WIT psac Solutions

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Post-Secondary: Solutions 3.1-3.10 Solution Number: 3.1 Athens Community Career Academy Solution Description: A key strategy for preparing students for post-secondary and career success includes a new high school, the Athens Community Career Academy (ACCA), which opened in fall 2011 in the H.T. Edwards Complex in the ACC PN. The ACCA is a collaborative venture among the CCSD,UGA College of Education, Athens Technical College, and OneAthens. It currently enrolls 281 10th-12th graders (with a goal of 430 students by 2012-13) and combines a high school academic curriculum with a career/occupational theme of coursework. Courses are specifically designed to meet the needs of local business, industry and workforce; to change with labor market and local economic needs; and to provide opportunities for students to participate in pre-college and dual/joint enrollment. Any 10th-12th grade high school student in CCSD is eligible. Once students complete their course sequence in their pathway of choice, they have an opportunity to take relevant college courses for credit on-site through Athens Technical College. Students are engaged in a 100-hour applied work or research experience, followed by a project to demonstrate their learning. Students also take the WorkKeys assessment to demonstrate they have mastered the program and are required to have an internship. The school is one of the Professional Development Schools in partnership with the UGA College of Education, which includes a Professor-inResidence who is a workplace ethics expert. Career pathways offered include Health Occupations, Law & Justice, Broadcast/Music Video Production, Business Information Technology, Marketing, and Engineering/Drafting/Design. Brief Summary of Evidence: Career Academies provide successful school-to-work transitions without compromising academic goals and preparation for college. Evidence also suggests that investments in career-related experiences during high school can produce substantial and sustained improvements in the employment prospects of students during their post-secondary years. A long-term study of career academies conducted by MDRC demonstrates the feasibility of improving labor market preparation and successful school-to-work transitions without compromising academic goals and preparation for college. Investments in career-related experiences during high school can produce substantial and sustained improvements in the labor market prospects and transitions to adulthood of youth. In fact, Career Academies are one of the few youth-focused interventions that have been found to improve the labor market prospects of young men. At the same time, Career Academies have proven to be challenging to implement on a large scale with high levels of fidelity. Citations: Kemple, J. & Poglinco, S. (1999). Career academies: building career awareness and work-based learning activities through employer partnerships . New York: MDRC.

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