“Whats a man gotta do to get in the top 50?”
Presidential Edition
pg. 4......Editor’s Letter pg. 5......The Secret Son pg. 6......Harding’s Lovers pg. 8......Clinton is Almost Impeached
Letter From the Editor By Alicia Alvarez
HISTORY HAS BEEN FULL OF of what horrors our revered COVER UPS and our presidents are presidents have left behind. finally being exposed. There were fifteen different presidents that have cheated on their wives -- and those are only the ones that have been caught. The world of the presidency is full of lies, deceit, and coverups. Are the conspiracies true? How much underground work is there? In this edition, we collected the fragments
Mistresses of the Office Moniica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton (Left) and Lucy Mercer, Teddy Roosevelts mistress.
“I dread that strangers will look curiously upon my dead face.”
By Trenz Pruca
Days after Grover Cleveland was named the Democratic candidate for president in 1884, the Buffalo Evening Telegraph exposed his damaging past. Cleveland raped Maria Halpin, a woman he lusted over, causing her to get pregnant with his child. “I am very sorry to say that he is a corrupt, licentious man. He has never been married, and is notoriously bad with women. Cleveland is well known here, and it is a reproach to the city that he ever got into the Gubernatorial chair. I most sincerly and earnestly pray that he will not be our next President. His public life is revealing his true character.” - Pastor Henry W. Crabbe from Cleveland’s hometown. Pastor Crabbe’s wish never came true however. Cleveland would go on to win the presidency by a slim margin. The Republican’s chant of “Ma, ma, where’s my Pa?” was answered by Democrats with “Gone to the White House, ha ha ha!” But where was the child and Halpin? Through his political network, he threw Halpin into a mental asylum and her child into the orphanage, abandoning all sort of responsibility. At the end of her life, Halpin’s last wish was for her funeral not to be public. “I dread that strangers will look curiously upon my dead face.” - Maria Halpin
Maria Halpin
Maria eventually remarried and remained out of the public eye. Cleveland also married, to his best friend’s daughter, Frances Folhom -- the youngest first lady in American History at 21 (27 years younger than him). Their son was eventually adopted by another family.
“Another Voice for Cleveland,” September 1884 (Library of Congress)
Maria Halpin pictured on the top. Grover Cleveland pictured below.
Scandals In and Out of the Bedroom Many people say you can tell who a person is by their friends and William Harding’s “Ohio Gang” plays true to that. Harding picked his wanton and corrupt friends as his cabinent members who left him the legacy of the Teapot Dome Scandal. However, there are other hidden scandals that this president has in store. Nan Britton was a secretary and visited Harding in the White House frequently. At 19 she became impregnanted without a husband. To cover up the shame, she told a nosy landlord that her husband died in the Great War. She later revealed one year
before his reelection that her daughter, Elizabeth, was fathered by the President himself. Although Harding provided financial assistance, he never made an effort to see his daugther nor did he acknowledge the paternity. But, one lover wasn’t enough for Harding. He also had a long-term affair with the wife of a local dry goods store owner. Harding got hit with consequences though. During the 1920 election, she blackmailed him for $50,000 and a cruise to China.
Monica Lewinsky now, pictured for a Me Too Vanity Fair article
The Intern - Bill Clinton’s Affair “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky.” - Bill Clinton But according to Monica Lewinsky, he did. Nine times. The White House staff tried to intervene and stop
the affair by relocating her to the Pentagon and asking UN ambassador, Bill Richardson, to interview her for a position, which she declined. Lewinsky confided in friend
Linda Tripp about the affair. Tripp had told Lewinsky to save the gifts and a stained dress from one of their interactions as an “insurance policy”. Tripp later taped the two and brought
them to the attention of the Paula Jones Case workers later on. Although, Lewinsky submitted an affidavit that denied a sexual relationship with Clinton in the case.
She even tried convincing Tripp to committ perjury on the stand. Tripp instead gave the tapes to Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr. Starr broadened his investigation of the Whitewater controversy to include Lewinsky and her perjury. Hillary Clinton remained faithful to Mr. Clinton throughout the scandal and public humiliation, and even said “The Great Story here for anybody willing to find it and write about it and explain it is this vast rightwing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my
Bill Clinton conducting a speech for a rally.
“The Great Story here for anybody willing to find it and write about it and explain it is this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for President.” Hillary Clinton
husband since the day he announced for President.” The Clinton Administration remained swift about their denials to the allegations. It all worked until Lewinsky was granted transactional immunity in exchange for a grand jury testimony. She turned in the
stained dress that Tripp advised her to keep and the semen sample matched Clinton’s blood sample, providing evidence that there was an affair. Clinton then confessed to a grand jury that he had engaged in an “improper physical relationship” admitting that his relationship with
Lewinsky was “not appropriate”. Clinton however dodged any perjury charges by claiming that he thought the question, “Have you ever had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky” meant being in contact with her private areas, and did not include receiving pleasure from her.
Clinton was also acquitted for the charges of perjury and obstruction of justice for impeachment.