CRA Rollout, Spring 2013

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CRA Rollout, Spring 2013

Read the CRA Rollout Online at

The Colorado Racquetball Association Quarterly ENews

Spring 2013

COMING UP QUICK ! PEPSI CUP in June Now's the time to start building your club team roster! Now that Spring has arrived, can the season-ending Pepsi Cup Team Championships be far behind? Nope ... and team captains are already scrambling to sign players and strategizing about how best to capture this year's title, and bring the Cup back up north. By a margin of 50 points, the Peterson AFB team bested Denver Athletic Club in last year's playoff, to take its first Pepsi Cup win and bring the cup to Colorado Springs. The last time it had been that far south was in 2004, when Lynmar claimed it for its second time (after a debut win in 1996). Despite not having the largest roster, the Peterson team had depth in its field and plenty of talent among the group of retired and active-duty military enthusiasts in 2012 and they're expected to make another strong bid to retain the title this year. The annual Pepsi Cup Team Championships was established in 1986, and each year it caps the season with a playoff among Colorado club teams. The winning squad gets their club name inscribed onto the Pepsi Cup trophy and the honor of displaying it in their home club until the following year's playoff. Almost three decades of continuous play have been recorded, and despite unfortunate changes in the court club environment, this annual event remains a player favorite.

After work demands forced John Foust to step away from the tournament he founded, the CRA took over and now administers it just like any other high-level championship. Check back for links to team roster forms and updated policies & procedures to go live on

In this issue: • Pepsi Cup Team Championships on Deck • Mile High Pro-Am • Club & Tourney Update • Upcoming Events • Board News • Junior Update • Know your Rules • From the President • From the Editor • National News Past Event Results: • Racquet for the Cure • State Singles • Mile High Pro Am For PEPSI CUP ... Ben Kincses is the go-to TD for any questions as you prep your team, and top-flight CRA directors Larry Haemmerle and Marcia Richards are also on deck to make sure that this event comes off without a hitch!

CRA Rollout, Spring 2013 in the next few weeks, then start building your teams for the 28th annual playoff at Highlands Ranch, on June 6-9.

NOTE: Be prepared to play as early as 3:00 on Friday at Pepsi Cup - especially if you're in a division that traditionally draws large numbers!

CLUB & TOURNEY UPDATE | State Singles Winners Marking the 40th CRA State Singles Championships in 2013 (over twice as old as this year's youngest-ever Open Champion), Erika Manilla joined her brother on the open winners list, by capturing her first CRA Women's Open title this year. She earned the honor following a series of round robin victories over "contemporaries" with quite a few years of experience over the talented 16-year old. One of them, CRA President Marcia Richards, is pictured at right presenting Erika with her medal. Congrats to these 2013 champions: (who now need to move UP in skill division play ... !) Open: Mike O'Brien & Erika Manilla Elite: Matt Simpson A: Sean Summers & Antoinette Bell B: Paul Ashton & Laura Van Arsdale C: Michael Harter | D/Novice: Christopher Wingard In age divisions, these champs medalled: Zach Pellowski (B16/18), Andre Chun (M24-), Sean Summers (M25+), Mike O'Brien (M30/35+), Dave Guentert (M40+), Ray Cordero (M45+), Edward Roffey (M50+), Bruce Burgess (M55+), Geoffrey Drissel (M60+), Gordon Levy (M65/70+) and Shirley Parsons (W55/60+).

Guaranteed Return on the Road ... Derek Izzi invites CRA players to make their way up the road a piece - to Gillette, Wyoming for a one-day shootout, called the Point & Pride Open, on Saturday, April 27. It's all about ranking points and pride (prize $ in the pro division only), with no awards, no hospitality, no shirt and no high price tag! But if you've never played a pro stop before, just entering this shootout and (likely) reaching the round of 16 will get you a pro ranking! Note: They've never drawn more than 14 players in a pro division in Gillette, so signing up pretty much guarantees point earnings. Your name will then be listed on the IRT web site, ranked along with Kane, Rocky, Alvaro, Ben, and all the top players in the world!

CRA Rollout, Spring 2013

2nd MILE HIGH PRO AM a Success | by Ralph Graham The Denver Athletic Club hosted its second Mile High Pro Am last month. The 2012 event was a tier 1 WPRO (now LPRT) women's tour stop and this year was a tier 1 IRT men's stop – both complete with prize money. By most yardsticks, the tournament was (again) very successful. According to IRT Commissioner Jason Mannino: I have been traveling the professional racquetball circuit for close to 20 years as both a player and an administrator, and I must say that the Mile High Pro-Am was one of the highest level racquetball tournaments I ever attended, from top to bottom. The facility itself is one of a kind, convenience of the hotel, and the beauty of downtown Denver are clear standouts. Jason went on to thank those who took part in making the event a success, including TD Deb Beldring and CRA board members Larry Haemmerle and Ben Kincses. That being said, with an event of this magnitude things often don’t go quite as expected, which can adversely affect the experience for some players. Not to bore anyone with numbers, but here are some worth sharing: ● ● ● ● ● ●

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230: number of matches played 157: number of players in the tournament (maximum possible based on allowed time-frame) 31: number of players in the IRT Pro/Pro Qualified division 24: number of Colorado companies/organizations (including CRA) that sponsored 23: average number of players in each of the Men’s Open, A, B, and C divisions 13: number of hours John Scott of the IRT Network filmed, broadcasted, commentated, and tweeted on the pro matches - just on Friday alone 6: number of non-organization sponsors (private individuals or families) 5: number of countries represented in addition to the US 4: parent/child teams in Mixed Doubles (Sikorskis, Manillas, Mehegans & Gravina/Small). 3 hours, 7 mins: longest pro match (Ben Croft won the tiebreaker 14-12 over Alvaro Beltran) 2: number of professional-quality photographers capturing the event 1: number of professional-quality videographers capturing the court #1 matches

Media coverage for the event was impressive, despite competition with basketball’s Final Four, which kept reporters busy and out of town. However, there was Denver Post coverage in the Colorado Kids section with Adam Manilla and Nick Riffel. There was a Channel 9 News interview with local pro Tony Carson and Adam Manilla by Susie Wargin. And in the next couple of weeks there will be a Denver Post fitness article on racquetball by reporter Doug Brown. In all - a great event!

CRA Rollout, Spring 2013

CRA SPONSORS & SUPPORTERS ENTRY DOWNLOADS & REGISTRATION • Rocky Mountain Regional in April • Cinco De Mayo - May • Pepsi Cup - June • Rocky Mountain State Games - July CRA on Facebook

THE BOARD REPORT | by Ben Kincses As a ‘newbie’ on the racquetball scene, I always hear the experienced crowds talk about how tournaments used to be back in the day. Well, let’s face it ... we're not in the 1980s anymore, but recent Colorado tournaments have experienced a very healthy growth spurt over previous years! For the first time in a long time, the 2013 Colorado State Singles was able to offer a full Junior division, plus drew a significant number of collegiate players. And let’s not forget about a new wave of ladies now competing. The number of people playing in Colorado has increased, especially among juniors, undergrads and women. Greater participation by these groups is important for the sport's continued growth statewide. Is it like the 1980s again? No! But there are many encouraging signs and improvements around our state, which can only grow and get stronger, especially with our racquetball community getting involved! Event Name

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

Racquet for the Cure




Blizzard Bash




Colorado Madness




Mile HIgh ProAm




CRA State Singles




Cinco de Mayo




Pepsi Cup




AND DON'T FORGET ... The Rocky Mountain State Games are often an afterthought in the tournament season ... since they're held in midsummer while everyone is doing outdoor-sy things, and they're hosted all the way down (!) in Colorado Springs. Nonetheless, the event is well worth the drive south to compete at the Downtown YMCA, where there's always great hospitality and plenty of good play. Commit now and $AVE $ on your entry fees!

No matter what you like to do – it’s a good bet that CRA offers a way to show off your skills. So shall we sign you up? Volunteering is an easy way to help the sport continue to thrive throughout Colorado! Just contact any board member to volunteer!

CRA Rollout, Spring 2013

Killer Open




CRA State Doubles




Welcome new board member Dennis Chandler

* Snowed out of original date ** Combined regional / state event Changing of the guard ... at its April meeting, the CRA Board elected new officers, naming Larry Haemmerle as President, Ben Kinces as the Vice-President, Marcia Richards as Secretary and Deven Naik as Treasurer. Other changes included the addition of Dennis Chandler to complete a vacated term through 2014, and new appointments for Ben Kincses and Linda Mojer (2013-2016). Marcia steps aside after serving as CRA President for a full decade. We thank her for her dedication and hard work at the helm of the organization since 2003. Well done! JUNIOR UPDATE | by Ben Kincses The Denver Achievement Academy, an after school academic enrichment program, is dedicated to providing experiences for underserved Denver youth that expand knowledge, forge character, and provide service to others. Its mission is to put students on a pathway to success in life through Enhanced Tutoring, Sports-for-Life, Service to Others, Access & Advocacy and Entrepreneurship. The eight-year program collaborates with other non-profits to transform the lives of our kids, and remains engaged in students’ lives through graduation from high school and entrance to college. The Denver Athletic Club generously provides a safe environment for students to experience success as well as a realize that poverty is not their destiny. It's a launch point that offers the immeasurable, positive influence of the DAC membership on the lives of these young students. In turn, the students have a meaningful impact on those members who choose to interact with the program through tutoring, coaching, mentoring, field trips, fundraising, and social events. CRA's Ben Kincses recently provided eight racquetball lessons to DAA students at a youth clinic organized by DAC racquetball director Debbie Beldring. Ben’s caring and expertise was evident to students who learned the basic skills of the game that he and Debbie patiently shared at DAC. The result was a long line of students at each of the program pick-up points to attend the next session. They were excited to for more! KNOW YOUR RULES ! A Player's Guide to Officiating | by Dave Stone Getting ready to play a semifinal at the 2013 USAR National Doubles, I initiated a conversation with the assigned referee before warm-ups. When I questioned her about my opponent warming up on the court without proper eyewear, she promptly noted she “was only there to keep score.” As it turns out, she was also the mother of one of my opponents! I am not sure who made that referee appointment, but needless to say, it was not a good choice. I immediately petitioned the desk for a replacement. How do you think that match might have gone if I had remained silent? This situation begs the question whether players know the rules of officiating for sanctioned tournament matches. Players expect their referees to know all the rules, but do not always apprise themselves of the rules (another good reason to attend a rules clinic …!). Unlike many sports, racquetball players are also referees when called to duty. All players should have a comprehension of the rules; not only for their benefit, but also for those they officiate. This article will discuss the player’s perspective of officiating, including appointment of referees, use of line judges, and appeals procedures. Read the full article >>

CRA Rollout, Spring 2013

FROM THE PRESIDENT | by Marcia Richards ... Apply the GOLDEN RULE ... Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. This Mathew 7:11 bible verse has evolved since the late 1600's, but still describes relationships between you and others, with a reasonable expectation that both sides always be treated equally and fairly. A straightforward concept, right? This simple saying can be part of our lives - and can also be applied to our interactions within the racquetball community, in ways like: 1. When I am speaking to a referee how should I treat them? Use the same respect you would want if you were upstairs in their shoes. 2. How attentive do I want my referee to be? How attentive am I? 3. Do I know all the rules? Do I expect my referee to know them all? 4. How do you want your opponent to treat you? How do you treat them? 5. How honest do you want your opponent to be? Do you call double bounces on yourself or do you expect the referee to do that? 6. How do you want to be remembered? 7. Do you play by the all the rules? What about the penalty hinder? Is it a rule only used at the higher levels, but doesn't apply to you? How many people do you know that really like to referee? The CRA asks players to ref once they've lost a match, which spreads out the duties among more players, plus rewards winners with a "pass". So the next time you find yourself in charge of someone else's match, give those players the same respect and attention that you would want for yourself. In the heat of battle it might be hard to make your own call to help out the referee, but a challenge can be made without bullying a ref into seeing your side. Remember there is a protocol that gives players the right to question a call. Do it with respect and simply ask to see the rulebook if you're not sure (one is always available at the tournament desk). Then ask for help before a situation escalates. Tiebreakers are usually easy in the first two games and then heat up in the third. Set a standard early and be consistent. I like a referee to make every call: short, skip, point and side-out! A quick call shows confidence and competence, but if you're in over your head, just let the desk know and they'll either find a substitute or provide a qualified person to assist and guide you. Remember you never know who might be watching you. Young players have many influences on TV and in our racquetball community, so let's try to live by the Golden Rule. And when all is said and done ... how do you want to be remembered?

FROM THE EDITOR Just recently, the CRA received the resignation of Woody Clouse - a long-time supporter, clinician, promoter and elite player (all rolled into one!). But we couldn't argue with his reason of wanting to spend more time with family and developing his business interests.That's perfectly understandable, but we'll miss his insights and viewpoints on your behalf. His dedication to the player experience has always been primary to his involvement, and we thank him for his contributions over the years. If and when you do happen to bump into him, be sure to let him know that you appreciate him as well! At the same time, another volunteer has come forward, with an equal measure of devotion to the cause of helping CRA be successful. Dennis Chandler has become a regular behind tournament desks over the years, and has now officially joined the CRA Board as one of its directors. We thank Dennis for his past hard work ... and look forward to getting plenty more out of him in years to come! You can help keep him motivated by being on your best behavior at the tournament desks of upcoming CRA events! You hear it all the time ... board service is tough and thankless work. People like Woody and Dennis (and retiring President

CRA Rollout, Spring 2013

Marcia Richards!) are among the special ones that deserve an extra round of applause! - Linda Mojer

NATIONAL NEWS | by Larry Haemmerle As some of you may already know, USA Racquetball has appointed a new Executive Director, Steve Czarnecki. I'm pleased to welcome him here, but he may not be a stranger to CRA members who may already have run into him at recent Denver events. He isn't a stranger to our sport either, since he competed in both AARA junior and collegiate events. He worked for many years with the US Golf Association, directing their grant program, and is well known and respected within the US Olympic Committee. He has already attended the National Doubles, Collegiate, and High School Championships and will be on hand at National Singles next month. Steve is a real asset to our organization and we all look forward to working with him. Speaking of the National Doubles Championships, Colorado's own Tony Carson, partnering with Jansen Allen, won the U.S. Qualifying division, thereby securing a spot on the U.S. National Team. Tony is no stranger to international competition as he was selected to represent us in Honduras at the 2012 Pan American Qualifier event. Congratulations, Tony! We're all very proud of your accomplishment! USA Racquetball is working to increase the number of sanctioned leagues, which present a great opportunity for recreational players to compete in a relaxed environment before jumping directly into full tournament play. We've always had ladders, shuttles and shootouts, but not the structure to link them with competitive racquetball. Recently, Woody Clouse conducted a sanctioned league that submitted results for official rankings, and those advances should be reflected in the next data update. World Team Racquetball has announced a new league system, also USAR sanctioned, which will debut in Los Angeles and Dallas. In support of these new efforts, USAR offers a very reasonable $25 league sanctioning fee to hosts, along with low cost individual fees for each league player who takes part (USAR member or not!). Sanctioned leagues offer all of the same benefits of traditional tournaments, including insurance, R2 Sports event advertising, results posting, rankings and tracking on the USAR tournament website. It's a great way for league coordinators to enhance their club's program value at very little cost. The next major USAR event will be the National Singles in Fullerton, California (a week earlier!), May 15-19. If you are interested in competing, remember you must first play in a qualifying event. The only two offered in Colorado are the State Singles Championships (played last month) and the upcoming Regional Championships. I hope to see many of you at Regionals and some of you in California! Copyright Š Colorado Racquetball Association | With Substance, Inc. If you wish to cancel your subscription to this newsletter, manage your USAR preferences here

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