Each month ADAM JACOT DE BOINOD, former researcher from ‘QI’ and author of The Meaning of Tingo, poses a vocabulary quiz from our local Wiltshire dialect.
CAN YOU GUESS THE CORRECT DEFINITION? 1) PRIDE a) the ovary of a sow b) the fruit of the yew-tree c) a black eye
3) QUILL a) the second swarm of bees in the same place b) the humour, mood or vein for anything c) a quarter
a) the heart, liver and lungs of a calf b) a pathway up to a steep hill c) a spade’s depth in digging
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ANSWERS 1A, 2B, 3B, 4A
a) a pole slung across a stream to stop cattle passing b) a bank c) a policeman
Boris fighter Byron from the cottage Cameron crooked nose Delilah happy and makes other people happy FIRST NAME Douglas dark river MEANINGS Fenella fair shoulder Elizabeth oath Often when saying it, we take for Horace keeper of the hours granted someone’s name. Indeed Isaac he will laugh when naming a child it would be Javier owner of a new horse wise to be aware of what it originally Matilda strength in battle meant. Many first names have Moses saved meanings completely unknown. Quentin fifth born child Here are just a few examples (worth Philip friend of horses noting that many girls' names derive Simon listening attentively from a male counterpart...) Victoria borne by the Roman Aesop burnt faced goddess of victory Audrey noble strength Wayne wagon maker Benjamin son of my right hand William helmet of resolution Bjorn bear Zoë life