Building Healthy Churches

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* You are invited to a special time for sharpening your skills as a church leader. * Each of the two seminars that you can take will focus on providing you with practical tools that will help you as you lead out in your church. * The morning meetings will begin with a fellowship breakfast, and the afternoon meetings will include a light supper.

Training Classes: Communication Leaders* ! Children’s Ministries Leaders! Deacons & Deaconesses*** ! Elders! Greeters & Hospitality Leaders! Personal Ministries/ Outreach Coordinators*** ! Sabbath School Teachers! Sabbath School Superintendents! Stewardship Leaders! Worship & Music Leaders! Youth Ministries Leaders** !

Juanita Edge Linda Rosen James Fox Mike Edge Mike & Juanita Edge James Fox Brian Stephan Linda Rosen Jeff Metherell Jeff Metherell Greg Taylor

*! All except Oct. 21 ** ! All except Nov. 17 & Dec. 1 *** !All except for Dec. 1 & 8

Schedule: Shepherd’s House! Green Bay! Milwaukee Central! Madison East! Chippewa Valley !

October 21! November 17! November 18! December 1! December 8!

8:00 am! 2:30 pm! 8:00 am ! 2:30 pm! 2:30 pm!

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1:00 pm 7:30 pm 1:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm

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