2008 Fall | Terrace Views

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2008 VOL. 3, NO. 1



Terrace Views


Isthmus Jazz Series Page 3

Fall Mini Courses Page 7

PhotoMidwest 2008 Page 8

Fan Taylor Page 14

Terrace Views Editorial Directors Glenda Noel-Ney Shayna Hetzel BA ’07 MPA‘08 Membership Coordinator Ian Stewart Contributing Writers Esty Dinur Claire Leake ’07 Amanda McGowan ’08 Jim Rogers MS ‘92 Jeff Rolling ’09 Emily Semmelman ’09 Ben Young ’11 Editorial Advisors George Cutlip ’71 Chris DuPré Marc Kennedy ’87 Jan Montgomery ’59 Ann Prisland ’69 Assistant Editor Melissa Mamayek ‘06 Design, Layout and Production Melissa Mamayek ‘06 Jan Montgomery ‘59 Connie Reeves Mary Rohrdanz Janet Trembley

Terrace Views is published three times a year by the Wisconsin Union and funded in part by the Memorial Union Building Association (MUBA).

Address Comments or Questions to: Ian Stewart Membership Office Rm 410 Memorial Union 800 Langdon Street Madison, WI 53706 Phone: (608) 262-2263 membership@union.wisc.edu Web: www.union.wisc.edu

Letter From the Director I am often times amazed at how seemingly coincidental the events are that occur between what is happening at the Union and what is taking place in my personal life – and this summer was no exception. I’m not sure if the phenomenon in general is truly happenstance or the result of a self-fulfilling prophecy. At the very least, it’s my own personal example of art imitating life and it provided several parallels and connections between those two worlds for me as we moved from UW’s commencement in May to welcoming the Class of 2012 to campus in mid-August. The overriding lesson on both fronts was something I learned from a friend a few years ago and relearned this summer: At some point, you need to quit packing, close the suitcase, and start traveling. On the personal side, this summer our family vacationed in New York City in late June. We had planned for this for over a year, knowing that our three oldest children were scheduled to participate in a dance competition there. We decided to search for the most economical flight we could find and book it early, adding a few days to the trip for sightseeing. Our remaining two children (seven-yearold twins) were more than happy to come along for the ride, even though their interest in seeing New York City had very little to do with the trip’s original purpose. As we drew closer to the departure date, every member of the family had an idea of what was most important to them about the trip. Meeting all of those expectations individually would have resulted in a three-month sojourn – something we could neither afford time-wise nor financially. At the same time, planning for the new south campus union was picking up speed as part of my day-job. As many of you are aware, this is a project that has been in the works for almost two years now since the UW student body approved a fee increase to rebuild the current Union South. Countless numbers of students, faculty, staff, alumni, and Union members have provided input on the project – some two years ago and some just yesterday. Not everyone necessarily understands why we started the project, but that certainly doesn’t diminish the importance of their input. And just like my vacation example, if we were to implement every individual idea we’ve received, the building would easily cover three city blocks. This is where my friend’s advice became invaluable – it was time to quit packing, and time to start traveling. Before any of us closes the proverbial suitcase, we usually ask ourselves, “Do I have everything?” Then once we double-check, something usually causes us to close the lid – time, lack of space, something – but once we do, that’s it. We’re off on our trip with the best set of luggage, clothing, and amenities we could assemble. We made choices that maximized our options, covered our bases, and kept it all under 50 pounds. But we did it. That’s exactly what happened this summer – at the Wisconsin Union and in New York City. The new building is not going to cover three city blocks, but it is going to dynamically fill most of one. The programs and services that the new union will support are being designed to take place in socially engaging spaces where multiple things can occur simultaneously, maximizing the overall space we can afford and creating a vibrant sense of community on that side of campus. I encourage you to visit our website (www.newunion.wisc.edu) to see the newest drawings. It was an exciting three months this summer as the plans started to come together. And in New York City, everyone in my family got their first choice on a sightseeing destination (it helped that some of them were the same!) Unfortunately, not everyone got their second choice. But that was okay, because we all got to experience the things we could see together. We’ll have those shared memories forever – the summer of 2008. And really, that’s the best outcome I could have hoped for. Here’s hoping your summer was full of memories to share! All my best,

Cover photo by Ralph Russo, Wisconsin Union

Mark C. Guthier Director, Wisconsin Union 2

FALL 2008

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Andy Bey

Trombone Shorty

David Sanchez

Something to be Jazzed About Every year, the Wisconsin Union Theater thrills audiences with a variety of music and performers. Theater-goers listen to timeless classical music, talented artists from around the world and the hidden gem that is jazz! The 2008 – 2009 Isthmus Jazz Series features Trombone Shorty and Orleans Avenue, Andy Bey and Isthmus Jazz Fest headliner David Sánchez. Former Associate Director of Jazz programming, Courtney Byelich, said that she is excited about the upcoming season because there is a mix of jazz from all generations. “We have artists who are just getting popular and artists who have been in the jazz world for a long time. There’s really something for everyone.” Named Performer of the Year by Offbeat magazine in 2007, Troy “Trombone Shorty” Andrews has been performing as a musician since age six. A graduate of New Orleans Center for the Creative Arts, Andrews has performed with Lenny Kravitz, U2 and Green Day. His current project is Orleans Avenue which fuses jazz with hip-hop, funk and pop. “We knew we wanted to bring Trombone

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Shorty back after he played to a huge crowd on the Terrace last summer. He will be great because he plays more than jazz,” Courtney said. “He adds his own funk to the music that can’t be compared to other artists.” Andrews is supported by a spectacular band as well Orleans Avenue is made up of Mike Ballard on bass, James Martin on tenor sax, Pete Murano on guitar and Joey Peebles on drums. Don’t miss their performance Thursday, October 2, 2008. Andy Bey, another child prodigy in both voice and piano is a genuine veteran of the jazz world. A noteworthy performer in Europe and the United States, Bey has recorded with McCoy Tyner, Lonnie Liston Smith, Eddie Harris and others. One of his recent albums was a stunning collection of ballads accompanied by his own piano playing. At nearly 70 years old, Bey continues to tour, perform and impress audiences around the world with his silky bass-baritone voice. See him on Friday, February 13, 2009. The series wraps up with Wisconsin Union Theater’s annual Isthmus Jazz Festival.

Headlining the 2008-2009 Festival will be Latin Grammy Award Winner David Sánchez. A renowned and talented tenor saxophone player from Puerto Rico, Sánchez entered New York’s jazz scene in the late 1980’s. His music explores the coupling of standard jazz with Latin and African sounds. Sánchez’s 2005 album, Coral, was named Best Instrumental Album by Latin Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences. He will bring that exciting mix to the Theater on Saturday, June 6, 2009. “It should be a really fun year,” Courtney said. “I can’t even tell you which performance I am most excited for, because they are all going to be great!” For more information on these artists, including audio and video clips, please visit the Theater’s Web site: www.uniontheater.wisc.edu.

W W W. U N I O N . W I S C . E D U / T E R R A C E V I E W S

—Emily Semmelman ‘09


A Short Reflection on the Union Theater’s History

The Wisconsin Union Theater is currently on the brink of much-needed renovations that will upgrade the Theater to meet the needs of the twenty-first century. However, as these major changes occur, it is important to reflect on the history of the Union Theater and to note the world-class arts venue it has provided for a parade of high

caliber talent over the decades. True legends have performed on its stage, in music, dance, theater and the spoken word. Among them—John Coltrane, Ella Fitzgerald, Duke Ellington, and Henry Fonda, just to name a very few. The Theater has hosted engaging and renowned speakers, such as John F. Kennedy, Eleanor Roosevelt, James Baldwin and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Each year, the Theater season has connected audiences with contemporary masters of theater, dance, and music. Two recent grand festivals—the Madison World Music Festival and the Isthmus Jazz Festival—have created a space for eclectic performances—free to the public. It must also be mentioned that in no

small way was the achievement brought about by and influenced by Professor Fannie Taylor, the Theater’s director from 1946–1966. Her work, dedication, and commitment helped establish a national arts management program, the Association of Performing Arts Presenters. (Fan Taylor passed away on April 15, 2008.) The Wisconsin Union Theater has stood since 1938 as an historic, cultural, and artistic centerpiece for the entire community. As the years bring changes, the core mission of high quality arts presentations will continue.

—Ben Young ‘11

The Green Room Just Got Greener Most theaters have a backstage room called “the green room” where walls are typically decorated in that hue. It is where artists are fed, powdered and prepared to perform. This year, the Wisconsin Union Theater green room became “greener” by joining the worldwide movement to reduce its “carbon footprint.” For Union Theater staff, going green was a “natural” step. Esty Dinur, Director of Marketing and Communications said, “Like many other organizations and individuals, the Theater is concerned about the globally deteriorating environment. We decided to do what we can.” The Theater’s Green Campaign began in the 2007-2008 season with an invitation to patrons to take advantage of Theater services available online. Theater staff correctly sensed that many theatergoers would support the movement and help the campaign by going electronic. “One of our biggest carbon producers is the season brochure,” Esty said. “The trees that are cut for paper, transporting them to the paper mill, then to the printer, the energy it takes to convert wood to paper


and then to print and transport them again—to the thousands of people on our mailing list.” To encourage patrons to join the electronic effort, the Theater’s Web site has been transformed and provides a richer experience in the bargain. “Look at any of our events and you’ll find video, audio, reviews, bios…a lot more than is included in the season brochure,” Esty said. “The Web being a live, easily modified medium, you’ll also find updates there which, naturally, cannot be included in a printed brochure.” Esty added that the Theater plans to go paperless within the next few years. The Theater’s Web site also houses a blog by students from the WUD Theater Committee, and a regularly updated photo blog with shots from the latest season performances. As well as the season brochure reductions, the marketing department has reduced its paper news releases to nearly zero, sending them almost exclusively by email. Theater Director Ralph Russo adds that Theater staff is asking its performers to join the campaign. “We now ask all artists,

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artists’ agents and managers to send us digital press kits instead of printed items. We used to receive over 300 paper press kits and artist promotions in a typical year,” Ralph said. “Receiving these electronically cuts down on paper use as well as the resources necessary to ship these items.” To go paperless, the Theater will need help from its many patrons. “Since launching our Green Campaign, we’ve reduced our mailing list, but not by much,” Esty said. “We’re proud of our beautiful brochures and are happy that our patrons want to receive them, but we hope that they will check out our new Web site, see the wealth of information on it and take themselves off the mailing list for next season.” Interested in joining the Wisconsin Union Theater’s Green Campaign? Send an email to ted@wut.org giving your full name, address, city, state, zip code and telephone number and express your desire to GO GREEN! www.uniontheater.wisc.edu/ —Emily Semmelman ‘09

W W W. U N I O N . W I S C . E D U / T E R R A C E V I E W S

Secrets of the Union: Students and the Wisconsin Union Theater The Wisconsin Union Theater presents many performances throughout the year, from elegant classical music to innovative international dance—to just about anything the talented UW–Madison students care to perform. In addition to offering its own season, the Theater works with over 40 student organizations and numerous committees of the Wisconsin Union Directorate throughout the year. The Union Theater also hosts many campus international and cultural groups. Student performances include plays, musicals, films, and “culture nights” such as Chinese New Year, India Night, Hmong Cultural Night, Black Essence Program and others. The campus variety show “Humorology” is presented in the Theater every year. “Working with students is the lifeblood of this organization. The Theater was designed to be a learning laboratory for students on this campus, and we have carried that mission through almost seven

decades,” said Heather Good, Wisconsin Union Theater Assistant Director for Development and Outreach. The Theater has developed important relationships with many student organizations and offers a performance space with professional technical capabilities, as well as production advising, to every student organization. “Students who perform on our stage share in our rich history. We’ve hosted an amazing variety of world-class artists and speakers on our stage through the decades,” Heather said. “Students can feel proud that they’re standing in the same spot where Louis Armstrong, Eleanor Roosevelt, Martha Graham, Sergei Rachmaninoff and other greats have stood.” The resources available also mean that the Theater is in high demand. According to Heather, “During the semester, we have very few ‘dark’ days. Our Theater is in use seven days a week during the months of March and April, except for portions of spring break.”

Besides serving performers, the Theater employs students as door staff, ushers, stagehands, box office staff, and marketing and administrative interns. In addition, students produce events for the Wisconsin Union Theater Season through the Wisconsin Union Directorate Theater Committee, which is led by a different student each year. Theater staff work hard all year to keep appreciation for the arts alive, and they are proud of the work they are doing. According to Heather, “Our Theater makes it possible for students to enjoy the performing arts, not just those majoring in the arts discipline. We provide a space for student organizations to ‘strut their stuff,’ share their talents, celebrate their heritage, and entertain and enlighten each other.” —Emily Semmelman ‘09

The Joys of World Music Festivals

Etran Finatawa: Nomad blues from Niger

The summer music season is in full swing in Madison and students and staff have been working on the Madison World Music Festival. It will take place on September 12,

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13, and 19 in the Memorial Union and on the September 20 at the Willy Street Fair. Internationally themed events during the week in between these two weekends are also on tap. The committee is excited to have a stage at the Willy Street Fair, and is working with long-time Fair programmer Bob Queen to make for a great day. Bob and Esty Dinur, Chair for Artistic Selection, both attended the Festival International de Louisiane in April, where they saw and heard some great new acts, several of which may end up in the Madison festival.

Lafayette, Louisiana, was warm and welcoming, the food was great, and the festival was full of fine performances, they reported. In May, Esty was invited by the Dutch government to a world music festival in Rotterdam, where she saw acts from around the world and was able to discuss performance possibilities with artists, managers and agents. To whet your appetite, the Madison World Music Festival will again have Dragon Knights, the stiltwalking puppeteers who captured so many hearts last year. This time they’re coming with Corto the pink flamingo. Two Indian acts during the festival will be Dya Singh, a group performing the devotional and meditational music of the Sikh people; and Prasanna, known as the “Indian Jimi Hendrix.” They represent different sides of Indian music and culture, but are only two artists on a full plate of artistic medley. Stay tuned!

W W W. U N I O N . W I S C . E D U / T E R R A C E V I E W S


Pioneer Mini Course Dance Teacher Reviews 50 Years of Footwork Though he readily admits he has forgotten a few of the steps, Tom Gering’s great history with the Union began in 1958 when he taught dance as an undergraduate. “It began with rejection,” Tom said with a chuckle. “At first, the Union Social Committee thought my eight-week course plan was too long. Then, when I shortened it to four weeks, they didn’t think classweary students would be interested in learning to dance after a long academic day. They explained how they had weekend dances often enough, along with pool, bowling, etc. for entertainment. Despite the double rejection, I wasn’t ready to give up yet.” Tom then walked up State Street and began teaching adults basic ballroom dancing at the YWCA. After the course finished, he took a survey of the class. “Eleven of the 20 were UW students,” Tom said. “So, I went back to the Union and told them, ‘If a majority of the students are UW kids willing to walk up State Street to take the class, why not teach it right in the Union?’ Then they said ‘OK.’” This meant Tom would be the first person to teach a class at the Union, which now offers many Mini Courses. He started with swing dancing, basic ballroom, the foxtrot, moved to Latin-American and finally advanced swing dancing. The cost was $2.50 per person and $4 per couple. By the third semester, the class grew to 76 students and had to be moved from the Old Madison room to Tripp Commons. “I was in charge of advertising the class at first,” Tom explained, reflecting on a glossy snapshot, which shows him demonstrating a dance step with a young woman before a group of students. “There

In time to the music, Tom Gering teaches ballroom dancing in 1960.


were always far more guys than girls signing up for dance, so I recruited at the sororities and Lathrop Hall to balance the class. I was on the UW boxing team at the time, so the guys on the team participated. “Once the dance courses became successful,” Tom added, “the Union took over everything. They really came through on advertisements, giving me posters, fliers, handouts and even little diplomas for when class members graduated.” From there, dance became hugely popular and truly snowballed into what it is today. Tom is astonished by the sustained popularity of dance courses within the Union. “It’s fantastic. There are up to 18 dance courses offered. Sometimes I visit the classes, and I’m really impressed with what they’ve become.” He credits the excellent management of the Mini Course program to the skills of Director Jay Ekleberry and his assistant Scott Spychalla. Tom worked with the Social Security Administration for 30 years before retiring at age 56. His main job was helping citizens receive their benefit checks, and he conducted more than 20,000 interviews during his career. He then taught a collegelevel psychology course for 12 semesters and, a retirement planning course at Madison Area Technical College for 15 years. Now, you can find Tom teaching “Your Healthy and Rewarding Retirement,” a non-financial Mini Course focused on finding enjoyment after retirement. The course will run again on October 23, 2008. “It’s been 50 years since I taught dance here, and to be teaching again in the same room gives me a warm and fuzzy good feeling. Think about it, that’s spanning half a century!” Tom said. To Tom, Mini Courses are one of the best features of Union. “Don’t you think it’s fantastic they have this many courses?” he asked, brandishing a Mini Course catalogue. “They’re great classes, and they’re short classes.” Tom feels everyone can benefit from taking Mini Courses. For students: “They need an active release from studying and working hard…something physical yet mentally relaxing. Students need something different to sort of recreate themselves.”

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Tom Gering teaches “Your Healthy and Rewarding Retirement.”

For faculty and staff: “They’re looking for something interesting to improve and augment their lifestyle,” Tom said. “These courses do so; they’re practical courses: how to write a will, how to buy a digital camera if you’re confused by them, yoga, craft classes, just a wide range of eclectic courses.” For the general public: “This is where the Wisconsin Idea comes into play,” said Tom. “Broadly speaking, the Idea urges the University to use its great education resources and spread it to all the residents of Wisconsin. This applies to Mini Courses because at the Union, anyone can become a member. It’s a nice idea, an introduction to the Union.” Tom enjoys the Union in many ways. He has attended writing courses, which he absolutely loves, and he likes to sit on the Terrace and have a bratwurst. “It’s a great way to unwind, relax and view the lake. There are always interesting people to meet out on the Terrace.” Tom’s first date in the Wisconsin Union Theater was with his future wife, Joan. They watched a Pulitzer Prize-winning play titled “JB” by Archibald MacLeish. Tom and Joan will celebrate their 47th anniversary on October 21, 2008. They have three children and five grandchildren. “My kids all now live in Dane County,” he said. “I’m lucky and thrilled I don’t have to jump on a plane to visit them.” He will be 75 this fall, something he believes is “as great an accomplishment as teaching at the Union 50 years ago and then teaching at the Union again now.” — Ben Young ‘11

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Mini Course’s Fulfilling Fall Fall is the perfect time to take a Mini Course. Whether you are looking to extend your summer or fulfill an old New Year’s resolution, there’s lots to choose from! Here are a few examples... This will be the thirteenth year that the Sandhill Crane Weekend Odyssey has traveled to Northern Indiana to see the crane staging/migration. Scheduled for the weekend of October 25 the group will also stop at the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. Course fee includes transportation and lodging. Autumn is the perfect time to Make Your Own Jams & Jellies. There are two choices for this hands-on course. Travel to a wonderful farm setting just past Verona on Saturday, September 20 and 27 or November 1 and 8 to learn all the basics. Reenergize and refresh your outlook on life in Renew At Noon. Former UWMadison women’s tennis coach Pattie Henderson will lead you through exercises to create your own space for learning and renewal. This lunchtime class meets Tuesdays at Memorial Union, September 29 to October 20. Parenting a teen can be a huge challenge. The Human Volcano is a unique parent and child Mini Course offered this fall. This one-session workshop will meet Saturday, October 18 and offer both parents and teens ways to communicate and understand each other.

See the Sandhill Crane migration.

These are just a few examples of the approximately 120 unique learning opportunities offered by the Wisconsin Union Mini Course program. Full course listing at www.wisc.edu/minicourses or in the Break Away catalog – Call 262-3156 for the Fall 2008 edition!

Art Gallery Schedule August 1 September 16, 2008

September 26 November 11, 2008

December 5, 2008 January 20, 2009

PORTER BUTTS GALLERY “The Art of College Humor,” curated by John Dobbertin, as featured in Terrace Views Summer 2008

PORTER BUTTS & CLASS OF 1925 GALLERIES PhotoMidwest 2008 Seven State Juried Competition Exhibition

PORTER BUTTS GALLERY artwork by Susan White and Kalpana Prakash

CLASS OF 1925 GALLERY artwork by Dawn Hunter

THEATER GALLERY artwork by Connie J. Frisch-Cherniak

THEATER GALLERY artwork by Charles Phillip Brooks

LAKEFRONT ON LANGDON GALLERY artwork by Shana Wittenwyler

LAKEFRONT ON LANGDON GALLERY selections from the Wisconsin Union Art Collection, curated by Wisconsin Union Gallery Assistants Lynette Davis/Nicole Rodriguez/Sara Woldt

opening reception 7-9pm, September 26th (Main Lounge, Memorial Union) November 19-21, 2008 Student Art Sale

CLASS OF 1925 GALLERY artwork by Pritika Chowdry THEATER GALLERY selections from the Wisconsin Union Art Collection, curated by members of the WUD Art Committee LAKEFRONT ON LANGDON GALLERY artwork by Hongdi Liu opening reception 7-9pm, December 5 (Main Lounge, Memorial Union)

opening reception 7-9pm, August 1 (Main Lounge, Memorial Union)

FALL 2008

W W W. U N I O N . W I S C . E D U / T E R R A C E V I E W S


Midwestern Photography Comes Alive this Fall in Madison This fall, the Wisconsin Union and the city of Madison are the places to be for photography fans. Beginning in late September, the Wisconsin Union will host Photography Midwest: A Seven State Juried Exhibition in the Porter Butts and Class of 1925 Galleries. It is cosponsored by the Center for Photography at Madison or CPM (a non-profit arts organization) and the Wisconsin Union Directorate (WUD)Art Committee. This juried exhibition is part of a much larger biennial festival of events called PhotoMidwest 2008, from October into November. The Seven State Juried Exhibition is one of approximately 80 photography exhibits that will be on display in coffeehouses, restaurants, galleries and art spaces throughout Madison, Dane County, and beyond. The Union exhibition will include lectures by Seven State Juror Lisa Hostetler, assistant curator of photography

News in Brief BADGER BASH Badger Bash, Madison’s largest, noisiest, and most colorful tailgate party, is held two hours before every Badger football home game at Union South. Union members and Badger fans can indulge in Wisconsin favorites like ice cold beverages, brats, burgers and more grill favorites and plenty of activities! Jam with the University of Wisconsin Marching Band, cheer with the UW Cheerleaders, hang out with Bucky and watch pre-game coverage on the big screen. The party continues throughout the game so all those without game


at the Milwaukee Art Museum. Guest artists arriving for the festival, including Virginia L. Hunter, Danny W. Frazier, Patrick Nagatani, Beth Moon and Elizabeth Opalenik, are photographers with national reputations. The goal of PhotoMidwest 2008 is to “celebrate photography, and to highlight the fact that it is alive and well in the Midwest, and not just on the East and West Coasts,” commented Patricia Delker, chair of the festival. “If you add up all of the exhibits, lectures, workshops and other special events around Madison, there should be over 100 photo-related events under the PhotoMidwest 2008 umbrella.” The Wisconsin Union galleries will fill with photos by artists with Midwestern roots. Specifically, the Seven State Juried Exhibition requires artists to be currently residing in Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Minnesota, Michigan or Missouri. The overall purpose is to encourage Midwestern artists to submit photography and emphasize that photography is thriving here. Past PhotoMidwest exhibitions have provided the Union galleries with exciting and cutting-edge photo work. WUD has participated in these photo events since

tickets can stay at Union South and cheer on the team. Badger Bash will find a new home near Engineering Hall while Union South is under construction in the fall of 2009, but prepare for an even bigger bash once the new and improved south campus Union is open in 2011! Visit www.union.wisc.edu/badgerbash for more information.

UNION TAILGATES Now’s the time for Union members to reserve space for personal tailgate parties during the 2008 UW Football season! Let the Union’s Catering services make your game day even better by bringing the food! Call Wisconsin Union Central

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2002, when they hosted the Keith Carter exhibit. “I feel we have something of a mutual admiration going on,” Patricia explained. “WUD has always been great to work with, and I believe the feeling must be reciprocal.” PhotoMidwest was originally called Photofest in 2000, the year it began. The name change coincided with its expansion into a regional destination event. The expanded festival included more events and activities on October weekends. Photography enthusiasts can enjoy photography lectures in the Union, Chazen Museum, the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art and the CPM facilities. Plans and speakers are still a work in progress, so for updated information, and a snazzy website, check out www.photomidwest2008.org. Find photography at its finest! —Ben Young ’11

Reservations at (608)262-2511 to reserve your space and plan your meal.

75TH ANNUAL TUDOR HOLIDAY DINNER CONCERTS Join us for one of the Wisconsin Union’s most festive traditions – Tudor Holiday Dinner Concerts – on December 3-7 or 9-10, 2008. Hors d’oeuvres are served at 5:45 p.m., dinner at 6:45 p.m. and the Philharmonic Chorus of Madison sings all night. For more information and to place an order, please visit www.union.wisc.edu/tudordinners or call (608) 262-2201.

W W W. U N I O N . W I S C . E D U / T E R R A C E V I E W S

Sink or Sail: A Note about Hoofers and Life

Claire Leake on Lake Mendota.

Some say college is about finding out who you are. After attending two universities in three years, I had no idea who I was until I joined Hoofers. Here’s my story. It was the summer of 2006, my first summer in Madison. After transferring from St. Olaf University, I just finished my first year at UW-Madison as a junior. Heartbroken as a result of the end of a longterm relationship, I began that summer feeling lost and alone. I decided to go home to be with my mom and dad. My dad has never been the one for comforting and counseling during times of boy trouble, but this time was different. He made me a proposal that literally changed my life. I vividly remember the moment when I learned about Hoofers. My dad and I were pulling out of the driveway when he said,

“I’ve been thinking about a birthday present for you, but I want to make sure that you will like it.” He then said, “You need to meet some new people and stay busy this summer, so I’ve been thinking about giving you sailing lessons. What do you think of that?” Desperate for anything to fill my summer days, I accepted the idea. Soon thereafter my dad sent me the link to the Hoofer Sailing Club website (www.hoofers.org) and told me that I could sign up for a free ground school to learn more. I took ground school and signed up for my first lesson. I was nervous and excited about doing something completely new. I am sure that everyone who was down at the lakefront the day of my first lesson will never forget it. I was known as the “Peter, I’m going towards the rocks” girl. I spent much of my first lesson lying on the bottom of my boat, going in circles, and screaming. Somehow, I miraculously managed to make it to the pier without going into the rocks. I’ve never been more proud of myself than when I stepped off the Tech Boat and back onto the pier that day. I had sailed! I continued to sail all throughout the summer and with every lesson my selfconfidence grew. I captained a Commodore’s Cup team without knowing anyone and then decided to join the UW Collegiate Sailing Team. During my first race the wind was crazy. My skipper and I capsized within the first twenty seconds after leaving the pier and were turtled at two minutes in the starting sequence. We somehow still managed to take third in the race. My mom and dad came to

watch me sail that weekend for the first time and my feelings of pride and accomplishment were unrivaled in showing them how far I had come. At the end of the summer I was asked to be the marketing director and serve on the Board of Captains, the Hoofer Sailing Club’s governing board. Now, a year-and-a-half later I am the Vice Commodore (‘07-‘08) and a volunteer instructor. The truth is, I don’t know where I would be right now if it wasn’t for Hoofers. I spent years trying to be somebody I wasn’t for the approval of somebody else and when that all failed I had no idea who I really even was. I don’t know exactly how Hoofers did it, but now I hardly recognize the person I was when I first joined. I started the summer with little faith in myself and what I was capable of and now I feel like I can do just about anything. My dad thought he was just getting me sailing lessons, but they turned out to be lessons on life. The Hoofer Sailing Club was about challenging myself in new ways and meeting new people. The membership fees may have been $185, but to me the confidence I have in myself and the relationships I’ve made with others are priceless. [Note to parents or partners: Hoofer gift certificates in any amount make great gifts, sometimes for a lifetime.] —Claire Leake ‘07

NEWS FLASH! Terrace Views is now online! We are pleased to announce that Terrace Views is available on our Web site. We have implemented a subscription service that allows you to be notified when it has been posted—well before copies will be in the mail. For those of you who would rather read Terrace Views online, please go to www.union.wisc.edu/terraceviewssubscribe and fill out your subscription information. All you need to sign up is your name, an active email address and the ID number printed on the back page of this publication next to your name. If you have any questions, or have problems subscribing, please contact Ian Stewart at (608) 262-2263 to assist you.

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Big Plans for the Arts in the Union Buildings As the Wisconsin Union works to build a new south campus union and looks ahead to renovating, restoring, and upgrading Memorial Union, the arts remain central to the Union’s future. Many of the spaces in the new union will increase accessibility for all patrons while providing new technological capabilities related to music, film and live performances. The new building will house a space, currently referred to as Badger Hall, which will accommodate 1000-2000 patrons. It will have a built-in stage, ideal for larger concerts, dances and events. In addition, the new south campus union will boast a 400-seat auditorium serving as a state-of-the-art film venue; it will accommodate larger crowds and become “the home for film” on campus. There will be a grill with a stage, high-end lighting fixtures and a dressing room. “Think ‘Rathskeller’ plus better lighting and sound technology,” said Ralph Russo, Union Theater Director. The Play Circle in Memorial Union now accommodates both live performances and film screenings, so when the new south campus union is complete, the two facilities will be able to host more films, performances and events. “The Play Circle is a ‘black box’ theater, which essentially allows us to play with the space,” said Ralph. “However, its design provides very little accessibility, and there are no real dressing rooms. I’d like to see the Play Circle become more versatile, because

right now it’s very specific in what it can do.” Expect major changes to the Wisconsin Union Theater. At 69 years old, it is trying desperately to keep up with continually evolving art and theater performance needs. Improvements will happen on both sides of the curtain. “The renovations will not all be visible to the audience,” said Ralph. “Most will be behind-the-scenes. For example, the HVAC is malfunctioning and noisy, the dressing rooms are cramped and outdated, and there is no area backstage set aside for rehearsal space. Add this to an unamplified stage, and sound quality becomes difficult to maintain.” The Union Theater features many large group performances, often all in one night, so backstage traffic can quickly intensify. Another problem with the Theater is the loading ramp, which leads directly from Park Street onto the stage. It is hidden by curtains during performances, so the audience never sees it. “The loading ramp is a huge issue. We would like to see a covered, sheltered loading dock that doesn’t interfere with the theater space.” Ralph added, “It’s dangerous to park in that spot to load cargo because of Metro Transit buses. It’s also noisy; you can hear every time a bus or a snowplow drives up Observatory Drive.” Sound bleeding into the Theater creates another problem. Occasionally, a Terrace event can interfere with events on stage.

Also, the Hoofer steam whistle, which keeps sailors on Lake Mendota safe, sounds loud and clear from within the Theater walls. “We would like to achieve acoustic isolation within this space,” said Ralph. “In reality, we would love to have things happening at the same time, both inside and outside the building, and not have interference between the events.” Aside from film and theater spaces, art galleries in Memorial Union will receive significant upgrades. There will be a new gallery in the new south campus union larger than the Porter Butts Gallery in Memorial Union. The new space will differ from conventional gallery spaces to accommodate all types of art, including digital projections and advanced computer art. “We’re trying to rethink the galleries, and to acquire what we don’t have,” said Robin Schmoldt, Wisconsin Union Directorate Art and Film Advisor. “We’ve got a really cool group of people planning for the art spaces, so it’s exciting to think of what will happen.” “The main ideas behind the theater and art space renovations are versatility, accessibility and ‘connectedness.’ We’d like to make these spaces more flexible, and rethink the roles they have in the arts community,” said Robin. —Ben Young ’11

Preliminary architectural rendering of one of the proposed designs


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Union South Closing in December 2008 In December of 2008 Union South will close its doors after being part of the UW-Madison campus for more than 37 years. With the 2005 Campus Master Plan in action, the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery is going up where other buildings once stood, across the street from Union South. Union South also will be razed to bring life to the campus plan. The new south campus union, yet to be officially named, will open for business in time for the Engineering Science Olympiad in March 2011. While the Wisconsin Union is thrilled about the new south campus union and all it will bring, we hope you will join us in saying a heartfelt goodbye to a building that has been home to thousands of great events, large and small, as well as the recreational center of the south campus area. For information on the building project and the closing of Union South visit www.newunion.wisc.edu. To share memories of Union South email membership@union.wisc.edu. Seating outside Union South. Photo by Jeff Miller UW-Madison University Communications.

Support the Wisconsin Union and help us secure our place as the "heart and soul" of UW-Madison for the next 100 years. Your support will make a difference to the thousands of students, faculty, staff, annual and lifetime members and community residents who enjoy this institution.

For more information please visit www.union.wisc.edu/support or contact Glenda Noel-Ney at 608-262-2687 or noelney@wisc.edu. To make a gift simply visit www.union.wisc.edu/support and designate your gift, checks (payable to the UW Foundation-Wisconsin Union) can be mailed to : UW Foundation, US Bank Lock Box, P.O. Box 78807, Milwaukee, WI 53278-0807. Please remember to indicate which fund you are supporting. Current priorities for support include: Wisconsin Union Building Fund (12904520) Wisconsin Union Theater Endowment (1290659) Morgridge Center for Public Service (12901311) Hoofers Fund (12904606)

We appreciate your support!

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Peet’s Coffee and Tea, a Great Contribution to the Union In fall, the Memorial Union will open a new coffeehouse, Peet’s Coffee and Tea. It will be housed on the first floor of Memorial Union in the former STA travel space, once the home of the barbershop, with seating where the arcade once was. According to Carl Korz, Assistant Director of Food Service for the Wisconsin Union, the coffeehouse was developed in response to a 1,500-person survey from March 2007. Respondents expressed their wants and needs in a coffeehouse. The Union formed a committee of staff and students and received information from local, regional and national coffeehouses. After viewing proposals from seven firms, the committee chose Peet’s to be part of Memorial Union operations. “Peet’s most closely fit what everyone was looking for,” Carl said. “We took responses from the surveys, we applied the criteria, and on the whole, Peet’s came up as the number one choice. We think people will be pleasantly surprised with what Peet’s can offer and it will be in keeping with the Union tradition,” Carl said. The survey also showed Union coffee-

drinkers want a coffeehouse dedicated to serving fair-trade coffee. Peet’s will serve both fair-trade and conventional coffee, but Carl assured guests will always have a fairtrade option. Beyond the flavorful array of coffee Peet’s offers, the company is known for its environmentally friendly buildings and operations. Based in Berkeley, California, Peet’s Coffee and Tea pioneered the gourmet coffee trend in the United States 40 years ago, with a special focus on dark and slow roasted coffee. The founders of Starbucks were trained and worked at the first Peet’s Store, and moved to Seattle in 1987. While Starbucks has grown to approximately 8,000 stores around the world, Peet’s national presence amounts to 116 stores. According to Carl, Peet’s has succeeded at other universities including Stanford, Berkeley, Harvard, MIT and Penn State. The company is just starting to establish itself in the Midwest. Although Peet’s Coffee and Tea is a national chain, Carl assured it would not change the character of the Union. “Peet’s is student friendly and flexible in working

with student organizations. It’s providing that collaborative space,” Carl said. Peet’s strong training program and consistently high standards ensure a successful, Unionrun coffee shop, providing 30 student jobs and three staff positions. Peet’s will contribute in the greatest way possible – by enhancing the Union’s role as the University’s “living room,” a place between students’ houses and work they can frequent and still feel at home. —Amanda McGowan ‘08

A Sampling of the Distinguished Lecture Series 2008-2009 All DLS lectures take place at 7:30 p.m. For ticket information, contact the Wisconsin Union Theater Box Office at 608-262-0234 REBECCA WALKER (Mon., Sept. 29, 2008): A recipient of the Women Who Could Be President Award from the League of Women Voters, Walker is an expert on intergenerational feminism, multiculturalism and transformational human awareness. Walker takes a courageous and panoramic look at race. ROBIN WRIGHT (Wed., Oct. 22, 2008): Wright is an American journalist currently covering U.S. foreign policy for The Washington Post. She has reported and written for many other news publications, including The New Yorker, CBS News, The New York Times, and the International Herald Tribune. She served as a foreign correspondent in the Middle East, Europe, and Africa. Her most recent book is Dreams and Shadows: The Future of the Middle East.


FRANCISCO J. AYALA (Mon., Nov. 10, 2008): Ayala is the Donald Bren Professor of Biological Sciences and Professor of Philosophy at the University of California, Irvine. His philosophical work deals with the intersection between Darwinism and religion, which champions science without displacing faith. ISHMAEL BEAH (Mon., December 8, 2008): Beah is a former child soldier, and the author of the memoir, A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier. He relates that at age 13, he was pressed into service as a child soldier during the civil war in Sierra Leone. According to Beah, he fought for almost three years before being rescued by UNICEF. AMIRA HANANIA (Jan. 26, 2009): Hanania, one of the few female independent investigative journalists in the West Bank, risks her life daily to report objectively on the region’s religious and ethnic turmoil. Hanania is the subject of

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the recent film, Live from Bethlehem, which will be screened before her lecture. NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON (Feb. 2, 2009): As Director of the Hayden Planetarium and the new host of the PBS magazine “NOVA Science NOW,” Dr. Tyson is one of the most high-profile astrophysicists in the U.S. His recent books include One Universe: At Home in the Cosmos, Death by Black Hole: And Other Cosmic Quandaries, and Origins, the companion book to his mini-series on PBS. DANIEL DENNETT (Mar. 2, 2009): Dennett is a prominent American philosopher whose research centers on philosophy of the mind, science, and biology. He is currently the Co-Director of the Center for Cognitive Studies and the Austin B. Fletcher Professor of Philosophy at Tufts University.

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Wild GRAPEVINE F A L L 2 0 0 8 C O N N E C T I N G Y O U T O W I S C O N S I N U N I O N F R I E N D S & FA M I LY

In Remembrance of Fan Taylor

Barbara Manley

A remembrance written by Barbara Connell Manley (Chairman of the Wisconsin Union Music Committee two years, President of the Union 1952, a Union Trustee and on the UW Foundation Board), and read by Barbara Crabb at Fan Taylor’s memorial service on May 25th, 2008 in the Memorial Union Main Lounge.

I first met Fan when I was a freshman at UW and decided to join a Union Committee. The one I chose, in 1949, was called the Music Committee. Our meetings were in the famous Green Room. That was the real beginning of my college education. Fan became my mentor – she had many, many students she mentored. Yet she made me feel special. Fan was the penultimate of a perfect Union Advisor — a Union Director of Social Education. She made the Music Committee the greatest adventure. She included us in everything: the decisions regarding the famous Union Concert Series – • the budget we had to work with, • the open theater dates, • the artists’ fees we had to pay, • the concert program, • the publicity we needed to generate, • how many tickets had to be sold to make a profit, • what problems there could be at the ticket office the night of the performance.

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Best yet, we students would get to meet the famous artists after each concert – artists like Arthur Rubenstein. Lotte Lehman, Mack Harrell, Burl Ives, Sir Thomas Beecham, Joseph Szigeti, and many more. We got to meet them all — except for Rise Stevens; she turned us down - period. Our Committee had ideas about expanding our music programs to attract more students to the Union. Fan was convinced, for example, that I could lead an afternoon Sunday Sing at 4 o’clock in the Union Lounge for international students. I did it for a year and I can hardly sing! No matter what ideas we came up with, Fan worked with us to try them out, make it fun, and in doing it, that we learned something from the experience. We students felt we were part of Fan’s family. In fact we were. Do you remember the little car Fan had? The little British Crossley Wagon that might hold four students on occasion? Frank, now my husband, and I even used to babysit for daughters Kathy and Annie on a number of occasions. Fan would pick us up and bring us back to campus in that car. All through college, I would take my problems to Fan. I knew I could absolutely trust her to give me the straight forward, right on, politically adept and very practical answer to all my dilemmas. In my senior year, when I became President of the Union, Fan guided me through strategic Union Council and University issues. She interpreted Porter Butts for me on more than one occasion and added great insight. Fan was a University of Wisconsin treasure. Frank and I always recall the many wonderful times we had with her, and through her, the friends we’ve made. Fan went on to do great things nationally and for the state, but we will always remember the glorious days of Fan Taylor and The Green Room.

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FANNIE T. TAYLOR (1913-2008)

Fan with Claude Cobbs, stage electrician

“…I was truly in awe of her brilliance, the clarity of her mind, and her ability to see the big picture.” —Jane Pizer, friend “I was fortunate to spend several wonderful lunches with Fan in my first few years at the Union. I always came away from them with a renewed sense of purpose for what we were doing – a few more bits of historic gossip that were priceless.” —Mark Guthier, Wisconsin Union Director Fan (left) and Marge Rickets publicizing Theater events

“Her presence and her impact locally and nationally was powerful and pervasive. She taught and she led by example.” —Michael Goldberg, friend and former Union Theater Director

Fan with Naomi Rhodes

From left: Frank and Barbara Manley, Fan Taylor, and Ted Crabb

"And the students love her, partly because of the ever-present candy jar on her desk, partly because she knows what she's doing, partly because she listens understandingly to their love affairs." —Porter Butts, Wisconsin Union Director 1928-1968 14

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“Fan believed in presenting only the highest quality—a legacy that continues. The University of Wisconsin and the Madison community benefited tremendously from her efforts to bring the greatest artists of the 20th century to our Theater.” —Ralph Russo, current Union Theater Director

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Fannie T. Taylor

Fan Taylor in 1984

With the passing of Fannie Taylor—longtime University of Wisconsin-Madison arts advocate and Union Theater Director— colleagues, former students, theater fans, and lifelong peers lost a creative, beloved and dedicated voice for arts leadership and management. Fan, as she was universally known, helped pioneer a place for the arts at the Union and led the Wisconsin Union Theater’s operation for many years. She passed away at age 94 on April 15, 2008. Fan was an accomplished educator, and by looking at her long list of awards, nominations, and recognitions, it is clear that her memory will endure in the history of the university, the Union and arts organizations nationwide. Fan was involved with the Union Theater as a student from its opening in 1939 as Publicity Director. She was Theater Director for 20 years beginning in 1946. In that position, Fan worked tirelessly to establish the Association of College and

University Concert Managers, now the Association of Performing Arts Presenters. She also helped create the arts administration graduate program within the School of Business, the first of its kind in the country. She also served as faculty advisor to the Union’s Music and Theater committees. After her tenure as Theater Director, Fan left UW-Madison for Washington D.C., in spreading her spirit and efforts to a broader, national spectrum. She worked for the the recently established National Endowment for the Arts as their first Music Program Director, then later as the Endowment’s program information officer. When Fan left UW-Madison for the NEA, she carried with her UW’s idea of artist residency, which became vital to developing what are now modern dance touring programs. While many students at this university may arrive and leave without hearing Fannie Taylor’s name, it is virtually impossible for them not to be aided in their cultural education by her accomplishments. Fan’s mentorship extends beyond her lifetime; she taught students to educate others. Her contributions to this University will live on for generations to come. The great gifts to the university are the people who dedicate themselves to helping others grow and realize their own talents. Fan gave freely of her many gifts. With her guidance, experience, and genuine love for the arts, the university gained brilliant arts leadership. In addition, the city of Madison enjoyed wonderful artistic counsel, as did national arts programs. Fannie Taylor will be remembered by this university for all she has done in her career, and for the opportunities she provided for others. More intimately, Fan will be missed dearly by those whose lives she personally enriched, for they can recall the true value of her guidance. —Ben Young ’11

Contributions through Time 1939 1946-1966 1957





Publicity Director for Union Theater Union Theater Director Established Association of College and University Concert Managers, what is now the International Association of Performing Arts Presenters First Program Director and Programs Information Officer for the National Endowment for the Arts Established the arts administration graduate program within the School of Business with E. Arthur Prieve, now the Bolz Center for Arts Administration Coordinator for the University Consortium for the Arts Helped establish the Madison Children’s Museum Professor Emeritus in Social Education and Letters and Science Administration

Fan counseled these organizations as a board member: Madison Civic Music Association Madison Civic Center Foundation The Elvejhem Museum of Art Council The Wisconsin Foundation for the Arts Bach Dancing and Dynamite Society The Nature Conservancy This is an abbreviated list, as we could not enumerate all of Fan’s activities and contributions over the years.

Read more memories of Fan Taylor in the Winter/Spring issue of Terrace Views As Fan was committed to presenting excellence in programming classical music on the Union Theater stage, in 2000 James Wockenfuss, Emeritus Trustee of the Memorial Union Building Association, created a fund in her honor to support the continuation of Fan’s philosophy, “Book to your audience, only better.” To contribute to the Fan Taylor Fund (12903043) visit www.union.wisc.edu/support or you can mail a check payable to the UW Foundation—Wisconsin Union to: UW Foundation, US Bank Lock Box, P.O. Box 78807, Milwaukee, WI 53278-0807. For more information on giving to the Union contact Glenda Noel-Ney, Director of Development for the Wisconsin Union at noelney@wisc.edu or 608-262-2867.

The Fan Taylor Fund

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View from the Fifth Floor

WUD 2008-2009

How do you describe a group of student leaders at the Union? Dedicated, powerful, passionate all come to mind but they don’t fully capture that extra something that makes them extraordinary. There is a word though that comes close and when you say it aloud, you begin to understand who we are: Ballyhoo! Bally-huh?? By definition, “ballyhoo” (pronounced bal-ee-who) means a sensational or clamorous attempt to advance any cause. Could there be any better way to describe this year’s family of student leaders? Nope. We even checked a

thesaurus. No other word came close! If you have had the chance to meet any of the new Wisconsin Union Directorate (WUD) Directors or Union Officers, then you already understand these students are extraordinary people and exceptional leaders. Our cause is to provide the highest quality programs and activities and advance our commitment to social education at UW-Madison. We will stop at nothing to achieve that goal. We are WUD and like strong trees, we have helped to build a strong Union. Like the great canopy of a forest, we cover a lot of ground. Any issue, from Art to Outdoor Activities, from Global Connections to Community Service, we take on enthusiastically and wholeheartedly, and this process makes the Union become the heart of campus. We branch out this year through the five WUD pillars: Sustain, Diversify, Collaborate, Promote, and Cultivate. Each pillar describes an important aspect of next year. We aim to lead the campus into a sustainable 21st century, translating thought into meaningful action and giving our

committees far-reaching visions. We will be proactive in building committees that represent of the entire campus and breaking down any barriers that inhibit diversity within the Union. We will foster unity on campus and actively pursue meaningful and continuous collaboration with other university institutions. We will increase student awareness of the Union mission and use WUD programs as a vehicle for recruiting new Union leaders and volunteers. Finally, we will ensure that the Union programs remain a pathway to learning, personal growth and social education. I’ve run out of metaphors but I hope it is clear that we mean business. We are the Wisconsin Union Directorate for 20082009 and I am honored to serve as President. We are ready for a Union ballyhoo. I hope you’ll join us! Peace, Jeff Rolling President Wisconsin Union

Souvenirs: A Collection of International Experiences Shira Weiner, a UW-Madison senior in the School of Business, believes the best way to reach students is through other students. She has also witnessed the power of an international experience in shaping students’ lives. After spending a summer in Mexico and a year in Ecuador, Shira served as Director of the Wisconsin Union Directorate Global Connections Committee. This past spring, Global Connections Committee worked with the Publications Committee to produce Souvenirs, a publication written for students, by students, about international opportunities on the UW-Madison campus. “We want to encourage international experiences,” Shira said. “It totally makes a difference in a college experience. Going abroad was the most important thing I’ve done for myself in college.” Souvenirs consists mainly of articles from students who have studied, volunteered or worked abroad throughout the world. Articles in the spring 2008 issue tell of amazing experiences as well as offer advice and tips for students planning to go abroad. “Souvenirs is a good way to work on that 16

student-to-student connection that you lose when you do all your research online,” Shira said. The issue contains information on resources to plan a trip, health issues abroad, ecotourism, and even an article by Sen. Russ Feingold. The Senator is working to pass legislation to help promote international experiences. One student writes of her experience “Dancing the Cumbia in Colombia,” while another student records her time spent interning in Rome. A third student documents his first haircut while studying in Paris and one article describes the learning experience of finding her way around in Buenos Aires. “Going abroad is a good way to learn about the world outside your comfort zone,” Shira said. “You learn a lot of yourself and come back with a different perspective.” According to Shira, Souvenirs is just one of many efforts the Global Connections Committee has embarked on to encourage international experiences. The committee hosts Taste of Cultures, where international students at UW-Madison present aspects of their home

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culture. Offering music, dance and food from their native cultures, students from Southeast Asia, Burma, Pakistan and Spain were represented at last year’s Taste of Cultures. The committee also hosts international dances and weekly international conversation and coffee hours for international and domestic students to mingle in Union South. With its inaugural issue in spring 2008, the Global Connections Committee and the Publications Committee hope Souvenirs will become a valued resource for students planning to go abroad. The Publications Committee also produces Emmie Music Magazine and Illumination: The Undergraduate Journal of Humanities. Shira will serve as a Vice President on Wisconsin Union Directorate this fall and is grateful to the Union for providing the publication a chance to encourage international experiences among students. “[The Union] is a very open place for people to come,” Shira said. “It’s a great place to create that student-to-student connection.” —Amanda McGowan ‘08

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John Kirsch, a Hoofer Legacy “I’d rather be on the water than looking at it.” –John Kirsch (1941-2007) A legacy lives on in the Hoofers Sailing Club, a legacy that embodies the love of sailing, of teaching and of life. This legacy is that of John Kirsch. John Kirsch was a University of Wisconsin-Madison professor of zoology and director of the Zoological Museum. After retiring in 2006, John dedicated his time to the activity he loved even more than scientific research – sailing. “John was at Hoofers seriously all the

John Kirsch

time,” said Head of Sailing Instruction Brian Borkovec. “It seemed like there was nothing else he ever had to do in the summer but come here and go sailing. And if the wind wasn’t blowing, you could find him sitting on a bench just waiting for it to pick up.” John received his first tech rating in the summer of 1997. After obtaining certification on several of the Hoofer fleets, he volunteered much of his summer time as a Hoofer instructor from 2000 through the summer of 2006. “He would teach anything, which was another great thing about John,” Borkovec said. “When I became head of instruction, he just said, ‘Brian, you just let me know what lessons you need and when you need them and I’ll teach them.’” Aside from volunteering as an instructor for the club, John could often be found sailing on Eidolon, his co-owned sailboat moored on Lake Mendota. He also raced in the Mendota Yacht Club races. “He was really into going fast,” Borkovec said. “He loved the boats that went fast. Sometimes, you could actually hear him screaming when he was going fast. He would be all giddy and jumpy when the wind was really blowing and he could get out there.” In 2007, John was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and after a brief battle, he passed away on April 5, 2007. However, his love for sailing lives on in the Hoofers Sailing Club, in part through an estate gift that the club will use to buy boats for

John Kirsch with fellow Hoofers

future use and instruction. John was at home while on the water, and his incredible gift proves and continues his desire for others to appreciate sailing with the same passion he did. John’s contributions, as well as the time he spent sailing at the Union before his passing, will be valued by the Hoofer Sailing Club for years to come and his love of sailing will live on forever through the lives he affected. —Amanda McGowan ‘08

Hoofers Plants Its Flag in Antarctica Steve Exner, a Hoofer sailing instructor from 1999 to 2001, experienced a continent few of us will ever visit. Between August 2007 and February 2008, Steve was a cook at McMurdo Station, a scientific research facility on Ross Island. Describing his location, Steve said: “Across the sound and 60 miles away is the Antarctic continent. The mountains are beautiful and the sun glinting off of the snow covered peaks is breathtaking.” Extended daylight and extreme cold were part of the new experiences. “Our low today (in August) was minus 11, and the

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high was 3 degrees Fahrenheit. The wind chill brought it down to minus 42 and minus 29; it really isn’t that bad when one has the proper gear.” Steve shared that McMurdo Station has between 350 and 1,100 people on-site at different times, and that its location is a desert with less than one inch of snow per year. Most of that snow blows away due to the cold temperatures and wind. Describing a hike out to nearby Observation Hill, Steve said that “a cross is standing at the top of the hill in memory of (explorer) Robert Scott and his men, Henry

Bowers, Edgar Evans, Laurence Oates and Edward Wilson, with a quote from Ulysses: ‘To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield.’ They died on their return from the South Pole.” What else do Hoofers do for fun? Steve and his girlfriend, Kirsten, taught cha-cha dance classes, along with enjoying drinking “home-brewed beer.” Steve and Kristin are enjoying living in Christ Church, New Zealand.

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—Jim Rogers MS ‘92


Peg Lauver—UW is a Family Tradition When Frances “Peg” Lamont Lauver speaks of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, she speaks for a family legacy dating back to the 1800s. “We definitely have a long connection with the University,” said Lauver, who lives with her husband, Gregory, in Mesa, Arizona. Lauver’s brother, sister, mother, three grandparents, and great-grandfather were all students at UW-Madison. Lauver’s great-grandfather on her father’s side, Byron C. Lamont, graduated in law from UW-Madison in 1881. Byron, originally from Lodi, Wisconsin, moved to the Dakota Territory after he graduated, “He pioneered there before statehood. Our family has been in South Dakota ever since,” Lauver said. Byron’s son, Maurice, was active in student government and graduated from UW in 1911 with an engineering degree. Two other grandparents attended UW: Lauver’s grandfather, Frederick Stiles, was a student at Wisconsin from 1907 to 1909, while his sweetheart, Frances Kenney, was majoring in pharmacy. After her sophomore year in 1908 and short of funds, Kenney returned to South Dakota, where she “proved up” on a homestead claim near the Badlands. Kenney and Stiles were married there in 1911. “My grandmother loved the UW. She had a wonderful, thrilling experience,” Lauver said. She never forgot the struggle facing young women seeking a university education then, and was always grateful for the opportunities open to her at Wisconsin. “It was only natural that her daughter—my mother—grew up to attend UW as well.” Lauver’s mother, Frances (Peg) Stiles Lamont graduated from UW-Madison with a BA in journalism in 1935. She returned in 1936 to achieve an MA in political science. Peg Stiles Lamont was deeply involved in campus life as a member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, a writer for the Daily Cardinal, on the editorial staff of the Badger Yearbook, and writer for the campus humor magazine, The Octopus. She was a member on the Union Council governing board and a leader in Women’s Self-Governing Association, or WSGA, as well as the Women’s Affairs Committee. These Union committees were very influential on campus at that time and were forums for students to


learn both leadership and equality. Her three years with WSGA and with Women’s Affairs in the Union “shaped how she conducted the rest of her life,” Lauver said. After the University, she married William Lamont in 1937 and they enjoyed a busy family life with four children. Lamont became an active community volunteer, and for 14 years, served as a Republican South Dakota state senator who authored and passed legislation dealing with aging, mental health, juvenile justice and domestic violence. Lamont served on every White House Conference on Aging from 1961 to 1995. In 1972, she began a term as one of South Dakota’s advisors to the National Trust for Historic Preservation and served nine years on the organization’s national Board of Trustees. “Many students worked for the money and others for work experience. My mother was active because she absolutely loved her work and this campus,” Lauver said. “I attended my mother’s college reunions from a young age,” Lauver explained of her desire to attend the UW. “I was 8 when I met Porter Butts, Union Director from 1928-1968. “I remember looking out on Lake Mendota and telling my parents, ‘I like this lake. I want to go here!’— and I did.” Peg Lamont Lauver graduated from UW-Madison in 1969 with a BA in German language and literature. Originally, Lauver wanted to study journalism, but she was inspired to explore the integration of literature, language, history and culture while studying abroad in Germany as a junior. Lauver certainly has a passion for integrating arts into academic establishments. As a freshman, Lauver enrolled in Integrated Liberal Studies. It was a significant course of study for her. “I’ve spent the rest of my life integrating things,” Lauver said with a chuckle. “I’m definitely a liberal arts person. I feel we need to bring art into the mainstream as much as possible.” As a student, Lauver was in the Union International Affairs Club her first year, was always active in Union events and had a lot of interest in the Union Board. After graduating, she attended the University of California-Berkeley, and with a major

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Peg Lauver (left) with mother Peg Lamont (right).

“I hate to admit it, but I cut class a few times on Fridays because there was something really great happening in the Play Circle, I always took advantage of concert tickets at the Union Theater. I saw “Madame Butterfly,” John Coltrane, and Andres Segovia, then in his 80s, play guitar. It was phenomenal.” —Peg Lauver change in career plans, returned to UWMadison for graduate school in art history. “I decided that art history was something I really wanted to study further. It was right when the Elvejhem—now the Chazen—Art Museum was opened.” Lauver said. “I was largely influenced by Jim Watrous (who painted the murals in the Paul Bunyan Room of the Memorial Union). His guidance and courses always inspired me.” After marriage and a move to Continued on page 19

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Minnesota, Lauver worked as curator and researcher for a regional historical museum. Later in Arizona, as mother of two daughters, she volunteered in the schools and community, and helped manage her husband’s medical practice. She has been an art volunteer for nearly 10 years in the Mesa public elementary schools, helping expose students to classical masterpieces (typically paintings or pictures of sculptures) and understand how literature and history feed into art. “I get to use the tools I gained at UW-Madison in helping these children appreciate art at a young age,” Lauver noted. When asked about continuing the legacy of attending UW-Madison in her family, Lauver said with a chuckle, “It would have been a long shot to get our two daughters to go from sunny, warm Arizona to Wisconsin winters. They chose California colleges, and are now pursuing their dream careers in government in Washington, D.C., inspired by their grandmother’s legislative

work. The older just married in May.” You can now find Peg Lauver volunteering around Mesa with the board of directors of Southwest Shakespeare Theatre Company, Arizona’s leading classical theatre group, the Valley Citizens League, a Phoenix non-partisan policy organization, and other arts groups. Lauver has many fond memories of the Union. The Union Rathskeller “was THE place to meet with people, it was the place to be,” she said. “I really enjoyed sitting on the Terrace and eating a bagel or their famous fudge-bottom pie.” After-class group discussions with professors would often convene at the Rathskeller over a beer. We would watch classic films like “The Grapes of Wrath” and “Casablanca,” which I saw on a date with my future husband, played in the Great Hall crammed with folding chairs because of crowding. The Play Circle was another favorite place for Lauver. “I hate to admit it, but I cut class a few times on Fridays because

there was something really great happening in the Play Circle,” Lauver said with a laugh. “I always took advantage of concert tickets at the Union Theater. I saw “Madame Butterfly,” John Coltrane, and Andres Segovia, then in his 80s, play guitar. It was phenomenal.” Lauver also learned to sail, downhill ski, kayak and canoe to Picnic Point with Hoofers. Lauver’s time spent at UW and the Union shaped her life, adding a chapter to a family legacy that began in the 1870s. The experiences passed down through the generations are a testament to the Union’s rich array of opportunities and its unique place in the campus community. The Union is saddened to share that Peg Lauver’s mother, Peg Lamont, passed away as this issue went to press. —Ben Young ‘11

Faces at the Union—Mike Schlindwein When Mike Schlindwein received the email last spring telling him he was one of nine University of WisconsinMadison engineering Mike Schlindwein students to receive the Grainger Undergraduate Student Scholarship, he felt a satisfying wave of success. A UW–Madison senior majoring in electrical engineering, Mike was among the top students in six power engineering classes, earning him the scholarship. “Knowing I’m one of the top nine engineering undergraduates—it’s definitely an accomplishment,” Mike said. Aside from his academic success, Mike has worked with the Wisconsin Union’s Information Systems office in computer support for the past two and a half years. After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering in May 2008, Mike

spent the summer in Dodgeville, interning at Lands’ End in the facilities engineering department. In the fall, he returns to UW–Madison, as well as to the Union, to earn his masters’ in electrical engineering. “The experience at the Union definitely helped me,” Mike said. “The experience of handling different situations and working with different people really, really helped me.” Mike, who hails from West Bend, Wisconsin, said he grew up playing around with computers, reading about them and teaching himself the way around the machines. His father is an electrical engineer, and Mike came to UW–Madison knowing he wanted to follow that career path as well. He was attracted to the major because of its versatility, knowing he could work in several fields with his degree. It was this variety of work that drew him to his computer support job at the Union. “I really like the fact that I am not just coming to work and sorting paperwork,” Mike said. “I like that everyday, I come to work and something new comes up. It’s

“Knowing I’m one of the top nine engineering undergraduates—it’s definitely an accomplishment.” —Mike Schlindwein great experience. You learn from it.” Working on a variety of tasks for nearly 200 Union staff, Mike is thrilled to be a part of the Union’s team. Toting a power engineering student scholarship, the perfect way to cap his undergraduate career at UW–Madison, Mike anticipates graduate school and a bright future as an electrical engineer. Meanwhile, the Union is lucky to benefit from Mike’s computer expertise and easygoing personality, and is proud to consider Mike a part of the team. —Amanda McGowan ‘08

FALL 2008

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Film Director Traces Roots to UW and “Naked ‘Peter Pan’”

Stuart Gordon

If you’re a true fan of unique, thrilling and skillfully crafted horror films, you’ve likely experienced some of Stuart Gordon’s work. Stuart’s widely known films range from “Re-Animator” (1985) to “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids!” (1989) and most recently “Stuck,” shown at the Wisconsin Film Festival this spring. Though his work has taken him quite a distance from the Midwest, Stuart’s fascinating career began at the University of Wisconsin-Madison during the height of the Vietnam War. Stuart Gordon entered UW-Madison in the mid-‘60s without any real idea of what he wished to accomplish with his life. He was unable to sign up for the one and only film course at the time, so instead he enrolled in an acting class. While working on a Union Mainstage production of Peter Weiss’ “Marat/Sade,” a ‘play within a play’ set in an asylum, Stuart realized what he wanted to do. “It really opened up my eyes to the possibilities and power of theater,” Stuart said. He was connected with the Union from early on. “I feel the Play Circle is a wonderful space for arts presentation,” he said. “Some folks may not relate to this, but the room has a particular smell to it. Anyone can agree that important places in


their life have distinct smells, and the Play Circle is one for me. The Union Theater and Play Circle are always going to have a place in my heart.” Winning a student playwriting contest in 1967, Stuart was allowed to direct his own script, “The Game Show,” which was presented in the Play Circle. “When the audience was seated,” Stuart explained, “they could hear chains clattering across the doors. Of course, they were breakaway chains, but the audience didn’t know that. They thought they were locked in the room, forced to watch this ridiculous ‘television game show’ where contestants were chosen from the audience, then asked inane questions, humiliated, even abused…but the secret was most of the poor ‘contestants’ were really actors in the play. Real audience members eventually rose up and charged the performers onstage, demanding the show be stopped.” Stuart added, “We were surprised by the reaction to ‘The Game Show.’ We thought the audience would stare blankly at the stage for the duration, but they responded with anger and outrage.” However, as many recall, the audience’s response to “The Game Show” was not nearly as surprising as that of Stuart’s later production. Stuart’s legacy at the Union is marked by his counter-culture reinterpretation of “Peter Pan.” His adapted version included riot-geared police officers as the pirates, peace-seeking hippies as the lost boys, and, quite famously, a group of nude coeds dancing to “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida” by Iron Butterfly. “The original dialogue all remained true to James Barrie’s classic,” Stuart explained. “I realized during the anti-war protests at the 1968 Democratic National Convention that ‘Peter Pan’ could be an allegory for the times.” “Peter Pan” created intense controversy within the UW community when Madison’s District Attorney declared the play to be obscene. Though the Union Theater Committee did not feel the play was immoral, they were forced by university regulations to make sure it was not performed in the Play Circle again. “In order to grasp the situation, you

FALL 2008

“We really believed there was going to be a revolution. We believed we could change the world, and more importantly, we believed this could be accomplished by the power of art.” —Stuart Gordon have to understand the tenor of the times. This was the height of the Vietnam War,” explained Michael Goldberg, former Union Theater director. “UW-Madison was a very active place in terms of protesting. During the day, students marched up and down State Street demonstrating against the war and were met with tear gas and beatings. It was a very incendiary environment. At night, a small group of those same students got together after midnight to rehearse ‘Peter Pan’ in the Play Circle.” Though it was seen by authorities as crude and obscene, “the nudity was not included for sexual purposes in any way,” Michael said. “I feel it was a statement of innocence.” Michael was assistant to the Director of the Union Theater. He and Stuart were also good friends, so it put him in an uncomfortable position when his head superiors demanded he lock the ‘Peter Pan’ production out of the Play Circle. “Michael had to follow his orders,” Stuart remarked. “But he was also the one who let us sneak back in to get our props and costumes so we could perform the play in a lecture hall on Bascom Hill. He’s a great friend.” Once the word spread that there would be a nude scene in Stuart’s production, the show was shut down. “The authorities threatened to arrest anyone in the play if they performed it again,” Michael Goldberg said. “Eventually, the students did perform at

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the Commerce Building on campus. Stuart and his wife Carolyn were later charged with a felony offense for obscenity, but the charges were eventually dropped. “Many of the minds behind ‘Peter Pan’ went on to become very successful theater people,” Michael commented. “The cast included Broadway star Andre de Shields, playwrights Dennis Paoli and Lenny Kleinfeld, film critic Michael Wilmington, actresses Sandra Dickinson and Carolyn Purdy-Gordon just to name a few. The ‘Peter Pan’ production was a definite starting point.” In 1970 Stuart and Carolyn left Madison for Chicago, and started the Organic Theater. From there, Stuart’s career grew into the success it is today. He returned to UW as an artist in residence in 2000 and taught a film production course. Stuart is still inspired by the UW campus atmosphere. “Walking around campus certainly brings back memories.” Stuart feels his roots are here at UW. “It’s where I realized who I was, and what I wanted to do with my life.” This epiphany took place during turbulent times. Amidst the tear gas and Anti-War protests, National Guard troops with guns at the doors of Bascom Hall, and the political upheaval in the streets of Madison, he created a nonviolent and visionary statement of protest that is still renowned to this day, even by those who did not witness it. “We really believed there was going to be a revolution. We believed we could change the world, and more importantly, we believed this could be accomplished by the power of art.” Stuart said softly. He then paused a few moments, suspended in silent memory. “What everyone wanted was the same thing we want today…a peaceful world.” —Ben Young ‘11

FALL 2008

Goodbye Amanda McGowan This spring, the Wisconsin Union said a heartfelt farewell to Amanda McGowan, one of the main writers for Terrace Views. Amanda Amanda McGowan graduated in May 2008 with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism. Exactly one year earlier she began work in the Wisconsin Union Development office as an intern for Glenda Noel-Ney, Director of Development. Amanda’s main duties as an intern were writing articles for and organizing Terrace Views as well as helping with many other projects in the Development Office. Look to the past few issues of Terrace Views and you’ll find that Amanda handled a majority of the articles on her own, using her sharp skills as a journalist to provide quality writing. Amanda was phenomenal at multitasking, managing various assignments while maintaining a superb GPA in classes. “My internship at the Union was truly valuable in shaping my future after graduation,” Amanda said. A Madison technology magazine hired Amanda less than a week after she graduated. She is proud of that accomplishment, and thrilled she found a job so quickly. As many journalism graduates know, securing employment after graduation can be a difficult and stressful process. “I’m also glad to be working here in Madison where I’m close to my family and able to visit the Union. I really enjoyed working with everyone. I’m sad to be leaving, but excited for the future.” Amanda McGowan was, as coworkers and colleagues will agree, a fun, helpful, extremely considerate and valuable member of the Union staff. We wish her the best of luck and look forward to her visits.

Letter to the Union The Wisconsin Union has employed hundreds of individuals who have made a difference in the institution’s 100 years. In 2007, the Wisconsin Union received a letter from lifetime member Frank Rogers (B.A. ’49), who shared with us an important figure in the Wisconsin Union’s early operations. Her name was Caryl Miller and she was Frank’s aunt. Caryl was hired as the Union secretary in 1929 and at her retirement 45 years later in September 1973, Porter Butts delivered a speech recognizing Caryl’s importance to the Union. Below are some excerpts from Butts’ speech, recognizing all she contributed to the Union’s early years. I would give her a long memorandum to go with the budget to the President or maybe 15 to 20 pages of notes for the Union newsletter, The Grapevine, and ask her when she might get it done. She would say, “Well, I am very busy it might be two or three days” so I would say something like “Do the best you can and let me know” and then before noon on the same day the whole manuscript would appear on my desk with hardly a comma out of place … Over the years Caryl has issued thousands of Union lifetime memberships so now we want to issue her a membership card – a very special one – an Honorary Life Membership. It is special because in our fifty year history only 11 honorary life members have been elected. The first was Charles Lindberg, a classmate of mine, a man who first flew the Atlantic Ocean non-stop to Paris and then two months later came back to the campus to help us dedicate this building. And now, for her unequalled long and faithful and expert services we want to present Caryl a Union Honorary Life Membership and maybe Lindberg’s example will inspire her to fly to Paris non-stop herself but wherever she may go our good wishes and gratitude go with her all the way! Thank you Frank, for sending such a wonderful remembrance of Caryl.

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Grapeviner News 1940’s ELEANOR FERGUSON BOYD (Advisor to the Concert Committee till ’46), NY. Better known to her friends as “Fergie”, she now lives near her son Bill and daughter Susan in Upstate New York. She enjoys talking about her days at the Union, and loves to chat with fellow Badgers about their years at the University of Wisconsin! She also enjoys attending concerts and playing cards. THOMAS BROWN (Activities Bureau ’42’43), Rockford, IL, had a great visit north of Manzaillo, Mexico last January and February (for the 15th year). THOMAS returned to Colorado for a month of skiing at Leadville (too high, had trouble with the altitude this year). He doesn’t think he’ll try it again. Pat may change his mind. He would like to hear from anyone of the class of ’45-’47 that he knew. WALTER PANCOE (Concert Manager ’43’44, President ’44-‘45, Vice President ’46-‘47 MUBA Trustee), Wilmington, NC, attended his granddaughter’s graduation from Eugene Lang of The New School in NY. WALTER took a river cruise in the south of France in late May to help make up for his wife Beth’s birthday on May 8, when he was at the MUBA Trustee meeting in Madison. This and a lavish shopping spree in N.Y. make her a happy camper. Now WALTER needs to figure out what to do for his own birthday, October 18, when once again he’ll be at a MUBA Trustee meeting, instead of with his family celebrating.

1950’s GAR ALPEROVITZ (Forum ‘55-’56, President ’56-‘57), Washington DC. GAR and Lew Daly’s new book Unjust Deserts: How the Rich are Taking Our Common Inheritance and How We can Take It Back will be published in November of 2008. JUDITH CRAIN (President’s Assistant ‘56-’57, Placement Chair ‘57-’58, MUBA Associate Trustee), Green Bay, WI, has been named as a new member of the UW Hospital board of diretors. ROBERT COPE (President ’55) and his wife Margaret continue their active farm lives, 22

Keeping in Touch with the Union Family

responding to the direction of their son Tom, who manages the operation. They raise Red Devon beef cattle, emphasizing Rotokawa (NZ) genetics, and sell their bulls and bull semen nationwide. For their own use and responding to local demand, ROBERT and Margaret produce Jersey milk (raw) and eggs. They have a small flock of 50 sheep for meat and fence line maintenance. Last Christmas, they bought the farm next-door (200+) acres. Their older son, Oliver, is an architect in NYC and their daughter is a lawyer in Portland, ME. Altogether, ROBERT and Margaret have six grandchildren.

BOB BOHM (Film ’60-’61), Chesterfield, MO, traveled to China in 2007 and Chatauqua, NY in 2008. BOB is also an active volunteer as a CASA, 200 Docent mediator for BBB, a volunteer police officer and a CERT trained volunteer. BOB has been retired for 5 ½ years after selling his Rep Business. He now has three grandchildren—two boys ages 7 and 4, and a new 1-year-old granddaughter. BOB is enjoying life to the extreme. *The Summer 2008 issue of Terrace Views misprinted Bob’s news under the name “Ben Bohm”. Our sincere apologies for the mistake.

WALLY DOUMA (Financial and Student Services ’58-present), legendary “dean of financial aid”, is celebrating 50 years of service to UW-Madison! He began in 1964 as the director for financial services and “retired” in 1994. WALLY never truly stopped his work with financial aid; he still gives presentations to parents at SOAR and serves on the selection committee for the Chancellor’s Scholars Program. When he began work with financial aid, there was a total of only $1 million available for all students. By WALLY’s retirement, that amount had grown to $115 million, and stands at $284 million today. Only a handful of current employees can claim over 50 years of service to UW. We thank WALLY for his dedication and brilliant leadership.

CAROL HOPPENFELD HILLMAN (Forum chair ‘60-‘61, MUBA Trustee), Brookline, MA, and her husband Howard made their third trip to Africa in October, 2007 visiting game preserves in Namibia, Botswana and South Africa. First sightings of leopards in Botswana. And, in early 2008 they became city folk again, moving from Framingham, MA (20 miles outside of Boston) to a condo in a 125 year-old mansion in Brookline, Massachusetts (essentially in Boston). “We’re very excited at being able to walk to restaurants, take the T to the ballet and symphony and in general leave the car at home. Only Riva, the Portuguese Water Dog, is taking a while to adjust to being a city dog.” CAROL said.

JOANNA HARRIS (Theater ’54-’55) just completed her book titled Beyond Isadora: Bay Area Dancing 1915-1965. JOANNA is heading to New York City, London, and Venice where she will be part of a NEH, UCSC Conference on Venice, the Jewish-Italian Culture. JOANNA is doing theatre and dance research. STANLEY KRIPPNER (Forum ’53), San Francicso, CA, received the 2008 Ways of Knowing Award from the University of Minnesota’s Center for Spirituality and Healing. STAN was cited for his “explorations of culturally based healing traditions and practices.” CAL “SKIP” MUTH (Film ’50-’51), Palm Bay, FL, had a great cruise of the Society Islands on the MS Paul Gougin. Tahiti, Bora Bora, Moorea et al. CAL loved the Paul Gougin Museum and scenery. He hopes to make the Maritime Provinces this fall.

FALL 2008


LOIS A. WITTICH (Gallery Director ’60-’61), Phoenix, AZ, Master Artist, can be seen with her work at www.loisawittich.com. Have a Wittich original—a custom painting created just for you! Unforgettable. LOIS’s e-mail address is lawittich@cox.net

1970’s JEAN FROEHLKE CLOUGH (Forum ’71‘72), Gainesville, FL, is alive and well and busy! JEAN’s three kids are out of the house, two are working and one is still in nursing school. The family is going to Oregon for vacation. A week at the shore and a week in the mountains. JEAN recently completed her teaching credential and hopes to start teaching history in September. (She says “I’m so historic I should know what I’m talking about!”) In March, they met Nancy Morbeck and Stan Haack in Savannah, GA for the Savannah Home and Garden Show. They had a blast! Last summer,

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they attended Nancy’s son’s wedding in Virginia. Jeffrey is a Badger too. They danced the night away with cheeseheads on! They hope to visit Madison this summer for her cousin’s wedding. DANIEL SWANSON SR. (Union South Social Director ’71-’72), Portage, WI, joins his son UW Engineering grad BS ’04 MS ’06 in announcing that their wife/stepmom has graduated with her PhD in History from UW Madison.

1980’s ELIZABETH (LYZ) BODNER (Theater Arts ’86-’87), Chicago, IL, has been living in Chicago for 17 years. She lives in the city with her husband, Michael, and 8 month old son, Drew, with another expected in October! LYZ has been working at the University of Chicago for over 10 years and is currently the Executive Director for the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. LYZ loves the city and even runs into Mark Kaplan (Art Chair ’86-’87) every so often. KITTY KOCOL (Art Area Chair ’80-‘81), Madison, WI, has joined the Wisconsin Court Appointed Special Advocates Association as its executive director. The association supports volunteer advocacy for abused and neglected children in Wisconsin.

1990’s YUJIN AN (Travel ‘99-‘00, Union Council ‘99-‘00, ‘01-‘02), San Francisco, CA, spent five years back home in DC after graduation then moved to San Francisco in January 2008 to pursue a new career in attorney recruiting. YUJIN is now the Attorney Recruiting & Professional Development Manager at White & Case. Though she misses DC, the past few months have been great and she’s enjoyed exploring her new hometown! CHRISTOPHER BOUDA (Community Services ’98-’99), Bloomington IL, and his wife, Maureen, celebrated the birth of their daughter, Grace, at London’s Portland Hospital on January 6, 2008. Maureen and CHRISTOPHER work for GE Healthcare in London. GILLIAN C.B. FINK (Hoofers ’90-’95, Mini Courses ‘95-’97, Staff Education ’99-‘01), Monona, WI, married Adam Fink on October 23, 2007 in Iowa City, IA. She is working at the UW Foundation. FALL 2008

KAREN KERSTING (Vice President ’99-’00) Washington, D.C., will start a doctoral program in Counseling Psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA in August 2008. Her research will focus on health psychology and professional leadership. ADELIA (BUSSEY) POPE (Art Director ’97’98), Amherst, MA, has a new daughter. Lillian Sylvie Pope was born on March 21, 2008. The whole family is healthy and happy! IAN ROSENBERG (WUD Film Director ‘9293; Wisconsin Union President ‘93-94; MUBA Associate Trustee), New York, NY, was promoted to Executive Counsel at ABC News in April. He is the pre-broadcast review lawyer for ABC News Nightline, among other ABC programs and stations. In his spare time, IAN continues to produce documentaries. His latest, “Finishing Heaven,” about a man who took 37 years to finish his first film, premiered at the LA Film Fest in July. JESSICA (FISHER) SCHLUETER, (Community Services Committee Director ’97’98, Morgridge Center Peer Advisor ’98-’99), Stoughton, MA, and her husband, Eric, welcomed the birth of their son, Samuel, on March 21, 2008. STEVE YUN (Science and Society ’91-’92), San Clemente, CA, was selected as Physician of Excellence by Orange County Medial Association and Anesthesiologist of the Year by Fresh Start Surgical Gifts, a charity that provides free reconstructive surgery for underprivileged children. Go Wisconsin!

2000’s CHRISTENA GUNTHER (Art Committee Director ‘04-’05, ’05-’06), New York, NY, accepted a position at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in their Education Department working in Access Coordination, which is for visitors to the Museum who have disabilities. ADAM ROBINSON (Student Performance Director ’04-’05, ’05-’06), Washington DC. After a year on the campaign trail for Senator Clinton, ADAM is returning to Washington, DC. He will serve as an account assistant at MSHC Partners, a leading political advertising firm for Democratic and progressive clients. ADAM would love to connect with any Union alumni in the area, and can be contacted at aarobinson06@gmail.com

ALISON ROOTBERG (Theater Committee ’03-’04) brought her dance company to UWMadison for a performance in the Margaret H’Doubler Performance Space in Lathrop Hall on June 26. ALISON’s company, Kinesthetech Sense, incorporates modern dance, visual art, and music, “creating ferocious interactive experiences for audiences throughout the world.” For more information, visit their website at www.ksense.org. STEPHANIE THOMAS (Hoofer President ’00-’01), Jackson, WY, recently started a new job. She is the Development and Communications Director for Friends of Pathways, a non-profit organization in Jackson, WY, focused on promoting non-motorized transportation and complete pathway and trail systems.

In Memorium CURTIS J. BENEDITZ, a valued member of the Memorial Union custodial staff ’68-’96, passed away peacefully in the afternoon of May 15, 2008 in Fresno, CA. CURTIS left the Memorial Union in 1996 because of M.S. which disabled him quickly He was cared for by his wife and daughter. A memorial service was held in Wisconsin this summer for CURTIS. Our condolences go out to CURTIS’ family. JUDITH (ZUELSDORF) EGGLESTON (Tournaments '61-'62), passed away on May 8, 2008 after a courageous 28-year battle with cancer. JUDITH was a member of the Alpha Xi Delta sorority. She married her husband Jerry in 1963, and enjoyed bridge, bowling, crossword puzzles, watching football, traveling and reunions. JUDITH is survived by her husband Jerry, her brother Robert, and two sons, David and Thomas. We send our sincere condolences to JUDITH's family. KURT SCHALDACH, in ‘77-’78, KURT, a German painter from Milwaukee, arrived at the Union to design and paint the murals in the Stiftskeller, and to perform the first ever restoration of the Rathskeller murals. He moved in to one of the guest rooms and spent the better part of two months painting and restoring the German murals. One of his murals carries the description: “When wine and bier make war on each other, who will win, who will lose?” which adorns the west wall of the Stiftskeller. KURT passed away on April 14, 2008, in Napa, CA at the age of 95.

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Photograph from our Reader Help us enrich our collection of Union moments by sending us a photo! Steve and Beth Schaffer sent us this photo of their dog Layla amidst their set of red Terrace chairs in Washington DC. Thank you for sharing this moment with us! Special Note: In submitting photographs to the Wisconsin Union, the Wisconsisn Union will have the right to use and reproduce the submitted photographs in publications and other materials.

The Memorial Union Building Association Trustees and Associate Trustees MUBA CHAIR Jeff Kunz ‘71 VICE CHAIR Janet Pratt Montgomery ‘59 William Johnson ‘50 TREASURER Theodore Crabb ‘54 ASSISTANT TREASURER Hank Walter EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Mark Guthier

UNION PRESIDENT Jeff Rolling ‘09

Lynn Stathas ‘88 Doris Weisberg ‘58

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Jeff Bartell ’65 Miriam Boell Boegel ‘68 Catherine Colyer Dyke ‘91 Henry Brad Elsesser ‘88 Dan Erdman ‘80 Sheryl Facktor ‘84 Pam Garvey ‘85 Miguel Esteban Guevara ‘95 Carol Hoppenfeld Hillman ‘61 Bill Kasdorf ‘71 Lucy Lloyd ‘69 Barbara Connell Manley ‘52 Doris Meissner ‘69 David Milofsky ‘69 Joan Wilkie Murdoch ‘65 Mark Musolf ‘63 Walter Pancoe ‘47 Ann Prisland ‘69

ASSOCIATE TRUSTEES Ken Antaramian Betsy Behnke ‘64 Todd Berry ‘73 Adam Briggs ‘01 Michael Brody ‘80 Ruth Reiter Brown ‘69 Marcia Carlucci ‘68 Judith Crain ‘58 David Cross ‘76 George Cutlip ‘71 Thea Lerner Daniels ‘84 Susan Dibbell ‘84 Peggy Douma ‘63 Carol Falk ‘63 Sheldon Friedstein ‘61 Thomas J. Gulick ‘78 Sharon Hadary ‘63 Mark Haebig ‘72

Jeff Haupt ‘95 Brent Helt ‘00 Roger Howard William Immerman ‘59 John Krieck ‘75 Jane Lichtman ‘66 Barbara Schulz Linnenbrink ‘67 David Maraniss Kiersten Marshall ‘94 Karen Johnson Mathews ‘99 Margaret McCormick ‘90 Gregg Mekler ‘79 Marty Small Meyer ‘55 David Nemschoff ‘76 Paula Perrone Neumann ‘75 Bill Niemeyer ‘94 Jim Norton ‘99 Ellie Oppenheim ‘72 Lynne Parish ‘78 Robert Perlstein ‘66 Elizabeth Preston ‘98 Noel Radomski ‘88

Glenda Dewberry Rooney Ian Rosenberg ‘95 Rose Mary Rupnow ‘49 Vinood Sahney ‘70 Steven C. Schaffer ‘72 Susan Edgerton Sell ‘58 Peggy Shukur ‘81 Tom Smith ‘66 Marilyn Sprague ‘64 Peg Gunderson Stiles ‘45 Tom Sylke ‘82 Stephanie Thomas ‘01 Teri Venker ‘82 Jim Wessing ‘72 Cal Williams ‘70 Derek Wilson ‘82 Judy Labiner Wolfe ‘93 Kate Young ‘92 Susie Weber Younkle ‘00 Sherry Zander ‘74




University of Wisconsin-Madison Wisconsin Union 800 Langdon Street Madison WI 53706-1495

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