3.2 Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) NQF Level: 8 Level: 500 Semester: One and two Prerequisites: A BAFA degree or equivalent by permission of Head of School Coordinator: Prof David Andrew david.andrew@wits.ac.za Tel. 011 717 4636 Room 320, 3rd Floor, WSOA Courses •
Visual Arts - Methodology (FINA 5019A)
Visual Arts - Teaching Experience (FINA 5020A)
Learning Area Studies: Arts and Culture (EDUC 5093A)
Learning Area Teaching Experience: Arts and Culture (EDUC 5011A)
Contact Periods There are two sessions per week of two hours duration for the Visual Arts Methodology course. Students meet twice a week for the Learning Area Studies: Arts and Culture course (two hours for each session). The Teaching Experience course takes place for one week in the first quarter, three weeks in the second quarter and six weeks in the third quarter.
Reshma Chhiba in collaboration with Shanti Govender, States of being?, MAFA Exhibition Installation, 2019 21