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Speaker bio: Willem Conradie
Willem Conradie is a professor in the School of Mathematics at the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, where is also Assistant Dean for Teaching and Learning in the Faculty of Science. Previously he was an associate professor and head of department at the University of Johannesburg. He received a PhD in Mathematics from WITS in 2007 under the supervision of Valentin Goranko. His main research interests are in non-classical logics and their applications, on which he publishes regularly, with some recent contributions addressing the correspondence theory for non-distributive modal logics, new polarity and graph-based semantic for nondistributive modal logics suitable for interpretations of these formalisms as logics of categorisation systems or as hyper-constructivists logics of informational entropy and evidential reasoning, as well as new algebraic semantics for hybrid logics. Conradie has co-authored the book “Logic and Discrete Mathematics: A Concise Introduction” published by Wiley UK. He serves on the council of the South African Mathematical Society, the council of the Association for Symbolic Logic and on the South African Mathematics Olympiad committee.