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Cast of Sister Act. Photo by Joan Marcus

20 WIREMAG.COM #51 2012

Charles Barksdale, Ernie Pruneda, Kingsley Leggs & Todd A Horman. Photo by Joan Marcus

Ta'Rea Campbell, Alysha Deslorieux & Trisha Jeffrey. Photo by Joan Marcus

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10 WIREMAG.COM #1 2013

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ISSUE #8 | 02/23/12


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ISSUE #19 | 05/10/12


By James Cubby and Rafa Carvajal

Images Credit: The Lion King National Tour. Disney. 1IPUPT CZ Joan Marcus

O %JTOFZ SFMFBTFE UIF BOJNBUFE ĂĽMN The Lion King, later becoming the highest grossing 2D ani mated film of all time in the United States. The Lion King XJUI B TUBS TUVEEFE DBTU PG WPJDF UBMFOU UIBU included the likes of Matthew Broderick, Jeremy Irons, James Earl Jones, Nathan Lane, Cheech Marin, BOE 8IPPQJ (PMECFSH XFOU PO UP XJO UXP "DBEFNZ "XBSET GPS NVTJD BOE UIF (PMEFO (MPCF "XBSE GPS #FTU .PUJPO 1JDUVSF o .VTJDBM PS $PNFEZ 8JUI HSPTTFT FYDFFEJOH NJMMJPO XPSMEXJEF JO UIF first year of release, is there any wonder that Disney execs sought out other venues for the “cash cowâ€? known as The Lion King. Featuring a heartfelt tale inspired by Bible stories and Shakespeare’s play Hamlet and a book of memo SBCMF TPOHT o XSJUUFO CZ DPNQPTFS &MUPO +PIO BOE MZSJDJTU 5JN 3JDF POF XPVME UIJOL The Lion King an ideal choice for a move to Broadway. There was one hitch, however, the characters were animals. Disney, used to featuring animals in their productions, saw no problems with mounting a show where the main DIBSBDUFST XFSF BOJNBMT MJWJOH JO UIF KVOHMF #SPBEXBZ IBE TFFO PUIFS BOJNBM UIFNFE TIPXT Cats, the "OESFX -MPZE 8FCCFS NVTJDBM UIBU PQFOFE PO #SPBEXBZ JO SBO GPS FJHIUFFO ZFBST Syndee Winters as “Nalaâ€? and Jelani Remy as “Simbaâ€?

J. Anthony Crane as “Scar� and Dionne Randolph as “Mufasa� 12 | wire magazine | issue #19, 2012 | www.wireweekly.com | facebook | twitter


Disney took a gamble and won. The musical opened on Broadway on November 13, 1997 and is still running today. The Lion King is now the highest grossing #SPBEXBZ TIPX PG BMM UJNF BOE JT #SPBEXBZ T TFWFOUI MPOHFTU SVOOJOH TIPX JO history. The Broadway version of The Lion King won six Tony Awards including Best Musical. With such a success on Broadway the show has toured the world with productions running in cities like Tokyo, London (still running), Toronto, Los "OHFMFT )BNCVSH 4FPVM 1BSJT 5BJQFJ .BESJE BOE 4JOHBQPSF The Lion King is one of Disney’s biggest money making projects, both the film BOE #SPBEXBZ WFSTJPOT 1SPEVDFE PO #SPBEXBZ CZ %JTOFZ 5IFBUSJDBM (SPVQ UIF stageplay and musical production arm of The Walt Disney Company. The compa ny first gained its reputation for creating Broadway hits with the acclaimed Beauty and the Beast and most recently with Newsies. Disney’s role in producing The Lion King is almost as interesting as the story of the musical itself. Wire Magazine did a little snooping and found a willing spokesperson in David Schrader, Managing %JSFDUPS PG %JTOFZ 5IFBUSJDBM (SPVQ What is your role at Disney and in what capacity do you work with The Lion King? .Z SPMF JT .BOBHJOH %JSFDUPS GPS %JTOFZ 5IFBUSJDBM (SPVQ 8F QSPEVDF NVTJDBMT and plays for Broadway, National Tours, and major cities around the world. I oversee the business and financial side of the group. How was the Broadway production of The Lion King conceived? 5IPNBT 4DIVNBDIFS UIF 1SFTJEFOU PG PVS HSPVQ UBQQFE EJSFDUPS +VMJF 5BZNPS to take up the challenge of bringing the very popular animated feature film to UIF TUBHF +VMJF T JNBHJOBUJPO XBT GVFMFE CZ IFS VOJRVF FYQFSJFODF BT B CSJMMJBOU TUPSZUFMMFS XPSLJOH XJUI NBTLT BOE QVQQFUSZ UFDIOJRVFT GSPN B SBOHF PG DVMUVSFT BOE IFS WJTJPO QSPWJEFE B XBZ UP UFMM UIF TUPSZ UIBU #SPBEXBZ BVEJFODFT IBE never seen. We understand that it was not easy to convince Michael Eisner, Disney’s CEO, that The Lion King would be a hit in Broadway. How was that accomplished? Really it was more the other way around. Michael encouraged a group of artists to try adapting Beauty and the Beast for the stage, and it became Disney’s first Broadway hit. He wondered if The Lion King could also work on Broadway...the film score by Elton John and Tim Rice was a solid foundation with a number of popular songs. It was Julie’s vision as director that catalyzed the team to take the risk. How were the costumes conceived and designed so that the animated characters could come alive on stage? Julie had done work with masks, and her breakthrough idea for this production was that the actors would wear masks on their heads, leaving their faces visible to UIF BVEJFODF TP UIFSF JT B EVBM FWFOU EVSJOH UIF TIPX XF TFF CPUI UIF DIBSBDUFS mask AND the actor’s face at the same time. She designed and carved the masks herself. She also knew that the audiences’ imaginations would be even further engaged if the characters were represented in different ways throughout the show, so for example, we see Simba as a masked actor (actually twice since we see him as a cub and a young adult), an articulated puppet, and as a shadow puppet. What are the most significant differences/variations between the theatrical production and the animated film? The now familiar storyline of Simba’s journey from cub to king is all there, but to expand from the film to the stage, there are many more songs. Among these BSF TPOHT CZ UIF JODSFEJCMF 4PVUI "GSJDBO DPNQPTFS BOE TJOHFS -FCP . BOE performed in the show by South African actors who bring the most amazing joy and authenticity to their performances. One plays the role of Rafiki, the wise sha NBO HVJEF BOE BEWJTPS UP 4JNCB JU XBT +VMJF T JEFB UP IBWF UIF SPMF PO TUBHF be played by a strong female, rather than the male Baboon character in the film.

13 | wire magazine | issue #19, 2012 | www.wireweekly.com | facebook | twitter

“The story is timeless and universal - about finding the courage to take your place in society.� David Schrader, Managing Director of Disney Theatrical Productions

Syndee Winters as “Nala� and Jelani Remy as “Simba�


Dionne Randolph as “Mufasa�

J. Anthony Crane as “Scar�

How crucial was Julie Taymor in the creation of the characters’ costumes, the production of the show and its success on Broadway? Julie’s vision and leadership was essential from the the atrical production’s inception. In addition to her roles as director and designer, she is a very compelling spokes person explaining the concepts in the show’s production and communicating how the show goes beyond what the audience expects. What do you attribute to the show’s longevity? 5IF TUPSZ JT UJNFMFTT BOE VOJWFSTBM BCPVU üOEJOH UIF courage to take your place in society. The familiar songs have become part of our culture, so they serve as a bridge in a way. On stage, the production transports you XJUI B VOJRVF TPVOE BOE WJTVBM FYQFSJFODF 8F IBWF never compromised on the artistic integrity of the show UIF FYQFSJFODF JT WJSUVBMMZ UIF TBNF BT XIFO UIF TIPX originally premiered. Why do you think audiences relate to the show so much? There are many strong characters and the show is about relationships between them, in their family and commu nity. You root for Simba as hero on his journey. Some of the strongest moments in the relationship between Simba and his father, Mufasa the king, are told without words. It just gets in you. The show makes us wonder about our place in the world, about how things exist in a delicate balance. What was the biggest problem with mounting a show like The Lion King? You mean apart from having lions, elephants, giraffes, gazelles, hyenas, birds, (and a mouse) on stage? The TDBMF PG UIF TIPX JT TJHOJüDBOU BNPOH UIF CJHHFTU NPTU DPNQMFY QSPEVDUJPOT FWFS NPVOUFE PO #SPBEXBZ TP originally getting everything to run smoothly was daunt ing. There is as much activity going on behind the scenes as on the stage.

Jelani Remy as “Simba�

Is the current show that’s on tour the same as the original production that opened on Broadway in 1997? Yes. Some reengineering of the set elements was done TP UIBU GPS FYBNQMF 1SJEF 3PDL DBO USBWFM PO UPVS BOE be loaded into and out of theatres efficiently. The logis UJDT BSF QSFUUZ NJOE CPHHMJOH 5IFSF BSF NPSF UIBO people directly involved in the touring production includ JOH PVS DBTU PG BDUPST QMVT XF IJSF BOPUIFS DSFX and musicians locally. The production elements travel on UPVS GSPN DJUZ UP DJUZ JO USBDUPS USBJMFST What’s the most difficult part of producing a show like The Lion King? I would say maintaining the high standards that earned the show such critical acclaim and popularity. And it has UIF %JTOFZ OBNF PO JU TP BVEJFODFT FYQFDU RVBMJUZ 8F have an outstanding team of theatre professionals who NBJOUBJO UIF TIPX BSPVOE UIF XPSME UIF DBTUJOH QFS formances, choreography, orchestra, costumes, masks, puppets, lighting and more.

Syndee Winters as “Nala� and “The Lionesses� in “Shadowland.� ] XJSF NBHB[JOF ] JTTVF ] XXX XJSFXFFLMZ DPN ] GBDFCPPL ] UXJUUFS


The Lion King

How many languages has The Lion King been translated into for production? Seven (plus there are six African languages in the show). 4QBOJTI 'SFODI (FSNBO %VUDI +BQBOFTF ,PSFBO BOE .BOEBSJO 8F BSF XPSLJOH PO UIF 1PSUVHVFTF USBOTMBUJPO OPX GPS UIF QSPEVDUJPO UIBU XJMM PQFO JO 4BP 1BVMP JO March 2013. How many different countries has the show visited? 1SPEVDUJPOT IBWF QMBZFE PS UPVSFE UP DJUJFT JO DPVOUSJFT PO ĂĽWF DPOUJOFOUT UP B UPUBM XPSMEXJEF BVEJ FODF PG NPSF UIBO NJMMJPO QFPQMF What’s the most interesting thing you can tell us about The Lion King that we might not know? The elephant costume in “Circle of Lifeâ€? is 13 feet long, 11 feet tall and nine feet wide. Is there anything else you would like to share with Wire Magazine readers about The Lion King? We are thrilled that the efforts of the team at the Arsht Center and Broadway Across America have finally led to The Lion King QFSGPSNJOH BU ZPVS BNB[JOH XPSME DMBTT theatre here in Miami!

The Lion King comes to the Arsht Center

from May 15 – June 10

Jelani Remy as “Simba� and the ensemble in “He Lives in You�

Is Syndee Winter’s Dream Come True By James Cubby

he Lion King opens with the gathering of the animals in the song “Circle of Life.â€? 5IF TVO SJTFT BOE 3BĂĽLJ UIF NBOESJMM DBMMT UIF BOJNBMT UP 1SJEF 3PDL BOE UIF UIFBUSF fills with a cast of incredibly costumed animals. A lion cub named Simba, the future -JPO ,JOH JT CPSO BOE UIF KPVSOFZ CFHJOT 4JNCB T CFTU GSJFOE JT B MJPOFTT OBNFE /BMB XIP CSJOHT 4JNCB CBDL UP UIF 1SJEF -BOET TP IF DBO UBLF IJT QMBDF BT LJOH BOE TIF IJT RVFFO 5IF BDUSFTT QMBZJOH /BMB JO UIJT QSPEVDUJPO PG The Lion King is Syndee Winter, a beautiful singer who was raised in Miami. Wire Magazine took the opportunity to chat with this former Miamian about her background, singing, and The Lion King. So, you were raised in Miami? :FT * XFOU UP 1BMNFUUP 4S )JHI Will this be your first time performing at the Arsht Center? Yes. When I lived here I was a commercial dancer and performed in music videos. From Miami I moved to New York City. What sort of training led to your being cast as Nala in The Lion King? * N B HSBEVBUF PG 'JWF 5PXOT $PMMFHF JO /FX :PSL * XBT B /FX :PSL ,OJDLT $JUZ Dancer and I’ve performed with artists such as Rihanna, and Jordin Sparks. I’m also the JO IPVTF BOUIFN TJOHFS GPS .BEJTPO 4RVBSF (BSEFO For those not familiar with The Lion King, give us a brief description of the story. It’s about Simba, the prince, a free spirited kid and his journey. What’s the highlight of the show? The opening song, “Circle of Life.â€? There are so many things going on. What’s the most interesting thing that happens backstage that we may not know about? The most interesting thing is how we adjust to each new theatre and how we adapt. #BDLTUBHF JT B EJGGFSFOU XPSME BOE XF FOKPZ QFSTPOBM NPNFOUT CBDLTUBHF 1FPQMF IBWF said that my relationship with the actor who plays Simba is reflected onstage. What do you attribute to the show’s longevity? This is a show that is the first of its kind. The Lion King is a show that is hard to duplicate. I met Julie Taymor. She shared her vision and it’s an amazing product. She put so many languages in the show. What do you think audiences remember most about the show? The greatest thing is that most people know the story and the songs. We hope we add a familiar twist to the story. It’s a special world that is created on stage and we hope to share that with the audience. Do you think The Lion King is a message show or is it just entertainment? I think all entertainment should carry a message. I like to affect people and The Lion King definitely has a message. It’s all about the Circle of Life. Things are always evolv ing and you can’t deny your destiny. What’s the most incredible part of The Lion King? There are so many things. The puppetry is great. The costume designs are incredible. The Lion King in itself is just incredible. What has been the highlight of your career? Definitely The Lion King. It’s been my best and greatest experience. I can’t imagine what’s next. I’ve wanted to be in this show since I was ten. Is there anything else you’d like to share with Wire Magazine readers? Check out my website: www.syndewinters.com. I’m a singer and have several videos on YouTube. I would love it if people went to my site and followed me on Twitter.

15 | wire magazine | issue #19, 2012 | www.wireweekly.com | facebook | twitter


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ISSUE #05 | 02/03/11


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ISSUE #12 | 03/22/12

GLORIA ESTEFAN: 5)& 26&&/ 0' -"5*/ 101

by DJ FR8-O Rafa Carvajal 1IPUPT QSPWJEFE CZ (SBOEB &OUFSUBJONFOU --$ ew recording artists can boast the accomplishments, in fluence and profound effect on fans around the world UIBU (MPSJB &TUFGBO DBO 8IBU TUBSUFE ZFBST BHP BT a modest singing gig in a local band called The Miami Latin Boys (later becoming The Miami Sound Machine) has grown into an empire that has sold over 100 million albums BOE NBEF (MPSJB 5)& NPTU TVDDFTTGVM -BUJO DSPTTPWFS BSUJTU JO the world. Her unique style of Latin pop in both English and Spanish has sold out arenas around the globe, earned her UISFF (SBNNZ BXBSET GPVS -BUJO (SBNNZT BOE PQFOFE UIF doors for other Latin artists like Shakira and Ricky Martin to share their voices with a broader audience. Although Miami is UIF QMBDF (MPSJB IBT DBMMFE IPNF GPS NPTU PG IFS MJGF IFS NVTJD has always paid tribute to her native Cuba while incorporat ing the rhythms and beats inspired by other Latin countries. /PX UIF 2VFFO PG -BUJO 1PQ JT CBDL XJUI IFS ĂĽSTU &OHMJTI BM bum in eight years, Miss Little Havana, and currently hosting a gay club tour of the latest single “Hotel Nacional.â€? South Beach’s very own Score was the first stop on the tour where hundreds of fans got their very first peek at the spectacular NVTJD WJEFP GFBUVSJOH 1VFSUP 3JDBO ESBH RVFFO "QSJM $BS riĂłn, plus local divas, Erika Norell and Vinna Rouge. While QSPNPUJOH UIF OFX BMCVN (MPSJB BMTP NBOBHFE UP TIPPU B few scenes for television’s favorite musical, Glee. No word on when the episodes will air yet, but we’ll definitely keep ZPV QPTUFE 8JUI TVDI B EFNBOEJOH TDIFEVMF (MPSJB XBT TUJMM sweet enough to give us her thoughts on the new album, other upcoming projects and what it’s like to play Santana’s mom.

10 | wire magazine | issue #12, 2012 | www.wireweekly.com | facebook | twitter

GLORIA ESTEFAN: 5)& 26&&/ 0' -"5*/ 101 Your albums always pay homage to Cuba in one way or another. What aspect of our homeland are you hoping to convey in Miss Little Havana? Little Havana is a section of Miami on and around S.W. UI 4USFFU CFMPX UI "WFOVF XIJDI JT UIF ĂĽSTU QMBDF Cuban immigrants congregated and lived in the early A T .Z NPN BOE * MJWFE JO B UJOZ BQBSUNFOU CFIJOE the Orange Bowl, while my father was a political pris POFS JO B $VCBO KBJM BGUFS UIF GBJMFE #BZ PG 1JHT JOWB sion. My album, Miss Little Havana, is more about my HSPXJOH VQ JO .JBNJ BT B DIJME PG UIF A T BOE A T and reflects this musically by playing tribute to freestyle, displayed in the title track, disco on “Make Me Say Yesâ€? and different Latin rhythms like the Cuban Conga at the end of “Right Away,â€? the merengue of the Domini can Republic in “Wepaâ€? and the Colombian Cumbia JO i4BZ "Zw BOE i4P (PPE w "MM UIFTF FMFNFOUT BSF ĂĽMUFSFE UISPVHI 1IBSSFMM 8JMMJBNT VSCBO TFOTJCJMJUJFT and enhanced by some amazing club dance tracks pro duced by my husband, Emilio, and some very talented hometown producers like Motiff, Drop and Black Dada who brings elements of his native Haiti in the track, “On.â€? In essence, the album celebrates the deliciously sensual tropical melting pot that is Miami. Do you have any real-life stories behind any of the songs on the album?

live and experience becomes a part of who you are including, in my case, music. Your latest single “Hotel Nacionalâ€? made you the first female artist to debut at #1 on the Billboard Hot Latin Songs Chart and also hit #1 on the Billboard Tropical Airplay Chart and Billboard Dance/Club Play Songs Chart. Did you have any idea the track was going to be such a hit? I’m very happy to see the response that “Hotel Nacio nal,â€? “Wepa,â€? the whole album really, has gotten from both fans and critics. When we were recording it I kept TBZJOH UP 1IBSSFMM UIBU * GFMU KVTU MJLF * IBE XIFO XF XFSF SFDPSEJOH PVS ĂĽSTU &OHMJTI MBOHVBHF SFDPSET i1SJNJUJWF Loveâ€? and “Let It Loose.â€? I was excited and happy each day to go to the studio and it was a very creative and enjoyable process! When we did “Hotel Nacionalâ€? ev eryone that had anything to do with it was convinced UIBU JU XBT B WFSZ TQFDJBM SFDPSE 5IF DP QSPEVDFS BOE DP XSJUFS .PUJGG IBE VTFE B TBNQMF PG B EFDBEF PME TPOH i)FZ /BI /FI /BI w CZ TPNF (FSNBO QSPEVD ers that had a Romanian folk song feel, but we mixed it with live clarinets and saxes in the very swing influenced verses then went to a very trance feel ing chorus with synths

and sirens. The mix created two distinct worlds that, to us, sounded fresh yet familiar. The lyrics were fun to write and reminiscent of sexy good times and my fa vorite thing – finding interesting and unique rhymes for “Hootchie Cootchie,� which were dripping with double entendre. Wire Magazine was there to catch your appearance at Score last month promoting the “Hotel Nacional� video. What made you choose the gay community as your audience for this track? The gay community has always been there for me from the very beginning with “Dr. Beat.� As a matter of fact, 1BCMP 'MPSFT XIP SFNJYFE UIBU USBDL BOE NPTU EBODF singles I’ve ever released was the resident DJ at a gay DMVC DBMMFE #BDIFMPST JO 4BO +VBO 1VFSUP 3JDP CBDL JO 1FPQMF LFQU UFMMJOH VT UIBU UIFSF XBT B HVZ UIFSF remixing all our hits (which were in Spanish at the time)

The most personal track on MLH is called “Time Is Tick JOHw BOE JU DMPTFT PVU UIF OJOF 1IBSSFMM DP QSPEVDFE tracks. Its lyrics are direct memories that I have of grow ing up in Miami and it starts as a ballad that tran sitions to a salsa tinged chorus. It references my feelings on how fast time goes and how everything you

“I believe the gay community is usually on the cutting edge of fashion, music and entertainment and they find things that are going to break through before they hit the mainstream.�


11 | wire magazine | issue #12, 2012 | www.wireweekly.com | facebook | twitter

GLORIA ESTEFAN: 5)& 26&&/ 0' -"5*/ 101

and that we should check him out. Since Emilio and I had just recorded “Dr. Beat� and were looking for someone to do a 12 inch remix, we went to the club to hear him and he blew us away! Since then, all of our big club records have broken in the gay clubs first. I believe the gay community is usually on the cutting edge of fashion, music and entertainment and they find things that are going to break through before they hit the mainstream. They’ve been very loyal to me and I to them as well. Your daughter, Emily, was featured in your video playing the drums. Will she be following in Mami’s footsteps? My daughter, Emily, not only played drums in the video but actually came up with the whole idea to do an extended swing breakdown for the video version of “Hotel Nacional.� She thought it would bring an even more legit feel by bringing in a live drummer, bass and piano players and have Ed Calle, an amazing musi cian that actually toured with me with Miami Sound Machine early on and wrote the horn charts for the song, come back and add a horn section and clarinet TPMP UP UIF TJOHMF 4IF DP QSPEVDFE JU XJUI NF BOE XBT JO UIF TUVEJP FWFSZ EBZ while we were recording the song and the album. Emily is the best musician in the family! She lives and breathes music and is an amazing drummer and guitar player. Emily also plays piano, bass and has even dabbled in sax and trumpet. She is happiest when she’s playing, but I would never force or cajole her into doing this for a living or as a career. She will make her own decisions, but I can honestly tell you she’s a natural. She’s also very similar to me in that she doesn’t like to be the center of attention, but I got used to it so I’m sure she could as well. In your farewell concert in Miami a few years ago you displayed amazing chemistry with the audience. Any chance this new album might coax you back onto the stage one more time? I’ve always had a very special relationship with my fans, and when I’m on stage, in concert, it’s important for me that they take away much more than simply hear ing my songs being played live. This is the time to exchange energies and let them get to know me better as a human being and a performer. My last world tour was in 2004 and since then I haven’t and probably won’t do that again, but I still perform concerts in a different way. Three years ago I did a mini tour PG $IJMF 1FSV BOE "SHFOUJOB JO MFTT UIBO B NPOUI * N SFBMMZ MPPLJOH GPSXBSE UP playing live in Brazil, India and the Eastern Block, which I’ve never done, and I sometimes do special concerts in the U.S. like the one I performed with Carole ,JOH BU 'PYXPPET "T MPOH BT * DBO * XJMM DPOUJOVF UP QFSGPSN JO TPNF XBZ GPS the fans although I greatly doubt I would do another world tour. What was it like stepping into an acting role again after so long and onto such a huge show like Glee? What can you tell us about Santana’s mom?

My mom and I lived in a tiny apartment behind the Orange Bowl, while my father was a political prisoner in a Cuban jail after the failed Bay of Pigs invasion.�


12 | wire magazine | issue #12, 2012 | www.wireweekly.com | facebook | twitter

I was very excited to be invited to play Santana’s mom on Glee, especially, since &NJMZ BOE * BSF DPOTVNNBUF (MFFLT 5IJT TIPX IBT CSPVHIU CBDL UIF NVTJDBM and introduced new generations to some fantastic music they might have oth erwise not have heard. Being Hispanic, I also have the opportunity to address Santana’s “coming outâ€? issue in a supportive way since sometimes Latins find it difficult to discuss topics of this nature. The show is a great way to broach the subject in a thoughtful yet entertaining way. I hope I get a scene with Santana’s grandma who was having a tough time dealing with her granddaughter being openly gay. If you had to pick a favorite role on film, which would it be? My favorite film role will always be my first role, playing a teacher on Music of the Heart 5IF WFSZ ĂĽSTU TDFOF * FWFS TIPU PO ĂĽMN XBT POF PO POF PO B TDIPPM bench with the incredible Meryl Streep. She is the most talented and down to earth person I have ever had the privilege of meeting, and watching her act

GLORIA ESTEFAN: 5)& 26&&/ 0' -"5*/ 101

“It makes me happy to help others and I believe I am on this earth to be of service in whatever way I can be.�


was a master class for me. She was so generous that she often gave her best performances when the camera was on the other actor for their benefit. It was a life changing experience to be able to work with her and I believe that one will be hard to top. Besides recording, touring, acting and raising a family you’ve been involved in dozens of causes throughout your career and are constantly giving back to the community. Is there a particular cause(s) or organization(s) that is/are on your radar at the moment? Why that one/those? * TUBSUFE 5IF (MPSJB &TUFGBO 'PVOEBUJPO CBDL JO CFDBVTF * XBOUFE UP IBWF a vehicle that would maximize my philanthropic potential. It makes me happy to help others and I believe I am on this earth to be of service in whatever way I can be. I try to do it through my music and my foundation allows me to help others that need it, but somehow fall through the cracks. I love to be effective in areas where children are concerned because that way I can effectively make their future a little better. I try to help my community and be there in whatever way I can. Would you consider lending your voice in support of gay issues such as marriage, adoption or suicide prevention? I have lent my voice to countless public service messages through the years. I’ve NBEF B WJEFP GPS UIF 5SFWPS 1SPKFDU BOE BN IPOFTU BOE GPSUISJHIU XIFO BTLFE my opinion about many issues. I don’t like to preach to people or tell them how to think because I feel that everyone should get informed and make up their own minds in a conscientious way. What would you say has been the highlight of your life thus far? The highlight of my life has and always will be my family! Being able to raise two happy, healthy children, see my son marry a wonderful girl, be there for my mom and sister and Emilio’s family, which is my own, is my most fulfilling accomplishment. Everything else is cream! What’s next for “La Gloria� in the months ahead? The next months will be VERY busy! I am starting on a new reality music show tentatively titled The Star Next Door XIJDI JT QSPEVDFE CZ 2VFFO -BUJGBI 8F have been talking about working together on something for years and I am so happy it’s finally happening. I shot the pilot with John Rich, who is an amazing artist and mentor on the show and we have real chemistry. I plan on having a lot of fun with this! I’m also still promoting Miss Little Havana and hope to do some live shows in Brazil before the year is done. I think I am now ready to work even harder because Emily will be starting her last year of high school and wants to go away to college. I have to keep busy or I’ll end up in a fetal position on the floor when my baby finally leaves the nest!

13 | wire magazine | issue #12, 2012 | www.wireweekly.com | facebook | twitter

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.