Best Friends Forever…Literally Prologue Victoria De Luca was probably the most beautiful girl in the world. Silky long black hair, smoky eyes, and a smile like a thousand suns, that is when she does smile. That girl may look like the next super model but she will never be. No one talks to her. No one mentions her. No guys hit on her. She goes the days being unnoticed by anyone. But that’s what they want you to think. They all see her, know she’s there, and even glance at her, but never will they admit she’s there. There is something wrong with that Victoria girl, something wrong indeed, you see she seems to make you stay away. Like a force telling you to avert your eyes, a little voice in your head telling you to ignore her. I will tell you what’s wrong with her; Victoria De Luca is in fact not human. Victoria De Luca is in fact, a “living”, breathing, actual, vampire. I know what you are thinking! Who is this strange child and why isn’t she in a straight jacket? Well, my name is Christina Peak; Christina was Grandmas name, and no I am not a Tina, so I go by Chris. You could say I stick out like a fruit basket at Fanny May. I am not a part of the inner circle of bobble heads, players, and sluts. I am like on the other side of the social universe of clique schools. I call it the SUCS. Yep, I’m the red-haired girl, with braces, and big eyes. By big I mean HUGE!! I guess I was born to be different. I wear a faded old leather jacket that I bought from a second hand store, everyday. I just feel like it’s a part of me! Now back to the topic, Victoria. It all started about two months ago. (Dramatic fade out) Chapter 1: The Beginning “CHRISTINA!!! Get down here NOW!” You must love the early morning call of a six months pregnant stepmother! I crawl out of bed, slowly. Monday mornings have got to be the worst days ever. It not only is the first day back to school after a successfully lazy weekend, but