3 minute read

Paget’s Produce

This month, Lovejoys Wholesale's NEIL MORTIMER speaks to Bromham farmer TIM PAGET from Paget's Produce.

How long have your family been growers in Bromham? The family has been here for at least five generations, growing crops on this farm, so well over 100 years. It is one of the best located farms right in the middle of the village.


What does the farm specialise in? The farm specialises in bunch carrots with their tops on in the summer and parsnips and leeks in the winter.

What makes Bromham so good for veg growing? In the 16th century Bromham’s industrial heritage was mainly weaving, evidence of this can be found in the Trowbridge Museum. In the 17th century this collapsed and horticulture and agriculture became dominant. The light soil provided early cultivation and good quality crops.

How has the farm diversified over the years? Over the years the farm has had to start to grow crops for the hospitality trade as well as retail. Two of the main crops we grow and distribute through Lovejoys are our heritage carrots and beetroot.

We at Lovejoys have a longstanding relationship with you, passing down the generations. Our chefs are very keen to buy locally sourced food so that food miles are kept low and seasonality is very important to them. Do you think this is more important now than ever? With fuel costs rising and people

"The farm specialises in bunch carrots with their tops on in the summer and parsnips and leeks in the winter."

being more interested in where their food is grown, working with Lovejoys enables us to see our produce on menus all around the county and beyond.

What is the busiest time of year? The summer is our busiest time, especially in dry periods.

What is the most challenging weather for you to deal with? Extreme heat without a doubt! Everything needs watering at once which takes up such a lot of time and we struggle to have enough water. The sandy soil is amazing for growing but also does not hold the moisture well.

The Paget family has been farming in Bromham for well over 100 years

Do you enjoy what you do? Yes, I could not think about doing anything different.

Which season do you always look forward to? I look forward, as most growers do, to the spring. It is a time to sit and plan new crops, rotation of the fields, and then to get on with the sowing and planting for the coming year.

Which crops are the most difficult/ easy to grow? Leafy vegetables are most difficult to grow in the summer when it is hot. Root crops are extremely difficult to get out of the ground in the winter when it is cold and frosty. It always proves a problem if the cold weather hits just before Christmas when everyone wants parsnips with their Christmas lunch!

What are your favourite vegetables? Carrots! We have our own farm shop here in Bromham that is open from 2pm to 4pm on a Thursday. Many farm shops in the area also stock our produce, even as far afield as Evesham.

• pagetsproduce.co.uk

We hope you have enjoyed this piece on Paget's, one of our main suppliers. Take a trip to Bromham if you do not know the village. If you are a chef who would like to talk to us about using some of Paget's lovely produce in your menus please get in touch via lovejoyswholesale.com where you can see our full range of products.

They have their own farm shop open on Thursdays

What is the easiest veg to start with if you are growing your own? Lettuce is an easy crop to start with, especially the cut and come again varieties. Radish are also good, especially for children who like to see a quick result.

What is your favourite dish to make using your own veg? My favourite will always be a good old fashioned roast dinner with the plate full of our own grown vegetables.

Where can readers buy your produce?

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