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In 1925, Central Block, a building whose front exterior is well recognised for its iconic and majestic pillars, was opened. During the period between the two world wars, student numbers were impressive despite the financial constraints – in 1939, 2,544 students enrolled. That grew to 3,100 in 1945.
The Home of Talented Scholars
41 100 students
The university had at that stage
57% female
The period between 1947 and the 1980s was marked by considerable growth – student numbers increased rapidly to 6,275 in 1963, 10,600 in 1975 and 16,400 a decade later. In 1951 the University awarded
Almost 50% are first in their family to attend a university
5 Faculties, 33 Schools, 3 000 courses
1 665 academics, 6 582 employees, 2 170 joint staff
The number of students enrolled at Wits in 1945 administrative offices of the of Medicine moved to a new building in Esselen Street, Hillbrow, in 1964. The Graduate School Business was established in Parktown in 1968. In 1969 the