3 minute read

22. Postgraduate Merit Award

The aim of the University Postgraduate Merit Award (PMA) is to assist graduates to complete Honours, Masters, or PhD degrees by research or by a combination of course work and research for full-time study. No application is necessary for the Postgraduate Merit Award. Please note, the Award does not fund all courses.

PLEASE NOTE REVISED 2023 RULES for the PG Merit Award

• HONOURS: 75% Average in 3rd year of an Undergraduate Degree and must be completed in N+1 years.

• MASTERS: 75% Average in Honours, 4th Year of a professional degree or PG Diploma and must be completed in N+1years.

• PhD: 75% Average in Master’s and Masters must be completed in N+1 years.

• Provisional offers will be sent to eligible students.

• Students that do not meet the criteria will not receive any communication.

• Please refer to the terms and conditions for more details.

Terms and Conditions - PMA

• Full-time students that have been awarded the PMA need to fulfil duties with their schools each block.

• Please speak to your school administrator once registered. Your duties will be assigned to you and schools will submit a list of all the students who have completed their duties each block.

• Please make sure your banking details are updated on the student self-service portal.

Schools need to submit lists by the following dates:

• 1st Stipend – 31st March 2023

• 2nd Stipend – 15th June 2023

• 3rd Stipend – 28th August 2023

• 4th Stipend – 24th October 2023

See: https://www.wits.ac.za/study-at-wits/financial-aid-and-scholarshipsadministration/scholarships-and-bursaries/#d.en.2589679

External Scholarships/Bursaries/Funding

Canon Collins Thekgo Bursary https://www.canoncollins.org.uk/apply/scholarship/thekgo-bursaries

Oppenheimer Memorial Trust Scholarship for Local Study https://www.omt.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/OMT_ Guidelines_Local-Scholarships.pdf

National Arts Council Bursaries for Postgraduate Study https://www.nac.org.za/bursaries/

• All sessions are to be considerate of voicings, framings and methodologies of decoloniality and social justice where necessary, allow persons equal time to present and be considerate of those presenting by not disturbing (including disturbing persons by side conversations or by mobile phones).

• Please treat people how you expect to be treated – an ethics of care to be practiced in all sessions, including scheduling of breaks, maintaining respectful ways of engagement, attempting different pedagogical modes.

• Be mindful and respectful of shared and personal space(s).

23. Code of Conduct

• Most postgraduate sessions, unless otherwise indicated, are flexible & non-compulsory, however, attendance particularly in the first semester around proposal, academic writing and methodologies are encouraged, as is participation in the peerled sessions.

• Respect. Thoughtfulness. Mindfulness. Equal ground. Unapologetic. Freedom. Democracy. Love. Peace. Happiness. Respect. Generative. Community. Respect. Space. Nonjudgmental. Laughter. Respect. Personal relationships. Respect. Playfulness. Fun. Respect. Breathing room. Conflict. Patience. Care. Call-us-out. Kindness. Gentleness. Care. Ease. Interest.

(With thanks to the MA 2019 group for generating this Code of Conduct, which can be amended and further developed)

• Readings should be circulated at least a week in advance of class.

• Seminars and workshops are interactive and student-centred.

• In the first semester, staff and guest workshop will be focused around methodologies training and practice-led inquiries and theorisations. Student-led sessions are to be determined and chaired by the postgraduate cohort.

24. Postgraduate Forms and Info

The forms presented here are just to give you a guideline on forms that are needed – please refer to the relevant Faculty Graduate Office website for the most recent version of these forms (only the first page of these forms is shown here) as well as the Ulwazi Fine Art PG courses which presents these.

- Fine Art PG courses site:

HMN-WSoA-Fine Art PG-2023

*Departmental course for all Hons, MAFA and PhD students (includes all pg info/forms, seminars/workshops/open studio notification and archive) – students to self-enrol on this module using the following link: https://ulwazi.wits.ac.za/enroll/WJC7CN

- WSOA Postgrad Ulwazi Module


*Wits School of Arts course for all Hons, MAFA and PhD students (includes all pg info/forms, seminars/workshops) – students to selfenrol on this module using the following link: https://ulwazi.wits.ac.za/enroll/DNLN7R

Form to be filled by yourself, your supervisor for your submission of your proposal and your reader on completion of reading your proposal

Any changes to your enrolment, including change of degree, supervisor, timeline to your proposal, taking longer than a year to complete your MA, 3 years to complete your PhD, etc.

To be submitted by student to Faculty when submitting research for examination

Supervisor to fill in the form giving consent to Faculty that the students work can be submitted for examination

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