13 minute read
Ethics Training and Ethics Clearance Protocols Ethics Clearance
The University insists that all its research be conducted following the very highest ethical standards. Research integrity in general is a cornerstone of high-quality research.
All researchers including staff and students conducting any research that may impact directly or indirectly on people, animals or the environment need to seek ethics clearance before any research is conducted. If one fails to obtain ethical clearance before the research is started, then this may lead to a breach of research integrity, articles not being published and students being barred from graduating.
The University’s Ethics Committees are registered with the National Health Research Ethics Council (NHREC) of the Department of Health. As such, we fully subscribe to the document entitled Ethics in Health Research.
Online MAFA/PhD by Research Application for Ethics Approval using the Ethics Management System (EMS)
• In most cases requests for ethical clearance certificates need to be submitted via the online Ethics Management System (EMS)
• If you need help with writing and/or submitting an application, please use this Ethics User Guide: https://www.wits.ac.za/media/wits-university/research/ documents/Ethics-UserGuide.pdf
• It is best to access the EMS via the webpage which describes the most appropriate ethics committee for your research. There are six committees which can be reached by following this link: https://www.wits.ac.za/research/researcher-support/researchethics/ethics-committees/
As an Honours, MAFA or PhD student, if your research topic (any aspect of it, including your practice) involves any human or animal subjects, even a single participant and including autoethnography, you need to apply for ethics clearance for your project (if it doesn’t you still need to complete the ethics application applying for waiver.) Please discuss with your lecturer or the course coordinator timeously what this entails, as you may not conduct any part of the research that involves human or animals subjects (including interviews, photographs, videos) until you have ethics clearance from the School Sub-Committee or University Ethics Committee. Your supervisor should assist in filling in the form and must sign off that your application has been properly filled before it goes to the University Ethics or School Sub-Committee with the proper documentation.
Documents to be Submitted:
1. Completed ethics application form
2. Participant information sheet(s), where necessary
3. Consent form(s) (if required)
4. Details of research instruments used (e.g. questionnaire/ interview questions; drafts if final not available)
5. Submitted or accepted research proposal.
All MAFA by Dissertation and PhD ethics submissions should be submitted via the University online portal, with a printed hardcopy delivered to Ms Shaun Schoeman (Shaun.Schoeman@wits.ac.za).
Department of Fine Arts Trial Preliminary Ethics Process 2023
The Department of Fine Art is trialling out a new preliminary ethics process, which will allow you to engage with human subjects during your proposal process. A preliminary ethics form is filled out thinking through research within the first 3 months of your first year of registration, it is signed by yourself and your supervisor and logged with Prof Sharlene Khan. This will then allow you to continue with work on human subjects, including yourself. When you formally apply for ethics clearance to HREC, once you have submitted your research proposal officially to Faculty, then you will submit this preliminary ethics form with the HREC application.
Research on Wits or Its People
Should you want to conduct research about the University or want to use the University community as research participants then you will have to discuss the project initially with the Assistant Registrar, Ms Nicoleen Potgieter (Nicoleen.Potgieter@wits.ac.za).
• Students or staff currently registered with the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg for Hons, Masters or PhD degree wanting to conduct research by either using Wits students or staff data need to apply to the University Deputy Register’s Office for permission to conduct the research.
• Source: https://www.wits.ac.za/research/researcher-support/ research-ethics/ - for more information and relevant ethics forms to be filled out.
Ethics Submission Dates in 2023 https://www.wits.ac.za/media/wits-university/research/documents/ HREC-%20(NON-MED)%20SUBMISSION%20AND%20MEETING%20 DATES%20FOR%202023%20with%20school%20dates.pdf
Honours WSoA Ethics Submissions:
Honours students submit their applications to the WSoA ethics committee. All Hons ethics submissions to be sent to the WSoA PG administrator: PG.WSOA@wits.ac.za (unless they involve vulnerable participants in which case they have to go to the Main University non-medical HREC).
Ethics Training
Students are not allowed to graduate who have not completed a course in research ethics training and have gained a certificate of competence in ethics. The University runs free ethics training courses for students – which are done over an afternoon – and students are required to submit three assignments within the space of a week for the course in order to gain their certificate (there are quite a few readings to do for the course and assignments so best to clear up your week to dedicate it to this task if you go for the course). The dates for 2023 are below.
Ethics Training Workshops Dates 2023
Tues, 17 Jan 2023, 0900-1300
Weds, 15 Feb 2023, 0900-1300
Weds, 15 March 2023, 0900-1300
Weds, 12 April 2023, 0900-1300
Weds, 17 May 2023, 0900-1300
Weds, 14 June 2023, 0900-1300
Weds, 5 July 2023, 0900-1300
Weds, 16 Aug, 2023, 1300-1700
Weds, 13 Sept 2023, 1300-1700
Weds, 18 Oct 2023, 1300-1700
Weds, 22 Nov 2023, 0900-1300
Wits University Ethics Training Workshops in 2023
This workshop has two components:
PART 1 (3 hours) comprises formal training on research ethics, with a particular emphasis on social science research. This training is content based. There is a formal written assignment following this workshop. Successful completion of this assignment will allow participants to receive a Certificate of Competence in Research Ethics.
PART 2 (1 hour) describes how to apply for ethics clearance to the University Research Ethics Committee (Non-Medical) or to school ethics committees. This workshop will be relevant to Honours, Masters, PhD students as well as staff dealing with human subjects in their research projects.
Workshops are run by Prof Jasper Knight. Email Ms Lucille Mooragan (Lucille.Mooragan@wits.ac.za) 2 days in advance to RSVP for a place (and if they are held in person, to confirm the venue).
For students who live outside the province and not able to attend this course, as well as others who cannot attend the in-person training, they may obtain certification from the free online course: https://elearning.trree.org/
Complete: Module 1 – Introduction to Research Ethics (When you are finished with the course, click on ‘dashboard’, ‘course overview’, click on the icon of the training module you just completed and then you should see ‘Training Materials’ and under that ‘module 1’ and ‘training certificate’, which you can print. Sometimes you might have problems printing to pdf on some browsers. If so, ensure that pop-ups are not blocked, or try a different web browser.
12. Plagiarism and Referencing Guidelines
The University views academic plagiarism as an offense. Please familiarise yourself with what constitutes academic plagiarism and choose a referencing style employed by the University. For more information please see: https://libguides.wits.ac.za/plagiarism_citation_and_referencing/ ReferencingStyles
12.1 Turnitin Report
You are required to submit a Turnitin Report with your proposal/ thesis/dissertation. This can be generated via the PG Ulwazi site <WSoAPGSimRpt2023>
The course can be joined by students, using this link: https://ulwazi.wits.ac.za/enroll/XXYFP3
Submit your assignments, Hons long essay, proposal, dissertation or thesis as a MS Word document under the tab ‘Assignment’, then upload the submission to ‘Turnitin Submissions’. Submit your document in Word format (only do this once if possible) – thereafter, ask your supervisor to generate a Turnitin Report for you. Please do not leave this for the last day of your submission as large documents (especially with visuals) can take up to a day to generate a report and sometimes these sites can often go down leading to a lot of anxiety!
13. Department of Fine Art and WSoA Online
14.Postgraduate Applications to the Department of Fine Art
For online information on our undergraduate or postgraduate degree programmes, as well as our Department and School events, please visit: https://www.wits.ac.za/wsoa/fine-arts/ https://www.wits.ac.za/wsoa/ https://www.wits.ac.za/wsoa/fine-arts/undergraduate/ https://www.wits.ac.za/wsoa/fine-arts/postgraduate/
For more information on how to apply for the Honours, MAFA and PhD programmes: https://www.wits.ac.za/course-finder/postgraduate/humanities/ bahons-fine-art/
The following criteria are needed for consideration in the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in the field of Fine Arts programme:
• A minimum of 65% obtained in a BA degree in Fine Arts / Visual Arts / Art History/Curatorial Studies / Photography/ Museology | / Journalism or a related visual culture/ creative arts related field.
• Alternatively if you are planning to apply via a Recognition of Prior Learning then you need to have at least a Matric degree and an age exemption certificate (i.e., be 26 years or older) AND at least 3-4 years of professional practice in the field of fine arts/visual arts/curatorship/art history scholarship/arts writing or a related visual culture or creative arts field.
• Present a strong portfolio of 10 artworks to the committee. These images should be presented as a pdf (digital still images, film stills, link to a website or Vimeo or Youtube links). This pdf will be submitted with all your other application documents on the student portal. Your portfolio of work should reflect your practice up to the present. TIP: As your writing and portfolio represents both you and your work, please give the visual presentation good consideration as the application is reviewed not just by the Departmental Committee, but by School and Faculty Representatives in final decision-making.
•All former academic transcripts of prior degrees.
• A comprehensive Curriculum Vitae detailing professional experience including all qualifications and/or training certificates with formal and informal local and international arts and cultural organisations/projects/community projects that are relevant to the candidate’s practice and research application will be considered by the committee and may be subject to verification. The CV should also detail examples of achievement/ recognition in the professional industry. These may include: solo and group exhibitions, arts projects, arts residencies, visual arts workshops, curated exhibitions, articles/books written, newspapers/magazines contributions, community engagement projects organised, collaborations, internships, academic/ professional/industry awards, organisations and partnership involvement, examples of recognised industry/field/ community awards; professional organisation membership/representation and other examples of recognised creative contribution to the industry; as well as informal/formal academic involvement in conferences, symposia, festivals.
• A recent writing sample that gives the committee a good reflection of your academic writing capacity and/or additionally your creative writing.
• No longer than a one-page proposal of what your intended research area/topic is for the Honours research year should you be accepted.
• A personal motivation reflecting on why you want to apply for the BA Hons degree at the Wits Department of Fine Art and how this relates to your personal trajectory and history. Give us and idea of how this will develop your current artistic or other creative practice. (no more than 250 words)
• Please note: even if your application is reviewed positively we may still require an interview according to Faculty rules.
• Email the above to Joshua Williams: Joshua.Williams@wits.ac.za
Closing date for applications 30 September.
The following criteria are needed for consideration for the Master of Arts in Fine Arts programme: https://www.wits.ac.za/course-finder/postgraduate/humanities/mafine-arts/
• A personal motivation reflecting why you want to apply for a MAFA degree at the Wits Department of Fine Art and how this relates to your personal trajectory and history. Give us an idea of how this will develop your current artistic or other creative practice. (250 – 300 words)
• A proposal for the MAFA by Dissertation: this should encompass an area of research you would like to pursue, highlighting a focused research area. It should reflect a consolidated direction for both your practice during the MAFA and the theoretical component. TIP: What is your central research question? (remember a research question is not yes or no and must be clear and focused; how do you envision this as a creative component over 2-3 years; how do you see the various 3-4 chapters developing; who are some of the key theorists/theoretical positions or readings that you are hoping might inform your study? (300 – 500 words)
• A detailed professional Curriculum Vitae reflecting professional experience, exhibitions, projects and education; academic writing, other kinds of creative writing.
• All for mer academic transcripts of prior degrees.
• Please provide us with 1-2 writing samples indicative of your past level of study or professional experience (as you are applying for a MA study, provide us with a sample of writing equivalent at least to a BA Honours study); additionally you can also provide us with a creative writing sample that shows us how you tackle creative productions or how you write creatively or think critically through creativity or use creativity as a methodology.
Two referees: names, institutional affiliations and contact details.
• Present a strong portfolio of 10 artworks to the committee. These images should be presented as a pdf (digital still images, film stills, link to a website or Vimeo or Youtube links). This pdf will be submitted with all your other application documents on the student portal. Your portfolio of work should reflect your practice up to the present. TIP: As your writing and portfolio represents both you and your work, please give the visual presentation good consideration as the application is reviewed not just by the Departmental Committee, but by School and Faculty Representatives in final decision-making. (This should be noted when choosing writing samples and writing the research proposals as well.)
• Please note: even if your application is reviewed positively we may still require an interview according to Faculty rules.
• Email the above to Joshua Williams: Joshua.Williams@wits.ac.za
Closing date 30 October.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Wits University and the W its School of Arts recognises prior lear ning and experience of applicants and assesses these towards the admission of applicants into undergraduate or postgraduate study or towards the granting of exemption, full or partial credit of one or more courses. Prior lear ning is recognised as having been acquired through for mal, non-for mal or infor mal routes. No applicant under the age of 26 may apply for RPL. RPL will be consider for the BA (Hons) in the field of Fine Arts and the Master of Arts in Fine Arts postgraduate programmes only. If you are interested in finding out more about applying for RPL in the Department of Fine Art, then please contact Sharlene Khan.
To Apply for the PhD Programme
The PhD is the highest qualification which a student can ear n by conducting independent research under supervision. The thesis is required to make a recognisable contribution to new knowledge in the field of study, and must be of a publishable standard. In the W its School of Arts (WSOA) there is no coursework component to a PhD degree.
The PhD degree can be by research only or by creative component and thesis. As such ‘research’ is broadly defined in the latter in ter ms of both a central creative component derived from ongoing discursive and field research and critical thinking in conjunction with a written, discursive exploration of the topic. The duration of a doctoral degree is normally 3 years full-time and 4-5 years part-time.
Our application requirements for a PhD (whether traditional or creative) requires submission of the following:
• A letter of motivation for the studies in the Department of Fine Arts at Wits
• A 3-page preliminary proposal identifying the proposed area of research enquiry and specific research questions. This preliminary proposal should also demonstrate the applicant’s familiarity with the literature and debates in the field of proposed enquiry.
• Detailed professional Curriculum Vitae
• An academic transcript of all prior degrees
•A copy of your MA report/dissertation
In the case of a PhD by Creative Research, the proposal (which must indicate how the research emanates from the locus of the creative component’s ideas) must be accompanied by:
• A portfolio of work/performance/scripts, etc.
All PhD applications are reviewed by a central admissions committee withintheWitsSchoolofArts.Applicantsareadvisedthattheadmission process may require applicants to submit additional documents (e.g. SAQA certification, proof of English-language proficiency, etc.), and/ or appear before one or more members of the committee for an interview. Applicants accepted into the PhD programme may enrol throughout the year. Last day of registration: 30 September. The above should be sent to the WSoA PG administrator on: PG.WSOA@wits.ac.za.
For Honours, MA and PhD applications, apply online or download an application form from the link below: https://www.wits.ac.za/postgraduate/applications/
16. Choosing a Potential Supervisor
A list of the Department of Fine Art’s staff and their research interests are provided in this PG Handbook to assist prospective students in deciding if they can identify a suitable supervisor for their PG studies. When filling in your application for m, please note your preference of supervisor(s). The Department attempts to take your preference into consideration, although due to workloads and other factors, this may not always be possible.
15. South African Qualifications Authority
If you did not obtain your previous qualifications in South Africa, you need to have the South African equivalents verified by the South African Qualifications Authority. This process can sometimes take a while so please ensure that you attend to this quickly: https://www.saqa.org.za/
17.Department of Fine Art Administration
Heads of Department:
Prof Sharlene Khan, WSOA 322, 011 7174637, 083 337 6253
Dorothee Kreuzfeldt, WSOA 319, 011 717 9999, 083 956 0507
Fine Arts Departmental Administrator:
WSOA 314, 011 717 4654
Honours, MAFA and PhD Coordination:
Sharlene Khan
Visual Culture and Critical Theories (FINA4019A):
Gabrielle Golliath, WSOA 316 | 011 717 4609
Honours Research Paper (FINA4022A):
Gabrielle Golliath
Professional Practice (FINA4018A):
Sharlene Khan
Fine Arts IVA (FINA4020A) and Fine Arts IVB (FINA4021A):
Zen Marie and Dorothee Kreutzfeldt
Zen.Marie@wits.ac.za, WSOA 321, 011 717 4621
PGCE Coordination:
David Andrew and Rangoato Hlasane
David.Andrew@wits.ac.za, WSOA 320, 011 717 4636
Rangoato.Hlasane@wits.ac.za, WSOA 319, 011 717 4659
PG Administrator: Maud Maphali, WSOA 113, 011 7174617 maud.maphali@wits.ac.za
Venue Booking, Studio Maintenance, Studio Manager:
Bongumusa Shezi, WSOA Basement
Photographic and Film Facilities and Equipment:
Neo Ntsoma, WSOA Ground Floor, 011 717 4625
WSOA Resource Centre:
Emelda Simelane, WSOA Room 220, 011 717 4635
Printmaking Workshop:
Thabiso Kholobeng, WSOA Ground Floor, 011 7174634
Wood and Metal Workshop, Arthouse, 011 7174633
Godfrey Mahlangu, Godfrey.Mahlangu@wits.ac.za
Daniel Gray, Daniel.Gray@wits.ac.za
Art House Windows (EMB ground floor) and Point of Order (Noswal Hall) Reshma Chhiba, Point of Order (cnr Stiemens and Bertha Street), 011 7174737, Reshma.Chhiba@wits.ac.za
University Ethics Queries
Shaun Schoeman, Shaun.Schoeman@wits.ac.za, 011 717 1408,
18. Wits Art Museum
Wits Art Museum (WAM) maintains the largest and most significant holdings of African arts in southern Africa. Over 12000 items have been assembled primarily in recognition of their aesthetic value. Geographically this includes holdings from Southern, West, East and Central Africa. There is significant depth to the collections of beadwork, drums, headrests, wooden sculpture, ceremonial and fighting sticks, masks, basketry, wirework and textiles.
Paintings, drawings, printmedia, and sculpture by artists such as Walter Battiss, Bongi Dhlomo, and Gerard Sekoto are a few examples of historical South African art held at WAM. Contemporary South African art holdings include work by Jackson Hlungwane, William Kentridge, Penny Siopis and others. Artists such as Zander Blom, Gabrielle Goliath, and Nandipha Mntambo represent a younger generation.
WAM also houses the C.J. Petrow Library and the Jack Ginsberg Centre for the Book Arts (JGCBA). C.J. Petrow Library is a reference library and can be visited by appointment. It is a rich source of information on African and southern African art and artists. The JGCBA is home to one of the largest collections of artists’ books. Of the 3500 artists books many are old, rare and important South African and international artists’ books. This covers examples of binding, illustration, printmaking, letterpress, papermaking, typography and photography.
In addition to providing access to the collection as a research resource, WAM partners with the Wits School of Art in hosting PhD candidate exhibitions. Some of these exhibitions have been by Jeremy Wafer, Susan Woolf, and Bronwyn Horne.
For access to the collections, please contact Julia Charlton: Julia.Charlton@wits.ac.za
PhD exhibition proposals should be compiled and submitted in conjunction with your supervisor. To submit a proposal, please email Julia Charlton.
For more information about the JGCBA, please contact WAM on 011 717 1365 or email: info.wam@wits.ac.za