Browse through our large selection of current and historic technical papers.

Technical paper archive
Our technical papers go back as far as 1913, access to these papers allows engineers to see the way the energy industry has evolved and where it wants to be in the future. If you are looking for a solution to a technical problem, need information to support a university project or simply have an active interest in our industry you are sure to find what you are looking for amongst our archive.
Getting a paper published
If you have written a technical paper that you would like the IPowerE to consider for publishing in Power Engineer, please contact the office.

For technical papers presented and published that have a high degree of technical merit, you will be eligible to enter our Akroyd Stuart Memorial Prize or our Percy Still Medal.
Visit the website for further information:
Heat Networks Are The Dark Horse Of Decarbonisation No

Heat networks will deliver a huge part of the work needed to deliver net zero, accelerating the low carbon transition and lowering energy bills thanks to their unique ability to integrate renewable energy sources and utilise waste heat.
Ultimately, heat networks are the only internationally proven route for decarbonising heat at scale - but this hasn’t always been recognised by the right decision-makers.
Energy technologies like offshore wind or solar panels have already become topics of discussion at dinners table around the country, and critical heat network infrastructure and the value it offers is next, with heat networks set to imminently explode into the public consciousness.
At the Association for Decentralised Energy’s (ADE) annual President’s Reception, hosted by Lord Duncan of Springbank and supported by Gemserv, leaders from across the industry gathered to learn, network and explore how we can ensure that heat networks’ moment in the sun is as impactful and transformative as possible.
Speaking to the 120 guests attending the recent lunch reception in the House of Lords, the ADE’s Interim CEO Caroline Bragg noted that heat networks are the only internationally proven route for decarbonising heat at scale, with scale being the operative word: She explains:
“Heat networks are not a new technology – quite the opposite. They are an established and wellproven form of infrastructure that are now entering a new era. Building at scale is the next step for heat networks, and we all need to learn the lessons from other industries to ensure we accelerate up the growth curve.
“Whereas onshore wind suffered from losing its base of political support and offshore wind had to overcome significant difficulties in building domestic supply chains.
“We need to get things right now to capitalise on the close to 100 billion investment and the tens of thousands of jobs that a thriving heat network sector would provide.”
Ace Comments On Climate Change Progress Report

Commenting on the latest Climate Change Progress report, ACE and EIC Chief Executive Officer, Stephen Marcos Jones said: “This publication is another stark reminder on the need for industry and government to work collaboratively to solve the climate crisis.

“Members of ACE and EIC have at their disposal the expertise, experience and technical knowledge to support government in the areas of priority highlighted by the CCC.
“Despite some progress, the concerns raised in the report echo many of those consistently raised by ACE and EIC members. The need for clear leadership is key, and a continued focus on managing carbon in the built environment is critical.
“Working with our members, government can ensure key infrastructure projects lay the foundation for a future where economic prosperity and environmental sustainability go hand in hand.”
Early adopters of the People First Charter from the Association for Consultancy and Engineering (ACE) explains how The People First Charter focuses on behaviours and actions to continually improve organisational culture, underpinned by four guiding principles. These are inclusivity of all, openness and respect, development and growth and recognition. The charter was officially launched at UKREiiF on May 18th.