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For the fi rst two weeks of the FutureLab, students were exposed to speakers across diff erent verti cals such as Healthcare, Living Environments, Future of Work, Retail and more opening their minds and expanding their horizons before starting the Future Scenarios process. During that ti me students worked in teams and discovered global innovati ons across industries and communiti es. The result can be seen in the fi rst report of the FutureLab – 1|Global Innovati on Collecti on: htt ps://bit.ly/futurelabinnovati oncollecti on The work student teams did thus far created a rich context from which to develop future scenarios. Students were encouraged to create relevance within their scenarios that will help to carry plausibility balancing a link to what we know today while creati ng a narrati ve that is pushing the story far into the future through innovati ve thinking and new ideas.




People's need to communicate with others around the world, regardless of distance or other obstacles in between. Everything has to be connected online and through the internet. More Information available Driving forces, someti mes called macro/mega-trend with a long life, a strong current resulti ng from many forces (society, technology, environment, economic, politi cal) that cannot be infl uenced or manipulated. Drivers illustrate an underlying push that causes changes impacti ng people Driver Extremes and resulti ng in modifi ed and observable behavior

People's need to communicate with triggering a trend to appear. others around the world, regardless Fast-Living lifestyle of distance or other obstacles in between. Everything has to be connected online and through the internet. More Information available Internet becomes There is no room for people to make mistakes or try different paths/careers Climate of the planet could be changed permanently to be hotter

Planet could become inhospitable to human/animal life How people world is Ocean rise permanently affects coast lines

Fossil fuels completely stall all green energy innovations such as through lobbying

More care is payed to how our actions affect animals on the planet

Not all countries can afford to replace energies with green alternatives and reject them for economic reasons

Climate of the planet could be stabilized to an acceptable standard Planet could flourish as species adapt to the new climate How people live across the world is saved through global cooperation Coast lines become expansive and reclaim lost land Greener energy sources become mandatory over fossil fuels More species go extinct every single year as people continue on their present course and stop caring Fast-Living lifestyle

Global Climate Change The work of the teams was aggregated to refl ect the strongest driving forces and to create four “super scenarios”. As the student teams conti nue to dive into more concrete soluti ons envisioning the way we will live and work post-COVID, the “super scenarios” will serve as vehicle to test their ideas against these four alternate futures.

People's need to communicate with others around the world, regardless of distance or other obstacles in between. Everything has to be connected online and through the Polar Opposites

Fast-Living lifestyle Global Climate Change

The need of reducing cost, increase efficiency and do more for less

Global Climate Change People have a need to constantly be updated with current technologies causing many to go obselete even faster than before People can no longer separate their personal and professional lives People have a distinct online separation between work and personal lives allowing them to have 2 online lives Students explored diff erent trends and drivers producing meaningful insights that could inform a The need for the latest stuff contribute to problem of polution Social media becomes a driving force in people's life decisions Social media becomes a new way to express peoples lives and business/ news rather than a personal use future directi on through a deep understanding of “why” did xyz emerge and what is causing certain

People live so fast that families sizes start to diminish due to the time needed to raise children Places which have no access to internet become inaccessible to news and knowledge The world becomes connected in a unseen way and allows for fast communication and knowledge sharing worldwide More time can be focused on each chiild in smaller families developments? The teams uti lized visualizati on methodologies to illustrate their research.

Entertainment more available to areas that previously had no People prioritize what is important to them in life due to the fast pace not access allowing for Superpowers are shifting with rise of the BRIC nations (Brazil, Russia, India and China) distractions People are being more unsocial and depressed without physical interaction People are able to connect with anyone no matter the time due to the interent 3 DETERMINING KEY DRIVING FORCES

Based on their research, each student team determined their top two driving forces, stress

live across the largely altered

internet. More Information available

Internet becomes more available to areas that previously had no access and Technology is available to all groups and communities at all scales Private led sustainability initiatives by businesses and citizens

allows online freedom to everyone

People are being more unsocial and depressed without physical interaction

As more countries come online governments can enhance their ability to control/track their citizens

People are able to connect with anyone no matter the time due to the interent

People live so fast that families sizes start to diminish due to the time needed to raise children

People have a need to constantly be updated with current technologies causing many to go obsolete but not everyone can afford the most

Children's development is faster than before

Everyone the most updated technology constantly regardless of the situation due to the tech cycle requiring unified device usage


updated Technology sparsely available and only to the resource rich and wealthy

Technology is available to all groups and communities at all scales

Not all countries can afford to replace energies with green alternatives and reject them for economic reasons

Collaberative efforts by all people on reinventing coastal areas, buildings and practices

Greener energy sources become mandatory over fossil fuels/people who use fossil fuels are shunned in society

The wealthy and privileged are able to afford the ability to adapt their current situation as others are forced to leave


� Private led sustainability initiatives by businesses and citizens

� Public led sustainability initiatives led by governments

Impact on how we live and work in 2030 People's need to communicate with others around the world, regardless tested each driver’s polar opposite to arti culate of distance or other obstacles in between. Everything has to be connected online and through the internet. More Information available Fast-Living lifestyle extremes and used a 2x2 matrix to develop snipAs Countries Comes Online, Government Can Track Their Citizens As more countries come online governments can enhance their ability to control/track their citizens People live so fast that families sizes start to diminish due to the time needed to raise children Children's development is faster than before Internet becomes more available to areas that previously had no access and allows online freedom to everyone pets that refl ect the infl uence of these drivers in the context of uncertainty and how they impact Global Climate Change

Greener energy sources become mandatory over fossil fuels/people who use fossil fuels are shunned in society and IGOs

Scenario 1

Scenario 3 Scenario 2

Scenario 4

Public led sustainability initiatives led by governments and IGOs

Everyone the most updated technology constantly regardless of the situation due to the tech cycle requiring unified device usage People have a need to constantly be updated with current technologies causing many to go obsolete but not everyone can afford the most People are being more unsocial and depressed without physical interaction People are able to connect with anyone no matter the time due to the interent the way we will live and work in the future. The teams created newspaper headlines and snippets Collaberative efforts by all people on reinventing coastal areas, buildings and practices The wealthy and privileged are able to afford the ability to adapt their current situation as others are forced to leave Technology sparsely updated available and Scenario Collages to start the process of creati ng strong narrati ves only to the resource rich and wealthy and storylines.

Impact of private led sustainability by businesses and citizens on communities and group

- Turning off lights - Using less water - Growing own food - Recycling - Not Littering - Republicans - Democrats

- Independent Parties A behavioral trend that results from the influences of the macrotrends (the world) on people. 5-10+ years.

Socializing becomes more divided, people want be with others who have the same point of view

Socializing become more unified as people with different views communicate and discuss with one another People have become distrustful of the government People have become distrustful of news sources

People have started to be more cautious even in their own houses, turning off lights and planting.

People do not believe climate change is real and that they can actually individually make a change.

People believe they can individually make a change. People become stressed from too much information constantly

People have become more technologically dependent

People connecting with others all across the globe

People becoming more world minded as everyone can have a say and be heard

People are expected to be available Individual


People become more hostile towards these populations

People want to help these countries develop their economies to help their individual nations grow

People learn more languages in order to facilitate better communication with suppliers

People are stressed due to less time for self-care

Less time for amenities like cooking, cleaning, etc.

Life changes happen quicker such as moves and job changes

People increasingly have the need for instant gratification

People become more resourceful to get what they need

People may lack the means of accessing or affording proper education within their areas

People becoming increasingly hostile towards robots and AI

People often get paid lower wages working these jobs

Robots and machines may easily take over the jobs of already lowwaged workers

People stressing themselves over trying to compete with machines for jobs

People want to get different source of entertainment like online gaming, video streaming

People may be more driven to experience online means of entertainment rather than exploring local or environmental means

The stress upon customer satisfaction may interfere with workers capabilities

Easier means of accessing high quality products

People may be biased towards or lack understanding of cultures or diversities that differ from their own

People getting emerged in different cultures, increasing their knowledge on different countries way of living, food, others.

People want to move outside of the busier cities

More people may want to move to suburban neighborhoods with larger families to have more space Drivers

DRIVER: An underlying push that causes a trend to appear. Sometimes it is called macro/mega-trend with a long life, a strong current resulting from many forces (society, technology, environment, economic, political) that cannot be influenced or manipulated. 20+ years.

Internal Political Divisions

Global ClimateGlobal Climate ChangeChange

People's need to communicate with others around the world, regardless of distance or other obstacles in between. Everything has to be connected online and through the internet. More Information available

Superpowers are shifting with rise of the BRIC nations (Brazil, Russia, India and China)

Fast-Living lifestyle

Lack of access in low income area

The need of reducing cost, increase efficiency and do more for less


Costumers having more expectations for service and quality

Cultures and Diversity

Increasing populations and density Design

A trend that manifests itself as a product, service or system as a result of individual’s wants and needs. 2-5 years.

News sources catering to specific crowds have emerged

The rise of fake news sources and social media being a prominent political platform

Increased accessibility of bike lanes may lessen cars and their environmental impacts

Improved laws and legislation to deal with the ongoing issue

More climate conscious products emerge due to scientific evidence

Better education based towards understanding environmental changes

Creation of more accessible and reliable online communication platforms globally

More information is available from online databases

More jobs and manufacturing are shipped abroad to developing countries

Services become available in more languages as different nations are involved on a single product or idea

Faster service times such as delivery and food staff, shipping and shopping

High demand on robots for cleaning

More people eating from restaurants and using delivery

Resources not previously available can be accessed through means of online technology

Innovations such as robots can help to deliver items not readily available in low income areas

Faster shipping and production

Use of robots to help speed up the production process

Work from home can cost less for the company and it is convenient

Lower costs for the company creating lower prices for the consumer

Development of online gaming, video streaming websites, for entertainment purpose

Using new forms of online entertainment to shift how we interact with our public environments

Companies may begin to focus more on online business to access more customers

Creation of faster shipping and delivery times of items due to drones or more technology in warehouses

Innovation of cross generation and culture tech

cultural diversity has a stronger impact on innovation than other diversity indicators such as age or gender.

Denser cities and urban areas

Innovation in real estates and housing, creation of smart cities - Fox News - CNN - CBS - BBC - WBZ

- Bike Lanes - BlueBike Rentals - Bike Racks

- Federal Agencies like the EPA - Environmental Laws

- Hybrid Vehicles like the Prius - Fuel Efficient Cars

Educational Programs - Reuse, Reduce, Recycle

Social Media - Facebook - Twitter - Snapchat - Instagram Bigger Factories and shops More Manufacturing jobs Brands like: - Nike - Apple - Toyota - Honda

- Wikipedia - Online Libraries - Company Websites - Online Registries

- English - French - Spanish - Chinese - Hindi - Bengali - Portuguese - Russian -German

FedEx's autonomous robot SameDay Bot delivers packages to your doorstep https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/28/samedaybot-fedex-deliv

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