A monthly newsletter with helps for outreach & witnessing
February 2013 Volume 2, Issue 2
TALKING WITH GOD GLOW TIP #14 Contact Information
Are you a little nervous about sharing tracts with others? Claim Psalm 27:14 and God will give you courage to GLOW for Him.
“Prayer is the opening of the heart to God as a friend.” “When Jesus was on the earth He taught His disciples how to pray. He directed them to bring their daily needs before God, and to cast all their cares upon Him. And the assurance He gave them that their petitions should be heard, is assurance to us also.”
To order tracts call: ( 9 20 ) 484-3380 Or order online at http://wi.adventist.org/ Questions or comments: email Christian Ronalds at christianronalds@charter.net
The World Wide Web is very important today. This is the first stop for many people searching for goods and services in our digital age. A well maintained website and Facebook page can add credibility to your local church.
Our heavenly Father waits to bestow the fullness of His blessings upon us. He longs to give us more than we can ask or imagine. He longs for us to be in His presence. He longs to give us grace and power to
resist temptation. Through prayer we gain access to the full blessings of God. How astounding that some Christians pray so little. Would you like to learn the secrets of answered prayer? Read this tract to discover more on this topic. Do you know someone who needs more of God’s presence in his or her life? Give them this tract and be a blessing to them.
Interested in starting a GLOW ministry in your church? Call (608) 566-3296 or email Christian Ronalds at christianronalds@charter.net.
GLOW Where Ever We Go continued
GLOW Where Ever We Go Every time Matt flies, he carries GLOW tracts with him to share during the flight. This time, however, the opportunity presented itself after the flight as he was heading to the baggage claim area. As Matt was about to head down the escalators, he noticed a group of five or six guys in their early thirties. They were dressed in black t-shirts, black jeans and some had long hair down to their shoulders. Be-
As Matt drew closer to the escalator the conviction grew stronger but Matt decided that they probably would not want anything to do with Christian tracts anyway, and besides, he didn’t want to face a group that seemed so intimidating.
sides the dress code, they had equipment in hard plastic cases. As soon as he saw this group, he thought to himself: ‘this must be a rock band!’ At the same time, his heart skipped a beat, because; you guessed it, the conviction came to share some GLOW tracts with them.
With those reasons in mind, he stepped onto the escalators and headed down to baggage claim. But the Holy Spirit would have the last say. Before reaching the bottom of the escalator, the impression that he should have handed the GLOW tracts to this group became so strong, that no other thought could occupy his mind. As soon as he got to the bottom, he turned right back around, and headed up the escalators, and went straight to the group.
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“God will soon do great things for us if we lie humble and believing at His feet. . . . More than one thousand will soon be converted in one day, most of whom will trace their first convictions to the reading of our publications.” {CM 151.3} 2
After a cordial conversation, Matt handed out several GLOW tracts to the members of two major rock bands! Can you imagine what a wonderful opportunity would have been missed had he shaken off that conviction? The Bible says that in the end times, “many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” As we are living in the end times, whenever we run to and fro in our travels, whether it is by air, or by land, or by sea; let us remember to carry the tracts that will help the knowledge of God’s truth and character increase.