1 minute read
Little Lovers with Pink Lungs
Abbey Perkins
life is meant to be romanticized. so, let’s cry to the sky tonight, those stars glitter as our tears shine. let’s feed the fish and hug the cats in the alley; twirl in the rain with nothing on but our boots and undies. let’s drive aimlessly through alleyways and backroads, the streets as open as our hearts and minds oughta be. let’s talk each other’s ears off, make outrageous claims so they’ll call us insane. synonymous with free thinker, let’s think freely. free ourselves. life is meant to be romanticized. bird chirps are symphonies, mother’s tea the elixir of life. the sun is our god, the moon her concubine. let’s breathe life into the mundane and find love at a coffee shop. let’s get married under a sycamore tree and eat little cupcakes with white frosting. let’s fall into infatuation with strangers in target and write about them before bed. let’s slow dance in the chip aisle. let’s be kids until we’re 80 and outline our wrinkles with pastel colors. we will be hopelessly romantic until our time expires, as we should. as we are destined to.
we’re wed to our lives honeymoon phase for always little things fulfill