TOWN TOPICS, PRINCETON, N.J., WEDNESDAY, august 17, 2016 • 18
Where Bright Dyslexic Studen
Newgrange Independent S at Princeton
More High School and College Students Are Driving Cars of Their Own Today
UV, mini-van, coupe, sedan, wagon, sporty conver tible, pick-up truck? You name it — all these and more belong to high school and college students,
who are owning their own automobiles in increasing numbers. It may not be the “coolest” car and perhaps veer a bit toward “soft serve vanilla,” and maybe it doesn’t have
heated seats, navigation aids, or touch screen controls, but it is their own! Perhaps they have saved enough to purchase that very first car themselves, but more often than not, parents
your community music school
help with the finances. Budget is key, and most often, a certified previously-owned vehicle is the best bet for a student. Princeton area dealerships offer a wide range of opportunities for these first-time car owners. Cost-Conscious “We see a large increase in students purchasing their own cars,” says Scott T. Harvey, vice president of op erat ions, Coleman Subaru and Coleman KIA in Ewing. “We have several different programs to assist in the purchase of cars for the younger buyers. With our brands of Subaru and KIA and the availability of Grades 1-5 a certified pre-owned car of either brand, it has been rel- Gordon Sherman Ph.D., Executive Director Sherman Ph.D.,Expert Executive Director atively easy for the younger Gordon Internationally Known on Dyslexia cost-conscious buyer to ob- Internationally Known Expert on Dyslexia tain something decent.” A variety of vehicles are Dee Rosenberg, M.A., LDT/C Now Enrolling favored by the youngest Dee Rosenberg, M.A., LDT/C Assistant Director Gordon Sherman Ph.D., Executive Director drivers, depending on their Gordon Sherman Ph.D., Executive Director Grades 1-8 Assistant Director taste, budget, and parental Internationally Known Expert on Dyslexia Internationally Known Expert on Dyslexia influence, points out Mr. Gordon F. Sherman, Ph.D., Executive Director Harvey. “The smaller SUVs Dee Rosenberg, M.A., LDT/C and four-door sedans seem Dee Rosenberg, M.A, LDT/C, Assistant Director to be the most popular. SubAssistantM.A., DirectorLDT/C Dee Rosenberg, aru and KIA make a wide va407 Assistant Nassau Street, Princeton Director riety of each, so we have a lot for them to choose from. For Information Also, they often want radio Sunday, August 12 – 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm features. Syncing of phones Call 609-566-6000 407 Nassau Street, Princeton and music is very important,
Grades 1-5
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Internationally Known Expert on Dyslexi
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Continued on Page 20
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19 • TOWN TOPICS, PRINCETON, N.J., WEDNESDAY, august 17, 2016
TOWN TOPICS, PRINCETON, N.J., WEDNESDAY, august 17, 2016 • 20
Cars of Their Own Continued from Page 18
and both of our brands accommodate this very well. Of course, the parents want them to have safety features.” As Mr. Harvey pointed out, previously-owned autos are often the most cost-effective options for high school and college students, and he says these are readily available at
Coleman Subaru and KIA. “A certified used car or a lease on a new one are the most popular here. We pride ourselves at Coleman Subaru and KIA on our certified pre-owned program. This takes all of the concern out of purchasing a used car, and increases the warranties. With Subaru and KIA, we are very fortunate that the National Insurance Institute of Highway Safety rates
our brands very high, with most of our models earning a 5-Star.” Peter C. DiPersia, vice president of Honda of Princeton, located on State Road, points out that Hondas also have a very high safety history, a very important factor for the youngest drivers to consider. “All cars are improving their safety ratings, but Honda remains one of the safest in the industry as measured by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the National Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. With the 5-Star rating from these organizations, we offer parents a safe, reliable car for their kid! Hondas are known for their ‘DQR‘ — Durability, Quality, and Reliability, so parents are very comfortable with the brand.” Jeep or Convertible Mr. DiPersia reports that the most popular Hondas for high school and college students are the “all new redesigned Civic and also the new compact SUV, called the HRV.” And, he adds, “Every kid wants a Jeep or a convertible, but when mom and dad get involved, they want their kid to have a safe, reliable car from a reputable dealership. Honda of Princeton is able to provide all of that and more. By more, I mean offering two years or 24,000 miles of pre-paid maintenance on all new and certified pre-owned
Hondas at no charge to the customer. “Often times,” he continues, “the introduction to the Honda brand is made through a cer tified pre ow ned Honda. St udents may be able to afford a little more car by looking at a pre-owned vehicle with a factory-backed warranty.” Belle Mead Garage on Route 206 in Belle Mead focuses on previously-owned vehicles, and finds these to be very popular with young drivers, says owner Christopher (“Kip”) Higgins. The 89-year-old family business is a favorite of its many long-time customers. After 74 years as a Chrysler dealership, Belle Mead Garage now emphasizes preowned vehicles and service. “All of our pre-owned cars have a warranty unless specifically marked,” says Mr. Higgins, who is the third generation of his family to operate the business. “Service is our specialty, and we have different generation customers — including the youngest — from the same families. They appreciate our personal attention, which includes service reminders and free loaner cars when needed. “All of our pre-owned cars are certified, meaning they meet a check-list of standards. We offer low financing cash rebate incentives, and excellent warranties and guarantees.”
“Bells and Whistles” Among the younger customers, SUVs and Jeeps are especially popular, reports Mr. Higgins. “SUVs sit a little higher, and visibility is always good, and so is maneuverability. Jeeps are one of the favorites with the high school and college students, as are Honda Civics and Accords, and also Toyota sedans and coupes.”
As far as the latest high tech “bells and whistles”, he notes that “The kids come in with high hopes! They’ve been used to these features in their parents’ cars, and they want them too. Sound systems are especially important to them and electronic plug-ins.” Another long-time familyowned dealership is Volvo of Continued on Next Page
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Continued from Preceding Page
Princeton in Lawrenceville. Customer loyalty is a priority of this company and brothers David, Matt, and Larry Long opened Long Motor Company in Princeton in 1982. Customers especially appreciate Volvo’s safety record, and this is very important when young drivers are behind the wheel of their first car. “Most (85 to 90 percent) of our young clientele are buying pre-owned vehicles,” says Chris Long, Volvo of Princeton general manager and the second generation to be involved in the family business. “Their parents often want to see the kids in an SUV because it is higher off the ground, and they also want all-wheel drive, which is a huge safety feature. Many Models “Sedans and wagons are also good for kids, and we sell a mix of many models, including, of course, Volvos.” Vehicle safety is always a priority at Volvo of Prince-
ton. As Mr. Long points out, “We tell parents that anyone can have an accident. It’s not planned, but it can happen. I urge them to surround their children with the safest car. This gives them a head start and leg-up in case an accident does happen.” Mr. Long adds that Blue Tooth technology for cell phones in the car is another feature parents encourage. Customer satisfaction is always very important to Volvo of Princeton, he says, and the dealership has received top honors in customer satisfaction for 25 years in a row. When it comes to safety issues, all the area dealerships point to the dangers of texting or talking on the phone while driving. “ Te x t i ng h as e cl ip s e d drunk driving as the biggest source of accidents among teens and young people,” notes Mr. Long. “When we sell a car to young drivers, we always stress the risks of texting. There are means to track the phone now to see if kids have been texting. This is recommended. it’s called ‘parenting.’”
is on
Driver Awareness Kip Higgins agrees, and he and the staff at Belle Mead Garage always point out the risks of texting and phoning, and recommend the use of hand-free phone features. “The most impor tant thing is driver awareness,” he says. “There is a time to drive and a time to text, and they should not be done together.” “We strongly recommend NEVER texting while driving,” adds Mr. Harvey. “We want all drivers to know how important it is NOT to text. They need to understand that if a driver is involved in a serious accident, their phone records will be used against them in court.” Texting is an equally important issue at Honda of Princeton, says Mr. DiPersia. “Our management does an exit interview with every customer, and whenever there is a student or young person involved, we tell them to put down the phone! Put it in the compartment between the seats because distracted driving is the leading cause of accidents these days, and your life is just not worth responding to a text with an emoji. “Honda of Princeton is a major sponsor of the Montgomery Fun Fest coming up on Sunday, September 25th,” continues Mr. DiPersia. “At our booth, we will be asking both parents and kids alike to sign a pledge not to text and drive.” It’s great fun to be in the driver’s seat in that special first car, but safety awareness helps ensure that the fun will last! —Jean Stratton
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21 • TOWN TOPICS, PRINCETON, N.J., WEDNESDAY, august 17, 2016
Cars of Their Own