wisconsin union
MINI COURSES wisc.edu/minicourses
Whether looking to extend your summer, celebrate autumn, or create
We lcome!
special gifts for the holidays, fall Mini Courses offer lots of opportunities. Please join us, whatever your motivation! Register early to insure your space in the courses that you want…
F e at u r i n g …
Inside: 2 3 4 5 6 7
Author, Author!
Summer Extended...
Picture Perfect
Fiction or travel writing, then e-publish it yourself!
Still time to learn to sail or windsurf, take a dinner cruise.
Enhance your photography skills, smartphone to DSLR.
ROAD TRIPS Southern WI Cheese & Wine Tour Wisconsin’s long and proud cheese tradition is now complimented by a growing and exciting group of wineries. Join us as we explore some of both the cheese and wine production of south central Wisconsin. We will start in Monroe, cheese capital of Wisconsin and then work our way west, ending up at Botham Vineyards for a late afternoon private tour with vintner Peter Botham. In between we will visit both cheese factories and wineries, hearing stories and learning some history. Course fee includes transportation, responsible for own food and beverage expenses. INSTRUCTOR: Kim Tschudy, a native of New Glarus, has been active in historic preservation for years. He his fifth historical book was recently published. #4515.201 SAT 9am-6pm, Oct19 $49.50(Student/U.Mem)$59.50(Fac/Staff)
Register on the Web wisc.edu/minicourses
Register by Phone 608.262.3156
A Dance Partnership From Swing to Cha Cha, Waltz to Salsa, grab your partner…
Self Invested A new career? Mindfulness? Finally write that will!
Artistic Appeal One-Night Masterpieces to painting or drawing the human figure.
Jewelry, Fabric Arts, Prints Craftiness you can do, most in one night!
Travel Ready Maximize vacation time, enhance your travels, save $.
Indulgent Imbibing Beer, whiskey and multiple wine tastings…
Registration Info Register in 4 easy ways.
Sandhill Crane Weekend Odyssey
On The Trail of Chief Black Hawk
Father Mazzuchelli Tour
The staging of Sandhill Cranes at the Jasper-Pulaski National Wildlife Area in northern Indiana is one of the more imposing spectacles in all of nature. Assembled in one area can be as many as 20,000 cranes! This is the second largest stopover area for Sandhills in the US. Join our weekend odyssey to witness this impressive natural occurrence and learn about this regal and once-endangered bird. On Sunday we will visit the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. 2 Days. TRIP LEADER: Kim Tschudy, naturalist, author, itinerant hiker, experienced Instructor, 18th year leading this trip.
Join us for a special way to reflect on the upcoming Memorial Day. We will trace the trail of Chief Black Hawk and his people as they were pursued across southern Wisconsin in the tragic ending to the Blackhawk War. We will visit sites associated with Blackhawk’s early travels during the war including sites in Dane, Rock, Jefferson and Sauk Counties. For those who have taken this course previously these are all new stops! Explore the actions and thoughts of a man who fought because “the Great Spirit gave it (the land) to his children to cultivate it, they have a right to the soil.” Course fee includes transportation; bring your sack lunch and a beverage. 1 Meeting. INSTRUCTOR: Kim Tschudy, has been active in historic preservation for years. He his fifth historical book was recently published.
Enjoy a day in southwestern Wisconsin tracing the life of Father Samuel Mazzuchelli. The Father was the builder of numerous Catholic churches in southwestern Wisconsin as well as Iowa and Illinois in the 1840’s (before we were a state!). We will visit his first church in Mineral Point and his most unique, recently restored church, St. Augustine’s in New Diggings. We will also spend time at the Mazzucelli museum at Sinsinawa and visiting his burial site at Benton. Time permitting, we will also visit several other churches he was involved with building and one or two of the civic buildings built by Father Mazzuchelli. Tour led by an atheist who is fascinated by the architecture as well as the important part country churches played in the development of southern Wisconsin. Course fee includes transportation. 1 Meeting. INSTRUCTOR: Kim Tschudy.
#4190.301 SAT 7am, Oct 26&SUN, Oct 27 $169.50(Student/U.Mem)$179.50(Fac/Staff)
Southern WI Rural Tavern Pub Crawl Southern Wisconsin is home to a variety of unique and interesting rural taverns - those off-thebeaten-path places that truly have character, and characters. Join us as we explore some of these gathering places and talk about how they fit into the history Wisconsin. We will start with a mid/ late morning breakfast opportunity at the Pleasant Ridge Store northeast of Dodgeville. From there we will work our way back to Madison via a very indirect route, catching a variety of small town and roadside establishments including the Sprecher and Better Buzz Taverns. Course fee includes transportation, responsible for own food and beverage expenses. INSTRUCTOR: Kim Tschudy. $4510.201 SAT 9am-6pm, Sept 28 $49.50(Student/U.Mem)$59.50(Fac/Staff)
Sacred Spaces/Haunted Places Spend a day touring southern/southwestern Wisconsin and NW Illinois to visit several sites that have become special places in the heart of one who takes the road less traveled. During the journey we will visit the ghost towns of Exeter and Exeter Union Cemetery, Moscow. Haunted places? Then we will travel on to Bloody Lake near Woodford, WI. Sacred and haunted? From Woodford we will travel to New Diggings, WI where we will visit an old time bar and the oldest Masonic Hall in Wisconsin. 1 Meeting. INSTRUCTOR: Kim Tschudy, lifelong resident of this area, author and experienced Mini Course Instructor. #4520.201 SUN 9am-6pm, Oct 6 $49.50(Student/U.Mem)$59.50(Fac/Staff)
#4522.201 SAT 9am-6pm, Oct 12 $49.50(Student/U.Mem)$59.50(Fac/Staff)
#4525.201 SAT 9am-6pm, Oct 5 $49.50(Student/U.Mem)$59.50(Fac/Staff)
A W e e k e n d o f Wat e r c o l o r Discover your inner artist, surrounded by the inspiring beauty of nature! Join Midwestern watercolor artist Lew Hubbard for a weekend of painting at Springdale Inn, Verona, WI. Designed for beginning to intermediate painters, you will leave with three of your own original watercolor paintings, and with the confidence and ability to continue painting on your own. Most materials provided. A suggested materials list will be sent to you upon registration. Please bring your own brushes and paints if you have them. Course fee does not including lodging, explore options and make arrangements with Springdale Inn, info on our web site. INSTRUCTOR: Lew Hubbard is a practicing artist in Huffman Estates, Illinois and teaches art at William Fremd High School in Palatine. He works in watercolor, gouache, oil, and graphite. Recently Lew’s work has been chosen for the National Midyear Exhibition held at the Butler Institute of Art in Youngstown, Ohio. #1365.201 FRI 10/11, 7pm – SUN 10/13, 11am $99.50(Students/U.Mem)$109.50(Fac/Staff)
F U L L C O U R S E I N F O & R E G I S T R A T I O N O N W E B : : [web] wisc.ed u/mi ni c ours es [p hone] 262.3156