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4.7.3. Campus Waterproofing and Façade Repairs Programme
• Medical School Building 10th Floor waterproofing The waterproofing requirements for the rooftop of the Medical School Building on the Parktown Health Sciences Campus required additional capital funding. As per the Deferred Maintenance reprioritisation, this project received the required additional funding. The works started and experienced significant delays during the Covid-19 lockdown period where constructionworksweresuspended.Theprojectwascompleted in December 2020. (Refer to pictures on the right).
• Knockando Residence Window Frame Replacement
OPWFROA_TO7 The original and additional scope to replace window framesatbothWilliamsHallandLightonHallattheKnockando Residence, Parktown, was finally completed in November 2020. The project was in progress until the Covid-19 lockdown when work was suspended. (Refer to pictures on the right). This project will be excluded from future narrative reports.

• DJ Du Plessis Building OPWFROA_TO11 The replacement of the waterproofing on the concrete portion of the DJ Du Plessis roof structure has been completed.TheprojectwasinprogressuntiltheCovid19lockdownwhereworkwassuspendedwhichresulted insignificantdelays.ThisprojectwascompletedinDecember 2020. (Refer to pictures on the right).

• Sport Head Office Complex waterproofing and roof replacement The waterproofing remedial work for the Sport Head OfficeComplexontheBraamfonteinCampusWesthas been completed. The project was in progress until the Covid-19 lockdown where work was suspended. This project was completed in December 2020. (Refer to pictures on the right).