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4.7.7. Lecture and Teaching Venue Audiovisual (Av) Equipment Upgrade
• Wits School of the Arts: Film and Television Lecture venue, Solomon Mahlangu Building Basement ThepreviouslyunusedlecturevenueinSolomonMahlangu HouseBasementLevel1hasnowbeenredevelopedintoa modern screening and teaching venue for the Wits School oftheArts,FilmandTelevisionDepartment.Theconstruction was completed and handover to the client took place in February 2020.

• Humphrey Raikes Basement laboratory Thisprojectinvolvesthedevelopmentoffournewresearch laboratoriesintheexistingbasementbulkchemicalstorage area of the Humphrey Raikes building. The construction was completed and handed over to the client in February 2020. • Solomon Mahlangu House West Wing Drawing Hall refurbishment

The redevelopment and furnishing of the current Solomon MahlanguHouseWestWingDrawingHallaimstoincrease thevenue’stestsandexaminationsseatingcapacityfromthe existing270seatsto440seats.Thescopefurtherincludes the complete replacement and overall capacity increase of the current heat, ventilation and air-conditioning system (HVAC) in order to accommodate the additional seating capacityofthevenue.TheHVACportionofworkshasbeen completed.However,theconstructionportionofworkswas delayedduetooperationaluncertaintyarisingfromtheongoinglockdownandsafetyrestrictionsoncampusinthe2020 academic year. The revised construction commencement date is now 01 October 2021, with expected completion by the end of February 2022. Construction progress will be reported on in the next reporting cycle. Pictures of the completedHVACworksareprovidedbelow.

4.7.7. Lecture and teaching venue audiovisual (AV) equipment upgrade The scope of work has been split over two phases of work, the first phase involving the priority lecture and teaching venue AV upgrades in select venues where systems were not functional, impacting on the teaching and academic programme. The works as per the original scope have been completed, with project savings being allocated towards further lecture and teaching venue AV upgrades in other teaching facilities. The additional scope is being finalised, and intended to be completed by the end of December 2021. Photographs of the completed AV upgrades in one of the earmarked venues have been provided below.