TOWN TOPICS, PRINCETON, N.J., WEDNESDAY, august 17, 2016 • 18
Where Bright Dyslexic Studen
Newgrange Independent S at Princeton
More High School and College Students Are Driving Cars of Their Own Today
UV, mini-van, coupe, sedan, wagon, sporty conver tible, pick-up truck? You name it — all these and more belong to high school and college students,
who are owning their own automobiles in increasing numbers. It may not be the “coolest” car and perhaps veer a bit toward “soft serve vanilla,” and maybe it doesn’t have
heated seats, navigation aids, or touch screen controls, but it is their own! Perhaps they have saved enough to purchase that very first car themselves, but more often than not, parents
your community music school
help with the finances. Budget is key, and most often, a certified previously-owned vehicle is the best bet for a student. Princeton area dealerships offer a wide range of opportunities for these first-time car owners. Cost-Conscious “We see a large increase in students purchasing their own cars,” says Scott T. Harvey, vice president of op erat ions, Coleman Subaru and Coleman KIA in Ewing. “We have several different programs to assist in the purchase of cars for the younger buyers. With our brands of Subaru and KIA and the availability of Grades 1-5 a certified pre-owned car of either brand, it has been rel- Gordon Sherman Ph.D., Executive Director Sherman Ph.D.,Expert Executive Director atively easy for the younger Gordon Internationally Known on Dyslexia cost-conscious buyer to ob- Internationally Known Expert on Dyslexia tain something decent.” A variety of vehicles are Dee Rosenberg, M.A., LDT/C Now Enrolling favored by the youngest Dee Rosenberg, M.A., LDT/C Assistant Director Gordon Sherman Ph.D., Executive Director drivers, depending on their Gordon Sherman Ph.D., Executive Director Grades 1-8 Assistant Director taste, budget, and parental Internationally Known Expert on Dyslexia Internationally Known Expert on Dyslexia influence, points out Mr. Gordon F. Sherman, Ph.D., Executive Director Harvey. “The smaller SUVs Dee Rosenberg, M.A., LDT/C and four-door sedans seem Dee Rosenberg, M.A, LDT/C, Assistant Director to be the most popular. SubAssistantM.A., DirectorLDT/C Dee Rosenberg, aru and KIA make a wide va407 Assistant Nassau Street, Princeton Director riety of each, so we have a lot for them to choose from. For Information Also, they often want radio Sunday, August 12 – 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm features. Syncing of phones Call 609-566-6000 407 Nassau Street, Princeton and music is very important,
Grades 1-5
Come to the Experts! Where Bright Dyslexic Students Excel!!
DesignedStudents for Where Bright Dyslexic Excel Where Bright Dyslexic Students E Where Bright Dyslexic Students Exce
Now NewgrangeEnrollin Independent Scho
the Dyslexic Mind!School Newgrange Newgrange Independent Independent School at Where Bright Dyslexic Students Exc at Princeton Princeton
atGrades Princeton GordonNewgrange ShermanGrades Ph.D.,1-5 Grades 1-5Executive Independent SchoolD 1-5 ComeDyslexic to the Experts! Where Bright Students Excel!! Come to the Experts! at Princeton Internationally Known on D Newgrange School Come toIndependent the Expert Experts! ComeGrades to the Experts! Now Enrolling 1-5 at Princeton Now Enrolling
Now Enrolling
Come to the Experts! Dee Rosenberg, Come to theM.A., Experts! LDT/C Now Assistant Director NowEnrolling Enrolling Gordon Sherman Ph.D., Executive Directo
Internationally Known Expert on Dyslexi
Sunday, August 12 – Director 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Assistant Sunday, August 12 – 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Thursday, August 16 – 9:00 am – 10:30 am HOUSE DATES: Thursday, OPEN August 16 – 9:00 am – 10:30 am
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Continued on Page 20
609-688-1280 x 210
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19 • TOWN TOPICS, PRINCETON, N.J., WEDNESDAY, august 17, 2016
TOWN TOPICS, PRINCETON, N.J., WEDNESDAY, august 17, 2016 • 20
Cars of Their Own Continued from Page 18
and both of our brands accommodate this very well. Of course, the parents want them to have safety features.” As Mr. Harvey pointed out, previously-owned autos are often the most cost-effective options for high school and college students, and he says these are readily available at
Coleman Subaru and KIA. “A certified used car or a lease on a new one are the most popular here. We pride ourselves at Coleman Subaru and KIA on our certified pre-owned program. This takes all of the concern out of purchasing a used car, and increases the warranties. With Subaru and KIA, we are very fortunate that the National Insurance Institute of Highway Safety rates
our brands very high, with most of our models earning a 5-Star.” Peter C. DiPersia, vice president of Honda of Princeton, located on State Road, points out that Hondas also have a very high safety history, a very important factor for the youngest drivers to consider. “All cars are improving their safety ratings, but Honda remains one of the safest in the industry as measured by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the National Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. With the 5-Star rating from these organizations, we offer parents a safe, reliable car for their kid! Hondas are known for their ‘DQR‘ — Durability, Quality, and Reliability, so parents are very comfortable with the brand.” Jeep or Convertible Mr. DiPersia reports that the most popular Hondas for high school and college students are the “all new redesigned Civic and also the new compact SUV, called the HRV.” And, he adds, “Every kid wants a Jeep or a convertible, but when mom and dad get involved, they want their kid to have a safe, reliable car from a reputable dealership. Honda of Princeton is able to provide all of that and more. By more, I mean offering two years or 24,000 miles of pre-paid maintenance on all new and certified pre-owned
Hondas at no charge to the customer. “Often times,” he continues, “the introduction to the Honda brand is made through a cer tified pre ow ned Honda. St udents may be able to afford a little more car by looking at a pre-owned vehicle with a factory-backed warranty.” Belle Mead Garage on Route 206 in Belle Mead focuses on previously-owned vehicles, and finds these to be very popular with young drivers, says owner Christopher (“Kip”) Higgins. The 89-year-old family business is a favorite of its many long-time customers. After 74 years as a Chrysler dealership, Belle Mead Garage now emphasizes preowned vehicles and service. “All of our pre-owned cars have a warranty unless specifically marked,” says Mr. Higgins, who is the third generation of his family to operate the business. “Service is our specialty, and we have different generation customers — including the youngest — from the same families. They appreciate our personal attention, which includes service reminders and free loaner cars when needed. “All of our pre-owned cars are certified, meaning they meet a check-list of standards. We offer low financing cash rebate incentives, and excellent warranties and guarantees.”
“Bells and Whistles” Among the younger customers, SUVs and Jeeps are especially popular, reports Mr. Higgins. “SUVs sit a little higher, and visibility is always good, and so is maneuverability. Jeeps are one of the favorites with the high school and college students, as are Honda Civics and Accords, and also Toyota sedans and coupes.”
As far as the latest high tech “bells and whistles”, he notes that “The kids come in with high hopes! They’ve been used to these features in their parents’ cars, and they want them too. Sound systems are especially important to them and electronic plug-ins.” Another long-time familyowned dealership is Volvo of Continued on Next Page
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Continued from Preceding Page
Princeton in Lawrenceville. Customer loyalty is a priority of this company and brothers David, Matt, and Larry Long opened Long Motor Company in Princeton in 1982. Customers especially appreciate Volvo’s safety record, and this is very important when young drivers are behind the wheel of their first car. “Most (85 to 90 percent) of our young clientele are buying pre-owned vehicles,” says Chris Long, Volvo of Princeton general manager and the second generation to be involved in the family business. “Their parents often want to see the kids in an SUV because it is higher off the ground, and they also want all-wheel drive, which is a huge safety feature. Many Models “Sedans and wagons are also good for kids, and we sell a mix of many models, including, of course, Volvos.” Vehicle safety is always a priority at Volvo of Prince-
ton. As Mr. Long points out, “We tell parents that anyone can have an accident. It’s not planned, but it can happen. I urge them to surround their children with the safest car. This gives them a head start and leg-up in case an accident does happen.” Mr. Long adds that Blue Tooth technology for cell phones in the car is another feature parents encourage. Customer satisfaction is always very important to Volvo of Princeton, he says, and the dealership has received top honors in customer satisfaction for 25 years in a row. When it comes to safety issues, all the area dealerships point to the dangers of texting or talking on the phone while driving. “ Te x t i ng h as e cl ip s e d drunk driving as the biggest source of accidents among teens and young people,” notes Mr. Long. “When we sell a car to young drivers, we always stress the risks of texting. There are means to track the phone now to see if kids have been texting. This is recommended. it’s called ‘parenting.’”
is on
Driver Awareness Kip Higgins agrees, and he and the staff at Belle Mead Garage always point out the risks of texting and phoning, and recommend the use of hand-free phone features. “The most impor tant thing is driver awareness,” he says. “There is a time to drive and a time to text, and they should not be done together.” “We strongly recommend NEVER texting while driving,” adds Mr. Harvey. “We want all drivers to know how important it is NOT to text. They need to understand that if a driver is involved in a serious accident, their phone records will be used against them in court.” Texting is an equally important issue at Honda of Princeton, says Mr. DiPersia. “Our management does an exit interview with every customer, and whenever there is a student or young person involved, we tell them to put down the phone! Put it in the compartment between the seats because distracted driving is the leading cause of accidents these days, and your life is just not worth responding to a text with an emoji. “Honda of Princeton is a major sponsor of the Montgomery Fun Fest coming up on Sunday, September 25th,” continues Mr. DiPersia. “At our booth, we will be asking both parents and kids alike to sign a pledge not to text and drive.” It’s great fun to be in the driver’s seat in that special first car, but safety awareness helps ensure that the fun will last! —Jean Stratton
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21 • TOWN TOPICS, PRINCETON, N.J., WEDNESDAY, august 17, 2016
Cars of Their Own
TOWN TOPICS, PRINCETON, N.J., WEDNESDAY, august 17, 2016 • 24
BACK TO SCHOOL Princeton Area Public and Private Schools Offer Healthy, Nutritional Lunches for Students
he statistics are alarmi n g. A c c o r d i n g to studies from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. Today, about one in three kids is overweight or obese. A n d s t u d i e s s h o w t h at overweight kids tend to become overweight and obese adults. Studies also indicate that overweight children are more likely to have risk factors for cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, pre-diabetes, bone and joint problems, and various types of cancer. A number of factors have contributed to the rise in obesit y among children. Among them : less physic a l ac t iv it y, w it h m ore time spent watching TV or engaged in video games; increased marketing of unhealthy foods (especially targeting kids); larger portion sizes and higher consumption of sugary beverages. Some studies indicate that one fifth of teens drink the equivalent of an extra meal in sugar-sweetened bever-
ages. One important way to begin to combat this problem is by following the dietary guidelines of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Agriculture. The latter has instituted “My Plate” guidelines for a healthy daily menu. A chart, “To Make it Simple,” shows a plate half filled with fruits and vegetables, a quarter with grains, another quarter with protein, and a very small portion of dairy. Healthy Eating School lunches can be a major part of furthering the goal of healthy eating, and according to the Physicians Committee on Healthy School Lunches, more work needs to be done. Their studies show that menus in many school lunch programs are too high in saturated fat and cholesterol and too low in fiber- and nutrient-rich fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. The Physicians Committee “Healthy School Lunch Program” is dedicated to improving the food served to children in schools by educating government and school officials, food service
workers, and parents about the food choices that are best able to promote children’s long-time health. Princeton area schools, both public and private, have a strong record of providing healthy lunches for their students and keeping up-to-date on the latest dietary guidelines. For example, the Princeton Public School District, including four elementary schools, one middle, and one high school, has three registered dieticians to help prepare the monthly menu, notes Sharon McLoone, operations manager of NutriSer ve Food Management Company, which serves the school district. “There are state and federal guidelines and regulations that we must follow,” adds Ms. McLoone. “By following the Child Nutrition guidelines put forth by the USDA and NJDA, the dietary concerns are addressed, and we offer numerous choices hopefully appealing to all students. We offer hot and cold lunches, and provide a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables daily. We bake and do not fry, we use whole
grain products, and we do not offer soda or candy bars.” Ms. McLoone points out the growing awareness of children today regarding healthy eating. “Most students are more conscious of their nutritional needs, the upper level grades more so. The elementary level grades are not as concerned about the nutrition aspect of their meal — they want it to taste good and look familiar. We keep the choices healthy so it is easy for the students to make good choices.” Balanced Meals Pr inceton Montessor i School, with a student enrollment consisting of infants through eighth grade, works with its Food and Nutrition Committee to help give students options for healthy s chool lu nche s, repor t s Andrea O’Brian, Princeton Montessori director, operations and communications. “The school has two vendors from whom parents may choose to buy lunches for students: Brick Farm Market, which provides local, sustainable, farm-to-table foods; and Smart Lunches,” explains Ms. O’Brian. “Both providers use healthy ingredients and offer balanced meals. Meal plans offered
Rock Brook School
RockNJBrook Scho 109 Orchard Road, Skillman, NJ 0855 109 Orchard Road,Skillman, 08558
Continued on Next Page
A NJ Department of Education School. of Education Ap A NJApproved Department Designed for Children 3-21 years Designed for Children 5 - 14 years wi with Communication Impairment Impairment & Multiple Disabilities.& Multiple Dis
Each class is staffed with a special ed speech/language pathologist and a
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Please call for details * info@rock-broo Each class is staffed with a special education teacher, a speech/language pathologist and a teaching assistant. Tuition paid by child’s home school district, if approved. | 908 431 9500
Continued from Preceding Page
include vegetarian, glutenfree, meat-based, hot and cold lunches every day of the week.” Healthy eating is important to Princeton Montessori, as the school strives to educate the “whole child,” adds Alex Cardona, Montessori parent and chair of the Food and
Nutrition Committee. “Not only do students learn about the USDA ‘Choose My Plate’ program and the value of exercise for the body and mind, but students have the opportunity to practice these habits with the availability of healthy snack and lunch options.” The school strongly discourage s s t udent s f rom bringing “junk” food and/
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or drinks to school, says Mr. Cardona. “Each child br ings a week ly healt h ful snack to share with the rest of the class, from the youngest children in Toddler through Elementary. The responsibility of bringing in a healthy snack to share with their peers teaches children to make smart food choices and practice heathy eating habits, even at a young age. Also, the food and nutrition program policy suggests that for birthday celebrations, more healthful treats and more age-appropriate portion sizes (i.e. mini-cupcakes for our youngest children) are preferred.” Allergies, whether to gluten, peanuts, dairy, etc., are a big concern today, and Princeton Montessori does not include nuts in its dietary program, points out Ms. O’Brian. In addition, she emphasizes the importance of educating the students about making healthier food choices. “We are aware that 17 percent of American youth are obese and 36 percent of American adults are obese, and these rates are rising. At Princeton Montessori School, we believe that establishing education and raising awareness are key components in solving this growing issue. We hope to expand our food and nutrition program to a comprehensive farm-to-school program that encompasses education, awareness, sourcing, procurement from local farms, and long-term planning and sustainability.” Sustainable Practices The school has introduced a variety of programs em-
Toddler Openings!
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Continued on Next Page
Office Hours by Appointment Fax 609.924.0430
NEW PATIENTS WELCOME nceton Shopping Center • 301 N Harrison St • Princeton
Office Hours by Appointment Fax 609.924.0430
Shopping Center • 301 N Harrison St • Princeton
Open House Dates Lower School • Grades PreK – 4 Thursday, October 6, 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. Tuesday November 15, 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
of a lifetime. every day.
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For more information, please call our Admission Office at 609-924-6700 x1200.
25 • TOWN TOPICS, PRINCETON, N.J., WEDNESDAY, august 17, 2016
Nutritional Lunches
TOWN TOPICS, PRINCETON, N.J., WEDNESDAY, august 17, 2016 • 26
Nutritional Lunches Continued from Preceding Page
ONE POTATO, TWO POTATO: Local soup kitchens and food pantries will get a special crop of potatoes that were planted at Howell Living History Farm a few months ago. On Saturday, August 20, the public is invited to help the harvest crew from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Farm staff will lead the project, using horses or oxen to pull a special plow. Lemonade and cookies will be served all day. Howell Farm is on Valley Road just off Route 29 in Hopewell Township. Visit
phasizing these issues, adds Ms. O’Brian. “Even younger students seem more aware than in the past about different foods, and many are wiling to try different foods. These programs culminate with local farm visits. This past May, students from middle school participated in an all-day education program at a local farm. They learned about sustainable practices in growing food and gardening, and how to be more aware of the ingredients in our food. “Awareness of healthy eating, openness to trying new health foods, and awareness of where food comes from and how it gets to them are important for a child’s health and are important to Princeton Montessori School.”
Stuart Country Day School of the Sacred Heart has a long history of emphasizing healthy lunches for its students. “We partner with the Flik Independent School Dining team, that includes an executive chef and registered dietician to plan, review, and execute menus as well as work with the on-site team,” explains Risa Engel, Stuart director of communications. “The Stuart Dining Services team follows a clean eating philosophy. Our food and nutrition program is culinary-driven, and focuses on quality ingredients and delivering appealing and nutritious food. Though, as an independent school, we are not subject to certain government regulations, we are aware of the ever-changing
guidelines and always work to stay ahead of the curve.” Striving to provide healthy lunches for students, while being aware of the variety of issues — from obesity to food allergies — facing students today, schools must remain vigilant about these challenges. Wide Spectrum As Ms. Engel points out,
“There is a wide spectrum of health concerns when it comes to serving children today, from the risk of obesity to food allergies to body image issues. We work with our staff and dietary team as well as our families in a number of capacities to ensure that individual needs are met. Stuart does not serve peanuts and tree nuts, Continued on Page 28
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with Marcela Summerville
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Chapin School P R I N C E T O N
Join us for an Open House: October 11
November 13 & 30 609-986-1702 Prekindergarten to Eighth Grade
27 • TOWN TOPICS, PRINCETON, N.J., WEDNESDAY, august 17, 2016
YWCA Princeton’s
TOWN TOPICS, PRINCETON, N.J., WEDNESDAY, august 17, 2016 • 28
A YOUNG AMBASSADOR: Six-year-old Evalyn Carella is the official survivor ambassador for the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association’s Central Jersey Heart Walk at Arm & Hammer Park in Trenton on the evening of Friday, September 30. The event is one of 250 being held across the country. Along with her parents, Evalyn, who has a congenital heart defect and has survived numerous surgeries and procedures, is helping to raise funds to support heart and stroke research. To join the walk, visit, call (609) 208-0020 or email
Nutritional Lunches Continued from Page 26
For high achievement in violin, viola and cello performance “You are to be complimented for fostering a warm, supportive community, where your students are well taught in every respect.” Jonathan Beiler First Violinist, Philadelphia Orchestra
Call NOW to join our award winning string program: • Private lessons for violin, viola, cello and string bass • Group lessons/ performance • String quartet coaching/ performance • Competition coaching • Music Theory For more information call 609.751.7664 or visit our website
what to eat through variety, balance, and portion size.” Food Allergies The school emphasizes healthier drink options, such as milk, juice, fruit-infused water, and juice blends instead of sodas, and as he points out, “All food and drink options are given a color based on nutritional value. Every day, Hun students can choose from offerings that include a hot main dish accompanied by starches and vegetables, a salad and fruit bar, a cold cut deli station, offering a variety of meats and cheeses, including house-made turkey and roast beef, two soup offerings, a dessert and bakery station, and specialty dishes.” The school also takes seriously allergy concerns and makes every effort to eliminate any problems, says Mr. Csapo. This includes reviewing recipes and ingredients providing an on-line menu allergen filter with 24 -hour access, labeling all menu items containing the 12 main allergens, and training all team members to recognize anaphylaxis and use an EpiPen. Also, he adds, “Because peanut and tree nut allergies are the most common food allergies among children, and children with those allergies are more likely to experience anaphylaxis, we only provide nuts and nut products upon request.” Hun School students, as those elsewhere, are becoming more concer ned about healthy diets, says Mr. Csapo. “Students are making certain food choices as a result, and in partnership with SAGE, we do our best to promote healthy eating habits by offering variety, and sourcing food from local vendors whenever possible. They cook from scratch as much as possible, which is not always the case in cafeteria-style dining. We selected SAGE in part due to their commitment to this ideology.” For students who opt to bring their lunch from home (more often in the public than in the private schools), emphasis on healthy choices is just as important. With all the information available today, parents and/or students will find many appetizing choices to make a healthy, appealing lunch possible. —Jean Stratton
and we do not seek to incorporate sugary beverages or candy into our dining program.” Both hot and cold lunches are popular at Stuart, and Ms. Engel notes that some students are very conscious of healthy eating habits while others are less concerned. “It seems that perhaps the interest in our celebrity chef culture is more food-driven than health-driven. In general, students are interested in knowing about ingredients and where food is coming from. We see some parallels in students that we do in the adult population — there is always a mix of those very interested in eating for health, whereas others don’t make it as much of a priority. Overall, we find that as long as the food is tasty, everyone is willing to eat!” Along with the other area schools, The Hun School of Princeton is concerned about proper healthy nutrition for its students. “O u r d i n i n g p r o g r a m works to provide healthy eating habits,” says Gabriel Csapo, Food Services Director, SAGE Dining Services, The Hun School. “We partner with SAGE to provide daily meals to our day and boarding students. Through SAGE, we work with a team of registered dieticians who rev iew ever y recipe and menu, and utilize a threepage check-list to ensure that meals meet rigorous standards for variety, nutritional value, and various allergies present within our student body.” Mr. Csapo adds that Hun follows the FDA’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans. “For example, the FDA just released the 2015 -2020 g uidelines w it h updated nutritional and dietary information, particularly addressing saturated fats and added sugar, and our dieticians made a few adjustments as a result. “Also, we help educate students about the benefit of eating healthy, and the impact nutrition has on students’ academic and athletic performance, attendance, and long-term health. Promoting nutritional value has been demonstrated to be as effective in guiding student food choices as posting calories. Therefore, through SAGE’s Spotlight Program, a color-coded system, we Family Guidance Center try to help students make informed decisions about Names New Board Head Family Guidance Center
Corporation has announced Herbert “Pete” Jaques, Jr., as the newly elected president of the agency’s Board of Trustees. Mr. Jaques retired from Princeton Friends School in June 2015 after five decades of teaching and leadership. He has served on many non-profit group’s boards and was drawn to the Family Guidance Center by the agency’s mission and work w ith families, especially children with emotional and mental health challenges. He has been a Family Guidance Trustee since 2013, chairing the Strategic Plan and Trusteeship Committees before becoming president. A Massachusetts native, Mr. Jaques graduated from Harvard College with an AB in American history. He is married to Sue Shepard Jaques and lives in Lambertville. Dr. Jeffery Robbins, executive director of the Family Guidance Center said, “It is always exciting to welcome new members to the board, who bring with them a fresh perspective and a different personal approach. I know that Pete’s service will provide tremendous benefits to the board and organization as a whole.” Family Guidance Center is a non-profit behavioral healthcare organization. For more information, visit ———
New Sports Media Degree At Rider University
Rider University is offering a new Bachelor of Arts in sports media, offered by the university’s College of Liberal Arts, Education, and Sciences. The degree will prepare students to become sports media professionals by building their skills in multimedia production, writing, storytelling, social media, and sports communications. Program Director and Associate Professor of Journalism, A.J. Moore, said, “Rider’s new sports media degree is a smart choice for students who desire careers that combine strong communication skills with a passion for sports.” The new major, which is being offered in fall 2016 for the first time, was created at a key time for aspiring sports media professionals. To learn more about the program or to apply for admission to Rider University, visit or contact the office of admissions at (800) 257-9026.
29 • TOWN TOPICS, PRINCETON, N.J., WEDNESDAY, august 17, 2016
P R I S M S!
r i nPrinceton c e t o n I n tInternational e r n a t i o n a l SSchool c h o o l of o f Mathematics M a t h e m a t i cand s a nScience d Scien A New STEM focused, International Boarding and Day High School
A STEM focused, International Boarding and Day High School
• STEM 3.0 education including two years of original research requirement. • Small class size taught by best in field faculty with research experience. • Our students are currently attending the following colleges and universities: Brown, Caltech, Cornell, Duke, MIT, Notre Dame, Oberlin, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Rhode Island Congratulations the Class ofBerkeley, 2016, our first graduating class, with college to: School oftoDesign, UC University of Michigan and manyadmissions others.
MIT, CalTech, Duke, Cornell, Brown, UCBerkeley, UCLA, University of moreUniversity information to schedule a visit, please Michigan, NotreFor Dame, ofor Illinois, Harvey Mudd, and 70+ more. contact the Admissions Office at (609)454-5589 PRISMS is still applications from talented high school students. ! oraccepting see the PRISMS website at
Apply online at
TOWN TOPICS, PRINCETON, N.J., WEDNESDAY, august 17, 2016 • 30
33 Princeton-Hightstown Rd Ellsworth’s Center (Near Train Station)
799-8554 Tues-Fri: 10am-6pm; Sat 8:30am-3:30pm
THEY KNOW THEIR HISTORY: Princeton Friends School students Colin Noble and Luke Brown competed in the National Finals of the National History Bee in Chicago. The boys finished among the top students at the Philadelphia Regional Finals, pushing them to the next level. The National History Bee is an academic competition for elementary and middle school stuCRANBURY dents that tests their knowledge on a wide range of historical subjects. At the regional and national levels, students competed in several rounds of competition in which groups of ten PRINCETON students each try to buzz in first with the correct answer. NEW BRUNSWICK
There’s a place for everyone! At Princeton Ballet School we place students in the class that’s right for them. We nurture the whole student so they can discover the joy of dance and realize their full potential.
Community Foundation Awards munity Foundation promotes ages. Book donations for the Grant to Millhill Child & Family philanthropy to advance Friends of the Library Book
upcoming placement class dates* FOR STUDENTS AGES 6+ WITH PRIOR DANCE EXPERIENCE
• WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31 • SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 To reserve your spot in a placement class, contact Lisa de Ravel at 609.921.7758, ext. 11 or
Registration NOW OPEN for 3-5 year olds and beginners of all ages! ASK ABOUT OUR ADULT CLASSES * ALL placement classes are held at our Princeton studio.
The Princeton Area Community Foundation recently awarded Millhill Child & Family Development a 2016 Spring Greater Mercer grant to help build capacity and support the strategic goals identified in its three-year strategic plan. “The generous support and endorsement of the Princeton Area Community Foundation over the years is invaluable to our ability to provide high quality programs to an increasing number of families,” said Cynthia Oberkofler, executive director. Millhill’s most significant growth over the past few years has been the increase in the numbers of children receiving services from the behavioral health program. A new counseling center at 802 Prospect Street was opened by Millhill last summer and serves 200 more children and their families each week. The Princeton Area Com-
2016 Back to School Drive Clothing & School Supplies For Local Homeless Kids
Send Them
Back to School
Ready to Learn To sponsor one child or more, visit and click on theheard? Back to School icon or phone LIFE. Have you (609) 989-9417 x 133 or email Two Eyes ~ One Choice Trust YOUR Eyes to the Best Folks are talking about how LIFE St. Francis is a
the well-being of our communities. The Community Foundation provides charitable giving expertise to individuals, nonprofit groups and corporations, and each year invests millions of dollars into the communit y through grants and scholarships. For more information, visit ———
September Book Sale at Lawrence Public Library
Shop the Friends of Lawrence Library September Book Sale, Saturday, September 24 through Sunday, October 2. The sale includes thousands of gently used books for readers of all
Sale are always accepted at the Lawrence Headquarters Branch, located at 2751 Br unsw ick Pike in L awrenceville. For the best selection, attendees are invited to the Book Sale Preview Night on Friday, September 23 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Admission to the Preview Night is free for Friends of Lawrence Library members and $5 for non-members. Booksellers will be charged $20 and will only be allowed to use scanning devices on Preview Night. For more infor mation, call (609) 989-6920 or visit
Phone: 609.258.9220
A proud member of the Princeton community since 1958 We are so excited about new options for 2016-17! 1. Extended day “Lunch Bunch” until 2:30 pm 2. 3 day OR 5 day/week option for our amazing 3 year old class 3. Early 8:30 am drop-off Popular standards remain: our wonderful 2 year old class with a parent/caregiver until 2.5 (when they transition to an independent experience), and tailored classes for 3, 4, and 5 year olds (yes, even a class for those 5 year olds who don’t make the Kindergarten cutoff!) Experienced teachers, fresh air, parent involvement, and a play-based environment are just a few of our many benefits.
different and better kind of health care. It offers a
total solution for older adults who experience health problems that limit their daily activities. By providing complete medical, health and social services in one location as well as in LIFE St. Francis to live independently.
For more information about LIFE St. Francis, call 609-599-LIFE (5433) or visit Participants may be liable for the payment of unauthorized or out-of-network services.
participant’s homes, enables older adults
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