M A G A Z I N E 18 J U L Y 2 0 1 7
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IN THIS ISSUE 6 Bike Taxes: We Want to Know what You Think 9 RAW Fuel 12 Meet the Bullitt! 14 The Route of the Badger 18 Women Can’t Outride Street Harassment 22 My Little Slice of Bike Heaven: Madison, Wisconsin 36 Adventure North: Bring Bikes, We’ll Supply the Beer 42 July Bicycling Events 44 August Bicycling Events
ON THE COVER: One of madison’s finest views from the bike path. Photo by Clint Thayer of Focal Flame. WIS CONS INBIKEFED.ORG
Ciclovia MKE Milwaukee’s 2017 Ciclovia and Southside Bicycle Day gave away 1,000 bikes and helmets at their first event June 11th. From noon until 4 PM, streets in the Clark Square neighborhood were closed to motor vehicles and open to bicycling, walking, music, dance, and other healthy activities. The Bike Fed was happy to help with this great neighborhood event and we look forward to the next open streets event August 20th. More info at CicloviaMKE.org Photographs by Richard Beauchamp
Chris Aalid/Marketing Coordinator
Paying for Paving
Zac Barnes/Central Region Director
I am both a cyclist and a hunter. In fact, my Milwaukee colleague (and editor of this magazine), Dave Schlabowske, shares both passions as well and has even found a way to carry his deer rifle safely into the woods on his mountain bike. Any blaze orange blooded Wisconsinite has to respect that kind of innovative spirit.
chris.aalid@wisconsinbikefed.org central@wisconsinbikefed.org
Gabe Chapman/Membership Coordinator gabe@wisconsinbikefed.org
Dave Cieslewicz/Executive Director dave.cieslewicz@wisconsinbikefed.org
Carolyn Dvorak/Southwest Region Director carolyn.dvorak@wisconsinbikefed.org
Sarah Gaskell/Planning Manager sarah.gaskell@wisconsinbikefed.org
Tony Giron/Events Coordinator tony.giron@wisconsinbikefed.org
Matt Gissibl/Resident Dirt Tester matt.gissibl@wisconsinbikefed.org
Wendy Hanisch/Director of Development and Events wendy@wisconsinbikefed.org
Andrew Kaczmarek/Finance Director andrew.kaczmarek@wisconsinbikefed.org
Martha Laugen/Membership Director martha@wisconsinbikefed.org
Jake Newborn/Youth Education Program Manager jake.newborn@wisconsinbikefed.org
Mirtha Sosa/Milwaukee Bicycle Coordinator mirtha.sosa@wisconsinbikefed.org
Dave Schlabowske/Deputy Director dave.schlabowske@wisconsinbikefed.org
Jessica Wineberg/Program Director jessica@wisconsinbikefed.org
Board of Directors Ted Galloway, Chair, Bill Koch, Chair-Elect, Clay Griessmeyer, Secretary, Dave Jablonowski, Treasurer Brien Christopherson Bill Hauda Sydney Prusak Traci Elliott Tad Hylkema Melissa Putzer Daniel Goldberg Michael Johnson John Siegert Peter Gray Beth Liebhardt Melissa Vernon MarkGottlieb Janet Loewi David Waters Cassandra Habel Gary Peterson
Magazine Staff Editor: Dave Schlabowske
Art Director: Chris Aalid
Advertising: Matt Gissibl / matt.gissibl@wisconsinbikefed.org The Wisconsin Bike Fed Magazine is a complimentary addition to Bike Fed Annual Memberships. Proudly printed on Appleton Uptopia Paper, milled in Wisconsin.
But here’s the thing. Virtually every Wisconsin organization that represents me as a hunter, including the Wisconsin Wildlife Federation and the Conservation Congress has come together to ask the Legislature to increase hunting and fishing license fees. Those groups are responding to a report showing a $4 million gap in funding for the management of public hunting lands and they want to step up to pay a little more to do what’s in their own best interests. You gotta respect that spirit as well. Which brings me to my other passion. I love to ride our great trail system, but I’ve noticed a steady deterioration in some of them. Absent limestone screening, deep ruts, puckered bridge decking that makes me feel like I’m riding the rodeo instead of a trail. The annual trail fee I gladly pay doesn’t begin to match the cost of current trail maintenance, not to mention what’s need to bring things up to standards. Then there’s urban riding. Wisconsin communities have done a nice job of installing first generation bike infrastructure, like sharrows and bike lanes set off with a white line. But the next step is physically separated bike lanes, bike boulevards, special intersection treatments and more. To take urban commuting to the next step will require somewhat more pricey investments. So, are cyclists, like sportspeople, willing to pay the freight? Schlabowske asks that question in a provocative article in this edition. Our online survey found that about 80% of us are willing to pay more in some way, whether that’s a voluntary state registration of our bikes or more leeway for local governments in using existing local registration fees. If you haven’t taken the survey online already, please read Dave’s piece and then let us know what you think. Cycling, whether for recreation or transportation, continues to grow but the facilities to accommodate that growth are starting to fall off the pace. We need to find a solution and we’re asking you to help show us the way
Reach us at (414) 255-0371 or WisconsinBikeFed.org
Dave Cieslewicz, Executive Director WIS CONS INBIKEFED.ORG
wo years ago the Wisconsin Legislature’s powerful Joint Finance Committee flirted with imposing a $25 “registration fee” on the purchase of new adult bicycles. The Wisconsin Bike Fed and our state bicycle industry strongly objected. As a result of our efforts, what we appropriately dubbed, “the bike tax,” was quickly withdrawn without a vote. But often it seems bad ideas never die. So, fast forward two years, and a similar bike tax proposal seems to have legs in the Oregon Legislature as it struggles with the same kind of transportation budget shortfall that Wisconsin is facing. As proposed at press time, Oregon
would impose a 3% tax on new bicycles costing $500 or more. Critics argue most bicycles are sold at big box stores for less than that, so this would amount to an attack on local bike shops and quality brands like Trek and even local brands like Fyxation, Milwaukee Bicycle Company, Waterford Precision Cycles, and Wyatt. With Wisconsin staring down a transportation funding gap of as much as a billion dollars over the next two years, and Governor Scott Walker pledg-
WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS DO YOU SUPPORT? Position #1: Fight any form of bike tax or registration fee. I understand that the argument that people who ride bicycles already pay their way is falling on deaf ears, but I don’t care because it’s true! Since we already pay our fair share, I want the Bike Fed to oppose any new tax or fees on bicycles, even if it means we lose other funding. Because bicycling benefits everybody through a cleaner environment and
less wear and tear on the roads, keep fighting for general taxpayer support even if the odds for success are long. Position #2: Require hikers, runners and dog walkers to purchase a state trail pass Currently, you only have to purchase a state trail pass if you intend to ride an ATV, snowmobile, bike or ski. When money is so tight, why not ask all trail users to pay the same fee? This could
ing to veto any increase in the state gas tax or vehicle registration fees, could legislators take their cue from Oregon and ask Wisconsin cyclists to pay more? The Governor’s Executive Budget for 2017-2019 did not include any mention of a tax on bicycles, but legislators on the Joint Finance Committee set aside the transportation portion of his budget over concerns about borrowing and major road building delays. They’re starting from scratch and so, as Oregon proves, anything is possible. The root of the problem is the gas tax. For a couple of reasons it’s just not growing to meet road construction needs. The 20.4 cents per gallon federal gas tax combines with our 30.9 cents state tax for a total of 51.3 cents per gallon. That may sound like a lot, but the federal gas tax has not been increased since 1993 while the state tax has not raised its tax since 2005. Meanwhile, costs to build roads have continue to grow. Compounding that problem is the growing fuel efficiency of the vehicle fleet. While more efficient cars is great for our environment, it’s hard on a transportation budget that gets the lion’s share of its revenues from a tax directly related to how much gas is burned. To deal with the problem, in recent years governors and legislatures in Wisconsin have simply borrowed more. In fact, paying back debt now eats up about one-fourth of the transportation budget, a
double or triple the revenue the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources uses to maintain our state trail system. Position #3: I support a voluntary bicycle registration fee. Mirroring an existing Wisconsin program that allows owners of canoes and kayaks to voluntarily register their boats, cyclists might want to register their bikes because it would put them in a statewide database. The benefit would be that when a stolen bike was recovered anywhere in the state it would be easily returned to its rightful owner. And, better yet, the revenues beyond the small amount needed to maintain the database could go right back into local bike lanes and other cycling safety projects. If the participation rate was similar to that of the voluntary canoe and kayak program it might net well over a million dollars a year that could get plowed back into bike programs Position #4: Expand what communities can use existing local registration fees for bicycling to include bicycle infrastructure and safety programing. Current law allows local governments to charge a bike registration fee. Many municipalities do exactly that, but state law is hazy at best about what those fees can be used for. The language of the law and court rulings
suggest that use of the fee revenues has to be closely tied to the registration program itself. So, what if we just made it clear that bike registration fees could go for any cycling safety program, including infrastructure? These are fees that some of us are already paying. It’s not granting any new authority to require registration. But it might have the effect of getting more cyclists to register their bikes because they know that the revenues are going into projects they directly benefit from. Position #5: I would be willing to pay a sales tax on bicycles (including those sold by big box stores), or a mandatory state registration fee for bicycles if those funds were used only for bicycle infrastructure projects and safety programs. I understand I already chip in through my property taxes, trail pass and the gas taxes I pay to drive places to ride my bike, but our transportation funding system simply needs more money. It needs more money for motor vehicles, for transit, for walking and for bicycling. We all need to pay more if we want to repair our aging roads and bridges. We’ve reached the limit of how much we can responsibly borrow. It’s time we all just paid our fair share for what needs to get done to benefit everyone.
Tour de CHEESE 2017
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portion almost everyone regards as too high and not sustainable. And the governor’s new budget would add another $500 million in debt. Which brings us back to the relationship of cycling to infrastructure. For decades, we at the Wisconsin Bike Fed have argued that people who ride bikes already are paying our fair share. We have made the case that we pay annual or daily state trail pass fees; we pay property taxes, which pay for the local roads where we ride most of the time; and since most of us also drive cars, we pay the gas tax and vehicle registration fees and have a right to ask that some of that be used to fund infrastructure for bicycling and walking. We have also made the case that when people ride bicycles for basic transportation they reduce congestion and the need to expand roads. Factor in reductions in air pollution and health care costs and you would think we should be doing all we can to encourage people to ride bikes. Instead, Wisconsin only spends about 2% of our transportation budget on active transportation, even though when combined, bicycling and walking make up about 10% of all trips. Add that our state bicycle industry pays millions of dollars in taxes, that bicycling contributes $2 billion to our state economy, accounting for more than 14,000 jobs, and you might well make the argument that we are taxed enough already. But the political reality is that among many legislators those arguments have fallen on deaf ears. Even friendly legislators who agree with our arguments and think bicycling is a great investment of state resources tell us that it would help our case if we offered even a token amount to prove we have more skin in the game. If our legislature proposed an Oregon-style bicycle tax, the Wisconsin Bike Fed and our state bicycle industry would likely fight it tooth and nail and we have every reason to believe that we’d succeed just as we did two years ago when a similar idea was floated here. But the underlying issue remains. On the one hand, we can and do make a strong case that cyclists pay their way already and that the societal benefits of cycling make it a big net plus. On the other hand, the political reality is that we would get more leverage on a variety of cycling issues if we could support some kind of even symbolic new contribution to cycling infrastructure and programs. So, we want to learn more about what you think. Below find five options, from fighting every funding idea every time to even supporting something like the Oregon proposal, but with some more moderate positions in between.
Yummy chicken pistou, quinoa salad and light German potato salad are on the RAW menu this year.
Power your Ride Across Wisconsin with these delicious eats By Dave Schlabowske • Photos by Dave Schlabowske & Roth Cheese
How often do you get to ride with a World Champion and eat a World Champion cheese?
e created the Ride Across Wisconsin because Badgers did not have an epic, one day cross-state ride. But while it is certainly intended to boost the Bike Fed’s mission by raising funds and increasing our membership, we also wanted to create a top-notch event that showcases the best of Wisconsin, including local food. We respect anyone with the gut to get across this great state on a bicycle in no less than (and in most cases a lot less than) 48 hours. There’s no reason they should have to do that on an empty stomach. And there’s no reason their stomach has to be filled without paying attention to the tastes, smells and texture of the food. We get that riders are different. So, if all you require is quick nutrition so that you can get pedalling again we will have you covered. But if you want to taste the real Wisconsin as you pedal through the real Wisconsin, well, read on. RAW riders who arrive in Dubuque on Friday can dine on their own or take in a pasta dinner with their fellow riders at the Five Flags Center. Tickets can be purchased online at the RAW store for $25. After dinner, riders will have the best seats in the house for what has become Robbie Ventura’s traditional and highly entertaining Q&A with Jens Voigt and the Trek Segafredo team. Our rest stops in Monroe and Beloit will have specially catered lunches for those who love taking a culinary leap. The lunch for two-day riders will be in Monroe. Host-
ed by World Champion cheesemaker, Roth Cheese, their Chef Evan will be serving Wisconsin sweet corn and bean salad, spinach artichoke creamy brown rice rotini salad, asparagus and roast turkey whole grain pita, and Door County dried fruit. Lunch for the one-day riders will be in Beloit and features a new farm-to-table menu this year created by Chef Peter Sandroni. Not only does Chef Peter own the La Marenda and Engine Company 3 in Milwaukee’s foodie-centric Walker’s Point neighborhood, he is an avid cyclist himself. This year his locally sourced menu will feature chicken pistou, quinoa and potato salad, as well as vegan minestrone soup. We will also have vegetarian and gluten-free options available at both lunch stops. Our regular rest stops will once again feature delicious sports nutrition from Bonk Breaker as well as tasty treats like salty snacks, fresh fruit and bakery. Depending on how fast they ride, RAW participants could burn upwards of 10,000 calories, so they will be rewarded at the end of the ride with all-you-can-eat pizza and Italian bombers from Durango’s Pizza King in Kenosha. And, of course, thirsty riders can fill their RAW finisher’s keepsake mug — which they will have so richly earned — at the Public Craft Brewing taps as well. So, if what you’re looking for in your RAW experience is just the toughest ride in the state and the basic hydration and nutrition to get you there, well, you are set. But if you want to experience some of the best cycling anywhere fueled by some of the Midwest’s finest and freshest local food along the way, that’s not just RAW, but also baked right into our program.
Chef Evan from Roth Cheese has World Champion ingredients to work with!
The first e-assist mobile bike repair in Wisconsin
Our southside mobile bike repair is at the bottom of the Menomonee Valley, and pedaling a 200 pound cargo bike uphill at the start of every shift was making it hard to hire mechanics! Thanks to a Potawatomi Hotel and Casino Miracle on Canal Street grant and to a great deal on a Bafang mid-drive assist from Coast In Bikes, our mechanics now pedal off with a smile. The Bike Fed’s Mobile Bike Repair programs on Milwaukee’s northside and southside do hundreds of free bike repairs every summer in neighborhoods that are bike shop desserts. Even better, we train and hire area teens to do the work. Dave Schlabowske
ails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) serves as the national voice for more than 160,000 members and supporters, 30,000 miles of rail-trails and multi use trails, and more than 8,000 miles of potential trails waiting to be built, with a goal of creating more walkable, bikeable communities in America. Since 1986, we have worked from coast to coast, supporting the development of thousands of miles of rail-trails for millions to explore and enjoy. We believe that trail networks can deliver smart transportation, strong economic growth, healthy people, a flourishing environment and social equity. Currently there are eight projects throughout the county, implemented in partnership with local organizations (like our friends here at the Wisconsin Bike Federation) who have the power to catalyze the development of trail networks nationwide, creating healthier places for healthier people. The Route of the Badger is focused on connecting 340 miles of currently existing trail in the seven Southeast counties of Wisconsin. The Badger is an opportunity to create a world class, 500-plus mile interconnected trail system through urban, suburban and rural communities. Let’s get this done Wisconsin! Contact me to learn more, willie@railstotrails.org The Industrial Heartland Trails Coali14
tion is comprised of more than 100 organizations led by the Pennsylvania Environmental Council, the National Park Service and RTC. When complete the trail network will offer a 1,400-mile multiuse trail network experience across 48 Counties in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio and New York. Can you imagine all the different ideas, attitudes and differences of opinion these folks must have? And still they move forward and make the decisions needed to accomplish their goals. The Lower Rio Grande Valley Active Plan is a blueprint for a 428-mile trail network that will link the rich natural, cultural and historical resources the area is known for. The Active Plan leverages the community’s commitment to local economic development in a county with one of the highest poverty rates in the country. When complete the Active Plan will comprise of 230 miles of multiuse trails, 120 miles of U.S. Bicycle Routes and 78 miles of paddling trails. This plan is designed to tap into “active tourism” to support job creation, small business activity and encourage tourist spending that injects money into the local economy. The Miami LOOP is a 190-mile trail vision to connect pathways throughout the Miami Region and beyond. RTC is part of the Miami-Dade Trail Alliance serving as a collective voice to organize and move the needle to completion. Approximately
45 percent of the network is already complete and nearly 86 percent of the LOOP’s proposed corridors are publicly owned, providing a strong, established foundation for the final vision. Biking is like air conditioning, you feel a little cool when you are on two wheels. Baltimore Greenway Trails Network will link three existing Baltimore City trails to form a 35-mile loop connecting the city’s diverse neighborhoods with the downtown core of the city. When complete, this project, a partnership between RTC and Bikemore, will transform and provide the city with a low stress access route to open space, transportation and recreation. Only 10 additional miles are needed to close critical gaps. The level of complexity to create trails in urban areas is significantly more difficult than rural corridors but in the words of the late, great John Lennon, there are no problems, only solutions. The Bay Area Trails Collaborative is an ambitious vision to develop a 2,500-mile regional trail network. The Collaborative is chaired by RTC and consists of over
three dozen organizations, agencies and businesses who are working to provide safe biking and walking routes for millions of people across nine California counties. Nearly 60 percent of the trail network is already on the ground and includes spectacular vista trails such as the 500-mile San Francisco Bay Trail, 1,200-mile California Coastal Trail and the 47-mile Napa Valley Vine Trail (I volunteer to check that one out, you know, quality control.) The Capital Trails Coalition is working towards creating a 400-mile plus network of multiuse trails throughout the Washington D.C. metropolitan region. RTC is a founding partner in this coalition, which was conceptualized by the Washington Area Bicyclist Association. Visiting D.C. I was impressed with the
amount of protected bike lanes on major streets in the downtown area. There are millions of tourists each year, cars, taxis, trucks, the sidewalks are full of people and bikes are everywhere in protected lanes, woven into the fabric of the community. It can work, just takes some forward thinking. And finally, the Circuit Trails encompassing the nine county Greater Philadelphia-Camden, New Jersey, region. Led by a coalition of dozens of nonprofit organizations, foundations and agencies, the Circuit will encompass 750 miles of trails on both sides of the Delaware River. When complete more than 3.1 million people will live within a mile of the trail network. More than 300 miles are complete with 50 miles currently in development. The Circuit includes the Schuylkill Banks River Trail
which is amazingly innovative and popular beyond peoples expectations. Rails-to-Trails Conservancy is working hard everyday to provide trail options for people throughout the Country. These trail initiatives magnify the value of independent trails by connecting them into powerful trail systems that help people get where they want to go by bike or on foot. The heart of this work comes through smart investments that close gaps in trail systems and improve access to major destinations across communities and entire regions. The scope of this work is a creative placemaking strategy, with trails as the catalyst. If you want to learn more check us out online at RailsToTrails.org.
As the days of warmer weather are in full swing, so have we entered the season of women receiving unwanted cat calls while trying to bike from points A to B. Street harassment remains something that even the most skilled cyclist can’t outride. In more populated areas it’s rooted so deeply in part with femme cyclists’ routines that these gestures have become almost anticipated. According to the organization Stop Street Harassment, 65 percent of women have experienced some form of street harassment in their lifetime. That’s roughly 104 million women nationwide. A research article in Bustle describes these interruptions as aggression exerted over less privileged groups, like women. “Catcalls and other forms of street harassment aren’t about compliments; they’re about power.” The truth is women and men have to approach biking in dif18
ferent ways. While most women want to unleash their inner Xena Warrior Princess at cat calls and street harassment, one must remember that these unsolicited remarks are often coming from people steering 2,000 pound vehicles. Women have a reason to be afraid to defend themselves. Bike Fed Share & Be Aware program coordinator Caroline Dvorak of La Crosse sees many people who are intimidated to start biking in the first place without the added fear of cat calls. Because most people on bikes are victims of cat calls and road rage at some point, Dvorak said it’s important for each person to develop her own method of response so you are somewhat prepared. “I think about what I need to do when drivers are showing rage or are disrespectful. It’s really hard to keep an even head and not get competitive because your natural reaction is to defend yourself and your right to be in the space,” Dvorak said.
Year-round bike commuter Olivia Carlson of Wausau says she receives some form of harassment everyday when she is on her bike. While hand gestures and yelling are what she experiences the most, she has also been subject to a physical attack. “I’ve been side-swiped and hit by a car that didn’t even stop to check if I was okay,” Carlson described. “Neither did any of the other drivers that saw what happened and had to wait while I picked myself and my bike up from the road.” Carlson believes that one reason women are too often disrespected when riding
Still not convinced this is a constant for most girls on two wheels? Fifteen femme cyclists from all over Wisconsin share their methods for combating and responding to these unwanted remarks. MOLLY HAYES: “I wear baggy clothes if I’m going to commute anywhere in Milwaukee.”
ASH KENSLEY: “I recently read an article about a woman who would agree with them like: ‘yeah I do look good today’ but that just ended in more slurs. Unfortunately, that’s how it ends most of the time. Sexual harassment or verbal harassment.” LAUREL CUTRIGHT: “Best response I
know to catcalls or inappropriate comments (other than ignoring) is ‘stop harassing women’ because it names the behavior to any passers-by and is pretty hard to deny.”
VALERIE TERGERSON: “Headphones and loud music.”
JAMIE AUULT: “I would say know a
their bikes is that many people are under the assumption that women don’t choose to bike for themselves; that, instead, they must have a boyfriend, brother, husband or guy friend that encouraged this activity. “We can’t just love biking and want to do it for ourselves.” Carlson added. Some female cyclists also feel the need to “dress the part” in order to be taken seriously or draw less attention to themselves. Former bicycle courier and everyday commuter Therese Thompson of Milwaukee credits her boyish appearance for receiving less harassment. “I don’t have long hair and I’m not curvy. I look like a scrawny dude and people often don’t realize I’m
bunch of different routes to and from your destination. I used to get cat calls, followed by cars, trash thrown at me, etc. I started taking a slightly different route everyday to avoid having to meet the same people on my commute.”
CAIT HAGNESS: “I’ve always wondered
that about winter. Like how do you even know I’m a woman? With goggles and everything on, I could be anything. I just don’t get it.”
BETSY CHRISTENSEN: “I used to have pepper spray on my keychain, visible while I’m working and once I had someone yell from a bus stop ‘oh don’t mess with her she got pepper spray’.” GABRIELA RIVEROS: “ If they try to talk to me from their car window I yell a stream of curses and then abruptly turn around and ride away.” DIANE RAINES: “Catcall back.” DESIREE ROBERTS: “I keep my u-lock in hand, ready to smash.” ERIN WHITNEY: “I always pretend not to hear, but it makes me feel like they won.”
CLAIRE LOEBEL: “When I’m harassed I generally try to get away from people as quick as possible.”
RESE VU: “Unfortunately you really
can’t do much. You can’t have a discussion about it with the cat-callers because it’s engraved in how they were raised. It’s normal for them.”
ANNA SCHWINN: “I usually just smile
and yell ‘no, sir, YOU have a beautiful day!’ It mostly just confuses them and reminds them that I’m a person. Also, I usually feel less angry after the fact.”
Beth Pickhard: “I ignore people. Once this led to someone trying to run me off the road.”
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a woman until they see my face.” The pro gear that Thompson has collected has acted as a shield against some remarks. “It’s messed up in itself,” Thompson said. “You can’t just casually ride bikes as a woman, you’ve got to prove yourself with clipless shoes and hip pouches.” Despite the trials and constant trepidations for women on and off the bike, the perseverance to keep biking is something to be admired. Because the plain truth is people are going to keep biking no matter what. It’s about more than reaching the destination; it’s about the sensory experience you have before you get there. Everyone deserves the right to participate safely, equally and without distraction. And while some men look at catcalling as harmless or even complementary, in fact, it’s unpleasant for most, threatening for many and even scarring for some. So, how do we change everyday harassment for cyclists? The single most important thing that could help make everyone’s route easier is by getting more people on bikes. Having more cyclists on the road means having more people that demand to be taken seriously and treated with respect. It won’t be long until every person driving has someone they care about on the road biking– whether that’s a sister, mother, daughter, wife or friend. Until that day, treat everyone on the road as if you know them and don’t shout anything you wouldn’t say directly to your own mother.
hen you think of heavenly bike vacation destinations, what comes to mind? Boulder? Tucson? Bend, Oregon? What about Madison? You may be laughing as you read this, thinking “why would I plan a cycling vacation in a Midwest college town when I could have the grandeur of mountains, perfect weather, and a vast network of onroad and off-road bike routes?” Well, take it from someone who has lived across the country — from the west coast to the Rockies to the east coast — Madison’s stellar cycling is second to none. That’s right folks, I’ve lived in Bend, Red Lodge, MT, Lander, WY, Warren, VT, and even Kona, HI, and I have chosen to make Madison my home. I tell everyone who asks me why, as a die-hard, year-round cyclist, I picked Madison. It’s because it offers the best overall cycling I have ever experienced with the least amount of driving to reach surrounding destinations. 24
Within riding distance from my home on Madison’s west side, I can be climbing endless steep hills in the Driftless area — hills that would challenge any climber, cruising along limestone rail trails to Illinois or Lake Michigan, mountain biking at four different stunning sites with trails ranging from beginner to advanced, or just tooling around town on my single-speed, via urban trails, to countless restaurants, bars, and ice cream shops. If it’s gravel road riding I want, a brief 90-minute drive will take me into the Driftless area of Wisconsin or Illinois, renowned in the gravel world as having some of the best gravel routes and events in the country. Yes, for me, Madison is bike heaven. What about those six pesky months of the year where layers must be donned, you ask? I’ll admit it. I would much rather ride in shorts all year long than spend 30 minutes layering up for each outing, but here’s the thing: Madison knows how to make winter riding fun. We have such a great winter bike community here — Madison Bike Winter, Madison Bikes, and multiple fat bike groups — that you’ll soon forget you can’t feel your face. But I guarantee there will be a smile on it! Because there are so many different groups and aspects to the cycling community here, I thought I’d lay each out separately to make it easy for you to plan your next cycling vacation here. Take it from a girl who has grown up with bikes in her blood since birth — Madison is an amazing destination for two-wheeled joy. Although I may wander, I’ll always come back home to Madison. A certified Platinum Bicycle Community by the League of American Bicyclists (only one of five in all the land) and my little slice of bike heaven.
ROAD RIDING ROUTES: If you are wanting a fast-
paced group ride, a social group ride, or to ride alone, Madison has it all. For those wanting to keep climbing at a minimum, I’d suggest staying on the east side of town. Here you’ll find corn and soybean fields galore, you’ll pass through quaint towns, skirt around lakes, and even cross a few rivers. For those wanting more challenging routes with elevation gain, the hardest ones are due west (rides like the Horribly Hilly Hundred and Dairyland Dare were formed
here). Expect climbs to frequently reach 16-20% grade, but at the top of each hill, also expect jaw-dropping views and exhilarating descents. Compact or triple chainrings are highly recommended in these parts! If you’re looking for something in between, heading either north or south will give you a taste of the hills with some reprieves. Please note that by heading west, there are fewer facilities to get provisions or help, so pack what you need for the ride.
CLUBS: Wanting to join others for
a group ride? Bombay Bicycle Club, Capital Brewery Bicycle Club, Cronometro, Trek, and the Wednesday Night Bike Ride are all excellent resources, not only for the group experience but also for maps if you’d like to venture out on your own. Many of these rides will end at breweries or restaurants post-ride for more social time and refueling.
SHOPS: I usually send roadies to Machinery Row or Cronometro for gear. Both are great shops with a wide selection and outstanding customer service.
You have to love a city that closes a major street to cars. Only deliveries, buses and bikes are allowed on State Street. But Madison has a plethora of great trails too for those who really want to ride away from cars.
MOUNTAIN BIKING ROUTES: There are several mountain bike
areas that people here love to frequent. For beginners, I would suggest Seminole, which is just off the Capital City paved trail so it’s easy to ride to as well! For intermediate riders, head to Seminole, Quarry Ridge, Blackhawk, or Pleasant View (the final two are connected by trails). Here you’ll find a mix of flowy trails, solid descents,
tight singletrack, and some open prairie riding. For the more skilled riders, head to Quarry Park, Quarry Ridge, Blue Mound, or Blackhawk.
CLUBS: CORP is our local IMBA chapter and
they always have a wealth of information on their website, from trail conditions to volunteer work days.
SHOPS: Revolution, Machinery Row, and Fitchburg Cycles are the spots to go for not only gear but a wealth of knowledge. Revolution even has weekly rides from the shop from spring to fall and fat bike rides during the winter!
THE ICING ON THE CAKE For me, no ride is complete without a great pre- or post-ride gathering place. Madison is well known for its coffee, beer, and food offerings. Many even offer discounts with a Bike Benefits sticker! These are just my personal favorites. Trust me, every rider will give you a different suggestion. Coffee: Barriques, Cafe Domestique, or Johnson Public House. Beer: Ale Asylum, the Mason, The Malt House, and One Barrel Brewing (wear your helmet here on a Thursday and your first beer is only $1!).
Frozen lakes make for fat bike fun every winter in Madison. The Open Streets events (bottom right) are a great time to get out your favorite funky bike during the summer.
Food: Weary Traveler, Ha Long Bay, Mickey’s, Tex Tubb’s, Alchemy, & Chocolate Shop ice cream. Lodging: Want to stay where all the Trek pros stay when they come into town? Check out the Mansion Hill Inn, owned by Trek but also open to the public. A rental bike is included with your stay. Other convenient and bike-friendly hotels include Hotel Red, Park Hotel, and the Edgewater.
FAT BIKING Looking for more information, pretty pictures, and an in-depth travel guide to cycling in Madison? Check out BIKEABOUT.COM, which even offers a deal for local Airbnb stays. 28
ROUTES: Fat biking is big in this area. Forget putting your riding to the side over the cold, snowy months. Here in Madison, we keep it going all year round. Ask anyone in the know and they’ll direct you to most of the mountain bike areas that are suitable for when the snow flies. Just remember to check the CORP website for trail closings. Pleasant View golf course allows fat bikes on their mountain bike trails — and even has its own designated fat bike course. Just please
URBAN SPINNING ROUTES: The list is endless. Not only do we have numerous urban trails, but many of the streets also have designated bike lanes or sharrows. To get a great taste of the city, try the Southwest Commuter Trail, the Lake Monona Loop, the Wingra Creek Trail, which leads you into the Arboretum, and the Capital City Trail. All three will bring you not only past urban settings loaded with food and beverage choices but also past beautiful natural areas (lakes, creeks, prairies, conservancies etc.). All of these routes are very family friendly with only a few hills, so most riders will feel comfortable no matter what the skill level.
Michael Lemberger
remember to stay off any cross-country trails. We want to be good ambassadors! When the lakes freeze over, all of a sudden, a whole new world opens up for cyclists. Studs are recommended if there isn’t a coating of snow. Also, make sure you check out the plethora of fat bike races held in town throughout the winter.
SHOPS AND RESOURCES: Pick up your very own free Madison bike map at the city Traffic Engineering building, at the Bike Fed offices (137 E. Wilson St.) or at most bike shops. For bike rentals or urban steeds, I like Machinery Row, Revolution, Motorless Motion, and Budget, not only for their advice, but also since all are located right next to one of the bike paths listed above. Need a minor repair, flat service, or an energy bar? All four are more than happy to help. Also, if you would rather use a bike share program, Madison is home to B-Cycle, which features accessible stations around the entire city.
SHOPS AND RESOURCES: Revolution has group rides leading from the shop all winter long. Machinery Row has rentals in case you don’t own your own steed. If you are a woman and would prefer to ride with other women, Bell Joy Ride is run out of Revolution by Amber and she holds monthly rides and clinics. Madison also hosts group meetups, rides, and clinics all winter long through Madison Bike Winter and Madison Bikes. There is even a week-long winter-bike-to-work-week, usually held in February. This information is posted on their respective Facebook pages and websites.
Grant Foster
The Stewart Tunnel on the Badger Trail is not as long as those on the Elroy Sparta, but it is still pretty neat. The tunnel has been undergoing some repairs, so check with the WDNR first.
GRAVEL RIDING ROUTES: Since the Madison area is dairy
country, and the roads were all paved for this industry, there are very few gravel roads within Dane County. If you’re looking to get your gravel fix, you have a couple of options. You can take one of the three gravel rail trails leading out of town, the Military Ridge, which heads west to Dodgeville, the Badger State, which will take you all the way to Freeport, Illinois, and the Glacial Drumlin, which heads east, all the way into Milwaukee! All three are very well maintained and can usually be ridden with wider road tires (although watch out for ground squirrel holes and washouts). A daily or annual pass is needed for all three and can be obtained either online or at any trailhead. All three will give you beautiful
views and very mild inclines. All three also pass through small towns offering food and beverages. The Badger State trail traverses through a long tunnel where you’ll need to turn on your headlight. If you are in search of gravel roads, a short 90-minute drive either west to Boscobel or south to the Freeport/Stockton area will surely satisfy your hunger (be aware, however, that both trails are quite hilly).
SHOPS AND RESOURCES: The three shops that specialize in this type of riding are Revolution, Motorless Motion, and Machinery Row. For routes and events, the Wisconsin Gravel Syndicate’s Facebook page is there to help.
CYCLOCROSS ROUTES: Currently, there are two locations
where you can practice cyclocross. Badger Prairie in Verona (accessible by trail and path if you choose to ride out there) and Northeast Park (also accessible by path and bike lanes). If you are looking to race, there are races held every weekend around the state--many of them within riding distance from Madison.
Madison is cyclocross crazy, having hosted Nationals in 2011 and 2012. This year Trek will host a World Cup race September 22-24.
SHOPS AND RESOURCES: Machinery Row, Trek, Neff Cycles, and Revolution are the places to head to for this magnificent mix of road and dirt riding.
arquette County, Michigan. It’s on the list of the Top 25 Best Adventure Destinations in the World, and it’s just north of Wisconsin, in the heart of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. The Huron Mountains. Lake Superior. Craggy iron ore deposits and black rocks. Vistas and views crop up everywhere – walk down Washington Street in Marquette and get a jolt of blue from the harbor gleaming between historic buildings. Drive down US-41 from Negaunee to Marquette and catch the expanse of rolling hills trailed by the sparkling Great Lake. The scent of water invigorates body and soul. And there’s singletrack. Miles and miles of it, cut-
ting through forests, across fields, between rocks, along ledges, over bridges, in and out of tunnels. The trail system holds a Bronze Ride Center rating from the International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA). And the trails are open to ride year-round, with 200 miles of singletrack in warmer weather and 60 miles of winter-groomed trail.
What’s your personal grit quotient? This is the place to test it. You can ride for fun, or race to win. There’s the 906 Polar Roll in February, Trailsfest in June, Red Earth Classic in July, Ore to Shore Mountain Bike Epic in August, Marji Gesick 100 and Marquette Mountain Bike Enduro in September. With a trail obsession this bold, you know there’s beer nearby. Marquette County is home to six microbreweries, each crafting fine beer from fresh water harvested from the largest of the Great Lakes. The Marquette Harbor Brewery at the Vierling Restaurant brews beer to be enjoyed at a century-old oak bar. The Ore Dock Brewing Company’s award-winWIS CONS INBIKEFED.OR G
If you’re new to Marquette’s mountain bike trails, we introduce to you to the North Trails Loop. The route technically starts at the Marquette Board of Light and Power on Wright Street, but many riders prefer to access it right from Tourist Park Trailhead. Integrating IMBA trail-building technology, this ‘new school’ trail incorporates waterfalls, dams, berms, bench cuts, and bridges.
Morgan Creek Loop, also known as the Green Loop, is part of the Noquemanon Trail Network’s South Trails. The loop starts on Carp Eh Diem, a trail that rolls along the edges of the Carp River. Expect climbs, contours, and scenery along this long, curvy singletrack, paired with sparse rock, sizable berms, and decent descents.
Ride miles of trail in Marquette County’s West End, which have been completely hand-built (no machines) over the decades by the grassroots trail organization RAMBA (Range Area Mountain Bike Club). The system is a Bronze Level IMBA Ride Center, with trailheads throughout the Iron Range.
IOHT offers a cross-section of Marquette County’s scenery, history and culture. It gains (or loses, depending on which direction you’re going) about 1,000 feet of elevation, hitting the county’s low point at Lake Superior and one of its higher points near Ishpeming. The IOHT acts as a backbone to other trail networks, and passes through the heart of Marquette, where riders can take a pit stop (or a pint stop) at one of the many restaurants or breweries in the area.
This seventeen-mile city path is suitable for all skill and fitness levels. The path has multiple spurs and loops, but also includes a flat, paved stretch along the city’s entire Lake Superior shoreline. This is the perfect path for a ‘Sunday afternoon ride’ vibe. 40
ning brews are served in a former car dealership, with materials repurposed for an industrial eco-chic vibe. Black Rocks Brewery serves up brews in a historic house at Michigan and Third in Marquette, a popular hangout for mountain bikers and the outdoor adventure crowd. At Marquette County’s West End, there’s the Jasper Ridge Brewery, at the trailhead of the RAMBA single-track network in Ishpeming. Cognition Brewing Company is in downtown Ishpeming along the Iron Ore Heritage Trail. And the Chocolay River Brewery and Restaurant is located near
Melby Park, Whitehall Wisconsin
Register 8 to 9, Ride begins at 9am Route Distances from 16 to 60 miles Ride to the highest point in Trempealeau County Beautiful Views! Parade at 1:30pm For more information: www.tourdetremp.com Facebook: Top of the World Bicycle Tour, Whitehall, Wisconsin, Beef and Dairy Days Celebration
“The best place to Ride You’ve Never Heard Of ” - Bicycling Magazine
Cycle to the highest point in Trempeauleau County! Register at Active.com 16, 23, 42, & 60-mile options available
the Chocolay Bayou and Iron Ore Heritage Trail along U.S. Highway 41. Debate your beer philosophy at all six. What’s your kind of food? You’ll find it at local-favorite restaurants throughout the county. In Marquette, the Marq, on Baraga Street, has the best deep-fried Wisconsin Cheese curds north of the border. Get your Cajun on at Lagniappe’s or indulge in the fried Brussels sprouts at the Delft Bistro, both on Washington. Order up the nachos (and plan to share) at Jackson’s Pit in Negaunee. Request extra napkins for the almost-world-famous ribs at the Up North Lodge in Gwinn. And be sure to take home a supply of authentic U.P. pasties! So, you pack the bikes, and we’ll provide the beer. Come and embrace your natural identity in Marquette County, Michigan. Plan your adventure at TravelMarquetteMichigan.com. WIS CONS INBIKEFED.OR G
RIDES & EVENTS July Jul. 14 - Jul. 16, Camp Bluedog, Sugar Creek Camp, Ferryville, WI, Special Event, A weekend long adventure designed to offer young people a positive and fun way to get involved in mountain biking. Campers learn such skills as proper bike maintenance, equipment responsibility, safety, sharing, and respect for both riding and other riders. , http://www.bluedogcycles.com/, (608) 637-6993 Jul. 15, Bike For Boys and Girls Club, Fitchburg, Fitchburg, WI, Fun Ride, Bring family, friends, coworkers, neighbors together for a fun-filled ride through picturesque Dane County. Pledges raised support the ongoing mission of the Boys & Girls Club of Dane County to provide programs that enable our youth to realize their full potential, https://www.bike4bgc.com Jul. 15, Cooney Classic, Hops and Leisure, Oconomowoc, WI, Fun Ride, A fun bike ride beginning and ending at Hops and Leisure Restaurant. Participants can choose between three route options (20, 40 and 60 miles). Upon finishing, each participant will receive a burger and beer/soda. A portion of the proceeds goes to charity, http://finishlineeventswi.com/, (262) 490-1279 Jul. 15, Z Tour Bike Ride , Zearing Park, Princeton, IL, Fun Ride, Charity ride that provides you with a chance to enjoy some of the best roads that north central Illinois has to offer. The five routes featured incorporate hills, rolling terrain, and beautiful views of Bureau Creek and the Hennepin Canal all with minimal traffic. , http://www.z-tour.org, (815) 875-2335 Jul. 16, Circuit de la Pizza , Rhody's Middletown Tavern & Grill, Stevens Point, WI, Fun Ride, Ride 35-40 miles over rural roads with light vehicle traffic. We'll take one of several popular biking routes, depending on the winds, and stay together as a group riding at a leisurely pace. Return to Rhody's for their hand-made pizza around 4pm, http://heartlandclub.org Jul. 16 - Jul. 22, Flavors of Wisconsin Tour, Wyndham Garden Inn, Fitchburg, WI, Fun Ride, Cycle for 6 days on a moderate to challenging road route through the scenic vistas of south central Wisconsin. Visit cheese factories and microbreweries. Watch cheese being made and pair one of its many varieties with just the right craft beer. http://www.aroundwisbike.com, (920) 427-6086 Jul. 22, Red Earth Classic, Jackson Mine Park, Negaunee, MI, Multi-Sport Event, Challenge yourself in the heart of the Huron Mountains. Choose from: 32-mile ride solo or compete as a two-person relay, 20 mile, 12-mile, or Junior Classic (3 and 5-mile race), http://www.redearthclassic.com, (906) 235-1670 Jul. 22, Kirke Vei Time Trial, West Koshkonong Church, Cottage Grove, WI, Road Race, Individual time trial. Course is 17 miles on beautiful rolling hills in rural Wisconsin. Earliest start at 9am. Register: WiSport (includes citizen), USACycling (State TT Championship) or ABR (part of MATTS series), (608) 345-1550 Jul. 22, Shell Lake Triathlon, Shell Lake Beach, Shell Lake, WI, Multi-Sport Event, Test your athletic abilities! Shell Lake offers a great lake to swim in, great roads to bike, great trails, and roads to run. The triathlon is a 1/2-mile swim, 15-mile bike, and 3-mile run, http://www.shelllakelionstriathlon.com/ Jul. 22, Pedal and Party in Pardeeville with a Purpose, Chandler Park, Pardeeville, WI, Fun Ride, Choose routes of 12, 30, 40, or 55-miles through the rolling Amish countryside of Pardeeville. Rest stops with food, Amish grocery store, and bakery along the way, ending with a free half pound burger, side dishes, beer, soda and live music! All proceeds go to fight MS. , http://pedalandparty.com, (608) 225-3578 Jul. 22 - Jul. 23, The Scenic Shore 150 Bike Tour, MATC, Mequon, WI, Special Event, A two day, 150-mile, fully-supported cycling event and the largest local event for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. The beautiful shoreline of Lake
Michigan is the setting for a weekend of riding the shore for a cure!, http://www. scenicshore150.org, (262) 785-4272 Jul. 22, Milwaukee Tour de Cure, Hoyt Park, Wauwatosa, WI, Fun Ride, For riders of every age and skill level, ranging from our 20 to 70-mile routes. Join us for the post ride party to celebrate your success, and to celebrate our Red Riders (riders with Type-1 or Type-2 diabetes)! , http://diabetes.org/mketour, (414) 778-5500 Jul. 23, Colectivo Coffee Bean Classic, Minooka Park, Waukesha, WI, Off-Road Race, Recreational mountain bike racing at its best, abilities categories and age classes for all. Pre-ride the course the day before. Learn to Race clinic offered. Experience why WORS is America’s Largest State Mountain Bike Racing Series, http://wors.org/, (715) 592-5095 Jul. 23, 31st Annual Best Friends Gourmet Bike Tour, St. Mary Catholic High School - 1050 Zephyr Drive, Neenah , WI, Fun Ride, Enjoy a tour of the Fox Valley beautiful countryside and return to a gourmet picnic! 4, 8, 1225, 55, 75, or the 100 mile Century routes. Rest areas and bike support available along the routes, http://www.bestfriendsnm.org/, (920) 729-5600 Jul. 23 - Jul. 29, Northwoods , Quality Inn, Rhinelander, WI, Fun Ride, Fully supported 7-day tour includes hotels for only $765! Hosted by Pedal Across Wisconsin. Wisconsin's original and longest running northwoods loop tour. Cycle through this magical land of birch, pine, and lakes from Rhinelander to Eagle River & return, http://www.pedalacrosswisconsin.com/index.html Jul. 28 - Jul. 30, AIDS Ride Wisconsin, Olin Park , Madison, WI, Fun Ride, This all-inclusive, fully-supported ride through southern Wisconsin raises critical funds for the fight against AIDS. Whether you are a beginner or a cycling veteran, this ride is for you! Choose from short routes, one-day, weekend ride, or three-day options. , http://aidsridewis.org, (608) 316-8619 Jul. 29 - Jul. 30, Wisconsin Bike Festival, Cedar Creek Park, Cedarburg, WI, Special Event, Celebrate Cycling with family! Open to the public, WI Bike Festival starts with Women-only Century and celebrates with music, beer garden, food, vendors, kid’s activities & the Cycling Awards Ceremony! On Sunday, riding continues with the Holy Hill Classic, http://www.wiwomencycling.com/centuryride, (920) 901-1233 Jul. 29 - Jul. 31, CowaLUNGa Bike Tour, Gurnee Mills Mall, Gurnee, IL, Fun Ride, Ride through Northern Illinois into Southern Wisconsin. Cyclists of all ages and abilities ride from 18 miles up to 190+ miles over 1, 2, or 3 days. , http://www. cowalunga.org/, (312) 628-0209 Jul. 30, Lake Ripley Ride, Ripley Park, Cambridge, WI, Fun Ride, A 22-mile, a slightly hilly 40-mile, or a challenging 62-mile route. Registration includes a shirt, map, rest stops, SAG, and a fantastic post ride celebration with refreshments and tasty food. Help us support the JDRF and CAP!, http://www.cambridgecap.net/ adult-athletic/lake-ripley-ride/, (608) 423-8108 Jul. 30, Tri-ing for Children's Triathlon, Ottawa Lake State Park, Dousman, WI, Multi-Sport Event, Presented by The Endurance House of Delafield, choose a sprint or olympic distance in this race that benefits Tri-Ing for Children's, Inc., a non-profit charity supporting children's hospitals. All athletes receive a T-shirt, finisher medal, and post race refreshments. , http://www.adults.tri-ingforchildrens.com, (608) 316-5755 Jul. 30, Toughman Minnesota, Paradise Park, Chisago City, MN, Multi-Sport Event, Triathlon features the friendly Swedish communities of the Chisago Lakes Area. Half: 1.2-mile swim, 56-mile bike, 13.1-mile run. Aqua Bike: 1.2-mile swim, 56-mile bike. Sprint: 1/4-mile swim, 22-mile bike, 5K run. Participants receive a Dri-Wick shirt, swim cap, food, and awards, http://www.dutrirun.com/page/show/845808toughman-minnesota-july-26-2015, (920) 419-8936 Jul. 30 - Aug. 5, Northwoods , Quality Inn, Rhinelander, WI, Fun Ride, Fully supported 7-day tour includes hotels for only $765! Hosted by Pedal Across Wisconsin. Wisconsin's original and longest running northwoods loop tour. Cycle through this magical land of birch, pine, and lakes from Rhinelander to Eagle River & return, http://www.pedalacrosswisconsin.com/index.html
August Aug. 4 - Aug. 6, Midwest Recumbent Rally, Hostel Shoppe, Stevens Point, WI, Special Event, Join other recumbent riders at one of the biggest recumbent events in the country. Scenic tours of varying lengths, great camaraderie, test rides of recumbents, swap meet, plus more, https://hostelshoppe.com/92/MidwestRecumbent-Rally, (800) 233-4340 Aug. 5, Bike to the Beat, CBC Coating, Appleton, WI, Fun Ride, Choose your distance: 10, 20, 36, or 50 miles. If you feel like going a little further or maybe not quite as far, we can roll with that! Come back to the start/finish line for the postride party, that ends at 2:30pm. Party includes complimentary food, drink & live music, http://foxbiketothebeat.com, (920) 993-3735 Aug. 5, Bike for Boys & Girls Club, AIG, Stevens Point, WI, Road Race, A fun, family-friendly event that provides beautiful scenery and an opportunity to support the Boys & Girls Club. Four route lengths have been chosen with plenty of rest stops along the way to cater to expert riders as well as in-experienced riders, http://www.bgclubpc.org/bike4bgc, (715) 341-4386 Aug. 5, Beloit & Beyond Bike Tour, Beloit Bicycle Company (behind store), Beloit, WI, Fun Ride, Century ride; 50 mi.; 25 mi.; or 4 mi. Local loop. Registration begins at 6:00am behind Beloit Bicycle Company in beautiful downtown Beloit. Cue sheets/maps available. Well supported & well-marked routes. Free. All volunteer supported event now in its 7th year, http://beloitbiketour.org, (608) 346-9226 Aug. 6, Hixon Forest Epic (WORS #8), Hixon Forest Park, La Crosse, WI, Off-Road Race, Recreational mountain bike racing at its best, abilities categories and age classes for all. Pre-ride the course the day before. Learn to Race clinic offered. Experience why WORS is America’s largest state mountain bike racing series, http://wors.org/, (715) 592-5095 Aug. 6 - Aug. 12, Northern Woods and Waters Tour, Oneida Village Inn, Three Lakes, WI, Fun Ride, Cycle for six days on lightly traveled back roads through the woods of northern Wisconsin on a fully supported ride. Take a tour of area lakes on a pirate ship and spend an optional afternoon kayaking on a quiet lake. Stay in hotels and lakefront condos. Enjoy restaurant meals, http://www.aroundwisbike. com, (920) 427-6086 Aug. 6, Escarpment Bicycle Tour, Ledge View Nature Center, Chilton, WI, Special Event, Scenic rural ride features six marked routes 8-100 miles, with maps, cue sheets, sag wagon, breakfast, and post-ride meal. This is a fundraiser for the Friends of Ledge View Nature Center, http://ledgeviewnaturecenter.org, (920) 849-7094 Aug. 7 - Sept. 25, Weekly, Mondays Around Monona, Capital City Trail at S. Fair Oaks Ave., Madison & Monona, WI, Fun Ride, An entry level ride for everybody! We bike slowly around Lake Monona, about 12 relatively flat miles. We end at a local pub or restaurant for dinner, http://weareallmechanics.com/upcoming-events, (608) 630-5784 Aug. 10 - Aug. 13, JDRF Ride to Cure Diabetes, Along the Mississippi River, La Crosse, WI, Special Event, This fundraising ride starts in historic downtown La Crosse, goes over into Minnesota, down into New Albin, Iowa and then loops back to La Crosse, http://ride.jdrf.org, (414) 203-5528 Aug. 12, Hitting 4 The Cycle, Miller Park Brewers Stadium, Milwaukee, WI, Participants are invited to partake in the 25 mile route, starting and ending at Miller Park, before enjoying a fun-filled tailgate party prior to taking in the evening’s Brewers game, http://brewers.ride-mlb.com, Aug. 12, Tour de Cheese, Monroe Middle School, Monroe, WI, Fun Ride, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Green County. Riders will travel along a 17 or 50 mile route with Rest Stops at Cheese Factories Along the Routes including, Maple Leaf, Grande Cheese, Silver Lewis, Decatur Dairy, http://bbbsgreencounty.org/events/ tour-de-cheese, (608) 325-7855 Aug. 12, Ore to Shore Mountain Bike Epic, Lakeview Arena, Marquette, MI, OffRoad Race, The course traverses some of the most scenic terrain available in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The race starts in downtown Negaunee, rolling out on pavement, and then hits dirt. The course rolls with the hills as elevation drops to
Marquette, http://www.oretoshore.com/, (866) 370-7223 Aug. 12, Dairyland Dare, Harris Park, Dodgeville, WI, Road Race, Dairyland Dare is part of the Wisconsin Gran Fondo Series. Find event or series details on our website, https://www.wisconsingranfondo.com, (608) 630-3871 Aug. 12, Apple Blossom Bike Tour, Veterans park, La Crescent, MN, Fun Ride, Our bike tours offer magnificent vistas of the Mississippi River valley. Choose from the 15, 30, 54 or 67 mile rides in this beautiful area. Something for everyone, http:// appleblossomtour.org, (507) 895-2800 Aug. 12 - Aug. 13, CORP Fest, Blue Mound State Park, Blue Mounds, WI, Special Event, Group rides, competitions, food, camping. A celebration of all things off-road, http://www.madcitydirt.com/index.php?board=27.0, (608) 218-9297 Aug. 12, Portage Kiwanis Ride to Read, Columbia Co Fairgrounds/Veteran’s Memorial Field Portage,WI , Portage, WI, Fun Ride, Pedal through scenic Amish country. Includes continental breakfast, refreshment stops, light lunch, detailed route map, and SAG. Four bike route options of 15, 30, 45, and 62 miles (metric century). Pre-registration $25, day-of $30, http://www.kiwanisridetoread.com, (608) 697-3390
No fees unless we succeed
Aug. 13, Kinni-ator Adventure Challenge, Kinni Creek Lodge & Outfitters, River Home and hospital visits available Falls, WI, Multi-Sport Event, The ultimate run-kayak-triathlon.Run 2+ miles, kayak Freearound initialbeautiful consultation 9+ miles, and bike 11+ miles River Falls, http://www.runpaddlebike.com Aug. 14, King Corn Ride, Clear Water Harbor, King, WI, Fun Ride, Ride south of Waupaca on quiet, picturesque, tree-lined rural roads. Choose a ride length & speed that fits you. Ride until Noon. Stay for lunch (Dutch Treat) at the Harbor Bar, with free roasted corn. Be ready to ride by 9 am. Routes of 22,35, 43, & 53 miles. Maps provided, http://heartlandclub.org
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1-(800)-662-5432 or visit
No fees unless we succeed Home and hospital visits available Free initial consultation
Aug. 17, Beyond Design Bike Tour, Concord House, Sullivan, WI, Special Event, Eppstein Uhen Architects brings together partners, clients, & friends for a day of biking on a scenic WI route in support of a worthy cause. Mileage options from approx. 30 to 100 miles, so riders of all abilities are welcome. The ride concludes with a dinner & networking event, http://www.kintera.org/faf/home/default. asp?ievent=1168783, (414) 298-2205
1155 Grand Avenue, P.O. Box 588, Schofield, WI 54476
Aug. 19, Sadistic Century, Dunn County Recreational Park, Menomonie, WI, MultiSport Event, A challenging century route of 30 climbs and 8,819 feet of elevation on great town and county roads around Menomonie. Put on by a local group to promote bicycling and raise funds for the local mountain bike group and food pantry. 2017 MTB Time Trial added, http://SadisticCentury.com, (715) 928-2334 Aug. 19, Ride to the Barns, Camp/Quad, Hartford, WI, Fun Ride, Fundraising ride through Waukesha, Washington and Dodge counties. Rest stops include farms serving locally produced food to highlight farmland preservation. Post ride party. $75/person by August 14th ($95 thereafter) and is tax-deductible. Limited space, http://tallpinesconservancy.org/ride-to-the-barns-2017, (262) 369-0500 Aug. 20, Reforestation Ramble (WORS #9), Reforestation Camp, Suamico, WI, OffRoad Race, Recreational mountain bike racing at its best, abilities categories and age classes for all. Pre-ride the course the day before. Learn to Race clinic offered. Experience why WORS is America’s largest state mountain bike racing series, http://wors.org/, (715) 592-5095 Aug. 20, Race the Lake Century Ride, Lakeside Park, Fond du Lac, WI, Road Race, 10th-annual 100-mile bike race around Lake Winnebago for all abilities from professional to beginning cyclists. Ride as an individual or with a team! Includes driwick shirt, finishers' medal, chip timing, cash prims, awards, pasta dinner, and free beer after the event, http://www.dutrirun.com/gantherrtl2015, (920) 574-2972 Aug. 26, The Redeye Experience, City Parking Lot 1111 Crosby St., Stevens Point, WI, Fun Ride, Ride to Redeye Brew Pub in Wausau, eat from their artisan menu (Dutch treat), and return to Stevens Point at a digestive pace. Ride along the Wisconsin river, the Lake DuBay causeways, through Knowlton and Mosinee. Inclusive, recreational ride, but no-drop policy is not in force, http://heartlandclub.org Aug. 26, Phelps 3rd Annual Twin Tri, Phelps Chamber of Commerce, Phelps, WI,
Multi-Sport Event, Includes an 8K paddle on North Twin Lake, a 16K bike, and a 5K run. The bike and run legs go through stunning Northwoods forests on country lanes. Registration: $35 (individuals), $90 (teams of three). Each participant receives an event T-shirt, http://www.phelpswi.us/events/twin-triathlon, (715) 545-3800 Aug. 27, Treadfest (WORS #10), Montain Top at Grand Geneva, Lake Geneva, WI, Off-Road Race, Recreational mountain bike racing at its best, abilities categories and age classes for all. Pre-ride the course the day before. Learn to Race clinic offered. Experience why WORS is America’s largest state mountain bike racing series, http://wors.org/, (715) 592-5095 Aug. 27, Bicycle Adventure Extravaganza IV, Point Area Bicycle Service, Stevens Point, WI, Special Event, A fun afternoon of points based cycling adventure filled with photo and found item scavenger hunts, unpredictable challenge checkpoints and mind bending puzzle questions followed by an excellent after party with tons of sweet prizes! Ride solo or team up. All ages and abilities, https://www. pointareabicycleservice.com, (715) 498-4122 Aug. 27, Sugar River Triathlon, Community Park, Belleville, WI, Multi-Sport Event, Another in the Wisconsin Triathlon Series, this sprint triathlon is perfect for beginners and competitive triathletes alike. Calm water, rolling hills and a gravel running trail. Athletes receive a T-shirt, finisher medal and post-race refreshments, http://www.sugarrivertri.com, (608) 316-5755 Aug. 29 - Aug. 30, Wisconsin Senior Olympics Cycling event, Menominee Park, Menominee Falls, WI, Road Race, This event consists of a 10k tt & 20 k road race on day 1 and a 5 k tt & 40k road race on day 2, http://www.wiseniorolympics.com, (262) 994-1606
MAKE WISCONSIN A BETTER PLACE TO RIDE A BIKE, GET COOL STUFF Becoming a Wisconsin Bike Fed member doesn’t just mean joining the biggest statewide bicycle advocacy group in the nation — it also means getting up to 20%
off at bike shops across the state, receiving this magazine at your door four times a year, and being a part of the movement to move
Wisconsin bicycling forward.
Join online at WISCONSINBIKEFED.ORG/JOIN or mail this completed form to the Wisconsin Bike Fed at: 3618 W. Pierce St., Suite 250, Milwaukee, WI 53215
CHOOSE YOUR MEMBERSHIP LEVEL $35 Individual Membership Includes discount card, 1-year Bike Fed Magazine subscription, + more
$50 Tandem Membership Includes 2 discount cards, 1-year Bike Fed Magazine subsciption, additional household member + more
Tandem Membership Only
(Payable to Wisconsin Bike Fed)
CVV (3-digit code on back of card)
The Wisconsin Bike Fed is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contribution is tax deductible minus the cost of your optional membership gift. MONTHLY CONTRIBUTION TERMS: I understand this charge to my credit card will remain in effect until I notify the Wisconsin Bike Fed that I wish to end this agreement. I agree to a minimum commitment of at least 12 monthly payments.
THE BIGGEST BICYCLING BASH IN WISCONSIN JUST GOT EVEN BIGGER Join us for the the biggest Saris Gala ever on Friday, October 27th at Union South in downtown Madison. Featuring special guest, Christian Vande Velde, two time Olympian, Tour de France veteran, and NBC cycling commentator. Tickets on sale soon at SarisGala.org.